Windows server 2019 datacenter cal

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Microsoft Windows Server CAL 2019 – лицензия клиентского доступа, дающая пользователю право на доступ к службам на сервере. Лицензия Microsoft Windows Server CAL 2019 приобретается для каждого сотрудника, который использует серверные службы, такие как файловое хранилище или печать. При этом не имеет значения, сколько устройств применяется для доступа. Microsoft Windows Server CAL 2019 требуется для Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Standard и Datacenter.

Дополнительные лицензии CAL приобретаются в дополнение к клиентской лицензии Microsoft Windows Server для доступа к службам удаленных рабочих столов (RDS CAL) и управлению правами Active Directory (AD RMS CAL).

Пользовательские лицензии CAL

Приобретать пользовательские лицензии CAL имеет смысл, если сотрудникам  компании необходим доступ к корпоративной сети с нескольких разных устройств или если неизвестно, с каких именно устройств они будут осуществлять доступ. CAL также выгодны в тех случаях, когда в организации больше устройств, чем пользователей.

Лицензии CAL «на устройство»

Лицензируя доступ по числу устройств, приобретаются лицензии для каждого устройства, которое обращается к серверу. При этом не важно, сколько пользователей работает с устройством. Лицензии CAL «на устройство» позволяют снизить затраты и упростить администрирование в компаниях, где несколько сотрудников могут использовать одно устройство, например при работе в несколько смен.

Новое в Windows Server 2019:

  • Гибридные облачные сценарии: клиенты смогут легко интегрировать Azure-сервисы, такие как Azure Backup, Azure File Sync, аварийное восстановление и многое другое.
  • Безопасность: экранированные виртуальные машины теперь будут поддерживать виртуальные машины Linux. Встроенная защита от угроз Windows (ATP).
  • Платформа приложений: Windows Server 2019 представляет значительные улучшения для вычислений, хранения и работы сетевых компонентов кластера Kubernetes. Windows Server 2019 предлагает улучшенный WSL, помогая пользователям Linux реализовывать свои сценарии в Windows при использовании таких отраслевых стандартов, как OpenSSH, Curl & Tar.
  • Hyper-конвергентная инфраструктура (HCI): возможность управлять развертыванием HCI упрощает управление и повседневную работу в средах HCI.

Лицензия Microsoft Windows Server CAL 2019 по выгодной цене у крупнейшего интернет-магазина ПО в нашей стране. Стоимость лицензии от 8160 руб. Наши менеджеры проконсультируют и помогут с выбором лицензионных продуктов Microsoft для покупки в Москве, Санкт-Петербурге и других городах России.

Обращаем ваше внимание, что в связи с санкциями, Американские и Европейские производители не поставляют свою продукцию в республику Крым, а также компаниям, находящимся в санкционном списке. Вендоры могут аннулировать лицензии при выявлении нарушений.

To see detailed information, select the arrow icon for a specific product and program.

Per Core/CAL

Server Licenses (per core)

  1. Customer may use the server software on a Licensed Server, provided it acquires sufficient Server licenses as described below.
  2. The number of Licenses required equals the number of Physical Cores on the Licensed Server, subject to a minimum of 8 Licenses per Physical Processor and a minimum of 16 Licenses per Server.
  3. Datacenter edition permits use of the server software in any number of OSEs on the Licensed Server.
  4. Standard edition:
    • Standard edition permits use of the server software in two OSEs on the Licensed Server.
    • Standard edition permits use of one Running Instance of the server software in the Physical OSE on the Licensed Server (in addition to two Virtual OSEs), if the Physical OSE is used solely to host and manage the Virtual OSEs.
    • Customer may assign additional Standard edition Licenses to the Licensed Server equal to the number specified in 2 above and use the server software in two additional OSEs on the Licensed Server.
  5. As long as the total numbers of Licenses and Physical Cores remains the same, License reassignment is permitted any time Customer repartitions a single piece of hardware.
  6. As a one-time alternative to assigning base CALs per user or per device, a number of base CALs may be dedicated to an Instance of the server software on a single Server (per server mode) to permit up to the same number of users or devices to concurrently access that Instance.

Server Licenses (per core) – Licensing by Individual Virtual OSE

Available for subscription licenses or licenses with active Software Assurance only. All CALs used to access the software under this model must also be acquired as subscription licenses or have active Software Assurance.

  1. Customer may use the server software in one Virtual OSE on the Licensed Server, provided it acquires sufficient Server licenses as described below.
  2. The number of Licenses required equals the number of Virtual Cores in the Virtual OSE, subject to a minimum of 8 Licenses per Virtual OSE.
  3. Customer may reassign any of its Licenses to any of its Licensed Servers located within the same Server Farm as often as needed. Customer may also reassign these Licenses from one Server Farm to another, but not on a short-term basis (i.e., not within 90 days of the last assignment).

Access Licenses

  1. Except as described here and noted in the Product-Specific License Terms, all server software access requires CALs or CAL Equivalent Licenses.
  2. CALs are not required for access by another Licensed Server.
  3. CALs are not required to access server software running a Web Workload or HPC Workload.
  4. CALs are not required for access in a Physical OSE used solely for hosting and managing Virtual OSEs.

Identifies the License Terms for each Software Product, including the Universal License Terms, the applicable License Model, and any Product-Specific License Terms. References in Customer’s volume licensing agreement to “Use Rights” refer to the terms included in the Use Rights section of each Software Product Entry.

Use Rights
License Terms Universal License Terms for all Software
Down Editions Datacenter to Standard or Essentials, Standard to Essentials (for versions 2008 R2 and prior refer to the Product Terms – September 2018)
External User Access Requirements CALs or External Connector
Included Technologies None
Notices Internet-based Features, H.264 and/or VC-1, H.265/HEVC, Malware Protection — refer to Notices.

Identifies terms and conditions associated with Software Assurance coverage. For details on purchasing Software Assurance and general Software Assurance Benefits, refer to Software Assurance Benefits.

Software Assurance
SA Benefits Server
Disaster Recovery All editions
License Mobility External Connector only
Migration Rights Refer Product List — October 2013 and March 2014 (prior versions as well as HPC Pack, Windows HPC Server, Windows Server Enterprise, Windows Server HPC Edition, Windows Server for Itanium Based Systems, Windows Small Business Server); Product List — June 2015 (Forefront Identity Manager 2010 R2); Product Terms — October and December 2016
Roaming Rights None
Self Hosting All editions (except Essentials)
SA Equivalent Rights None
Prerequisite (SA) None

Note:  Windows Server subscription licenses (core, and base and additive CALs and SLs) purchased through CSP are subject to different terms as set forth in the Server Subscriptions for Azure section of these terms.

Client access licenses may be assigned by user or device, as appropriate. A user CAL allows access to corresponding version of the server software or earlier versions of the server software from any device by one user. A device CAL allows access to corresponding versions of the server software or earlier versions of the server software from one device by any user. CALs allow access to server software running on Customer’s Licensed Servers only.

Specialty Servers

Server Licenses (per Instance)

Customer may use one Running Instance of server software in either a Physical OSE or Virtual OSE on a Licensed Server for each Server License it acquires.

Subscription licenses or licenses with active Software Assurance only: When licensing by Virtual OSE, Customer may reassign any of its Licenses to any of its Licensed Servers located within the same Server Farm as often as needed. Customer may also reassign these Licenses from one Server Farm to another, but not on a short-term basis (i.e., not within 90 days of the last assignment).

Point Value Chart

The value assigned to a Product used to calculate the volume pricing level applicable to Customer’s volume licensing agreement.

Products License License and Software Assurance Software Assurance
Windows Server 2022 Active Directory Rights Management Services CAL 1 2 1
Windows Server 2022 CAL 1 2 1
Windows Server 2022 Remote Desktop Services CAL (Device and User) 1 2 1
Windows Server 2022 Remote Desktop Services External Connector 75 113 38
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (2-packs of Core Licenses) 10 25 15
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (16-packs of Core Licenses) 75 188 113
Windows Server 2019 Essentials 5 10 5
Windows Server 2022 Standard (2-packs of Core Licenses) 1 3 2
Windows Server 2022 Standard (16-packs of Core Licenses) 15 38 23
Windows Server 2022 Active Directory Rights Management Services External Connector 125 188 63
Windows Server 2022 External Connector 25 38 13

Server Software Access

 Base Access License
Windows Server 2022 CAL
CAL Equivalent License (refer to CAL and ML Equivalency)

*As an exception, users do not need Windows Server CALs when accessing the server software solely to sync between an Active Directory infrastructure running on Customer’s Licensed Servers and Microsoft Entra ID.

Additional Terms for Windows Server 2019 Essentials

Limitations on Use

  1. At any one time, Customer may use a Running Instance of the server software in each of the Physical OSE and in one Virtual OSE.
  2. Customer must run the server software within a domain where the Server’s Active Directory is configured as (i) the domain controller (a single server which contains all the flexible single master operations (FSMO) roles), (ii) the root of the domain forest, (iii) not to be a child domain, and (iv) to have no trust relationship with any other domains. If the server software is used in a Virtual OSE, the Instance in the Physical OSE may be used only to run hardware virtualization software, provide hardware virtualization services, or run software to manage and service Operating System Environment on the Licensed Server. That Instance does not need to meet the requirements in (I) through (iv) above.

Using the Server Software

A User Account is a unique user name with its associated password created through the Windows Server 2019 Essentials Console. Customer may use up to 25 user accounts. Each user account permits a named user to access and use the server software on that server. It may reassign a user account from one user to another provided that the reassignment does not occur within 90 days of the last assignment.

Windows Server 2019 Essentials Connector

Customer may install and use the Windows Server 2019 Essentials Connector software on no more than 50 devices at any one time. It may use this software only with the server software.

Windows Server Active Directory Rights Management Services Access

Customer must acquire a Windows Server 2022 Active Directory Rights Management Services CAL for each User Account through which a user directly or indirectly accesses the Windows Server 2022 Active Directory Rights Management Services functionality.

Microsoft Azure Hybrid Benefit for Windows Server

Refer to Microsoft Azure Hybrid Benefit of the Microsoft Azure Services Product Entry for deploying Windows Server images on Microsoft Azure.

Remote Desktop Services (“RDS”) User CAL and User SL Extended Rights

Customer may use its RDS User CALs and User SLs with Windows Server software running in OSEs dedicated to its internal use on either Microsoft Azure Services or the shared or dedicated servers of a License Mobility through Software Assurance Partner for which it has completed and submitted the License Mobility verification form. Other than administrative access by Customer’s License Mobility through Software Assurance Partner, no other party may access the OSE(s). For any CAL or User SL Customer has used in this manner, it may later move to Microsoft Azure Services or a new License Mobility through Software Assurance Partner, but not sooner than 90 days after it initiated use in the environment it is leaving.

Windows Server Containers without Hyper-V isolation with Windows Server 2022 Standard and Datacenter

Customer may use any number of OSEs instantiated as Windows Server Containers without Hyper-V isolation on the Licensed Server.

Point Value Chart

The value assigned to a Product used to calculate the volume pricing level applicable to Customer’s volume licensing agreement.

Products License
Windows Server 2022 Active Directory Rights Management Services CAL 1
Windows Server 2022 CAL 1
Windows Server 2022 Remote Desktop Services CAL (Device and User) 1
Windows Server 2022 Remote Desktop Services External Connector 75
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (2-packs of Core Licenses) 10
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (16-packs of Core Licenses) 75
Windows Server 2019 Essentials 5
Windows Server 2022 Standard (2-packs of Core Licenses) 1
Windows Server 2022 Standard (16-packs of Core Licenses) 15
Windows Server 2022 Active Directory Rights Management Services External Connector 125
Windows Server 2022 External Connector 25

Cloud Solution Provider — Hoster Exception

Users do not need Windows Server CALs when accessing server software acquired from, fulfilled, and hosted by a Cloud Solution Provider-Hoster.

Product Conditions:

Provides additional information related to acquiring the Product, such as prerequisites for purchase, prior versions, and the applicable Product Pool.

Product Conditions — General
Prior Version Windows Server 2019 (10/18)
Product Pool Server
Promotions None

Extended Security Updates

Refer to Extended Security Updates in Software Assurance Benefits for acquisition and use of Extended Security Updates.

Windows Server Datacenter: Azure Edition

Use Restriction

Customer may use Windows Server Datacenter: Azure Edition only as an operating system for virtualization on Microsoft Azure and Azure Stack.

Additional Functionality Associated with Windows Server 2022 Remote Desktop Services CAL

Microsoft Application Virtualization for Remote Desktop Services and Windows Server 2022 Remote Desktop Services functionality

Additive Access License
Windows Server 2022 Remote Desktop Services CAL
Windows Server 2022 Remote Desktop Services User SL

*Also required for use of Windows Server to host a graphical user interface (using the Windows Server 2022 Remote Desktop Services functionality or other technology).

Additional Functionality Associated with Windows Server 2022 Rights Management Services CAL

Windows Server 2022 Rights Management Services

Additive Access License
Windows Server 2022 Active Directory Rights Management Services CAL 
Azure Information Protection P1 User SL
CAL Equivalent License (refer to CAL and ML Equivalency)

Additional Functionality Associated with Microsoft Identity Manager User CAL

Microsoft Identity Manager 2016 functionality

Additive Access License
Microsoft Identity Manager 2016 User CAL
Microsoft Entra ID (P1 and P2) User SL
CAL Equivalent License (refer to CAL and ML Equivalency)

*Also required for any person for whom the software issues or manages identity information.

Synchronization Service

Microsoft Identity Manager 2016 CALs not required for users only using Microsoft Identity Manager synchronization service.

Product Conditions — Program Specific
Qualified User Exemption External Connectors

Server External User Access

Base Access License
Windows Server 2022 External Connector

Azure Virtual Desktop for Windows Server 

Refer to the Azure Virtual Desktop section of the Microsoft Azure Services Product entry for rights to access Azure Virtual Desktop Windows Server virtual machines.

Limited Right to Use Datacenter Images with Standard Licenses

Customers with Windows Server Standard subscription licenses acquired through CSP and assigned on a Virtual OSE basis may run Windows Server Datacenter images instead of Standard images.

Subject to the following conditions:

  • Customer may run Datacenter images as guest OSEs only.
  • Customer must use its existing Windows Server Datacenter activation infrastructure to activate Datacenter guests (e.g., existing KMS server), or access the Datacenter guests provided by a Cloud Solution Provider-Hoster.
  • All other Windows Server Standard Use Rights apply.
Product Conditions — Program Specific
Qualified User Exemption External Connectors
UTD Discount None

Windows Server Products data processing

Microsoft will be a controller of Personal Data processed in connection with your use of Windows Server Products. When Microsoft is a controller, Microsoft will handle the Personal Data in accordance with the Microsoft Privacy Statement (, and the Data Protection Addendum terms do not apply. Please see the Product documentation for details on any processing of Personal Data in connection with Windows Server Products and Customer’s configuration options.

Cloud Solution Provider — Hoster Exception

Customer does not need a Windows Server External Connector license for External User access to server software acquired from, fulfilled, and hosted by a Cloud Solution Provider-Hoster.

Windows Server Annual Channel for Containers


Customer may only use Windows Server Annual Channel for Containers if it has Windows Server Datacenter core licenses with either an active subscription or Software Assurance.

Use Restriction

Customer may use Windows Server Annual Channel for Containers only as an operating system to host Windows Server containers in conjunction with a Certified Kubernetes product, as defined by Cloud Native Computing Foundation.

Windows Server Premium Assurance Add-on

Customers looking for terms and conditions for Premium Assurance Add-on should refer to the January 2018 Product Terms (which may be found at

Additional Software

Windows Server 2022
AD Migration Tool

Additional Functionality Associated with Windows Server 2022 Remote Desktop Services External Connector License

Microsoft Application Virtualization for Remote Desktop Services and Windows Server 2022 Remote Desktop Services functionality

Additive Access License
Windows Server 2022 Remote Desktop Services External Connector

*Also required for use of Windows Server to host a graphical user interface (using the Windows Server 2022 Remote Desktop Services functionality or other technology).

Additional Functionality Associated with Windows Server 2022 Rights Management Services External Connector License

Windows Server 2022 Rights Management Services

Additive Access License
Windows Server 2022 Active Directory Rights Management Services External Connector

Additional Functionality Associated with Microsoft Identity Manager External Connector License

Microsoft Identity Manager 2016 functionality

Additive Access License
Microsoft Identity Manager 2016 External Connector

*Also required for any External User for whom the software issues or manages identity information (in absence of Microsoft Identity Manager 2016 CALs).

Microsoft Windows Server CAL 2019 – лицензия клиентского доступа, дающая пользователю право на доступ к службам на сервере. Лицензия Microsoft Windows Server CAL 2019 приобретается для каждого сотрудника, который использует серверные службы, такие как файловое хранилище или печать. При этом не имеет значения, сколько устройств применяется для доступа. Microsoft Windows Server CAL 2019 требуется для Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Standard и Datacenter.

Дополнительные лицензии CAL приобретаются в дополнение к клиентской лицензии Microsoft Windows Server для доступа к службам удаленных рабочих столов (RDS CAL) и управлению правами Active Directory (AD RMS CAL).

Пользовательские лицензии CAL

Приобретать пользовательские лицензии CAL имеет смысл, если сотрудникам  компании необходим доступ к корпоративной сети с нескольких разных устройств или если неизвестно, с каких именно устройств они будут осуществлять доступ. CAL также выгодны в тех случаях, когда в организации больше устройств, чем пользователей.

Лицензии CAL «на устройство»

Лицензируя доступ по числу устройств, приобретаются лицензии для каждого устройства, которое обращается к серверу. При этом не важно, сколько пользователей работает с устройством. Лицензии CAL «на устройство» позволяют снизить затраты и упростить администрирование в компаниях, где несколько сотрудников могут использовать одно устройство, например при работе в несколько смен.

Новое в Windows Server 2019:

  • Гибридные облачные сценарии: клиенты смогут легко интегрировать Azure-сервисы, такие как Azure Backup, Azure File Sync, аварийное восстановление и многое другое.
  • Безопасность: экранированные виртуальные машины теперь будут поддерживать виртуальные машины Linux. Встроенная защита от угроз Windows (ATP).
  • Платформа приложений: Windows Server 2019 представляет значительные улучшения для вычислений, хранения и работы сетевых компонентов кластера Kubernetes. Windows Server 2019 предлагает улучшенный WSL, помогая пользователям Linux реализовывать свои сценарии в Windows при использовании таких отраслевых стандартов, как OpenSSH, Curl & Tar.
  • Hyper-конвергентная инфраструктура (HCI): возможность управлять развертыванием HCI упрощает управление и повседневную работу в средах HCI.

Для заказа корпоративных лицензий OLV менее 5 штук нужно обязательно предоставить номер действующего соглашения.

✅ Купите Microsoft Windows Server CAL 2019 (бессрочная лицензия для государственных организаций), Russian D Each Additional Product Device на официальном сайте

✅ Лицензия Microsoft Windows Server CAL 2019 (бессрочная лицензия для государственных организаций), Russian D Each Additional Product Device по выгодной цене

✅ Microsoft Windows Server CAL 2019 (бессрочная лицензия для государственных организаций), Russian D Each Additional Product Device, лицензионное программное обеспечение купите в любом городе России

Windows Server 2019 от Microsoft — это надежная серверная операционная система, оснащенная современными функциями и улучшениями для повышения эффективности и безопасности вашего бизнеса. Он предлагает широкий спектр сетевых ролей, включая веб-серверы, приложения, базы данных и многое другое.

В нашем магазине представлены различные версии Windows Server 2019, включая Standard и Datacenter, каждая из которых разработана с учетом специфических потребностей вашего предприятия. Независимо от размера и сложности вашего бизнеса, у нас есть решение, которое поможет вам создать оптимальную IT-инфраструктуру.

Покупка ключей активации Windows Server 2019 у нас — это быстрый и безопасный способ получить стабильную и эффективную операционную систему для серверов, поддерживаемую нашим высококачественным сервисом на каждом этапе покупки и установки.

Оснастите вашу IT-инфраструктуру надежной и мощной платформой с Windows Server 2019 от Microsoft!

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