Windows 7 or later 64 bit

Среди нас осталось множество ценителей семерочки любимой, для вас выкладывается новая с апдейтами образ Windows 7 от Августа 2023 года, плюс вы получите на выбор сразу три востребованные редакции, можете выбрать допустим Профессиональную, есть Максимальная и присутствует также Корпоративная. Прошу обратить внимание, что все они только 64 битные с нашим переводом, на Русском языке, полностью с правильным переводом с фиксами.

Если вы хотите супер изменения, можете проходить мимо, вся фишка этой редакции заключается в максимально близкому к оригиналу образу, по сути отличается он только новыми обновлениями. Плюсов много, наверное многих из вас интересует вопрос по поводу регистрации, вас ждет исключительно автоматическая активация, поэтому такие мероприятия как поиск ключа, как скачать активатор, можете все это забыть как страшный сон. Имеются стандартные драйвера как на звуковую карту так и на сетевую карту.

В целом могу только посоветовать всем ценителям скачать Windows 7 на флешку ISO образ, чтоб потом установить на компьютер, образ 64 битный отлично подходит для загрузочного носителя. Для того, чтобы поддерживались самые новые SSD накопители, чтоб работал отлично USB 3.0, вас ждет небольшой сюрприз, загрузчик от Виндовс 10, для вас это значит более привычный метод приветствия, как в десятки, плюс плотная совместимость с драйверами для юсб и не только. В данный образ Виндовс  7 SP1 формата ISO с Русской поддержки был интегрирован Updated Edition апдейты, в основном ими пользуются в бизнес сфере, поэтому они могут быть платные, однако вам это не грозит. Из этого делаем вывод, не важно какое у вас современное железо, данная сборка будет отлично работать везде, совместимость полная. Плюс отдельно не надо будет искать интегрированы обновления, перед вами исключительно актуальные на Август 2023 года апдейты, можете пользоваться смело.

Виндовс 7 SP1 x64 может похвастаться большим количеством плюсов помимо того о чем я написал чуть выше. Вы можете смело запускать самые древний софт, который был написан еще под Windows XP допустим, он будет корректно работать, отклик на максимуме, вы получите продвинутый, встроенный эмулятор этой операционной системы,  все актуальные версии библиотеки .Net Framework присутствуют. Поэтому если вы уже решили, что надо срочно скачать на флешку Виндовс 7 64 бит редакции Ultimate/Pro для быстрой и полной установки на комп — вы сделали верно, по сути получите классику в новом виде, с некоторыми изменениями, не визуальными, а техническими, которые помогут вам более комфортно пользоваться этой версией дома и на работе. Если вы не внимательно читали, то все это стало возможно также благодаря тому, что автор просто заменил загрузчик на Виндовс 10 и этого уже было достаточно, чтобы работать с SSD и спокойно запускать нужные вм игрушки с поддержкой семерки. Кто любит сильно экономить место на жестком диске, то перед вами Windows 7 SP1 64 bit ISO образ который был пережат в формат esd, экономия просто колоссальная получается, поэтом всем удачи!

Дата выхода: 8 августа 2023 года
Версия:  Windows 7 SP16.1.7601.26664 с поддержкой USB + SSD от Августа 2023 на Русском 
Автор сборки: Smiles
Размер образа: 3.7 GB

Скачать Windows 7 64 bit установка на компьютер от 08/2023 torrent + прямая ссылка бесплатно

Требования к железу Win 7 от OneSmile: Если вы хотите нормально, без артефактов работать с Виндовс семерки, то вам нужна видеокарта с реализацией WDDM 1.0 и DirectX должен быть минимум 9. Сразу после установки, на жестком диске будет занято 26 гигабайт, поэтому минимум 30 гигабайт свободного места требуется. Оперативная память – важный момент на который стоит обратить внимание, так как редакция x64 — советую 4 гигабайта. Процессор должен иметь два ядра с минимум 1 ГГц частотой.


Вот некоторые из особенностей Windows 7 Максимальной, Корпоративной и Pro редакции:

Самое важное, это наличие оптимизации, автор сборки выполнил ее, за счет чего работать она стала чуточку шустрее, если сравнивать с пустой оригинальной версией. Конечно можно сравнить допустим с десяткой или Виндовс 11 — разница заметна очень. Все из-за того, что компания стала внедрять в свои ОС много хлама, лишнего, много встроенного софта, много телеметрии, всякие там рюшки и прочее, это сильно замедляет работу на старом железе, я бы даже сказал, критично. В этой семерке этого всего нет, телеметрия отдыхает в сторонке, софта лишнего нет, все как из коробки, браузер обновлен на актуальный быстро работающий, с этим проблем нет, можете пользоваться сразу после запуска, нареканий нет со стороны пользователей.

Второй большой плюс о котором надо помнить, помимо того, что вы сможете работать с быстрыми дисками, я про SSD пишу, вы получите поддержку  порта USB 3.0 что важно в наши дни, так как все устройства работают с этим стандартом. Поэтому можете смело ставить флешку и использовать ее как загрузочную, откуда и будет ставится эта сборка, удобно и надежно, не надо переводить ДВД диски.

Третий плюс, не важно  UEFI или Legacy, любой BIOS поддерживается, это тоже круто, так как старое железо часто очень прихотливо бывает. 


О чем стоит помнить

• В этой сборке, файл WinRe.wim не был удален для экономии места, а это значит, что вы сможете пользоваться восстановлением, можно создать точку и потом от нее отталкиваться если возникнут проблемы, это удобно и надежно, просто некоторые сборщики удаляют ее, мы решили оставить
• Семерка славится своим проигрывателем, он уже встроен и легко работает с разными мультимедиа форматами, музыка или фильмы, картинки или анимация, все это быстро прогружается и запускается, конечно редкие форматы не пройдет, на то они и редкие
• Многими любимое оформление  Аэро  присутствует и плавно работает даже с малой оперативной памятью, вас ждут красивые темы оформления, можно изменить вид курсора, поиграться с настройками звука и не только, советую
• Присутствует встроенный инструмент сис админа. он позволит управлять ПК знакомых AppLock. Можно в три клика выполнить разного типа блокировки, ограничения сетевые, можно распределить ресурсы и так далее

В целом сборка мне понравилась. Ставится быстро, минимум вопрос, по сути вписал имя пользователя, настроил часовой поиск, можно пользоваться. Записать советую ISO образ на флешку через UltraISo — есть на нашем сайте, не раз писал про эту чудную программу, самая надежная и удобная в работе. Семерка с последними обновлениями, шустрая и оптимизированная, надеюсь вам понравится.

Windows 7 was released over a decade ago which was able to repair the damage of reputation and credibility done by the Vista debacle.

Do you want to download Windows 7 to relish the nostalgia or run an older application or software? Then you have come to the right place.

You can still download Windows 7 all versions on your old low-end Windows laptop or PC which is not able to install a new Windows OS LIKE Windows 11/10. Or even a new Laptop or PC.

In this article, you will download Windows 7 ISO, create a Windows 7 bootable, and learn to clean install Windows 7 on your older system.

Note: Microsoft is no longer providing any technical or security support for Windows 7 and is urging users to upgrade to Windows 11.

UPDATE: Microsoft has recently removed all official direct links to download Windows 7.

We have provided alternate direct download links from third-party sources below.

Table Of Contents

  • Download Windows 7 ISO (Ultimate and Professional Edition)
    • Windows 7 Direct Download Link
  • Create Windows 7 Bootable USB/DVD
  • Clean Install 7 Windows ISO
    • Windows 7 versions Overview
  • FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Windows 7 Direct Download Link

These are the direct download links for Windows 7 ISOs, straight from the Microsoft servers. You can choose between 32-Bit or 64-Bit, depending upon the support of your processor. Microsoft has an easy guide on determining whether the computer is 32 or 64-bit.

Update – We have added the Home Premium Edition of Windows 7 ISO. Please find the link below.

Apart from the processor support, if your computer has 8 GB or more RAM installed, 64-bit would work fine without any problem.

The Windows 7 ISO download links are in the English language. You can comment below for different languages, and we will share them with you.

Update – The download links of Windows 7 ISO have been updated.

Windows Version Windows 7 Ultimate ISO
Size 5.5 GB
Service Pack SP1
Version 32-Bit  64-Bit

Windows Version Windows 7 Professional ISO
Size 5.5 GB
Service Pack SP1
Version 32-Bit 64-Bit

Windows Version Windows 7 Home Premium ISO
Size 5.7 GB / 3.8 GB
Service Pack SP1
Version 32-Bit  64-Bit

The other method to download Windows 7 ISO from the official website by entering the product key has stopped working. Henceforth, the method mentioned above is the only legal way to download the Windows ISOs.

Create Windows 7 Bootable USB/DVD

After you are done downloading the OS, it is time to create a Windows 7 bootable. The process will take a couple of minutes to complete.

When you have to install Windows 7 on a different or several PCs, it is important to create a bootable disc or drive.

We will use Rufus, a free application tool, to create Windows 7 bootable disk. You can download its portable version to get started.


  • Windows 7 ISO file
  • An 8 GB USB drive
  • Copy the files from your USB drive to avoid data loss

1. Launch Rufus and then select the drive in which you want to create the bootable. We selected a 16 GB flash drive for the purpose, but an 8 GB would be enough for a single language Windows 7 setup.

Rufus for Windows 7 bootable

2. Head to the boot selection and click on SELECT to locate your recently downloaded ISO image of Windows 7.
Selecting Windows 7 ISO

3. Once you load it, a volume label dialog box will appear in the Format Options. You can fill in any name you like. We named it “Windows 7 ISO” to keep things simple and easy.

Windows 7 bootable through RUFUS

4. Now click on the START button to start the bootable creation process.

Rufus for Windows 7 bootable

5. Hang on a second, and a warning will appear regarding saving the data on your flash drive. Click on the OK button to proceed.

Rufus Confirmation

Sit back and relax for a couple of minutes. The duration of the process will depend on the speed of your flash drive and hard disk.

Clean Install 7 Windows ISO

We have created a bootable Windows 7 disc using Step 2. Now it is time to restart the computer and boot using the bootable USB or DVD.

You can either set the boot order from the BIOS menu or use the shortcut boot menu key. It varies according to motherboards for desktops and laptop manufacturers.


Brand Boot Menu Key
Acer F12
Dell F12
Lenovo F8, F10, F12


Motherboard Brand
Boot Menu Key
Gigabyte F12
Intel F10
ASRock F8, F11
Biostar F9

We will boot the PC using the bootable USB we created for installing Windows 7.

1. Restart your computer after plugging the bootable flash drive into a USB port.

2. Boot from the flash drive, and then the Windows booting logo will appear on the screen

Windows 7 installation loading

3. The Windows installation wizard will appear after the files have been loaded. Select language, time and currency, and keyboard method.

Windows 7 Installation Wizard

Then click on the Next button, which will take you to the main setup screen.

4. Click on the Install Now button to move forward in the Windows 7 installation process.

Windows 7 Install button

5. On the screen, tick the box that reads I accept the license terms and then click on the Next button.

Windows 7 terms while installing

6. Next up, we will get two options for installation – Upgrade and Custom (advanced).

Select Custom and click on the next button to move forward.

Update settings for Windows 7

7. After that, we will land in the partition selection menu. Select the partition in which you wish to install Windows 7.

The official recommendation of partition size is a minimum of 32 GB approximately. We used a smaller partition for the purpose of demonstration.

Widnows 7 partition selection

Click on the Next button after selecting a partition.

8. It is time to sit back and let Windows 7 ISO get installed on your computer.

The installation time will depend on your storage and flash drive’s speed. Partitions on SSDs are always faster for installing any operating system.

Windows 7 installation

Your computer will restart a couple of times which is a standard part of the proceeding. There is no need to get worried there.

9. The final setup will prepare your computer for the first time use.

First time setup of Windows 7

10. Once set up, you will be prompted to provide a user name for the account and give your computer a name.

Click on the Next button after filling in the names.

Windows 7 User name set up

11. After setting up the user name, we will now have to create a password for the user account.

It will be asked while logging into the computer. Make sure to create a complex password yet easy to remember for you.

Give your password a hint for reminding in scenarios where you forget it. Give your password hint a cryptic touch to avoid being guessed by others.

Windows 7 Password setup

12. Here, on the next page, you will b asked to enter Windows 7 product key.

Enter the key you have handy and click on the Next button. In other cases, you can click on the skip button and do it later.

Windows 7 Product key

13. Now, you will need to select the update settings. If you are unsure about the updates, select the first option Use recommended settings.

Windows 7 Update setup

18. You will now set up a time and date here. Select your region’s timezone and click on the Next button.

Windows 7 time and date settings

14. This option will ask for the location of your computer right now. Basically, it wants to know which type of network is your computer connected to.

  • Home Network – Ideal for computers and devices that you recognize and are connected to a single network at home.
  • Work Network – Best for all the recognized computers on a network at a workplace.
  • Public Network – When you don’t recognize all the computers on the network, such as public places, then select this option.

Select either of the options, and the settings will be applied within a couple of minutes at best.

Windows 7 network settings set up

15. Aces, you have successfully installed Windows 7 from a Windows 7 ISO file without any hiccup.

Windows 7 installed

Windows 7 versions Overview

Windows 7 Starter
This edition was primarily targeted at entry-level PC users in emerging markets. Unlike other Windows versions, it had significant limitations like the lack of an Aero-glass theme.

Additionally, users could only run a maximum of three concurrent applications. Available solely in a 32-bit version, its design philosophy leaned toward simplicity and basic usage.

Windows 7 Home Basic
Aimed at emerging markets and price-sensitive consumers, the Home Basic version served as a step up from the Starter edition. It provided some of the features absent in Starter, such as the ability to change desktop wallpaper and to share internet connections.

Windows 7 Home Premium
Designed with home users in mind, the Home Premium edition brought a richer media experience to households. It was equipped with features like the Windows Media Center and introduced multi-touch support for high-end touch displays.

Windows 7 Professional
This Windows 7 edition was crafted for small businesses and power users. Professionals and enterprise users could benefit from its features like the Remote Desktop and enhanced file backup capabilities.

Windows 7 Professional
The Enterprise edition was focused on medium to large businesses, coming packed with advanced features. Among these were DirectAccess, BranchCache, and the notable BitLocker drive encryption.

Windows 7 Ultimate
Targeted at PC enthusiasts and power users, it came with every Windows 7 capability, from BitLocker to the multilingual user interface packs.

Serving as the most comprehensive edition, the Ultimate combined the features of all other versions. It was everything from Windows 7 under an umbrella.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Will Windows 7 run on 4 GB of RAM?

It absolutely can do that. The minimum required RAM for Windows 7 is 2 GB. Hence, you can run Windows 7 on 4 GB RAM with ease. Make sure to install the 32-bit version of the operating system.

Is Windows 7 ISO still available?

Windows 7 ISO is still available to download in 2023. You can download it directly from Microsoft’s server as explained in the article or from third party direct links that we provided above.

Is it legal to download these Windows 7 ISOs?

YES, as mentioned before, the Windows 7 ISO files are directly from the Microsoft server. You can download the older Windows installment anytime you wish.

Is it a genuine Windows 7 ISO File?

YES, as mentioned before, the Windows 7 ISO files are directly from the Microsoft server. You can download the older Windows installment anytime you wish.

Can I upgrade from 32-bit Windows 7 to 64-bit Windows 7?

The short answer is a YES; it is possible to upgrade from 32-bit to 64-bit on Windows 7.
However, you will need to check your processor if it supports 64-bit processors or not. We mentioned the official way to check for it.
There is a freeware app that will tell your capabilities as we. Use GRC to determine your processor’s capacity.

Will I receive Windows 7 updates?

You should receive updates on Windows after entering the product key. All the original Windows products receive timely updates.
One thing to remember is that Windows 7’s support ended in January 2020. No more security updates are pushed for the operating system.

Which one is the best app to create Windows 7 bootable?

There are a plethora of tools available on the Internet. As a matter of fact, Microsoft offers to use to provide DVD/USB tool, which is no longer available officially. You can download it from third-party sites, but we do not recommend it.
We used Rufus to write ISO images onto a USB drive. It is a free application that does the job with ease for different partitions and booting systems.

Should I download Windows 7 from Torrent?

Downloading Windows 7 ISO from torrent can be a risky ordeal. You never know the intentions of a few torrent uploaders who would bundle adware or harmful files for your computer.
It would be best if you stuck to downloading Windows 7 solely from the official source.

Can we just copy Windows 7 ISO to the USB drive to make it bootable?

This is not as simple as it sounds. You need to create a couple of partitions and then copy files specifically. In a nutshell, it is not easy to just copy Windows 7 ISO files onto a USB drive to make it bootable.

What is the best version of Windows 7?

Windows 7 Ultimate is the best version of Windows 7 as in addition to all features from the Basic and Home premium Version it also has BitLocker technology.

Over to You

This was all about ways to download Windows 7 ISO on your computer. Consequently, you can also learn to install Windows 7 using a USB bootable without any problem.

You can use Rufus without a second thought. Users have been relying on it to make bootable Windows drives/DVDs for over a decade now.

Windows 7 or later. Это те ОС, которые вышли после Windows 7, то есть Windows 8, 8.1, 10?

PortalX3 PortalX3

Да, включая и саму Win 7.
У Win 10, кстати, несколько версий.

Максим Мищенко Максим Мищенко

Ну конечно

Гость Гость

Windows 7 or later — это значит, что недопустимо все, что было ДО Windows 7 (Виста, Лонг Хорн, ХР, 2000, NT, Me, 98, 98 SE, 95, 95 OCR, 3.1, 3.0). А допустимо 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (разных версий)

  • Есть ли смысл переходить на win10? Win7 вроде норм, все проги устанавливаются, есть ли какие либо проги, которые Могут не установиться на win7? Например, для программирования. Они все выпускаются и учитывают win7?
  • У меня есть ПК, есть SSD где установлена винда, но есть старый ПК в котором есть ЖД тоже с виндой. Так вот что будет Можно ли вставить этот диск в новый ПК, там просто остались мои файлы которые нужно перекопировать на новый SSD, новая виндовс 10 будет ли взаимодействовать с старой 7? Вот что хочу узнать. Вдруг у меня просто крашнется ПК.
  • Если в мире Windows есть юзеры, которые до сих пор на 7-ке, значит в мире Apple тоже есть юзеры на старых mac os? Ну любят некоторые юзеры устаревшие версии Windows, они думают, что они стабильнее новых версий. А возможно ли на mac os быть по-жизни на устаревших версиях?
  • Я хочу удалить всё с пк (винда 10) то есть чтоб отчистились абсолютно все файлы которые у меня есть Я смотрел видео на ютубе по этому поводу, говорили чтоб я уводил пк до зоводских настроек. Но там 2 варианта. Либо отчистка 1 диска где винда либо 2 других где нет винды и пишет что они еще и могут повредится, скрины приложу

Windows 7 64 bit

Download Windows 7 64 bit latest version

The most anticipated operating system since XP

Safest Free Software Download Sites for PC, Laptop, and Windows (32 Bit and 64 Bit Edition), you can download Windows 7 64 bit for free and legally Updates Every Day. There are many categories of software and applications that you can download Here

Windows 7 64 bit: Review, Download and How to Install

Windows 7 64 bit is a popular operating system developed by Microsoft. It was released in 2009 and is still used by many people around the world. In this article, we will provide a review of Windows 7 64 bit and its features, as well as its pros and cons.

One of the key features of Windows 7 64 bit is its performance and stability. The operating system is known for its performance and reliability, making it ideal for both personal and business use. It also has a high system requirement, making it compatible with newer hardware.

Another important feature of Windows 7 64 bit is its support for a wide range of software applications. The operating system is compatible with a vast array of software applications, including office suites, web browsers, and multimedia players.

Windows 7 64 bit also offers a range of advanced features, such as improved security and networking capabilities. These features provide users with the ability to protect their data and connect to a variety of networks.

However, one of the drawbacks of Windows 7 64 bit is its lack of support from Microsoft. As of January 2020, Microsoft no longer provides security updates or technical support for Windows 7, leaving users vulnerable to security threats.

The Pros and Cons of Windows 7 (64-bit)

Windows 7, particularly the 64-bit version, was a widely used and highly regarded operating system that gained popularity for its improved performance, stability, and compatibility compared to its predecessor, Windows Vista. Let’s examine the pros and cons of using Windows 7 64-bit during its active years.

Pros of Windows 7 (64-bit)

1. Enhanced Performance:

Windows 7 (64-bit) offered improved system performance and efficiency compared to 32-bit versions. It could take advantage of more RAM, making it suitable for handling resource-intensive tasks and applications.

2. Wide Software Compatibility:

The 64-bit version of Windows 7 had broad software compatibility, allowing users to run a wide range of applications, including both 32-bit and 64-bit software.

3. Stability and Reliability:

Windows 7 was known for its stability and reliability. It was less prone to crashes and system errors compared to earlier Windows versions like Windows Vista.

4. User-Friendly Interface:

Windows 7 featured a highly intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it accessible to a wide range of users, including those who were not tech-savvy.

5. Security Updates (During Support):

While Windows 7 has reached its end of support, during its supported years, Microsoft regularly released security updates and patches to protect users from security threats.

Cons of Windows 7 (64-bit)

1. End of Support:

Similar to the 32-bit version, one of the most significant drawbacks of Windows 7 (64-bit) is that it reached its end of support in January 2020. This means that Microsoft no longer provides security updates or technical support, making it vulnerable to new security threats.

2. Limited Hardware Support:

As technology advanced, Windows 7 became less compatible with newer hardware components and peripherals. Users upgrading their hardware often faced compatibility issues.

3. Lack of Modern Features:

Windows 7 lacked many modern features found in later Windows versions, such as the virtual desktops in Windows 10 and the improved touch support in Windows 8.

4. Outdated Internet Explorer:

Windows 7 shipped with Internet Explorer 8, which became increasingly outdated and posed security risks. Users often had to rely on alternative web browsers for better security.

5. Limited Access to Some Windows 10 Features:

Windows 7 users missed out on some of the newer features and enhancements introduced in Windows 10, such as Cortana and DirectX 12.

Video Review Windows 7 64 bit

Windows 7 64 bit




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This image show windows 7 os

Windows 7, released by Microsoft in 2009, was a widely popular operating system known for its stability, user-friendly interface, and broad compatibility. Although it has been succeeded by newer versions of Windows, many users still prefer Windows 7 for various reasons. For example, your system may not be compatible with the latest Windows 10/11, or your company may still rely on Windows 7 for certain operations. If you’re looking to download Windows 7 ISO File Legally, Follow our tutorial below, where we have included authorized and genuine download links from Microsoft for Windows 7 ISO images. Rest assured, all the download links provided are legal and legitimate.

Windows 7 ISO File Download from Microsoft

Before we begin, it’s crucial to acknowledge that Windows 7 is no longer supported by Microsoft. This means that Microsoft no longer provides security updates or technical assistance for this operating system. While downloading Windows 7 is still possible, You can find the download link at the Middle of this blog post.

Note: As Windows 7 has reached its End-of-Life, we strongly advise against using it for everyday tasks such as banking, money transfers, and storing important data. However, if you have specific legacy software requirements, you can use Windows 7 sparingly. Nevertheless, we highly recommend upgrading to Windows 10 or 11 for enhanced security and compatibility

Windows 7 Direct Download Link

To download the Windows 7 ISO file, simply click on the appropriate link provided below. These links will generate a direct download link from the official Microsoft server. Make sure to choose the 64-bit or 32-bit version based on your system type.

If you’re looking for the English US ISO files, you’re in luck! The links provided below will enable you to download the English US version. However, if you need ISO files in a different language, please leave a comment below specifying the language, Windows edition, and system type you require. We will do our best to provide you with the direct download links for your preferred ISO files.

File: Windows 7 Ultimate ISO
Version: 64-bit
Size: 5.5 GB
Service Pack: SP1
Click Here To Download
File: Windows 7 Ultimate ISO
Version: 32-bit
Size: 3.7 GB
Service Pack: SP1
Click Here To Download
File: Windows 7 Home Premium ISO
Version: 64-bit
Size: 5.7 GB
Service Pack: SP1
Click Here To Download
File: Windows 7 Home Premium ISO
Version: 32-bit
Size: 3.8 GB
Service Pack: SP1
Click Here To Download
File: Windows 7 Professional ISO
Version: 64-bit
Size: 5.5 GB
Service Pack: SP1
Click Here To Download
File: Windows 7 Professional ISO
Version: 32-bit
Size: 3.8 GB
Service Pack: SP1
Click Here To Download

Create a Bootable USB For Windows 7

Once ISO downloaded, you can use Rufus to create a bootable USB for Windows 7 on your PC. Rufus is indeed a popular tool for creating bootable USB drives, including those for installing Windows 7. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use Rufus to create a bootable USB for Windows 7 on your PC.

Step 1. Download Rufus from the official website:

Rufus is a free and lightweight utility, known for its reliability in creating bootable USB drives.

Step 2. Once you’ve downloaded Rufus, connect the USB drive/Pendrive to your PC. Please note that the USB drive should have sufficient capacity to accommodate the Windows 7 installation files, which typically require at least 4 GB of space.

Step 3. Run the Rufus application on your PC. You don’t need to install it; simply double-click the downloaded file to launch Rufus.

Step 4. In the Rufus interface, you’ll see several fields and options. Here’s how to configure them properly

  • Device: From the dropdown menu, select the USB drive you connected to your PC. Ensure you choose the correct device, as Rufus will erase all data on the selected drive.
  • Boot selection: Click the small optical drive icon next to the “Create a bootable disk using” option. In the file browser window that appears, navigate to the location where you have the Windows 7 ISO file saved on your PC. Select the ISO file and click “Open” to load it into Rufus
  • Partition scheme: Choose “MBR” if your computer uses the legacy BIOS mode for booting. If your system uses the newer UEFI firmware, select “GPT”.
  • File system: Select “NTFS” as the file system, as it is compatible with Windows 7 and supports files larger than 4 GB.
  • Cluster size: The default value should be fine in most cases. If you’re unsure, leave it as “Default”.
  • Leave the other options at their default settings unless you have specific requirements.

Step 5. Double-check all the settings to ensure they match the configuration you want. It’s crucial to ensure that you have selected the correct USB drive and Windows 7 ISO file. Once you’ve confirmed everything, click the “Start” button in Rufus to initiate the process. Rufus will display a warning that all data on the USB drive will be destroyed. Make sure you have backed up any important files from the USB drive before proceeding.

Step 6. After Rufus completes the process, it will display a “READY” message. You can then close Rufus and safely remove the USB drive from your PC. After completing these steps, you have successfully created a bootable USB drive for installing Windows 7 using Rufus.

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