1. Click the Download button on this page to start the download the driver package.
2. Once the driver package has been downloaded, extract its contents to a location on your PC.
3. Connect your HMD to your PC. Close the Mixed Reality Portal that automatically opens.
4. Open Device Manager. You can do this by clicking on Start, and typing «Device Manager» into the Search box.
5. In Device manager, expand the «Mixed Reality Devices» section.
6. Right click on your HMD, and click «Update driver»
7. In the «Update Drivers» new dialog box that appears, click «Browse my computer for driver software»
8. Click «Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer»
9. Click «Have Disk…»
10. In the new «Install From Disk» dialog box that appears, click «Browse…»
11. In the new «Locate File» dialog box that appears, navigate to the location where your driver package was extracted to, and double click on HololensSensors (HololensSensors.inf).
12. The «Locate File» dialog box should disappear and take you back to the «Install From Disk» dialog box. Click «OK».
13. The «Install From Disk» dialog box should disappear and take you to the «Update Drivers» dialog box. Click Next.
14. You should now see «Installing drivers…», and in a few moments, «Windows has successfully updated your drivers». Click «Close».
Solution and Diagnostic Data Collection
This product detection tool installs software on your Microsoft Windows device that allows HP to detect and gather data about your HP and Compaq products to provide quick access to support information and solutions. Technical data is gathered for the products supported by this tool and is used to identify products, provide relevant solutions and automatically update this tool, to improve our products, solutions, services, and your experience as our customer.
Note: This tool applies to Microsoft Windows PC’s only. This tool will detect HP PCs and HP printers.
Data gathered:
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- Browser version
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- Product name/number
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Installed Software Details:
- HP Support Solutions Framework — Windows Service, localhost Web server, and Software
Removing Installed Software:
- Remove «HP Support Solutions Framework» through Add/Remove programs on PC
- Operating System — Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
- Browser — Google Chrome 10+, Internet Explorer (IE)10.0+, and Firefox 3.6.x, 12.0+
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Another update which is cool, looks like it fixes the hidden area mesh issues raised by some people in here prior as well as some other things for the G2.
Keen to try it out tonight.
Thread on HPReverb Subreddit — Windows Mixed Reality driver version 10.0.19041.2041 : HPReverb (reddit.com)
Microsoft Update Docs
Software overview and release history — Enthusiast Guide | Microsoft Docs
Summary Of Update Windows Mixed Reality driver version 10.0.19041.2041
Compatible with Windows 10, version 1903, and newer.
Update the winding order of the hidden area mesh for the HP Reverb G2 to be consistent with other headsets.
Visuals quality improvements for the HP Reverb G2 headsets.
Windows Mixed Reality headset platform and reliability improvements.
Direct driver download link: Download Windows Mixed Reality driver version 10.0.19041.2041 (Windows 10 Version 1903 or newer) from Official Microsoft Download Center
I wanted to post this here as it looked like this had gone unnoticed on the WindowsMR sub. Apologies if this was already posted.
edit: I probably should have thanked the MSFT WMR team for the update, they did post it on HPReverb sub as well. Please keep supporting the platform we <3 you
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Mixed reality offers a different visual experience altogether. It combines the best of both, real and virtual worlds. Windows 10 supports many new features for its Windows Mixed Reality headset, but you must have the necessary headset & motion controller driver & software installed.
Mixed reality blends the physical and digital worlds together. However, to function as desired it needs the following components,
- Mixed Reality Portal
- The Mixed Reality feature-on-demand package (FOD)
- Mixed Reality headset and motion controller driver
- SteamVR
Find more details below!
1] Mixed Reality Portal
Mixed Reality Portal is a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app that serves as the core of the Windows Mixed Reality experience. The portal can be downloaded or updated via the Microsoft Store app or through Windows Update.
2] The Mixed Reality feature-on-demand package (FOD)
The program is automatically downloaded and installed during Mixed Reality Portal’s first run. It includes common features of language resources like handwriting recognition or other features related to programming codes like the .NET Framework (.NetFx3).
3] Mixed Reality headset and motion controller driver
Another known name for it is the HoloLens Sensors driver. It is considered as the key driver package for enabling Virtual Reality experience (contains 3D models of the Mixed Reality motion controllers, required for third-party Mixed Reality experiences). The driver can be automatically downloaded and installed via Windows Update at the time of plugging in your Mixed Reality headset.
4] SteamVR
If you want to experience the best of Windows Mixed Reality with SteamVR, make sure you have downloaded the installer for Steam VR. It enables virtual reality apps and games on Steam. You may be required to create an account for this purpose.
In addition, your PC must support a GTX 1070 video card (or equivalent) and an Intel Core i7 processor.
Hope it helps!
A post-graduate in Biotechnology, Hemant switched gears to writing about Microsoft technologies and has been a contributor to TheWindowsClub since then. When he is not working, you can usually find him out traveling to different places or indulging himself in binge-watching.
Windows Mixed Reality Motion Controller model drivers version 10.0.16299.1062 |
The Windows Mixed Reality Motion Controller model drivers enable improved features and performance on Windows Mixed Reality Motion Controllers.
- Mixed reality will unleash the creativity of every person and every organization on the planet. Our journey has been filled with key moments in time that have shown us what is possible as we enter this next era of computing, the era of mixed reality. For more information about Windows Mixed Reality, please visit https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/windows-mixed-reality
System Requirements
Operating Systems: Windows 10
- A PC with Windows 10 Version 1709 or newer (Fall Creator’s Update) compatible with Windows Mixed Reality, and a Windows Mixed Reality headset
Installation Instructions
- 1. Click the Download button on this page to start the download the driver packages. Make sure to download both packages.
2. Once the driver packages have been downloaded, extract its contents to a location on your PC.
3. Connect your HMD to your PC, turn on your motion controllers and make sure they are paired and connected.
4. Close the Mixed Reality Portal that automatically opens.
5. Locate the extracted driver packages. In the «MotionController065A» folder, right click on MotionController065AModel.inf and click «Install».
6. In the «MotionController065C» folder, right click on MotionController065CModel.inf and click «Install».
Related Resources
- Enthusiast’s Guide to Windows Mixed Reality
- Windows Mixed Reality