Звуковой адаптер c media cmi8738 c3dx audio device драйвер для windows 10

Драйвер для звуковой карты C-Media CMI8738.
Данная страница загрузки содержит следующее программное обеспечение (ПО):

  • архив с отдельными драйверами для MX/LX версий устройства (рекомендуется к скачиванию).
    Инсталляция происходит при помощи автоматической программы установки. ПО совместимо с Windows 7/8/10 и более ранними выпусками операционных систем.

    Чтобы устройство работало в Windows 10 необходимо установить драйвер для восьмой версии. Название файла в архиве: 8738-1.04(W8-CR).

    Размер файла: 59.4 Мб.

  • архив с отдельными драйверами для инсталляции вручную.
    Размер файла: 21 Мб.
    Данный вариант может быть полезен при возникновении сложностей связанных с установкой или использованием программного обеспечения предложенного выше.

    Краткая инструкция по ручной установке драйвера в Windows 7:

    • зайдите в Диспетчер устройств;
    • вызовите Свойства звуковой карты (нажмите правой кнопкой мыши по устройству)
    • перейдите на вкладку Драйвер, нажмите Обновить;
    • выберите второй пункт (Выполнить поиск…);
    • в поле «Искать драйверы в следующем месте» укажите месторасположение директории cmedia8738_winall_mxlx_custom (предварительно разархивируйте предложенный файл).
    • убедитесь, что отмечен пункт Включая вложенные папки
    • нажмите Далее и дождитесь окончания установки.

Версии ПО идентичны: 1.04 (8.17.40).

C Media CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio Device Windows drivers were collected from official vendor’s websites and trusted sources. This software will let you to fix C Media CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio Device or C Media CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio Device errors and make your stuff work. Here you can download all latest versions of C Media CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio Device drivers for Windows devices with Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, and 7 (32-bit/64-bit). You can download all drivers for free. We check all files and test them with antivirus software, so it’s 100% safe to download. Get the latest WHQL certified drivers that works well.

C Media CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio Device Drivers: A Comprehensive Guide

The C Media CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio Device drivers are software programs that enable communication between the operating system on your computer and devices. These drivers play a crucial role in ensuring optimal performance and stability of your PC.

Installing the C Media CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio Device Drivers

To install the C Media CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio Device drivers, follow these steps:

  • Visit the official website of the developer and navigate to the Drivers section.
  • Use the search bar or select your device model from the list.
  • Choose your operating system and click on «Search.»
  • Click on the «Download» button next to the latest version of the drivers compatible with your system.
  • Once downloaded, double-click on the installer file and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.

Updating the C Media CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio Device Drivers

To update the C Media CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio Device drivers, you can follow these steps:

  • Open the Device Manager on your computer.
  • Expand the category and locate your C Media CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio Device driver.
  • Right-click on the driver and select «Update Driver.»
  • Choose the option to search for updated driver software automatically.
  • If an update is available, follow the prompts to download and install it.

Reinstalling the C Media CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio Device Drivers

If you need to reinstall the C Media CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio Device drivers for any reason, here’s what you can do:

  • Open the Device Manager on your computer.
  • Expand the necessary category and locate your C Media CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio Device driver.
  • Right-click on the driver and select «Uninstall device.»
  • Follow the prompts to complete the uninstallation process.
  • Visit the official developer website and download the latest version of the driver for your needs.
  • Run the installer and follow the instructions to complete the installation process.

Rolling Back or Downgrading the C Media CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio Device Drivers

If you encounter any issues with the latest version of the C Media CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio Device drivers, you can roll back or downgrade to a previous version by following these steps:

  • Open the Device Manager on your computer.
  • Expand the necessary category and locate your C Media CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio Device driver.
  • Right-click on the driver and select «Properties.»
  • Go to the «Driver» tab and click on «Roll Back Driver.»
  • Follow the prompts to complete the process.

Rolling Back or Downgrading the C Media CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio Device Drivers

If you encounter any issues with the latest version of the C Media CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio Device drivers, you can roll back or downgrade to a previous version by following these steps:

  • Open the Device Manager on your computer.
  • Expand the necessary category and locate your C Media CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio Device driver.
  • Right-click on the driver and select «Properties.»
  • Go to the «Driver» tab and click on «Roll Back Driver.»
  • Follow the prompts to complete the process.

Uninstalling the C Media CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio Device Drivers

If you need to uninstall the C Media CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio Device drivers completely, here’s what you can do:

  • Open the Device Manager on your computer.
  • Expand the necessary category and locate your C Media CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio Device driver.
  • Right-click on the driver and select «Uninstall device.»
  • Follow the prompts to complete the uninstallation process.
  • Restart your computer.

It is essential always to have the latest version of the C Media CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio Device drivers installed for optimal performance and stability.

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  5. C-Media CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio

  • C-Media CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio

    (18 мар 2009)

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    Windows Vista

В каталоге нет драйверов для C-Media CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio под Windows.
Скачайте DriverHub для автоматического подбора драйвера.

Драйверы для C-Media CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio собраны с официальных сайтов компаний-производителей и других проверенных источников.
Официальные пакеты драйверов помогут исправить ошибки и неполадки в работе C-Media CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio (звуковые карты).
Скачать последние версии драйверов на C-Media CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio для компьютеров и ноутбуков на Windows.

Версия: для Windows 7, 8, 10 и 11

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Certifications for C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx

5 stars for C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx «WOW! Finally my PC got up to speed!» Melany Kim 7/18/2016

Our main support OS are: Windows 7, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 7 32 bit, Windows 10, Windows 10 64 bit, Windows 10 32 bit, and Windows 8.

Windows Compatibility for C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx driver

C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx Driver Details:

C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx File Name: c-media_cmi_8738-c3dx.zip

C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx Driver Version: 725S0

C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx ZIP Size: 132.kb

Manufacturer: C-media

C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx was fully scanned at: 10/6/2023

Scan Status: driver download scanOK

C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx now has a special edition for these Windows versions: Windows 7, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 7 32 bit, Windows 10, Windows 10 64 bit,, Windows 10 32 bit, Windows 8,
Windows Vista Home Basic 64bit, Windows Vista Home Basic 64bit, Windows Vista Starter 64bit, Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (Microsoft Windows NT) 64bit, Windows XP Starter Edition 32bit, Windows 10 S 32bit,

C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx Download Stats:

Driver Uploaded: 4/22/2019

Direct Downloads: 3072
Most Recent Download: 11/25/2019

Managed Downloads: 6760
Most Recent Download: 11/25/2019

Download Mirrors: 4
Current Delay: 30 Seconds
Driver License: General Public License

Direct Download Success Stats:

Reports Issued By 2545/3072 Users

Success Reported By 754/2545 Users

Driver Download Score60/100

Driver Installation Score62/100

Overall preformance Score60/100

C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx 330 Thumbs Up330Thumbs

C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx 100 Thumbs Down100Thumbs

C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx driver direct download was reported as adequate by a large percentage of our reporters, so it should be good to download and install.

Installation Manager Success Stats:

Reports Issued By 6079/6760 Users

Success Reported By 5264/6079 Users

Driver Download Score77/100

Driver Installation Score82/100

Overall preformance Score77/100

C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx 5220 Thumbs Up5220Thumbs

C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx 383 Thumbs Down383Thumbs

C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx driver installation manager was reported as very satisfying by a large percentage of our reporters, so it is recommended to download and install.


1. Direct Download

Select your OS and press «Download».

This option requires basic OS understanding.
Select Your Operating System, download zipped files, and then proceed to
manually install them.
Recommended if C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx is the only driver on your PC you wish to update.

2. Driver Installation Manager

This option requires no OS understanding.
Automatically scans your PC for the specific required version of C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx + all other outdated drivers, and installs them all at once.

Please help us maintain a helpfull driver collection.
After downloading and installing C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx, or the driver installation manager, take a few minutes to send us a report:
* Only registered users can upload a report.

Don’t have a password?
Please register, and get one.

C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx may sometimes be at fault for other drivers ceasing to function

These are the driver scans of 2 of our recent wiki members*

*Scans were performed on computers suffering from C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx disfunctions.

Scan performed on 4/25/2019, Computer: NEC PC-LM530WH6B — Windows 7 64 bit

Outdated or Corrupted drivers:4/18

Device/Driver Status Status Description Updated By Scanner
Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7-Produktfamilie) PCI-Express-Stammanschluss — 27D4 Outdated
Mice And Touchpads
FUJITSU FUJITSU PS/2 QuickPoint4 Up To Date and Functioning
Alps Alps Pointing-device for VAIO Up To Date and Functioning
A4Tech HID-compliant mouse Corrupted By C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx
Usb Devices
Intel(R) Hub radice Intel(R) USB 3.0 Up To Date and Functioning
Sound Cards And Media Devices
AVerMedia Controller video multimediale Up To Date and Functioning
Network Cards
Netgear NETGEAR WNDA3100v2 N600 Wireless Dual Band USB Adapter Up To Date and Functioning
Microsoft HID Keyboard Up To Date and Functioning
Hard Disk Controller
VIA VIA Serial ATA Controller — 0591 Corrupted By C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx
Broadcom ThinkPad Bluetooth 4.0 Up To Date and Functioning
Logicool Logitech Driver Interface Up To Date and Functioning
UPEK TouchChip Fingerprint Coprocessor Up To Date and Functioning
Cameras, Webcams And Scanners
Sonix USB Video Device Up To Date and Functioning
Video Cards
Intel Video Controller Up To Date and Functioning
Input Devices
Lenovo ThinkPad USB Travel Mouse (HID) Up To Date and Functioning
Port Devices
hspa Modem Application1 port (COM4) Up To Date and Functioning
Sony Digital Flat Panel (1024×768) Up To Date and Functioning
Mobile Phones And Portable Devices
Acer NOKIA Corrupted By C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx

Scan performed on 4/25/2019, Computer: Panasonic CF-53SAWZYMG — Windows 7 32 bit

Outdated or Corrupted drivers:3/19

Device/Driver Status Status Description Updated By Scanner
Intel Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Chipset Processor to DRAM Controller — 2A40 Corrupted By C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx
Mice And Touchpads
ELAN ELAN PS/2 Port Smart-Pad Up To Date and Functioning
Razer USA HID mouse Corrupted By C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx
Usb Devices
Samsung SAMSUNG Mobile Mode Changer Corrupted By C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx
Intel(R) 5100 Chipset PCI Express x8 Port 2-3 — 65F7 Up To Date and Functioning
Sound Cards And Media Devices
ASUSTek Philips SAA713X, Hybrid Capture Device Up To Date and Functioning
ASUS USB Mass Storage Device Up To Date and Functioning
Network Cards
VIA VIA Rhine II Fast Ethernet Adapter Up To Date and Functioning
Microsoft HID Keyboard Up To Date and Functioning
Hard Disk Controller
Intel Intel(r) 82801BA Bus Master IDE Controller Up To Date and Functioning
Nokia Nokia USB Phonet Up To Date and Functioning
AuthenTec Biometric Coprocessor Up To Date and Functioning
Nokia Nokia E52 USB Phonet Up To Date and Functioning
Cameras, Webcams And Scanners
Canon CanoScan LiDE 110 Up To Date and Functioning
Video Cards
ATI ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9600/9700 Series Up To Date and Functioning
Input Devices
Microsoft HID-compliant consumer control device Up To Date and Functioning
Port Devices
D-Link USB Single Port Up To Date and Functioning
Sony Digital Flat Panel (1024×768) Up To Date and Functioning
Mobile Phones And Portable Devices
Acer NOKIA Up To Date and Functioning
Driver Model OS Original Upload Date Last Modification Driver File File Size Compatible Computer Models Availabilty To Instalation Manager
C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx 20423 For Windows 7 32 bit 8/25/2014 12/28/2016 all_drivers-20423.exe 189kb ASUS 1015T, LG E500-G.ABBTZ, NEC PC-GL22ES3GA, IBM ThinkPad R51e, Toshiba SATELLITE C855-1WU, NEC PC-VT5500D, Sony VGN-SZ55B_B, HP Presario V2000, HP PU002AV-ABA A810Y, and more.
C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx Y6281.18 For Windows 7 64 bit 2/9/2015 12/29/2016 dtjnrjsm-y6281.18.exe 23kb Lenovo 6088W5B, HP KZ692AA-ABU m9373.uk-a, Compaq PN124AA-ABU SR1219UK GB440, HP Compaq 615, Compaq DT203A-ABF S6400FR FR410, Fujitsu FMVA56CWG, Sony VPCCW2KGX, LG X110-L.A7SPE, and more.
C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx 801.172 For Windows 7 2/9/2015 12/30/2016 all_drivers-801.172.exe 89kb ASUS A7V, IBM Eserver xSeries 235 -[8671KAX, Acer Aspire 7740, Sony PCG-Z1M, HP GT690AA-AB4 IQ780d, Toshiba SATELLITE L850-1KZ, IBM ThinkPad T43p, Lanix LANIX TITAN HX 4140, NEC PC-MY26XRZJTSBJ, ASUS G750JX, AT OFFICEPRO SFF, and more.
C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx 4241.18 For Windows 10 10/3/2014 12/28/2016 all_drivers-4241.18.exe 114kb HP H9-1090ch, Dell OptiPlex G1 350Mbr+, HP KQ260AA-AC4 a6540b, HP DA322A-ABZ 434, HP 810-019eb, NEC PC-VL570AD, Mitsubishi CX32VLZJTSBH, IBM 8183Y59, HP PL482AA-AB4 w1084d, HP HP Pavilion zd8000, Toshiba SATELLITE C870-162, Gigabyte 946GM-S2, Acer MX4SG-4DL, and more.
C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx T70089 For Windows 10 64 bit 1/19/2015 12/28/2016 all_drivers-t70089.exe 207kb NEC RND61092195, NEC VERSAL2200 RND61058988, Acer Aspire 5670, Mitsubishi CX32VLZJTSBH, LG X200-NS5BK, HP 110-009el, RadiSys C2SBM, Compaq PJ688AV-ABA SR1005T NA440, NEC PC-LS450JS6W, and more.
C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx 1.13783 For Windows 7 32 bit 2/13/2015 12/30/2016 all_drivers-1.13783.exe 164kb Lenovo 7052-A7U, Buympc MPC Compute, INVESTRONICA PTC-Q965, Toshiba Dynabook T552/36HRJ, Sony VGN-NW230G, Uniwill L51AI Serial, NEC PC-VN790FS, DataLogic MS-N011, HP DF194A-ABZ 484, AXIOO PICO DJV Model, Sony VGN-TZ37LN_R, and more.
C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx 82040 For Windows 7 64 bit 1/10/2015 12/27/2016 dlcfzp-82040.exe 194kb Gateway M-7343U, LG P1-JACKE, Lenovo ThinkCentre A61, Compaq ProLiant ML350 G3, Sony VGN-FS750F, Panasonic CF-S9LWEJPS, Sony VGN-FW36GJ, Sony VGN-AW92JS, Gateway M-152S, Sony VPCEJ3D1E, MEGAWARE Mage All-In-One, Sony 80YP67105235, and more.
C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx 31.102.17 For Windows 7 12/25/2014 12/29/2016 all_drivers-31.102.17.exe 135kb HP HP dx2000 MT, Haier H53, Sony VGN-TT1, HP WC812AA-ABV HPE-130me, Packard Bell IMEDIA H7612, HP P1029A-ABU 7921, HP KJ379AAR-ABA a6400f, Panasonic CF-W8GWEYZNT, HP HP 2133, LG R200-D.CPF1A9, and more.
C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx J331.161.1 For Windows 10 10/1/2014 12/29/2016 all_drivers-j331.161.1.exe 168kb IBM IBM System x3400 M2 Server -[7837K9G, HP NP189AA-ABA s5160f, NEC VERSAE6200 RNC71101895, Dedicated OEM-A4501-00, HP RX884AA-ABA m8040, LG Z20NH.AR51B3E, and more.
C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx For Windows 10 64 bit 9/11/2014 12/30/2016 all_drivers- 38kb ASUS 1016PG, Toshiba Dynabook T350/56ARD, Lenovo 7484W76, HP 810-170st, and more.
C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx 61.1641.1 For Windows 8 12/18/2014 12/30/2016 all_drivers-61.1641.1.exe 187kb Fujitsu FMVL18B, NEC PC-MJ26XRZWTSBJ, IBM System x3650 M4 : -[7915E3G, Packard Bell EasyNote_GN45, IBM IBM System X3100 M4 -[258282J, HP KT362AA-ABU m9258.uk-a, Fujitsu FMVF52CTWG, Sony VGN-Z90NS, and more.
C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx 731.160 For Windows 7 32 bit 10/29/2014 12/27/2016 all_drivers-731.160.exe 90kb Fujitsu FMVNFD50B, Medion E3211, IBM 819437U, Lenovo ThinkPad T530, Sony SVD11219CJB, Fujitsu FMVXN16A2Z, LG R560-UAPW3E, HP GS210AA-ABV dx2290MT, SAMSUN SQ1S, Packard Bell Ixtreme M5741, Sony VGN-TZ92S, PrimeLine Professional-i7, Sony VPCF128FJ, and more.

Please Note: There are particular operating systems known to have problems with C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx:

  • Windows Vista Enterprise (Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6000.0)
  • Windows Vista Home Premium
  • Windows 10 Mobile
  • Windows 7 Professional
  • Windows 10 Home
  • Windows 7 Ultimate
  • Windows Vista Home Basic
  • Windows XP Starter Edition
  • Windows 10

If you encounter problems with the direct download for these operating systems, please consult the driver download manager for the specific C-media Cmi 8738-c3dx model.

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