Windows server 2022 standard или datacenter отличия

Windows Server является операционной системой, разработанной Microsoft специально для серверных сред. В линейке Windows Server существует несколько различных редакций, включая Standard и Datacenter. В этой статье мы рассмотрим ключевые отличия между Windows Server Standard и Datacenter и поможем вам определить, какая версия лучше всего подойдет для ваших потребностей.

Краткое описание

Windows Server Standard — это базовая версия Windows Server, предназначенная для несложных сред с минимальной нагрузкой. Эта версия идеально подходит для малых и средних предприятий.

Windows Server Datacenter — это более мощная версия, предназначенная для сред с большой нагрузкой и потребностью в расширенных функциях виртуализации и облачных технологий. Она обычно используется в крупных предприятиях и центрах обработки данных.

Основные отличия

Вот таблица, показывающая ключевые различия между Windows Server Standard и Datacenter:

Windows Server Standard Windows Server Datacenter
Лицензирование На два процессора с возможностью запуска до двух экземпляров в виртуальной среде На два процессора с возможностью запуска неограниченного числа экземпляров в виртуальной среде
Расширенные функции виртуализации Ограниченные Да, включая Shielded Virtual Machines, Software-defined Networking и Storage Spaces Direct
Обновления Поддерживаются стандартные обновления Поддерживаются все обновления, включая функциональные обновления
Цена Более низкая Более высокая

Важно отметить, что оба этих варианта поддерживают все основные функции Windows Server, включая доступ к серверу удаленного рабочего стола, Active Directory и другие. Однако Datacenter предлагает дополнительные функции виртуализации и большую гибкость при работе с виртуальной средой.

В заключение

Выбор между Windows Server Standard и Datacenter в конечном итоге зависит от ваших потребностей. Если вам нужна только базовая функциональность и вы не планируете использовать сложные функции виртуализации, то версия Standard будет вполне достаточна. Если же вам нужны расширенные функции виртуализации и облачные технологии, то стоит рассмотреть Datacenter.

Подскажите пожалуйста, какую версию windows server 2022 выбрать, Standart или Datacenter?
Я хочу поднять 100 виртуальных машин.
Вычитал что в версии Standart (2 виртуальные машины и один узел Hyper-V на лицензию) но не совсем понял этот момент, это получается что в версии стандарт можно создать только 2 виртуальные машины в Hyper V?

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получается что в версии стандарт можно создать только 2 виртуальные машины в Hyper V?

— технически будет работать любое количество ВМ, лицензионно чистыми будут 2ВМ (есть хост используется только для Hyper-V).

Я хочу поднять 100 виртуальных машин.

Общее правило такое: лицензируются все физические ядра сервера, минимальный заказ — 16 ядер (даже если в вашем сервере 4 ядра — покупаете 16).
Предположим, что у вас 2-процессорный сервер, каждый CPU содержит 32 ядра (64 потока) — итого 64 физических ядра. Теперь считаем:
— Standard: 16-ядерная лицензия Х 4шт = примерно 320К-350К р; 100 ВМ = это 50 лицензий. Соответственно, Вам надо 200 штук 16-ядерных лицензий, каждая стоит примерно 80К-85К. Итого = 16М руб.
— Datacenter: 16-ядерная лицензия Х 4шт = примерно 2М р; количество ВМ = неограниченно. Итого = 2М руб.

Было сравнение, что редакция Standard становится невыгодной уже при 12-14-16 ВМ…Плюс в Standard отсутствуют либо урезаны некоторые фичи (Storage Spaces Direct, например)

Разверните на линукс виртуалки, а сэкономленное вбухайте в железо…

это получается что в версии стандарт можно создать только 2 виртуальные машины в Hyper V?

Нет, это значит, что нужно покупать большее количество лицензий, если нужно больше виртуальных машин. Технического ограничения на количество ВМ нет, с некоторого количества Standart становится невыгоден по стоимости лицензий. Не соображу только насчёт лицензирования по ядрам. Нужно ли в случае Standart количество виртуальных машин (100/2) умножать на количество ядер хоста. Тут Rsa97 хорошо ориентируется в вопросах количества и типов лицензий, давайте его призовём.

Пригласить эксперта

Windows server лицензируется на физической хост, по ядрам( минимум 16 ядер ).
Кол-во виртуальных машин на физическим хосте лицензия не ограничивает.
Но каждая виртуальная машина должна быть лицензирована.
Если у вас виртуалки windows server они должны иметь советующую лицензию.
Лицензия standart позволяет вам запускать две виртуальные машины windows server в пределах одного хоста.
Лицензия datacenter позволяет вам запускать любое кол-во виртуальных машин windows server в переделах одного хоста.
Запуск виртуальных машин других операционных систем лицензируется согласно политике лицензирования данных операционных систем.

Важный нюанс, учитывая указанное вами кол-во виртуальных машин, вероятно вы хотите их запускать для других организации, вы не можете передавать другим организация обычную лицензия windows server ни стандарт, ни datacenter. Т.е. ваша лицензия не будет покрывать виртуальные машины используемые не вами, даже если физический хост ваш и у вас datacenter.

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Минуточку внимания

As technology advances, businesses and organizations must strategically select the OS best suited to their needs. With Windows Server 2022, Microsoft offers two powerful options: Standard and Datacenter. Each edition comes with its unique set of features, capabilities, and licensing models. Choosing between these editions can be a crucial decision. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the key differences between Windows Server 2022 Standard and Datacenter editions for you to make an informed decision aligned perfectly with your business objectives. So, let’s get started!

Compatibility of Windows Server 2022 Standard and Server 2022 Datacenter

Windows Server 2022 Standard and Server 2022 Datacenter editions are highly compatible with each other regarding core features and capabilities. Both editions share the same foundation and offer seamless performance with a wide range of hardware and software solutions. The key difference lies in their virtualization rights: the Standard edition provides limited virtual instances, while the Datacenter edition offers unlimited virtualization rights. This distinction makes the Datacenter edition ideal for heavily virtualized environments or organizations with expansive virtualization needs.

In essence, compatibility between the two editions ensures seamless integration and enables businesses to choose the one that best suits their virtualization requirements and budget constraints.

System Requirements for Windows Server 2022 Standard and Server 2022 Datacenter

Before installing Windows Server 2022 Standard or Datacenter editions, verifying the system requirements and compatibility with your specific hardware and software configurations is strongly recommended. The system requirements for Windows Server 2022 Standard and Datacenter editions are likely to be similar, as they typically share the same core features. Let’s check it out.

Processor: Minimum 1.4 GHz 64-bit processor, 2 GHz 64-bit processor (recommended)

RAM: Minimum 512 MB (2 GB for Server with Desktop Experience installation option)

Hard Disk Space: 32 GB or larger

Network Adapters: 1 gigabit per second Ethernet adapter

System Firmware: UEFI 2.3.1c-based system and firmware that supports secure boot

TPM: TPM 2.0 (Trusted Platform Module).

Display: Super VGA (1024 x 768) or higher-resolution monitor

Additional Requirements: Internet connection and a Microsoft account.

Pros and cons of Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Standard and 2022 Datacenter

Each model, Office 2021 and Office 2019, has its own advantages and disadvantages. To gain insight into these aspects, let’s explore the pros and cons of each version:

Pros of Windows Server 2022 Standard

  • Lower cost compared to the Datacenter edition.
  • Suitable for smaller deployments with limited virtualization needs.
  • Supports up to 2 Operating System Environments (OSEs) or Hyper-V containers per license.
  • Includes features like Storage Replica, Shielded Virtual Machines, and Cluster-Aware Updating.

Cons of Windows Server 2022 Standard

  • Does not include features like Storage Spaces Direct, Network Controller, and Host Guardian Hyper-V support.
  • Limited virtualization rights compared to the Datacenter edition.

Pros of Windows Server 2022 Datacenter

  • Includes all features available in the Standard edition.
  • Unlimited virtualization rights, allowing for greater scalability in virtualized environments.
  • Supports advanced features like Storage Spaces Direct, Network Controller, and Host Guardian Hyper-V support.
  • Ideal for large-scale virtualized environments and highly available clusters.
  • Advanced collaboration and enriched security.

Cons of Windows Server 2022 Datacenter

  • Higher cost compared to the Standard edition.
  • It could be excessive for smaller deployments with limited virtualization needs.
  • Regular patching and maintenance are essential to keep servers secure and up to date.
  • Complex security configurations may require experienced IT professionals to set up properly.

Comparison Of Features Between Windows Server 2022 Standard and Server 2022 Datacenter

Features Server 2022 Standard Server 2022 Data Center
Virtual Machines The biggest difference between Standard and Datacenter is the number of virtual machines (VMs) that can be run on a single license. The standard edition allows for two VMs. The Datacenter edition allows for an unlimited number of VMs.
Storage Replica Storage Replica is a feature that allows you to replicate data between two servers for disaster recovery purposes. The standard edition supports Storage Replica, but it only supports one replication group. Datacenter edition supports an unlimited number of replication groups.
Host Guardian Hyper-V Support Not included Included
Software-defined networking (SDN) Limited SDN capabilities Full SDN support, including Network Controller, Datacenter Firewall, Virtual Network Functions, and advanced SDN features for network virtualization and automation
 Shielded Virtual Machines Not available in this edition. This feature allows you to protect your virtual machines from unauthorized access. It is only available in the Datacenter edition.
Windows 2022 features Includes essential and core server functionality Includes all Standard edition features plus additional enterprise-grade features.
Scalability Supports up to 64 sockets and 256 logical processors. Supports up to 64 sockets and 256 logical processors.
Network Controller Not included Included
Pricing The Standard edition is usually more affordable than the Datacenter edition. The Datacenter edition is typically more expensive than the Standard edition due to its additional features and unlimited virtualization rights.

Which is Better: Windows Server 2022 Standard and Server 2022 Datacenter?

The choice between Windows Server 2022 Standard and Datacenter depends on your organization’s specific needs and goals and the scale of operations. Both editions offer an abundance of advanced features and improvements, making them highly competitive choices for businesses of all sizes.

Windows Server 2022 Standard edition is an excellent choice for small to medium-sized businesses and organizations with relatively straightforward IT infrastructure needs. If your organization primarily operates on a limited number of virtual machines (VMs) and does not require extensive virtualization capabilities, this edition will suit here perfectly. Moreover, Server 2022 Standard is a better option for businesses seeking a versatile, cost-effective solution. It supports various workloads and applications for environments with moderate resource demands. The affordable licensing cost of Standard is a major advantage. Thus, you can efficiently maximize your IT budget while still benefiting from the latest features of Windows Server 2022.

On the other hand, for enterprises or organizations with intensive virtualization needs and demand for extensive scalability, Windows Server 2022 Datacenter is the ultimate choice. The Datacenter edition offers unlimited VM licensing and allows you to run unlimited VMs on a single physical server. Moreover, Datacenter includes all the features in the Standard edition, but its unlimited virtualization licensing makes it a cost-effective option for organizations with substantial virtualization demands. By embracing Datacenter, you unleash unparalleled potential for growth, resource management, and high-performance computing. It is the go-to solution for enterprises and businesses experiencing rapid expansion.


Standard is suitable for those seeking versatility and cost-efficiency. It’s an excellent choice for smaller environments. On the other hand, Datacenter provides limitless virtualization capabilities. It is a compelling option for large-scale enterprises and data centers looking to optimize their resources and easily manage extensive workloads. Ultimately, evaluating your organization’s requirements and resources will help you determine which edition aligns best with your goals and drives your business toward success in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

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Windows Server 2022 Standard vs Datacenter

In this blog you will read more about Windows Server 2022 Standard vs Datacenter. We will be going into different aspects from these Server versions, such as the functions, differences and much more. We get a lot of questions about these two, so the answers to your questions will be in this blog. Do not hesitate to contact us, if you still have any questions after reading the blog.

What is Windows Server 2022 Datacenter?

A Windows Server allows your computers to work and run the best way possible. This server is the most advanced version out of the 2 Servers in this blog. Also, is it being used the most at medium-sized to big businesses. This server, is often being chosen for visualization. That is because the server allows you to place an infinite amount of VMs on a physical host. This is a really big advantage of the Windows Server 2022 Datacenter. The license is perpetual, meaning that you can use it forever if you would like to. However, you will have to think about the support end dates from Microsoft, and also if you would like a newer version. Windows Server 2022 Datacenter includes:

  • All the basic Windows Server 2022 features
  • Storage Replica
  • 1 Hyper-V host
  • Unlimited number of Virtual Machines
  • Storage Spaces Direct
  • Shielded Virtual Machines
  • Host Guardian Hyper-V Support
  • Software Defined Networking

What is Windows Server 2022 Standard?

Windows Server 2022 Standard is the basic version of Windows Server 2022. The main usage, is at small businesses, or medium-sized businesses. To get access to the Server, you will need CALs. The license is perpetual, meaning that you can use it forever if you would like to. However, you will have to think about the support end dates from Microsoft, and also if you would like a newer version. Windows Server 2022 Standard includes:

  • All the basic Windows Server 2022 features
  • 1 Hyper-V host
  • 2 Virtual Machines

The differences between Windows Server 2022 Standard and Datacenter:

You could have already seen some of the differences in the text above. Windows Server 2022 Standard offers a lot less functions in comparison to Datacenter. For example, Standard only offers 2 Virtual Machines, whereas Datacenter offers unlimited. Also, Datacenter offers functions such as Storage Replica, Storage Spaces Direct and Software Defined Networking.

Do I need CALs on my Server?

Yes, you need CALs on your Windows 2022 Server, whether that is Standard or Datacenter. You will need either User CALs or Device CALs. If you do not buy CALs for your Server, you will not have access to your Server.

Do I need User CALs or Device CALs?

We receive this question quite a lot. The answer on this question depends on two factors: how many devices and users you have within your company. If you have more devices than users, for example 28 devices and 19 users, User CALs are the way to go. If you have more users than devices, for example 32 users and 17 devices, Device CALs are the way to go. Take a look at the picture below to see another example of this:

User CALs or Device CALs

Conclusion/summary of Windows Server 2022 Standard vs Datacenter:

The conclusion is the fact that Datacenter offers a lot more functions than Standard. Of course, this goes hand in hand with a higher price. The Standard version fits the best for small to medium-sized businesses, where the Datacenter version fits the best for medium-sized to big businesses. Obviously, this is not a strict rule, it is just an advice. Check out the Windows Server 2022 licenses at Digi License.

In this article I will show you these different things between Windows Server 2022 Standard vs Datacenter.

Windows Server 2022 Standard and Datacenter are two editions of the Windows Server operating system, each with its own set of features and licensing options.

  • You can download Windows Server 2022 Standard iso here
  • You can download Windows Server 2022 Datacenter iso here

You can buy Windows Server 2022 Standard key for $80/key (lifetime) here:

You can buy Windows Server 2022 Datacenter product key for $150/key (lifetime) here:

Here’s a comparison between the two editions.

Windows Server 2022 Standard vs Datacenter

  1. Licensing: Windows Server 2022 Standard edition has a per-core licensing model, where you need to purchase licenses for each physical or virtual core in your server. Datacenter edition, on the other hand, has a per-socket licensing model, where you need to purchase licenses based on the number of processor sockets in your server.
  2. Virtualization: The Standard edition allows you to run two virtual instances of Windows Server on the licensed server, while the Datacenter edition provides unlimited virtual instances. This makes Datacenter more suitable for heavily virtualized environments.
  3. Containers: Both editions support Windows containers, but the Datacenter edition includes additional features like Windows Server containers and Hyper-V containers, which allow for greater container density and isolation.
  4. Storage Spaces Direct: The Datacenter edition includes Storage Spaces Direct, a technology that enables building highly available and scalable software-defined storage solutions using local disks. This feature is not available in the Standard edition.
  5. Shielded Virtual Machines: Shielded Virtual Machines provide enhanced security for virtual machines, protecting them against tampering and unauthorized access. While both editions support Shielded VMs, the Datacenter edition provides additional capabilities like Shielded VM support for Linux VMs.
  6. Software-defined networking: The Datacenter edition offers advanced networking features like Network Controller and Software Load Balancer, which are not available in the Standard edition. These features are useful for building software-defined networking infrastructure.
  7. Windows Admin Center: Windows Admin Center is a browser-based management tool that provides a centralized interface for managing Windows Server deployments. It is available in both editions.
  8. Price: Datacenter edition is generally more expensive compared to the Standard edition due to its unlimited virtualization rights and additional features.

How to buy license of Windows Server 2022 Standard vs Datacenter

The price of Windows Server 2022 is expensive. I find the place where you can buy Windows Server 2022 key online with cheap price.

You can buy Windows Server 2022 Standard key for $80/key (lifetime) here:

You can buy Windows Server 2022 Datacenter product key for $150/key (lifetime) here:

It’s important to carefully evaluate your requirements and choose the edition that best suits your needs. If you have a small or medium-sized business with limited virtualization needs, Windows Server 2022 Standard might be sufficient. However, if you have a large-scale virtualized environment or require advanced features like Storage Spaces Direct and software-defined networking, Windows Server 2022 Datacenter would be more appropriate.

Tag: Windows Server 2022 Standard vs Datacenter, windows server 2022 datacenter vs standard, windows server datacenter vs standard 2022, windows 2022 standard vs datacenter, Windows Server 2022 Standard vs Datacenter

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