Windows services windows command line

on August 15, 2010

We normally use Services.msc to start or stop or disable or enable any service. We can do the same from windows command line also using net and sc utilities. Below are commands for controlling the operation of a service.

Command to stop a service:

net stop servicename

To start a service:

net start servicename

You need to have administrator privileges to run net start/stop commands. If you are just a normal user on the computer, you would get an error like below.

C:\>net start webclient
System error 5 has occurred.
Access is denied.

To disable a service:

sc config servicename start= disabled

To enable a service:

sc config servicename start= demand

To make a service start automatically with system boot:

sc config servicename start= auto

Note: Space is mandatory after ‘=’ in the above sc commands.

This SC command works on a Windows 7 machine and also on the down-level editions of Windows i.e Windows XP/2003 and Windows Vista. Again, if you do not have administrator previliges you would get the below error.

C:\>sc config webclient start= auto
[SC] OpenService FAILED 5:
Access is denied.

Note that the service name is not the display name of a service. Each service is given a unique identification name which can be used with net or sc commands. For example, Remote procedure call (RPC) is the display name of the service. But the service name we need to use in the above commands is RpcSs.
So to start Remote procedure call service the command is:

net start RpcSsTo stop Remote procedure call service
net stop RpcSs

These service names are listed below for each service. The first column shows the display name of a service and the second column shows the service name that should be used in net start or net stop or sc config commands.

Display Name of the service ServiceName which should be used with ‘net’ and ‘sc config’ commands.
Alerter Alerter
Application Layer Gateway Service ALG
Application Management AppMgmt
ASP.NET State Service aspnet_state
Windows Audio AudioSrv
Background Intelligent Transfer Service BITS
Computer Browser Browser
Bluetooth Support Service BthServ
Bluetooth Service btwdins
SMS Agent Host CcmExec
Indexing Service CiSvc
ClipBook ClipSrv
.NET Runtime Optimization Service v2.0.50727_X86 clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32
COM+ System Application COMSysApp
Cryptographic Services CryptSvc
Cisco Systems, Inc. VPN Service CVPND
DCOM Server Process Launcher DcomLaunch
DHCP Client Dhcp
Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service dmadmin
Logical Disk Manager dmserver
DNS Client Dnscache
Lenovo Doze Mode Service DozeSvc
Error Reporting Service ERSvc
Event Log Eventlog
COM+ Event System EventSystem
Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Event Log EvtEng
Fast User Switching Compatibility FastUserSwitchingCompatibility
Windows Presentation Foundation Font Cache FontCache3.0.0.0
Group Policy Monitor GPMON_SRV
Help and Support helpsvc
HID Input Service HidServ
ThinkPad PM Service IBMPMSVC
Windows CardSpace idsvc
IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service ImapiService
iPassConnectEngine iPassConnectEngine
iPassPeriodicUpdateApp iPassPeriodicUpdateApp
iPassPeriodicUpdateService iPassPeriodicUpdateService
IviRegMgr IviRegMgr
Server lanmanserver
Workstation lanmanworkstation
Lenovo Camera Mute LENOVO.CAMMUTE
Lenovo Microphone Mute Lenovo.micmute
TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper LmHosts
Intel(R) Management and Security Application Local Management Service LMS
McAfee Framework Service McAfeeFramework
McAfee McShield McShield
McAfee Task Manager McTaskManager
Machine Debug Manager MDM
Messenger Messenger
NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing mnmsrvc
Distributed Transaction Coordinator MSDTC
Windows Installer MSIServer
Net Driver HPZ12 Net Driver HPZ12
Network DDE NetDDE
Network DDE DSDM NetDDEdsdm
Net Logon Netlogon
Network Connections Netman
Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service NetTcpPortSharing
Network Location Awareness (NLA) Nla
NT LM Security Support Provider NtLmSsp
Removable Storage NtmsSvc
Microsoft Office Diagnostics Service odserv
Office Source Engine ose
Plug and Play PlugPlay
Pml Driver HPZ12 Pml Driver HPZ12
IPSEC Services PolicyAgent
Power Manager DBC Service Power Manager DBC Service
Protected Storage ProtectedStorage
Remote Access Auto Connection Manager RasAuto
Remote Access Connection Manager RasMan
Remote Desktop Help Session Manager RDSessMgr
Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Registry Service RegSrvc
Routing and Remote Access RemoteAccess
Remote Registry RemoteRegistry
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator RpcLocator
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) RpcSs
Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless WiFi Service S24EventMonitor
Security Accounts Manager SamSs
Smart Card SCardSvr
Task Scheduler Schedule
Secondary Logon seclogon
System Event Notification SENS
Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) SharedAccess
Shell Hardware Detection ShellHWDetection
Print Spooler Spooler
System Restore Service srservice
SSDP Discovery Service SSDPSRV
Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) stisvc
System Update SUService
MS Software Shadow Copy Provider SwPrv
Performance Logs and Alerts SysmonLog
Telephony TapiSrv
Terminal Services TermService
Themes Themes
ThinkVantage Registry Monitor Service ThinkVantage Registry Monitor Service
Telnet TlntSvr
On Screen Display TPHKSVC
Distributed Link Tracking Client TrkWks
TVT Scheduler TVT Scheduler
Windows User Mode Driver Framework UMWdf
Intel(R) Management & Security Application User Notification Service UNS
Universal Plug and Play Device Host upnphost
Uninterruptible Power Supply UPS
Volume Shadow Copy VSS
Windows Time W32Time
WebClient WebClient
Windows Management Instrumentation winmgmt
Portable Media Serial Number Service WmdmPmSN
Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions Wmi
WMI Performance Adapter WmiApSrv
Security Center wscsvc
Automatic Updates wuauserv
SMS Remote Control Agent Wuser32
Wireless Zero Configuration WZCSVC
Network Provisioning Service xmlprov

Windows Service management through the command line is really a good approach when you want to manage plenty of services and perform day to day actions like stop, start and restart

I think you would agree, If I say GUI is fun for entry-level but when it comes to performing the job smartly and creating automation for efficiency. Command-line is your key

PowerShell has a lot of commands to help us manage the windows server better and create automation and do the boring (or) repetitive tasks swiftly

In this article, we are going to see How to Manage Services from the Windows Command line using PowerShell. We are going to see various examples of  How to List , Stop, Start, Restart a Single Service or multiple Services.

To Manage the Services in Windows, We have a pack of Powershell commands and each does a unique job in the Windows Service Management. It helps us perform our day to day needs like Stopping, Starting, Restarting, Listing, Searching, etc

In this article, we are going to see various Windows Powershell commands  such as

  • Get-Sevice
  • Stop-Service
  • Start-Service
  • Where-Object
  • Restart-Service

Not just this, There are few more and look at the index to know what this article is packaged with

I am thrilled and I hope you are too. Let’s march on.


  1. How to List the Services  Windows Command Line
  2. How to List only Running or Stopped  Services in PowerShell
  3. How to List a Service or Get Service by Name in Windows
  4. How to Search for the Service[s] by Status, DisplayName, Search String etc.
  5. How to Stop the Service[s] in Windows Command Line
  6. How to Start the Service[s] in Windows Command Line
  7. How to Restart the Service[s] in Windows Command Line

How to List the Services in Windows Command Line

To List, all the Services in your Windows PC or Server, Perform the Following Steps

  1. Open PowerShell Terminal or PowerShell ISE as Administrator
  2. Type Get-Service in the Terminal

You would be presented with all the available Services on the Windows Machine

The result would container three columns as shown below, Status, Name, and DisplayName

You can search or List a Single or Multiple Services based on any of these columns, which we will see in upcoming sections on this article.

PS C:\Users\sarav>


Status   Name               DisplayName                           
------   ----               -----------                           
Stopped  AarSvc_ba23f       Agent Activation Runtime_ba23f        
Stopped  AJRouter           AllJoyn Router Service                
Stopped  ALG                Application Layer Gateway Service     
Stopped  AppIDSvc           Application Identity                  
Running  Appinfo            Application Information               
Stopped  AppReadiness       App Readiness                         
Running  AppXSvc            AppX Deployment Service (AppXSVC)     
Running  AudioEndpointBu... Windows Audio Endpoint Builder        
Running  Audiosrv           Windows Audio                         
Stopped  autotimesvc        Cellular Time                         
Stopped  AxInstSV           ActiveX Installer (AxInstSV)          
Stopped  BcastDVRUserSer... GameDVR and Broadcast User Service_...
Stopped  BDESVC             BitLocker Drive Encryption Service    

How to List only Running or Stopped  Services in PowerShell

In this section we are going to see how to list the windows services based on a Specific State they are in.

To List, Either only Running and Stopped Services, PowerShell Get-Service Command can be used along with one more Filtering command named Where-Object .

It acts like a grep of Linux and it does the job so perfect and precise

So to List Running or Stopped Services in Windows Command line you should do the following

  1. Open PowerShell Terminal or PowerShell ISE as Administrator
  2. Use one of the following command based on your requirement

To List Only The Running Services

Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running" }

To List only the Stopped Services

Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Stopped" }

In fact,  You can Use any of the Following State Value in place of Running or Stopped to get the Services in that State.

Value Meaning
ContinuePending The service has been paused and is about to continue.
Paused The service is paused.
PausePending The service is in the process of pausing.
Running The service is running.
StartPending The service is in the process of starting.
Stopped The service is not running.
StopPending The service is in the process of stopping.

For example, If you would like to Get a Service which is in Paused State  then your command should be like this

Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Paused" }

How to List a Service or Get Service by Name in Windows

To List or to Get a Service by Name you have to be aware of the Name of the Service or at least a part of the Service name as we can use * wildcard to find the rest.

To List or to Get Service by Name do the following

  1. Open PowerShell Terminal or PowerShell ISE as Administrator
  2. Use the following Get-Service the command along with a -Name (or) -DisplayName parameter

To List a Service named Jenkins I can use any of the following commands and Be informed that Service Name is Case Insensitive

Get-Service -Name jenkins


Get-Service -Name jenkins


Get-Service -DisplayName jenkins


Get-Service -Name JEnKins


Get-Service -DisplayName JEnKins


Get-Service -Name  jen*s

How to Search for the Service[s] by More Filters

Sometimes, Our requirement would not be simpler as we think, It might get complicated when we get a requirement like

We might have to list (or) restart all the tomcat instances running on the server and exclude instance which contains a Specific String in its name

Let’s Suppose, that we have a Windows Server with N number of Tomcat Services (instances) and they are named after their Environment name they belong to like dev, uat etc. like Dev_Tomcat1, Test_Tomcat2, Uat_Tomcat4 and so on.

Now to list only the DEV and UAT instances and not SIT we would have to use some more filters other than just Name or DisplayName

Here are some examples related to this type of scenario.

# All these examples made based on the presence of 
# Environment Names `SIT` `UAT` `Dev` in the Service Name of
# Service Display Name

# The Search is By Default CASE INSENSITIVE

# Find Tomcat Instances belong to Test Environment

Get-Service -DisplayName "*Tomcat*" -Include "*Test*"


Get-Service -DisplayName "*Tomcat*" -Include "*tEst*"


# Find All Tomcat Instances EXCEPT the ones belong TEST Environment

Get-Service -DisplayName "*Tomcat*" -Exclude "*Test*"


# You can also add STATUS Filter into this command

Get-Service -DisplayName "*Tomcat*" -Exclude "*Test*"|Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"}

We have so far seen, how to list the services in windows machine (PC or Server) using the Powershell command line.

Now we are going to see, How to Stop the Service[s] in Windows PowerShell Command Line

Now let us Split this Part into two as follows

  • How to Stop a Single Service by Name
  • How to Stop One or More Services matching the Query (or) Search term

Despite you are stopping a Single Service or Multiple Services. You have to first list the Services with Get-Service with necessary Filters like -Name or Status etc.

Once the result is presented, With the help of pipe | symbol you pass all the services to an another Command called Stop-Service

Stop-Service command is responsible to stop the service (or) Services

Simply put, to Stop the Service or Services. You just need to list it first and make sure thats what you want to be stopped and then redirect it to Stop-Service with the help of pipe

Here are some of Windows Stop Service Example commands

# Simply Stop the Service named Jenkins

Get-Service -Name Jenkins|Stop-Service


# Stop all Running Services 

Get-Service|Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"}|Stop-Service 


# List and Stop All Running *Tomcat* Services

 Get-Service -DisplayName "*Tomcat*"|Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"}|Stop-Service 


# List and Stop All Running Tomcat Services, 
# Only Production, No DEV, UAT, SIT ( We Presume Display Name Contains the Environment Name)

 Get-Service -DisplayName "*Tomcat*" -Exclude "*DEV*"  "*SIT*"  "*UAT*"|Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"}|Stop-Service 

How to Start the Service[s] in Windows Command Line

Now we are going to see, How to Start the Service[s] in Windows PowerShell Command Line

Despite you are Starting a Single Service or Multiple Services. You have to first list the Services with Get-Service with necessary Filters like -Name or Status etc.

Once the result is presented, With the help of pipe | symbol you pass all the services to another Command called Start-Service

Here are some of Windows Start Service from Command Line examples

# Simply Stop the Service named Jenkins

Get-Servicec -Name Jenkins|



# Stop all Running Services 

Get-Service|Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"}|




# List and Stop All Running *Tomcat* Services

 Get-Service -DisplayName "*Tomcat*"|Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"}|




# List and Stop All Running Tomcat Services, 
# Only Production, No DEV, UAT, SIT ( We Presume Display Name Contains the Environment Name)

 Get-Service -DisplayName "*Tomcat*" -Exclude "*DEV*"  "*SIT*"  "*UAT*"|Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"}|



How to Restart the Service[s] in Windows Command Line

We have just learned how to Stop and Start the services, Now it is a time to learn How to Restart Service from Windows Command Line

To Restart windows Service Command Line do the following

  1. Open PowerShell Terminal or PowerShell ISE as Administrator
  2. Use the following Get-Service the command along with a -Name (or) -DisplayName parameter and List the Services you want to be restarted
  3. In the same Command add a pipe | symbol at the suffix along with a command Restart-Service

To Restart Windows Service from Command Line, First we need to list the services that we want to be restarted using Get-Service we can customize and Search for  the Services you want using Get-Service parameters like Name and DisplayName , Status etc

Once we have the list ready with Single or Multiple Services that we want to restart.

We can use another command, Given dedicatedly to restart services named Restart-Service

In most cases, we would like to have more control on the Restart process, in such cases, you can try to Stop and Start the services using Stop-Service and Start-Service commands rather directly using Restart-Service

Here are few examples of How to restart the Service in Windows Command Line

# Simply Stop the Service named Jenkins

Get-Servicec -Name Jenkins|



# Stop all Running Services 

Get-Service|Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"}|




# List and Stop All Running *Tomcat* Services

 Get-Service -DisplayName "*Tomcat*"|Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"}|




# List and Stop All Running Tomcat Services, 
# Only Production, No DEV, UAT, SIT ( We Presume Display Name Contains the Environment Name)

 Get-Service -DisplayName "*Tomcat*" -Exclude "*DEV*"  "*SIT*"  "*UAT*"|Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"}|



So This is how Windows PowerShell commands help us to manage the Windows services from Command line, We learned how to List, stop, start and restart windows services from command line

With this command line, We can stop, start, restart  Multiple services at once in bulk that’s what I like the most about it.

If you have any questions for me. Please feel free to comment

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Rumen Lishkov

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How to block File Sharing for one or more IP Addresses in Windows

As you most likely already know, in Windows operating systems, a Windows service is a computer program that operates in the background, just like daemons in a Unix-like environment. They can be configured to either start when the operating system is started and run in the background as long as Windows is running, or started manually using the Service Manager tool, which can be launched by typing
services.msc  from the command prompt or by opening the start menu, typing «services» from the Start Menu and then launching the Service Manager icon that should show up right away.

In this post we’ll see some useful command-line prompt (CMD) and Powershell commands that can be used from most Windows environments (including Windows 10 and Windows Server) to list the installed / active / inactive services, as well as search for a specific service in Windows.

If you’re looking for a complete list of all the existing/available Windows Services, check out this post.

Command-Line (CMD) commands

How to list all Windows services:

sc queryex type=service state=all

How to list all Windows services (names only):

sc queryex type=service state=all | find /i «SERVICE_NAME:»

How to list all the running Windows services, excluding the stopped / inactive ones:

sc queryex type=service state=active

How to list all the stopped / inactive Windows services, excluding the running ones:

sc queryex type=service state=inactive

How to search for a given Windows service (by name):

sc queryex type=service state=all | find /i «SERVICE_NAME: MyServiceName»

How to retrieve the status of a given service (by name):

PowerShell commands

How to list all Windows services:

How to list all Windows services (names only):

sc queryex type=service state=all | find /i «SERVICE_NAME:»

How to list all the running Windows services, excluding the stopped / inactive ones:

Get-Service | WhereObject {$_.Status -eq «Running»}

How to list all the stopped / inactive Windows services, excluding the running ones:

Get-Service | WhereObject {$_.Status -eq «Stopped»}

How to search for a specific Windows service:

Get-Service | WhereObject {$_.Name -like «*MyServiceName*»}

How to retrieve the status of a given service (by name):

Get-Service MyServiceName*


We definitely hope that this post will help those system administrators that are looking for a quick and effective way to list, filter, search and/or retrieve the status of the Windows Services installed on their Windows machines using the command-line prompt (CMD) or Powershell.

The services in Windows can be listed using the Service Manager tool.

To start the Service Manager GUI, press ⊞ Win keybutton to open the “Start” menu, type in services to search for the Service Manager and press Enter to launch it.

The services can also be listed using the command-line prompt (CMD) or the PowerShell.

In this note i am showing how to list the services and how to search for a specific service in Windows using the command-line prompt (CMD) or the PowerShell.

Cool Tip: List processes in Windows from the CMD! Read more →

List Services Using Command Line (CMD)

List all services:

C:\> sc queryex type=service state=all

List service names only:

C:\> sc queryex type=service state=all | find /i "SERVICE_NAME:"

Search for specific service:

C:\> sc queryex type=service state=all | find /i "SERVICE_NAME: myService"

Get the status of a specific service:

C:\> sc query myService

Get a list of the running services:

C:\> sc queryex type=service
- or -
C:\> sc queryex type=service state=active
-or -
C:\> net start

Get a list of the stopped services:

C:\> sc queryex type=service state=inactive

Cool Tip: Start/Stop a service in Windows from the CMD & PowerShell! Read more →

List all services:

PS C:\> Get-Service

Search for specific service:

PS C:\> Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*myService*"}

Get the status of a specific service:

PS C:\> Get-Service myService

Get a list of the running services:

PS C:\> Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"}

Get a list of the stopped services:

PS C:\> Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Stopped"}

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Everyone knows how to start or stop any specific service in Windows. Just use the Services GUI console.

However, what to do in a situation when you need to start or stop many services at once? In such situations, we could use a bit of the magic to perform the task from the command line.

Are you interested?

Checking all services

The command named SC will allow you to do the trick. This command is the service controller and it can even work with the services on any remote computer. This command has a lot of subcommands for the specific tasks.

When we want to check the status of all services on the computer, we will run the command

sc query | more

The output of the command will be similar to this


In this article I will work with this service named cc_CometDaemon.

In case that you don’t use | more in your command, the output will be displayed at once and you could lose a part of it if the screen buffer is not large enough. The default 300 lines are not enough to keep a whole list.

The same view in the Services GUI console:


Stopping the service

We want now to stop our service. The command will be:

sc stop cc_cometDaemon.exe

The command will return the following output:

SERVICE_NAME: cc_cometDaemon.exe

        TYPE               : 10  WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
        STATE              : 3  STOP_PENDING
                                (STOPPABLE, NOT_PAUSABLE, ACCEPTS_SHUTDOWN)

        WIN32_EXIT_CODE    : 0  (0x0)
        SERVICE_EXIT_CODE  : 0  (0x0)
        CHECKPOINT         : 0x0
        WAIT_HINT          : 0x0

The status of operation is STOP PENDING because every service needs some time to stop. We may now use the command

sc query cc_cometDaemon.exe

to check the status of operation.


I used in this example the quotation marks to show that you can use them when the service name contains a space.

The same view from the Services GUI:


Disabling the service

We can disable the service with the command:

sc config cc_cometDaemon.exe start=disabled

The output of the command will be:

[SC] ChangeServiceConfig SUCCESS


And the GUI view:


Keep in mind that this command disables the service and prevent its restarted, but will not stop it. In case that you need to stop and disable any service, you should combine both commands.

Switching the service to Automatic

When we finish our job, the first step is to enable this service. The command is:

sc config cc_cometDaemon.exe start=auto

You should see this output

[SC] ChangeServiceConfig SUCCESS

Starting the service

The last step is to start the service. The command is:

sc start cc_cometDaemon.exe

The output of the command is:

SERVICE_NAME: cc_cometDaemon.exe
        TYPE               : 10  WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
        STATE              : 2  START_PENDING
                                (STOPPABLE, NOT_PAUSABLE, ACCEPTS_SHUTDOWN)
        WIN32_EXIT_CODE    : 0  (0x0)
        SERVICE_EXIT_CODE  : 0  (0x0)
        CHECKPOINT         : 0x0
        WAIT_HINT          : 0x0
        PID                : 5352

        FLAGS              :

The service needs a while to start.


And in the GUI:


And the NET command

Ye olde NET command could be used only to start or stop any service. The commands will be

net stop cc_cometDaemon.exe


net start cc_cometDaemon.exe

However, you can’t use the NET command to enable/disable any service or to access the services of the remote computer.

Accessing the remote computer

To access the services of the remote computer, you need to type its name after the SC command.

Here’s the example. Let we stop and start the SNMP service on the remote host named Nostromo:

C:\>sc \\nostromo stop snmp

        TYPE               : 10  WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
        STATE              : 3  STOP_PENDING
                                (STOPPABLE, NOT_PAUSABLE, IGNORES_SHUTDOWN)
        WIN32_EXIT_CODE    : 0  (0x0)
        SERVICE_EXIT_CODE  : 0  (0x0)
        CHECKPOINT         : 0x2

        WAIT_HINT          : 0x7530
C:\>sc \\nostromo query snmp

        TYPE               : 10  WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
        STATE              : 1  STOPPED

        WIN32_EXIT_CODE    : 0  (0x0)
        SERVICE_EXIT_CODE  : 0  (0x0)
        CHECKPOINT         : 0x0

        WAIT_HINT          : 0x0

C:\>sc \\nostromo start snmp

        TYPE               : 10  WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
        STATE              : 2  START_PENDING
                                (NOT_STOPPABLE, NOT_PAUSABLE, IGNORES_SHUTDOWN)
        WIN32_EXIT_CODE    : 0  (0x0)
        SERVICE_EXIT_CODE  : 0  (0x0)
        CHECKPOINT         : 0x1
        WAIT_HINT          : 0x7530
        PID                : 2792

        FLAGS              :

C:\>sc \\nostromo query snmp


        TYPE               : 10  WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
        STATE              : 4  RUNNING
                                (STOPPABLE, NOT_PAUSABLE, IGNORES_SHUTDOWN)
        WIN32_EXIT_CODE    : 0  (0x0)
        SERVICE_EXIT_CODE  : 0  (0x0)

        CHECKPOINT         : 0x0

        WAIT_HINT          : 0x0


As you can see, I just added two backslashes and NetBIOS (the short name) of the remote computer. Of course, you need to be the administrator of that machine.

Additionally, I found that the best way to restart any service is to stop it and then start it again.

You can create a batch file for automating such tasks. Then you can automate the entire process, shorten the time and avoid errors.

Stay tuned.

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