Windows game launcher windows 7

Epic Games Launcher для Windows 7

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Epic Games Launcher для Windows 7

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Epic Games Launcher

Epic Games Launcher для Windows 7

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Для устроиств компьютер
Язык интерфейса Русский
Последнее обновление 2023
Разработчик Epic Games

Скачайте Epic Games Launcher для Windows 7 на русском бесплатно

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Epic Games Launcher

Windows 7

Русский 31,9MB .zip

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Epic Games Launcher для MAC
MAC Русский 37,4MB .dmg

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Epic Games Launcher последняя версия
Windows Русский 33MB .zip

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Epic Games Launcher русская версия
Windows Русский 34MB .zip

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Epic Games Launcher x64
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Epic Games Launcher x32
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Epic Games Launcher x86
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Epic Games Launcher 2022
Windows Русский 33MB .zip

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Epic Games Launcher 2021
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Epic Games Launcher 2020
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Обзор Epic Games Launcher

Epic Games Launcher – бесплатный лаунчер, разработанный одноименной компанией. Все игры от Epic Games собираются в один клиент, благодаря чему взаимодействие с ними облегчается.

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  • — расширение для скачивания с социальных сетей
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  • Google Drive
  • MIRO
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  • Epic Games Launcher
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    1. Steam
    2. Epic Games Launcher
    3. EA app
    4. Ubisoft Connect
    5. Универсальные игровые лаунчеры для ПК

    Игровые лаунчеры — программы, предназначенные для скачивания/установки и запуска платных и бесплатных компьютерных игр с различных игровых платформ (сервисов, магазинов). Условно их можно разбить на две категории:

    1. Лаунчеры, позволяющие скачивать игры с одной конкретной игровой платформы.
    2. Универсальные ланучеры, поддерживающие работу с несколькими игровыми платформами одновременно.

    Рассмотрим наиболее популярные игровые лаунчеры обоих разновидностей.


    Бесплатная программа

    Steam (скачать по ссылке) — один из самых известных игровых лаунчеров с большим количеством платных и бесплатных игр, как от всемирно известных разработчиков, так и небольших студий и даже программистов-одиночек. Доступные в Steam игры распространяются через одноименную игровую платформу (онлайн-магазин цифровой дистрибуции). Лаунчер создан компанией Valve — разработчиком таких популярных игр как Dota2, Half-Life, Counter-Strike, Left 4 Dead, Portal и нескольких других менее известных.


    Лаунчер Steam дает геймерам множество возможностей:

    • Более 30 тысяч (на момент написания обзора) игр всех существующих игровых жанров для игроков всех возрастов, включая самых маленьких. На платформе также доступны игры, созданные специально для шлемов виртуальной реальности Valve Index от Valve (компания-создатель Steam).
    • На платформе доступно множество бесплатных игр, часто устраиваются акции и распродажи для выгодного приобретения платных игр.
    • Реализована возможность возврата потраченных на игру денежных средств при условии, что геймер играл в нее не более 2 часов, а покупка совершена им в течение последних двух недель. Причина возврата может быть любой — не понравилась игра, компьютер имеет недостаточную производительность и т.д.
    • Возможность добавления в друзья других игроков, отправки им текстовых и голосовых сообщений, а также видео, твитов и гифок (анимированных изображений).
    • Игроки могут объединяться группы для совместной игры, создавать сообщества, в т.ч. для осуществления видеотрансляций в режиме реального времени.
    • Возможность просмотра в лаунчере Steam игровых достижений (как собственных, так и других игроков).
    • Возможность сохранения игрового процесса в облачном хранилище позволяет продолжить игру при переустановке операционной системы или смены компьютера.
    • В Steam реализована система ввода, обеспечивающая возможностью использования игроками любых типов контроллеров и смены раскладки даже в тех играх, которые изначально не поддерживали или имели некоторые проблемы с поддержкой имеющегося в распоряжении геймера игрового девайса.

    Отдельно отметим Мастерскую Steam — онлайн-хранилище, через которое игроки и разработчики могут делиться платным и бесплатным дополнительным контентом к играм. Например, через Мастерскую распространяются официальные и любительские модификации (моды) к играм, добавляющим в них новые или изменяющие внешний вид/характеристики/свойства имеющихся предметов, персонажей и т.д.

    Epic Games Launcher

    Бесплатная программа

    Epic Games Launcher — игровой лаунчер для скачивания игр с платформы Epic Games Store, считающийся ближайшим аналогом и основным конкурентом Steam. Программа создана корпорацией Epic Games, являющейся разработчиком и издателем множества игр, среди которых, например — Fortnite и Alan Wake. Но, наверное, наиболее ценный проект от Epic Games — это игровой движок Unreal Engine, на базе которого создано огромное количество игр, в т.ч. разработчиками, не имеющими никакого отношения к Epic Games (все благодаря тому, что движок Unreal Engine распространяется бесплатно).

    Epic Games Launcher

    Ключевые особенности лаунчера Epic Games Launcher и игровой платформы Epic Games Store:

    • Проведение регулярных акций, в рамках которых игроки могут бесплатно скачивать платные игры и/или дополнения к ним, а также временно (обычно 30 дней) получать доступ к премиум-подписке Nitro для Discord.
    • Наличие эксклюзивных игр для магазина Epic Games Store (как от Epic Games, но и от других разработчиков).
    • Наличие системы зарабатывания опыта и получения достижений при прохождении игр.
    • Простой и удобный интерфейс, не перегруженный настройками и лишними функциями. Минималистичный игровой раздел способствует удобной навигации и поиску игр. То же относится и к библиотеке игр, формируемой геймером.
    • Наличие социальных функций — создание списка друзей, общение через чат, осуществления онлайн-трансляций, в т.ч. с возможностью заработка. Предусмотрена возможность привязки учетной записи FB, ВКонтакте и даже Steam для добавления друзей, использующих данные сервисы.
    • Поддержка локальных и облачных сохранений прогресса прохождения игр.
    • Возможность авторизации в лаунчере не только при помощи учетной записи Epic Games, но и Google, ВКонтакте, Xbox Live, Steam и других сервисов.

    Отдельно отметим возможность установки на компьютер движка Unreal Engine, последняя версия которого всегда доступа для скачивания через Epic Games Launcher. В лаунчере даже предусмотрен специальный раздел, в котором, в т.ч., можно скачать платны и бесплатные 2D и 3D-модели, анимации, плагины, аудио и другой цифровой контент для использования в проектах Unreal Engine.

    Лаунчер Epic Games Launcher

    EA app

    Бесплатная программа

    EA app (бывш. Origin) — игровой лаунчер от разработчика компьютерных игр Electronic Arts, известного по таким проектам, как Battlefield, The Sims, Need for Speed, Dead Space, Mass Effect, FIFA, Star Wars, Crysis (список можно продолжать). Игры распространяются через игровой сервис EA Play, клиентом которого и является программа EA app. Отметим, что ранее в этом качестве использовался игровой лаунчер Origin, который более не поддерживается разработчиками (но все приобретенные игры и дополнения, а также сохранения будут доступны и в EA Play при авторизации в лаунчере при помощи учетной записи, использовавшейся для авторизации в Origin).

    EA app

    К преимуществам и особенностям игрового сервиса EA Play и лаунчера EA app относятся:

    • Нет необходимости покупки игр от Electronic Arts. Игроки могут оформить временную подписку, в течение действия которой они смогут играть в выпущенные EA игры без ограничений.
    • Оформление подписки также обеспечивает возможность приобретения игр и загружаемого контента к ним (DLC) по сниженным ценам. Кроме того, компанией часто устраиваются эксклюзивные акции для подписчиков, в ходе которых игры и DLC-дополнения могут быть получены бесплатно. Подписка также открывает доступ к премиальному контенту (например, уникальные внешние виды для каких-либо игровых предметов) в играх, выпущенных Electronic Arts.
    • По словами авторов, приложение имеет усовершенствованный пользовательский интерфейс, благодаря чему на поиск и запуск игр у пользователей уходят считанные секунды. От себя добавим, что интерфейс EA Play мало чем отличается от такового у Epic Games Launcher.
    • Возможность добавления друзей, в т.ч. путем импорта списка из игровых сервисов Sony PlayStation, Steam и Xbox.

    Ubisoft Connect

    Бесплатная программа

    Ubisoft Connect — игровой лаунчер и клиент магазина цифровой дистрибьюции Ubisoft Store от разработчика и издателя игр Ubisoft (Assassin’s Creed, Tom Clancy’s, Watch Dogs, Far Cry и многие другие). Ранее в качестве клиента Ubisoft Store использовалась программа Uplay, прекратившая свое существование в 2020 году.

    Ubisoft Connect

    Особенности игровой платформы от Ubisoft:

    • Лаунчер Ubisoft Connect обладает всем необходимым функционалом для подобного рода программ: управление играми и запуск их из библиотеки, открытие нового контента и его загрузка, добавление друзей и создание групп для сетевых игр, общение в чатах.
    • Возможность оформления платной подписки для получения скидок до 80% на будущие покупки игр, дополнений и другого контента от Ubisoft. Также подписка дает возможность играть на ПК более чем в 100 игр Ubisoft, включая новинки и премиум-издания.
    • Возможность открытия в играх Ubisoft легендарного оружия, экипировки, эмоций и расходуемых материалов. Также реализована система приобретения уникальных игровых наград за внутриплатформенную валюту Units, которую, в свою очередь, можно заработать, повышая уровень своей учетной записи при времяпрепровождении в играх.
    • Возможность в любое время посмотреть свою статистику, прогресс и достижения в играх и сравнить личные показатели с аналогичными показателями друзей.
    • Возможность опробовать новые игры, принимая участие в различных событиях в лаунчере Ubisoft Connect, включая бесплатные выходные и розыгрыши, в которых главным призом может являться право на бесплатное скачивание игр.

    Универсальные игровые лаунчеры для ПК

    Далее мы вкратце рассмотрим игровые лаунчеры, позволяющие приобретать и скачивать игр с нескольких игровых сервисов одновременно.

    GOG Galaxy

    GOG Galaxy — один из самых известных универсальных лаунчеров, которые позволяет объединить в одной библиотеке игры, приобретенные на игровых платформах Steam, Epic Games, EA app (Origin) и Xbox Live. Однако GOG Galaxy также является магазином цифровой дистрибьюции, где можно приобретать распространяемые через него игры. Стоит отметить, что GOG Galaxy относится к группе компаний CD PROJEKT — владелице таких известных игр для ПК и консолей, как The Witcher и Cyberpunk 2077.

    GOG Galaxy

    Для скачивания игр с поддерживаемых игровых платформ, получения обновлений, доступа к облачным сохранениям и другим возможностям требуется, чтобы на компьютере был установлен клиент той или иной платформы.

    Одно из ключевых преимуществ GOG Galaxy — возможность создания внешнего вида игровой коллекции под себя, используя различные фильтры и добавляя метки. Использование всех этих параметров дает неограниченные возможности для кастомизации библиотеки. Настройки можно сохранить в файл, чтобы вернуться к ним в любой момент. Кроме того, игроки могут вручную изменять основные данные о любой игре из коллекции.


    Playnite — игровой лаунчер, позиционирующийся разработчиками как менеджер игровой библиотеки, цель существования которого — предоставление геймерам универсального интерфейса для запуска любых установленных на компьютере игр, в т.ч. и тех, для работы которых требуется эмулятор той или иной игровой приставки (Sega, Dendy и т.д.).


    Перечень поддерживаемых Playnite игровых платформ, библиотеки из которых могут быть импортированы в лаунчер, может быть расширен за счет установки плагинов. На момент написания обзора существовало 34 плагина (не считая десятки тех, что служат для добавления в программу других функций).


    LaunchBox — универсальный лаунчер, позволяющий создавать коллекции и запускать, как современные, так ретро-игры, требующие использования эмуляторов. Программа обладает автоматическим функционалом для импорта игр из всех существующих игровых платформ, а также для ручного импорта, в т.ч. путем добавления ROM-файлов (в виде которых распространяются ретро-игры для эмуляторов игровых приставок).


    Отметим поддержку лаунчером LaunchBox упорядочивание и фильтрацию игр по жанру, платформе, возрастному рейтингу, разработчику, издателю и многим другим критериям. Программа даже имеет настраиваемые поля статуса и источника, которые можно использовать для классификации игр по выбору пользователя.

    Here is a list of best free Windows game launcher software. Using these software, you can organize all your games in one place and launch any game that you want. Apart from standard games, these software also support games from multiple gaming services like Steam, DOD, uPlay, Epic, etc. Support of gaming services allows you to fetch and store game-related data to these software. Plus, some software also come with their own database in which you can find all the metadata of a game like cover art, release date, controls info, etc. Using the metadata, these software change their themes to match the game and set the right cover art in all games.

    The process of adding games to these software is also quite simple as most of them can automatically add all installed games to their interface. However, options to manually add games are also present in all software. Once games are added to these software, you can easily launch a game just by double-clicking on it. Apart from games, you can also add emulators to these software to play classic and retro games. In general, these are dedicated and capable software to organize your games.

    My Favorite Free Windows Game Launcher Software:

    LaunchBox is my favorite software because it lets you add and launch almost all types of games. It also offers many useful features like metadata database, emulator support, hotkeys, etc. I also like its interface that makes management and game search quite easy.

    You can also check out lists of best free Lightweight Android Emulator, Application Launcher, and Game Card Maker software for Windows.


    LaunchBox is a free Windows game launcher software. In this software, you can easily add all your locally stored games as well as stream games. This software cannot only be used to manage and launch latest games, but classic and retro games can also be launched using it. As you know many classic games need emulators to run on Windows. Hence, this software also supports emulators and lets you add emulators to it. Some of the popular emulators which you can add in this software are Dreamcast, SNES, NES, Genesis, and N64.

    This software also comes with LaunchBox database support. Thus, this software can easily fetch all the necessary information along with cover art of the game from its database. However, if it cannot find the information about a game in its database, then it lets you manually add all the information. Another feature of this software that I like is its management capability as this software automatically identifies and adds games in different categories like Arcade, Racing, RPG, etc.

    The process of adding and launching games through this software is also quite easy. Let’s check it out.

    How to add and launch games using LaunchBox:

    • Launch this software and press the Add button to open up the Add game window.
    • After that, enter the path of your game in the Application Path field that you can find in the Launcher tab.
    • Now, click on the search for metadata field to automatically search and add all information related to your game to this software. You can also manually fill all the games related information.
    • You can now use the Emulation tab to add an emulator for games which require it.
    • After that, press the OK button to complete the game adding process.
    • Once the game is successfully loaded to this software, you can view it on the main interface of this software.
    • At last, double-click on the game icon to launch it.

    Additional Features:

    • Download Playlist Videos: Using it, you can download online videos related to games.
    • Manage Emulators: It allows you to manage emulators if you have more than one emulators attached to this software.
    • Hotkeys: In this software, you can also set hotkeys to perform different tasks like enabling a feature, managing games, etc.

    Final Thoughts:

    It is one of the best free Windows game launcher software as it provides almost all essential game management and launching features which you normally get in premium game launchers.


    Playnite is a free open source video game library software that can also be used as a Windows game launcher software. This software can automatically scan and add games of many gaming services such as, Steam, Epic, GOG, Uplay, etc. However, if it fails to scan your game, then you can add your game manually using the respective feature that you can find in the Add Game menu. Apart from games, you can also add emulators and extensions to this software in order to play a wide variety of games using it.

    This software can also fetch all the metadata of added games. It uses service to identify and fetch metadata of your games like name, cover art, controls information, etc.

    How to add and launch games using Playnite:

    • Open the interface of this software and go to three bar menu > Add Game section and select either manually or scan automatically option to add games. One more option named Emulated games is present in the Add Game section that you can use to add games which use emulators to run.
    • After that, go to the Tools menu and download games metadata and required emulators using Download Metadata and Platforms and Emulators options.
    • Now, you can view the added games on the interface of this software.
    • To launch a game, just select and double-click on a game title.

    Additional Features:

    • FullScreen Mode: Using it, you can launch this software in full-screen mode.
    • Playtime Counter: It is a handy feature that can track your gameplay time and also download your gameplay times from GOG, Steam, and other supported services.

    Final Thoughts:

    It is another very capable game launcher for Windows that you can use to manage and play all types of online, offline, and emulator games.


    GameRoom is the next free Windows game launcher software. It is primarily a game management software through which you can manage all your games. In this software, you can easily add offline games along with games of various gaming services like Steam, GOG, Origin,, Microsoft Store, etc. The unique thing about this software is that it even lets you add applications and games of Microsoft Store.

    By using the Scan feature of this software, you can automatically add all the games of your system to this software. In it, you can also add the path of your game folder to automatically add all games of that folder to this software. Similar to games, you can also add and manage emulators in this software.

    How to add and launch games using GameRoom:

    • Launch this software and press the Scan button to start automatic game scanning. If this software found any games during the scanning process, it will add it to GameRoom’s interface under the Recent Section.
    • In order to manually add standard games, emulated games, and Microsoft Store games, use the Add option.
    • Once games are successfully added to this software, you can view them on its main interface.
    • By double-clicking on any game present on its interface, you can launch the game.

    Additional Features:

    • Scraping: This feature automatically identifies games and download their metadata like background images, cover art, general game info, etc.
    • Time Monitor: It monitors your gameplay time spent in all your games.
    • Gaming Power Mode: Using this mode, you can decide at which power mode your system will operate during the gameplay.

    Final Thoughts:

    It is a simple and effective Windows game launcher software that provides all essential game launching and management features.

    Gaming PC

    Gaming PC is yet another free Windows game launcher software. This software works in multiple versions of Windows including the latest one i.e., Windows 10. In this software, you can add as many games as you want. However, unlike other similar software, this software does not automatically scan and add games to its interface. The only way to add games in it is the manual method, through which you need to either provide the game folder path or the path of game EXE file. This software also does not let you add metadata of games. In general, it is a very basic and simple game launcher for Windows.

    How to add and launch games using Gaming PC:

    • Start this software and enter the game folder path in the Game Folder field to add all games of a folder to this software. Apart from that, you can also add a single game at a time by entering the game EXE file path in the ‘Game Executable’ field.
    • All the added games will appear on its main interface from where you can easily launch them by double-clicking on a game.

    Additional Features:

    • Add Process/ Services: This feature lets you add certain processes which you want to close when you launch a game.
    • Switch back: It lets you start all the processes which get closed during the gameplay.


    This software is only free for personal use.

    Final Thoughts:

    It one of the simplest Windows game launcher software through which you can easily manage and run games. However, it also lacks many features which you can find in other game launcher software.

    As humans, we have our differences when it comes to what interests us and what we are addicted to. Are you a game lover who loves organizing everything for a smooth gaming experience? Then game launchers on windows should be no news to you. 

    With game launchers, you can be informed about industry trends and developments. This software not only helps organize everything that has to do with gaming, but you can also use it to download new and trending games and keep in touch with your peers and other gamers. You can get recommendations and play games without having them installed. For your convenience, we have listed the seven best game launchers on Windows. 

    1. GOG Galaxy

    GOG Galaxy

    One of the best universal game launchers for Windows you can go for is the GOG Galaxy. It used to be a launcher set for purchasing games from the GOG store, but now things have changed, and GOG Galaxy has a lot more to offer. If you seek the best gaming experience, look no further.


    • Games from all systems, including non-GOG titles, can use it.
    • It can restore games to older versions.
    • You can arrange your game collection in numerous flexible ways depending on your preferences.
    • It can sync between devices.

    Get It Now

    Also Read – 9 Best Google Chrome Games To Kill Boredom

    2. Razer Cortex

    Razer Cortex

    Razer Cortex is another game launcher for Windows that brings you different games across different launchers. It serves different purposes, such as helping you find games, serving as a performance booster for games, and acting as a system cleaner.


    • Razer Cortex finds games very well.
    • Instantly improve the PC’s performance and graphics for supported games.
    • It has a one-stop solution that automatically finds and removes junk files to free up space.

    Get It Now

    3. LaunchBox


    The LaunchBox launcher was initially just a user interface for the DOSBox simulator. The creators added a ton of functions over time. It’s currently one of the more modern launchers. LaunchBox has automated import procedures for a wide range of content, including MS-DOS games, ROM files, GOG classics, contemporary Steam games, and much more.


    • It helps organize Your Collection.
    • The LaunchBox user interface is both exceedingly simple to use and extremely functional.
    • LaunchBox creates a surprisingly immersive experience by instantly downloading beautiful fanart, screenshots, logos, and more for your games.

    Get It Now

    Also Read – 13 Best Games like Homescapes

    4. Playnite


    The Playnite launcher is an amazing launcher that thoroughly searches for games on your Windows system. This launcher offers a myriad of features and is coupled with a navigable user interface to create an extremely useful app.


    • It supports a wide variety of emulators along with launchers.
    • It has customizable themes.
    • Supports a playtime counter and extensions to import data from GOG and Steam.

    Get It Now

    5. Ubisoft Connect

    Ubisoft Connect

    No matter what device a game is played on, Ubisoft Connect is the ecosystem for player services. It aims to create the ideal environment for all players to engage in and enjoy their games. It is a free tool that is available on a variety of gadgets. 


    • You can look up your friends’ profiles on all platforms, find out what games they’re playing, and learn about their accomplishments.
    • You can manage and begin playing your games via the library.
    • It saves your progress on all devices.

    Get It Now

    6. Steam


    Steam is one of the most popular choices when you need a game launcher for Windows. It is a good match for all varieties of game enthusiasts because it provides thousands of games of various types.


    • The launcher is modern and easy to navigate.
    • It has a feature that makes it easy to connect with gamers. 
    • It has an organized game library making it possible to find the games you’re looking for easily.

    Get It Now

    Also Read – 10 Best Offline/Online Racing Games for Windows PC

    7. Radeon Software


    Radeon is a game launcher for Windows users with AMD graphics. Radeon is effective in changing the universal visual settings, searching for driver card updates, enhancing your gaming experience, and monitoring performance.


    • It has a feature that shows all installed games on your computer promptly. 
    • Games can be started from Radeon directly.
    • You can also track performance, update drivers, and optimize your games.

    Get It Now


    If you have a large collection of PC games, it can be difficult to remember which game you installed on which launcher. Fortunately, several methods exist for launching all your PC games without switching between game launchers.

    Above are the best game launchers for Windows. Even though these launchers are great for managing your currently installed games, they can also be used to keep your complete library of video games, including the more traditional physical cartridges and discs.

    Organize your entire collection using game launchers like Radeon Software, Steam, Playnite, GOG Galaxy, Razer Cortex, and more. Read through and pick your desired launcher to get the smooth gaming experience you deserve. Also, do not forget to subscribe to our blog today.

    Also Read

    • 13 Best Game Booster & Optimizer for Windows 11/10 PC
    • 5 Best Gameboy Color Emulators for Android/iOS/PC
    • 12 Best Game Booster Apps For Android

    Check out these game launchers that you surely need

    by Matthew Adams

    Matthew is a freelancer who has produced a variety of articles on various topics related to technology. His main focus is the Windows OS and all the things… read more

    Updated on

    • Game launchers are all in one software that help you organize everything related to gaming.
    • You can stay in touch with your peers, keep informed about news in the industry, download new games, and more.
    • Below are recommended game launchers with various features such as performance optimization or customizable categories and filters.

    steam-w10 game launcher pc

    Those with extensive Windows game libraries can’t always organize them effectively. Steam, GOG, and Ubisoft Connect are examples of PC game launcher software options with client software you need to access before opening games.

    Thus, you’ll usually have to start multiple game clients separately to launch the games. As such, some software developers have now developed game launchers with which you can organize your Windows games within a single library more efficiently.

    Game launcher software enables you to organize all your games from separate digital distributors and Windows folders within a single package.

    Then you can quickly open all your games straight from the game launcher software without shuffling through countless subfolders.

    Game launchers are a gaming equivalent of Google Picasa. Which imports and organizes images on your HDD so that you can quickly find and edit them within a single program.

    The programs usually have customizable interfaces and search tools. Plus some also include extra options and settings with which to optimize your gaming system.

    Why do I need a Game Launcher?

    There was once a time when we had games dispersed throughout all of the home screens of our devices, but then the game launcher software appeared.

    These launchers give the user the ability to download and install games, maintain the up-to-date state of the game, and sprinkle a lot of their own features here and there. Such as the potential to repair any games that have been damaged in any way.

    Free game launchers are available in a broad range for users of the Windows operating system to pick from. On the other hand, if you are looking for an application that is already incorporated into the device and comes pre-installed, you will not be able to discover one that fits your criteria.

    However, we can promise that the programs that are going to be mentioned below are of such a good quality that you won’t miss having a launcher that was pre-installed on your device. It is definitely worth your time to give them a go.

    A true gamer needs the best browser

    Complete your gaming setup with Opera GX. It’s a customizable browser designed for gamers, with a futuristic design and a game-focused interface. It includes optimization features for resource consumption: CPU, RAM and bandwidth limiters.

    The browser has integrations with Twitch, Discord, and other messengers, plus a gaming newsfeed with a new releases calendar, tournaments info and other gaming events. Moreover, to keep your sight focused on gaming elements, Opera GX includes an easy to enable dark theme.

    Opera GX

    Opera GX

    Play games lag-free, chat with your peers and keep up with all new releases!

    What is the best game launcher on PC?

    Steam – The most popular choice

    steam game launcher pc

    Steam is without a doubt the most popular game launcher for Windows on the market. It offers thousands of different types of games, making it a good fit for all kinds of game enthusiasts.

    How we test, review and rate?

    We have worked for the past 6 months on building a new review system on how we produce content. Using it, we have subsequently redone most of our articles to provide actual hands-on expertise on the guides we made.

    For more details you can read how we test, review, and rate at WindowsReport.

    The UI is modern and easy to navigate. You can access the store and the game library easily by clicking their corresponding tabs at the top.

    As previously mentioned, the Game Store comes with a wide variety of games. Finding a game is easy with the organized catalog. You can browse game categories and game genres. And even see the games recommended to you either by your friends or curators.

    Similarly, the organized game library makes it possible to easily find the games you’re looking for. You can see your most recent games, order them alphabetically, and more. 

    Steam also makes it easy to connect with gamers. You can add users as friends and connect with them via instant messaging. Not only does this make you part of a community, but it can also help with finding peers for team-based games. Thus, we regarded it as the best Windows 10 game launcher.

    Other key features of Steam include:

    • Controller and VR support
    • Support for game developers and publishers
    • Informative game hubs
    • Steam Workshop
    • Integrated live-stream 

    It may come as no surprise that it makes the top of our list. But keep in mind that the main criteria for this pick are the features and user experience. Market share is just a bonus that validates the quality of the software.

    ⇒ Get Steam

    GOG Galaxy – Supports cross-platform games

    GOG Galaxy 2.0 is a comprehensive, unified game launcher. Its core strength is that it can be used for games across all platforms, including non-GOG titles. 

    Users of GOG Galaxy can import all their PC and console games into one library with many different sorting features for good accessibility. 

    Keep in mind that in order to be able to use other gaming platforms’ specific features, you have to keep that platform installed on your PC along with GOG Galaxy.

    The user interface is easy to navigate. You can organize your game collection in many flexible ways, according to your preferences. You can also use certain filters that help display only certain types of games.

    GOG Galaxy also has a Friendlist where you can chat with your gaming friends. It also comes with an Activity Feed; where you can check what your friends are playing and with Leaderboards for more accessible team play and competitions.

    Other key features of GOG Galaxy include:

    • Sync between devices
    • Custom views 
    • Cloud Storage
    • Multiplayer & Matchmaking
    • Restore games to older versions

    The privacy of the users is greatly valued. GOG guarantees no data spying or sharing, all information is entirely private to the user of the app. 

    Get GOG Galaxy

    Epic Games Launcher – Ideal for Fortnite fanatics

    Download Epic Games Launcher 13.0.0

    Epic Games Launcher for PC is the free official distribution platform that has been given permission to distribute this developer’s proprietary software and games.

    Through this program, keen gamers are granted access to a variety of exclusive in-house games, new Unreal Engine platform launches, and the best offers from other companies as well as licensed third-party developers.

    Similarly to these privileges, members are entitled to exclusive discounts and free premium games at regular intervals.

    The Launcher is available as a free download for Windows-based personal computers, and it competes with Steam, Origin, and the Microsoft Store in terms of providing a possibly superior option.

    Other key features of Epic Games Launcher include:

    • Ease of access
    • Minimized view
    • Player cards

    Get Epic Games Launcher

    Rockstar Games Launcher – For GTA lovers

    Download The Rockstar Games Launcher - Rockstar Games

    Rockstar Games is the proprietor of the Rockstar Games Launcher, a digital video game shop that is incorporated into an application launcher for Microsoft Windows and is made available by Rockstar Games.

    On September 17, 2019, the PC Rockstar Games Launcher was made available to the public. In order for the user to access it, they will need to check in using their Rockstar Games Social Club account.

    The desktop program gives the user the ability to quickly access their entire Rockstar Games library on their personal computer in a single location. This includes both their digital and disc-based games, as well as those games that they have acquired from a variety of other digital retailers.

    It includes a plethora of features, some of which are the addition of cloud save functionality for all supported titles, the capacity to keep the user library automatically updated, and the ability to follow all of the most recent Rockstar Games news directly from within the Launcher itself.

    Other key features of Rockstar Games Launcher include:

    • Intuitive interface
    • Popular games
    • Free games

    Get Rockstart Games Launcher

    Ubisoft Connect – For Assassin’s Creed enthusiasts

    Ubisoft Connect is the player services ecosystem for all Ubisoft games, regardless of the platform they are played on. Its goal is to provide the optimal atmosphere for all players so that they can interact with one another and enjoy playing their games.

    It is a free service that is accessible on all different kinds of devices. You may access it on your own computer, via an app on your mobile device, or on your gaming console straight from inside the games itself.

    You’ll be able to discover your friends’ profiles across all platforms, learn what they’re playing, and investigate their accomplishments.

    Moreover, you can manage and start playing your games via the library, as well as find new material and download it with a single click using our desktop software.

    Other key features of Ubisoft Connect include:

    • Endless giveaways and sales
    • Displays the latest news
    • Accessible stats

    Simply follow the link below to download the Ubisoft game launcher for PC and boost up your gaming experience.

    Get Ubisoft Connect

    If you are looking for an Xbox game launcher on a PC, there isn’t one as of now, but you will be able to use other launchers that support cross-platform games.

    Other users asked whether there is a PC Microsoft game launcher. Unfortunately, with Microsoft Store, you can only download games and apps on your computer, without being able to organize them.

    Don’t miss out on our list with the top 5+ game booster software for Windows 10/11 PCs in order to boost up your gaming flow.

    If you need extra help, take a look at our post on how to automatically optimize newly added games and learn new tips and tricks that you can apply today.

    Don’t hesitate to leave a comment in the section below and tell us what you think about these game launcher software options.

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