Программный модуль zlibwapi.dll постоянно требуется любителям компьютерных игр – он все больше нужен для игры — для Сталкер, например. Модуль требуется и новым играм. Наиболее известный случай — набирающая популярность китайская онлайн игра Perfect World. Zlibwapi.dll представляет собой библиотеку, отвечающую за сжатие данных, что необходимо для оптимизации использования оперативной памяти, а также для других процессов, происходящих за кадром.
Вообще, данный файл входит в состав пакета DirectX 9. Но, в связи с неумолимым сокращением количества компьютеров, на которых используется DirectX 9, и постепенным переходом пользователей на более современные версии пакета, библиотеку приходится скачивать и устанавливать отдельно. Впрочем, скачать zlibwapi.dll не представляет неразрешимой проблемы.
Ее размер – 71 КБ, из версий по разрядности представлена x86, обеспечивающая надежную работу в операционной среде любой архитектуры. Если у вас на компьютере отсутствует файл данной динамической библиотеки – добавьте его, он обязательно в дальнейшем пригодится.
Помимо проблем отсутствия, существуют круг возможных сбоев:
- ошибка чтения библиотеки – файл zlibwapi.dll не является приложением Windows, доступ запрещен, файл поврежден;
- файл раньше был, и вдруг не найден – это может произойти по различным причинам, например, неудачная очистка системы от мусора с помощью специализированной программы;
- проблемы реестра, оказывающие влияние на полезный функционал библиотеки.
Принять меры можно различными путями. Например, попробовать очистить реестр и зарегистрировать библиотеку заново.
Скачать zlibwapi.dll бесплатно для Windows любых актуальных на сегодня версий – выглядит просто, наиболее экономично и эффективно по времени и усилиям.
Как установить DLL файл вы можете прочитать на страницы, в которой максимально подробно описан данный процесс.
Скачать файл zlibwapi.dll
Microsoft Corporation
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
Кол-во скачиваний
3939- Рейтинг
Поделиться файлом
Смотрите другие DLL-файлы
Первым делом:
Скачайте библиотеку — скачать zlibwapi.dll
Поместите zlibwapi.dll
в одну из следующих папок:
Если у вас 64-битная версия Windows, то поместите файл в:
Если у вас 32-битная версия Windows, то поместите файл в:
После этого
Перезагрузите компьютер, чтобы изменения вступили в силу.
Всё равно выдаёт ошибку zlibwapi.dll
не был найден?
Тогда придётся установить этот файл вручную. Для этого:
Зайдите в меню «Пуск».
В строчке поиска введите «cmd». И запустите найденную программу от имени администратора.
В открывшемся окне введите «regsvr32 zlibwapi.dll
После этого снова перезагрузите компьютер. Теперь ошибка должна быть исправлена.
Если что-то не понятно прочитайте более подробную инструкцию — как установить dll файл.
Описание dll файла: zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library
Вероятная ошибка dll:
отсутствует ZLIBWAPI.DLL
Совместимые операционные системы: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
Ниже расположены прямые ссылки на файлы библиотеки dll из нашей коллекции.
- zlibwapi.dll [32 bit] — версия
- zlibwapi.dll [32 bit] — версия
- zlibwapi.dll [32 bit] — версия
ВАЖНО! Устанавливая библиотеку, вы принимаете на себя все риски, связанные с вмешательством в работу вашей операционной системы.
Как скачать ZLIBWAPI.DLL и установить ее
Откройте загруженный zip-файл. Извлеките ZLIBWAPI.DLL в папку на вашем компьютере. Мы рекомендуем вам распаковать его в директорию программы, которая запрашивает ZLIBWAPI.DLL. Если это не работает, вам придется извлечь ZLIBWAPI.DLL в вашу системную директорию. По умолчанию это:
C: \ Windows \ System (Windows 95/98/Me)
C: \ WINNT \ System32 (Windows NT/2000)
C: \ Windows \ System32 (Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10)
Если вы используете 64-разрядную версию Windows, вы должны также положить ZLIBWAPI.DLL в C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \
. Убедитесь, что вы перезаписали существующие файлы (но не забудьте сделать резервную копию оригинального файла). Перезагрузите ваш компьютер. Если ошибка dll сохраняется, попробуйте следующее: Откройте меню Пуск и выберите пункт «Выполнить». Введите CMD
и нажмите Enter (или если вы используете Windows ME, наберите COMMAND
). Введите regsvr32 ZLIBWAPI.DLL
и нажмите Enter.
Внимание! Скачать ZLIBWAPI.DLL из сети Интернет очень легко, однако велика вероятность заражения вашего компьютера вредоносным кодом. Пожалуйста, проверяйте ВСЕ скаченные из Интернет файлы антивирусом! Администрация сайта download-dll.ru не несет ответственность за работоспособность вашего компьютера.
Обратите также внимание, что каждый файл имеет версию и разрядность (32 или 64 бита). Установка в систему DLL файлов помогает не в 100% случаев, но в основном проблемы с программами и играми решаются таким незамысловатым методом. Чаще всего с DLL вы сталкиваетесь при ошибках в операционной системе. Некоторые библиотеки поставляются с системой Windows и доступны для любых Windows-программ. Замена DLL-файлов с одной версии на другую позволяет независимо наращивать систему, не затрагивая прикладные программы.
What is zlibwapi.dll?
zlibwapi.dll is associated with the zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library. zlib is a software library that is used for data compression. It’s a popular and widely used library because it offers robust compression and decompression functionalities with a balanced trade-off between speed and compression ratio. Given its open-source nature, zlib has found its way into many software applications, tools, and operating systems.
The name zlibwapi.dll seems to be a variant of the typical zlib naming convention, likely designed for Windows API compatibility or specific functionalities in the Windows environment. The «wapi» in the name may stand for «Windows API,» indicating its tailored design for the Windows operating system.
It’s important for software that utilizes the zlib library for compression tasks to have access to this DLL. Any issues with zlibwapi.dll, such as the file being missing or corrupted, could potentially lead to malfunctioning of the software relying on it. In such cases, a user might need to reacquire the DLL, either by reinstalling the application that uses it or by obtaining it from a trustworthy source.
Article updated: Sep 26th, 2023 (DLLme + AI)
DLL research and information is supported by Artificial Intelligence and should be used as a helpful tool. However, it is important to keep in mind that this information may not be up-to-date or entirely accurate.
Fix .DLL Errors
An error message indicating a .dll file is missing or corrupted can lead to a program malfunction or failure to launch. To address these issues, follow these steps:
- Update and restart PC: Confirm your computer has the latest Windows, software, and driver updates. After updating, reboot and double-check for any remaining updates. This often installs the missing .dll file to its proper location.
- Reinstall the software: Attempt to resolve the problem by reinstalling the software that is displaying the error. This process often restores the required .dll file to its designated location.
- Download the .DLL file: If reinstalling the software does not resolve the issue, download the .dll file from a reputable source and install the file manually.
Download .DLL
Updated: Sep 26th, 2023
Incomplete Metadata
for ZLib.DLL
zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library
- Version
- 1.2.13
- Language
- 1036 (French)
- SHA1
- e4fb7753187a5b3f4ff2028bf2ebf16a66ae67fd
- MD5
- d05e6e5dbd604b06268670593a3eefd4
Incomplete Metadata
for ZLib.DLL
zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library
- Version
- 1.2.11
- Language
- 1036 (French)
- SHA1
- 73025b4f97921396da37ea1ebc34dc81c00e38f6
- MD5
- 025bbc07b2dbb00fff5d7db2234855d4
Incomplete Metadata
for ZLib.DLL
zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library
- Version
- 1.2.11
- Language
- 1036 (French)
- SHA1
- 071e382b801533328626c07f870f6a12287d28d7
- MD5
- 1a73b3d3e4467fd99936b9887ac98a6c
Incomplete Metadata
for ZLib.DLL
zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library
- Version
- 1.2.11
- Language
- 1036 (French)
- SHA1
- 8fb8d1c42facea3522c683b66cd53a54d8ad2f1e
- MD5
- 1bafc4a81b888deddbfe30e47f53e42e
Incomplete Metadata
for zlib
zlib data compression library
- Version
- 1.2.11
- Language
- 1033 (U.S. English)
- SHA1
- 204dd6d84ec5c8523b6f7d399c6ada7fbed32b3b
- MD5
- 50ade45e4330fb5c60ac0aaa5c25a4ea
Incomplete Metadata
for ZLib.DLL
zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library
- Version
- 1.2.11
- Language
- 1036 (French)
- SHA1
- c588293eac7dc33033417af7a8b9571669dc3a18
- MD5
- 6b4387db7f98c0c007f7fcd0934d5e5c
Incomplete Metadata
for ZLib.DLL
zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library
- Version
- 1.2.11
- Language
- 1036 (French)
- SHA1
- 26713a837578f75337bc6aa1de8d96f631ee9b40
- MD5
- c51bb9322c59e2ad09daf9ce9bc108f8
Incomplete Metadata
for ZLib.DLL
zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library
- Version
- 1.2.11
- Language
- 1036 (French)
- SHA1
- b5ca1e46a166a5906e5e18d5cb7b1dffb892ec54
- MD5
- d055259fbe0739ea234dee12dfe6755a
Incomplete Metadata
for ZLib.DLL
zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library
- Version
- Language
- 1036 (French)
- SHA1
- 14a72e33dd29ee86bc8e58b2416a3ceac330b174
- MD5
- da3685e711fdb1c65fb1816066820725
Incomplete Metadata
for ZLib.DLL
zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library
Version - 1.2.8
- Language
- 1036 (French)
- SHA1
- 6cc3b98bf3daec087f878e1edb2d0bdc2bb41427
- MD5
- 2e6c0e50267733ba9b7266fcc6ef1575
Incomplete Metadata
for ZLib.DLL
zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library
Version - 1.2.8
- Language
- 1036 (French)
- SHA1
- c275d55cd2b225343dbea6bd2538245032c78c13
- MD5
- 70e4cdece58411aafc90b77ebb3bcfc4
Incomplete Metadata
for ZLib.DLL
zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library
Version - 1.2.8
- Language
- 1036 (French)
- SHA1
- 02b33a7240efa9fe5280f76cf0cf0f72d5c21279
- MD5
- c3d97dc5480b715139daa69573dbf4bf
Incomplete Metadata
for ZLib.DLL
zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library
Version - 1.2.8
- Language
- 1036 (French)
- SHA1
- 5c1615540e08513cf81b46ac340b05243ed92a2b
- MD5
- d0a26839d0ce336460fd279444c62b2e
Incomplete Metadata
for ZLib.DLL
zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library
- Version
- 1.2.8
- Language
- 1036 (French)
- SHA1
- b3290194c2e289438b35fcf4040056ecc8ed7bc0
- MD5
- e0f46f5968ed399a37fc487fce42debb
Incomplete Metadata
for ZLib.DLL
zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library
- Version
- 1.2.7
- Language
- 1036 (French)
- SHA1
- ac991f254bcb75a7ba550c91088095443cd9fd78
- MD5
- 99414db0ba34417186a8a35ea4cd13cb
Incomplete Metadata
for ZLib.DLL
zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library
Version - 1.2.5
- Language
- 1036 (French)
- SHA1
- 93c561365bc7f1cbb5385d0323ed81044a6ec276
- MD5
- 54789344b07bed58e43851eca47e2b12
Incomplete Metadata
for ZLib.DLL
zlib data compression and ZIP file I/O library
- Version
- 1.2.5
- Language
- 1036 (French)
- SHA1
- 5be97dd45a299d754185c9702a103a565a0228a9
- MD5
- 66d245295f120efec30f210a3abb12be
Incomplete Metadata
for zlib
zlib data compression library
- Version
- Language
- 1033 (U.S. English)
- SHA1
- efd015bcada784629ebdc6772a7d357a6cf60612
- MD5
- 283c8f3668b10c17ef180ba5d2f0f6cb
Incomplete Metadata
for ZLib.DLL
zlib data compression library
- Version
- Language
- 1036 (French)
- SHA1
- 01324d20e1a9a1c09b501886d255e078a9fa5807
- MD5
- 0dffa5ec0a4f025107aff8cd2d59e84b
Incomplete Metadata
for ZLib.DLL
zlib data compression library
- Version
- Language
- 1036 (French)
- SHA1
- 6531a14bfba77edf6a69898eeb84c5ff8dac8124
- MD5
- 35c8895404e403917118046d1c609572
Request a different version
Enter a specific version (32/64-bit, etc.) or specific software. Requesting .DLL files could improve your odds of success and increase the speed in which the .dll file is found.
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DLL Errors
This application has failed to start because zlibwapi.dll was not found.
Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
- zlibwapi.dll Not Found.
About Zlibwapi.dll
The Zlibwapi.dll library is 0.13 MB. The download links have been checked and there are no problems. You can download it without a problem. Currently, it has been downloaded 10933 times and it has received 4.0 out of 5 stars from our users.
Table of Contents
- About Zlibwapi.dll
- Operating Systems That Can Use the Zlibwapi.dll Library
- All Versions of the Zlibwapi.dll Library
- Steps to Download the Zlibwapi.dll Library
- How to Fix Zlibwapi.dll Errors?
- Method 1: Fixing the DLL Error by Copying the Zlibwapi.dll Library to the Windows System Directory
- Method 2: Copying The Zlibwapi.dll Library Into The Program Installation Directory
- Method 3: Uninstalling and Reinstalling the Program that Gives You the Zlibwapi.dll Error
- Method 4: Fixing the Zlibwapi.dll Issue by Using the Windows System File Checker (scf scannow)
- Method 5: Fixing the Zlibwapi.dll Errors by Manually Updating Windows
- Guides to Manually Update for All Windows Versions
- Most Seen Zlibwapi.dll Errors
- Dynamic Link Libraries Similar to Zlibwapi.dll
Operating Systems That Can Use the Zlibwapi.dll Library
- Windows 10
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 8
- Windows 7
- Windows Vista
- Windows XP
All Versions of the Zlibwapi.dll Library
The last version of the Zlibwapi.dll library is the version that was released on 2012-08-31. Before this version, there were 4 versions released. Downloadable Zlibwapi.dll library versions have been listed below from newest to oldest.
- — 32 Bit (x86) (2012-08-31) Download directly this version
- — 32 Bit (x86) Download directly this version
- — 32 Bit (x86) (2012-01-31) Download directly this version
- — 32 Bit (x86) Download directly this version
- — 32 Bit (x86) Download directly this version
Steps to Download the Zlibwapi.dll Library
- First, click on the green-colored «Download» button in the top left section of this page (The button that is marked in the picture).
Step 1:Start downloading the Zlibwapi.dll library - After clicking the «Download» button at the top of the page, the «Downloading» page will open up and the download process will begin. Definitely do not close this page until the download begins. Our site will connect you to the closest DLL Downloader.com download server in order to offer you the fastest downloading performance. Connecting you to the server can take a few seconds.
How to Fix Zlibwapi.dll Errors?
ATTENTION! Before continuing on to install the Zlibwapi.dll library, you need to download the library. If you have not downloaded it yet, download it before continuing on to the installation steps. If you are having a problem while downloading the library, you can browse the download guide a few lines above.
Method 1: Fixing the DLL Error by Copying the Zlibwapi.dll Library to the Windows System Directory
- The file you are going to download is a compressed file with the «.zip» extension. You cannot directly install the «.zip» file. First, you need to extract the dynamic link library from inside it. So, double-click the file with the «.zip» extension that you downloaded and open the file.
- You will see the library named «Zlibwapi.dll» in the window that opens up. This is the library we are going to install. Click the library once with the left mouse button. By doing this you will have chosen the library.
Step 2:Choosing the Zlibwapi.dll library - Click the «Extract To» symbol marked in the picture. To extract the dynamic link library, it will want you to choose the desired location. Choose the «Desktop» location and click «OK» to extract the library to the desktop. In order to do this, you need to use the Winrar program. If you do not have this program, you can find and download it through a quick search on the Internet.
- Copy the «Zlibwapi.dll» library you extracted and paste it into the «C:\Windows\System32» directory.
Step 4:Copying the Zlibwapi.dll library into the Windows/System32 directory - If you are using a 64 Bit operating system, copy the «Zlibwapi.dll» library and paste it into the «C:\Windows\sysWOW64» as well.
NOTE! On Windows operating systems with 64 Bit architecture, the dynamic link library must be in both the «sysWOW64» directory as well as the «System32» directory. In other words, you must copy the «Zlibwapi.dll» library into both directories.
Step 5:Pasting the Zlibwapi.dll library into the Windows/sysWOW64 directory - In order to run the Command Line as an administrator, complete the following steps.
NOTE! In this explanation, we ran the Command Line on Windows 10. If you are using one of the Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows XP operating systems, you can use the same methods to run the Command Line as an administrator. Even though the pictures are taken from Windows 10, the processes are similar.
- First, open the Start Menu and before clicking anywhere, type «cmd» but do not press Enter.
- When you see the «Command Line» option among the search results, hit the «CTRL» + «SHIFT» + «ENTER» keys on your keyboard.
- A window will pop up asking, «Do you want to run this process?«. Confirm it by clicking to «Yes» button.
Step 6:Running the Command Line as an administrator - Let’s copy the command below and paste it in the Command Line that comes up, then let’s press Enter. This command deletes the Zlibwapi.dll library’s problematic registry in the Windows Registry Editor (The library that we copied to the System32 directory does not perform any action with the library, it just deletes the registry in the Windows Registry Editor. The library that we pasted into the System32 directory will not be damaged).
%windir%\System32\regsvr32.exe /u Zlibwapi.dll
Step 7:Deleting the Zlibwapi.dll library’s problematic registry in the Windows Registry Editor - If the Windows you use has 64 Bit architecture, after running the command above, you must run the command below. This command will clean the broken registry of the Zlibwapi.dll library from the 64 Bit architecture (The Cleaning process is only with registries in the Windows Registry Editor. In other words, the dynamic link library that we pasted into the SysWoW64 directory will stay as it is).
%windir%\SysWoW64\regsvr32.exe /u Zlibwapi.dll
Step 8:Uninstalling the broken registry of the Zlibwapi.dll library from the Windows Registry Editor (for 64 Bit) - You must create a new registry for the dynamic link library that you deleted from the registry editor. In order to do this, copy the command below and paste it into the Command Line and hit Enter.
%windir%\System32\regsvr32.exe /i Zlibwapi.dll
Step 9:Creating a new registry for the Zlibwapi.dll library - If you are using a 64 Bit operating system, after running the command above, you also need to run the command below. With this command, we will have added a new library in place of the damaged Zlibwapi.dll library that we deleted.
%windir%\SysWoW64\regsvr32.exe /i Zlibwapi.dll
Step 10:Reregistering the Zlibwapi.dll library in the system (for 64 Bit) - You may see certain error messages when running the commands from the command line. These errors will not prevent the installation of the Zlibwapi.dll library. In other words, the installation will finish, but it may give some errors because of certain incompatibilities. After restarting your computer, to see if the installation was successful or not, try running the program that was giving the dll error again. If you continue to get the errors when running the program after the installation, you can try the 2nd Method as an alternative.
Method 4: Fixing the Zlibwapi.dll Issue by Using the Windows System File Checker (scf scannow)
- In order to run the Command Line as an administrator, complete the following steps.
NOTE! In this explanation, we ran the Command Line on Windows 10. If you are using one of the Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows XP operating systems, you can use the same methods to run the Command Line as an administrator. Even though the pictures are taken from Windows 10, the processes are similar.
- First, open the Start Menu and before clicking anywhere, type «cmd» but do not press Enter.
- When you see the «Command Line» option among the search results, hit the «CTRL» + «SHIFT» + «ENTER» keys on your keyboard.
- A window will pop up asking, «Do you want to run this process?«. Confirm it by clicking to «Yes» button.
Step 1:Running the Command Line as an administrator - Paste the command in the line below into the Command Line that opens up and press Enter key.
sfc /scannow
Step 2:fixing Windows system errors using the sfc /scannow command - The scan and repair process can take some time depending on your hardware and amount of system errors. Wait for the process to complete. After the repair process finishes, try running the program that is giving you’re the error.
Method 5: Fixing the Zlibwapi.dll Errors by Manually Updating Windows
Some programs need updated dynamic link libraries. When your operating system is not updated, it cannot fulfill this need. In some situations, updating your operating system can solve the dll errors you are experiencing.
In order to check the update status of your operating system and, if available, to install the latest update packs, we need to begin this process manually.
Depending on which Windows version you use, manual update processes are different. Because of this, we have prepared a special article for each Windows version. You can get our articles relating to the manual update of the Windows version you use from the links below.
Guides to Manually Update for All Windows Versions
- Guide to Manually Update Windows 10
- Guide to Manually Update Windows 8.1 and Windows 8
- Guide to Manually Update Windows 7 and Windows Vista
- Guide to Manually Update Windows XP
Most Seen Zlibwapi.dll Errors
If the Zlibwapi.dll library is missing or the program using this library has not been installed correctly, you can get errors related to the Zlibwapi.dll library. Dynamic link libraries being missing can sometimes cause basic Windows programs to also give errors. You can even receive an error when Windows is loading. You can find the error messages that are caused by the Zlibwapi.dll library.
If you don’t know how to install the Zlibwapi.dll library you will download from our site, you can browse the methods above. Above we explained all the processes you can do to fix the dll error you are receiving. If the error is continuing after you have completed all these methods, please use the comment form at the bottom of the page to contact us. Our editor will respond to your comment shortly.
- «Zlibwapi.dll not found.» error
- «The file Zlibwapi.dll is missing.» error
- «Zlibwapi.dll access violation.» error
- «Cannot register Zlibwapi.dll.» error
- «Cannot find Zlibwapi.dll.» error
- «This application failed to start because Zlibwapi.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.» error
Dynamic Link Libraries Similar to Zlibwapi.dll
- Zislib32.dll
- Zlib1.dll
- Zlib40.dll
- Npdjvu.dll
- Npdrmv2.dll