Windows error reporting 1001 appcrash

  • #1

Добрый день! Есть сервер MS SQL 2016 + 1С. Там очень много таких ошибок с кодом 1001 от Windows Error Reporting

Контейнер ошибки , тип 0
Имя события: CLR20r3
Отклик: Нет данных
Идентификатор CAB: 0

Сигнатура проблемы:
P1: IAStorIcon.exe
P3: 567aba03
P4: System.Windows.Forms
P5: 4.7.3701.0
P6: 5f4ff256
P7: 2d1d
P8: 3d
P9: System.ArgumentOutOfRange

Вложенные файлы:

Эти файлы можно найти здесь:

Символ анализа:
Повторный поиск решения: 0
Идентификатор отчета: aa1b31df-4b08-4b35-8be8-1dc0e8f313d1
Состояние отчета: 524384
Хэшированный контейнер:

Как понять из за чего это событие генерируется ?:unsure:

Последнее редактирование:


  • #2

IAStorIcon.exe — драйвер SATA контроллера от Intel. Попробуйте обновить его.
По event id 1001

  • #3

Попробуйте обновить компонент .Net Framework

  • #4

Попробуйте обновить компонент .Net Framework

Попробую, а можно где то еще детальный лог посмотреть? Пока не могу установить так как скорее всего потребуется перезагрузка а с этим проблематично



Случайный прохожий

  • #5

С чего решили что это ошибка? Игнорировать..

  • #6

мы так и поступили — решили забить.

Windows Error Reporting (WER) 1001 appcrash – это сообщение об ошибке, которое появляется в операционной системе Windows. Как правило, оно возникает, когда программа перестает работать из-за неизвестных причин. Название этой ошибки указывает на проблему с приложением (appcrash) и код ошибки 1001, который представляет собой идентификатор этой конкретной проблемы.

Появление ошибки Windows Error Reporting 1001 appcrash может быть вызвано различными факторами, такими как неправильная установка программного обеспечения, повреждение системных файлов, конфликт программ или драйверов, а также вирусные атаки. При возникновении этой ошибки возникает резкое падение производительности системы и возможность потери данных.

Как решить проблему с ошибкой Windows Error Reporting 1001 appcrash? Прежде всего, стоит попытаться перезагрузить компьютер. Нередко подобная ошибка может быть вызвана временными проблемами, и перезагрузка может решить проблему. Если ошибка сохраняется, следующим шагом будет проверка обновлений для операционной системы Windows и всех установленных программ. Обновления часто содержат исправления ошибок, которые могут устранить проблему.

Если эти шаги не помогают, можно попытаться выполнить сканирование системы в поисках ошибок или поврежденных файлов с помощью специальных программных инструментов. Например, можно воспользоваться встроенной в Windows утилитой «Проверка диска» или программами третьих сторон, такими как CCleaner или Malwarebytes.

Если ничего из вышеперечисленного не помогло, последним шагом будет обратиться к профессиональным специалистам. Команда технической поддержки или форумы, посвященные Windows, могут предложить решение проблемы, основанное на вашей конкретной ситуации. Важно помнить, что при ошибках Windows Error Reporting 1001 appcrash решение может быть разным, и иногда может потребоваться специализированное программное обеспечение или помощь эксперта.


  1. Windows error reporting 1001 appcrash: определение и причины
  2. Что такое Windows error reporting 1001 appcrash?
  3. Какие проблемы приводят к появлению ошибки Windows error reporting 1001 appcrash?

AppCrash — это тип ошибки, который возникает, когда приложение завершается аварийно. Это может происходить по разным причинам, таким как неправильные настройки приложения, конфликты с другими программами или драйверами, недостаток ресурсов или ошибки в коде приложения.

Ошибка WER 1001 appcrash указывает на то, что произошла необработанная ошибка при запуске или выполнении приложения. В отчете об ошибке содержится информация о приложении, его версии, модулях, загруженных в память, и других сведениях, которые могут помочь разработчикам в исправлении ошибки.

Причины возникновения ошибки WER 1001 appcrash могут быть различными:

Проблемы совместимости Некоторые приложения могут быть несовместимы с определенными версиями операционной системы или другими программами. В результате могут возникать ошибки запуска или завершения работы приложения.
Неправильные настройки приложения Неправильные настройки приложения или его компонентов могут вызвать ошибку при запуске или выполнении приложения.
Недостаток ресурсов Если в системе недостаточно памяти или других ресурсов, приложение может прекратить работу и вызвать ошибку appcrash.
Ошибки в коде приложения Наличие ошибок в программном коде приложения может привести к аварийному завершению работы и возникновению ошибки appcrash.
Конфликты с другими программами или драйверами Некоторые приложения могут конфликтовать с другими программами или драйверами, что может вызывать ошибку при их работе.

Чтобы решить проблему с ошибкой WER 1001 appcrash, можно попробовать следующие действия:

  • Обновить приложение до последней версии.
  • Проверить совместимость приложения с операционной системой.
  • Проверить настройки приложения и устранить возможные ошибки.
  • Проверить системные требования приложения и убедиться, что в системе достаточно ресурсов.
  • Обновить драйверы и программы, с которыми возможен конфликт.
  • Попытаться переустановить приложение.

Что такое Windows error reporting 1001 appcrash?

Windows error reporting 1001 appcrash относится к ошибке, которая может возникать на компьютере под управлением операционной системы Windows. Эта ошибка связана с возникновением проблемы в работе определенного приложения или программного обеспечения, которое может приводить к его аварийному завершению (appcrash).

Windows error reporting (WER) — это служба, предоставляемая компанией Microsoft, которая собирает информацию об ошибках и сбоях в работе программ и отправляет их разработчикам для дальнейшего анализа и исправления. Когда приложение завершается аварийно, Windows error reporting 1001 appcrash генерирует отчет о сбое и отправляет его на сервера Microsoft.

Эти отчеты помогают разработчикам понять, какие ошибки происходят в приложении и как их исправить, что в конечном итоге способствует улучшению работы приложения и повышению его стабильности.

Однако, Windows error reporting 1001 appcrash может также указывать на проблемы, связанные с несовместимостью программного обеспечения или неправильными настройками операционной системы. В таких случаях необходимо произвести анализ отчетов об ошибке и принять меры по решению проблемы.

Чтобы снизить вероятность возникновения ошибки Windows error reporting 1001 appcrash, рекомендуется регулярно обновлять операционную систему и устанавливать последние версии программного обеспечения. Также стоит проверить наличие обновлений для драйверов и убедиться в их корректной установке.

Однако, если ошибка продолжает возникать, необходимо обратиться за помощью к специалистам технической поддержки или в сообщество пользователей, где можно получить более детальные рекомендации по решению проблемы.

Какие проблемы приводят к появлению ошибки Windows error reporting 1001 appcrash?

Ошибки Windows error reporting 1001 appcrash могут возникать из-за различных проблем и неполадок в операционной системе Windows. Ниже приведены некоторые из самых распространенных причин:

1. Неправильная установка или обновление программного обеспечения — если программное обеспечение неправильно установлено или есть проблемы с обновлением, это может привести к возникновению ошибки.

2. Конфликтующие программы — некоторые программы имеют конфликты друг с другом, что может вызвать ошибку при их использовании одновременно.

3. Поврежденные файлы системы — если в системных файлах Windows происходит повреждение или ошибки, это может привести к возникновению ошибки.

4. Ошибки в реестре — неправильные записи в реестре могут вызывать ошибки в работе системы и вызывать ошибку Windows error reporting 1001 appcrash.

5. Проблемы с оборудованием — неисправности или неправильная работа оборудования (например, драйверов), также могут быть причиной ошибки.

6. Вирусы и вредоносное ПО — наличие в системе вирусов и вредоносного программного обеспечения может вызвать ошибки и неполадки в работе операционной системы.

7. Недостаток памяти — если в системе недостаточно оперативной памяти, это может вызывать ошибки и приводить к появлению ошибки Windows error reporting 1001 appcrash.

Решение проблемы зависит от конкретной причины ошибки. Чтобы исправить ошибку, вам может потребоваться выполнение различных действий, таких как переустановка или обновление программного обеспечения, проверка наличия вирусов, исправление системных файлов, исправление ошибок реестра и другие действия в зависимости от проблемы, которая привела к возникновению ошибки Windows error reporting 1001 appcrash.

Table of Contents

  • Applies To
  • Details
  • Report status bitmap
  • Additional Resources

Applies To

Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7



Windows Operating System

Event ID:



Windows Error Reporting



Symbolic Name:



Fault bucket %1, type %2%nEvent Name: %3%nResponse: %4%nCab Id: %5%n%nProblem signature:%nP1: %6%nP2: %7%nP3: %8%nP4: %9%nP5: %10%nP6: %11%nP7: %12%nP8: %13%nP9: %14%nP10: %15%n%nAttached files:%16%n%nThese
files may be available here:%n%17%n%nAnalysis symbol: %18%nRechecking for solution: %19%nReport Id: %20%nReport Status: %21

The 1001 event is logged by the Windows Error Reporting infrastructure
for all

reports (for example, application crashes, hangs, and generic reports).

The event contains a summary of the report’s signatures, Windows Error Reporting
bucket information, and other fields that describe the state of the report. This event

is logged in the Application event log.

Event 1001 is logged at any time the report transitions state (that is, goes tothe queue and comes out of the queue). Thus, it is possible to see multiple
1001 events for the same report.

The following table explains the event message contents.

Field Position

Field Name

Field Value Type



Fault bucket


The Windows Error Reporting bucket number (32-bit integer) or an OCA bucket string.

If there was an error submitting the event, the Windows Error Reportingservers will return a phony bucket value from the following list:

Bucket=3: S2_SelectBucket returned blank/null iBucket (all tables)

Bucket=4: S2_SelectBucket has nonzero return code (all tables)

Bucket=5: S2_SelectBucket err’ed twice (all tables)

Bucket=6: Can’t open SQL; connection failure (all tables)

Bucket=7: BucketGeneric, unregistered EventType (generic only)Bucket=8: BucketGeneric, no parms (P1 is missing) (generic only)

Bucket=9: fNoSQL=1 (all tables)

Bucket=10: Generic bucket NetworkDiagnosticsFramework/aspnet (generic only)

The bucket table (that is, the Fault bucket type) for phony error bucket numbers is 5.



Integer, as a decimal string

The Windows Error Reporting bucket table that houses the bucket. The bucket table mappings are:

1:Crash32 buckets

2: Setup buckets

3: Crash64 buckets

4: Generic reports


Event Name


Report’s event name. This is not localized.




Response string from the Windows Error Reporting server, or the string «Not available» if no response was received. The «Not available» string is localized.


Cab Id

32-bit integer, as a decimal string

Windows Error Reporting back-end iCab field number. This is 0 if the server did not ask for a cabinet (.cab) file or did not return a .cab file number, or if the .cab file was not uploaded
because of data-throttling.

6 to 15

Problem signature

Ten strings

Report signature strings (that is, bucketing parameters). The message can report up to ten strings. The content of these strings depends on the report.

16, 17

Attached files

String, full file paths

Field 16: List of full paths to all files that are attached to the report.

Field 17: Path to the directory (somewhere in WER’s report store) potentially housing these files.


Analysis symbol


OCA BUCKET response string. It only exists for blue-screen and live kernel reports (they go to OCA, not to Windows Error Reporting). This should be the same as Field 1 (fault bucket) for kernel


Rechecking for solution

Integer, as a string

If the report is being resubmitted from the archive (it was submitted before and the user is resubmitting it to check for a response or solution), then this value is 1. Otherwise, it is 0.


Report Id

String, GUID or timestamp

The unique ID of the report. For application crashes, you can use this value to correlate the 1001 event with the 1000 event or the 1002 event.

For kernel reports, this is a minidump-style time stamp.

Otherwise, this is usually a GUID.


Report Status

32-bit integer bitmap, as a decimal string

New in Windows 7.

The bitmap is broken down in  the following section.

Report status bitmap

The report status bitmap is Field 21 in the 1001 event, and it is written
as a decimal string. It flags significant events and states relevant to

Windows Error Reporting reports.

The following table breaks down all possible flags.

Flag Name

Bit Position

Hexadecimal Mask

Decimal Mask






The report was cancelled by

the user.





No network connectivity was detected

according to the SENS API IsNetworkAlive






The report was queued for whatever reason,

for example, for policy settings, lack of network

connectivity, report submission flags.

This flag is not set if the report was in the queue

and then it was reported out of the queue (such as service process crashes).





Set whenever the server requests data to be collected.





Set whenever the computer is in the rights account certificate (RAC) sample for data collection. This is True if the current computer time is before the time that is recorded in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Reliability\Analysis\RAC\RacWerSampleTime.





Set whenever the stage 1 exchange with Windows Error Reporting fails:

The HTTP exchange succeeded, but the server returned a response other than 200 or 404. For example, if the server returned 500, stage 1 is considered a failure.

Network connectivity was detected according to System Event Notification Services (SENS), but the actual exchange failed for whatever reason (for example, it could not resolve the DNS name,
could not connect, or the request timed out).

Any other failure in the Windows HTTP (WinHTTP) network stack.





Set whenever the stage 2 exchange with Windows Error Reporting fails:

The HTTP exchange succeeded, but the server returned a response other than 200.

Network connectivity was detected according to System Event Notification Services (SENS), but the actual exchange failed for whatever reason (for example, it could not resolve the DNS name,
could not connect, or the request timed out).

Any other failure in the Windows HTTP (WinHTTP) network stack.





Set whenever the stage 3 exchange with Windows Error Reporting fails:

The HTTP exchange succeeded, but the server returned a response other than 200 or 201 (object created).

Network connectivity was detected according to System Event Notification Services (SENS), but the actual exchange failed for whatever reason (for example, it could not resolve the DNS name,
could not connect, or the request timed out).

Any other failure in the Windows HTTP (WinHTTP) network stack.





Set whenever the stage 4 exchange with Windows Error Reporting fails:

The HTTP exchange succeeded, but the server returned a response other than 200.

Network connectivity was detected according to System Event Notification Services (SENS), but the actual exchange failed for whatever reason (for example, it could not resolve the DNS name,
could not connect, or the request timed out).

Any other failure in the Windows HTTP (WinHTTP) network stack.





Set whenever the stage 5 exchange with Windows Error Reporting fails:

HTTP status codes are not looked at for failure.

Network connectivity was detected according to System Event Notification Services (SENS), but the actual exchange failed for whatever reason (for example, it could not resolve the DNS name,
could not connect, or the request timed out).

Any other failure in the Windows HTTP (WinHTTP) network stack.





Set whenever cabbing fails. A .cab file is created by using the FCI Cabinet APIs.

If the AppRecorder false discovery rate (FDR) plug-ins are active and deem that no .cab file should be generated (by setting an internal WER_INTERNAL_NO_CAB report flag), then no .cab file
will be generated, although this bit will not be set.





Set whenever an initial consent dialog is shown and cancelled.

For kernel-mode reports, setting the DontSendAdditionalData registry setting will automatically decline the initial consent dialog, and set this flag.

A non-interactive report that is submitted with a consent status WerConsentDenied, will also automatically decline the initial consent, and set this flag.

Additional Resources

  • Windows Error Reporting: 

  • Microsoft
    Online Crash Analysis:

  • #1

Добрый день! Есть сервер MS SQL 2016 + 1С. Там очень много таких ошибок с кодом 1001 от Windows Error Reporting

Контейнер ошибки , тип 0
Имя события: CLR20r3
Отклик: Нет данных
Идентификатор CAB: 0

Сигнатура проблемы:
P1: IAStorIcon.exe
P3: 567aba03
P4: System.Windows.Forms
P5: 4.7.3701.0
P6: 5f4ff256
P7: 2d1d
P8: 3d
P9: System.ArgumentOutOfRange

Вложенные файлы:

Эти файлы можно найти здесь:

Символ анализа:
Повторный поиск решения: 0
Идентификатор отчета: aa1b31df-4b08-4b35-8be8-1dc0e8f313d1
Состояние отчета: 524384
Хэшированный контейнер:

Как понять из за чего это событие генерируется ?

Последнее редактирование:


  • #2

IAStorIcon.exe — драйвер SATA контроллера от Intel. Попробуйте обновить его.
По event id 1001

  • #3

Попробуйте обновить компонент .Net Framework

  • #4

Попробуйте обновить компонент .Net Framework

Попробую, а можно где то еще детальный лог посмотреть? Пока не могу установить так как скорее всего потребуется перезагрузка а с этим проблематично



Случайный прохожий
  • #5

С чего решили что это ошибка? Игнорировать..

  • #6

мы так и поступили — решили забить.

Have you ever faced a situation when your system suddenly stopped working, became unresponsive, or even crashed? Whenever these issues occur Event Viewer may show Event Id 1001. This error is likely to appear when an application uses high resources, causes conflicts, or becomes corrupted. This is Event Id 1001 Windows Error Reporting that may cause system crash, freeze and hang, and sometimes blue screen bug check. This post will present solutions to this problem.

Generally, Event Id 1001 Windows Error Reporting can be resolved by uninstalling the application, updating Windows, and increasing paging file size. Furthermore, running an SFC scan, DISM, using Windows Defender malware Scan, disk cleanup, and stopping background apps. See: Fix Event ID 86 SCEP Certificate enrollment initialization Failed in Windows 11 or 10.

Here is how to fix Event Id 1001 Windows Error Reporting:

Use SFC and DISM

System file corruption may be a major reason for this Event id 1001 and SFC scan, identification, and repair can resolve this issue. Here’s the method to run the system file checker:

  1. Click on the Windows Search and type CMD.
  2. Select Run as Administrator.
  3. Click Yes when a UAC pop-up appears.
  4. Once the command prompt opens, paste SFC /Scannow and hit Enter.

how to fix Event Id 1001 Windows Error Reporting

  1. Allow the cmd command to scan, verify, and repair the damaged files and then restart the PC.
  2. Check if Windows Error Reporting 1001 Event Id is fixed.
  3. In case, the glitch continues to occur, once more open Command Prompt as administrator.
  4. Then, run the below piece commands one by one:
dism /online /cleanup-image /checkhealth
dism /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth
dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

dism online cleanup-image restorehealth

  1. At last, restart the system.

SFC /Scannow, DISM.Exe, CHKDSK Windows 10

Scan for Viruses

Malware and Viruses can affect the PC performance and shows this unexpected Event Id 1001 Windows Error Reporting. An in-depth antivirus scan can track and remove threats and fix the error. Fortunately, there’s a built-in security suite that comes in Windows to remove malware; here’s a simple guide to run this:

  1. Press Windows + I on your keyboard to launch Settings.
  2. Click on the Privacy & security option.
  3. Select “Windows Security”.
  4. On the new application, click on Virus & Threat Protection.
  5. Select Scan options.
  6. Here you’ll see three levels of scanning; choose Full Scan and click on Scan Now below.

Scan for Viruses Windows Security virus & threat protection full scan

  1. Once the full scanning is completed, a list of threats shows.
  2. Click on Apply to remove these threats.
  3. Restart your system and check whether the error is resolved.

Run Disk Cleanup

Insufficient disk space is obviously an obstruction in running an application and may be a reason for this Event Id 1001 Windows Error Reporting. Here’s the way to clean the storage and fix this problem:

  1. Press Windows + S.
  2. Type cleanmgr.exe and press the Enter key.
  3. A new pop-up will appear with drive options.
  4. Select C: drive from drop-down menu and click Ok.
  5. When a new window prompts, click on Clean up system files.

fix Event Id 1001 Windows Error Reporting

  1. Again choose C: drive and press Enter.
  2. On the window that opens, tick all the checkboxes on the left side and click OK.
  3. Click on Delete Files to confirm the option.

Increase Paging file size Allocation

The paging file size aka the swap file size or virtual memory file size is a space used by Windows to supplement physical RAM when it becomes full. It temporarily stores data that would normally reside in RAM.

If your system doesn’t have enough paging file size you will face this error id 1001. So here’s how to fix it:

  1. Press Windows + R.
  2. Type sysdm.cpl and hit Enter.
  3. A new pop-up that shows System Properties appears.
  4. Select the Advanced tab.
  5. Click on Settings under Performance.
  6. A new window pops up; click on the “Advanced” tab.
  7. Click on Change under Virtual memory.
  8. On a new tab, uncheck the first box, “Automatically manage paging files for all drives”.
  9. Select the custom size option, enter a value in both boxes, and click OK. To enter the values, follow: How to Tweak Paging File for better Windows 11 or 10 Performance.
  10. Once the process is complete, check if the error has been resolved.

Terminate Unnecessary Background Apps

Sometimes multiple applications run in the background, which affects the overall system performance, leading to this Event Id 1001 Windows Error Reporting. However, closing these unnecessary apps is easy and becomes the solution to the issue. Follow the given steps below:

  1. Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete.
  2. Once a Task Manager opens, you’ll see the list of running apps under the Processes tab.
  3. Select the unnecessary app Individually, right-click on it, and hit End Task.
  4. After ending task for running apps, go to the Startup tab.
  5. To terminate all these programs from the auto start, right-click on them one by one, and hit Disable.

Terminate Unnecessary Background Apps task manager startup programs disable

  1. Reboot your system and check if the issue is resolved.

Uninstall troublesome Software

Predominantly conflicts with third-party apps and system programs are the reason behind the event Id 1001 Windows error reporting. This problem shows when software itself or its update is malicious and is installed on your computer. So it’s important to stay alert and fix the issue by following the steps:

  1. Press Windows + R.
  2. Type appwiz.cpl and hit Enter.
  3. A new window Programs and Features opens up.
  4. Find the app which can cause this error and right-click on it.
  5. Select Uninstall.
  6. Once the app is uninstalled, reboot your system.
  7. Repeat the same steps with the third-party program if they are installed.

Disable Automatic Sample submission and Cloud-delivered Protection

If your system has enabled Cloud-delivered protection in Wndows Security, then this type of error can occur. So here’s how you can turn off this:

  1. Press Windows and S.
  2. Type Windows Security and click on the app to open it.
  3. Once a new window opens, click on Virus & threat protection tab.
  4. Click on Manage settings, scroll below, and turn off the Cloud-delivered protection option.
  5. Also, disable the Automatic sample submission setting.
  6. Restart your computer and check whether the issue has been resolved.

These are the top 7 working methods to resolve this Event Id 1001 Windows Error Reporting in your Windows 11/10. We hope this guide helps you to resolve this error.

Use SFC and DISM
Scan for Viruses
Run Disk Cleanup
Increase Paging file size Allocation
Terminate Unnecessary Background Apps
Uninstall troublesome Software
Disable Automatic Sample submission and Cloud-delivered Protection

That’s all!!

Repair any Windows problems such as Blue/Black Screen, DLL, Exe, application, Regisrty error and quickly recover system from issues using Reimage.

How to fix Windows error reporting 1001?

  • Ahmir
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How to fix Windows error reporting 1001?

Check if the Event ID 1001 error occurs due to running multiple security solutions on your computer. The OS automatically disables Windows Security when it detects you installed a second antivirus solution. Then, Windows telemetry generates the Event ID 1001 error.

Property Value
Product: Windows Operating System
Event ID: 1001
Source: Windows Error Reporting
Version: 6.1
Symbolic Name: WER_EL_BUCKET_LOG

Check if the Event ID 1001 error occurs due to running multiple security solutions on your computer. The OS automatically disables Windows Security when it detects you installed a second antivirus solution. Then, Windows telemetry generates the Event ID 1001 error.

Property Value
Product: Windows Operating System
Event ID: 1001
Source: Windows Error Reporting
Version: 6.1
Symbolic Name: WER_EL_BUCKET_LOG

Updated October 2023: Stop error messages and fix your computer problem with this tool. Get it now at this link

  1. Download and install the software.
  2. It will scan your computer for problems.
  3. The tool will then fix the issues that were found.

Solution 1 – Run an SFC scan
Solution 2 – Check for malware
Solution 3 – Free up disk space to create a disk
Fix 4: Expand virtual memory allocation.
Fix 20: Reinstall or uninstall the problematic software sites,
Prevent your ISP and other parties from tracking you.
Instant recovery of lost files.

What causes Event ID 6008?

Event ID 6008 is logged in this system event log when the system shuts down unexpectedly. You will consider the message “Previous system that used a stop time on a too unexpected date”.

What is radar_pre_leak_64?

RADAR is Microsoft’s memory leak detector, so your error indicates that the application/program does not provide secure memory management. Archive the TaskManager and/or Explorer process from SysInternals. This will likely be a game often, although the bug generated is for informational purposes only and only one report has been sent to Microsoft.

What does Windows Error Reporting Service do?

Windows Error Reporting (WER) is a flexible, commercial, event-based feedback platform designed to collect information about all hardware and software issues that Windows experts say they can detect, report back to Microsoft if necessary, and sell solutions to users.

Event 1001 is likely logged by the Windows Error Reporting Framework for Everyone. Reports (for rendering, application crashes, freezes and reports) are unbranded. The event contains a summary similar to Windows Error Reporting signatures. Section information and other fields when describing the status of an insider report. this event.

How to avoid Windows Error Reporting generating event ID 1001?

As a result, Windows generates telemetry metrics with Event ID 1001 similar to the following: To prevent Windows Error Reporting with Event ID 1001, remove Windows Defender Cloud Protection and Automatic Model Submission before installing ENS or VSE.

Updated: October 2023

Are you grappling with persistent PC problems? We have a solution for you. Introducing our all-in-one Windows utility software designed to diagnose and address various computer issues. This software not only helps you rectify existing problems but also safeguards your system from potential threats such as malware and hardware failures, while significantly enhancing the overall performance of your device.

  • Step 1 : Install PC Repair & Optimizer Tool (Windows 10, 8, 7, XP, Vista).
  • Step 2 : Click Start Scan to find out what issues are causing PC problems.
  • Step 3 : Click on Repair All to correct all issues.


How to fix Windows error reporting 1001?

How can I troubleshoot and prevent event ID errors?

How do I fix Windows error reporting 1001?

How can I prevent and fix Event ID 1000 errors?

What does event ID 1001 Windows Error Reporting?

Festival 1001 is logged by the Windows Error Reporting Platform for everyone (for example, ratings, application crashes, freezes, and basic reporting). The event includes a trailing string of report signatures, information about the Windows Error Reporting Recycle Bin, and other fields that describe the state of the report.

What causes Windows Error Reporting Event ID 1001?

Typically, if you want to determine the exact cause of a problem, a person can run the Windows Error Reporting Tool and check for the Firewood event. Often, you will see the mysterious Event ID 1001 error next to the specific hardware or software problem that caused your computer to stop. Let’s see what causes this error and how you can fix it. What causes Event ID 1001 errors?

How to avoid Windows Error Reporting generating event ID 1001?

As a result, Windows Telemetry generates a metric event for ID 1001 similar to the following: To prevent Windows Error Reporting from generating event ID 1001, remove Cloud-Based Protections, Windows Defender, and automatic model submission before anyone installs ENS or VSE.

How to fix Windows error reporting 1001?

How do I resolve Prevent and Event ID 1000 errors?

How do I fix Windows error reporting 1001?

How to fix i and avoid resulting in Event ID 1000 errors?

What does event ID 1001 Windows Error Reporting?

Event 1001 is logged by the entire Windows error framework, which notifies us of any kind of information (e.g. application crashes, freezes, combined with general reports). The event contains all summaries of report signatures, information about the Windows Error Reporting Recycle Bin, and several fields that describe the state of the report.

What causes Windows Error Reporting Event ID 1001?

If your company wants to determine the exact end result of the problem, you’ll probably run the Windows Error Reporting Tool and then check the event log. Many times you will see the cryptic Event ID 1001 error next to a hardware or software issue that is causing your hardware to freeze. Let’s take a look at what causes these errors and how to fix them. What causes Event ID 1001 errors?

RECOMMENATION: Click here for help with Windows errors.

I’m Ahmir, a freelance writer and editor who specializes in technology and business. My work has been featured on many of the most popular tech blogs and websites for more than 10 years. is where I regularly contribute to my writings about the latest tech trends. Apart from my writing, I am also a certified project manager professional (PMP).

The Event Viewer logs events that lead to errors. The event logs can help you understand what triggered or where exactly the issue is coming from so you can be apply the relevant troubleshooting steps. In this post, we provide the most applicable solutions to Windows Error Reporting Event ID 1001 on Windows 11/10.

Windows Error Reporting Event ID 1001

Windows Error Reporting Event ID 1001 is generic, which means it can occur on your Windows 11/10 computer due to several reasons; and to successfully resolve the issue, we have to identify the event name referenced in Event Viewer. This event indicates that an application has crashed the system. The instance of this error will differ to a large extent depending on several factors, including information contained in the log file. The solutions provided in this post apply to the instance of the Windows Error Reporting Event ID 1001 with the following Event Name:

  • MemDiagV1

The symbolic name for this Event ID is WER_EL_BUCKET_LOG. Code 1001 is like a universal code in case of a Windows error. It represents almost all the main errors like application crashes, lagging systems, generic reports, etc.

Read: Windows Errors, System Error Messages and Codes: Complete List and Meaning

There is no known adverse effect of this error on the system in terms of performance, security compromise, or general health of the system other than the event log getting flooded with the error. However, if you are looking to stop the Windows Error Reporting Event ID 1001 from occurring and getting logged, you can try our recommended suggestions below in no particular order and see if that helps you accomplish this task. Remember that almost all errors in the Event Viewer log are unimportant – the errors issued are just informative and a report has been sent to Microsoft. We suggest the following course of action:

  1. Run Memory Test
  2. Change Virtual Memory/Page File
  3. Delete/Disable all tasks in the Customer Experience Improvement Program folder in Task Scheduler
  4. Disable Automatic Updates
  5. Perform System Restore or Uninstall update

Let’s take a look at the description of the process involved concerning each of the listed solutions.

1] Run Memory Test

Run Memory Test

The Event Name RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 or MemDiagV1 are memory issues. RADAR is Microsoft’s Memory Leak Detector that indicates an app or program is not properly handling memory. Some games, such as BlackOps are known to frequently cause the report to be written, and it’s nothing to worry about. However, in this case of Windows Error Reporting Event ID 1001, you can use Task Manager and/or use Process Explorer from SysInternals to identify the app or game that’s having Memory leak issues – it’s imperative to note that some errant memory “tweaking” could cause some memory to become unusable.

Related: The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck

In addition, you can also test for defective physical memory on your PC with the inbuilt Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool or the advanced MemTest86+. Although this is a software issue, where an app or program is not properly managing its memory, rather than a hardware issue, you can run Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter to rule out faulty hardware, which could be due to either physical damage or corrupt driver/software linked to the hardware.

Read: Memory leak issue in Remote Registry Service causes Windows to hang

2] Change Virtual Memory/ Page File

Change Virtual Memory/ Page File

What these errors are is memory errors. The Windows operating system ships with factory default virtual memory. If you have more RAM than factory settings, you need to change your virtual memory to match the physical RAM installed on your computer.

To change the Page File size or Virtual Memory on your Windows 11/10 PC, do the following:

  • In the Taskbar Search, type Advanced System.
  • In the search result, click on View Advanced System Settings. Alternatively, press Windows key + R, then type sysdm. cpl in the Run dialog box and hit Enter to open System Properties.
  • In System Properties, click the Advanced tab.
  • In the Performance section, click the Settings button.
  • In the Performance Options sheet, click the Advanced tab.
  • In the Advanced tab, under Virtual memory, select Change.
  • Now, uncheck Automatically manage paging file size for all drives option.
  • Next, highlight or select your Windows system drive.
  • Select the radio button for the Custom size option.
  • Change the Initial size value and the Maximum size value to a higher value.
  • Click Set.
  • Click Apply to save changes.
  • Click OK all the way to exit.

Read: How to reset Virtual Memory or Page File in Windows

3] Delete/Disable all tasks in the Customer Experience Improvement Program folder in Task Scheduler

Delete or Disable all tasks in Customer Experience Improvement Program folder in Task Scheduler

As reported by some affected users, the Event Name AEAPPINVW8 is triggered by Windows Automatic Maintenance because they notice the error appears at the time task is scheduled to run. Also, this issue was confirmed or reproduced by manually triggering Windows Automatic Maintenance as the error message promptly appeared in the event log. The scheduled task that triggers the error is called Program Data Update, which is part of the Customer Experience Improvement Program – a task that collects information about software installations, uninstalls, and such.

In this case, you can run System Maintenance Troubleshooter to automatically detect and fix common maintenance problems on your Windows 11/10 computer. Also, in Task Scheduler, delete/disable all scheduled tasks in the Customer Experience Improvement Program folder that runs or is triggered at the specified time the error appears and is logged in Event Viewer. – here’s how:

  • Press the Windows key + R keys to invoke the Run dialog.
  • In the Run dialog box, type taskschd.msc and hit Enter to open Task Scheduler.
  • Navigate to the directory path below:

Task Scheduler Library > Microsoft > Windows > Customer Experience Program Improvement Program

  • At the location, in the middle pane of the opened folder, select one or more task(s) you want to delete.

Note: If you want to delete or disable more than one task, you can press and hold the Ctrl key while clicking on the tasks one after the other to highlight all.

  • Once you have selected all the tasks you want to delete/disable, do either of the following:
    • Click on Delete or Disable under Selected Items in the right Actions pane.
    • Click on Action (Alt+A) on the toolbar and click Delete or Disable (Alt+D).
    • Right-click on the selected task(s) and click Delete or Disable on the context menu.
  • Click Yes on the prompt that pops up to confirm.
  • Exit Task Scheduler when done.

Read: How to Import or Export Tasks from Task Scheduler in Windows

4] Disable Automatic Updates

These errors as logged in Event Viewer might also report WindowsUpdateFailure2 or StoreAgentScanForUpdatesFailure0. In this case, what worked is to disable Automatic Updates for Windows and Microsoft Store apps. In addition, you can run the Windows Update Troubleshooter and the Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter to resolve any underlying issues causing both the Windows update and Microsoft Store apps update failures.

Read: Recommended Windows Update policies Admins should be using

5] Perform System Restore or Uninstall update

Some PC users reported they started seeing this error entry in event logs after successfully installing a new Windows update on their system. If you’re in a similar situation, then the applicable solution here is to either perform System Restore or uninstall the ‘problematic’ update. If the update installed is a Windows optional update for the driver of particular hardware on your computer, like the graphics card, you can roll back the driver updates in Device Manager.

Read: Bad GPU Driver Update causing problems in Windows

I hope you find this post informative and helpful!

These Event IDs-related error posts might interest you:

  • DistributedCOM error 10001, Unable to start a DCOM Server
  • How to fix DCOM Event ID 10016 error on Windows
  • Event ID 10010, Server did not register with DCOM within timeout
  • How to fix Event ID 642 ESENT error on Windows

What is a Fault Bucket error in Windows 10?

On a Windows 11/10 computer, a Fault Bucket identification number is a number assigned by the system to identify specific types of errors. This number is used by Microsoft to identify a particular program error when you send an error report.

Read: How to read Windows Defender Event Log using WinDefLogView

What is CbsPackageServicingFailure2?

One of those is the Windows Event Error CbsPackageServicingFailure2. The only way users find out about this error is by going to their Windows logs. It is thought to be a system problem potentially caused by the Windows update cache that initiates repeated downloads and installations. Affected users reported that the error did not affect the regular use of Windows on their devices.

How do I view Windows log files?

To view the Windows Setup event logs on your device, follow these steps:

  • Start the Event Viewer.
  • Expand the Windows Logs node.
  • Click System.
  • In the Actions pane, click Open Saved Log.
  • Locate the Setup.etl file. By default, this file is available in the %WINDIR%\Panther directory. The log file contents appear in the Event Viewer.

Read: What or Where is CBS.log? How to read CBS.log file in Windows

Does Windows have a crash log?

When your hardware or software of the system crashes, hangs, or freezes then the operating system generates and maintains a crash log record to identify the causes of the crashes. Windows operating system maintains this log in Event Viewer. At any time, you can review and as well clear the Event Log in Windows 11/10.

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