by Milan Stanojevic
Milan has been enthusiastic about technology ever since his childhood days, and this led him to take interest in all PC-related technologies. He’s a PC enthusiast and he… read more
Updated on
- Windows Photo Gallery is one of the most well-known photo editing apps from Microsoft.
- Unfortunately, Photo Gallery for Windows 10 was discontinued and replaced by something else.
- A Microsoft Photos download is still available for those who want to keep using the app.
- The software doesn’t compare to some modern editors, but it still holds up pretty well.
Over the years Microsoft released many amazing tools, but unfortunately, some of these tools had to be discontinued. One of them is Windows Photo Gallery.
Since this was such a popular tool, today we decided to show you how to download it and install it on Windows 10.
What is Windows Photo Gallery?
Windows Live Photo Gallery for Windows 10 is an image optimizer and photo editing application. The first version was included with Windows Vista, designed as a Windows Picture and Fax Viewer replacement.
The first version was developed in December 2001 as a Photo Library and it was released under the Digital Image Suite 9 on June 3, 2003. The last Photo Library branded software was released on April 22, 2005.
After that, Windows Photo Gallery took over and it came with all the versions of Windows Vista.
When Windows 7 was released, Windows Photo Gallery was removed and added to the Windows Live Essentials suite.
At the same time, Microsoft changed the name of this application to Windows Live Photo Gallery and the first version of this software was released in 2007.
Over the years this tool saw some big changes and new features such as facial recognition, image stitching, batch people tagging and geotagging.
How we test, review and rate?
We have worked for the past 6 months on building a new review system on how we produce content. Using it, we have subsequently redone most of our articles to provide actual hands-on expertise on the guides we made.
For more details you can read how we test, review, and rate at WindowsReport.
Windows Photo Gallery allows you to organize photos by adding titles, ratings, captions, and custom metadata tags, and there’s also support for XMP metadata standard for categorizing your photos more efficiently.
Windows Photo Gallery also supports basic photo editing, thus allowing you to quickly resize, crop, adjust shadows, sharpness, or reduce noise. Another feature is its batch resize that allows you to quickly resize multiple photos.
As for supported formats, Windows Photo Gallery supports the most popular image and video formats.
How to install Windows Photo Gallery on Windows 10?
- Download Windows Essentials.
- Run the wlsetup-web file that you just downloaded to start the setup.
- Wait for the installation process to prepare.
- Select Choose the programs you want to install.
- Make sure to only select Photo Gallery and Movie Maker.
- Click the Install button to start the installation.
- Wait for the applications to install.
- Once the setup is completed click the Close button.
Installing Windows Photo Gallery is pretty simple, and you can do it by following the steps below.
Once the setup is finished you can start Photo Gallery by double clicking its shortcut.
As soon as we started Photo Gallery we encountered an error message saying that Photo Gallery requires Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition in order to run.
Fortunately, you can download all the necessary components from here. After installing the necessary components you should be able to use Photo Gallery without any problems.
After you start the application you’ll see list of thumbnails from your Pictures folder, but you can easily add any other folder to Photo Gallery.
You can also double click the thumbnail to view an individual image. From here you tag people, add geotags, captions and descriptive tags.
In addition, you can choose between several colour and exposure presets, or you can fine tune all of these options manually.
After you’re done with changes, you can save the edited image as a copy and preserve the original image.
You can set your edited image as a desktop, or share it online on social media websites right from the Photo Gallery.
We have to mention that you can easily apply effects such as colour correction and exposure to multiple images simply by selecting them and clicking the desired effect.
Of course, if you aren’t satisfied with changes you can easily revert back to the original version.
In addition to adding effects, you can create panoramas, auto collage and photo fuse right from the application itself.
Photo Gallery isn’t working on Windows 10? Fix it in a few simple steps with this guide.
As you can see, Photo Gallery works on Windows 10 without any major problems.
The only issue that we had was the lack of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition, but after installing the necessary tools the application worked without any problems.
Note: Do not forget that Windows Photo Gallery has been discontinued and Microsoft no longer offers support for it. If you have any issues with the app, you’ll have to solve them on your own.
If you are interested in a more capable image editing tool that can help you with all your projects, check out this awesome list.
This concludes our article today. We hope that we managed to show you all the important information you needed.
Feel free to tell us in the comments below which photo editor you use and if Windows Photo Gallery still has a place on your computer in 2019 or not.
- Способ 1: Microsoft Store
- Способ 2: Включение приложения
- Установка приложения по умолчанию
- Альтернативные варианты
- Решение возможных проблем
- Вариант 1: Восстановление и сброс настроек
- Вариант 2: «Windows PowerShell»
- Вариант 3: Встроенное средство устранения неполадок
- Вопросы и ответы
Фирменное приложение «Фотографии» обычно предустановлено в Windows 10. Если на компьютере его нет, то оно доступно в Microsoft Store, но, скорее всего, софт просто нужно активировать.
Способ 1: Microsoft Store
«Фотографии» — фирменное средство просмотра изображений и фотографий от Microsoft, которое может быть установлено через другое фирменное приложение — магазин. Если у вас его вдруг нет (оно также установлено по умолчанию), то в нашем отдельном материале вы найдете инструкцию по инсталляции официального маркета компании. Также в ней можно узнать о решении самых распространенных проблем при установке или работе.
Читайте также: Установка Microsoft Store в Windows 10
- Запустите Microsoft Store. В поисковой строке пропишите «Фотографии» и нажмите кнопку поиска или на клавишу «Enter».
- На новой странице отобразятся найденные совпадения, среди которых есть и нужное нам. Выберите его, чтобы перейти на страницу с описанием.
- Останется только кликнуть по кнопке установки «Получить» и дождаться, пока «Фотографии» будет инсталлировано на компьютер. Пожалуй, это единственный адекватный способ установить приложение для просмотра фотографий в Windows 10.
Читайте также: Решение проблем со скачиванием приложений из Microsoft Store в Windows 10
Способ 2: Включение приложения
В большинстве случаев «Фотографии» уже есть в системе, но если она не отображается в списке доступных для просмотра изображений программ, то, вероятнее всего, ее нужно просто включить. Для этого его сперва придется найти, используя «Редактор реестра». Более простой способ – использовать специализированный софт, предназначенный для расширения базовых возможностей операционной системы. Наш автор разбирал оба метода, позволяющих самостоятельно активировать приложение.
Подробнее: Включение стандартного приложения «Просмотр фотографий» в Windows 10
Установка приложения по умолчанию
Стандартный способ выбора приложения для открытия графического файла через контекстное меню и функции «Открыть с помощью» со стандартной программной может не сработать: его не будет в списке. Чтобы установить «Фотографии» в Виндовс 10 средством по умолчанию, потребуется перейти в «Параметры» системы:
- Кликните по кнопке «Пуск» и выберите «Параметры», помеченное иконкой в виде шестерни.
- В новом окне нажмите на раздел «Приложения».
- На панели слева кликните по вкладке «Приложения по умолчанию». Останется отыскать строку «Просмотр фотографий» и нажать на название установленной по умолчанию программы, если это не «Фотографии». Из всплывающего меню выберите нужное — искомый софт помечен как рекомендуемый для Windows 10.
После выбора приложения по умолчанию закройте окно. Как только настройки будут выполнены, все графические файлы в наиболее распространенных форматах станут автоматически открываться в интерфейсе «Фотографий».
Альтернативные варианты
Можно воспользоваться аналогичным софтом, предназначенным для просмотра фото и других изображений. Но, в отличие от приложения «Фотографий», такие программы придется устанавливать отдельно. Некоторые из них предусматривают дополнительные возможности, например встроенный редактор с базовыми инструментами для простого изменения файлов. Другие интегрируются в системное меню, что позволяет быстро открывать доступ к просмотру и редактированию изображений.
Переходите в наш раздел, где есть список наиболее популярных просмотрщиков изображений для Windows. В каждой статье – подробное описание программы, а также ссылка на скачивание с официального сайта.
Подробнее: Просмотрщики изображений для Windows
Решение возможных проблем
Иногда ни включение, ни установка не доступны, и это означает, что в работе стандартного приложения возникла ошибка. Но встроенные средства Виндовс позволяют устранить ту или иную неполадку самостоятельно.
Вариант 1: Восстановление и сброс настроек
Попробуйте восстановить или сбросить настройки приложения через системные «Параметры»:
- Запустите «Параметры» через главное меню и перейдите в раздел «Приложения». На вкладке «Приложения и возможности» в списке установленного софта найдите «Фотографии». Кликните по названию левой кнопкой мыши, затем ей же по появившейся строке «Дополнительные параметры».
- В новом окне сначала нажмите на кнопку «Исправить», после чего система попытается вернуть состояние приложения, не затронув данные.
- Если это не сработало, то выберите «Сброс», при котором все настройки и данные «Фотографий» будут удалены.
Такой вариант исправления неполадок подойдет, если фирменная программа работает некорректно.
Вариант 2: «Windows PowerShell»
С помощью терминала PowerShell есть возможность перерегистрировать приложение, что может помочь восстановить его работоспособность. Оно должно начать нормально функционировать после ввода одной специальной команды:
- Запустите «Windows PowerShell» от имени администратора — для этого кликните по кнопке «Пуск» правой кнопкой мыши и выберите соответствующий пункт из меню.
- Выполните команду
Get-Appxpackage -Allusers -Name Microsoft.Windows.Photos
, прописав ее и нажав на клавишу «Enter». Обратите внимание на строку «PackageFullName». Ее значение нужно скопировать с помощью сочетания клавиш «Ctrl + C». В нашем случае это «Microsoft.Windows.Photos_2022.30070.26007.0_x64_8wekyb3d8bbwe». - После этого вставьте команду
Add-AppxPackage -register «C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\***AppxManifest.xml» –DisableDevelopmentMode
и перейдите с помощью стрелок на клавиатуре к месту, где звездочки. На их место вставьте полученное в прошлом шаге название приложения, используя сочетание «Ctrl + V». В нашем примере команда будет выглядеть так:Add-AppxPackage -register «C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Windows.Photos_2022.30070.26007.0_x64_8wekyb3d8bbweAppxManifest.xml» –DisableDevelopmentMode
. Нажмите на клавишу ввода.
После этого приложение «Фотографии» будет перерегистрировано в системе, а его работоспособность может восстановиться.
Вариант 3: Встроенное средство устранения неполадок
В Виндовс 10 имеется встроенное средство устранения неполадок, которое находит самые распространенные проблемы и автоматически их устраняет или предлагает пользователю инструкции по самостоятельному решению. Запустить его можно при помощи «Параметров»:
- Через «Параметры» перейдите в раздел «Обновление и безопасность».
- Нажмите на вкладку «Устранение неполадок» и кликните по строке «Дополнительные средства устранения неполадок».
- Поскольку «Фотографии» — приложение из Microsoft Store, проверять на наличие ошибок нужно именно фирменный магазин. Найдите соответствующий пункт в списке, кликните по нему левой кнопкой мыши. Появится дополнительная кнопка, запускающая проверку неполадок.
После этого запустится средство устранения неполадок. Если возможно, система обнаружит и самостоятельно исправит ошибку. Также могут отобразиться рекомендации и инструкции для пользователя, которые он должен выполнить, чтобы решить возникшую трудность.
263.1 k скачиваний
Просматривайте свои фотографии на Windows
Приложения, рекомендуемые для вас
Браузер, ориентированный на игроков
Заботьтесь о своем компьютере и повышайте его производительность
Средство просмотра изображений, не отвлекающее внимание
Надежный, универсальный и настраиваемый браузер
Инструмент редактирования с богатыми возможностями
Просматривайте, изменяйте и редактируйте ваши изображения
С легкостью упорядочивайте и просматривайте свои фотографии
Больше информации
Лицензия | Бесплатно | |
ОС | Windows | |
Раздел | Просмотр изображений | |
Язык | Pусский | |
Автор | Microsoft Corporation | |
Размер | 149.83 MB | |
Загрузки | 263,075 | |
Дата | 2 окт 2023 | |
Тип файла | MSIXBUNDLE | |
Возрастные ограничения | Для всех возрастов | |
SHA256 | aa952ef783d81f018151193aec37efa024f1baf575935bde9ca6733e57a4d264 | |
Почему это приложение опубликовано на Uptodown? |
(Больше информации) |
Похожие на Microsoft Photos
С легкостью упорядочивайте и просматривайте свои фотографии
Средство просмотра изображений, не отвлекающее внимание
Просматривайте, изменяйте и редактируйте ваши изображения
С лёгкостью удаляйте фон из ваших изображений
Работайте с вашими фотографиями в формате RAW на вашем ПК
Andrey Isaev
Одна из лучших программ для просмотра и организации фотографий
Отличный способ просмотра своих фотографий и изображений
Делайте снимки экрана и редактируйте на ходу
Мощный инструмент для пост-продакшена на ПК
Создание сенсационных текстовых 3D-анимаций
WebMinds, INC.
Nikon Corporation
Создавайте эффекты дополненной реальности для Instagram и Facebook
Windows Photo Gallery for Windows 10 PC/laptop – Free download Windows Photo Gallery latest official version for Windows 7 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 / Windows 10 64. Now, this app is available for Windows PC users. Windows Photo Gallery is one of the most popular Imaging and Digital Photo apps worldwide!
Make your photos really stand out with powerful and editing tools
Table of Contents
Windows Photo Gallery Latest Version Overview
Windows Photo Gallery is one of the most popular Imaging and Digital Photo alongside FreeCAD, FotoSketcher, and JT2Go. This app has its advantages compared to other Imaging and Digital Photo applications. Windows Photo Gallery is lightweight and easy to use, simple for beginners and powerful for professionals. Windows Photo Gallery application is free to download and offers easy-to-install, easy-to-use, secure, and reliable Imaging and Digital Photo applications.
Windows Photo Gallery is a very fast, small, compact and innovative Freeware Imaging and Digital Photo for Windows PC. It is designed to be uncomplicated for beginners and powerful for professionals. This app has unique and interesting features, unlike some other Imaging and Digital Photo apps. Windows Photo Gallery works with most Windows Operating System, including Windows 7 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 / Windows 10 64.
Although there are many popular Imaging and Digital Photo software, most people download and install the Freeware version. However, don’t forget to update the programs periodically. You can get Windows Photo Gallery free and download its latest version for Windows 7 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 / Windows 10 64 PC from below.
Windows Photo Gallery Technical Details
It’s better to know the app’s technical details and to have a knowledge background about the app. Therefore, you can find out if Windows Photo Gallery will work on your Windows device or not.
App Name: | Windows Photo Gallery |
Developer: | Microsoft Corporation |
Version: | Windows Photo Gallery 16.4.3528.331 |
Updated: | May, 26th 2019 |
Category | Imaging and Digital Photo |
File Size: | 130.97 MB |
File Type: | EXE file |
Requirement: | PC/laptop/tablet running Windows (Windows 7 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 / Windows 10 64) |
License: | Freeware |
Download Windows Photo Gallery for Windows 10 (64/32-bit) PC/laptop
Download Windows Photo Gallery (latest version) free for Windows 10 (64-bit and 32-bit) PC/laptop/tablet. Safe Download and Install from the official link!
Windows Photo Gallery 64-bit and 32-bit download features:
- Windows Photo Gallery direct, free and safe download
- Latest version update
- Compatible with Windows 10 64-bit and 32-bit
- Download Windows Photo Gallery for your PC or laptop
Windows Photo Gallery Setup Installer
Download & install the latest offline installer version of Windows Photo Gallery for Windows PC / laptop. It works with both 32-bit & 64-bit versions of Windows 7 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 / Windows 10 64.
✔ Free & Safe Download for Windows PC/laptop – 130.97 MB
Safety (Virus) Test:
✔ Tested and is 100% Safe to download and install on your Windows 7 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 / Windows 10 64 device (PC/laptop/tablet).
What is New in the Windows Photo Gallery Latest Version?
✓ Compatibilities improvement for new Windows update.
✓ Fixes bugs.
How to download and install Windows Photo Gallery for Windows 10 PC/laptop
Now let’s just move to the next section to share the steps you have to follow to download Windows Photo Gallery for Windows PC. So here we go:
- Download the Windows Photo Gallery installer file from the link above.
- Save the downloaded file to your computer.
- Double-click on the downloaded Windows Photo Gallery installer file.
- Now, a smart screen might appear and ask for a confirmation.
- Click “Yes” to confirm.
- Finally, follow the installation instructions until you get a confirmation notification of a successful installation process.
So those are all the processes that you have to follow to download Windows Photo Gallery for Windows PC. Then let’s go on to the next section where we will discuss Windows Photo Gallery itself. So you can understand the application and its features. So here we go:
Top Features of Windows Photo Gallery for Windows PC
Windows Photo Gallery is a Imaging and Digital Photo application like Mastercam, InDesign, and Jing from Microsoft Corporation. It has a simple and basic user interface, and most importantly, it is free to download. Windows Photo Gallery is an efficient software that is recommended by many Windows PC users.
This application’s primary functions are comprehensive and go beyond the features offered by others that can be considered as its rivals.
- Windows Photo Gallery for PC – fast, reliable, and robust by Microsoft Corporation.
- Windows Photo Gallery Free & Safe Download.
- Windows Photo Gallery latest version for the best experience.
- It works/compatible with almost all Windows versions, including Windows 7 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 / Windows 10 64.
- Free of Cost!
- User-friendly Interface.
- Easy to Use.
- Privacy and Security!
- Lightweight and consume low resources.
- Best for Imaging and Digital Photo application.
- PC User’s choice!
How to uninstall Windows Photo Gallery in Windows PC?
Steps to uninstall Windows Photo Gallery in Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Windows Vista
- Click the Windows Start menu.
- Locate and select the Control Panel menu, then select Programs.
- Under Programs, click the Uninstall a Program.
- Select Windows Photo Gallery and then right-click, select Uninstall/Change.
- Then click Yes to confirm the Windows Photo Gallery uninstallation process.
Steps to uninstall Windows Photo Gallery in Windows XP
- Click the Windows Start menu.
- Locate and select the Control Panel menu, then select Add or Remove Programs icon.
- Select the Windows Photo Gallery and then click Remove/Uninstall.
- Then click Yes to confirm the Windows Photo Gallery uninstallation process.
Steps to uninstall Windows Photo Gallery in Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000
- Click the Windows Start menu.
- Locate and select the Control Panel menu, then double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon.
- Select the Windows Photo Gallery and then right-click, select Uninstall/Change.
- Then click Yes to confirm the Windows Photo Gallery uninstallation process.
Best Windows Photo Gallery Alternative Apps for Windows
Isn’t Windows Photo Gallery what you were looking for? We prepared a list of alternatives below!
ON1 Photo
Corel Painter
FreeCAD, FotoSketcher, and JT2Go is the strong competitor of Windows Photo Gallery. Otherwise, ON1 Photo and Corel Painter also quite good as the alternative of this software. There are also other similar apps such as Jing, InDesign, and Mastercam that also need to try if you want to find the best alternative of Windows Photo Gallery.
In Conclusion
The Windows Photo Gallery for Windows PC is unquestionably the best Imaging and Digital Photo that you can find nowadays. It also is the most reliable when it comes to performance and stability. You can find that out for yourself. That is why a lot of PC users recommend this app.
Get superb and impressive experience using this Windows Photo Gallery application developed by Microsoft Corporation. Windows Photo Gallery nowadays are already getting better each time.
If you have some questions related to this app, feel free to leave your queries in the comment section. Or you can share with us your experience when using this Windows Photo Gallery on your Windows 10 PC. And if you know other people who want to experience Windows Photo Gallery for Windows PC, you can share this article to help them. Enjoy using Windows Photo Gallery for Windows PC.
Find other interesting articles that will help you how to download FreeCAD for Windows 10 PC, install FotoSketcher for Windows 10, JT2Go review, or about best ON1 Photo alternative apps for Windows 10.
Windows Photo Gallery FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q: What is Windows Photo Gallery for PC?
A: For more information about this app, please go to the developer link on the above of this page.
Q: How do I access the free Windows Photo Gallery download for Windows PC?
A: It is easy! Just click the free Windows Photo Gallery download button in the above of this page. Clicking the download button will start the installer to download Windows Photo Gallery free for a PC/laptop.
Q: Is Windows Photo Gallery free? If not, how much does it price to download this app?
A: Absolutely no cost! You can download this app from official websites for free by this website—any extra details about the license you can found on the owner’s websites.
Q: Is this Windows Photo Gallery will typically run on any Windows?
A: Yes! The Windows Photo Gallery for PC will typically work on most recent Windows operating systems, including Windows 7 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 / Windows 10 64 64-bit and 32-bit.
Q: What’s the importance of downloading the latest version of Windows Photo Gallery?
A: We recommend downloading the latest version of Windows Photo Gallery because it has the most recent updates, which improves the quality of the application.
Q: What’s the difference between 64-bit and 32-bit versions of Windows Photo Gallery?
A: The Windows Photo Gallery 64-bit version was specially designed for 64-bit Windows Operating Systems and performed much better on those. The Windows Photo Gallery 32-bit version was initially intended for 32-bit Windows Operating Systems, but it can also run on 64-bit Windows Operating Systems.
Windows Photo Gallery is an application that builds by Microsoft Corporation. All trademarks, product names, company names, and logos mentioned here are their respective owners’ property. This site ( is not affiliated with them directly. All information about applications, programs, or games on this website has been found in open sources on the Internet.
We don’t host or store Windows Photo Gallery on our servers. Downloads are done through the Official Site. We are firmly against piracy, and we do not support any sign of piracy. If you think that the application you own the copyrights is listed on our website and want to remove it, please contact us.
We are always compliant with DMCA regulations and respect the application owners. We are happy to work with you. Please find the DMCA / Removal Request page below.
- Windows Photo Gallery Overview
- What is Windows Photo Gallery?
- Steps to Download Windows Photo Gallery on Windows 10
Windows Photo Gallery Overview
Some of you may be searching for the Windows picture replacement, such as IrfanView and XnView for the live photo gallery on Windows 10. As Microsoft site officially announced that the Windows Essentials suite is no longer supported until January 2017.
While for people would like to use the Live Photo Gallery from Microsoft rather than the third-party replacements, they will go for all troubles to download and then install Windows Essentials on their PC.
This post aims at teaching how to gain it on Windows 10.
What is Windows Photo Gallery?
Replacing the Windows photo viewer, which was the Fax Viewer and Windows Picture Replacement, the Windows Photo Gallery is also called Live Photo Gallery on Windows 10. It is mainly used for picture edition, images optimization, and photos sharing.
What’s more, the Windows Live photo gallery is a part of Windows Essentials, which also includes Windows Movie Maker, Windows Live Writer, Windows Live Family Safety and OneDrive desktop app.
As the updating of the Windows systems, Microsoft has also released some new features for this photo tool, such as Photo management, photo, and video export, and searching and tagging abilities for digital photos.
A powerful photo and image managing tool, is it not? Want to download the Windows Photo Gallery for Windows 10?
Though it is expired in 2017, it is this article would help you download and then use this photo gallery on Windows 10.
Steps to Download Windows Photo Gallery on Windows 10
If you hope to use the Microsoft Live photo gallery to resize, reshape the pictures or images, you need to get it back for Windows systems.
However, it is known that the Windows photo gallery is one of the sections of Windows Essentials, thus, in fact, to download the photo gallery to the computer is to get the Microsoft Windows Essentials.
1. Download Windows Essentials from here.
2. Find out and double click to open the downloaded file — wlsetup-all.exe in the folder you have saved.
3. Select option 2: Choose the programs you want to install.
Here if you click the first choice: Install all of the Windows Essentials, you will get all the parts in Windows Essential, such as Messengers, Photo Gallery and Mail.
4. Tick the box of Photo Gallery and Movie Maker and then click Install.
Once you find other choices are ticked, uncheck them, except Photo Gallery and Movie Maker.
5. Windows is Installing Windows Essentials 2012.
You can hit View Details to see the installing speed.
6. As long as the installation completed, Close the installing interface.
In the process of downloading the Windows Essentials in order to get the Windows Live Photo Gallery, it is quite normal that you run into some unknown errors, in this case, try to install it again.
Now, at that moment, you will have successfully downloaded and installed the Windows photo gallery on Windows 10. You are able to see the various tags, thumbnails, and captions in the Live photo gallery. Go ahead to use it as you wish.
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