Windows server client for nfs

Network File System (NFS) клиент по умолчанию не установлен в Windows Server 2022/2019/2016 и десяточных версиях Windows 11/10. Для его установки запустите Server Manager, выберите Add Roles and Features -> Client for NFS.

Установка NFS клиента Windows Server 2019

Если вы хотите установить графические консоли управления NFS (nfsmgmt.msc), выберите дополнительно Services for Network File System Management Tools в Remote Server Administration Tools -> Role Administration Tools -> File Services Tools.

Services for Network File System Management Tools - консоль NFS

Или вы можете установить клиент NFS и консоль управления с помощью PowerShell:

Install-WindowsFeature NFS-Client, RSAT-NFS-Admin

В Windows 10/11 для установки NFS клиента выполните:

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName ServicesForNFS-ClientOnly, ClientForNFS-Infrastructure -Online -NoRestart

Клиент NFS в Windows поддерживает NFSv2 и NFSv3.

Теперь вы можете подключить NFS шару с помощью PowerShell:

New-PSdrive -PSProvider FileSystem -Name M -Root \\\mnt\hyperv -Persist

Опция Persist включает автоматическое подключение NFS шары после перезагрузки.


mount -o anon nolock \\\mnt\hyperv M:

Также вы можете смонтировать NFS каталог из графического интерфейса File Explorer.

Для отключения NFS шары, выполните:

Umount M:


Remove-PSdrive -Name M

При подключении NFS шары может появится ошибка:

The remote device or resource won’t accept the connection.

Ошибка подключения NFS шары: The remote device or resource won’t accept the connection.

Чтобы исправить проблему, запустите консоль Services for Network File System (NFS) и проверьте права для подключения к удаленному ресурсу.

Если вы хотите подключиться к NFS ресурсу под anonymouse пользователем, нужно добавить два параметра реестра:

New-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ClientForNFS\CurrentVersion\Default -Name AnonymousUID -Value 000001f4 -PropertyType "DWord"
New-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ClientForNFS\CurrentVersion\Default -Name AnonymousGID -Value 00000064 -PropertyType "DWord"

AnonymousGID подключение nfs под анонимным пользователем

Если для подключения нужно всегда использовать учетную запись root, измените значения параметров AnonymousUID и AnonymousGID на 0.

Если вы используете NFS подключения в окружении Active Directory, нужно отменить важный нюанс.

Если в AD не добавлены UNIX атрибуты и User Name Mapping не настроен, то для подключения к NFS серверу из Windows будет использоваться анонимное подключение. Для использование учетных данных для подключения к NFS вам нужно внести изменения в схему AD (атрибуты uidNumber и gidNumber).

На контроллерах домена WS 2012R2 можно добавить вкладку UNIX атрибутов в свойствах пользователя AD:

Dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:adminui /all

Однако эта опция является deprecated в Windows Server 2016 и атрибуты пользователя предлагается править вручную или с помощью PowerShell:

Set-ADUser -identity user1 -add @{uidNumber="<user_unix_uid>";gidNumber="<user_unix_gid>"}

При подключении NFS каталога также может появится ошибка:

You can't access this shared folder because your organization's security policies block unauthenticated guest access. These policies help protect your PC from unsafe or malicious devices on the network.

В этом случае нужно создать параметр реестра AllowInsecureGuestAuth:
New-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters -Name AllowInsecureGuestAuth -Value 00000001
New-ItemProperty HKLM:\ oftware\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\LanmanWorkstation -Name AllowInsecureGuestAuth -Value 00000001

Затем перепустите службу NFS.

Сегодня мы разберемся, как установить и настроить клиент NFS (Network File System) в Windows Server 2012 R2 / Windows 8. Итак, чтобы подключить каталог (шару) с NFS сервера в Windows Server 2012 R2 / Win 8, нужно, как и в предыдущих версиях Windows, установить отдельный компонент — клиент NFS (Client for NFS). Дополнительно, для возможности управления настройками NFS подключения, можно установить компонент служб NFS (Services for Network File System).

Клиент NFS входит в состав ОС Microsoft, начиная с Windows 7. В Windows 2012 / 8 клиент NFS получил небольшие изменения. Теперь NFS клиент поддерживает аутентификацию по протоколу Krb5p — Kerberos версии 5 (в дополнение к Krb5 и Krb5i, поддержка которых появилась еще в Windows 7), поддерживаются большие NFS пакеты – до 1024KB (в Win 7 максимальный размер пакета 32KB)

Клиент NFS можно установить через GUI или с помощью Powershell. Для установки в графическом режиме, откройте консоль Server Manager и выберите компонент (Features) под названием Client for NFS. nfs клиент в windows server 2012 r2

По умолчанию вместе с этим компонентом не устанавливается графическая консоль управления NFS, чтобы исправить это, установим опцию Services for Network File System Management Tools в разделе Remote Server Administration Tools -> Role Administration Tools -> File Services Tools. Services for Network File System Management Tools в windows server 2012 r2

Для установки NFS-клиента в Windows 8 нужно активировать компонент Services for NFS ->Client for NFS, через установку/удаление компонентов (Turn Windows features on or off) в Панели управления (Control Panel -> Programs -> Programs and Features).

Примечание. В отличии от Windows 7, в которой NFS клиент присутствовал в редакциях Enterprise и Ultimate, в Windows 8 клиент Network File System поддерживается только в старшой версии — Windows 8 Enterprise.

Все перечисленные выше компоненты системы можно установить всего одной командой Powershell:

Install-WindowsFeature NFS-Client, RSAT-NFS-Admin

Установка клиента nfs в Windows с помощью powershell

После окончания установки, запустите консоль Services for Network File System Managemen и откройте окно свойств NFS клиента (Client for NFS).

параметры NFS клиента (Client for NFS).

В настройках NFS клиента можно задать:

  • Используемый транспортный протокол (Transport protocols) – по умолчанию TCP+UDP
  • Тип монтирования NFS шар: hard или soft
  • На вкладке File Permissions указываются дефолтные права для создаваемых папок и файлов на NFS шарах
  • На вкладке Security указываются протоколы аутентификации, с помощью которых можно аутентифицироваться на NFS сервере

Настройки NFS клиента в Windows

После настройки установки, администраторы смогут смонтировать NFS каталог с помощью команды mount:

Mount \\\nfs z:

mount - команда монтирования сетевого каталога nfs

В этом примере мы смонтировали под буквой Z: каталог NFS, расположенный на сервере

После монтирования, подключенный таким образом каталог на NFS сервере доступен в системе как отдельный диск с буквой Z:\ .

Смонтировать NFS шару можно и с помощью Powershell:

New-PSdrive -PSProvider FileSystem -Name Z -Root \\\nfs

Примечание. Подключенный таким образом nfs каталог будет доступен только внутри сессии Powershell, в которой была выполнена команда монтирования. Чтобы смонтировать NFS каталог в системе на постоянной основе, в конце Powershell команды нужно добавить ключ –Persist.

Отключить смонтированный каталог можно так:

Remove-PSdrive -Name Y

How to Install and Configure NFS Client on Windows Server 2019

How to Install and Configure NFS Client on Windows Server 2019. One of the services is NFS storage space sharing. NFS stands for Network File System and allows it to create a storage space that can be shared over other servers or clients over the network. This service operates as a server/client and through it can create central storage.

In our previous guide, we installed NFS Server on Windows Server and created a share ready to be connected to. In this article, we are going to teach of you how to Install and Configure NFS Client on Windows Server 2019.

Stay with us.

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Table of Contents

A) Server Manager

Open Server Manager, click on Add Roles and Features and click Next on the wizard.

How to Install and Configure NFS Client on Windows Server 2019


How to Install and Configure NFS Client on Windows Server 2019

B) Role-based

In the Select Installation type page, select Role-based or feature-based-installation and click Next.

How to Install and Configure NFS Client on Windows Server 2019

C) Choose Server

Select the server you will install NFS on and click Next.

How to Install and Configure NFS Client on Windows Server 2019

D) Select Server Roles

In this Select server roles part, click Next.

How to Install and Configure NFS Client on Windows Server 2019

E) Features

In this Select features page, check the Client for NFS box and click Next.

How to Install and Configure NFS Client on Windows Server 2019

F) Confirm and Install

Confirm your installation selections and hit Install.

Let it finish installing then click Close and you will have finished the NFS Client installation process.

How to Install and Configure NFS Client on Windows Server 2019


How to Install and Configure NFS Client on Windows Server 2019


How to Install and Configure NFS Client on Windows Server 2019

G) How to Connect to NFS Server’s Share using umount.exe

Open your Powershell with Administrator privileges and execute the command below.

Make sure the drive you are labeling the share with is not used already on the client. is your NFS Server’s IP.

TestShare is the name you gave your Share.

E:\ is the label your share will have on your NFS Client as confirmed in step H.

How to Install and Configure NFS Client on Windows Server 2019

H) Confirm the share in File Manager

Open File Explorer and check if the share was mounted successfully.

Play around with the share by adding files and directories whilst confirming they are reflecting in the parent directory.

How to Install and Configure NFS Client on Windows Server 2019

Also, see:

1.How to Install and Configure DNS Server on Windows Server 2019

2.How to Install and Configure Windows Admin Center on Windows Server

3.How to Install and Configure Hyper-V on Windows Server 2019

4.How to install Active Directory on Windows Server 2019

5.How to install FTP Server on windows server 2019

6.How to Configure FTP Server on windows server 2019

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The Network File System (NFS) client is not installed by default on Windows Server 2022/2019/2016/2012R2 and Windows 11/10 desktop versions. To install it, open the Server Manager and select Add Roles and Features -> Client for NFS.

Install Client for NFS on Windows

If you want to install graphical NFS management consoles (nfsmgmt.msc), select Services for Network File System Management Tools under Remote Server Administration Tools -> Role Administration Tools -> File Services Tools.

Install Services for Network File System Management Tools on Windows

Or you can use PowerShell to install the NFS client and management snap-in:

Install-WindowsFeature NFS-Client, RSAT-NFS-Admin

If you are running Windows 10 or 11, run the following to install the NFS client:

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName ServicesForNFS-ClientOnly, ClientForNFS-Infrastructure -Online -NoRestart

The Windows NFS client supports NFSv2 and NFSv3 protocol verions.

Now you can mount the NFS share using PowerShell:

New-PSdrive -PSProvider FileSystem -Name M -Root \\\mnt\hyperv -Persist

Persist option allows to connect NFS shares automatically after a system reboot.

With CMD:

mount -o anon nolock \\\mnt\hyperv M:

You can also mount an NFS directory from the File Explorer GUI.

In order to disconnect NFS share, run:

Umount M:


Remove-PSdrive -Name M

An error may occur when mounting NFS shares:

The remote device or resource won’t accept the connection.

WIndows mount NFS error: The remote device or resource won’t accept the connection

To resolve the problem, start the Services for Network File System (NFS) console and check the permissions that you have to connect to the remote share.

If you want to connect to an NFS share as an anonymous user, there are two registry items that you will need to add:

New-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ClientForNFS\CurrentVersion\Default -Name AnonymousUID -Value 000001f4 -PropertyType "DWord"
New-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ClientForNFS\CurrentVersion\Default -Name AnonymousGID -Value 00000064 -PropertyType "DWord"

ClientForNFS: AnonymousUID and AnonymousGID attributes

If you always want to connect using the root account, change the AnonymousUID and AnonymousGID settings to 0.

When using NFS connections in an Active Directory environment, there’s an important caveat:

If UNIX attributes are not added to AD and user name mapping is not configured, an anonymous connection is used to connect to the NFS server from Windows. You need to make changes to the AD schema (attributes uidNumber and gidNumber) in order to use alternative credentials to connect to NFS folder.

On WS 2012R2 domain controllers, you can add the UNIX Attributes tab to the AD user properties in ADUC:

Dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:adminui /all

However, this option is deprecated in Windows Server 2016, and it is suggested that user attributes be edited manually or using PowerShell:

Set-ADUser -identity user1 -add @{uidNumber="<user_unix_uid>";gidNumber="<user_unix_gid>"}

An error may also occur when mounting an NFS directory:

You can't access this shared folder because your organization's security policies block unauthenticated guest access. These policies help protect your PC from unsafe or malicious devices on the network

In this case, you must create the AllowInsecureGuestAuth registry entry.

New-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters -Name AllowInsecureGuestAuth -Value 00000001
New-ItemProperty HKLM:\ oftware\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\LanmanWorkstation -Name AllowInsecureGuestAuth -Value 00000001

Then restart the NFS service from the nfsmgmt.msc snap-in.

Here we’re going to show you how to mount an NFS file share in Windows Server 2016 both temporarily and persistently so that it will automatically mount after a reboot.

There are a couple of different ways this can be done, including mapping a network drive or adding a network location, which we’ll discuss here.

Our NFS Server: In this example we already have an NFS server setup on a CentOS 7 Linux system which is available at and we have exported the /root/nfs directory with NFS. See our guide on creating an NFS server in Linux here if you need information on how to do this.

Install NFS Client

Before we can mount any NFS shares on our Windows server, we must first install the NFS client feature. This can be done through the graphical user interface (GUI) using server manager, however that takes a lot longer so we’ll use some PowerShell.

First we’ll use the Get-WindowsFeature cmdlet to search for available features that contain the string ‘NFS*’ in the Name field.

PS C:\> Get-WindowsFeature -Name NFS*

Get-WindowsFeature Find NFS-Client Windows Server 2016

As we can see NFS-Client is available for install but not currently installed.

Next we use the Install-WindowsFeature cmdlet to install the NFS-Client feature, as shown below.

PS C:\>  Install-WindowsFeature -Name NFS-Client

Install-WindowsFeature NFS-Client Windows Server 2016

Once complete we should see that the installation has completed successfully, no reboot is required for this feature, we can begin using it straight away.

Mount NFS Temporarily

We can use the mount command in command prompt to quickly mount our NFS share and confirm that it’s working. Note that the mount command used here is in command prompt rather than PowerShell, using it in PowerShell will fail as it is a different command.

C:\Users\Administrators> mount \\\root\nfs X:
X: is now successfully connected to \\\root\nfs

The command completed successfully.

Command Prompt Mount NFS Windows Server 2016

At this point we can browse to “This PC” and we should see the NFS share mounted under Network Locations.

There is an issue with this however, this mount is not persistent meaning that if we perform a restart of the Windows server it will not be there afterwards. Luckily there are a few ways we can permanently map to the NFS file share.

Mount NFS Persistently

Most of the time we will want our NFS mount to survive a system reboot and mount automatically after boot so that we don’t have to manually mount it every time.

There are a couple of different ways that we can achieve this task:

  • Map Network Drive
  • Add A Network Location

Map Network Drive

I personally prefer this method, as we can see the space remaining much more easily.

  1. First open up “This PC” and select Computer from the menu at the top. From here click on Map network drive, as shown below.

    Map network drive

  2. The Map Network Drive window will open, select the drive letter that you want to assign to the NFS share, followed by the IP address or hostname of the NFS server as well as the path to the exported NFS directory. Click the Finish button when complete.

    Map network drive

    You may see a pop up window showing that the connection is being attempted. Once complete the shared NFS folder will open up.

  3. When you view “This PC” you will see the mapped network drive under Network location. This method is better than adding the network location as we’ll discuss next as it clearly shows how much disk space on the NFS share is in use and how much is still available.

    Map network drive

Add A Network Location

This will basically create a shortcut to the mounted NFS directory for you to access at any time, it will also be available after restart just like the map network drive method above.

  1. First open up “This PC” and right click in the white space area and select “Add a network location”.

    Add network location

  2. On the welcome screen click Next to proceed.

    Add network location

  3. Select that you want to choose a custom network location, followed by the Next button.

    Add network location

  4. Enter in two back slashes, followed by the IP address or hostname of your NFS server, followed by the path that is being exported by the NFS server. Click Next once you’ve filled this in.

    Add network location

  5. You can now select a custom name for the network location, click Next once you’ve set one.

    Add network location

  6. To complete the process, simply click the Finish button on the completion screen.

    Add network location

  7. We can optionally open the NFS mount now, or we can browse to “This PC” and see the folder shortcut listed under the “Network locations” setting as shown below.

    Add network location

    As mentioned note that this does not show the disk space in use like the network drive mapping option.


We have shown you how to install the NFS client feature in Windows Server 2016, and then mount an NFS share from a Linux server both temporarily through command prompt with the mount command, and persistently so that the NFS share is mounted automatically after the server has been restarted.

By doing this we can easily access files from a Unix or Linux based operating system over NFS from Windows.

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