Windows server 2016 docker compose

How to Install Docker Compose on Windows Server 2016 / 2019 / 2022. In this tutorial we will introduce Docker with it’s main advantages then move onto installation phase on Windows server.

Imagine a situation where you want to use two containers in a single system. In such a case, building, running and connecting the container from separate Docker files can be very difficult. It will take a lot of your time and even affect your productivity. That is why you need to consider Docker Compose.

What Is Docker Compose?

How to Install Docker Compose on Windows Server 2016 / 2019 / 2022.

A Docker tool used for defining and running multi container Docker applications. Every container running on this platform is isolated. However, they can interact with each other as and when needed.

Moreover, Docker Compose files are written in an easy scripting language called YAML. An XML based language whose acronym is Yet Another Markup Language. What makes this tool highly popular among users is its feature of providing access to activate all the services using a single command.

In a nutshell, instead of containing all the services in a huge container, Docker Compose splits them up into individually manageable containers. It proves to be highly advantageous both for building and deployment as you can manage all of them in distinct codebases.

You can use a Docker Compose in three processes:

  • Firstly to build component images using Docker Files, or get them from the libraries.
  • Secondly to determine every component service in the “docker-compose.yml” files.
  • Lastly to run them together via “docker-compose” CLI.

Docker Compose Features

Docker Compose constitutes the following features:

  • Supporting Environment Variables -here the Docker Compose enables you to customize containers based on different environments or users by adding variables in the Docker Compose files. This way, you tend to get more flexibility while setting up containers with Compose. Interestingly you can use this feature for almost anything from securely providing passwords to specifying a software version.
  • Reusing Existing Containers – where Docker Compose recreates containers that have changed since the last run. If it notices no changes, it re uses the existing container. It relies on the ability of the software to cache container configuration, thereby allowing you to set up your services faster.
  • Volume Data Preservation – with Docker Compose it saves data used by the services. You do not have to worry about losing data created in containers. If you have containers from the previous run, it will find them and copy their volumes to the new run.

Advantages Of Docker Compose

Some of the crucial benefits of Docker Compose are as follows:

  • Immediate And Straightforward Configurations – Since Docker Compose uses YAML scripts and environment variables, configuring and modifying application services is very effortless.
  • Provides Portability And CI/CD Support – All the services are defined inside of the Docker Compose files, making it effortless for developers to access and share the entire configuration. If they pull the YAML files and source code, an environment can be launched in just a matter of minutes. This way, setting and enabling CI/CD pipelines is very easy.
  • Internal Communication Security – With the help of Docker Compose, you can create a network for all the services to share. It adds an extra security layer for the app as the services cannot be accessed externally.
  • Using Resources Efficiently -by using Docker Compose, you can host multiple environments on one host. When you run everything on a single piece of hardware, you save a lot of resources. This way, it can cache configuration and re use existing containers contributing to resource efficiency.

Follow this post to show you how to install Docker Compose on Windows Server 2016, 2019 and 2022.

Install Docker Compose on Windows Server 2016, 2019 and 2022


  • A server running Windows Server 2016, 2019 or 2022 operating system along with RDP access.
  • A user with administrative privileges.
  • Minimum 4 GB of RAM with 2 Cores CPU.

Verify Docker Installation

Before installing Docker Compose, you will need to make sure Docker is installed on your Windows server. To verify the Docker installation, open your Windows command prompt and run the following command:

If Docker is installed on your system, you will get the following information:

					Client: Docker Engine - Enterprise
 Version:           19.03.2
 API version:       1.40
 Go version:        go1.12.8
 Git commit:        c92ab06ed9
 Built:             09/03/2019 16:38:11
 OS/Arch:           windows/amd64
 Experimental:      false

Server: Docker Engine - Enterprise
  Version:          19.03.2
  API version:      1.40 (minimum version 1.24)
  Go version:       go1.12.8
  Git commit:       c92ab06ed9
  Built:            09/03/2019 16:35:47
  OS/Arch:          windows/amd64
  Experimental:     false


Install Docker Compose

Before installing Docker Compose, you will need to enable TLS12 in PowerShell to download the Docker Compose binary from the Git Hub.

First step is to open the PowerShell as an administrator user. Run the following command to enable the Tls12:

					[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

Second step is to change the directory to the Docker directory with the following command:

					cd C:\Program Files\Docker>

Next step is to download the latest version of Docker Compose binary from the Git Hub with the following command:

					Invoke-WebRequest "" -UseBasicParsing -OutFile docker-compose.exe

Once the Docker Compose is downloaded, you can verify the Docker Compose version with the following command:

					docker-compose.exe version

You will get the Docker Compose version in the following output:

					docker-compose version 1.29.2, build 5becea4c
docker-py version: 5.0.0
CPython version: 3.9.0
OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.1.1g  21 Apr 2020

Docker Compose Help

If you are new to Docker Compose and don’t know all option to run it, then use this command to see the list of all options:

					docker-compose.exe --help

You will get the following list:

  build              Build or rebuild services
  config             Validate and view the Compose file
  create             Create services
  down               Stop and remove resources
  events             Receive real time events from containers
  exec               Execute a command in a running container
  help               Get help on a command
  images             List images
  kill               Kill containers
  logs               View output from containers
  pause              Pause services
  port               Print the public port for a port binding
  ps                 List containers
  pull               Pull service images
  push               Push service images
  restart            Restart services
  rm                 Remove stopped containers
  run                Run a one-off command
  scale              Set number of containers for a service
  start              Start services
  stop               Stop services
  top                Display the running processes
  unpause            Unpause services
  up                 Create and start containers
  version            Show version information and quit


Create a Sample IIS Container with Docker Compose

To use Docker Compose, you will need to create a docker-compose.yml file where you can define your all applications, interconnect all with each other and run them using a single command.

Let’s create a docker-compose.yml file to launch a simple IIS container. To do so, open your Notepad++ editor and add the following configurations:

					version: "2.1"
    build: .
    image: "iis-demo:1.0"
    - "80"
    - "c:/temp:c:/inetpub/logs/LogFiles"
    - "env1=LIVE1"
    - "env2=LIVE2"
    - "HOSTS="
    external: true

Save the file with name docker-compose.yml.

Next step is to create a Docker file using the Notepad++ editor using the following content:

					FROM microsoft/iis

# install ASP.NET 4.5
RUN dism /online /enable-feature /all /featurename:IIS-ASPNET45 /NoRestart

# enable windows eventlog
RUN powershell.exe -command Set-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\WMI\Autologger\EventLog-Application Start 1

# set IIS log fields
RUN /windows/system32/inetsrv/appcmd.exe set config /section:system.applicationHost/sites /siteDefaults.logFile.logExtFileFlags:"Date, Time, ClientIP, UserName, SiteName, ServerIP, Method, UriStem, UriQuery, HttpStatus, Win32Status, TimeTaken, ServerPort, UserAgent, Referer, HttpSubStatus"  /commit:apphost

# deploy webapp
COPY publish /inetpub/wwwroot/iis-demo
RUN /windows/system32/inetsrv/appcmd.exe add app /"Default Web Site" /path:"/iis-demo" /physicalPath:"c:\inetpub\wwwroot\iis-demo"

# set entrypoint script
ADD SetHostsAndStartMonitoring.cmd \SetHostsAndStartMonitoring.cmd
ENTRYPOINT ["C:\\SetHostsAndStartMonitoring.cmd"]

# declare volumes
VOLUME ["c:/inetpub/logs/LogFiles"]


Save the file with name Dockerfile.

Following step is to open your PowerShell as a administrator and change the directory to the directory where your docker-compose.yml and Dockerfile are saved.

Now run the following command to download IIS image and start the container:

Once the IIS container is started, you can verify the running container using the following command:

To check the container logs, run the following command:

If you want to stop the IIS container, run the following command:

That is great! We have learned How to Install Docker Compose on Windows Server 2016 / 2019 / 2022. it is time to summarize.

How to install Docker Compose on Windows Server 2016, 2019 and 2022 Conclusion

In this post, we explained how to install Docker Compose on Windows server 2016, 2019 and 2022. We also explained how to create a Docker file and docker-compose.yml file to launch the IIS demo container. I hope you can now easily launch your container using Docker Compose on Windows machine.

Docker Compose is very useful tool that make it easier orchestrate multiple containers to work together, especially in the case where you need to orchestrate more complex applications with multiple services. Docker compose also helps developers to automate the deployment of their code.

Please take a look at our Docker content here. 

Today, Microsoft announced the general availability of Windows Server 2016, and with it, Docker engine running containers natively on Windows. This blog post describes how to get setup to run Docker Windows Containers on Windows 10 or using a Windows Server 2016 VM. Check out the companion blog posts on the technical improvements that have made Docker containers on Windows possible and the post announcing the Docker Inc. and Microsoft partnership.

Before getting started, It’s important to understand that Windows Containers run Windows executables compiled for the Windows Server kernel and userland (either windowsservercore or nanoserver). To build and run Windows containers, a Windows system with container support is required.

Windows 10 with Anniversary Update

For developers, Windows 10 is a great place to run Docker Windows containers and containerization support was added to the the Windows 10 kernel with the Anniversary Update (note that container images can only be based on Windows Server Core and Nanoserver, not Windows 10). All that’s missing is the Windows-native Docker Engine and some image base layers.

The simplest way to get a Windows Docker Engine is by installing the Docker for Windows public beta (direct download link). Docker for Windows used to only setup a Linux-based Docker development environment (slightly confusing, we know), but the public beta version now sets up both Linux and Windows Docker development environments, and we’re working on improving Windows container support and Linux/Windows container interoperability.

With the public beta installed, the Docker for Windows tray icon has an option to switch between Linux and Windows container development. For details on this new feature, check out Stefan Scherers blog post.

Switch to Windows containers and skip the next section.

Switching to windows containers

Windows Server 2016

Windows Server 2016 is the where Docker Windows containers should be deployed for production. For developers planning to do lots of Docker Windows container development, it may also be worth setting up a Windows Server 2016 dev system (in a VM, for example), at least until Windows 10 and Docker for Windows support for Windows containers matures.

For Microsoft Ignite 2016 conference attendees, USB flash drives with Windows Server 2016 preloaded are available at the expo. Not at ignite? Download a free evaluation version and install it on bare metal or in a VM running on Hyper-V, VirtualBox or similar. Running a VM with Windows Server 2016 is also a great way to do Docker Windows container development on macOS and older Windows versions.

Once Windows Server 2016 is running, log in, run Windows Update to ensure you have all the latest updates and install the Windows-native Docker Engine directly (that is, not using “Docker for Windows”). Run the following in an Administrative PowerShell prompt:

Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force
Install-Module -Name DockerMsftProvider -Force
Install-Package -Name docker -ProviderName DockerMsftProvider -Force
Restart-Computer -Force

Docker Engine is now running as a Windows service, listening on the default Docker named pipe. For development VMs running (for example) in a Hyper-V VM on Windows 10, it might be advantageous to make the Docker Engine running in the Windows Server 2016 VM available to the Windows 10 host:

# Open firewall port 2375
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="docker engine" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=2375

# Configure Docker daemon to listen on both pipe and TCP (replaces docker --register-service invocation above)
Stop-Service docker
dockerd --unregister-service
dockerd -H npipe:// -H --register-service
Start-Service docker

The Windows Server 2016 Docker engine can now be used from the VM host by setting DOCKER_HOST:

$env:DOCKER_HOST = "<ip-address-of-vm>:2375"

See the Microsoft documentation for more comprehensive instructions.

Running Windows containers

First, make sure the Docker installation is working:

> docker version
Version:      1.12.1
API version:  1.24
Go version:   go1.6.3
Git commit:   23cf638
Built:        Thu Aug 18 17:32:24 2016
OS/Arch:      windows/amd64
Experimental: true

Version:      1.12.2-cs2-ws-beta
API version:  1.25
Go version:   go1.7.1
Git commit:   62d9ff9
Built:        Fri Sep 23 20:50:29 2016
OS/Arch:      windows/amd64

Next, pull a base image that’s compatible with the evaluation build, re-tag it and to a test-run:

docker pull microsoft/windowsservercore
docker run microsoft/windowsservercore hostname

Building and pushing Windows container images

Pushing images to Docker Cloud requires a free Docker ID. Storing images on Docker Cloud is a great way to save build artifacts for later user, to share base images with co-workers or to create build-pipelines that move apps from development to production with Docker.

Docker images are typically built with docker build from a Dockerfile recipe, but for this example, we’re going to just create an image on the fly in PowerShell.

"FROM microsoft/windowsservercore `n CMD echo Hello World!" | docker build -t <docker-id>/windows-test-image -

Test the image:

docker run <docker-id>/windows-test-image
Hello World!

Login with docker login and then push the image:

docker push <docker-id>/windows-test-image

Images stored on Docker Cloud available in the web interface and public images can be pulled by other Docker users.

Using docker-compose on Windows

Docker Compose is a great way develop complex multi-container consisting of databases, queues and web frontends. Compose support for Windows is still a little patchy and only works on Windows Server 2016 at the time of writing (i.e. not on Windows 10).

To develop with Docker Compose on a Windows Server 2016 system, install compose too (this is not required on Windows 10 with Docker for Windows installed):

Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $env:ProgramFiles\docker\docker-compose.exe

To try out Compose on Windows, clone a variant of the ASP.NET Core MVC MusicStore app, backed by a SQL Server Express 2016 database. A correctly tagged microsoft/windowsservercore image is required before starting.

git clone
cd Musicstore
docker-compose -f .\ build
docker-compose -f .\ up

To access the running app from the host running the containers (for example when running on Windows 10 or if opening browser on Windows Server 2016 system running Docker engine) use the container IP and port 5000. localhost will not work:

docker inspect -f "{{ .NetworkSettings.Networks.nat.IPAddress }}" musicstore_web_1

If using Windows Server 2016 and accessing from outside the VM or host, simply use the VM or host IP and port 5000.


This post described how to get setup to build and run native Docker Windows containers on both Windows 10 and using the recently published Windows Server 2016 evaluation release. To see more example Windows Dockerfiles, check out the Golang, MongoDB and Python Docker Library images.
Please share any Windows Dockerfiles or Docker Compose examples your build with @docker on Twitter using the tag #windows. And don’t hesitate to reach on the Docker Forums if you have questions.

More Resources:

  • Sign up to be notified of GA and the Docker Datacenter for Windows Beta
  • Docker for Windows Server
  • Learn more about the Docker and Microsoft partnership

Installing Docker on Windows Server 2016

First, install the Docker-Microsoft PacheManagement Provider from the PowerShell Gallery

PS> Install-Module -Name DockerMsftProvider -Repository PSGallery -Force

Next, you use the PackageManagement PowerShell module to install the latest version of Docker

PS> Install-Package -Name Docker -ProviderName DockerMsftProvider

When PowerShell asks you whether to trust the package source DockerDefault, type A to continue the installation.
When the installation is complete, reboot the computer.

PS> Restart-Computer -Force

Install Docker-Compose

Make sure to include to correct docker-compose version

PS> Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $env:ProgramFiles\docker\docker-compose.exe


PS> Uninstall-Package Docker -ProviderName DockerMsftProvider
PS> Uninstall-Module -Name DockerMsftProvider

How To Install Docker Compose On Windows Server 2016 2019 2022

How To Install Docker Compose On Windows Server 2016 2019 2022

Step into a realm of endless possibilities as we unravel the mysteries of How To Install Docker Compose On Windows Server 2016 2019 2022. Our blog is dedicated to shedding light on the intricacies, innovations, and breakthroughs within How To Install Docker Compose On Windows Server 2016 2019 2022. From insightful analyses to practical tips, we aim to equip you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of How To Install Docker Compose On Windows Server 2016 2019 2022 and harness its potential to create a meaningful impact. Builder and and Next this windows windows applies azure 2022 2016 get prerequisites azure the to 11 2019 script extensions ready how prep windows containers custom 10 and server for windows install tutorial to vms started 10 11 image runtime steps windows server windows container windows windows 10 server container describes server 11-

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By hitesh jethva in docker comments how to install docker compose on windows server 2016 2019 2022. in this tutorial we will introduce docker with it’s main advantages then move onto installation phase on windows server. imagine a situation where you want to use two containers in a single system. Installation scenarios scenario one: install docker desktop the easiest and recommended way to get docker compose is to install docker desktop. docker desktop includes docker compose along with docker engine and docker cli which are compose prerequisites. docker desktop is available on: linux mac windows.

Installing Docker On Windows Server 2019 Core Edition Youtube

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Method 1: install docker on windows server 2022 using gui with this method, launch the server manager and access the add roles and features wizard. select the role based features then proceed and select your server as the destination. on this page, just click next: on the features tab, select the containers feature. Windows server 2022 docker use docker compose. to install docker compose, it’s easy to configure and run multiple containers as a docker application. 3 answers sorted by: 2 i am also using windows server 2019, so from the above page i used: invoke webrequest » github docker compose releases download 1.26.2 docker compose windows x86 64.exe» usebasicparsing outfile $env:programfiles\docker\docker compose.exe it workded perfectly okay for me share improve this answer follow. Common configuration show 2 more applies to: windows server 2022, windows server 2019, windows server 2016 the docker engine and client aren’t included with windows and need to be installed and configured individually. furthermore, the docker engine can accept many custom configurations.

What S New For Docker On Windows Server 2019

What S New For Docker On Windows Server 2019

What S New For Docker On Windows Server 2019
3 answers sorted by: 2 i am also using windows server 2019, so from the above page i used: invoke webrequest » github docker compose releases download 1.26.2 docker compose windows x86 64.exe» usebasicparsing outfile $env:programfiles\docker\docker compose.exe it workded perfectly okay for me share improve this answer follow. Common configuration show 2 more applies to: windows server 2022, windows server 2019, windows server 2016 the docker engine and client aren’t included with windows and need to be installed and configured individually. furthermore, the docker engine can accept many custom configurations. Next steps applies to: windows server 2022, windows server 2019, windows server 2016, windows 10 and 11 this tutorial describes how to: get started: prep windows for containers prerequisites windows 10 and 11 windows server container ready azure vms azure image builder custom script extensions install the container runtime windows 10 and 11. By hitesh jethva in docker comments how to install and run docker on windows server 2016, 2019, 2022. in this tutorial we will introduce docker and how it works with it’s main advantages then move onto installation phase with how to install docker using powershell. docker is one of the most widely used containerization platform used by developers.

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How To Install Deploying And Run Docker Container On Windows Server

How To Install Deploying And Run Docker Container On Windows Server
Next steps applies to: windows server 2022, windows server 2019, windows server 2016, windows 10 and 11 this tutorial describes how to: get started: prep windows for containers prerequisites windows 10 and 11 windows server container ready azure vms azure image builder custom script extensions install the container runtime windows 10 and 11. By hitesh jethva in docker comments how to install and run docker on windows server 2016, 2019, 2022. in this tutorial we will introduce docker and how it works with it’s main advantages then move onto installation phase with how to install docker using powershell. docker is one of the most widely used containerization platform used by developers.

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have you ever wondered how you can get up and running using a windows server container host running docker containers? how to install and run docker compose on windows server 2019 in this video, i will show you how to install docker compose on video series on windows server 2019 training for beginners: this is a step by step video guide on how to install docker and in this tutorial, you will learn how to install docker compose on windows. docker compose is a tool for defining and running how to setup docker compose on windows server 2019 in aws (build windows containers): docker compose is used for how to setup docker compose on windows server 2019 in azure (build windows containers): docker compose allows you to how to install & run docker containers on windows server 2019 docker engine is what powers docker containers. it was originally how to setup docker compose on windows server 2019 in gcp (build windows containers): docker compose provides a way link to the official documentation of docker installation for windows : ➙ docs.docker desktop windows install link to in this video i am walking you through easy steps to install docker on a freshly installed windows server 2022. in the same we don’t live in docker containers, keep yourself safe with bitdefender premium security: bitdefendernc (59% how to install docker on windows server 2022 docker windows server installation guide wsl backend docker desktop is an


Having examined the subject matter thoroughly, it is clear that article provides valuable insights concerning How To Install Docker Compose On Windows Server 2016 2019 2022. From start to finish, the author demonstrates a wealth of knowledge about the subject matter. Notably, the discussion of Y stands out as a highlight. Thanks for reading this article. If you would like to know more, please do not hesitate to reach out via social media. I look forward to your feedback. Additionally, below are a few related content that you may find interesting:

Related image with how to install docker compose on windows server 2016 2019 2022

Related image with how to install docker compose on windows server 2016 2019 2022

In the previous article, we installed the Docker service in Windows Server 2016, but docker-compose was not installed by default.

Docker-compose sounds like a text file defined by YAML syntax, interpreted and executed through the docker-compose command line. In the docker-compose.yml file, you can edit the Docker containers (called services) you need to run, and the dependencies between these services. Docker-compose can help you maintain the life cycle of these services.

If you want to haveDocker Engine-EnterpriseExecute the Docker daemon and client directly on Microsoft Windows Server, and to install Docker Compose, please follow the instructions below.

  1. Start PowerShell (run as administrator). Search for PowerShell, right-click, and select«Run as Administrator». When asked if you want to allow the app to make changes to the device, clickYes

  2. In PowerShell, since GitHub now requires TLS1.2, run the following command:

    <span style="color:#f3f3f3"><code>[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

    Then run the following command to download the current stable Compose version (v1.25.4):

    <span style="color:#f3f3f3"><code><span style="color:#658b00">Invoke-WebRequest</span> <span style="color:#cd5555">""</span> -UseBasicParsing -OutFile <span style="color:#00688b">$Env</span>:ProgramFiles\Docker\docker-compose.exe

note: On Windows Server 2019, you can add Compose executable files to$Env:ProgramFiles\Docker. Since this directory has been registered in the system,PATHyou candocker-compose --versionRun this command in subsequent steps without additional configuration.

2. Test installation

docker-compose --version


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