Windows show ports in use

How do I find out which process is listening on a TCP or UDP port on Windows?

Mateen Ulhaq's user avatar

Mateen Ulhaq

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asked Sep 7, 2008 at 6:26

readonly's user avatar


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Get-Process -Id (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort YourPortNumberHere).OwningProcess


Get-Process -Id (Get-NetUDPEndpoint -LocalPort YourPortNumberHere).OwningProcess


 netstat -a -b

(Add -n to stop it trying to resolve hostnames, which will make it a lot faster.)

Note Dane’s recommendation for TCPView. It looks very useful!

-a Displays all connections and listening ports.

-b Displays the executable involved in creating each connection or listening port. In some cases well-known executables host multiple independent components, and in these cases the sequence of components involved in creating the connection or listening port is displayed. In this case the executable name is in [] at the bottom, on top is the component it called, and so forth until TCP/IP was reached. Note that this option can be time-consuming and will fail unless you have sufficient permissions.

-n Displays addresses and port numbers in numerical form.

-o Displays the owning process ID associated with each connection.

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Sep 7, 2008 at 6:28

Brad Wilson's user avatar


There’s a native GUI for Windows:

  • Start menu → All ProgramsAccessoriesSystem ToolsResource Monitor

  • or run resmon.exe,

  • or from TaskManagerPerformance tab.

Enter image description here

serge's user avatar


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answered May 18, 2014 at 5:02

bcorso's user avatar


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For Windows:

netstat -aon | find /i "listening"

xash's user avatar


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answered Sep 7, 2008 at 6:32

aku's user avatar


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Use TCPView if you want a GUI for this. It’s the old Sysinternals application that Microsoft bought out.

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Sep 7, 2008 at 6:38

Dane's user avatar


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The -b switch mentioned in most answers requires you to have administrative privileges on the machine. You don’t really need elevated rights to get the process name!

Find the pid of the process running in the port number (e.g., 8080)

netstat -ano | findStr "8080"

Find the process name by pid

tasklist /fi "pid eq 2216"

find process by TCP/IP port

Jaywalker's user avatar


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answered Jan 24, 2018 at 3:50

Ram Sharma's user avatar

Ram SharmaRam Sharma

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You can get more information if you run the following command:

netstat -aon | find /i "listening" |find "port"

using the ‘Find’ command allows you to filter the results. find /i "listening" will display only ports that are ‘Listening’. Note, you need the /i to ignore case, otherwise you would type find «LISTENING». | find "port" will limit the results to only those containing the specific port number. Note, on this it will also filter in results that have the port number anywhere in the response string.

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Oct 8, 2013 at 18:56

Nathan24's user avatar


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  1. Open a command prompt window (as Administrator) From «Start\Search box» Enter «cmd» then right-click on «cmd.exe» and select «Run as Administrator»

  2. Enter the following text then hit Enter.

    netstat -abno

    -a Displays all connections and listening ports.

    -b Displays the executable involved in creating each connection or
    listening port. In some cases well-known executables host
    multiple independent components, and in these cases the
    sequence of components involved in creating the connection
    or listening port is displayed. In this case the executable
    name is in [] at the bottom, on top is the component it called,
    and so forth until TCP/IP was reached. Note that this option
    can be time-consuming and will fail unless you have sufficient

    -n Displays addresses and port numbers in numerical form.

    -o Displays the owning process ID associated with each connection.

  3. Find the Port that you are listening on under «Local Address»

  4. Look at the process name directly under that.

NOTE: To find the process under Task Manager

  1. Note the PID (process identifier) next to the port you are looking at.

  2. Open Windows Task Manager.

  3. Select the Processes tab.

  4. Look for the PID you noted when you did the netstat in step 1.

    • If you don’t see a PID column, click on View / Select Columns. Select PID.

    • Make sure “Show processes from all users” is selected.

answered Nov 8, 2012 at 1:49

Cyborg's user avatar


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Get PID and Image Name

Use only one command:

for /f "tokens=5" %a in ('netstat -aon ^| findstr 9000') do tasklist /FI "PID eq %a"

where 9000 should be replaced by your port number.

The output will contain something like this:

Image Name                     PID Session Name        Session#    Mem Usage
========================= ======== ================ =========== ============
java.exe                      5312 Services                   0    130,768 K


  • it iterates through every line from the output of the following command:

    netstat -aon | findstr 9000
  • from every line, the PID (%a — the name is not important here) is extracted (PID is the 5th element in that line) and passed to the following command

    tasklist /FI "PID eq 5312"

If you want to skip the header and the return of the command prompt, you can use:

echo off & (for /f "tokens=5" %a in ('netstat -aon ^| findstr 9000') do tasklist /NH /FI "PID eq %a") & echo on


java.exe                      5312 Services                   0    130,768 K

answered Feb 10, 2016 at 10:17

ROMANIA_engineer's user avatar


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First we find the process id of that particular task which we need to eliminate in order to get the port free:


netstat -n -a -o

After executing this command in the Windows command line prompt (cmd), select the pid which I think the last column. Suppose this is 3312.

Now type

taskkill /F /PID 3312

You can now cross check by typing the netstat command.

NOTE: sometimes Windows doesn’t allow you to run this command directly on CMD, so first you need to go with these steps:

From the start menu -> command prompt (right click on command prompt, and run as administrator)

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Aug 23, 2014 at 15:25

Pankaj Pateriya's user avatar


With PowerShell 5 on Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016, run the Get-NetTCPConnection cmdlet. I guess that it should also work on older Windows versions.

The default output of Get-NetTCPConnection does not include Process ID for some reason and it is a bit confusing. However, you could always get it by formatting the output. The property you are looking for is OwningProcess.

  • If you want to find out the ID of the process that is listening on port 443, run this command:

      PS C:\> Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort 443 | Format-List
      LocalAddress   : ::
      LocalPort      : 443
      RemoteAddress  : ::
      RemotePort     : 0
      State          : Listen
      AppliedSetting :
      OwningProcess  : 4572
      CreationTime   : 02.11.2016 21:55:43
      OffloadState   : InHost
  • Format the output to a table with the properties you look for:

      PS C:\> Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort 443 | Format-Table -Property LocalAddress, LocalPort, State, OwningProcess
      LocalAddress LocalPort  State OwningProcess
      ------------ ---------  ----- -------------
      ::                 443 Listen          4572            443 Listen          4572
  • If you want to find out a name of the process, run this command:

      PS C:\> Get-Process -Id (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort 443).OwningProcess
      Handles  NPM(K)    PM(K)      WS(K)     CPU(s)     Id  SI ProcessName
      -------  ------    -----      -----     ------     --  -- -----------
      143      15     3448      11024              4572   0 VisualSVNServer

answered Nov 2, 2016 at 19:19

bahrep's user avatar


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To get a list of all the owning process IDs associated with each connection:

netstat -ao |find /i "listening"

If want to kill any process have the ID and use this command, so that port becomes free

Taskkill /F /IM PID of a process

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Apr 17, 2014 at 14:38

Monis Majeed's user avatar

Monis MajeedMonis Majeed

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It is very simple to get the port number from a PID in Windows.

The following are the steps:

  1. Go to run → type cmd → press Enter.

  2. Write the following command…

    netstat -aon | findstr [port number]

    (Note: Don’t include square brackets.)

  3. Press Enter

  4. Then cmd will give you the detail of the service running on that port along with the PID.

  5. Open Task Manager and hit the service tab and match the PID with that of the cmd, and that’s it.

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered May 30, 2016 at 6:36

Nishat Lakhani's user avatar

Nishat LakhaniNishat Lakhani

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netstat -aof | findstr :8080 (Change 8080 for any port)

answered Feb 16, 2021 at 23:59

David Jesus's user avatar

David JesusDavid Jesus

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To find out which specific process (PID) is using which port:

netstat -anon | findstr 1234

Where 1234 is the PID of your process. [Go to Task Manager → Services/Processes tab to find out the PID of your application.]

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Dec 14, 2018 at 6:55

Talha Imam's user avatar

Talha ImamTalha Imam

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In case someone need an equivalent for macOS like I did, here is it:

lsof -i tcp:8080

After you get the PID of the process, you can kill it with:

kill -9 <PID>

answered Aug 12, 2020 at 11:22

wzso's user avatar


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Just open a command shell and type (saying your port is 123456):

netstat -a -n -o | find "123456"

You will see everything you need.

The headers are:

 Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State           PID
 TCP                 LISTENING       1111

This is as mentioned here.

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Jan 25, 2017 at 0:13

Tajveer Singh Nijjar's user avatar


If you’d like to use a GUI tool to do this there’s Sysinternals’ TCPView.

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Sep 7, 2008 at 6:40

David Webb's user avatar

David WebbDavid Webb

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  1. Open the command prompt — start → Runcmd, or start menu → All ProgramsAccessoriesCommand Prompt.

  2. Type

    netstat -aon | findstr '[port_number]'

Replace the [port_number] with the actual port number that you want to check and hit Enter.

  1. If the port is being used by any application, then that application’s detail will be shown. The number, which is shown at the last column of the list, is the PID (process ID) of that application. Make note of this.
  2. Type

    tasklist | findstr '[PID]'

Replace the [PID] with the number from the above step and hit Enter.

  1. You’ll be shown the application name that is using your port number.

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered May 9, 2019 at 12:18

Anatole ABE's user avatar

Anatole ABEAnatole ABE

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If you want to have a good overview, you can use this:

Get-NetTCPConnection -State Listen | Select-Object -Property *, `
    @{'Name' = 'ProcessName';'Expression'={(Get-Process -Id $_.OwningProcess).Name}} `
    | select ProcessName,LocalAddress,LocalPort

Then you get a table like this:

ProcessName              LocalAddress  LocalPort
-----------              ------------  ---------
services                 ::                49755
jhi_service              ::1               49673
svchost                  ::                  135
services                  49755
spoolsv                   49672

For UDP, it is:

Get-NetUDPEndpoint | Select-Object -Property *, `
   @{'Name' = 'ProcessName';'Expression'={(Get-Process -Id $_.OwningProcess).Name}} `
   | select ProcessName,LocalAddress,LocalPort

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Feb 27, 2022 at 22:16

Oliver Gaida's user avatar

Oliver GaidaOliver Gaida

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  • -a displays all connection and listening ports
  • -b displays executables
  • -n stop resolve hostnames (numerical form)
  • -o owning process

    netstat -bano | findstr "7002"
    netstat -ano > ano.txt 

The Currports tool helps to search and filter

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Sep 23, 2018 at 5:05

Blue Clouds's user avatar

Blue CloudsBlue Clouds

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Type in the command: netstat -aon | findstr :DESIRED_PORT_NUMBER

For example, if I want to find port 80: netstat -aon | findstr :80

This answer was originally posted to this question.

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Nov 22, 2016 at 15:36

Technotronic's user avatar


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netstat -ao and netstat -ab tell you the application, but if you’re not a system administrator you’ll get «The requested operation requires elevation».

It’s not ideal, but if you use Sysinternals’ Process Explorer you can go to specific processes’ properties and look at the TCP tab to see if they’re using the port you’re interested in. It is a bit of a needle and haystack thing, but maybe it’ll help someone…

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Mar 13, 2014 at 19:57

Tony Delroy's user avatar

Tony DelroyTony Delroy

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Using Windows’ default shell (PowerShell) and without external applications

For those using PowerShell, try Get-NetworkStatistics:

> Get-NetworkStatistics | where Localport -eq 8000

ComputerName  : DESKTOP-JL59SC6
Protocol      : TCP
LocalAddress  :
LocalPort     : 8000
RemoteAddress :
RemotePort    : 0
State         : LISTENING
ProcessName   : node
PID           : 11552

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Aug 25, 2016 at 13:36

mikemaccana's user avatar


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I recommend CurrPorts from NirSoft.

CurrPorts can filter the displayed results. TCPView doesn’t have this feature.

Note: You can right click a process’s socket connection and select «Close Selected TCP Connections» (You can also do this in TCPView). This often fixes connectivity issues I have with Outlook and Lync after I switch VPNs. With CurrPorts, you can also close connections from the command line with the «/close» parameter.

answered Jun 29, 2015 at 22:07

Josh's user avatar


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A single-line solution that helps me is this one. Just substitute 3000 with your port:

$P = Get-Process -Id (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort 3000).OwningProcess; Stop-Process $P.Id

Edit: Changed kill to Stop-Process for more PowerShell-like language

answered Feb 3, 2019 at 14:46

Angel Venchev's user avatar

Angel VenchevAngel Venchev

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netstat -a -o

This shows the PID of the process running on a particular port.

Keep in mind the process ID and go to Task Manager and services or details tab and end the process which has the same PID.

Thus you can kill a process running on a particular port in Windows.

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Aug 13, 2013 at 2:32

nisha's user avatar


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To find pid who using port 8000

netstat -aon | findstr '8000'

To Kill that Process in windows

taskkill /pid pid /f

where pid is the process id which you get form first command

answered Jul 14, 2020 at 6:13

jiz's user avatar


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Follow these tools: From cmd: C:\> netstat -anob with Administrator privileges.

Process Explorer

Process Dump

Port Monitor

All from

If you just want to know process running and threads under each process, I recommend learning about wmic. It is a wonderful command-line tool, which gives you much more than you can know.


c:\> wmic process list brief /every:5

The above command will show an all process list in brief every 5 seconds. To know more, you can just go with /? command of windows , for example,

c:\> wmic /?
c:\> wmic process /?
c:\> wmic prcess list /?

And so on and so forth. :)


You can also check the reserved ports with the command below. Hyper-V reserve some ports, for instance.

netsh int ipv4 show excludedportrange protocol=tcp

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

answered Nov 24, 2020 at 14:50

Daniel Genezini's user avatar

At any one time, there’s a whole bunch of information being sent between your Windows 10 PC and the endless void of the Internet. This is done using a process whereby network-dependent processes seek out TCP and UDP ports, which they use to communicate with the Internet. First, your data gets sent to remote ports at the destination or website your processes are trying to connect to, then it gets received at local ports back on your PC.

Most of the time, Windows 10 knows how to manage ports and ensure that traffic is being directed through the right ports so that those processes can connect with what they need to. But sometimes two processes may be assigned to one port, or maybe you just want to get a better picture of your network traffic and what’s going in and out.

That’s why wrote this guide that shows you how to check open ports on Windows and see which applications are using which ports.

Also read: How to Set Up Port Forwarding in Windows

Check Port Usage With Nirsoft CurrPorts

NirSoft is one of the best indie software developers, giving us great utilities, like PassView and WirelessKeyView. While some people will prefer checking their ports without installing third-party software (in which case, scroll down to the CMD method), CurrPorts is easily the fastest and most convenient way to check port status on Windows.

Check Open Ports Windows Currports

Once you’ve installed CurrPorts, just open it to see a list of all your ports currently in use. If you’re looking for local ports in use, just click the «Local Port» column at the top to order the list by port number (handy if you’re looking for a specific one). You can do the same thing with remote ports, too.

If you want to really find specific ports, click the «Advanced Filters» icon at the top and enter your string in the format they suggest. It should look something like the below image.

Check Open Ports Windows Currports Filters

Hit OK when you’re ready, and the list will filter down to your queries.

Also read: How to Open Ports and Set Up Port Forwarding on Your Router

List Open Ports Using the Command Prompt

The integrated — though not necessarily the simplest — way to check open ports is to use the trusty command prompt.

Click the Start button, type cmd, then right-click «Command Prompt» when it shows up in the search results. Click «Run as administrator.»

Once you’re in the elevated command prompt, enter the following command:

This will steadily bring up a list of open ports that is probably quite long, along with the Windows processes that are using them. (You can press Ctrl + A , then Ctrl + C to copy all information to the clipboard.) On the average PC, there will be two main local IP addresses that contain ports on your PC.


The first, in our case, is «» This IP address is otherwise known as «localhost» or a «loopback address,» and any process listening to ports here is communicating internally on your local network without using any network interface. The actual port is the number you see after the colon. (See image below.)


The bulk of your processes will probably be listening to ports prefixed with «,» which is your IP address. This means the processes you see listed here are listening for communications from remote Internet locations (such as websites). Again, the port number is the number after the colon.


Also read: How to Disable USB Ports in Windows 10

Install TCPView to Check Open Ports

If you don’t mind installing a third-party app and want to have more control over what’s going on with all your ports, you can use a lightweight app called TCPView. This immediately brings up a list of processes and their associated ports.


What make this better than the command prompt is that you can actively see the ports opening, closing and sending packets. Just look for the green, red and yellow highlights. You can also reorder the list by clicking the column headings, making it easier to find the process you want or two separate processes vying for the same port.

If you do find a process or connection you want to close, just right-click that process. You can then select «End process,» which is exactly the same function as the one in Windows task manager. Or you can click «Close Connection» to leave the process open but stop it from listening on a given port.


If you’re having some trouble in Windows 10, then see whether a Windows update may be causing it. We also have a handy guide for managing the health of your hard drive in Windows 10.

Robert Zak

Tech writer at Make Tech Easier. Enjoys Android, Windows, and tinkering with retro console emulation to breaking point.

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Windows Netstat Command to Check Open Ports in Windows

In this tutorial, we will learn how to run the netstat command to check open ports in Windows Operating System. We will also look at command options and how to use the findstr command (similar to grep) to filter the netstat output.

To check open ports, open a command prompt (or PowerShell) as administrator and run the netstat command as follows:

netstat -aon

The command displays lots of information. What you should pay attention to are Local Addresses that are in the LISTENING state.

check if port is open windows

As you can see in the previous screenshot, In my Windows 10 computer, port 22 (SSH) is open.

Administrators can run the following command to show opened ports only without all other details:

netstat -aon | findstr /i listening

One important point is that the Windows Firewall may block a port even if it is in the listening state. In the Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security, there has to be a corresponding inbound firewall rule to match the listening port (Anything with a green checkmark is an open rule).

listening ports windows firewall

The Foreign Address column of the output shows the IP address and port of the computer/server at the remote end of the connection.

To check that the port is open from a remote computer, an administrator can run the telnet command from a remote computer against the IP address of the Windows computer.

For example, to check if port 22 is open, I will run the telnet command from a remote computer as follows:

telnet IP_ADDRESS 22

Replace IP_ADDRESS with the actual IP Address of the Windows computer.

check if port is open from a remote computer

Filtering netstat using findstr

Administrators can use the findstr CMD command (which is similar to grep) to filter netstat command data based on string patterns.

For example, run the following command to check TCP connections in TIME_WAIT State.

netstat -a | findstr /i TIME_WAIT

The /I option is for the case insensitive matching.

cmd netstat command to check open ports in windows

Command Options

Windows netstat command, without any command-line arguments, displays active TCP connections.

It also includes some useful command options to show network connections and ports in various forms, such as show connections and opened ports based on the protocol, find the process id of a connection/port, view network statics, and find the application that utilizes connections and ports.

-a displays all network connections and ports on which Windows is listening (include both IPv4 or IPv6 addresses).
-b The output shows you which applications are using each active connection and ports (need administrative privileges).
-e Displays network statistics, such as the Errors, the number of bytes, and packets sent and received.
-n Displays addresses and ports in numerical format.
-f When used, the output will contain Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs) of IP addresses, if available.
-o Displays an additional column that contains the Process ID (PID).
-p Display data for a specific protocol (e.g., -p TCP). The Protocol can be one of the following: TCP, UDP, TCPv6, or UDPv6. If combined with the -s option, Protocol can be TCP, UDP, ICMP, IP, TCPv6, UDPv6, ICMPv6, or IPv6.
-r Check Windows routing table.
-s Displays detailed network statistics for each protocol (IPv4, IPv6, ICMPv4, ICMPv6, TCP, and UDP).
interval Sets Time interval (in seconds) to automatically update the output. See examples to learn more.

Examples: Using the netstat command

List all Active TCP connections:


Check open ports:

netstat -aon | findstr /i listening

Only want to see information about TCP protocol:

netstat -a -p tcp

Show network statistics:

netstat -s

Real-time network monitoring — In the following example, we set a 5 second time interval to check active network connections in real-time. The number 5 causes the command to repeat every five seconds (Press CTRL+C to quit).

netstat -n 5

If you need more information about the Windows netstat command, type netstat \? in the command prompt.

Whenever an application wants to make itself accessible over the network, it claims a TCP/IP port, which means that port can’t be used by anything else. So if you need to use an in-use port, how do you tell what application is holding it?

There’s a number of ways to tell which application has the port locked, here we will use a windows built-in way using the command line and Task Manager.

Using Built-In Tools to See What is Listening on a Port

The first step is to use a command-line tool to see what ports are in use, and use a special flag that tells us which port is assigned to each Windows process identifier number. Then we can use that number to look up exactly which process it is.

Open up a command prompt and type in the following—you may have to open in Administrator mode to see all processes:


netstat -ab | more

This will immediately show you a list, although it’s maybe a little complicated. You’ll see the process name in the list, and you can search for it.


You can also use this other method, which takes an extra step, but makes it easier to locate the actual process:

netstat -aon | more

If you look on the right-hand side, you’ll see where I’ve highlighted the list of PIDs, or Process Identifiers. Find the one that’s bound to the port that you’re trying to troubleshoot—for this example, you’ll see that, or port 80, is in use by PID 1184.


Now you can simply open up Task Manager—you might have to use the option to Show Processes for All Users, and then you’ll be able to find the PID in the list. Once you’re there, you can use the End Process, Open File Location, or Go to Service(s) options to control the process or stop it.


Alternatively you can even use resource monitor to stop any process that is running. To open resource monitor type resmon.exe in run. This will bring up the resource monitor window.



There would be situations were some other process is running at port 80. To stop anything running in port 80 the following command can be used from command prompt.

net stop http /y

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What application is listening on a TCP IP port in Windows?
Netstat is a diagnostic tool that creates a list of open ports that the machine is listening to, as well as the ports it is currently connected to on other machines.  In Netstat, stat stands for state or statistics, which tells you the current network status of every TCP connection.

How do I find out what application is using a TCP port?
You can use Netstat -b -a -o.

This tool provides a list of all open ports and their associated processes. The -o shows the process id, which you can look up in your task manager or processes tab. To end that process, simply enter taskkill /PID xxxx.

How can I tell if a server is listening on a port?
On the server itself, use Netstat -an to check to see which ports are listening. From outside the server, telnet host port can be used to check connections. A refused connection means nothing is running, whereas an accepted connection means something is running. Timeout implies a firewall is blocking access.

How do I find out what application is using port 8080?
Open the diagnostic tool, netstat -ano. This tool will list the PID (Process Identifier) that is listening to port 80. Open the Task Manager’s Processes tab. Select “View” and “Select Columns” menu. Activate the PID column to see the name of the process listening on port 80.

Is Port 8080 http or https?
Port 8080 is a non-standard, high number port that is popular as an alternative port for HTTP servers, most often application servers. Port 8443 is a default alternative port for HTTPS servers. It can also be used as an alternative port for any protocol like ssh, FTP, NTP, BOOTP, etc.

Why is port 8080 default?
Historically, only authorized system administrators were able to establish and operate a web server on port 80, since this was within the first 1023-port privileged region. When non-administrators wished to run their own web servers, they often chose port 8080 to host a secondary or alternate web server.


  • Используем команду netstat для просмотра открытых портов
    • Отображение всех подключений и ожидающих портов
    • Постраничное отображение открытых портов
    • Запись результатов в текстовый файл
    • Поиск по содержимому
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Как посмотреть открытые порты с помощью команды netstat

Netstat — одна из встроенных команд операционной системы Windows. В ее функциональность входит отображение состояния сети со всеми требуемыми деталями. Пользователь задействует встроенный синтаксис, чтобы отфильтровать результаты или задать дополнительные действия для этой утилиты. В рамках сегодняшнего материала мы бы хотели рассказать о доступных методах просмотра открытых портов с помощью этого стандартного инструмента.

Портами называют натуральные числа, которые записываются в заголовках протоколов передачи данных (TCP, UDP и так далее). Они определяют процесс получения и передачи информации в рамках одного хоста и в большинстве случаев используются онлайн-программами для установки соединения. Просмотр открытых портов может понадобиться в случае определения работоспособности приложений или при стандартном мониторинге сети. Лучше всего с этим справится команда netstat, а ее активация доступна с применением разных аргументов.

Отображение всех подключений и ожидающих портов

Самый простой аргумент, применяемый к утилите netstat, имеет обозначение -a, и отвечает за вывод сведений обо всех активных подключениях их портов, которые ожидают соединения. Такая информация доступна к просмотру без применения прав администратора и выводится на экран следующим образом:

  1. Поскольку рассматриваемая команда является консольной, потребуется запустить приложение, чтобы ее выполнить. Откройте меню «Пуск», найдите там «Командную строку» и запустите ее. О других методах перехода в консоль читайте в другом нашем материале по следующей ссылке.
  2. Переход в командую строку Windows для использования стандартной команды netstat

    Подробнее: Открытие командной строки в Windows 10

  3. В поле ввода напечатайте netstat -a, а затем нажмите на клавишу Enter.
  4. Ввод команды netstat с аргументом для отображения иноформации об активных подключениях

  5. На экране тут же начнет появляться список с доступными адресами.
  6. Отображение информации об активных подключениях через команду netstat

Мониторинг производится в режиме реального времени, поэтому не все результаты будут доступны к просмотру сразу. Придется подождать немного времени, чтобы все они могли прогрузиться. Во время этого не закрывайте консоль, если не хотите прервать процесс, ведь при повторном запуске команды все начнется заново.

Постраничное отображение открытых портов

К сожалению, приведенный выше вариант отображает не все необходимые данные об открытых портах, поскольку выводит он только те параметры, которые на текущий момент находятся в состоянии LISTENING. К тому же там не указывались уникальные идентификаторы процессов (PID), что тоже играет важную роль во время определенного мониторинга. Потому советуем обратить внимание немного на другие аргументы.

  1. В консоли пропишите netstat -aon | more и нажмите на Enter.
  2. Ввод команды netstat для подробного отображения параметров постранично

  3. Здесь сразу же появится вся важная информация о портах, которые находятся в разных состояниях. В пятой колонке обозначаются идентификаторы.
  4. Постраничное отображение соединений с идентификаторами через команду netstat

  5. Не все порты выводятся сразу, поэтому нужно жать на Enter, чтобы каждый раз отображать еще по одной строке.
  6. Продолжение отображение строк с идентификаторами через команду netstat

  7. Если вы увидите поле ввода, значит все страницы были успешно выведены на экран.
  8. Завершение отображения строк с идентификаторами в netstat

Теперь хотелось бы поговорить про используемые аргументы и значение увиденных параметров. Давайте сначала затронем знакомые буквы синтаксиса:

Аргумент Описание
-a Отображает сведения обо всех подключениях
-o Отвечает за включение колонки с идентификатором каждого адреса
-n Переводит адреса портов и их номера в числовой формат
more Постраничный вывод элементов

Важно также уточнить и состояние портов, поскольку они могут являться открытыми, но на этот момент не использоваться или ожидать своего подключения. В колонке «Состояние» могут отображаться такие показатели:

Показатель Описание
CLOSE_WAIT Подключение ожидает своего закрытия
CLOSED Подключение было успешно закрыто
ESTABLISHED Активная работа соединения
LISTENING Ожидается соединение или еще говорят: «Слушается порт»
TIME_WAIT Время ответа было превышено

Эти объяснения должны разобраться помочь не только с составлением запросов для netstat, но и без проблем разобраться с полученной информацией.

Запись результатов в текстовый файл

Иногда требуется сохранить готовые результаты мониторинга в текстовый файл, чтобы выполнить дальнейшие действия, ведь копировать информацию прямо из консоли не всегда удобно, да и займет это намного больше времени, нежели просто указать дополнительный аргумент при вводе команды.

  1. Напишите, например, netstat -aon | more или netstat - a, а затем добавьте > netstat.txt, что означает запись результатов в указанный файл (он будет создан в пользовательской папке). После ввода нажмите на Enter.
  2. Ввод команды для сохранения результатов netstat в текстовом варианте

  3. Запустите файл, введя его название и формат в консоли.
  4. Запуск текстового файла с сохраненными результатами команды netstat

  5. Теперь вы можете управлять содержимым и сохранить его в любом другом удобном месте.
  6. Просмотр текстового файла с результатами netstat

Поиск по содержимому

В случае необходимости отображения только подключений с определенными параметрами или адресами лучше всего использовать дополнительную команду find, которая перед выводом сведений произведет фильтрацию данных, и это освободит вас от надобности вручную искать каждый соответствующий пункт. Тогда полная консольная команда приобретает следующий вид:

  1. Введите netstat -a | find /I "LISTENING", что задаст параметр отображения только портов с состоянием LISTENING, аргумент /I при этом используется для отмены учета регистра символов.
  2. Команда netstat с фильтром по содержимому

  3. В результатах отобразится только подходящая информация.
  4. Отображение результатов netstat с фильтром по содержимому

Выше вы узнали о методах определения открытых портов через встроенную команду netstat. После этого можете приступить к работе с программами или пробросу других портов в случае необходимости. К слову, этой теме посвящен отдельный материал на нашем сайте. Перейдите по указанным ниже ссылкам, чтобы ознакомиться с подробными инструкциями.

Читайте также:
Открываем порты на роутере
Открываем порты в брандмауэре Windows 10

Команда netstat всегда показывает правильные результаты, однако если хотите убедиться в открытости порта другим путем, рекомендуем задействовать специальные онлайн-сервисы, позволяющие справиться с поставленной задачей.

Читайте также: Сканирование портов онлайн

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