Скрытие или блокирование обновлений с помощью инструмента от Microsoft – Show or hide updates.
Бывает необходимо заблокировать установку конкретного обновления, которое вызывает сбой и проблемы. В такой ситуации, может помочь официальный инструмент от Microsoft, позволяющий заблокировать установку конкретного обновления. При этом, вам не нужно будет полностью отключать поиск и установку обновлений в самой системе. Это удобное решение, позволяющее обновлять систему и сохранять ее стабильность, запрещая установку сбойных обновлений.
Скрытие обновлений Windows 10 вручную с помощью Show or hide updates.
Еще перед официальным выпуском Windows 10, компания Microsoft выпустила программу Show or hide updates, которая возвращает в систему возможность скрытия не нужных обновлений драйверов или системных апдейтов.
Скачайте инструмент Show or hide updates по следующей ссылке с официального сайта Microsoft.
Вот, прямая ссылка на загрузку утилиты. (Добавлено 02.03.2021 — ссылка на загрузку утилиты, удалена с официального сайта Microsoft. Пока, вы можете попробовать скачать ее с web.archive.org. Если и данная ссылка перестанет работать, загрузил утилиту (архив с утилитой без пароля, можете проверить на на VirusTotal) на свой Google Диск по ссылке. Либо, используйте стороннее решение, которое описано в данной заметке. Если возникнут вопросы, оставляйте комментарии ниже).
Запустите программу и нажмите «Далее», чтобы начать сканирование.
Затем нажмите «Hide updates»
На следующем экране выберите в списке обновления, которые вы хотите скрыть.
После нажмите «Далее».
Если скрытые обновления вы позже захотите вернуть, вместо «Hide updates» выберите вариант «Show hidden updates».
Вы можете посмотреть заметку: Миф или реальность: «Как в ОС Windows 10, взять под свой полный контроль установку обновлений?»
Если у вас возникли проблемы с MS Office и слетел язык, гляньте данную заметку:
Язык в Word выбран русский, а интерфейс все равно на английском. Как поменять язык в MS Office?
Так, вы сможете сами контролировать установку обновлений, а не «доверять» данный процесс системе.
По теме: «Как заблокировать поиск и установку обновлений в ОС Windows 10?»
Добавлено 02.03.2021
Были обновлены ссылки на утилиту Show or Hide Updates. Суть в том, что Micosoft удалила со своего сайта ссылку на загрузку своего инструмента для блокировки конкретных обновлений. На официальной странице инструкции Microsoft, при попытке скачать утилиту по ссылке:
Выдает 404 ошибку:
Поэтому, вы пока можете скачать данный инструмент из web.archive.org, или скачать с моего Google Диск по ссылке. Либо, используйте стороннее решение, которое описано в данной заметке.
Вы всегда можете проверять ссылки и скачиваемые файлы на VirusTotal.
Добавлено 13.03.2021
Вы можете скачать и запустить готовые reg-файлы для отключения или включения автоматического обновления Windows 10. Скачать с Google Диск.
Скрытие обновлений Windows при помощи WuMgr (Update Manager for Windows).
Для сокрытия обновлений, вы можете использовать инструмент WuMgr (Update Manager for Windows).
Для этого, скачайте WuMgr с Github.
Теперь, нам нужно отключить автоматичесскую установку обновлений на нашей системе. Для этого, распакуйте архив в любую папку и запустите утилиту (исполняемый файл: wumgr.exe) от имени Администратора. В открывшемся окне, выбираем «Авто-обновление» и выбираем «Отключить обновления». При необходимости, можем отключить обновления для драйверов и Store:
Перезагружаем систему. После перезагрузки, запускаем снова WuMgr и в открывшемся окне, выбераем «Установленные обновления». Нажимаем «Поиск»:
Ждем результат:
После поиска, снова нажимаем на «Установленные обновления» и выбираем то обновление, которое хотим удалить. После, нажимаем «Удалить»:
Дождитесь окончания удаления и перезагрузите устройство. После перезагрузки, запускаем утилиту, нажимаем снова «Поиск» и дожидаемся, когда утилита найдет обновления. Выбираем нужные обновления, которые хотим скрыть и нажимаем на значок «глаза» («Спрятать»). В разделе «Скрытые обновления», у нас появятся скрытые обновления:
Будут вопросы, уточнения, поправки – пишите в комментариях.
Добавлено 21.05.2021
Дополнительная заметка по теме: «Как заблокировать поиск и установку обновлений в ОС Windows 10?»
Ранее я писал, что в Windows 10 настройка обновлений, их удаление и отключение будет затруднена по сравнению с предыдущими системами, а в домашней редакции ОС сделать это штатными средствами системы вообще не получится. Обновление: доступна обновленная статья: Как отключить обновления Windows 10 (все обновления, конкретное обновление или обновление до новой версии).
Цель такого нововведения — повышение безопасности пользователей. Однако, два дня назад, после очередного обновления предварительной сборки Windows 10, многие ее пользователи столкнулись со сбоями explorer.exe. Да и в Windows 8.1 не раз случалось, что какое-либо обновление вызывало проблемы у большого числа пользователей. См. также Вопросы и ответы об обновлении до Windows 10.
В итоге, Microsoft выпустила утилиту, позволяющую отключить определенные обновления в Windows 10. Я проверил ее в двух разных сборках Insider Preview и, думаю, в финальной версии системы, этот инструмент тоже будет работать.
Отключение обновлений с помощью Show or hide updates
Сама утилита доступна для скачивания с официальной страницы (несмотря на то, что страница называется Как отключить обновление драйвера, находящаяся там утилита позволяет отключать и другие обновления) — https://support.microsoft.com/ru-ru/help/3073930/how-to-temporarily-prevent-a-driver-update-from-reinstalling-in-window. Внимание: с официального сайта утилиту убрали, можно использовать следующий источник для загрузки:
После запуска, программа автоматически выполнит поиск всех доступных обновлений Windows 10 (должно быть активным Интернет-подключение) и предложит два варианта действий.
- Hide updates — скрыть обновления. Отключает установку выбранных вами обновлений.
- Show hidden updates — позволяет заново включить установку скрытых ранее обновлений.
При этом, утилита отображает в списке только те обновления, которые еще не были установлены в системе. То есть, если вы хотите отключить обновление, которое уже установилось, его потребуется сначала удалить с компьютера, например, с помощью команды wusa.exe /uninstall, а уже затем блокировать его установку в Show or hide updates.
Некоторые мысли насчет установки обновлений Windows 10
На мой взгляд, подход с принудительной установкой всех обновлений в системе — не слишком удачный шаг, который может привести как к сбоям системы, с невозможностью оперативно и просто исправить ситуацию, так и просто к недовольству некоторых пользователей.
Однако, слишком беспокоиться на этот счет, пожалуй, не нужно — если сама Microsoft не вернет полноценное управление обновлениями в Windows 10, то, уверен, в ближайшее время появятся сторонние бесплатные программы, которые возьмут эту функцию на себя, а я напишу и о них, и о других способах, без использования стороннего ПО, удалять или отключать обновления.
On Windows 10, cumulative updates download and install automatically to protect your computer from hackers and viruses and run smoothly with the latest performance improvements. The only caveat is that sometimes updates may contain bugs and compatibility issues that can negatively impact the experience.
Although updates are essential and disabling the feature is not recommended, you can use the “Show or hide updates” tool or the PowerShell “PSWindosUpdate” module to block specific updates and drivers from downloading automatically.
This guide will teach you two ways to show or hide cumulative updates on Windows 10.
- Hide cumulative updates using troubleshooter
- Show cumulative updates using troubleshooter
- Hide cumulative updates using PowerShell
- Show cumulative updates using PowerShell
Hide cumulative updates using troubleshooter
To hide Windows 10 updates, use these steps:
Download the Show or hide updates troubleshooter.
Quick note: If the official link is broken, you can alternatively download the “.diagcab” file from a snapshot captured by the Internet Archive website.
Double-click the wushowhide.diagcab file to launch the tool.
Click the Next button.
Click the Hide updates option.
Select the cumulative updates or drivers to block on Windows 10.
Click the Next button.
Click the Close button.
Once you complete the steps, the cumulative update or driver will no longer be available through Windows Update. However, Windows Updates will try to download and install a newer update automatically when it comes out.
If you are trying to block an update installed on the computer, you must uninstall it before blocking it. The option to uninstall updates is available on Settings > Update & Security > Windows Updates > View update history > Uninstall updates.
Show cumulative updates using troubleshooter
To show previously blocked updates, use these steps:
Download the Show or hide updates troubleshooter.
Quick note: If the official link doesn’t work, you can alternatively download the “.diagcab” file from a snapshot captured by the Internet Archive website.
Double-click the wushowhide.diagcab file to launch the tool.
Click the Next button.
Click the “Show hidden updates” option.
Select the cumulative updates or drivers to allow on Windows 10.
Click the Next button.
Click the Close button.
After completing the steps, the package will be available on Windows 10.
Hide cumulative updates using PowerShell
To hide an update on Windows 10 using PowerShell, use these steps:
Open Start.
Search for PowerShell, right-click the top result, and select the Run as administrator option.
Type the following command to install the PowerShell module to update Windows 10 and press Enter:
Install-Module PSWindowsUpdate
Type “A” to accept and install the module and press Enter.
Type the following command to check for Windows 10 updates with PowerShell and press Enter:
Type the following command to select and block the update with PowerShell and press Enter:
Hide-WindowsUpdate -KBArticleID KBNUMBER
In the command, make sure to replace “KBNUMBER” with the update number you want to block. This example blocks the KB5003173 update:
Hide-WindowsUpdate -KBArticleID KB5003173
Type “A” to accept and install the module and press Enter.
(Optional) Type the following command to select and block update when the KB number is not available, and press Enter:
Hide-WindowsUpdate -Title "UPDATE-TITLE"
In the command, make sure to replace “UPDATE-TITLE” with the update number you want to skip. You only need part of the title to make a match. This example blocks the “2021-05 Cumulative Update” package:
Hide-WindowsUpdate -Title "2021-05 Cumulative Update"
Type “A” to accept and install the module and press Enter.
Once you complete the steps, the PowerShell tool will block the update, preventing Windows 10 from downloading and installing it, and the status will appear with an “H” indicating that it is now hidden.
Show cumulative updates using PowerShell
To unhide an update with PowerShell commands, use these steps:
Open Start.
Search for PowerShell, right-click the top result, and select the Run as administrator option.
Type the following command to install the PowerShell module to update Windows 10 and press Enter (if applicable):
Install-Module PSWindowsUpdate
Type A to accept and install the module and press Enter.
Type the following command to check for Windows 10 updates with PowerShell and press Enter:
Type the following command to select and allow the update with PowerShell and press Enter:
Show-WindowsUpdate -KBArticleID KBNUMBER
In the command, make sure to replace “KBNUMBER” with the update number you want to unhide. This example blocks the KB5003173 update:
Show-WindowsUpdate -KBArticleID KB5003173
Type “A” to accept and install the module and press Enter.
(Optional) Type the following command to select and allow the update with PowerShell when the KB number is not available, and press Enter:
Show-WindowsUpdate -Title "UPDATE-TITLE"
In the command, replace “UPDATE-TITLE” with the update number you want to allow through Windows Update. You only need part of the title to make a match. This example blocks the “2021-05 Cumulative Update” package:
Show-WindowsUpdate -Title "2021-05 Cumulative Update"
Type “A” to accept and install the module and press Enter.
After you complete the steps, Windows Update will allow the package again on Windows 10.
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If you face problems with Windows updates, you can temporarily hide/block them. Here’s how to hide updates in Windows 10 and 11.
Microsoft frequently releases updates to patch security vulnerabilities and improve features and stability.
However, specific updates can mess with your system and cause instability from time to time. This is especially true for automatic driver updates on systems with older graphics cards, like the switchable laptop graphics card.
In those situations, you can pause Windows 10 updates. If you think that is too much, you can temporarily hide the updates. Windows will no longer download and install when you hide an update. Here’s how to hide updates in Windows 10 & 11.
Table of contents:
- Using the Show and Hide Updates tool
- PowerShell command to hide Windows updates
Note: Hiding is just a temporary solution. After some time, usually after 30+ days, Windows 10 & 11 will automatically unhide the update and install it.
Microsoft created a simple GUI tool called Show and Hide updates. Using this tool, you can hide any update you want with just a few clicks. Though the tool is mainly intended to hide driver updates, you can also use it to hide other updates.
1. First, download the Show and Hide Update tool. Once downloaded, double-click on the file. Being a portable application, you don’t have to install it.
2. In the main window, click on the “Next” button to continue.
3. Since we want to hide the updates, click on the “Hide Updates” option.
4. The application will now scan your system and lists all the available updates. Select the checkbox next to the update you want to hide and click on the “Next” button.
5. The application will now hide the selected update automatically. Once hidden, you will see the “fixed” message on the next screen. Click on the “Close” button, and you are done.
1.1 Unhide Updates Using Show and Hide Updates Tool
In the future, if you want to unhide the hidden update, follow the below steps.
1. Open the Show and Hide updates tool, click on the “Next” button, and click on the “Show Hidden Updates” option.
2. The application will scan the system and shows all the hidden Windows updates. Select the checkbox next to it and click on the “Next” button to unhide an update.
3. As soon as you click on the button, the update will be unhidden. Once the update is unhidden, Windows 10 will automatically download the update as and when needed.
That is it.
Use PowerShell Command to Hide Windows 10 & 11 Updates
If you are a PowerShell guy, you can use the PowerShell commands to hide or unhide Windows updates quickly. Though the process is easy, you need to download and import a Windows Update module to use the PowerShell command. It is pretty easy to do. Let me show you how.
1. First, we need to install the Windows Update PowerShell Module. We can do that directly from PowerShell itself. So, right-click the Start menu and select the “Windows Terminal (Admin)” or “Windows PowerShell (Admin)” option.
2. In the PowerShell tab/window, execute the below command. If PowerShell prompts you to install the Nuget module, type “Y” to continue. After installing the Nuget module, run the below command again to install the Windows Update PowerShell module.
If you are wondering, the -Force flag will remove all the prompts and make the installation smooth. You can remove the -Force flag and execute the command if you want.
Install-Module -Name PSWindowsUpdate -Force
3. By default, PowerShell uses a Restricted execution policy that blocks script execution. Since we want to execute a script, change the PowerShell execution policy from Restricted to RemoteSigned.
4. Though we’ve added the PSWindowsUpdate module. We need to import it formally. To do that, execute the below command. If the module is imported successfully, you will not see any output.
5. Before you can hide an update using PowerShell, you need to know its name or KB number. So, use the below command to list all the available updates for your system. The command might take a few seconds to return the results.
6. To hide an update using the KB number, highlight the KB number of the update you want to hide using the mouse and right-click inside the PowerShell window to copy the number.
7. Next, use the command below to hide the target update. Replace KB_Number with the actual KB number.
Hide-WUUpdate -KBArticleID KB_Number
8. When prompted, type A and press Enter. If the update is successfully hidden, you will see “H” under the update status.
9. If there is no KB number available for an update, you can use the update title. For instance, driver updates often don’t have a KD number. To do that, get a list of all the updates using the Get-WUList
cmdlet. Next, copy the update title from the PowerShell window. Just a part of the title is enough. Just make sure that it is unique from other update titles. For instance, I’m copying “Realtek Semiconductor.” There is no further update with those letters/words in the list.
10. Next, use the below command to hide the update. Don’t forget to replace “UpdateTitle” with the actual update title.
Hide-WUUpdate -Title "UpdateTitle"
11. When asked for confirmation, type A and press Enter to confirm the change. Once the update is hidden, you will see “H” under the update status.
2.1 PowerShell Command to Unhide Updates
12. To unhide an update, use one of the below two commands.
- Using KB number
Hide-WUUpdate -KBArticleID KB_Number -HideStatus:$false
- Using the update title
Hide-WUUpdate -Title "UpdateTitle" -HideStatus:$false
That is all. It is that simple to hide updates in Windows 10 using PowerShell or a first-party tool.
If you like this article, check out how to check Windows updates size and how to change a network location from public to private in Windows 10.
Unlike the previous versions of Windows, Microsoft made it a lot harder to manage the updates in Windows 10 and later. In fact, there are no built-in options to hide the unwanted updates. One way to do it, though, is to use the official troubleshooting app to temporarily hide the updates you don’t want to install.
Alternatively, you can also hide updates using PowerShell in Windows. Unless otherwise noted, the steps below work for both Windows 10 and 11.
If you need troubleshooting help for Windows update problems, turn to SetupDiag.
Note: none of the commands covered below are case sensitive.
Accessing PowerShell in Windows
While Windows 10 listed PowerShell in the power users start menu, it’s noticeably absent in the Windows 11 power users start menu. However, it’s still easy to get to by doing the following:
- Press Win + X and select «Windows Terminal (Admin).»
- Windows Terminal lets you access both PowerShell and Command Prompt from a single interface. By default, it’s set to PowerShell. Alternately, you can install PowerShell separately from Microsoft.
Odds are, you might still be using Windows 10, especially since less than 3% of devices are running Windows 11. If so, use the steps below to access PowerShell instead.
Older versions of Windows 10 didn’t include PowerShell. However, if your system is up to date, PowerShell is already installed. If you need to install it, visit Windows Update (Settings -> Update & Security -> Windows Update) to install the latest version of Windows 10. If you need help along the way, our troubleshooting guide for the latest Windows 10 problems will help you.
Press Win + X or right-click the Start menu. Select Windows PowerShell (Admin). This option allows you to execute commands with admin rights. Of course, this only works if your Windows 10 account actually has admin privileges.
Tip: customize your Windows Terminal to make the most of it.
Unrestrict Access
By default, your user account will have restricted access, and you won’t be able to run any external scripts in PowerShell. To run external scripts, you need to set the execution policy to Unrestricted using the following steps.
- Enter the below command in PowerShell and press the Enter button.
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
- As soon as you execute the command, you will be asked for a confirmation. Press the A key followed by Enter on your keyboard. From this point onward, your user account will have unrestricted access.
- You can check the current execution policy of your user account using the below command. As you can see in the screenshot below, I have unrestricted access.
After changing the execution policy, you are free to use PowerShell however you want.
By default, Windows PowerShell doesn’t include the commands to manage Windows Updates. Instead, you have to install the PSWindowsUpdate module. You can do this directly within PowerShell as long as you have unrestricted admin access.
- Open PowerShell and enter:
Install-Module -Name PSWindowsUpdate
- Type «Y» to confirm that you also want to also install NuGet, which is required to use PSWindowsUpdate. Please note that you must be connected to the Internet to do this.
- If you get a warning about an untrusted repository, type «Y» to confirm you want to continue.
The installation process should only take a few minutes in most cases. You’ll return to the normal PowerShell prompt once everything’s complete.
Hiding Updates Based on Title
Before you can hide updates using PowerShell, you need to see a list of what’s currently pending and the name of the update to hide it.
- Use the below command to get a list of all of the available Windows updates.
- Find the update you want to hide and note the title of the update — you’ll need the title if the update doesn’t have a KB number. You can also use the KB number. (See the next section.) Enter the following command and press the Enter button to hide the update. Don’t forget to replace
with the actual title.
Hide-WindowsUpdate -Title "UpdateName*"
We can use the wildcard (*) before and after the title as long as part of the title is correct and unique. If you don’t want to bother with the wildcards, just enter the full update title.
In PowerShell, you can highlight and copy a section of text to avoid having to type everything. This also prevents mistyping errors.
- PowerShell asks you to confirm your action. Press the A key followed by Enter on your keyboard.
- This action hides the target Windows Update. Confirm that by looking at the letter
under «Status.» The letter H stands for «Hidden.»
Hiding Updates Based on KB Number
Alternatively, you can hide a Windows update using its KB Article ID with the command below. Don’t forget to replace «KBNumber» with the ID of the update you want to hide.
Hide-WindowsUpdate -KBArticleID KBNumber
Again, PowerShell will ask you for confirmation. Enter the letter A and press the Enter button.
Unhide Updates
In the future, if you want to unhide the update, you’ll need to display the update list using a different command. The original Get-WUList
doesn’t show hidden updates.
- Use the following command to display the update list:
- Type L to say «No» to all. Otherwise, you’ll view details about each individual update, then see a list of all updates, including hidden ones.
- Use one of the following commands to unhide them, replacing «KBNumber» with the actual KB number or «UpdateTitle» with the title. Only use one command or the other, not both at the same time.
Show-WindowsUpdate -KBArticleID KBNumber Show-WindowsUpdate -Title UpdateTitle
- The above action will again ask you for confirmation; simply confirm the action, and you will have your update back.
If you’ve hidden numerous updates and want to show them again, use the following command:
Type A to show all updates, including any you’ve hidden. This is a quick way to restore all hidden updates at once versus entering individual titles or KB numbers.
To wrap it up, change your execution policy back to Restricted using the below command. Having your user account run the scripts with unrestricted access could leave your system vulnerable.
Set-ExecutionPolicy Restricted
To further manage your Windows updates using PowerShell, enter the following:
Get-Command -module PSWindowsUpdate
This gives you a list of all available update management commands within this module.
What You Can and Can’t Do via PowerShell
Before you get too excited about being able to hide updates using PowerShell, there are a few things to keep in mind. This shouldn’t be seen as a way to stop all Windows updates. As you can see in the steps above, you’re hiding individual updates one at a time, not all updates at once.
Plus, you’d need to visit PowerShell likely weekly to check for any new updates that may have been released. This will get tedious quickly, and you’re likely to miss some.
Use PowerShell only as a method to hide certain updates that you know you don’t want at all, or use it as an indefinite pause on specific updates, such as those where users are reporting issues after updating.
If you need to pause all updates and don’t want to enter each one manually in PowerShell, you have two other options. One of them is «Settings -> Windows Update -> Pause Updates.»
To pause updates longer than the five weeks listed within Windows Update, you can also set your Internet connection to metered. By default, Windows won’t download updates automatically on metered connections.
- Go to «Settings -> Network & internet -> Wi-Fi» or «Settings -> Network & internet -> Ethernet,» depending on your connection.
- Select your network name.
- Set «Metered connection» to On.
You’ll receive notifications about new updates, but you have to manually choose to download them. This also gives you a longer window to review updates and see whether there are any you want to hide via PowerShell.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any other ways to stop Windows updates that I don’t want?
Depending on the version of Windows you have, there are multiple ways to pause and stop updates completely. From registry edits to third-party tools, try these methods to control which updates run on your PC. After all, sometimes Windows updates don’t always work as intended, so if you’d prefer to wait and see if there are any hiccups from other users first, these methods should let you do so.
Is it safe to hide updates?
Outside of security updates and critical fixes, it is safe to hide updates. Perhaps you like Windows the way it is and don’t want or need certain new features. For instance, maybe you like Paint the way it was before Microsoft updated the UI. Not having such features isn’t going to break Windows, but always install the latest security fixes to keep your system safe.
Why can’t I change my account to unrestricted?
Even if you’re running the admin version of PowerShell or Terminal, if your user account doesn’t have admin rights, you may not be able to grant yourself unrestricted access. Instead, you’d need the PC’s admin account to grant your account these rights.
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Crystal Crowder has spent over 15 years working in the tech industry, first as an IT technician and then as a writer. She works to help teach others how to get the most from their devices, systems, and apps. She stays on top of the latest trends and is always finding solutions to common tech problems.
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