Оригинальный диск Recovery DVD ASUS X 59 SL-f5 sl series X86(vista home basic)
Год/Дата Выпуска: 2008
Версия: 1.5
Разработчик: ASUSteK corporation
Сайт разработчика:
Разрядность: 32bit
Язык интерфейса: Английский + Русский
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Системные требования: Наличие ноутбука указанной серии и модели с установленной OC Windows Vista ( vista home basic).Ноутбуки асус X59sl-F5SL series 32bit х86
: Диск родной оригинальный от ноутбука ASUS X 59 SL ,шел с ним в комплекте.
Информация которая на лицевой стороне диска:Recovery DVD
Asusteek Computer Inc.
Windows vista Recovery media for Windows vista Products 32 bit
Доп. информация:контрольные суммы:
MD5: 094A60E2DBBC2F1BB42F4A0910E77346
SHA-1: 38A9EAD47CB63F9A9D540A682ED7539268A9169B
Снимал образ программой ULTRA ISO premium edition
Создавал образ CD в форматом вывода clone cd(.IMG/.CCD/.SUB)
Установка:Образ открываем в программе ULTRA ISO ,в настройках выбираем»инструменты» далее «записать образ CD»
Чтобы скачать Оригинальный диск Recovery DVD ASUS X 59 SL-f5 sl series X86(vista home basic) 1.5 x86 [2008, ENG + RUS] бесплатно, без регистрации и платных смс вам нужно скачать специальный торрент-клиент. Он может быть любым, мы рекомендуем µTorrent. Возможно, он у вас уже стоит, тогда просто нажмите кнопку скачать по магнет-ссылке выше и следуйте дальнейшим инструкциям. Скачивать файлы таким образом удобно, быстро и безопасно.
Каждая программа, включая Оригинальный диск Recovery DVD ASUS X 59 SL-f5 sl series X86(vista home basic) 1.5 x86 [2008, ENG + RUS] содержит в себе проверенный кейген (в народе кряк, патч) или серийник (ключ). Так же таблетка может быть уже «вшита» в софт.
Перед установкой любого взломаного софта вы должны понимать, что несете полную ответственность за свой ПК и возможный ущерб, который могут нанести крякнутые программы. Хоть мы стараемся удалять такие раздачи, но 100% гарантии нет.
Если вам понравилась программа или вы заработали на ней деньги, не поленитесь купить официальную версию. Это поможет сделать ее еще лучше + вы получите техническую поддержку и самые свежие обновления.
К счастью, разработчики из Microsoft предусмотрели возможность создания Windows Recovery CD в первом пакете исправлений Vista SP1. Если нет времени дожидаться выпуска сервис-пака, можно воспользоваться образом восстановительного диска, копию которого сделали сотрудники
NeoSmart Technologies, получившие бета-версию SP1. В этой статье я расскажу, где можно достать этот ISO-образ и как с его помощью создать свою копию восстановительного диска Windows Recovery CD.
Скачивание ISO-файла
В связи с тем, что
ISO-образ Windows Recovery CD, размер которого составляет 120 Мб, стал очень популярным, программисты из NeoSmart Technologies помимо возможности скачивания образа непосредственно с их сайта разместили соответствующий торрент-файл.
Работа с приложением ISO Recorder
После скачивания ISO-файл необходимо будет записать на CD-болванку. В этом может помочь обычное приложение для прожига дисков, например Nero, но для того, чтобы записать образ посредством Vista, нужно скачать соответствующую версию программы ISO Recorder с сайта Алекса Файнмэна.
После скачивания и распаковки zip-файла, можно приступать к инсталляции приложения. Дважды щёлкните на Setup, затем проследуйте через диалоговые окна Open File Security Warning и User Account Control. Когда откроется экран мастера установки программы ISO Recorder (изображение A), просто следуйте появляющимся инструкциям, окончание процесса установки не заставит долго ждать.
Изображение A Мастер инсталляции ISO Recorder.
Теперь вставьте пустую CD-болванку в привод. Когда появится диалоговое окно AutoPlay, закройте его.
Приложение ISO Recorder, изначально разработанное как расширение для оболочки операционной системы, автоматически встраивается в проводник Windows Explorer. Для того чтобы его запустить, найдите скачанный ISO-файл, щёлкните на нём правой кнопкой мыши и в появившемся меню выберите команду Copy Image To CD (изображение B).
Изображение B ISO Recorder — расширение для оболочки ОС, встроенное в проводник Windows Explorer.
После того как откроется мастер записи диска CD Recording Wizard (изображение C), нажмите Next. Программа запишет ISO-образ на ваш компакт-диск. По завершению процесса можно закрыть окно мастера.
Изображение C. У приложения ISO Recorder передовой пользовательский интерфейс.
Запуск системы с Windows Recovery CD
Итак, вы записали восстановительный диск Windows Recovery CD. Теперь его следует проверить. Перезагрузите компьютер, предварительно вставив компакт-диск в привод. Следуйте указаниям на экране. Наберитесь терпения, так как для загрузки интерфейса Windows Recovery Environment, где в свою очередь используется оболочка Windows PE (Preinstallation Environment), понадобится какое-то время.
Как только система начнёт загружаться с компакт-диска, появится чёрный экран со светло-серой шкалой индикатора (изображение D).
Изображение D После того как Windows PE поместит в память необходимые файлы, шкала индикатора будет отображать процесс запуска системы.
По завершению процесса на экране появится зелёно-голубой фон Vista (изображение E), который придётся лицезреть весьма долго. Нужно снова набраться терпения.
Изображение E. Этот фон исчезнет совсем не скоро.
Наконец открывается диалоговое окно установки системы Install Windows, где нужно будет задать язык (Language), время и формат отображения валюты (Time and Currency format), а также приоритетную раскладку клавиатуры (Keyboard or input method) (изображение F). Поскольку это не установка Windows, можно пропустить шаг, нажав Next.
Изображение F. Можно пропустить настройки параметров диалогового окна Install Windows, нажав кнопку Next.
Во втором диалоговом окне Install Windows (изображение G), выберите опцию Repair Your Computer. Ни в коем случае не нажимайте на кнопку Install Now.
Изображение G. Для того чтобы открыть окно со свойствами восстановления системы (System Recovery Options), нажмите Repair Your Computer.
Появится предварительное диалоговое окно System Recovery Options (изображение H). Выберите вашу оперативную систему и нажмите Next.
Изображение H. В диалоговом окне System Recovery Options выберите вашу оперативную систему и нажмите Next.
Откроется главное окно System Recovery Options (изображение I). В случае применения восстановительного диска по назначению нужно будет выбрать один из приведённых в списке инструментов, однако поскольку сейчас это всего лишь тест, просто нажмите кнопку Restart.
Изображение I Для восстановления системы после сбоя нужно будет выбрать одну из представленных в списке опций.
Автор: Greg Shultz
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Оцените статью: Голосов
Download our recovery and repair disk for Microsoft Windows Vista (also available for Windows 7, 8, XP or Server editions) that can be used to access system recovery tools, giving you options of using an antivirus, System Restore, document and picture backup and recovery, automated system repair, and a command-line prompt for manual advanced recovery.
Download recovery disk for Windows Vista
Looking for recovery disks for other Windows versions?
- Download Windows 7 recovery disk
- Download Windows 8 (and 8.1) recovery disk
- Download Windows XP recovery disk
Easy Recovery Essentials (or EasyRE) is a 55 to 135 MiB download image ready to be burned directly to a CD, DVD or a USB stick.
Features of Easy Recovery Essentials include:
- Automatically find and fix errors
- Works even when you can’t get into Windows
- Recover from virus infections
- Restore your PC to a working state
- Access and back up your important data
- Use your PC even when it doesn’t work
- Advanced tools for IT experts
- Disk for recovery & repair
- Download recovery disk for Windows Vista
- Burn to CDs, DVDs or USB sticks
- Compatible with PC manufacturers
- Dell, HP, Asus, Acer
- Lenovo, Toshiba, Samsung
- IBM, Compaq, Gateway, eMachines
- Disk for Windows 7, 8, XP or Server editions
- Support
If you’re like most PC users, you probably got Windows Vista with a new PC or laptop. And if you’re like 99% of the population, you get your new machines from one of the major manufacturers.
Dell, Acer, HP, Toshiba, Lenovo, they all have one thing in common: they don’t give you a real Windows Vista installation disk with your purchase.
Instead, they bundle what they call a “recovery disk” (that’s if you’re lucky – otherwise you’ll have a recovery partition instead) with your machine and leave it at that.
It doesn’t matter that you just paid a thousand dollars for a machine that comes with a valid Windows Vista license – your computer manufacturer just don’t want to spend the money (or perhaps take on the responsibility) of giving you a Windows Vista installation DVD to accompany your expensive purchase.
The problem is, with Windows Vista, the installation media serves more than one purpose. It’s not just a way to get Windows installed, it’s also the only way of recovering a borked installation.
The DVD has a “recovery center” that provides you with the option of recovering your system via automated recovery (searches for problems and attempts to fix them automatically), rolling-back to a system restore point, recovering a full PC backup, or accessing a command-line recovery console for advanced recovery purposes.
Download recovery disk for Windows Vista
Easy Recovery Essentials repair process is non-destructive, recovering PCs without formatting or reinstalling Windows.
The powerful repair process can fix many issues that Microsoft’s own Startup Repair cannot. In addition to the industry-leading automated repair features, this disk will give you access to the following:
- System Restore
- Web Browser
- Partition Editor
- Antivirus Scanner
- Data/File Backup and Recovery
- Commandline/Terminal Access
Later update: Please note that this download is no longer free, due to licensing restrictions imposed upon us.
Download Easy Recovery Essentials for Windows Vista
Our recovery disk supports x86 and x64 platforms and all Windows Vista versions, including 32-bit and 64-bit editions:
- Windows Vista Ultimate (32-bit and 64-bit editions)
- Windows Vista Enterprise (32-bit and 64-bit editions)
- Windows Vista Business (32-bit and 64-bit editions)
- Windows Vista Home Premium (32-bit and 64-bit editions)
- Windows Vista Home Basic (32-bit and 64-bit editions)
- Windows Vista Starter (32-bit edition)
And all Service Packs:
- Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1)
- Windows Vista Service Pack 2 (SP2)
This disk is a 120 MiB download in standard ISO format that you’ll need to burn to a CD or DVD before you can use it as a bootable recovery medium. You can also burn it on a USB stick.
You cannot use a recovery or repair disk to install or reinstall Windows Vista.
Burn to CDs, DVDs or USB sticks
NeoSmart Technologies has published a guide on how to burn an ISO image to CD or DVD with your favorite burning program, which you can read if you need more information or help on this topic. You can burnt it with ImgBurn, Alcohol 120% or ActiveISO:
- Burn with ActiveISO
- Burn with ImgBurn
- Burn with Alcohol 120%
You can also burn it on a USB stick if you don’t want to use CDs or DVDs. We published a guide on making a EasyRE recovery USB.
Compatible with PC manufacturers
This recovery and repair disk is compatible with desktops, workstations, laptops, notebooks, netbooks, ultrabooks and servers from major PC manufacturers, like Dell, HP, Asus, Acer or Lenovo plus more.
Dell, HP, Asus, Acer
The disk is compatible with all Dell laptops and desktop computers, including all its manufactured series like Adamo, Inspiron, Studio, Vostro, XPS, Latitude.
Do you have a Dell computer running Windows Vista? Read our Dell recovery and restore guide.
The disk is compatible with HP computers: ENVY, EliteBook, Essential Home, Pavilion and x2 for laptops and ENVY, Essential Home and Pavilion for desktops and All-in-One Desktop PCs.
Do you have a HP computer running Windows Vista? Read our HP recovery and restore guide.
It’s compatible with notebooks, ultrabooks, laptops and desktops from ASUS.
It works for any computer that was manufactured by ASUS, if it runs Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 or any of the following Windows Server editions: 2003, 2008, 2012.
Do you have an Asus computer running Windows Vista? Read our Asus recovery and restore guide.
It’s compatible with any Acer computer that has Windows installed, including these manufactured series:
- Aspire R, Aspire V3 and Aspire E for notebooks
- Aspire S7, Aspire S5, Aspire S3, Aspire P, Aspire M, Aspire V7, Aspire V5 for ultra-thin computers
- Aspire One for netbooks
- Aspire M and T, Aspire X and Predator G for desktops
Do you have an Acer computer running Windows Vista? Read our Acer recovery and restore guide.
Lenovo, Toshiba, Samsung
You can download the repair disk for any Lenovo computers, such as:
- ThinkPad, IdeaPad, Essential series for laptops
- Thinkcentre, Ideacentre and Essentials series for desktop PCs
Do you have a Lenovo computer running Windows Vista? Read our Lenovo recovery and restore guide.
It’s compatible with any Toshiba computers running Windows:
- Satellite, Qosmio, Portege, Tecra, Kira family series
- All-in-One desktop series
Do you have a Toshiba computer running Windows Vista? Read our Toshiba recovery and restore guide.
The disk is compatible with Samsung line of laptops and desktops, including:
- ATIV Book, Gaming and Business PC series for laptops
- ATIV One for All-in-One desktops
IBM, Compaq, Gateway, eMachines
IBM personal computer business division was acquired by Lenovo in 2005.
This disk supports IBM desktop and laptop models, most notably the ThinkPad line.
Compaq was acquired by HP in 2002, but some of its famous PC line series are still used by our customers.
Our disk works with Compaq notebooks and desktops PCs, including Compaq Presario series.
Gateway Computer was acquired by Acer in 2007.
Our disk is compatible with Gateway Computers netbooks, notebooks and desktops PCs, such as:
- Series SX, DX and One ZX for desktop systems
- NE and NV series for notebooks
- LT series for netbooks
Do you have a Gateway computer running Windows Vista? Read our Gateway recovery and restore guide.
eMachines PCs were manufactured up until 2004 when Gateway Computers brought the company. Gateway Computers was later acquired by Acer in 2007, but the eMachines PC brand was used until 2012.
If you own a computer from this computer brand, our disk is compatible with eMachines PCs.
Disk for Windows 7, 8, XP or Server editions
Windows 7
You can get our recovery disk for Windows 7. It supports all versions: Ultimate, Enterprise, Professional, Home Premium, Home Basic and Starter.
Download for Windows 7.
Windows 8
You can also get the recovery disk for Windows 8.
Download for Windows 8.
Windows XP
Easy Recovery Essentials is available for Windows XP users and it supports all Service Packs: Service Pack 1 (SP1), Service Pack 2 (SP2) and Service Pack 3 (SP3).
Windows Server 2003, 2008, 2012
Easy Recovery Essentials supports Microsoft Windows Server editions: 2003, 2008 and 2012.
Our disk supports all Windows service packs (Windows XP SP1, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP1, Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 7 SP2, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Windows Server 2012 R2.
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Download Windows Vista 32-Bit (x86) Recovery Disc
These days people who get Windows Vista with a new computer or laptop from the major manufacturers like Dell, Acer, Toshiba HP and others will find they don’t get a Windows Vista DVD with their new computers. It doesn’t matter that you spent hundreds on your new computer with a valid Windows Vista you still are not entitled to the DVD.
The problem with that is simple, when you have problems with your Windows installation and it’s not booting you need to use that disc to recover from the problem. For some people they have downloaded or borrowed Windows Vista discs from PC who purchased a full copy of Vista in a shop. Windows Vista has gone a step further having a simple recovery center with automated tools which will fix your install (unlike the XP days where you had to use Recovery Console and command lines to fix it) yet despite this without a disc customers can’t get to use this feature!
Luckily Microsoft has listened to peoples complaints and have kindly made a recovery disc. It contains the contents of the Windows Vista DVD’s “Recovery Center”. It cannot be used to install or reinstall Windows Vista but does provide you with all the Recovery tools which should hopefully get you back on track.
Download Windows Vista 34-bit (x86) Recovery Disc
Edit: Sadly we received a DMCA Takedown request for this and can no longer provide download mirrors. Sorry about that.Alternatively:
Are you using the 64-bit version of Windows Vista? (If you are unsure, you are most likely using 32-bit). If so:
Download Windows Vista 64-bit (x64) Recovery DiscIts important to ensure you use the right version (32/64 bit) for the Windows Vista you have otherwise it can cause problems!
How to use:Unzip the recovery disc you downloaded, then burn the CD Image (ISO file) to a disc, if you are unsure how to do this why not have a look at Digiex’s How to burn BIN, CUE, DI, DVD, GI, IMG, ISO, MDS, NRG and PDI images to disc guide.
If your bios is set to boot from CD / DVD you can now put the burned disc in your computer and boot the recovery disc. If not you will have to set your computer to boot from DVD before the hard disk. You have to do this in the computers bios which is usually accessed by pressing F2 or Delete when you power the computer on.
I installed linux and it conveniently broke my boot loader so I used this recovery disc and now it all works perfectly. Thanks.
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I couldn’t even get through the system restore because it tells me i haven’t created any checkpoints and i always did one every 2 weeks, then it said i could restore the computer back to factory settings,, then that gives me an error message saying it couldn’t i would need a cd or backup and i saved the recovery cd both on a disk and on a portable drive and it said it couldn’t find it. as for downloading a recovery cd on here thats what i want to do but don’t wanna download the wrong one. like i don’t know what is 32 or 64 and i don’t where to look being i can’t get past the blue screen.
Tammy Lee Buck
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it didnt work
it didnt let me download it so I can burn it to a disk so i can put it in my laptop i have a hp compaq windows vista home preimume
try the download again,it worked for me then extract it
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do u know the product key? please i’m stuck and don’t know the product key
this is a repair disc it doesn’t contain windows vista,for the product key you would have to look on the computer itself for this or you could buy one
or if its branded look around the web for the correct oem key
If you have a laptop from Acer for example you can follow this guide here: https://digiex.net/guides-reviews/g…ow-re-install-vista-without-recovery-dvd.html you can google for the Acer OEM key, it will work using that tutorial aslong as you did really have an Acer laptop for example.
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Thanks for your providing this reboot disk. I was about to spend some money getting my VISTA, which I HATE, to reboot. Now I do not have to. Thanks again, you really made my day.
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i can’t download the 32-bit , i can only get up to 38\5 before it says it broken
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hi! i downloaded the iso and burn the iso on my cd-rom using IMGburn and when i use it on my friends laptop … nothing happen … how do u make it bootable because my friends laptop shows only a black screen when he turns the laptop on and no cursor
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Hello everyone.First of all,thanks for building this website and forum for those in need of PC help!I’m a newbie, so bear with me ?)Which folder or files should I convert to an ISO to create the recovery disk?
extract the zip,there should be a iso file.burn it with Free ISO Burner and make sure to finalize disc
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Thanks for the quick reply!I guess I got you at the right time
Extracting now, I’ll keep you posted!
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I’ve just extracted it, but all I get is a folder containing the original unzipped file!?
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Creating an ISO file for CD burning.?
I’m wanting to create a «vista recovery disc»(VRD) and have downloaded the necessary files.My question is what data should I be using to create the aforementioned recovery disk?
Should it be the actual folder created after the extraction, or the individual folders contained within the ‘VRD’ folder created.
Contained within the ‘VRD’ folder is as follows:
BOOT FOLDER — Containing a:-
The original compressed ‘VRD’ data
and finally a BOOTMGR file.
Any answers would be hugely appreciated.
The reason for my need of an answer to this question and ultimately the »vRD’ is that my computer (when initially started up) takes me to a login screen with «other user» as the administrator which I’m unable to enter a correct username or password for.
From research, I’m aware that this is some type of malware/virus corrupting my computer system that has disabled my use of ‘safe mode’ and booting from the CD-ROM.
However, someone with the exact same problem was able to bypass these issues and log into their user account and complete a system clean through the use of a ‘VRD’ so hope is still alive.
Here is the link
Microsoft Answers
like it says above
you should have a iso file
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Vista Recovery Disk Help
I’m still yet to find a definitive answer as to which file i should be using to create the «ISO» file i need to create a recovery disk to solve the corrupt system issues I currently have with my my computer system.
There must be some GENIUS out there,that has the answer that I will be very appreciative of!