Windows theme pack for windows 10

Что Microsoft только не делала с дизайном Windows — каждый релиз новой версии операционной системы сопровождался обновлением внешнего вида: Luna в XP, Aero в Vista и 7, а затем не очень удачный Metro в Windows 8.1. Лишь спустя несколько лет, с выходом 10-й версии, дизайнеры Microsoft наконец определились со стилем своих продуктов и появился Fluent Design. Однако, даже сейчас Windows 10 выглядит не очень — система по-прежнему смотрится устаревшей на фоне других ОС. Но никто не мешает ставить сторонние темы для рабочего стола и всей системы в целом — в этой статье собраны самые популярные и красивые пакеты оформления, а также инструкция по установке.

Вы захотите скачать: 15 тем для Windows 10

Big Sur

15 тем для Windows 10, меняющих систему до неузнаваемости. Долго искал четвёртую!

Первой темой будет Big Sur, которая понравится любителям дизайна Apple. Кроме внешнего вида окон и иконок, этот пак включает в себя виджеты для Rainmeter, а также скин для приложений, имитирующих Dock из macOS — Rocketdock или Nexus.


15 тем для Windows 10, меняющих систему до неузнаваемости. Долго искал четвёртую!

15 тем для Windows 10, меняющих систему до неузнаваемости. Долго искал четвёртую!

Эта тема определённо понравится любителям минимализма. Ничего лишнего, только самое необходимое. Одним из достоинств её являются частые обновления — разработчик регулярно исправляет баги и добавляет поддержку новых версий Windows 10.


15 тем для Windows 10, меняющих систему до неузнаваемости. Долго искал четвёртую!

В отличие от других тем, эта не меняет стиль системы кардинально, а лишь немного дополняет его — более минималистичный проводник с обновлёнными иконками поможет освежить пользовательский опыт, добавив в него новые краски.

Windows 10X

15 тем для Windows 10, меняющих систему до неузнаваемости. Долго искал четвёртую!

15 тем для Windows 10, меняющих систему до неузнаваемости. Долго искал четвёртую!

Релиз Windows 10X уже не за горами, а умельцы в интернете уже перенесли своё виденье дизайна будущей ОС на текущую версию Windows. Эта тема меняет не только внешний вид окон и иконок, но и имеет свои скины для PotPlayer, foobar2000 и различных приложений для имитации Dock.


15 тем для Windows 10, меняющих систему до неузнаваемости. Долго искал четвёртую!

Papyros — это качественная адаптация популярной темы для Linux с названием Papyrus, внешний вид которой вдохновлён Material Design. Для пользователей доступно 5 разных вариаций тем с разными цветами заголовков, а также огромный набор системных иконок и приложений.


15 тем для Windows 10, меняющих систему до неузнаваемости. Долго искал четвёртую!

Встроенная тёмная тема Windows хороша, но она затрагивает лишь часть системы, оставляя некоторые белые участки. На этот счёт есть Penumbra — это минималистичный пак оформления, напоминающий по цветам продукты Adobe.


15 тем для Windows 10, меняющих систему до неузнаваемости. Долго искал четвёртую!

Особенностью этой темы является поддержка размытия заголовков окон, а также полностью чёрный фон приложений. Кроме этого, у Janguru есть свои значки курсора, большой набор иконок и виджетов для Rainmeter.

Gray Dark

15 тем для Windows 10, меняющих систему до неузнаваемости. Долго искал четвёртую!

15 тем для Windows 10, меняющих систему до неузнаваемости. Долго искал четвёртую!

Ещё одна тема, выполненная в тёмных тонах. Не одним проводником единым — в комплекте с Gray Dark идёт набор скинов для StartIsBack, а также опциональный набор иконок, дополняющий тему. На выбор доступно несколько цветовых вариаций, их видно на скриншотах выше.

Gray Light

15 тем для Windows 10, меняющих систему до неузнаваемости. Долго искал четвёртую!

Gray Light — это противоположность теме Dark Gray. Вместо оттенков серого теперь преобладает белый, других значительных отличий нет. Кроме самого пака оформления, в описании также лежат ссылки на обои, что стоят на скриншотах выше.


15 тем для Windows 10, меняющих систему до неузнаваемости. Долго искал четвёртую!

В отличие от других тёмных тем, эта выполнена не в чёрных и серых тонах, а в мятных, в паре со строгими значками. Отличным дополнением будет скин для StartIsBack и разные вариации оформления. А частые обновления оперативно исправляют баги и различные недоработки.

Windows 20

15 тем для Windows 10, меняющих систему до неузнаваемости. Долго искал четвёртую!

15 тем для Windows 10, меняющих систему до неузнаваемости. Долго искал четвёртую!

Эта тема была вдохновлена концептом с названием «Windows 20» от Avdan. Конечно, перенести дизайн полностью не вышло, но максимально приблизиться к оригиналу получилось. Тут и иконки в стиле Fluent Design, и закругления на месте.


15 тем для Windows 10, меняющих систему до неузнаваемости. Долго искал четвёртую!

Надоели скучные монохромные темы? На этот случай есть Dracula, которая привносит больше красок в оформление системы. Вместо оттенков серого, преобладают фиолетовые тона и градиенты. Также доступны разные вариации иконок для закрытия или сворачивания окон, скины для StartIsBack и оформление для Microsoft Office.

Discord Theme

15 тем для Windows 10, меняющих систему до неузнаваемости. Долго искал четвёртую!

Ещё одной интересной темой будет Discord Theme, так как она использует цвета и оформление одноимённого мессенджера для геймеров. Приятные для глаза оттенки помогут в снижении напряжения при использовании компьютера.


15 тем для Windows 10, меняющих систему до неузнаваемости. Долго искал четвёртую!

15 тем для Windows 10, меняющих систему до неузнаваемости. Долго искал четвёртую!

Не обошлось и без прозрачных тем, что слегка напоминают Aero из прошлых версий Windows. Для корректного отображения прозрачности необходимо установить дополнительную программу под названием «Glass8», ссылка на которую есть в описании пака оформления.

BIB 2.0

15 тем для Windows 10, меняющих систему до неузнаваемости. Долго искал четвёртую!

Последней темой в подборке станет BIB 2.0. Это минималистичный пак оформления для Windows, с тремя вариациями кнопок заголовка окон, приятными иконками и с поддержкой мониторов с высокой плотностью пикселей.

Как устанавливать темы для Windows 10

Основой всех тем для Windows является приложение под названием UltraUXThemePatcher. Оно активирует поддержку сторонних пакетов оформления. Устанавливаем его и перезагружаем компьютер.

Затем, скачанные файлы тем (файлы с расширением .theme) необходимо поместить в папку по пути C:\Windows\Resources\Themes. После этого, кликаем правой кнопкой мыши по рабочему столу и выбираем пункт «Персонализация», а потом «Темы». Список должен пополниться свежеустановленными пакетами оформления.

Для корректного отображения тем необходимо дополнительно установить ещё одно приложение — OldNewExplorer. С его помощью можно убрать ленту в «Проводнике», сделав файловый менеджер похожим на тот, что стоит в Windows 7.

К сожалению, единого метода для замены системных значков на кастомные нет, но в архивах с каждой темой есть инструкции в виде текстовых файлов, некоторые из них требуют установки дополнительного ПО.

Внимание! Всегда делайте точку восстановления системы перед любыми модификациями Windows.

Windows 10 is the most widely used operating system throughout the world. It is well known for its wide range of customization options and ease of use. However, when it comes to looks, it might get boring to have the very same old one over and over again.

Fortunately, on Windows 10, we can install and apply various themes and skins. This allows us to give a different look to our desktop screen whenever we want some change.

On the internet, there are many customization tools for Windows 10 and have different types of skin packs such as Rainmeter skins, Mac OS, Aero Glass, etc. So, here we compile some of the best Windows themes you might want to check out.

Best Windows 10 Themes and Skins in 2023

1. Mac OS X El Capitan

Mac OS X El Capitan

If you admire the MacOSX look, you must try this theme on your Windows 10 PC. The OS X El Capitan theme comes with an exquisite desktop screen.

It has many features, and the app drawer will surely remind you of the MacOSX. Although this theme is priced, you can download the lite version for free.

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2. Ubuntu Theme For Windows 10

Ubuntu Theme For Windows 10

It is a highly customizable theme and probably best for your Windows 10 desktop. This transforms your PC with a Ubuntu-type interface that looks clean and refreshing on the screen. It also contains features such as keyboard shortcuts, colorful themes, etc.

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3. Aero Glass

Aero Glass

If you want something that can provide you with a huge number of customizing options, this theme is for you. Aero Glass gives your machine a completely transparent look. The glassy appearance looks more comforting to the eyes with the right wallpaper.

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4. Flattastic


The Flattastic theme could be the right pick for you if you want a clean yet attractive interface for your desktop. It comes with the least design but can capture your attention. Flattastic is available in 8 light and 8 dark versions.

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5. Windows 10 Dark Theme

Windows 10 Dark Theme

The Dark Theme is possibly the best theme for your Windows 10 system. It gives a completely dark look to your desktop, along with various black shades.

However, the theme is highly color-contrasting, so a few programs might look different. Other than this, the installation process is pretty simple, and the theme itself looks perfect on the screen.

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6. Simplify 10

Simplify 10It is one of the underrated theme packs for Windows 10 on DeviantArt. Simplify 10 gives your Windows 10 a new fantastic touch. These theme packs are 100% trusted and offered by a core member.

One more thing about Simplify 10 is that there are different types of skin packs in subcategories, such as Colorful pack, light pack, dark pack, and maverick pack. On the other hand, you can also choose your favorite colors in these packs.

You need to follow the instructions to install these theme packs on your Windows system and enjoy it. You can further customize it as per your needs.

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7. Stardock Start 10

Stardock Start 10

With the Stardock Start 10, you can customize your desktop. You can modify every part the way you want. Moreover, the theme is very lightweight and comes with a sparse design. The start menu is again a simple and eye-catching element to talk about.

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8. Anime Theme

Anime Theme

The anime industry has gained huge popularity in a short time. And a theme like this might be the one every anime fan needs. You can check out an amazing collection of anime themes from the link below.

Apart from this, you can also change the color of some elements accordingly to give a more suitable look to your desktop screen.

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9. XP Themes Final

XP Themes FinalIf you miss the classic old look of Windows XP, guys, here we have a skin pack that can give you the feel of Windows XP.

It supported five different types of custom looks of Windows XP that can be supported on all types of Windows 10 OS.

People who once used Windows XP in their old times want to get this theme pack and feel it again.

The incredible thing about this theme pack is that it is lightweight and does not consume much space in Windows 10. You can easily customize and roll back changes in your computer system.

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10. Nvidia Theme for Windows 10

Nvidia Theme for Windows 10As you know, Nvidia is one of the leading companies in the field of developing graphic cards. People fond of gaming and use high graphics cards sometimes love to apply Nvidia themes to their Windows system to give a beast look.

It is the best fit for those already using Nvidia graphical unit and after applying this theme to their computer. It will give you a hard-core look at the system. In addition, you can change and customize the Nvidia control panel and other elements of Windows in it.

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11. Aurora Borealis

Aurora BorealisThis theme’s wallpapers depict breathtaking scenes of the Aurora Borealis dancing through the skies of Iceland and Norway.

There are a total of 8 backgrounds featuring the Aurora Borealis over icy landscapes, oceans, and mountain peaks. Since nighttime is the only time to observe the Aurora Borealis, the wallpapers in this theme are on the darker side.

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12. Ades Skin

Ades Skin

Ades Skin comes up with a unique green interface to transform gray shades into beauty. The theme will perfectly fit with simple and fussy users. No doubt, the whole package of theme give your system a fresh look.

Although the theme is compatible with Windows 10, it requires an UltraUXThemePatcher system patch. Otherwise, Ades Skin is one of the lightweight Windows 10 themes.

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13. Pembura 10

Pembura 10

Pembura 10 is jam-packed with numerous amazing customization features that will leave you amazed. With it, you can change the actual visual style of Windows 10; tweaking the computer’s background will be child’s play.

Furthermore, you can play with the interface, mouse cursor, and many other elements. Above, Pembura 10 is one of the complete Windows 10 skins.

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14. Grey Eve Skin

Grey Even Skin

No doubt, the dark theme is widely used across all devices nowadays. It not only offers an elegant dark look but also reduces eyestrain.

Even though the theme provides a consistent look, there are some programs that might look different because of high contrast. However, it could be the perfect choice for those who looking for a dark theme.

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15. Arc X

Arc X theme

Arc X is yet another amazing theme that has gained popularity. One of the best things I love about the theme is the color scheme, it lets you feel like a Linux system.

Although the theme doesn’t make drastic changes, it just provides an amazing look to the existing theme. Most impressively, the black-and-white color combination falls you love with this theme.

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From Editor’s Desk

So, you must try out these themes in 2023 to get a new look for your PC. Some of them are highly customizable and let you create a design of your wish. Besides, they feature a minimalistic design and are extremely easy to install and use.

Have you applied any theme to your Windows 10 PC? If yes, let us know which theme you use, or else you can also choose one from our list.

The default theme of Windows 10 is excellent but if you are looking to give a new design or look to your Windows 10 PC, you might be looking for some attractive windows 10 themes or skins.

Windows themes not only change your PC’s visual interface but also enhances the user experience.

It adds a new look to the mouse cursor, screen background, desktop icon, icon packs and even file, and folder format on your Windows 10 PC.

Some themes even give a good option to customize the look of your PC according to your wishes.

Also Read– Best RainMeter Skins For Windows 10, 8, 7

Also Read– How To Install Custom Windows 10 Themes

In this article, we bring you the top 15 cool Windows 10 themes for your desktop computer or laptops which you can choose according to your choice and likes.

We have also provided their download link and guide on how to install them.

Table Of Contents

  • Top Windows 10 Themes And Skins of 2023:
    • 1. Flattastic
    • 2. HD Theme For Windows 10: Star Wars Theme
    • 3. Ubuntu Theme For Windows 10: Ubuntu SkinPack
    • 4. Windows 10 Sound Theme: Angry Birds theme
    • 5. cakeOS
    • 6. Windows XP theme
    • 7. Windows 10 Dark Theme: GreyEve Theme
    • 8. Simplify 10
    • 9. macOS Big Sur Theme
    • 10. Meteor Showers
    • 11. ArcX
    • 12. Aero Glass
    • 13. Paint 3D Creatures
    • 14. Penumbra 10
    • 15. McLaren Senna Track Day
    • 16. Diversityx VS
    • Nvidia Control Panel

Top Windows 10 Themes And Skins of 2023:

So here are the best themes for windows 10 that you might like to install on your PC.

1. Flattastic

flattastic - Best Windows 10 Themes and Skins

This is one of the best windows 10 themes that have a minimalistic look but looks awesome when used on your computer.

This theme has sixteen versions, which include 8 versions of Flattastic Light theme and 8 versions of a Flattastic Dark theme.

2. HD Theme For Windows 10: Star Wars Theme


If you are a fan of the Star Wars franchise then the Star Wars Theme might impress you. This theme for windows 10 is one of the best HD themes that you can install on your PC and it conists of 33 HD wallpapers.

The theme is easy to install and completely free to use.

3. Ubuntu Theme For Windows 10: Ubuntu SkinPack

Windows 10 ubuntu theme

This cool theme completely transforms your Windows UI looks and gives you the experience of using the Ubuntu operating system on your Windows 10.

It is one of the best theme for Windows 10, most of the features of this software can be customized, such as the color theme, keyboard shortcuts and mouse gestures Basically, Ubuntu Skin Pack refreshes your Windows interface with some great appearances.

4. Windows 10 Sound Theme: Angry Birds theme

angry bird theme

If you are looking for a theme with good sound effects. You might want to try the Angry Birds Theme for Windows 10.

You can enjoy the desktop backgrounds from Angry birds, and enjoy some chirping.

You can try more sound themes like the age of empires, Gears of war and more.

5. cakeOS

cake os - Best Windows 10 Themes and Skins

The next interesting skin for Windows 10 on the list is cakeOS. This colorful Windows 10 theme will offer a complete makeover to your desktop.

The theme consists of vibrant buttons and icons. Furthermore, the theme offers an extensive collection of wallpapers and it also has a dedicated dark mode.

Overall, cakeOS is a highly customizable Windows 10 theme.

6. Windows XP theme

Windows XP theme

Perhaps one of the best windows 10 themes or skins that will bring back all the nostalgia is Windows XP, one of the best windows version of all time.

To use this classic windows XP theme you will first need to download and Install “uxstyle Theme Patcher”

Now Unzip & Copy “Windows XP” folder to:- C:l Windows:l Resources:l Themes folder.

Now Go to Desktop Personalize & apply “XP Luna”, “XP Metallic”, “XP Olive”, “XP Royale” or “XP Zune” theme.

If you want to completely run Windows XP side by side on your Windows 10 PC. You can use a Windows XP emulator for that purpose.

Here’s How To Make Windows 10 PC Look Like Windows XP or Windows 7

7. Windows 10 Dark Theme: GreyEve Theme

windows 10 dark theme - Best Windows 10 Themes and Skins

The next impressive theme on the list is Windows 10 Dark Theme. This is possibly one of the best Windows 10 dark themes you can get on the Internet.

The theme perfectly blacks out the Windows 10 with different shades of black color.

Once you download the ZIP file for this theme place it in


and then go to Settings>Personalization>Themes and select it from the list.

8. Simplify 10

simplify 10 - Best Windows 10 Themes and Skins

This theme does exactly as its name suggests. This best themes for PC offers a very clean and minimal look to your desktop.

Overall aesthetics of the Simplify theme may even help in increasing your productivity and keeping your desktop clean.

Simplify Theme pack comes with 5 elegant and minimalistic Windows 10 Themes. You can save these themes in AppData and apply them to personalization settings.

9. macOS Big Sur Theme

macOS Big Sur Theme

At WWDC 2020, Apple unveiled the new macOS Big Sur. This time around, macOS has received a complete design overhaul, and thanks to the macOS Big Sur theme you can use macOS Big Sur on Windows 10.

The theme brings many macOS exclusive features like the dock, finder, new control panel, picture-in-picture video player, launchpad, and much more to Windows 7.

10. Meteor Showers


If you are looking for something dynamic then Meteor Showers Windows 10 theme might impress you. Luckily this theme can be directly downloaded from the Microsoft Store.

The theme consists of 18 high quality images that will definitely make your dekstop visually impressive. Furthermore, Meteor Showers theme is completely free.

11. ArcX

arc x - Best Windows 10 Themes and Skins

If you have been scouting for a minimal theme with black and white color accents, then Arc will definitely impress you.

This Windows 10 theme has a decent collection of icon packs which further enhances the customizability of this theme.

12. Aero Glass

Aero Glass

Next up on the list is the Aero Glass theme. The theme offers a glassy transparent interface without changing the layout of the original Windows OS.

You can customize this free theme as per your preference.

Some noteworthy features of Aero Glass are complete integration into the desktop window manager and transparent borders for every program.

13. Paint 3D Creatures

Paint 3D Creatures

If you want a colorful desktop that’s eyecatching and stands out from the crowd then do check out Paint 3D Creatures. The wallpapers in this theme consist of weird yet colorful 3D creatures that provide a unique look to your desktop.

Paint 3D Creatures has around 11 wallpapers and you can install this theme pack directly from the Microsoft Store.

14. Penumbra 10

Penumbra 10

There are many good themes for windows 10 but the next on this list is perfect for minimalism loving Windows 10 users.

This free and HD theme set conists of neutral colors and dark aesthics. Similar to Windows XP theme you have to manually apply the patches and place the theme’s files in the right folder.

15. McLaren Senna Track Day

McLaren Senna Track Day

The next best Windows 10 theme was on our list of windows 10 themes 2021 and it is still on the 2022 list. McLaren Senna Track Day can be directly downloaded from the Microsoft Store. If you are a fan of McLaren Senna supercar or a car enthusiast in general then this theme will definitely impress you.

This car theme consists of 10 HD wallpapers and it can be used in Windows 11/ Windows 10 / Windows 8 (8.1) / Windows 7. Lastly, McLaren Senna Track Day is completely free to use.

16. Diversityx VS


Last on the list of Best Windows 10 Themes we have Diversityx VS. If you’re on the lookout for a perfect blend between a dark and a light theme then Diversityx VS will definitely impress you.

In addition to a perfect color palette, Diversityx VS has multiple transparent elements that will definitely make your PC look unique.

The setup process of Diversityx VS is quite straightforward and you can get started within a few minutes.


Nvidia Control Panel


If you have made it so far in this article and you are a gamer, then here’s a bonus theme for you that will completely transform the look and feel of your desktop.

Well, Nvidia Control Panel gives a gamer look to every system program installed on your PC. The overall black and green Nvidia accent is excellent to look at.

You can also try Windows 11 themes on your windows 10 PC

Check out our video for the 10 best Windows 10 Themes:


So these were some of the best windows 10 themes or skins that will make your windows PC look more beautiful.

If you know of any other good PC theme that we should add to the list, then do let us know in the comments section below.

#UPDATE- New Windows 10 theme updated for 2022

If we talk about the best-ever desktop operating system, Windows 10 will undoubtedly lead the list. It’s not that other desktop operating systems don’t exist, but Windows provides users with more features and customization options compared to every other.

On Windows, you can easily install Skin packs and themes to customize the operating system’s look. In this article, we have decided to share a list of the best Windows 10 skins or themes that will enhance your Windows 10 OS look.

Also Read: Best Free Windows 11 Themes, Skins & Icon Packs for Windows 10

All of the Skins and themes listed in the article were available on the Internet. Some are premium, whereas others require a license key to activate. So, let’s check out the best Windows 10 Themes and Skins packs to enhance the look of your windows 10‘s computer.

1. Mac OS X El Capitan

Mac OS X El Capitan

If you are searching for a Windows 10 theme that can replicate the look of MacOSX, then the Mac OS X El Captain theme might be the best pick for you. It has many features, including the app drawer, which looks similar to Mac OS X.

Apart from these, the theme pack also changes the icons and mouse cursor style and replaces the taskbar with a Mac Dock.

2. Aero Glass

Aero Glass

It’s another cool skin that can give your Windows 10 a great look. This skin gives a native look of the Aero Glass interface on your Windows 10 PC, and you will get an excellent glassy transparent interface. It’s free to download and provides users with many customization options.

3. Ubuntu SkinPack

Ubuntu SkinPack

Many of you have used Ubuntu OS, and you can get the complete interface of Ubuntu on your Windows 10 with this cool theme that will convert your Windows 10 PC to Ubuntu.

It’s one of the best windows 10 Skin packs or themes to get the Ubuntu-type interface. When it comes to compatibility, Ubuntu Skinpack is compatible with Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.

4. Soft Light Theme for Windows 10


It is one of the most beautiful themes you can try on your Windows 10 computer. This theme will enhance your Operating system look. It will change your OS look to a Notebook one, and the best part is you can customize its colors according to your wish.

The skin also offers plenty of color schemes and wallpapers, leading to superior customization satisfaction.

5. Simplify 10 Vanilla


It is another beautiful theme that is clean and elegant. The theme is borderless and shares a similar look to any online cloud service. It will change and overall enhance your operating system look.

So, if you want a simplistic theme that is entirely free to download & use, you need to download and enjoy the Vanilla theme.

6. 3D Theme

3D Theme

It is one of the top-rated Windows 10 themes you can use now. The Windows 10 theme will greatly transform the look and feel of your operating system.

Guess what? 3D Theme features HD wallpapers in 3D graphics, which looks amazing. The theme is entirely free to download and use. The theme pack offers 17 HD wallpapers, each giving an illusion of 3D graphics.

7. XP Themes Final

XP Themes Final

Do you miss the classic look of Windows XP on Windows 10? If yes, then you will love this ThemeTheme for sure. This brings the classic Windows XP user interface to your Windows 10 computer. This is the final build of the Windows XP theme, and it’s compatible with every Windows 10 build.

You can also try running Windows XP emulator to use the XP interface on your Windows 10 PC.

8. Simplify 10

Simplify 10

Well, it’s a theme pack consisting of 20 awesome themes. The pack of 20 elegant and minimalistic Windows 10 themes will change the entire interface of your PC. However, unlike all, Simplify 10 is not free. You need to pay $5.99 to grab all 20 themes.

9. Dark Fantasy Landscape

Dark Fantasy Landscape

If you are looking for a no-mess and easy-to-install Theme for your Windows 10 computer, then Dark Fantasy Landscape might be your best pick. The ThemeTheme mainly focuses on imaginary landscapes and tiny figures in the background that inspire awe.

10. Ades Skin

Ades Skin

This one breathes a huge amount of freshness into the Windows UI. The ThemeTheme is exceptionally lightweight and adopts your PC’s existing skin. The theme is free to use and fully compatible with the latest version of Windows.

11. Flattastic


If you prefer a minimalistic look on desktop, Flattastic should be your top choice. This lightweight Windows 10 theme replaces your Windows 10 desktop with a flat look.

The colors used in the themes gives a pleasant feeling, and it has 16 different versions – eight light and 8 dark design. To use this theme on your Windows 10, you first need to use the UXTheme Patcher, which you can download from the shared link.

12. Windows XP Theme for Windows 10

Windows XP Theme

Want to experience the classic Windows XP on your Windows 10? You need to give Windows XP Theme a try. The ultimate goal of this Windows 10 theme is to give users the feel of Windows XP, whose support Microsoft ended a long time ago.

The theme is lightweight and won’t trigger high RAM/CPU usage problems. The only thing you need to do is to install UxStyle before you proceed to install this theme on your Windows 10 PC.

13. Anime Theme

Anime Theme

The Themepack website has hundreds of Anime themes for Windows 10 that you can download and use for free. You will have themes of your favorite anime series & characters like Chainsaw Man, Yuju Itadori, Chongyun (Genshin Impact), etc.

All you need to do is to explore the Anime category on the Themepack website and download your favorite theme. Almost all themes are free to download and can be used on Windows 10 and 11.

14. Penumbra


If you are bored of the bright Windows interface and want to liven things up, Penumbra 10 Skin could be your next best pick. This is a skin back for Windows 10 that provides a few customization options.

You can customize the grey tints that the skin brings, tweak the background, interface color, sounds and mouse cursor appearance, etc. You will need UXTheme Patcher theme engine service to patch the theme as you like.

15. Earth from Above

Earth from Above

Earth from Above is a top-rated Windows theme you can download from the Microsoft Store. The theme is fully compatible with Windows 10/11, bringing 14 images of each from above the sky.

The set of 14 images looks premium and in 4K quality. So, if you want to try something different, Earth from Above is the best Windows 10 theme you should use.

So above are the Best HD Windows 10 Themes. Get the themes and make your PC look more fashionable than your expectations. I hope you like these cool themes; please share them with your friends, and leave a comment about your favorite one too.

Are you bored of looking at the same Desktop Screen, Start Home daily, and want to customize your PC? If yes, then follow our top 10 Windows 10 Theme Packs that you can use to beautify your Monitor. Microsoft regularly releases new themes at its Store, however, that changes only the running Wallpapers or at most the taskbar color. 

In this post, we have discussed the best 10 Skin Packs that are available online and will definitely change the overall look of the computer. Once you download the particular theme pack, make sure to create a system backup then only install the downloaded file. If you are more interested in changing the wallpapers, have a look at our 60 best themes available at Windows Store.

Here are the ten cool and HD Windows 10 Skin Packs that are available in 2023 –

A Quick Note

We suggest creating a system restore point prior to installing any theme discussed above. This is because if anything goes wrong, you can easily use the system backups to restore your PC to an earlier state.

Additionally, to avoid trouble after installing a third-party app, one should install the ​UXTheme Patcher. 

1. GreyEve Theme

If you prefer dark mode over the light interface, you must give GreyEve Theme a try. This is a great theme pack and is currently available on Github.

Moreover, this is one of the best and top-rated Windows 10 skin that is developed with the default Microsoft Theming engine. Being a high-contrast theme, this changes the entire Windows interface into dark mode. 

Windows 10 Themes of the Year 2020

Download GreyEve Theme

2. Ubuntu Theme

Windows 10 has progressed so much that we completely forget how we get fascinated with the smooth and easy navigation on Ubuntu.

If you do want to customize the Windows 10 screen with the interface of Ubuntu, you may do so by installing this skin pack. This is one of the best ways to replicate Ubuntu back into Windows.

Windows 10 Theme Pack - Ubuntu

Get Ubuntu Theme 

3. Windows 11 Dark 

Installing Windows 11 Dark Theme Pack will enable the dark mode feature on Windows 10. Unlike GreyEve, this provides a transparent screen with icons appearing yellowish.

The best thing about Windows 11 Dark is that it changes the icons and wallpapers at a fixed interval of time. 

Windows 10 Themes of the Year 2020

Get Windows 11 Dark

4. Mac OS Big

Mac OS Big is again a great theme available at SkinPacks that can provide a Mac OS look to your computer. This theme is a freemium theme in which the free version displays ads on the screen.

If you don’t want to see ads on the screen, you may buy this theme at $4.99. There are other Mac OS alike theme packs available too such as – Sierra, Dark, Glass, Leopard, Wood, etc. 

Windows 10 Themes of the Year 2020

Get Mac OS Big

5. StartIsBack

Did you miss the Classic Start Menu of Windows 7 while navigating on Windows 10 PC? Well, if yes, then you may download and install this skin to bring back Start functionalities.

Users who are searching to get back the Windows 7 Start Menu will definitely love this Skin on their PCs. This too is a freemium plugin with the premium one ranging between $3.99 to $9.99.

Unlike the Mac OS Big theme pack above, the free version doesn’t display any ads on the Desktop Screen.

Windows 10 Themes Packs

6. Stardock Start 10

If you are looking for something that makes your Desktop look stylish and premium, this is the best theme pack out there. Stardock Start10 offers an endless set of customizations like custom style layouts, integrated fences, textured & blurred backgrounds, etc.

However, you can avail of its basic features only for 30-days as a trial. Once this period exceeds, you need to pay $6. One may also get the Object Desktop features at $37. 


Key Features

  • Filter searches in the Start menu
  • Restores the quick links to core system functionality
  • Maintains the “All Programs” folder metaphor
  • Texture can be applied to the Start10 background and taskbar
  • Integrates Stardock’s “Fences” into the menu

Get Stardock

7. Silk

Silk is one of the beautiful themes and is widely used to decorate Desktop Screens. This skin offers different shades featuring multiple colors to Windows 10 PC. Applying this theme pack, users may change their device to match the Notebook’s look. 

Note: Although themes available at SkinPacks improve the overall design of the PC, there are times when this might result in some bugs or errors. Hence, before proceeding to download and apply any themes from SkinPacks, we suggest creating a system backup beforehand. 

Silk Theme

8. Windows XP

Do you want to roll back to the old and classic Windows XP, then this is a great theme pack by Winaero. Installing this theme will bring back all the charm and look of old XP to Windows 10 PC. To do so, you need to first download the classic shell then get the XP suite for Windows 10. 

In case you want to have the XP interface, you may do so by running the XP emulator on Windows 10 PC.

Get Windows XP

9. Aero Glass

Aero Glass is another wonderful theme that provides a great look at the Desktop Screens. With its diverse color to choose between colors, users can pick the desired color of the taskbar. Besides, this also provides an option to opt-in for color intensity. There are several other customization options available at Aero Glass once you download and start using this Skin.

Aero Glass SkinPack

Get Aero Glass

10. Nvidia Skin

Nvidia color combination looks great to watch over and this skin has tried bringing the black and green combo to the users. Installing this skin turns Windows darker with green strips here and there. Overall, this theme looks amazing and totally a worth-having pack on the computer. 

Nvidia Skin

Get Nvidia Skin

That’s it, I hope you like the above set of cool and HD theme packs to embellish your Desktop Screens. 

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