Windows server 2019 kms сервер

В связи с недавним выходом нового Windows Server 2022 пришла пора обновить инфраструктуру KMS активации в домене, добавив возможность поддержки новых версий Windows Server и Windows 11. В статье мы рассмотрим установку роли Volume Activation Services в Windows Server, настройку и активацию KMS сервера с помощью KMS host key.

Если вы хотите детальнее познакомиться с технологией KMS активации Microsoft, рекомендуем начать со статьи FAQ по KMS активации Microsoft.


  • Установка роли Volume Activation Services в Windows Server
  • Активация KMS сервера Windows Server 2022/2019
  • Обновления Windows Server для поддержки активации Windows Server 2022/2019
  • GVLK ключи для Windows Server 2019, 2022 и Windows 10 LTSC

Установка роли Volume Activation Services в Windows Server

Для развёртывания собственного KMS сервера вам нужно установить роль Volume Activation Services на любой из хостов с Windows Server 2022, 2019 или 2016. Если у вас в домене уже установлен KMS сервер на базе Windows Server 2016 или Windows Server 2019, можете использовать этот существующий сервер (в этом случае этот раздел можно пропустить).

  1. Установите на сервере роль Volume Activation Services из консоли Server Manager или воспользуйтесь следующей PowerShell командой для установки роли:
    Install-WindowsFeature -Name VolumeActivation -IncludeAllSubFeature –IncludeManagementTools
    установка роли volume activation service в windows server 2022
  2. Включите правило Windows Firewall, которое разрешает доступ к KMS серверу:
    Enable-NetFirewallRule -Name SPPSVC-In-TCP
    (правило открывает доступ к серверу по порту TCP 1688).

Активация KMS сервера Windows Server 2022/2019

Далее вам нужно скопировать ваш персональный ключ KMS host key из личного кабинета Microsoft на сайте Volume Licensing Center и активировать ваш KMS сервер с помощью данного ключа.

  1. Авторизуйтесь в личном кабинете на сайте Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC), и перейдите в раздел License -> Relationship Summary -> Выберите License ID для вашего активного контракта Active License -> Product Keys. Скопируйте KMS ключ для Windows Server 2022; kms host ключ для активации kms сервера на windows server

    KMS Host Key для Windows Server 2022 называется Windows Srv 2022 DataCtr/Std KMS (либо используйте ключ Windows Srv 2019 DataCtr/Std KMS для предыдущей версии Windows Server 2019, если у вас нет подписки Software Assurance). Всегда используйте KMS Host Key для максимальной версии Windows Server, доступной в вашем личном кабинете. KMS сервер, активированный более новым ключом сможет активировать все предыдущие версии Windows.

  2. Установите новый KMS ключ командой:
    slmgr /ipk <новый_KMS_host_ключ_Windows_Server_2022>

    Совет. Если у вас на этом сервере уже активирован KMS ключ для предыдущей версии Windows Server, сначала его нужно удалить с помощью команды:
    slmgr /upk

  3. Активируйте ваш KMS сервер на серверах Microsoft:
    slmgr /ato
    (с сервера должен быть прямой доступ в интернет к серверам активации Microsoft хотя бы на время активации). Либо вы можете активировать KMS сервер по телефону(для этого нужно запустить графическую утилиту Volume Activation Tools);
  4. Если вы хотите опубликовать SRV запись KMS сервера в DNS (для автоматического поиска KMS сервера клиентами), выполните команду:
    slmgr /sdns
  5. Перезапустите службу Software Protection:
    Restart-Service -Name sppsvc
  6. Если вы планируете использовать данный KMS сервер в качестве сервера активации продуктов MS Office, нужно установить специальные лицензионные пакеты для нужных версий Office. Затем нужно указать KMS Host Key для активации редакции Office и активировать KMS сервер (подробные инструкции доступны в статье про KMS активацию Microsoft Office 2019/2016);
  7. Проверьте, что ваш KMS сервер активирован успешно:
    slmgr.vbs /dlv
    Убедитесь, что в поле Description указано
    VOLUME_KMS_WS22 channel
    , а в License status
  8. Теперь вы можете актвировать на вашем KMS сервере все поддерживаемые версии Windows, начиная со снятых с поддержки Windows 7 и Windows Server 2008R2 и заканчивая последними версиями Windows 11 и Windows Server 2022).

Обновления Windows Server для поддержки активации Windows Server 2022/2019

Вы можете использовать хосты с предыдущими версиями Windows Server в качестве KMS сервера для активации новых версий Windows Server 2022/2019. Но есть ряд ограничений.

KMS (CSVLK) сервер для активации Windows Server 2022 и Windows 11 (и всех предыдущих версий Windows) можно установить только на Windows Server 2022, 2019 или 2016 (WS 2012R2 не поддерживается).

Кроме того, на Windows Server 2019 или 2016 нужно установить обновление, которое обеспечивает активацию Windows Server 2022. В апреле 2021 года Microsoft выпустила специальное обновление KB5003478: Update to extend KMS support for Windows Server 2022 LTSC. В дальнейшем данное обновление включено в последующие кумулятивные обновления для Windows Server. Это значит, что вам достаточно установить любое кумулятивное обновление Windows Server, выпущенное после июня 2021 года.

  • Для Windows Server 2019KB5003646 (8 июня 2021) или более позднее
  • Для Windows Server 2016KB5003638 (8 июня 2021) или более позднее

Если у вас есть KMS host key только для Windows Server 2019, он будет активировать все версии Windows до Windows Server 2019 и Windows 10 включительно. Вы можете установить такой KMS ключ на Windows Server 2019, 2016 или 2012 R2.

На Windows Server 2012 R2 нужно установить обновления:

  • KB3173424 — обновление стека обслуживания (Servicing Stack Update) от июля 2016 года;
  • Любое накопительное обновление для Windows Server 2012 R2, начиная с 11 декабря 2018 года (KB4471320) или более новое.

Для Windows Server 2016 необходимы следующие обновления:

  • KB4132216 — обновление стека обслуживания (Servicing Stack Update) от мая 2018 года;
  • Любое накопительное обновление для Windows Server 2016, начиная с 27 ноября 2018 года (KB4467681) или более новое.

После установки обновлений и перезагрузки KMS сервера, вы можете добавить на него новый KMS Host Key и активировать его как описано выше.

Если вы не установили обновления для поддержки KMS активации новых версий Windows Server, то при установке нового ключа Windows Srv 2022 (или 2019) DataCtr/Std KMS с помощью следующей команды появится ошибка:

slmgr /ipk <KMS_host_ключ_Windows_Server_2019>

Error: 0xC004F015 On a computer running Microsoft Windows non-core edition, run ‘slui.exe 0x2a 0xC004F015’ to display the error test.

ошибка kms активации Windows Server 2019 Error: 0xC004F015

При этом в журнале событий фиксируется ошибка c текстом:

Installation of the Proof of Purchase failed. 0xC004F015
Partial Pkey=xxxxxxxxxxxx
ACID = xxxID

Installation of the Proof of Purchase failed. 0xC004F015

При активации KMS ключа через GUI появляется ошибка:

Invalid product key or license mismatch.  Please confirm this product key is entered correctly and is valid for this application or Windows edition.

Invalid product key or license mismatch. Please confirm this product key is entered correctly and is valid for this application or Windows edition

Также ошибка может выглядеть так:

0xC004F050 - The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key is invalid

При попытке активировать любой клиент на таком KMS сервере появится ошибка недоступности сервера активации (
Error code: 0xC004F074 - No Key Management Service (KMS) could be contacted

Чтобы исправить данную ошибку, нужно установить последние кумулятивные обновления безопасности на ваш KMS сервер с ролью Volume Activation Services.

GVLK ключи для Windows Server 2019, 2022 и Windows 10 LTSC

В следующей таблице представлен список общедоступных KMS ключей активации (GVLK ключи) для разных редакций Windows Server 2019 и Windows 10 LTSC:

Редакция ОС KMS ключ
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter WMDGN-G9PQG-XVVXX-R3X43-63DFG
Windows Server 2019 Standard N69G4-B89J2-4G8F4-WWYCC-J464C
Windows Server 2019 Essentials WVDHN-86M7X-466P6-VHXV7-YY726
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 M7XTQ-FN8P6-TTKYV-9D4CC-J462D
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC 2019 92NFX-8DJQP-P6BBQ-THF9C-7CG2H
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter WX4NM-KYWYW-QJJR4-XV3QB-6VM33
Windows Server 2022 Standard VDYBN-27WPP-V4HQT-9VMD4-VMK7H

Для установки публичного KMS ключа на компьютер или сервер нужно выполнить команду (где
– GVLK ключ из таблицы в зависимости от редакции Windows):
slmgr /ipk xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx

Указать KMS сервер для активации можно вручную:
slmgr /skms

Для активации ОС на KMS сервере:
slmgr /ato

Проверить статус активации Windows:
slmgr /dlv

Если вы хотите активировать на KMS сервере ранее установленную ознакомительную версию Windows Server 2022, сначала придется конвертировать редакцию согласно гайда.

Due to the recent release of the new Windows Server 2019, it is time to update the KMS activation infrastructure in your domain and add the support of new versions of Windows Server and Windows 10 1809 / LTSC 2019 (Long Term Service Channel) on your KMS server.

Installing New KMS Server on Windows Server 2019

If you don’t have any KMS servers in your domain, you can install the Volume Activation Services role on your new Windows Server 2019 host. The procedure is similar to the installation and activation of a KMS server on Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows Server 2016. Here’s what to do in brief:

  1. Install the Volume Activation Services role on your server from the Server Manager console or using the PowerShell command: Install-WindowsFeature -Name VolumeActivation -IncludeAllSubFeature –Include ManagementTools
  2. Enable the firewall rules that allow access to the KMS server: Enable-NetFirewallRule -Name SPPSVC-In-TCP
  3. Sign in to your account on Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC) website and go to License -> Relationship Summary -> Select License ID for your Active License contract -> Product Keys. Copy the key for Windows Srv 2019 DataCtr/Std KMS;
  4. Install the KMS key using the following command: slmgr /ipk <KMS_host_key_Windows_Server_2019>;
  5. Activate your KMS server on Microsoft activation servers: slmgr /ato
  6. If you are going to use this KMS server to activate MS Office products, you need to install the license packages for the Office versions you have (Office 2010, Office 2013, or Office 2016 / 2019). Then specify the KMS Host Key to activate your Office edition and activate your KMS server (you can find the detailed instructions following the links above);
  7. Now you can use your KMS server to activate all supported Windows (from Windows 7 to Windows 10) and Windows Server versions (2008R2 to 2019).

Updating Windows Server 2012 R2/2016 KMS to Support Windows Server 2019 Activation

If your company has an activated KMS server running Windows Server 2016 or 2012 R2 and you don’t want to deploy a new server running Windows Server 2019, you can use the old hosts to activate new versions of Windows Server and Windows 10 1809 / LTSC 2019. To do it, you need to specify a new KMS Host Key on the old activation server.

In my case, I tried to specify the new Windows Srv 2019 DataCtr/Std KMS key on the KMS server running Windows Server 2016 using the command:

slmgr /ipk <KMS_host_key_Windows_Server_2019>

But the following error appeared:Error: 0xC004F015 On a computer running Microsoft Windows non-core edition, run ‘slui.exe 0x2a 0xC004F015’ to display the error test.

slmgr - Error: 0xC004F015 On a computer running Microsoft Windows non-core edition

At the same time the error with the following description can be found in the event log:

Installation of the Proof of Purchase failed. 0xC004F015
Partial Pkey=xxxxxxxxxxxx
ACID = xxxID

Installation of the Proof of Purchase failed. 0xC004F015

When trying to activate the KMS key via the GUI, the following error appears:Invalid product key or license mismatch.  Please confirm this product key is entered correctly and is valid for this application or Windows edition.

confirm this product key is entered correctly and is valid for this application or Windows edition

Of course, Windows 10 LTSC 2019 and WS2019 also cannot be activated on this KMS server with an ‘activation server unavailable’ error: Error code: 0xC004F074.

To use your old KMS server to activate new Windows versions, you must install some special KMS servers updates in order to support Windows 10 LTSC 2019, Windows 10 1809 and Windows Server 2019.

Install these updates on Windows Server 2012 R2:

  1. KB3173424  — Servicing Stack Update, July, 2016;
  2. Any Windows Server 2012 R2 cumulative update released after December, 11, 2018 (KB4471320) or newer.

The following updates are necessary on Windows Server 2016:

  1. KB4132216 — Servicing Stack Update, May, 2018;
  2. Any Windows Server 2016 cumulative update released after November, 27, 2018 (KB4467681) or newer.

After you have installed the updates and restarted the KMS server, you can add a new KMS host key (VLSC) and activate it.

GVLK Keys for Windows Server 2019 & Windows 10 LTSC

The list of public KMS activation keys (GVLK – Generic Volume License Key) for different Windows Server 2019 and Windows 10 LTSC editions is given in the following table:

OS Edition GVLK Key
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter WMDGN-G9PQG-XVVXX-R3X43-63DFG
Windows Server 2019 Standard N69G4-B89J2-4G8F4-WWYCC-J464C
Windows Server 2019 Essentials WVDHN-86M7X-466P6-VHXV7-YY726
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 M7XTQ-FN8P6-TTKYV-9D4CC-J462D
Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC 2019 92NFX-8DJQP-P6BBQ-THF9C-7CG2H

To install a public KMS key on your computer or server, run this command:
slmgr /ipk xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx
You can specify the KMS server for activation manually:
slmgr /skms
To activate your OS on the KMS server:
slmgr /ato
To check Windows activation status:
slmgr /dlv

By default, the Windows operating system is activated online at Microsoft activation servers on the Internet. For enterprise customers, Microsoft offers an alternative to online activation called the Key Management System (KMS).

KMS is a separate license server on which the Volume Activation Services role is installed and activated using the KMS host key. Such a KMS server allows all workstations and Windows servers in the organization to perform on-premises OS activation, without the need for clients to access Microsoft activation servers on the Internet.

This article looks at how to deploy a KMS server and use it to activate Windows client computers.

KMS Activation FAQ

KMS activation server allows to activate volume editions of Windows OS and Microsoft Office products within the enterprise network. The KMS infrastructure is very simple: install the Volume Activation Services role on Windows Server, add your KMS Host Key (from Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Center), and activate your corporate KMS server on Microsoft by phone or online (this could be performed only once). After that, your enterprise devices can send activation requests to the KMS server and activate with it.

KMS is based on a client-server architecture. KMS client computers (your Windows workstations and Windows Server hosts) can find the KMS host in domain using DNS or you can manually set the KMS host address on the clients. By default, the KMS client connects to the KMS host on port TCP/1688.

The main advantages of KMS activation:

  • KMS clients do not need to access the Internet or the phone to activate the product (only network access to the KMS server is required);
  • The KMS client is activated on the internal KMS server for 180 days. It tries to renew the activation every 7 days;
  • If the KMS client is unable to contact the KMS license server for 180 days, your Windows device will be given a grace period of 30 days. After the 30-day grace period expires, Windows will switch to “Reduced Functionality Mode” (RFM);
  • In case the KMS server is damaged or lost, there is nothing to restore from the backup on the KMS server. Install a new Windows Server host, install the KMS role, enter the KMS host key, activate, and you are ready to go!!
  • For domain-joined computers, you can use Active Directory Based Activation (ADBA) instead of KMS host;
  • KMS infrastructure is simple and scalable. A single KMS server can serve thousands of clients.

Deploying KMS Volume Activation Role on Windows Server 2022/2019

You can install a KMS server on any version of Windows Server. In this example, we will show how to install a KMS activation server on Windows Server 2019.

Note. You can also deploy the KMS host on desktop versions of Windows such as Windows 11, 10, or 8.1. KMS host running on a desktop Windows edition cannot be used for KMS activation of Windows Server computers.

You can install the KMS role using the Server Manager GUI (Server Manager > Add Roles and Features > Roles > Volume Activation Services).

kms client activation

Or, you can install and configure the KMS server role using PowerShell:

  1. Run the PowerShell console as administrator and execute the following command:
    Install-WindowsFeature -Name VolumeActivation  -IncludeAllSubFeature –IncludeManagementTools
  2. If you have Windows Defender Firewall enabled on your computer, you will need to allow inbound connections on TCP port 1688. This can be done by the following PowerShell command:
    Enable-NetFirewallRule -Name SPPSVC-In-TCP
  3. Go to the Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Center website > Downloads and Keys > Windows Server > Windows Server 2019 > Key, and copy your KMS Host Key (Windows Srv 2019 DataCtr/Std KMS). This key is called CSVLK.
    activate windows kms
  4. Now you can install your KMS host key on your server. Run the command:
    slmgr /ipk <your_Windows_SRV_2019_KMS_host_key>
  5. In order to activate your KMS server online on Microsoft servers, run the command:
    slmgr /ato

    (you need to temporarily provide direct Internet for your server);

  6. To check the KMS server activation status, run:
    slmgr /dlv
  7. If necessary, you can optionally install the Volume License Pack for your Office version in order to activate volume Office copies on the KMS server (described in tutorial Microsoft Office KMS activation);
  8. Now you can configure KMS clients to activate on your KMS server.

Hint. You can activate up to 6 KMS servers with the same KMS host key.

Please note that the KMS host key Windows Srv 2019 allows you to activate all previous versions of Windows, starting from Windows 7/Windows Server 2008 R2. However, if your KMS server is activated with an older host key, you won’t be able to activate new versions of Windows.

For example, if you activate your KMS server with the Windows Srv 2016 key, you won’ be able to activate Windows 11 or Windows Server 2019/2022. The maximum supported versions of Windows to activate in this case are Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016.

How to Activate Windows Computer with KMS License Server

Change the Windows Product Key to Public KMS Client Setup Key

Before activating your Windows client on the KMS server, you must change the product activation key to the public KMS Client Setup Key (GVLK, Generic Volume License Key. You can change the product key to KMS from the Windows GUI (use the command slui.exe 4), or you can use the slmgr command-line tool.

You can find the GVLK for your version of Windows here.

For example, according to this table, we should use the W269N-WFGWX-YVC9B-4J6C9-T83GX KMS Client Product Key for Windows 11 and 10 Professional edition.

kms activation

Install the GVLK key you found on your Windows device:


Wait until the confirmation message “Product key XXXXX installed successfully” appears.

windows kms server

Note. If your Windows computer was previously activated using the MAK key, this will change the product key from MAK to KMS (GVLK).

Now you can run the following command to activate your Windows copy on KMS server:

Slmgr.vbs /ato

And wait until the message Product activated successfully appears;

windows kms activation

In this case, the Windows client used the SRV (_VLMCS) record in the Active Directory DNS to find the KMS server on a domain.

Tip. You can manually set the KMS server address on a client if this SRV record is missing, or if your computer is not connected to AD using the nslookup command:

nslookup -q=SRV

setup kms server

This command lists all KMS registered.

You can manually set the KMS server address on a client if this SRV record is missing, or if your computer is not connected to AD.

Manually Activate Windows with KMS Server

You can manually specify the address of the KMS server using the slmgr with the /skms option. You can also set the TCP port number on which the activation service listens (by default 1688):

slmgr.vbs /skms <KMS_server_name_or_IP>:1688

Key Management Service machine name set to hostname successfully.

You can test network connectivity between your computer and the KMS server using the PowerShell command:

Test-NetConnection -ComputerName KMS_server_name_or_IP -Port 1688

how to set kms server on client

Then you can activate your Windows client with the KMS server:

Slmgr.vbs /ato

Check the Status of Windows Activation

Optionally, you can display information about the Windows activation status:

slmgr.vbs /dli

kms windows activation

As you can see, the utility returned the following useful info:

  • Name — the OS version;
  • Description — distribution channel VOLUME_KMSCLIENT channel;
  • License status — licensed;
  • Volume activation expirations — 180 days;
  • KMS server IP address and DNS name (Registered KMS machine name).

If you want to check when the license period expires:

slmgr /xpr

activate windows with kms

You can use the slmgr.vbs tool to perform Windows KMS activation on the remote computer. The following command will check the activation status on the remote computer named nywsdx3323. The connection credentials are specified in plain text:

slmgr.vbs nywsdx3323 administrator P@ssw0rdd -dli

Windows KMS Activation Errors

Most often users face the following errors when activating Windows with the KMS server:

  • 0xC004F074 (The software licensing service reported that the computer could not be activated. No Key Management Service (KMS) could be contacted) — the KMS server is not available. It means that the KMS service is not running on the target server or that access to it from the client is blocked by a firewall.
  • 0xC004F038 (The Software Protection Service reported that the computer could not be activated. The count reported by your Key Management Service (KMS) is insufficient. Please contact your system administrator) — you did not have the necessary number of activation requests on the KMS server (called the activation threshold). For desktop Windows edition the minimum number of KMS clients – is 25, for Windows Server – 5 (it can be both physical devices and virtual machines). You can check the current count of hosts connected to the KMS server with the command slmgr.vbs /dli. Target more Windows hosts to your KMS server;
  • 0xC004F015 (The Software Protection Service reported that the product key is not available) — you will see this error when you try to activate a newer version of Windows OS on the KMS server that is activated with the old KMS host key. In this case, you need to get a new KMS host key from VLSC and reactivate your KMS server.
  • 0x80072F8F (We can’t activate Windows on this device at the moment. You can try activating later) — check if the time and date on your device are correct. If necessary, synchronize the time with the NTP server;
  • 0xC004F035 and 0xC004F059 (The software licensing service reported that the computer could not be activated with a Volume license key. Volume-licensed systems require upgrading from a qualified operating system. Please contact your system administrator or use a different type of key) — these errors may occur on computers running OEM versions of Windows. There is a special ACPI_SLIC table in the BIOS of these computers. The KMS server can’t find a special token in such a table and cannot activate Windows. In such cases, it is recommended to update (flash) the BIOS firmware.

You can use the Slui.exe tool to display a description of most activation related error codes (use the syntax: slui.exe 0x2a ErrorCode). For example, to get a more detailed description of activation error 0xC004F074, use the following command:

slui.exe 0x2a 0xC004F074

activate windows using kms

The error description contains detailed information:

Windows Activation




The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. No Key Management Service (KMS) could be contacted. Please see the Application Event Log for additional information.

You can also find all activation-related events in the Event Viewer application log under the provider name Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP.

kardashevsky cyril

Cyril Kardashevsky

I enjoy technology and developing websites. Since 2012 I’m running a few of my own websites, and share useful content on gadgets, PC administration and website promotion.

1.1. Windows Server 2008-2022

Table 1. Windows Server 2022



Windows Server 2022 Datacenter


Windows Server 2022 Standard


Table 2. Windows Server 2019



Windows Server 2019 Datacenter


Windows Server 2019 Standard


Windows Server 2019 Essentials


Table 3. Windows Server, version 1709



Windows Server Datacenter


Windows Server Standard


Table 4. Windows Server 2016



Windows Server 2016 Datacenter


Windows Server 2016 Standard


Windows Server 2016 Essentials


Table 5. Windows Server 2012 R2



Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Standard


Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter


Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials


Table 6. Windows Server 2012



Windows Server 2012


Windows Server 2012 N


Windows Server 2012 Single Language


Windows Server 2012 Country Specific


Windows Server 2012 Server Standard


Windows Server 2012 MultiPoint Standard


Windows Server 2012 MultiPoint Premium


Windows Server 2012 Datacenter


Table 7. Windows Server 2008 R2



Windows Server 2008 R2 Web


Windows Server 2008 R2 HPC edition


Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard


Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise


Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter


Windows Server 2008 R2 for Itanium-based Systems


Table 8. Windows Server 2008



Windows Web Server 2008


Windows Server 2008 Standard


Windows Server 2008 Standard without Hyper-V


Windows Server 2008 Enterprise


Windows Server 2008 Enterprise without Hyper-V


Windows Server 2008 HPC


Windows Server 2008 Datacenter


Windows Server 2008 Datacenter without Hyper-V


Windows Server 2008 for Itanium-Based Systems


1.2. Windows 11

Table 9. Windows 11



Windows 11 Pro


Windows 11 Pro N


Windows 11 Pro for Workstations


Windows 11 Pro for Workstations N


Windows 11 Pro Education


Windows 11 Pro Education N


Windows 11 Education


Windows 11 Educaiton N


Windows 11 Enterprise


Windows 11 Enterprise N


Windows 11 Enterprise G


Windows 11 Enterprise G N


1.3. Windows 10

Table 10. Windows 10, version 1709



Windows 10 Professional Workstation


Windows 10 Professional Workstation N


Table 11. Windows 10



Windows 10 Professional


Windows 10 Professional N


Windows 10 Enterprise


Windows 10 Enterprise N


Windows 10 Education


Windows 10 Education N


Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB


Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB N


Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB


Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB N


1.4. Windows 8

Table 12. Windows 8.1



Windows 8.1 Professional


Windows 8.1 Professional N


Windows 8.1 Enterprise


Windows 8.1 Enterprise N


Table 13. Windows 8



Windows 8 Professional


Windows 8 Professional N


Windows 8 Enterprise


Windows 8 Enterprise N


1.5. Windows 7

Table 14. Windows 7



Windows 7 Professional


Windows 7 Professional N


Windows 7 Professional E


Windows 7 Enterprise


Windows 7 Enterprise N


Windows 7 Enterprise E


1.6. Windows Vista

Table 15. Windows Vista

Product KMS Key

Windows Vista Business


Windows Vista Business N


Windows Vista Enterprise


Windows Vista Enterprise N


1.7. Office 2021

Table 16. Office 2021



Office LTSC Professional Plus 2021


Office LTSC Standard 2021


Project Professional 2021


Project Standard 2021


Visio LTSC Professional 2021


Visio LTSC Standard 2021


Access LTSC 2021


Excel LTSC 2021


Outlook LTSC 2021


PowerPoint LTSC 2021


Publisher LTSC 2021


Skype for Business LTSC 2021


Word LTSC 2021


1.8. Office 2019

Table 17. Office 2019



Office Professional Plus 2019


Office Standard 2019


Project Professional 2019


Project Standard 2019


Visio Professional 2019


Visio Standard 2019


Access 2019


Excel 2019


Outlook 2019


PowerPoint 2019


Publisher 2019


Skype for Business 2019


Word 2019


1.9. Office 2016

Table 18. Office 2016



Office Professional Plus 2016


Office Standard 2016


Project Professional 2016


Project Standard 2016


Visio Professional 2016


Visio Standard 2016


Access 2016


Excel 2016


OneNote 2016


Outlook 2016


PowerPoint 2016


Publisher 2016


Skype for Business 2016


Word 2016


1.10. Office 2013

Table 19. Office 2013



Office 2013 Professional Plus


Office 2013 Standard


Project 2013 Professional


Project 2013 Standard


Visio 2013 Professional


Visio 2013 Standard


Access 2013


Excel 2013


InfoPath 2013


Lync 2013


OneNote 2013


Outlook 2013


PowerPoint 2013


Publisher 2013


Word 2013


1.11. Office 2010

Table 20. Office 2010



Office Professional Plus 2010


Office Standard 2010


Office Home and Business 2010


Project Professional 2010


Project Standard 2010


Visio Premium 2010


Visio Professional 2010


Visio Standard 2010


Access 2010


Excel 2010


SharePoint Workspace 2010


InfoPath 2010


OneNote 2010


Outlook 2010


PowerPoint 2010


Publisher 2010


Word 2010


Microsoft added a wide range of cloud-based features to Windows Server 2019, but the first step to the cloud can trip up admins who encounter activation problems with the server OS.

Windows Server 2019 requires license activation after 180 days, otherwise the system will shut down. With multiple server workloads, it’s not efficient to log in to each machine and manually activate them. There are also times when entering a valid key from the Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC) will not work. Errors and key rejection can happen, often for no apparent reason. To avoid frustration with the server GUI, it’s beneficial to learn how to activate the Windows Server 2019 license through alternative methods such as the command line or Key Management Services (KMS).  

Why use Windows Server 2019?

A switch to Windows Server 2022 might be a bit premature for many organizations who might prefer a more battle-tested server OS, while Windows Server 2016 might lack the more advanced functionality sought by some companies.

Windows Server 2019 offers important enhancements and a few years of updates that should placate even the wariest of admins who prefer stability over cutting-edge features. Some advantages in Windows Server 2019 over Windows Server 2016 include:

  • a unified management center for both networking and ecosystem monitoring;
  • scalable, expanded storage up to 64 TB, plus replication for disaster recovery;
  • better performance in Storage Space Direct — up to two times faster according to Microsoft — through improvements in mirror-accelerated parity; and
  • cloud-based file witness sharing.

Perhaps most fundamentally, Windows Server 2016 was not built for hybrid environments, making data management trickier for admins.

Windows Server 2019 also bakes in two modern technologies: AI and IoT support. Windows Server 2019 uses artificial intelligence for smarter predictions based on analytics. Microsoft added this feature to help admins lower operating costs. Devices on connected IoT platforms, such as servers and machines, can seamlessly share and back up data.

Microsoft updated Server 2019’s security features, added better support for Linux VMs, tweaked subsystem containers for easier development and updated its Remote Desktop Services functionality. This newest version also integrates with Windows Admin Center.

But the key to unlocking all this functionality is to activate Windows Server 2019 to avoid disruptions after deployment.

Activation via the command line and Software License Manager

Tapping into the elevated command line is a reliable way to access the Software License Manager (SLMGR), also called the Windows Software Licensing Management Tool. Interacting directly with SLMGR handles activation and access to license information.

There are some potential issues that come with working via the command line. Accidental commands will typically generate an error message, but it’s possible to harm the environment. Certain SLMGR parameters can also alter registry information. Double-check the command before execution to avoid problems.

This SLMGR uses parameters to deliver specific instructions. The parameters act like extensions and use the following format: slmgr /[parameter].

The SLMGR parameters fetch licensing information, alter licensing information and execute activation for Windows Server 2019.

Here are some common SLMGR parameters:

  • /dli: displays basic license and activation information;
  • /dlv: displays detailed license and activation information;
  • /xpr: displays the expiration date of an installed license;
  • /upk: uninstalls the existing license key;
  • /cpky: removes license key information from the registry;
  • /ipk [XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX]: changes the 25-digit license key or tries to activate the license if the provided key does not currently; and
  • /ato: forces immediate online activation, which is especially useful when KMS servers or Microsoft’s VLSC online activation servers aren’t reachable.

The primary extension used with activating Windows Server 2019 is /ipk, often used if there are issues using the VLSC.

Activate Windows Server 2019 with the command line

The following example command activates a license key. Navigate to the system32 folder from the command line, replace the X’s with the 25-digit license key and press Enter to execute the command:


A pop-up dialog box will show if the operation failed or succeeded. Microsoft recommends a server restart after a successful activation attempt. After a reboot, Server Manager will show the activated server.

If a server is missing from Server Manager, there might be an activation error. Open the command line and enter the slmgr /ato command. A Windows Script Host pop-up will display an error message that explains why the Multiple Activation Key was invalid. Either use another activation key or contact Microsoft for support.

KMS is an alternative activation method

Another way to handle VLSC activation is to use KMS, a client-server model for volume activation.

KMS clients connect to a KMS server, also called the KMS host, on the network for activation. A KMS host can be a VM or physical machine. To activate a computer running Windows Server 2019, the KMS host must use one of the following OSes: Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2019.

How to find and use the KMS Host license key

To set up a KMS host requires obtaining the KMS Host key. Use the following steps to activate the KMS host:

  1. From the VLSC website, navigate to License > Relationship Summary > Click Current Active License ID > Product Keys and copy the Windows Srv 2019 DataCtr/Std KMSfrom the keys list.
  2. Open the command prompt, type slmgr /ipk followed by the 25-digit KMS host product key and press Enter. Then, use slmgr /ato to activate the host key.

The server also needs the Volume Activation Services server role installed either from Server Manager or via this PowerShell command:

Install-WindowsFeature -Name VolumeActivation -IncludeManagementTools

The KMS host should then announce its presence on the network for KMS clients, such as a Windows Server 2019 machine. The KMS client should activate automatically, which remains valid for 180 days until it renews the activation via the KMS host.  

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  • Windows server 2019 standard нет графического интерфейса
  • Windows server 2019 лицензирование ядер
  • Windows server 2019 выберите какого пользователя отключить
  • Windows server 2019 kms activation