Windows bat file create file

In order to get a truly empty file without having to provide user interaction, you can use the set /p command with a little trickery:

set tv=c:\documents and settings\administrator
cd "%tv%"
<nul >"new text document.txt" (set /p tv=)

The set /p asks the user for input into the tv variable after outputting the prompt after the = character.

Since the prompt is empty, no prompt is shown. Since you’re reading from nul, it doesn’t wait for user interaction. And you can store the empty string straight into tv thus removing the need to unset it.

Actually, after some more thought, there’s an easier way. I’ve used that set /p trick in the past since it’s the only way I know of echoing text without a newline being added (great for progress bars in the console). But if all you want is an empty file, you can probably get away with:

copy /y nul "new text document.txt"

The copy simply copies the contents of the nul device (effectively an empty file) to your new file name. The /y is to ensure it’s overwritten without bothering the user.


One useful feature of batch files is being able to create files with them. This section shows how to create files using batch code.


  • echo (type here whatever you want in the to be) >> (filename)
  • echo (variable name) >> (filename)

If a file exists, > will overwrite the file and >> will append to the end of the file. If a file does not exist, both will create a new file.

Also, the echo command automatically adds a newline after your string.


echo 1 > num.txt
echo 1 > num.txt 
echo 2 >> num.txt 

will create the following file:


Not this:

1 1 2


1 2

Furthermore, you cannot just modify a single line in a text file. You have to read the whole file, modify it in your code and then write to the whole file again.

Batch scripting is a popular way to automate repetitive tasks on a Windows system, and one of the most common jobs is to create files. In this article, we’ll discuss how to create a file with batch script, with plenty of code examples to get you started.

First, we’ll discuss what batch scripting is, how it works, and why it’s useful for creating files. Then we’ll walk you through the steps of creating a file with batch script, including variables, commands, and functions.

What is Batch Scripting?

Batch scripting, or batch file programming, is a way to automate tasks on a Windows system. Batch files are script files with the .bat or .cmd file extension, and they use a text editor to write and edit.

Batch files are essentially a series of commands that a user would normally enter at a command prompt, but the user can automate these tasks with a batch script. Batch scripts can perform a wide variety of functions, including file operations, service management, software installation and uninstallation, and more.

Why Create Files with Batch Script?

Creating files with batch script is a typical task because it saves time and effort. For example, if you need to create multiple files with the same structure or content, you can use batch scripting to do it quickly and efficiently.

Creating files with batch scripts is beneficial when you have to create files as part of a more extensive process. It can streamline tasks and ensure that operations run more smoothly.

How to Create a File with Batch Script: The Steps Involved

Now that you know what batch scripting is and why it’s useful, let’s look at the steps involved in creating a file with batch script.

Step 1: Open a text editor

The easiest way to create batch files is with a text editor like Notepad. Open a new file in Notepad.

Step 2: Define the file name and directory path

The first line of any batch script is usually the @echo off statement that tells the script to turn off the Command Prompt’s echoing of commands as they execute. Then, you’ll want to define the file name and directory path you’ll use to store the new file.

For example, you could use the following code:

@echo off
set filename=myfile.txt
set directory=C:\Users\myusername\Documents

Step 3: Define the file content

After you define the filename and directory, you’ll need to define the content of the file. The easiest way to do this is to use the echo command, which outputs text to the console or to a file if you redirect the output using the «>» symbol.

For example, you could use the following code to define the content of your new file:

@echo off
set filename=myfile.txt
set directory=C:\Users\myusername\Documents
echo This is the first line of text > %directory%\%filename%
echo This is the second line of text >> %directory%\%filename%
echo This is the third line of text >> %directory%\%filename%

Here, we’re defining the file content by using the echo command three times. The first line creates the file and adds the «This is the first line of text» line to myfile.txt. The second and third lines each add another line of text to the file.

Step 4: Save the file

Once you’ve defined the file name, directory path, and content, you’re ready to save the batch script. Simply save the file using a .bat or .cmd file extension, such as myfilecreation.bat, and save it to any directory.

Step 5: Run the batch file

To create your new file, you will need to run the batch file in the command prompt. To do this, open the command prompt and enter the following:

cd /d C:\path\to\batch\file
myfilecreation.bat (if this is the file name)

This will run the batch file and create the new file in the specified directory.

Additional Features and Functions:

If you want to further customize your batch script and make it more dynamic, you can use variables, conditional statements, and loops.


Variables are a great way to make your batch scripts more dynamic and less repetitive. They allow you to store data that can be used throughout your script.

To use a variable in your batch file, you’ll need to define it first, like this:

set name=John
echo Hello %name%

Conditional Statements

Conditional statements allow you to specify a condition and execute code if that condition is true. They are useful for branching your script based on the result of a test.

For example, you could use a conditional statement to create different files depending on the file type you want:

set filetype=txt
if "%filetype%"=="txt" (
set filename=myfile.txt
) else (
set filename=myfile.docx


Loops allow you to repeat sections of code multiple times, making your script more efficient. There are two main types of loops available in batch scripting: for loops and while loops.

For loops are useful when you want to execute a block of code a fixed number of times:

for /l %%x in (1,1,10) do (
echo Loop number %%x

Here, we’re using the /l option to specify a loop that runs from 1 to 10.

While loops, on the other hand, continue to execute a block of code as long as a specified condition holds true:

set counter=1
if %counter% lss 11 (
echo The counter is %counter%
set /a counter+=1
goto loop

Here, we’re defining a counter variable with a starting value of 1. We then create a label called «loop» and use an if statement to check if the counter variable is less than 11. As long as the condition holds true, the code inside the loop will continue to execute.

Final Thoughts

Creating files with batch script is a powerful way to save time and effort on repetitive tasks. With this guide, you now know how to create a basic batch script to create a file, as well as how to use variables, conditional statements, and loops to make your scripts more advanced and flexible.

By incorporating batch scripting into your workflow, you’ll be able to streamline your processes and achieve more in less time, all while reducing errors and increasing consistency.

Batch scripting is a versatile tool that can be used to automate a wide variety of tasks on a Windows system. In addition to creating files, batch scripts can also be used to perform operations such as file renaming, file copying, file deletion, and more.

One of the main benefits of batch scripting is that it allows you to create your own customized tools. For example, you could create a batch script that automatically backs up your important files to an external hard drive every day, or a script that cleans up your system by removing temporary files and old log files.

Another use case for batch scripting is to automate software installation and configuration. For instance, if you regularly install a certain set of software tools on your computer, you could create a batch script to automatically download and install these tools for you.

Batch scripting is also useful for managing system resources such as services and processes. You can use batch scripts to start, stop, or restart services or processes as needed. In addition, you can use batch scripts to monitor system resources such as CPU usage, memory usage, and disk space, and alert you when these resources reach critical levels.

When writing batch scripts, it’s important to keep a few best practices in mind. First, always use descriptive variable names to make your code more readable. Second, include comments to explain what your code is doing and why it’s necessary. Third, test your code thoroughly before applying it to your production environment. Fourth, always make backups of any files or systems you plan to modify with your batch script.

In conclusion, batch scripting is a powerful tool that can be used to automate tasks and streamline workflows on a Windows system. Whether you’re creating files, managing services and processes, or performing system maintenance tasks, batch scripting can help save time and increase efficiency. By following best practices and testing your code before applying it to your production environment, you can confidently incorporate batch scripting into your workflow and achieve more in less time.

Popular questions

  1. What is batch scripting, and how does it automate tasks on a Windows system?
    Answer: Batch scripting is a way to automate tasks on a Windows system. Batch files contain a series of commands that a user would normally enter at a command prompt and can perform a wide variety of functions, including file operations, service management, software installation and uninstallation, and more.

  2. Why is batch scripting useful for creating files?
    Answer: Creating files with batch script saves time and effort, especially when you need to create multiple files with the same structure or content. It also ensures that operations run more smoothly and can streamline tasks.

  3. What are the steps involved in creating a file with batch script?
    Answer: The steps involved in creating a file with batch script are:

  • Open a text editor
  • Define the file name and directory path
  • Define the file content
  • Save the file
  • Run the batch file
  1. Can batch scripts be customized with variables, conditional statements, and loops?
    Answer: Yes, batch scripts can be customized with variables, conditional statements, and loops. Variables allow you to store data that can be used throughout your script, conditional statements allow you to specify a condition and execute code if that condition is true, and loops allow you to repeat sections of code multiple times.

  2. What are some best practices to keep in mind when writing batch scripts?
    Answer: Best practices when writing batch scripts include using descriptive variable names, including comments to explain your code, testing your code thoroughly before applying it to your production environment, and making backups of any files or systems you plan to modify with your batch script.



Specifically for cmd.exe on Windows Operating Systems.

It is a common occurrence in the Programming Forum to see questions related to creating text files with a batch script, be it to create a secondary script or a particular format of text file. This “How-To” will attempt to outline all of the information needed to create files successfully.

Cmd/Bat scripting by default creates ANSI encoded text files unless cmd.exe was started with the “/U” switch, in which case in will create Unicode formatted text files(Without a byte-order-mark). It is only the output file that differs, the procedure to create the file is the same.


Creating text files in batch is easy, there are two main operators:

“>” – Output the command to file, overwrite it if it already exists, otherwise create it.

“>>” – Output the command to file, append to the end of the file it if it already exist, otherwise create it.


rem output the dir command to file, overwrite the file if it already exists.
dir > "somefile.txt"

rem Equivilant to above
> "somefile.txt" dir

rem output the dir command to file, append to the file if it already exists.
dir >> "somefile.txt"

rem Equivilant to above
>> "somefile.txt" dir

The syntax is very easy, but of course there are a few rules:

(I)  The file name must come after the redirection symbol(s).
(II) The file name must be double quoted if it contains spaces or ampersands.
(III) Relative or full paths can be used; if only a file name is specified then the file is created in the current directory.
(IV) The act of redirection can be before or after the command.

Almost any command that outputs text, including other scripts and error streams, can be redirected to file. Programs that write directly to the console window can’t be redirected, though few programs actually do this.

Redirection of Grouped Commands

“Grouped commands” or “code blocks” can be redirected to file in a single step. This can save typing and generally make the script look much cleaner.

This means that if statements and for loops can be output in a single step, rather that redirecting each individual command. Again the redirection can come immediately before or after “code block”.


rem "if"
if 1==1 (
   echo 1==1!
) >> "somefile.txt"

rem "if/else"
if 1==1 (
   echo 1==1!
) >> "somefile.txt" else (
   echo what
) >> "somefile.txt"

rem "for"
for %%a in (1 2 3) do (
    echo %%a
) >> "somefile.txt"

rem standalone codeblock
    Echo All of this
    echo only gets
    echo redirected once!
) >> "somefile.txt"

It is important to remember to take into account variable expansion issues when inside a “code block”.

Redirecting the Error Stream

Thus far we have only been redirecting the standard output of commands, but some commands will output errors in a different way. It is still possible to redirect this error stream to a file, in fact it’s possible to output only the error stream or even combine it with the standard output stream so both go to the same file.

In batch script streams are noted by the numbers 0 – 9, of which there are three usable streams(0 – 2). As far as output goes only stream “1” (standard output) and stream “2” (error) need to be considered.

When addressing a particular stream the number that denotes the stream must be immediately before the redirection operator, if omitted(as in the above examples) the standard stream is assumed.


rem only errors into "somefile.txt"
find "" : 2>> "somefile.txt"

rem errors into "errors.txt"
rem and standard output to "somefile.txt"
dir /arashd 2>> "errors.txt" >> "somefile.txt"

rem errors and standard output to somefile.txt
dir /arashd >> "somefile.txt" 2>&1

As you can see above you simply insert a “2” in front of the redirection operator to output errors and that errors can go to one file with the standard output to another.

You may have noticed the strange looking “2>&1”, this redirects the error stream into the standard output stream. It always follows the same syntax “x>&y” where “x” is the stream to be mixed with stream “y”. This stream redirection must come after any file redirection, the changes are still reflected in the output.

Using the Echo Command

The “echo” command can be a very useful tool when creating files. It allows a whole line to be specified and can be partially or completely variable content. However there are a few key considerations when using echo.

Trailing Spaces

If you redirect after “echo” and leave a space between the last character and the redirection symbol you may be left with a trailing space in the output. It is possible to omit the space but it can lead to further problems(see “Accidental Stream Redirection”).

rem I don't recommend either of these methods

echo This will have a trailing space > "somefile.txt"

echo This won't, but could have other issues> "somefile.txt"

Leading Spaces

If you want the output text to contain leading spaces or tabs then a colon (:) needs to be added after “echo”. A side effect of this is that the usual space between “echo” and the output text is also output. The exact number of leading spaces/tabs required should be after the colon, do not add the usual space to delimit the command and text.

>> "somefile.txt" echo:      - This line has leading spaces.

This form of echo also works without leading spaces, so it can be used generally; mixing forms is not required.

Empty Lines

Using “echo” with a colon also makes it possible to output empty lines. The following outputs an empty line into “somefile.txt”:

>> "somefile.txt" echo:

Accidental stream redirection

The catch with redirecting after echo and not leaving a space is that if the last character is a number and second last is a space cmd.exe thinks you want a particular stream redirected. This is also an issue with “standard” percentage sign(%) enclosed variables, as they are treated as plain text.

The easiest and most reliable method to avoid both trailing spaces and accidental redirection is to redirect before echo.

>> "somefile.txt" echo The best of both worlds!

Of course this can still result in trailing spaces, but only if the text you output has them.

Character Escapement

The final catch that echo has for us is dealing with characters that have special meaning to the command processor. The main problem is that most of the escaping is conditional.

To start out I will quickly go over the variable types. There are four variable types in batch script, two are treated as plain text, and thus not already escaped, the other two are already escaped.

%1 - Parameter, not escaped.
%var% - Standard Environment Variable, not escaped
%%a - For Variable, escaped.
!var! - Delayed Environment Variable, escaped

When used with echo the escaped variables can hold any characters(except possibly the exclamation mark(!)) without any issue, those that aren’t escaped must already contain the necessary escape sequence(s).

The percentage sign(%) always needs to be doubled.

Echo %%

If already inside a variable it is already escaped.

The exclamation mark(!) only needs to be escaped if Delayed Expansion is enabled. If it is then it must be escaped by two carets(^).

SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo ^^!

It is also worth noting that exclamation marks will either disappear or expand as variables inside of Parameters, Standard Environment Variables and For Variables, unless the variable has the right number of carets already in it(four or more depending on the circumstance).

The closing Parentheses character “)” needs to be escaped if the echo is inside a “code block”.

    echo ^)

The Greater-Than(>), Less-Than (<), Pipe (|), Ampersand(&) and Caret(^) symbols all need to be escaped by a caret(^) unless they are contained within “double quotes”.

echo ^> ^< ^| ^& ^^

Well that’s all for this “How-To”, I hope you have enjoyed!

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Как создать файл с произвольным именем из командной строки или bat-файла

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Для создания файла в процессе выполнения пакетного файла используется символ перенаправления. Он выглядит так:


Т.е. чтобы создать файл нужно перенаправить поток с экрана в файл. Сделать это можно при помощи следующей команды:

@echo Start file>C:\1.txt

После выполнения этой команды в корне диска С будет создан текстовый файл со строкой Start file.
При создании файла в его имени можно использовать системные переменные или их части. Например, можно создать файл-отчет о работе bat файла с именем, равным дате запуска bat файла. Для этого можно использовать следующие строки в bat файле.

set datetemp=%date:~-10%

Эти две строки работают следующим образом. Сначала в памяти создаем переменную datetemp, которой присваиваем 10 символов справа налево от системной переменной DATE. Таким образом, теперь во временной переменной datetemp содержится только текущая дата. Следующей строкой перенаправляем вывод символа точка в файл, имя которого берем из переменной datetemp, а расширение txt указываем явно. Файл будет создан на системном диске компьютера, где выполняется bat файл.
При сборе администратором информации о компьютерах в сети будет удобнее добавить к имени файла имя компьютера. Это легко можно сделать при помощи следующей команды:

@echo .>C:\FolderName\%COMPUTERNAME%.txt

Эта команда в ходе выполнения пакетного файла создаст на диске С текстовый файл с именем того компьютера, на котором выполняется пакетный файл.
Для создания файла с определенным именем можно использовать любые системные переменные, либо создать свои, на основе системных переменных и/или других данных.

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