Windows or linux for development

Cover image for Linux Vs Windows - Why Linux Is Better For Programming & Web Dev (A newbie experience)

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At, I aim to share my tech-learning, and my writings will be dedicated to the absolute beginners who are new to the tech world. I don’t have a Tech degree, but always wanted to get into tech domain. I started teaching myself, I learnt Excel and mySQL by myself, then data visualization software Tableau.

This post will help the newbies choose the right OS to start their journey in programming or web dev. Let’s start.

Web developer

In this article, I will quickly compare some key features of both the Linux and Windows Operating Systems. We will see the advantages of Linux over Windows, which will help you choose the right OS for programming or web development purposes.

I am a big fan of Windows OS, and have been using it for years. It is super user-friendly, well-designed, and convenient. However, if you are thinking of getting into programming or web development, a Linux distro (such as Ubuntu, CentOS, and Debian) is the best Operating System to start with.

Since this article is mostly focused on using a Linux distro, I will share with you lots of free learning resources related to Linux. This will help newbie coders to get comfortable with a Linux distro.

Linux is a kind-of-descendent of Unix, which means it is similar to other Unix-based system.

Linux Vs Windows ⚔️ Feature Comparison

Let’s compare the features of Linux and Windows Os.

Windows and Linux Logos

🧡 Open Source

Unlike Windows OS which is commercial, Linux is an open source software that is freely available to download. There are hundreds of Linux distributions available out of which almost five-hundred distro are in active development. One of the most popular desktop Linux distributions is Ubuntu. I am currently using it. 

🛡️ Secure

Linux is considered to be more secure than Windows. No antivirus is needed. Since it is open source, several developers are working on it and everyone can contribute code. It is likely that someone will find a vulnerability long before hackers can target a Linux distro. 

🚀 Faster Software Updates

You will get faster software updates. If the bugs are found by someone, the users get updates immediately, they don’t have to wait for long. Development tools and libraries are available for free. 

⚡ Performance

Linux is more powerful and versatile than Windows. It is light-weight, which makes Linux faster than Windows. You will notice a significant improvement in speed on a Linux distro when you start working on this OS.

👨‍💻 Programming Friendly

As I said in the beginning of this article, a Linux distro is the best OS for a budding programmer to start with. Developers ❤ Linux. Let’s see some key features of Linux

  1. Linux supports almost all of the programming languages such as Clojure, Python, Julia, Ruby, C, and C++ to name a few.
  2. The Linux terminal is better than Window’s command line. If you want to learn command line basics quick and super fast, you will find this course helpful. Here is a comprehensive guide to learn Linux command line for beginners. You can also use this guide to learn command line for iOS and Linux.
  3. Bash scripting — Bash is extremely useful for developers and it is available by default on Linux. Learn how to create and use bash scripts. Here is a cheat sheet on bash scripting.
  4. Linux has inbuilt support for SSH. With this, you can easily manage your servers. Learn how to use SSH using this DigitalOcean guide.
  5. You can easily customize and personalize your Linux distribution.
  6. It also supports several efficient tools for developers that makes the life of developers a lot easier.

💯 Great Community Support

Since hundreds of Linux distros are in active development and they are open source, the community is big. All newcomers can find help on any of the Linux forums. If you are stuck somewhere in your development process or need help in your coding process, just Google it. You can find several Linux based helpful resources.

⏳ How to install and use a Linux distro

There are many ways to install and use. A few ways to install Ubuntu (a popular Linux distro) are mentioned below:

  1. You can download Ubuntu and freshly install on your system. Also, google it and you will find several free resources on how to install this OS.
  2. Install Ubuntu alongside Windows 10 dual boot
  3. Install Ubuntu on Windows 10 using Virtualbox

🤔 Downside of using Linux (for the absolute beginners)

Is there really a problem switching to Linux ? I think, yes but for the absolute beginners, and it should be considered on a case-by-case basis. While there is absolutely no downside of switching to Linux, some absolute beginners might find Linux a bit uncomfortable while using it. 

Windows Users Trying Linux
Image Credit:

Consider a case where your computer is only running Linux (using installation approach 1 and 2 mentioned above). You have been using Windows since the beginning. You have never used a Linux distro before (similar to my case). Here are a few problems I had faced.

  1. A computer with only a Linux distro installed means newbies might end up googling several commands to do simple tasks. Even you are not familiar with Start Menu. The same task could have done with a few clicks of buttons in Windows.
  2. Running Microsoft products (such as Excel, Word, and PowerPoint) in Linux is not an easy task. That was a big disappointment to me. I was an Excel-person, and even now I use it everyday. Though you can use open source alternatives to Excel, but they are not advanced and mature enough. 
  3. I am a big fan of Tableau — a data visualisation software, and I use it create charts and running some quick analysis. The problem is Tableau Desktop is not available for Linux, but only for Windows and Mac.

The problem could be fixed by using installation approach 3 (install Ubuntu on Windows 10 using Virtualbox). You can use Windows and Linux side by side. However, the biggest problem with this approach is the performance of the Linux machines inside Windows. Virtual Machines take a lot of resources and you will have a disconnected experience when using VMs with Windows.

If you have good amount of RAM, video graphics and a good processor, you can optimize the Linux machine. However, that might be costly, time taking and overwhelming for newbies. So, what now.

💡 What’s Next

One of the best solutions of the problem I explained in the previous section is to use Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). I have written a step by step guide on WSL on my blogging site
Part 1: How to Install Windows Subsystem for Linux
Part 2: A Beginner’s Guide to Use Windows Subsystem For Linux

Do read it. Thank you for your time. Feedback welcome :)

Edited on 25 Jan 2020: Based on several comments and a little research, I find this sentence «While there is absolutely no downside of switching to Linux..» too extreme. That’s why the strikethrough :)

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Credits 🙏:
*Image Credit: ManyPixels
*Image Edit with BlogCover
*Windows and Linux logos taken from SimpleIcons
*Emojis taken from Emojipedia

Нету никаких проблем.
Если только ваше конкретное используемое для ваших задач ПО нормально работает с Windows.

Например, в моем случае используется Ansible и Docker, который не поддерживается на Windows. Приходится использовать Vagrant. Это достаточно удобно. Но ресурсы все же кушает.

А так — даже Vim хорошо себя чуствует на Windows. Нативный. Не cygwin.

Microsoft это тоже понимает.
И вот уже они встроили подсистему Linux Ubuntu в Windows 10. Это не виртуализация, а именно полноценная подсистема.

И многие вещи, например, те же шрифты — в Windows работают лучше, чем под Linux.

Могут сказать — что лучше использовать для разработки ту же среду что и для production.

Но дело в том, что даже если вы сидите на Ubuntu Desktop, то ваша среда серьезно отличается от среды сервера FreeBSD, CentOS, Debian, Ubutntu Server. И для полноценного CI все равно умные дядьки категорически рекомендуют и на Linux даже использовать Docker для полноценной эмуляции.

Но ведь Docker-то можно использовать и на Windows. Правда, запускается он там подольше.

Где именно вести разработку, где вам удобнее — это ваше личное дело. Вопрос ваших предпочтений. Никаких объективных причин в наше время, когда существуют Docker, Vagrant и виртуальные машины, когда куча приложений изначально сделанных для *nix запускаются в native под Windows — нет никаких причин себя строить. Кроме любопытства — а как оно там на других системах живется.

У тех кто вас троллит есть еще одна причина: им приятно показать себя более умными. Как же — ведь Linux можно сконфигурить руками.

Ага, конечно.

Или используют готовые десктопные дистрибутивы. Не зря Ubuntu так популярна.
Или если освоили ArchLinux — то построили себе совершенно убогое окружение по готовым мануалам.

Чтобы действительно набрать скиллы ручной настройки Linux — нужно огромное количество упроства и времени, чем ваши друзья, которые вас троллят, вряд ли обладают.

На деле 99% твердящих о гибкости Linux — далее чем ставить Apache и MySQL из пакетов — ничего сами и не умеют. Фактически работая в то же настроенной другими людьми десктопной среде. Но разве вы не умеете делать то же самое под Windows?

Другое дело, что разворачивать и тестировать нужно под аутентичным операционным окружением.
Неважно под Ubuntu ты сидишь или под Windows.

Лучшие практики советуют использовать полностью изолированный и независимый от рабочего места разработчика инструментарий — виртуальные машины, Vagrant, Docker, отдельные физические сервера.

В этом случае под твоей любимой ОС работает только текстовый да графический редактор. А все развертывание для тестирования и для продакшн проводится в совсем другой среде.

Используя Docker хоть под Windows ты будешь получать даже больше преимущество повторяемости рабочей среды чем тем кругом, кто советуют тебе просто перейти на Linux. Если на более слабом железе это и было бы существенно (Docker под Linux стартует быстрее), то на твоем — несущественно на чем работать.

Home / Handy Tips / Linux Vs. Windows

Linux offers developers efficient and reliable operation, making it an excellent choice for developing web applications. It is a stable platform that is quite capable of handling high levels of traffic, which is especially convenient in the current world of digital development. Furthermore, Linux’s open-source nature makes it possible to find specialized solutions to almost any coding query, giving more control over the project’s customization and settings. But this is only one side of the issue, as Windows for developers also has many useful features. In this article, we compare operating systems in terms of benefits for developers.


Linux vs Windows for Software Development

To understand on which platform it is better to provide FinTech development services, you need to understand the main differences between Linux and Windows. Whether you’re looking for an in-house specialist or hiring an outsourced developer, you’ll benefit from learning more about not only the platform, but also many other nuances. Now, however, we’ll talk about the positives and negatives of operating systems.


Security is an important factor when it comes to choosing an operating system, especially in the digital world that we live in today. Linux has been found to provide a higher level of security than many other operating systems, such as Windows. What makes Linux special is the fact that it is open-source, meaning the source code and development process are not hidden away from the public eye. This means that any identified vulnerabilities can be quickly addressed by volunteers and security researchers who are actively working on fixing them, long before any hackers have a chance to exploit them. Moreover, antivirus software is usually unnecessary when using Linux since it can easily detect any malicious elements on its own. All this makes Linux a secure choice.


Linux is gaining popularity in the performance arena due to its superior speed advantages. It is not only lightweight but also optimized for today’s modern hardware which ensures faster operations than Windows OS. Whether you need to browse through gigabytes of data or run complex data-driven applications, Linux is much better equipped and tuned to offer improved performance over Windows. The faster boot times and lower system resource consumption make Linux a great choice when looking to optimize result delivery time while reducing costs and increasing security. With more developers allocating resources toward strengthening, updating, and improving Linux, it seems like the obvious winner when it comes to performance.

Open Source

Open-source software like Linux has revolutionized the way people interact with technology. Rather than being tied to one license, any user can access and modify the source code for their own use or for contributing to the development of new applications. With a wide selection of free Linux distributions available, users from beginners to experienced developers can easily find an option that meets their needs. From a personal standpoint, I have been using Ubuntu as my preferred OS since its release and have never looked back. The versatile nature of Linux gives me the freedom to customize my settings and explore new technologies. I have found open-source software to be reliable, secure, and system-friendly.

Software Updates

Faster software updates are invaluable for users as it allows them to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to technology. Furthermore, this allows users to instantly resolve any bugs or issues found in the software without having to wait for patches or updates, increasing their productivity and convenience significantly. As a bonus, many software development tools and libraries have also become available for free, allowing developers access to the most up-to-date technologies on the market. In this regard, Linux succeeds over Windows.

Community Support

The Linux community has proven itself to be one of the strongest and most reliable sources of assistance for software developers. A large number of networks, forums, and websites dedicated to helping developers tackle their coding conundrums is evidence of its power. Furthermore, with hundreds of different Linux distributions available for open-source development, newcomers can take advantage of well-established communities full of experienced users that are willing to help others new to the field. So when you’re stuck on a coding problem or simply require some guidance, just type it into Google engine and explore the wide array of resources available in the Linux arena.


Useful features of Linux for a programmer

Those who want to hire a development team or simply join a team should prepare to learn Linux. In addition to the previously listed positive features of the operating system, it also has other advantages for FinTech developers.

  • It supports almost any language, including industry standards like Clojure, Python, Julia, Ruby, C, and C++.
  • The Linux terminal is also far more powerful than the Windows command line, making it easier to quickly learn the basics that are essential for modern development. To make things simpler, a comprehensive guide to the Linux command line can be found for both beginners and experienced users alike.
  • Bash scripting is also available on Linux by default and is a very useful tool for developers.
  • With inbuilt SSH support, managing servers remotely becomes a breeze. All of this can easily be done by following a quick Digital Ocean guide on how to use SSH.
  • Linux stands out from other systems as it can be customized and personalized to fit your individual needs – so you will always feel at home when coding in this environment.


Linux is a great platform for writing code and learning new programming languages. Although Windows is more familiar to use, it is inferior to Linux in many ways. It is better to start developing a new project right away on Linux, as this has already become an unspoken rule. If you are looking to hire FinTech developers, then is the perfect choice for you. They have a large pool of specialists ready to help with various projects at a reasonable price-quality ratio.

or fill in our online enquiry form today to set up an appointment with a local computer technician

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Which Operating System is Best for Developers: Windows, Mac, or Linux?

Which Operating System is Best for Developers: Windows, Mac, or Linux?

As a developer, choosing the right operating system (OS) can greatly impact your productivity and overall experience. Windows, Mac, and Linux are three of the most widely used operating systems in the market, each with their own unique features, strengths, and weaknesses.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the pros and cons of each OS and help you determine which one is best for your needs as a developer.

Windows or Linux/Mac : which one is better for development? - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻

Pros and Cons of Windows for Developers:

Windows is one of the most widely used operating systems in the world and has a large community of developers. It is also known for its compatibility with a wide range of software and hardware.


  • Widespread compatibility: Windows is compatible with a wide range of software and hardware, which makes it easy to find support and resources.
  • Large developer community: Windows has a large developer community, which means that there are plenty of resources and support available for developers.
  • Familiar user interface: Windows is known for its familiar and user-friendly interface, which makes it easy for developers to navigate and use.


  • Less control over the system: Windows is a closed-source operating system, which means that developers have less control over the system and are limited in terms of customization options.
  • Security concerns: Windows is known to have security issues and vulnerabilities, which makes it important for developers to stay vigilant and take necessary precautions to protect their systems.

Pros and Cons of Mac for Developers:

Mac is known for its sleek and modern design, as well as its user-friendly interface and high-quality hardware. It is also known for its tight integration with Apple’s ecosystem, including its software and hardware.


  • High-quality hardware: Mac is known for its high-quality hardware, which makes it an attractive option for developers who prioritize performance and efficiency.
  • Integrated ecosystem: Mac has a tight integration with Apple’s ecosystem, which makes it easy for developers to work seamlessly across different devices and platforms.
  • Stable operating system: Mac is known for its stability and reliability, which makes it a good option for developers who value stability and need to minimize downtime.


  • Limited compatibility: Mac is not compatible with as many software and hardware options as Windows, which may limit the resources and support available to developers.
  • Higher cost: Mac is known for its premium price point, which may make it less accessible for some developers who are on a budget.
  • Limited customization options: Mac is a closed-source operating system, which means that developers have limited options for customization.

Pros and Cons of Linux for Developers:

Linux is a free and open-source operating system that is known for its stability, reliability, and flexibility. It is also known for its large and active developer community.


  • Free and open-source: Linux is a free and open-source operating system, which means that developers have complete control over the system and can customize it to their needs.
  • Large and active developer community: Linux has a large and active developer community, which means that there is a wealth of resources and support available to developers.
  • Flexibility: Linux is a flexible operating system, which means that it can be used for a wide range of purposes, including web development, software development, and more.


  • Limited compatibility: Linux is not as widely compatible with software and hardware as Windows, which may limit the resources and support available to developers.
  • Steep learning curve: Linux may have a steeper learning curve for some developers, especially for those who are used to Windows or Mac. However, once you get the hang of it, you will appreciate its power and versatility.
  • Limited software options: Linux may have a limited selection of software compared to Windows and Mac, which may make it harder to find the tools and applications you need to get your work done.

In conclusion, each operating system has its own strengths and weaknesses as a development platform. Windows is a good option for its widespread compatibility, large developer community, and user-friendly interface. Mac is a good option for its high-quality hardware, integrated ecosystem, and stable operating system. Linux is a good option for its free and open-source nature, large and active developer community, and flexibility.

Ultimately, the best operating system for you as a developer will depend on your personal preferences, needs, and budget. By carefully weighing the pros and cons of each option, you can make an informed decision and choose the OS that will best support your development work.

About the Author: TS

TS is a computer science graduate from an established university. He is a technology writer for Tech Journey with background in software programming and has been involved in various design, development and implementation of enterprise projects.

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Which operating system is better for programming? Linux or Windows? Both are good choices, but Linux is more flexible and allows for more customization and innovation. Linux is also free and open source, so developers can use it for free. This makes it the perfect choice for the Internet of Things and smart home. Also, Linux is fast and uses less CPU power, which means your laptop will run much longer. Choosing either operating system depends on your personal preference, so there are pros and cons to both platforms.

One thing to consider is compatibility. Windows is notorious for having bugs, while Linux is more flexible and can fix bugs faster. Linux is better for gaming than Windows, but some developers still prefer using a Mac. The Mac platform is more versatile, but many Linux distributions are easier to install and use than Windows. And if you’re not a developer, you can use either OS as a gaming console.

If you aren’t familiar with the differences between Windows and Linux, you may be wondering which one is better for programming. Linux uses the GNU suite of software, which includes a GUI and command line user interface. Windows was designed primarily for the consumer, and Linux programmers have done a lot of great things for developers. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the main differences between the two operating systems and compare their strengths and weaknesses.

If you’re a beginner to programming, you’ll likely be best off with Linux. Windows’ forced updates can cause your computer to stop working, and can interfere with necessary tasks. Additionally, Windows is slower than Linux, which means it will take longer to transition tasks, compile codes, and run scripts. While both operating systems have their advantages and disadvantages, which one is best for programming depends on your skill level and desired career domain.

Should I Use Linux As a Programmer?

There are many advantages of using Linux as a programmer, but it also has some limitations that hinder its mass adoption. It is not as widely used as Windows and macOS, and some manufacturers still do not produce drivers for Linux-based devices. However, if you are a serious programmer, Linux will be an excellent choice for you. Read on to learn more about the advantages of using Linux as a programmer.

Linux is widely used on web servers, and for good reason. This means it is particularly advantageous for web developers, as most popular proprietary software is not natively supported on it. It also gives you complete system control, allowing you to tinker with kernel source code and run experiments. However, it is not for the faint of heart. Linux is not easy to install, and it takes time to configure.

The security of Linux is one of its major benefits. Unlike windows and macOS, Linux is highly secure. Its official repositories are free of malware and viruses. The operating system is also loaded with developer-centric tools and features that help programmers get the job done. In fact, it is considered one of the most secure operating systems around. As a programmer, Linux is the perfect choice for you.

Which OS is Better For Programming?

The buzzword in the IT industry today is open source. Among these, Linux has been a leading contributor. Many IT professionals choose Linux certification as their professional credential, and the Ubuntu distribution is one of the most popular and widely used. But which OS is better for programming? Here are some things to consider before making your decision. Here’s a look at the benefits of both Linux and Ubuntu. This article will also discuss the pros and cons of each operating system.

Ubuntu is a Linux-based OS with many features similar to Ubuntu. Its streamlined distribution is a boon for developers. Its user-friendly interface, updated packages, and six-month release cycle make it ideal for programming. This OS is very stable, and developers will find it easy to get started. Users should choose Ubuntu if they are not concerned about security or compliance issues. Ubuntu also offers a large developer and application ecosystem. There are forums dedicated to various technology and software development topics. The community of users is a good resource for programming tips.

Is Ubuntu Good For Coding?

The advantages of using Ubuntu for coding are numerous. Its streamlined distribution allows developers to switch from one platform to another with no problems. The same software packages are available across all Ubuntu releases. Developers can test their applications locally before deploying them globally. It also reduces downtime, security risks, and compliance issues. Its extensive community makes it a great choice for coding and development. The following are some reasons why.

Depending on your programming language, you can choose from several IDEs. Depending on your needs, different IDEs can be more or less convenient. Linux systems like Ubuntu are faster than Windows and easier to configure for development. In addition, developers use Linux more than the general population. The number of developers using Ubuntu is about 20% higher than the number of people using Windows. For coding and other programming tasks, you should choose a computer with a fast processor, 4 GB RAM, and at least 256 GB of hard drive space. A long battery life of up to six hours is essential.

Developers have a lot of options for creating apps on the Ubuntu operating system. The default Snap Store gives developers the ability to distribute their applications on a broader audience. For those who need to use an application on an older machine, Puppy Linux is a good choice. But for those who want to learn the ins and outs of Linux, Ubuntu is the ideal choice. You can even work with Linux and Windows at the same time. Just make sure to install the apps you need in order to use the Linux OS.

Why is Linux Best For Programmers?

For those who are tinkerers, Linux is the ideal operating system. Because it is open source, you can customize all aspects of the system. Linux users don’t have to worry about legal ramifications or user license agreements. Additionally, it is compatible with all programming languages. The terminal is superior to Windows’, and the package manager is an essential tool for developers. Here are some reasons why Linux is the best choice for programmers.

The Linux distributions available vary in the number of packages they include, the desktop environment they provide, and the default programming tools and languages supported by the distribution. Linux distros also differ in the amount of support available through the packages they provide. As a result, not all Linux packages are compatible with all Linux systems. Some distros are made specifically for developers who need command-line operation. This lends itself well to programming.

Many programming positions require advanced technical specifications. Outdated hardware isn’t compatible. In contrast, Linux can be installed on outdated hardware. Users can pick the range of hardware requirements they need while letting the Linux UI optimally use the available resources. Additionally, Linux is available on non-Intel architectures. These are all reasons why Linux is best for programmers. You can improve your employability and make yourself more competitive with Linux knowledge.

Why is Linux Good For Programmers?

While Windows may seem like the OS of choice for most consumers, Linux is more flexible and allows greater customization and innovation. What’s more, it is free and open-source. That means that you can make it your own without worrying about expensive software licensing fees or interruptions. There is also a wide range of free software available for Linux users. If you’re a programmer and want to learn more about Linux, read on to discover the reasons why this OS is so useful.

One of the best things about Linux for programmers is the ease of installation and use of its package manager. Windows users must install the package manager themselves to install various software packages. Linux comes with package managers pre-installed, meaning you don’t have to spend hours installing them. A Linux package manager will install all of the necessary software for you in a matter of seconds. This makes Linux the ideal choice for programmer-oriented users who need a quick, reliable, and secure operating system.

What are the Disadvantages of Linux?

While many people think of Linux as an operating system (OS) for programming, this is not the case. Linux is more like a computer than a machine. It has many more options and can be customized to meet individual needs. Linux is a great choice for people who have specific needs for how their programs and files work. For these reasons, Linux is one of the best OSes for programmers.

Although it may be easier to use than Windows, Linux isn’t always as user-friendly. However, it is customizable and can handle low-spec hardware with relative ease. Windows is notoriously low-performance on old computers, so Linux is great if you want to restore a machine that’s a few years old. But Linux does have its disadvantages. It is less popular than Windows and macOS and doesn’t have the same market share. And some manufacturers haven’t yet developed Linux-specific drivers, so there are some limitations that Linux users may experience.

The biggest disadvantage of Linux for programming is that it lacks popular applications. This makes it difficult to port popular programs to Linux, and you may find yourself without any of your favorite applications. Another disadvantage of Linux is that it is difficult to find pre-loaded computers online. Also, many developers don’t bother to develop Linux-compatible software, so it’s difficult to find programs that work on Linux. Fortunately, there are third-party applications available that work on a Linux machine.

Learn More Here:

1.) Windows Help Center

2.) Windows – Wikipedia

3.) Windows Blog

4.) Windows Central

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