Замена powershell на cmd windows 10

Переустановил Windows и пропала командная строка из контекстного меню.
SHIFT+Right Button тоже ничего не дает, там только PowerShell, как его заменить?

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Egor Trutnev's user avatar

задан 16 мая 2017 в 23:06

E_K's user avatar


1) Добавление cmd в контекстное меню (оригинальная cтатья)

  1. Нажмите клавиши Win + R и введите regedit для запуска редактора реестра.

  2. Перейдите к разделу реестра HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directrory\shell\cmd, нажмите правой кнопкой мыши по имени раздела и выберите пункт меню «Разрешения».

введите сюда описание изображения

  1. В следующем окне нажмите кнопку Дополнительно.

введите сюда описание изображения

  1. Нажмите Изменить рядом с пунктом «Владелец».

введите сюда описание изображения

  1. В поле «Введите имена выбираемых объектов» введите имя вашего пользователя и нажмите Проверить имена, а затем — Ок. Примечание: если используется учетная запись Майкрософт, введите адрес электронной почты вместо имени пользователя.

введите сюда описание изображения

  1. Отметьте пункт «Заменить владельца подконтейнеров и объектов» и «Заменить все записи разрешений дочернего объекта», затем нажмите Ок и подтвердите действие.

введите сюда описание изображения

  1. Вы вернетесь в окно параметров безопасности раздела реестра, в нем выберите пункт «Администраторы» и установите отметку «Полный доступ», нажмите Ок.

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  1. Вернувшись в редактор реестра, нажмите по значению HideBasedOnVelocityId (в правой части редактора реестра) правой кнопкой мыши и выберите пункт «Удалить».

введите сюда описание изображения

  1. Повторите шаги 2-8 для разделов HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directrory\Background\ shell\cmd и HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\shell\cmd

Результат при shift + right click`:

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2) Замена PowerShell в win + x меню

  1. Откройте контекстное меню на панели задач и выберите пункт Параметры панели задач

введите сюда описание изображения

  1. В появившемся меню отключите пункт Заменить командную строку оболочкой Windows PowerShell...

введите сюда описание изображения

Результат при win + x:

введите сюда описание изображения

ответ дан 17 мая 2017 в 0:46

Egor Trutnev's user avatar

Egor TrutnevEgor Trutnev

1,20915 серебряных знаков32 бронзовых знака


Валентина: после последних обновлений почему-то в контекстных меню пропала возможность быстрого доступа и запуска Windows PowerShell (имею в виду Win X). У меня такой вопрос: есть ли какой-то не очень сложный способ поменять командную строку на более привычную для меня PowerShell: Вообще, где отыскать такие настройки, или опции…

Иногда приключаются некоторые закавыки, которые нарушают привычную работу за компьютером. Частенько все это происходит, конечно же, и из-за обновлений, либо (что тоже нередко) по вине самого пользователя (когда тот изменил настройки ОС и подзабыл о них…).

Сегодня доподлинно разберемся, каким образом заменить Windows PowerShell на Командную строку и наоборот?

  • заменить командную строку на PowerShell и наоборот — Windows 10

  • как заменить Windows PowerShell на Командную строку (cmd)

  • заменяем командную строку на PowerShell в Windows 10

Одно из встроенных средств Виндовс (разработка Microsoft) с открытым исходным кодом. Оболочка с интерфейсом командной строки (CMD), работающая по сопутствующему языку сценариев. На конференции разработчиков в сентябре 2003 года язык впервые был представлен общественности.

Аналог Командной строки — более современного формата.

Изначально средство (или командный интерпретатор) разрабатывалось как компонент Windows и мело название Windows PowerShell.

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заменить командную строку на PowerShell и наоборот — Windows 10

Если у нас активна оболочка PowerShell, тогда дела в контекстных меню будут обстоять так, как показано на картинке ниже, а значит запустить полезную утилиту PowerShell будет очень просто:

а) запустить PowerShell возможно так (НЕ от администратора) — нажимаем кнопку на клавиатуре Shift и на пустом месте рабочего стола вызываем контекстное меню (клик правой клавишей мыши).


либо: кликаем одновременно по кнопкам Win + X (коричневая стрелка на картинке ниже) (полезные горячие клавишигорячие клавиши
В статье будет дан список наиболее распространённых комбинаций клавиш компьютера (так называемых — Горячих клавиш) — те используются для быстрого доступа к определённым инструментам той или другой системной программы, да и самой Виндовс. Также рассмотрим важные запросы (команды) к ОС Windows через Командную строку
для более эффективной работы на компьютере).


Откроется, такое меню (его еще называют Win X). Как видим, в опциях есть два варианта запустить, в данном случае, Windows PowerShell — стандартный запуск, и от имени Администратора, что в большинстве случаев предпочтительнее…

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как заменить Windows PowerShell на Командную строку (cmd)

Чтоб заменить в контекстном меню рабочего стола (и при горячем клике Win + X) на Командную строку (cmd) поступаем таким нехитрым образом:

а) наводим курсор в трее (панель инструментов) на пустое место /коричневая стрелка/и нажимаем правую клавишу мыши…

…откроется такое вспомогательное меню Панели инструментов):


Переходим в меню Параметры, а именно в этом случае войдем в нужный нам конкретный раздел опций Параметры панели задач.

Запустится консоль Параметры. Что нам в нем нужно поправить…


…только и останется сделать, чтобы изменить оболочку Windows PowerShell на Командную строку (либо наоборот), так это то, что перевести радиокнопку в требуемое состояние: вправо или влево (на картинке выше обведено).

Например, мы хотим, чтоб обновленная оболочка Windows PowerShell в контекстных меню (для быстрого запуска) была заменена на Командную строку (cmd), переводим кнопку Влево (не в активное состояние), т.е. отключаем PowerShell.

Получится такая картинка…


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заменяем командную строку на PowerShell в Windows 10

…ну и как понимаете, чтобы, соответственно, заменить командную строку на PowerShell в Windows 10 потребуется совершить все описанные шаги выше — как говорится, от обратного.

как эпилог высказанному:

Теперь вы можете работать с Командной строкой прямо из контекстных меню: Win + X или меню рабочего стола. А уж с каким из инструментов ОС Windows (PowerShell или командной строкой) предпочтительнее для вас работать, придется выбирать лично!.. Советы, в данном случае, излишни.

Оба инструмента призваны решать по сути одни и те же задачи. PowerShell считается наиболее продвинутым, современным, а потому несколько обширнее возможности.

Путь до необходимых опций: Win + I / Параметры / Персонализация / Панель задач

Напоминаю, для большинства запросов (команд) правильнее всего запускать Командную строку (да и Windows PowerShell) от имени Администратора! НЕ забывайте..!

Желаю вам всяческих успехов..! и, конечно же, читайте наш сайт Комплитра.

Если что-то не ясно и остались вопросы, делитесь ими в комментариях…

все статьи: Сергей Кролл ATs владелец, автор cайта COMPLITRA.RU
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занимаюсь с 2007-года веб разработкой — преимущественно работаю с WordPress в студии ATs media

Windows PowerShell is the new avatar of the Command Prompt with lots of new features and capabilities. With the Windows 10 Creators Update, Microsoft replaced CMD with PowerShell. If you are unable to find the option to launch the Command Prompt from the Power User Menu and the Context menu, there are a couple of ways to make things right. In this tutorial, see how we can replace PowerShell with Command Prompt in Windows 10 and Windows 11.

There are more than 18 ways to open the Command Prompt in Windows 10. However, we’ll discuss only 2 of them here. We’ll check out the easy way to replace PowerShell with Command Prompt from Windows settings. In case you want to learn how to open the Command Prompt instead of PowerShell in a folder, you can make changes to the Registry Editor to replace PowerShell with CMD in the Windows context menu.

Don’t Miss: How to Check MD5 Checksum and SHA Hash of a File in Windows

This tip to replace PowerShell with the Command Prompt in the Power User Menu works only in Windows 10. You can follow the quick steps given below to bring back the Command Prompt in the Power User Menu on your Windows PC.

  1. Click Start (Windows logo icon in the bottom-left corner of the screen) and choose Settings.windows start menu
  2. Next, click Personalization. You can directly access the personalization menu by doing a right-click on the desktop screen and selecting the Personalize option.windows 11 settings
  3. Now click Taskbar on the left panel in the Settings window.
  4. After that, click the toggle button below ‘Replace Command Prompt with Windows PowerShell in the menu when I right-click the start button or press Windows Logo Key + X‘ on the right panel.replace powershell with command prompt in windows

Once you have done that the 2 options to open Powershell in the Power User Menu will be replaced by Command Prompt and Command Prompt (Admin) respectively as shown below.

windows power user menu

2. Replace PowerShell with CMD in File Explorer

If you want to open Command Prompt instead of PowerShell in a folder or File Explorer, you’ll need to replace PowerShell with CMD in the right-click Context Menu on your Windows 10 or 11 PC. We can do some tweaks to the Registry Editor to make this happen. Let’s begin.

  1. Press the Windows Logo key on your keyboard, look for the Notepad++ app in the Start menu and open it.open notepad++ in windows 10
  2. Now, copy the following code and paste it into the empty Notepad file.
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    @="cmd.exe /s /k pushd \"%V\""
    @="cmd.exe /s /k pushd \"%V\""
    @="cmd.exe /s /k pushd \"%V\""
  3. Click File and choose the Save As… option.save edited registry file
  4. When you click the Save As… option, you’ll be prompted to assign a file name and type. Click the File name section and type ‘cmdfix.reg‘ as the file name. Then click the drop-down icon in front of the Save as type box and select All Files. Finally, Save the file to your preferred location.save edited registry file in windows
  5. Once you have saved the file, navigate to cmdfix.reg and double-click it. When prompted, choose Yes.
  6. Next, you’ll see a pop-up window asking if you want to add the new configuration to the registry. Choose Yes.registry editor tweak to replace powershell with cmd in windows 11
  7. The newly created cmdfix.reg will be added to the registry.registry editing to replace powershell with cmd in windows 11

You have successfully replaced PowerShell with CMD in the Windows 10 or 11 right-click context menu. Do not forget to check out our detailed tutorial on customizing the Windows context menu. You should now be able to open the Command Prompt instead of PowerShell in a folder.

Anyway, if you want to undo the changes made by this registry editor tweak anytime later, just paste the following text into a new notepad file.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





Make sure you name this notepad file as ‘Defaultcmd.reg‘ and select ‘All Files‘ as the file type before saving it. Double-click the file, and select Yes. Don’t forget to restart your computer at this point.

Don’t Miss: 250+ Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows 10 and 11

3. Edit Registry Entries to Replace PowerShell with CMD

While the trick we mentioned above should work fine, there’s one more way you can use to replace PowerShell with Command Prompt in Windows 10 and 11. This method involves manually editing the registry entries.

  1. Click the Search icon and type “registry” in the text box and click Registry Editor.open registry editor in windows 10
  2. Alternatively, you can open the Run window by pressing Windows Logo Key + R, and type “regedit” to open Registry Editor.open registry editor via run app
  3. Now, navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\cmd.registry editor cmd directory permission change
  4. Right-click on the cmd folder and choose Permissions from the context menu.
  5. When a small window entitled Permissions for cmd pops up, click the Advanced button.
  6.  The Advanced Security Settings window will appear. Click the Change option to change the permission settings for the Owner.advanced security settings windows 11
  7. In the Select User or Group window, click the Advanced button.
  8. In the window that pops up next, click the Find Now button. Then select your user group from the search results and click OK.select user group for permission change in windows 10
  9. When you return back to the Advanced Security Settings for cmd window, check the Replace owner on subcontainers and objects option. Then click Apply and OK respectively.advanced security settings to change command prompt permission in windows 10
  10. Finally, you’ll return to the Permissions for cmd window from where you initially started. Now, select Administrators under Group or user names, and check the Allow box next to Full Control under Permissions for Administrators. Click the Apply button followed by OK. take full control of cmd registry entry
  11. When you come back to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\cmd path in the Registry Editor, right-click on the HideBasedOnVelocityId entry. Choose the Rename option.rename HideBasedOnVelocityId dword in registry editor windows 10
  12. Rename the entry to ShowBasedOnVelocityId.ShowBasedOnVelocityId-dword in registry editor windows 10
  13. As soon as the name of the DWORD entry is changed, PowerShell will be replaced by CMD in the right-click menu in Windows 10 or 11 but you will have to restart your PC first.

Done! Now, open a folder and press the Shift key + right-click. You should be able to open Command Prompt instead of PowerShell in a folder. Actually, you’ll have the option to open PowerShell and Command Prompt both in the context menu in the File Explorer.open command prompt and powershell window in windows 10

In case you want to remove the Open PowerShell window here option from the File Explorer context menu do as directed below. The steps are almost the same as you went through a while ago to replace PowerShell with the Command Prompt in the right-click menu.

  1. Open Registry Editor and navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\PowerShell.
  2. Right-click on PowerShell and then select Permissions from the context menu.
  3. Now repeat Steps 5-10 from above.
  4. After that, right-click on ShowBasedOnVelocityId and rename it to HideBasedOnVelocityId.
  5. The Open Powershell window here option will be removed from the context menu.
  6. Reboot your Windows computer to make the changes you made take effect.

In case you want to replace the Command Prompt with PowerShell in the File Explorer right-click menu, follow the quick steps described below.

  1. Open the Registry Editor and navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\cmd.
  2. Right-click on ShowBasedOnVelocityld and rename it to HideBasedOnVelocityld.
  3. Now, navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\PowerShell, right-click on HideBasedOnVelocityld, and rename it to ShowBasedOnVelocityld.
  4. Finally, restart your PC.

I hope you were able to replace PowerShell with CMD in Windows 10 or 11 (or vice versa) using this tutorial. In case you get stuck at any step and need help or just have something to share about the topic, feel free to drop us a comment.

Also, if you own an old laptop or PC that doesn’t support the Windows 11 upgrade the official way, read our tutorial about installing Windows 11 on unsupported hardware (CPU or TPM).

Read Next: How to Enable God Mode on Windows 10 & 11

Replace PowerShell with Command Prompt in Context Menu in Windows 10: If you have recently updated to Windows 10 latest Creators Update then you may have already notice that when you press Shift and right-click on any folder the option “Open command window here” has been replaced by “Open PowerShell window here.” While many people don’t know what powershell is, how Microsoft is expecting them to use this functionality? Well, that’s why we have put together this guide which will show you how to add the option “Open command window here” in the File Explorer context menu again.

Replace PowerShell with Command Prompt in Context Menu in Windows 10

Also, the option for Command Prompt in Start Menu is replaced by PowerShell with the latest Creators Update but thankfully it can be restored via Windows Settings. But sadly there is no option/settings to replace the “open command window here” option from the right-click context menu on Windows 10. So without wasting any time let’s see how to actually Replace PowerShell with Command Prompt in Context Menu in Windows 10 with the help of the below-listed guide.

Table of Contents

Make sure to create a restore point just in case something goes wrong.

Method 1: Use Registry Fix

Note: If you don’t want to use this method then you could try the method 2 which lets you manually edit the Registry entries in order to fix the issue.

1.Open empty Notepad file and then paste the following text as it is:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@="cmd.exe /s /k pushd \"%V\""


@="cmd.exe /s /k pushd \"%V\""


@="cmd.exe /s /k pushd \"%V\""

2.Click File then Save as from the Notepad menu.

From Notepad menu click File then click on Save As

3.From Save as type drop-down select “All Files.

4.Type the name of the file as cmdfix.reg (.reg extension is very important).

From Save as type drop-down select All Files and then type the name of the file as cmdfix.reg

5.Now navigate to the location where you want to save the file and then click Save.

6.Double-click the file then click Yes to continue and this would add the option “Open command window here” in the context menu.

Double click the reg file to run and then select Yes in order to continue

7.Now if you want to remove the “Open command window here” option from the context menu then open the notepad file and paste the below content in it:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





8.Select the Save as type as “All Files.” and name the file as Defaultcmd.reg.

9.Click Save and double click on the file in order to remove the option from the context menu. Now, this would Replace PowerShell with Command Prompt in Context Menu if not then continue to the next method.

Method 2: Manually create registries entries

1.Press Windows Key + R then type regedit and hit Enter to open Registry Editor.

Run command regedit

2.Navigate to the following registry path:


3.Right-click on the cmd folder and then click on Permissions.

Right-click on the cmd folder and then click on Permissions

4.Now under the Security tab click the Advanced button.

Now under the Security tab click the Advanced button

5.On Advanced Security Settings window click Change next to Owner.

click Change under Owner

6.From Select User or Group window again click Advanced.

select user or a group advanced

7.Now click Find Now and then select your user account from the list and then click OK.

Click Find Now on the right-hand side and select the username then click OK

8.Once you have added your user account then check mark “Replace owner on subcontainers and objects.

Once you have added your user account then check mark Replace owner on subcontainers and objects

9.Click Apply followed by OK.

10.You will again be taken to the Permissions window, from there select Administrators and then under permissions check mark Full Control.

Select Administrators and then under permissions check mark Full Control

11.Click Apply followed by OK.

12.Now inside the cmd folder, right-click on the HideBasedOnVelocityId DWORD, and select Rename.

Right-click on the HideBasedOnVelocityId DWORD, and select Rename

13.Rename the above DWORD to ShowBasedOnVelocityId, and press Enter.

Rename the above DWORD to ShowBasedOnVelocityId, and press Enter

14.This would enable the “Open command window here” option as soon as you close the Registry Editor.

15.If you want to revert back then simply rename the DWORD again to HideBasedOnVelocityId. Again check and see if you are able to successfully Replace PowerShell with Command Prompt in Context Menu in Windows 10.

How to remove Open PowerShell window here from the context menu in Windows 10

Even though following above steps seems to bring back the “Open command window here” option in the right click context menu but you would still see the “Open PowerShell window here” option and in order to remove it from the context menu follow the below-listed steps.

1.Press Windows Key + R then type regedit and hit Enter.

Run command regedit

2.Navigate to the following registry path:


3.Right-click on PowerShell and then select Permissions.

Right-click on PowerShell and then select Permissions

4.Click Advanced button under permission window.

5.On Advanced Security Settings window click Change next to Owner.

click Change under Owner

6.From Select User or Group window again click Advanced.

select user or a group advanced

7.Now click Find Now and then select your user account from the list and then click OK.

Click Find Now on the right-hand side and select the username then click OK

8.Once you have added your user account then check mark “Replace owner on subcontainers and objects.

Once you have added your user account then check mark Replace owner on subcontainers and objects

9.Click Apply followed by OK.

10.You will again be taken to the Permissions window, from there select Administrators and then under permissions check mark Full Control.

Select Administrators and then under permissions check mark Full Control

11.Click Apply followed by OK.

12.Now inside the PowerShell folder, right-click on the ShowBasedOnVelocityId DWORD, and select Rename.

Now inside the PowerShell folder, right-click on the ShowBasedOnVelocityId DWORD, and select Rename

13.Rename the above DWORD to HideBasedOnVelocityId, and press Enter.

Rename the above DWORD to HideBasedOnVelocityId, and press Enter

14.This would disable the “Open PowerShell window here” option as soon as you close the Registry Editor.

15.If you want to revert back then simply rename the DWORD again to ShowBasedOnVelocityId.

Recommended for you:

  • How to Move Windows 10 Apps to Another Drive
  • How to Extend System Drive Partition (C:) in Windows 10
  • Replace Powershell with Command Prompt in the Windows 10 Start Menu
  • How to change the default Installation Directory in Windows 10

That’s it, you have successfully Replace PowerShell with Command Prompt in Context Menu in Windows 10 but if you still have any queries regarding this article then please feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.

How to replace PowerShell with Command Prompt on File Explorer’s Context Menu in Windows 10

  1. On the address bar in the Registry Editor, paste “ComputerHKEY_CLASSES_ROOTDirectoryBackgroundshell” and hit enter.
  2. From the sidebar, find “cmd” and right click, then select Permissions.


  • 1 How do I change PowerShell to Command Prompt?
  • 2 Can I use PowerShell as cmd?
  • 3 How do I open Command Prompt in Windows 10 instead of PowerShell?
  • 4 How do I make PowerShell default command prompt?
  • 5 Is PowerShell the same as cmd?
  • 6 Is PowerShell a superset of cmd?
  • 7 How do I replace open PowerShell here with open CMD here?
  • 8 How do I get a CMD prompt in Windows 10?
  • 9 How do I change my default Command Prompt?
  • 10 Is Windows PowerShell a virus?
  • 11 What are the PowerShell commands?
  • 12 What is open PowerShell window here?
  • 13 How do I set CMD as default instead of PowerShell in Vscode?
  • 14 How do I remove PowerShell from Windows 10?
  • 15 How can I boot to Command Prompt?
  • 16 What commands are used in CMD?
  • 17 How do I type in Command Prompt?
  • 18 How do I change the command prompt in Windows 10?
  • 19 How do I get rid of PowerShell?

How do I change PowerShell to Command Prompt?

To do this normally you just right-click on the Windows 10 Taskbar, go to the Navigation tab and flip the switch to replace the Command Prompt with Windows PowerShell. After you perform this task, Windows PowerShell replaces Command Prompt on the Power Menu completely, as shown in the next image.

Can I use PowerShell as cmd?

To create the best command-line experience, PowerShell is now the command shell for File Explorer.You can still enter cmd (or powershell) in File Explorer’s address bar to launch the command shell.

How do I open Command Prompt in Windows 10 instead of PowerShell?

Press Windows+X to open the Power Users menu, and then click “Command Prompt” or “Command Prompt (Admin).” Note: If you see PowerShell instead of Command Prompt on the Power Users menu, that’s a switch that came about with the Creators Update for Windows 10.

How do I make PowerShell default command prompt?

To do this, open Settings > Personalization > Taskbar. Now, turn the “Replace Command Prompt with Windows PowerShell in the menu when I right-click the Start button or press Windows key+X” option to “Off”. The users are having a choice at the moment, but the future of Command Prompt remains unclear.

Is PowerShell the same as cmd?

PowerShell is a more advanced version of cmd. It is not only an interface but also a scripting language that is used to carry out administrative tasks more easily. Most of the commands executed on cmd can be run on PowerShell as well.

Is PowerShell a superset of cmd?

What is PowerShell? PowerShell is a more advanced version of the cmd used to run external programs like ping or copy and automate many different system administration tasks which are not accessible from cmd.exe. It’s quite similar to cmd except it’s more powerful and uses different commands altogether.

How do I replace open PowerShell here with open CMD here?

You can make Shift+Right-click show Open Command window here instead of PowerShell.

How do I get a CMD prompt in Windows 10?

The quickest way to open a Command Prompt window is through the Power User Menu, which you can access by right-clicking the Windows icon in the bottom-left corner of your screen, or with the keyboard shortcut Windows Key + X. It’ll appear in the menu twice: Command Prompt and Command Prompt (Admin).

How do I change my default Command Prompt?

On Windows Start Menu, right click on Command Prompt. Click on “Properties”. “Command Prompt Properties” dialog box opens. Edit the field “Start in ” to a location where you want to start the command prompt.

Is Windows PowerShell a virus?

Windows PowerShell is not a virus, it takes the place of the command prompt. Windows PowerShell is also used to manage Windows Operating system as a super user. You will need some knowledge of coding and scripting to manage Windows operating system, security, network and server.

What are the PowerShell commands?

Table of Basic PowerShell Commands

Command alias Cmdlet name Description of command
diff Compare-Object Compares two sets of objects.
dir Get-ChildItem Gets the files and folders in a file system drive.
dnsn Disconnect-PSSession Disconnects from a session.
ebp Enable-PSBreakpoint Enables the breakpoints in the current console.

What is open PowerShell window here?

On Windows 10, you can access the “Open PowerShell window here” context menu by holding down the SHIFT key and then right-clicking a folder. This lets you quickly open PowerShell in the current folder without having to change the working directory.

How do I set CMD as default instead of PowerShell in Vscode?

8 Answers

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + P to show all commands.
  2. Type profile in the displayed text box to filter the list.
  3. Select Terminal: Select Default Profile .
  4. You will be prompted to Select your preferred terminal shell, you can change this later in your settings or follow the same process as we do now.

How do I remove PowerShell from Windows 10?

Type PowerShell in the Start Menu search box. It will reveal all the versions of PowerShell i.e., PowerShell (x86), PowerShell, PowerShell 7, and more. Right-click on any of them, and choose to Uninstall. You can also expand the menu and choose to uninstall it.

How can I boot to Command Prompt?

Boot your PC using some Windows installation media (USB, DVD, etc.) When the Windows setup wizard shows up, simultaneously press the Shift + F10 keys on your keyboard. This keyboard shortcut opens Command Prompt before boot.

What commands are used in CMD?

Cmd commands under Windows

cmd command Description
cd change directory
cls clear screen
cmd start command prompt
color change console color

How do I type in Command Prompt?

Using a Script CMD to Open Notepad

  1. Type CMD in the Windows Start menu and press Enter to open CMD.exe.
  2. Change the directory from your current username folder to the base directory by typing “cd” and pressing Enter.
  3. Type the following line and press Enter: start “”c:windowssystem32″” notepad.exe.

How do I change the command prompt in Windows 10?


  1. In Search, search for and then select: System (Control Panel)
  2. Click the Advanced system settings link.
  3. Click Environment Variables.
  4. In the Edit System Variable (or New System Variable) window, specify the value of the PATH environment variable.
  5. Reopen Command prompt window, and run your java code.

How do I get rid of PowerShell?

To uninstall PowerShell 7, use these steps:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Click on Apps.
  3. Click on Apps &amp

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