В RTM дистрибутиве Windows 7 «из коробки» отсутствует поддержка USB 3.0 и NVME устройств, поэтому вы можете столкнуться с проблемами при установке Windows 7 на современные компьютеры/ноутбуки, на котором есть только порты USB 3.0-3.1 или c SSD диском, подключенным через шину PCI Express (NVMe). Отсутствие поддержки USB устройства означает, что в программа установки Windows 7 может не работать USB клавиатура и мышь, либо Windows Setup будет требовать от вас загрузить драйвера для CD/DVD привода:
Не найден необходимый драйвер носителя. Это может быть драйвер DVD-ДИСК, USB или жесткий диск. Если у вас есть компакт-диск, DVD-диск или USB-устройство флэш-памяти с этим драйвером, вставьте его.
A required CD/DVD drive device driver is missing. If you have a driver floppy disk, CD, DVD, or USB flash drive, please insert it now. Note: If the Windows installation media is in the CD/DVD drive, you can safely remove it for this step.
Соответственно, вы просто не может установить Windows 7 (Windows Server 2008 R2) с USB носителя или USB привода на компьютер, на котором все устройства подключены через USB 3.0. Или установщик Windows не увидит SSD диск на PCI Express (NVMe).
Все операции модификации ISO образа Windows 7, описанные ниже выполняются на обычном компьютере с Windows 10.
- Добавляем поддержку USB 3.0 в программу установки Windows 7
- Как установить Windows 7 на NVMe SSD?
В чипсетах Intel, начиная с 100 и 200 серии (B150, H110, H170, Q150, Q170, Z170, Intel Apollo Lake), аналогичных чипсетах AMD и чипсетах других производителей не поддерживается Enhanced Host Controller Interface, поэтому USB разъемы (будь то USB1, USB2 или USB3.0) просто не работают в установщике Windows 7.
Добавляем поддержку USB 3.0 в программу установки Windows 7
Для нормальной установки Windows 7 на некоторых моделях компьютеров в BIOS можно отключить режим USB 3.0, переключившись в режим совместимости USB 2.0 (Legacy USB 2.0). Для всех остальных случаев придется модифицировать установочный дистрибутив Windows 7 и интегрировать в него драйвера USB 3.0 для чипсета вашей материнской карты.
Некоторый производители материнских плат выпускаются специальные утилиты для интеграции своих USB драйверов в установочный образ Windows 7. Например, ASRock — Win 7 USB Patcher, MSI — MSI Smart Tool, Intel — Windows USB Installation Tool for Windows 7, Gigabyte — Windows USB Installation Tool и т.д. Но в этой статье мы покажем, как интегрировать драйвера USB в образ Windows самостоятельно без использования сторонних утилит.
В первую очередь найдите и скачайте с сайта производителя USB 3.0 драйвера под ваш чипсет (в нашем примере это Intel® USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller Driver for Intel® 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family). Создайте новый каталог c:\tmp, внутри которого создайте 2 папки: mount и USB3. Распакуйте архив с драйверами в каталог USB3. Внутри каталога USB3 вы можете создать несколько подкаталогов с различными драйверами USB 3.0 под популярные модели чипсетов.
Далее нужно интегрировать ваши драйвера в установочный образ Windows 7. Образ может быть представлен в виде iso файла или уже быть скопирован на установочную USB флешку. Вам нужно скопировать два WIM файла из ISO образа или установочного диска Windows 7 в локальный каталог c:\tmp на вашем диске.
- sources\boot.wim – загрузочный образ среды WinPE, который используется для загрузки компьютера и запуска установки Windows;
- sources\install.wim – образ Windows 7, который будет установлен на ваш компьютер.
Если у вас вместо install.wim файла есть несколько *.swm файлов, вы можете собрать их в один файл. Проверьте количество индексов в файле:
DISM /get-wiminfo /wimfile:install.swm
Теперь экспортируйте каждый индекс install.swm в новый WIM файл:
DISM /export-image /sourceimagefile:install.swm /swmfile:install*.swm /sourceindex:1 /destinationimagefile:install.wim /compress:max
DISM /export-image /sourceimagefile:install.swm /swmfile:install*.swm /sourceindex:2 /destinationimagefile:install.wim /compress:max
Откройте командную строку с правами администратора. Теперь смонтируйте загрузочный образ WinPE (boot.wim) в каталог c:\tmp\mount и интегрируйте в него драйвера USB 3.0 с помощью команд DISM (согласно ранее рассмотренной процедуре добавления драйверов в образ Windows):
dism /mount-wim /wimfile:c:\tmp\boot.wim /index:2 /mountdir:c:\tmp\mount
dism /image:c:\tmp\mount /add-driver:"c:\tmp\usb3" /recurse
Опция /recurse заставит DISM просканировать все вложенные каталоги в указанной папки и добавит все драйвера, описанные в найденных inf файлах.
Следующие строки показывают, что что указанный драйвер USB3 был успешно добавлен в загрузочный образ boot.wim среды установки Windows 7:
Installing 1 of 6 — c:\tmp\usb3\Drivers\HCSwitch\x64\iusb3hcs.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
Сохраните изменения в образе и отмонтируйте файл boot.wim (чтобы избежать ошибок DISM, убедитесь, что вы закрыли все окна File Explorer и файлового менеджера, в который открыт каталог c:\tmp\mount):
dism /unmount-wim /mountdir:c:\tmp\mount /commit
dism /cleanup-wim
Аналогичным образом нужно обновить сам установочный образ операционной системы в файле install.wim. Тут главное отличие в том, что образ install.wim может содержать несколько редакций Windows 7 с разными индексами. Поэтому придется добавлять драйвера в ту редакцию или редакции Windows 7, которую вы планируете использовать для установки (или во все доступные редакции Windows по очереди).
Список доступных редакций Windows в образе install.wim можно получить так:
dism /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:c:\tmp\install.wim
В нашем примере в образе install.wim имеются 4 редакции Windows. Мы добавим драйвер USB 3.0 в редакцию Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL с индексом 3 (именно этот номер мы будем использовать для адресации редакции в следующей команде DISM).
Затем по аналогии с командами выше, добавьте в образ Windows драйвера USB 3.0 из каталога с драйверами:
dism /mount-wim /wimfile:c:\tmp\install.wim /index:3 /mountdir:c:\tmp\mount
dism /image:c:\tmp\mount /add-driver:"c:\tmp\usb3" /recurse
dism /unmount-wim /mountdir:c:\tmp\mount /commit
dism /cleanup-wim
alert]С помощью DISM вы также можете интегрировать обновления безопасности в образ Windows. [/alert]
Как установить Windows 7 на NVMe SSD?
В этой часть мы покажем, как создать загрузочный образа Windows 7 с поддержкой NVM Express (NVMe) для жестких дисков (обычно это SSD), работающих через шину PCI Express (PCIe).
При попытке установить Windows 7 на компьютер с NVMe, установщик Windows просто не увидит SSD диск, подключенный через эту шину.
No drives were found. Click Load Driver to provide a mass storage driver for installation.
В Windows 7 SP1 и Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 по умолчанию отсутствую драйверы с поддержкой PCIe (и NVMe), вы можете установить ОС только на SATA SSD диск. Встроенная поддержка NVMe появилась только в Windows 8.1. Microsoft выпустило специальное обновление, которое включает поддержки NVM Express в Windows 7. Далее мы покажем, как включить поддержку PCIe в установщике Windows 7 и добавить в него драйвера для NVMe.
- Скачайте обновления KB2990941-v3, KB3087873-v2 из каталога обновлений Microsoft и сохраните *.MSU файлы в каталог c:\tmp\updates;
- Скачайте NVMe драйвер для вашего контроллера и распакуйте его в каталог c:\tmp\nvme;
- Интегрируйте обновление и драйвер в загрузочный образ boot.wim:
DISM /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:c:\tmp\boot.wim
DISM /Mount-Wim /WimFile:"C:\tmp\boot.wim" /Index:1 /MountDir:c:\tmp\mount
DISM /Image:c:\tmp\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:\tmp\updates
DISM.exe /image:c:\tmp\mount /Add-Driver /driver:c:\tmp\nvme /recurse /ForceUnsigned
DISM /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:c:\tmp\mount /Commit - Выполните аналогичный команды для образа с индексом 2 (во второй строке нужна заменить
). - Теперь нужно интегрировать обновление и драйвер в установочный образ install.wim. Как мы говорили ранее, в образе может быть несколько версий Windows 7 с разными индексами. Их список можно получить так:
dism /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:c:\tmp\install.wim
Укажите индекс образа, который нужно обновить (в нашем примере это
DISM /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:c:\tmp\install.wim
DISM /Mount-Wim /WimFile:"C:\tmp\install.wim" /Index:2 /MountDir:c:\tmp\mount
DISM /Image:c:\tmp\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:\tmp\updates
DISM.exe /image:c:\tmp\mount /Add-Driver /driver:c:\tmp\nvme /recurse /ForceUnsigned
DISM /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:c:\tmp\mount /Commit
Осталось скопировать и заменить обновленные файлы install.wim и boot.wim в каталог sources на установочной USB флешке или обновить ISO файл с образом. Теперь вы можете использовать данный образ для установки Windows 7 на компьютерах с USB 3.0 и/или PCI Express (NVMe) SSD ( в режиме legacy+mbr).
По аналогии вы можете добавить драйвера в образ Winre.wim среды восстановления Windows (Windows Recovery Environment, Windows RE).
Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Windows Server 2008 R2 Foundation Windows 7 Service Pack 1 Windows 7 Ultimate Windows 7 Enterprise Windows 7 Professional Windows 7 Home Premium Windows 7 Home Basic Windows 7 Starter More…Less
This article describes an update to add native driver support for an installation of NVM Express (NVMe) that uses the PCI Express (PCIe) bus in Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) or Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1.
Note After you install this hotfix, you may receive a «0x0000007E» Stop error. To fix the Stop error, install hotfix 3087873.
How to obtain this hotfix
We have released hotfixes for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
Note The IOCTL_SCSI_MINIPORT_FIRMWARE control code is not implemented in Windows 7 SP1 or Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. Therefore, you cannot update the firmware on NVME devices that are running these operating systems. The control code was made available starting from Windows 8.1.
Before you install this hotfix, check the prerequisite for the hotfix, and be aware that additional steps of configuration are required.
Hotfix for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2
A supported hotfix is available from Microsoft. However, this hotfix is intended to correct only the problem that is described in this article. Apply this hotfix only to systems that are experiencing this specific problem.
If the hotfix is available for download, there is a «Hotfix Download Available» section at the top of this Knowledge Base article. If this section does not appear, submit a request to Microsoft Customer Service and Support to obtain the hotfix.
Note If additional issues occur or if any troubleshooting is required, you might have to create a separate service request. The usual support costs will apply to additional support questions and issues that do not qualify for this specific hotfix. For a complete list of Microsoft Customer Service and Support telephone numbers or to create a separate service request, visit the following Microsoft website:
http://support.microsoft.com/contactus/?ws=supportNote The «Hotfix Download Available» form displays the languages for which the hotfix is available. If you do not see your language, it is because a hotfix is not available for that language.
To apply this hotfix, you must first install SP1 for Windows 7 or Windows 2008 R2. For more information about how to obtain a Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 service pack, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
976932 Information about Service Pack 1 for Windows 7 and for Windows Server 2008 R2
Registry information
To use the hotfix in this package, you do not have to make any changes to the registry.
Restart requirement
You may have to restart the computer after you apply this hotfix.
Hotfix replacement information
This hotfix does not replace a previously released hotfix.
More Information
For more information about software update terminology, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
824684 Description of the standard terminology that is used to describe Microsoft software updates.
How to insert hotfixes and drivers and then create a bootable Windows Setup DVD
Method 1
Install the latest Windows ADK for Windows 8.1 update.
Create local folders c:\temp\src c:\temp\mount, c:\temp\winremount, c:\temp\hotfix, and c:\temp\drivers.
Copy the setup sources from the DVD or a mounted ISO to C:\temp\src.
Copy the hotfix (.msu or .cab files) to C:\temp\hotfix.
Copy the driver files to c:\temp\drivers.
Run Command Prompt as an administrative.
Insert the hotfixes and drivers to the boot.wim, then update the sources folder by running the following Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) commands. For more information about DISM, see the DISM Operating System Package Servicing Command-Line Options.
dism /Mount-Image /ImageFile:c:\temp\src\sources\boot.wim /Index:1 /MountDir:c:\temp\mount
dism /Image:C:\temp\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:c:\temp\hotfix
dism /Image:C:\temp\mount /Add-Driver /Driver:c:\temp\drivers /Recurse
dism /Unmount-Image /MountDir:C:\temp\mount /Commit
dism /Mount-Image /ImageFile:c:\temp\src\sources\boot.wim /Index:2 /MountDir:c:\temp\mount
dism /Image:C:\temp\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:c:\temp\hotfix
dism /Image:C:\temp\mount /Add-Driver /Driver:c:\temp\drivers /RecurseManually sort the folder C:\temp\mount\sources by date, and then copy the updated files to c:\temp\src\sources.
dism /Unmount-Image /MountDir:C:\temp\mount /commit
Obtain the index from the Install.wim information by running the following command, and then check every index to see how many indexes have to be updated.
dism /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:c:\temp\src\sources\install.wim
Insert the hotfixes and drivers to install.wim and winre.wim by running the following commands:
dism /Mount-Image /ImageFile:c:\temp\src\sources\install.wim /Index:1 /MountDir:c:\temp\mount
dism /Image:C:\temp\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:c:\temp\hotfix
dism /Image:C:\temp\mount /Add-Driver /Driver:c:\temp\drivers /Recurse
dism /Mount-Image /ImageFile:c:\temp\mount\windows\system32\recovery\winre.wim /Index:1 /MountDir:c:\temp\winremount
dism /Image:C:\temp\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:c:\temp\hotfix
dism /Image:C:\temp\mount /Add-Driver /Driver:c:\temp\drivers /Recurse
dism /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:C:\temp\winremount /Commit
dism /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:C:\temp\mount /Commit
Note If there are multiple indexes in step 8, update them one by one. -
Create an ISO file, and then rename the label by running the following oscdimg commands. For more information about oscdimg, see the Oscdimg Command-Line Options.
For Legacy BIOS Boot mode:
oscdimg -LTEST -m -u2 -bC:\temp\src\boot\etfsboot.com C:\temp\src C:\temp\Win7.NVME.ISOFor Legacy and UEFI BIOS multiple Boot mode:
oscdimg -LTEST -m -u2 -bootdata:2#p0,e,bC:\temp\src\boot\etfsboot.com#pEF,e,bC:\temp\src\efi\microsoft\boot\efisys.bin C:\temp\src C:\temp\Win7.NVME.ISO
Right-click the ISO file, and then click Burn disc image to burn the DVD.
If you have to compress the image, run the following command:
Dism /image:c:\temp\mount /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase
If there are hotfixes that are pending online, you have to bring them online to Audit mode to clean up, and then recapture the image.
If the ISO file is larger than 4.7 gigabytes (GB), use a dual layer DVD to burn the ISO file.
Method 2
Restart from media, and install Windows 7 from media to a disk that attaches other storage controllers (such as SATA).
Press Ctrl+Shift+F3 to enter audit mode during the Out-of-box experience (OOBE) process.
Install the hotfix package, and then restart the computer.
Reseal the system by using the sysprep — generalize — shutdown options.
Capture and move the generalized image to the disk that attaches the NVMe controller.
The global version of this hotfix installs files that have the attributes that are listed in the following tables. The dates and the times for these files are listed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The dates and the times for these files on your local computer are displayed in your local time together with your current daylight saving time (DST) bias. Additionally, the dates and the times may change when you perform certain operations on the files.
Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 file information and notesImportant Windows 7 hotfixes and Windows Server 2008 R2 hotfixes are included in the same packages. However, hotfixes on the Hotfix Request page are listed under both operating systems. To request the hotfix package that applies to one or both operating systems, select the hotfix that is listed under «Windows 7/Windows Server 2008 R2» on the page. Always refer to the «Applies To» section in articles to determine the actual operating system that each hotfix applies to.
The files that apply to a specific product, milestone (RTM, SPn), and service branch (LDR, GDR) can be identified by examining the file version numbers as shown in the following table:
Service branch
6.1.760 1.18xxx
Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2
6.1.760 1.22xxx
Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2
The MANIFEST files (.manifest) and the MUM files (.mum) that are installed for each environment are listed separately in the «Additional file information» section. MUM, MANIFEST, and the associated security catalog (.cat) files, are very important to maintain the state of the updated components. The security catalog files, for which the attributes are not listed, are signed with a Microsoft digital signature.
For all supported x86-based versions of Windows 7
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
Classpnp.sys |
6.1.7601.18615 |
145,336 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:43 |
x86 |
Stortrace.mof |
Not applicable |
17,937 |
10-Jun-09 |
21:26 |
Not applicable |
Classpnp.sys |
6.1.7601.22823 |
146,360 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:46 |
x86 |
Stortrace.mof |
Not applicable |
17,937 |
10-Jun-09 |
21:26 |
Not applicable |
Alert.gif |
Not applicable |
1,046 |
12-Nov-10 |
23:31 |
Not applicable |
Appcompat.xsl |
Not applicable |
11,673 |
12-Nov-10 |
23:31 |
Not applicable |
Appcompat_bidi.xsl |
Not applicable |
12,498 |
12-Nov-10 |
23:31 |
Not applicable |
Appcompat_detailed_bidi_txt.xsl |
Not applicable |
13,371 |
12-Nov-10 |
23:31 |
Not applicable |
Appcompat_detailed_txt.xsl |
Not applicable |
13,326 |
12-Nov-10 |
23:31 |
Not applicable |
Arunres.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
4,096 |
30-Nov-12 |
4:52 |
x86 |
Autorun.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
123,904 |
30-Nov-12 |
4:52 |
x86 |
Cmisetup.dll |
6.1.7601.18615 |
268,288 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:40 |
x86 |
Compatprovider.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
141,312 |
30-Nov-12 |
4:52 |
x86 |
Compliance.ini |
Not applicable |
476 |
12-Nov-10 |
23:06 |
Not applicable |
Cryptosetup.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
17,408 |
30-Nov-12 |
3:01 |
x86 |
Diager.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
32,256 |
30-Nov-12 |
2:48 |
x86 |
Diagnostic.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
135,680 |
30-Nov-12 |
4:52 |
x86 |
Dism.exe |
6.1.7601.18615 |
202,752 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:40 |
x86 |
Dismcore.dll |
6.1.7601.18615 |
230,912 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:40 |
x86 |
Dismcoreps.dll |
6.1.7601.18615 |
50,688 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:40 |
x86 |
Dismhost.exe |
6.1.7601.18015 |
82,944 |
30-Nov-12 |
2:47 |
x86 |
Dismprov.dll |
6.1.7601.18615 |
141,312 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:40 |
x86 |
Drvmgrtn.dll | |
84,480 |
30-Nov-12 |
4:52 |
x86 |
Du.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
78,336 |
30-Nov-12 |
4:52 |
x86 |
Folderprovider.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
49,152 |
30-Nov-12 |
4:52 |
x86 |
Hwcompat.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
146,944 |
30-Nov-12 |
4:52 |
x86 |
Input.dll |
6.1.7601.18615 |
202,240 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:40 |
x86 |
Locale.nls |
Not applicable |
419,992 |
28-Sep-14 |
22:39 |
Not applicable |
Logprovider.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
89,600 |
30-Nov-12 |
4:52 |
x86 |
Msxml6.dll |
6.30.7601.18615 |
1,331,200 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:40 |
x86 |
Msxml6r.dll |
6.30.7601.18015 |
2,048 |
30-Nov-12 |
4:52 |
x86 |
Ndiscompl.dll |
6.1.7601.18615 |
95,744 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:40 |
x86 |
Nlsbres.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
69,120 |
30-Nov-12 |
4:52 |
x86 |
Ntdsupg.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
21,504 |
30-Nov-12 |
3:06 |
x86 |
Offline.xml |
Not applicable |
36,786 |
29-Nov-12 |
23:17 |
Not applicable |
Pidgenx.dll |
6.1.7601.18615 |
1,234,432 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:40 |
x86 |
Pkeyconfig.xrm-ms |
Not applicable |
1,290,880 |
29-Sep-14 |
0:28 |
Not applicable |
Pnpibs.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
71,168 |
30-Nov-12 |
4:52 |
x86 |
Rollback.exe |
6.1.7601.18015 |
109,056 |
30-Nov-12 |
2:46 |
x86 |
Schema.dat |
Not applicable |
90,112 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:26 |
Not applicable |
Sdbapiu.dll | |
103,424 |
30-Nov-12 |
4:52 |
x86 |
Segoeui.ttf |
Not applicable |
412,572 |
12-Nov-10 |
23:29 |
Not applicable |
Setup.exe |
6.1.7601.18015 |
245,248 |
30-Nov-12 |
4:09 |
x86 |
Smiengine.dll |
6.1.7601.18301 |
697,856 |
31-Oct-13 |
2:12 |
x86 |
Spflvrnt.dll |
Not applicable |
23,040 |
30-Nov-12 |
2:46 |
x86 |
Spprgrss.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
54,272 |
30-Nov-12 |
4:52 |
x86 |
Spwizeng.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
352,768 |
30-Nov-12 |
4:52 |
x86 |
Spwizres.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
7,680 |
30-Nov-12 |
4:52 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.18615 |
189,952 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:40 |
x86 |
Ssshim.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
110,080 |
30-Nov-12 |
4:52 |
x86 |
Unattend.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
202,240 |
30-Nov-12 |
4:52 |
x86 |
Unbcl.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
736,256 |
30-Nov-12 |
4:52 |
x86 |
Upgloader.dll |
6.1.7601.18615 |
224,256 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:40 |
x86 |
Upgreport.dll |
6.1.7601.18615 |
384,512 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:40 |
x86 |
Uxlib.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
119,296 |
30-Nov-12 |
4:52 |
x86 |
Uxlibres.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
2,560 |
30-Nov-12 |
4:52 |
x86 |
W32uiimg.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
3,051,008 |
30-Nov-12 |
4:52 |
x86 |
W32uires.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
260,608 |
30-Nov-12 |
4:52 |
x86 |
Warning.gif |
Not applicable |
597 |
12-Nov-10 |
23:31 |
Not applicable |
Wdsclient.dll |
6.1.7601.18615 |
533,504 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:40 |
x86 |
Wdsclientapi.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
118,784 |
30-Nov-12 |
4:52 |
x86 |
Wdscore.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
189,952 |
30-Nov-12 |
4:52 |
x86 |
Wdscsl.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
54,784 |
30-Nov-12 |
4:52 |
x86 |
Wdsimage.dll |
6.1.7601.18615 |
579,584 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:40 |
x86 |
Wdstptc.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
122,880 |
30-Nov-12 |
4:52 |
x86 |
Wdsutil.dll |
6.1.7601.18615 |
51,200 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:40 |
x86 |
Win32ui.dll |
6.1.7601.18615 |
433,664 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:40 |
x86 |
Winsetup.dll |
6.1.7601.18615 |
1,798,656 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:40 |
x86 |
Xmllite.dll |
1.3.1001.0 |
180,224 |
30-Nov-12 |
4:52 |
x86 |
Alert.gif |
Not applicable |
1,046 |
10-Jun-09 |
21:45 |
Not applicable |
Appcompat.xsl |
Not applicable |
11,673 |
10-Jun-09 |
21:45 |
Not applicable |
Appcompat_bidi.xsl |
Not applicable |
12,498 |
10-Jun-09 |
21:45 |
Not applicable |
Appcompat_detailed_bidi_txt.xsl |
Not applicable |
13,371 |
10-Jun-09 |
21:45 |
Not applicable |
Appcompat_detailed_txt.xsl |
Not applicable |
13,326 |
10-Jun-09 |
21:45 |
Not applicable |
Arunres.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
4,096 |
14-Jul-09 |
1:10 |
x86 |
Autorun.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
127,488 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:08 |
x86 |
Cmisetup.dll |
6.1.7601.22823 |
272,384 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:43 |
x86 |
Compatprovider.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
144,896 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:08 |
x86 |
Compliance.ini |
Not applicable |
476 |
10-Jun-09 |
21:16 |
Not applicable |
Cryptosetup.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
17,408 |
1-Jan-14 |
1:13 |
x86 |
Diager.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
33,280 |
1-Jan-14 |
1:02 |
x86 |
Diagnostic.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
138,752 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:08 |
x86 |
Dism.exe |
6.1.7601.22823 |
205,312 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:42 |
x86 |
Dismcore.dll |
6.1.7601.22823 |
233,984 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:43 |
x86 |
Dismcoreps.dll |
6.1.7601.22823 |
50,688 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:43 |
x86 |
Dismhost.exe |
6.1.7601.22555 |
84,992 |
1-Jan-14 |
1:02 |
x86 |
Dismprov.dll |
6.1.7601.22823 |
143,360 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:43 |
x86 |
Drvmgrtn.dll | |
84,480 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:08 |
x86 |
Du.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
81,920 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:08 |
x86 |
Folderprovider.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
51,712 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:08 |
x86 |
Hwcompat.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
146,944 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:08 |
x86 |
Input.dll |
6.1.7601.22823 |
202,240 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:43 |
x86 |
Locale.nls |
Not applicable |
419,704 |
28-Sep-14 |
22:38 |
Not applicable |
Logprovider.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
92,160 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:08 |
x86 |
Msxml6.dll |
6.30.7601.22823 |
1,330,688 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:43 |
x86 |
Msxml6r.dll |
6.30.7600.16385 |
2,048 |
14-Jul-09 |
1:10 |
x86 |
Ndiscompl.dll |
6.1.7601.22823 |
96,256 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:43 |
x86 |
Nlsbres.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
69,120 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:08 |
x86 |
Ntdsupg.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
21,504 |
14-Jul-09 |
1:16 |
x86 |
Offline.xml |
Not applicable |
36,786 |
13-Jul-09 |
20:26 |
Not applicable |
Pidgenx.dll |
6.1.7601.22823 |
1,234,432 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:43 |
x86 |
Pkeyconfig.xrm-ms |
Not applicable |
1,290,880 |
29-Sep-14 |
0:28 |
Not applicable |
Pnpibs.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
74,240 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:08 |
x86 |
Rollback.exe |
6.1.7601.22555 |
113,152 |
1-Jan-14 |
1:01 |
x86 |
Schema.dat |
Not applicable |
90,112 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:28 |
Not applicable |
Sdbapiu.dll | |
103,424 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:08 |
x86 |
Segoeui.ttf |
Not applicable |
412,572 |
10-Jun-09 |
21:43 |
Not applicable |
Setup.exe |
6.1.7601.22555 |
250,880 |
1-Jan-14 |
1:55 |
x86 |
Smiengine.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
697,856 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:08 |
x86 |
Spflvrnt.dll |
Not applicable |
23,040 |
14-Jul-09 |
1:16 |
x86 |
Spprgrss.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
55,808 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:08 |
x86 |
Spwizeng.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
355,840 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:08 |
x86 |
Spwizres.dll |
6.1.7601.17514 |
7,680 |
20-Nov-10 |
12:06 |
x86 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.22823 |
189,952 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:43 |
x86 |
Ssshim.dll |
6.1.7601.22823 |
110,080 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:43 |
x86 |
Unattend.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
204,288 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:08 |
x86 |
Unbcl.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
736,256 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:08 |
x86 |
Upgloader.dll |
6.1.7601.22823 |
230,912 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:43 |
x86 |
Upgreport.dll |
6.1.7601.22823 |
387,584 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:43 |
x86 |
Uxlib.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
119,296 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:08 |
x86 |
Uxlibres.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
2,560 |
14-Jul-09 |
1:10 |
x86 |
W32uiimg.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
3,051,008 |
14-Jul-09 |
1:10 |
x86 |
W32uires.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
260,608 |
14-Jul-09 |
1:10 |
x86 |
Warning.gif |
Not applicable |
597 |
10-Jun-09 |
21:45 |
Not applicable |
Wdsclient.dll |
6.1.7601.22823 |
540,672 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:43 |
x86 |
Wdsclientapi.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
118,784 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:08 |
x86 |
Wdscore.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
189,952 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:08 |
x86 |
Wdscsl.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
55,296 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:08 |
x86 |
Wdsimage.dll |
6.1.7601.22823 |
585,216 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:43 |
x86 |
Wdstptc.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
123,904 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:08 |
x86 |
Wdsutil.dll |
6.1.7601.22823 |
53,248 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:43 |
x86 |
Win32ui.dll |
6.1.7601.22823 |
437,248 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:43 |
x86 |
Winsetup.dll |
6.1.7601.22823 |
1,810,432 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:43 |
x86 |
Xmllite.dll |
1.3.1001.0 |
180,736 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:43 |
x86 |
Iologmsg.dll |
6.1.7601.18386 |
2,048 |
4-Feb-14 |
2:00 |
x86 |
Iologmsg.dll |
6.1.7601.22589 |
2,048 |
4-Feb-14 |
2:00 |
x86 |
Storport.sys |
6.1.7601.18615 |
149,944 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:44 |
x86 |
Storport.sys |
6.1.7601.22823 |
150,456 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:47 |
x86 |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,332 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:06 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,368 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:03 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,420 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:05 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,388 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:03 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,344 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:35 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,396 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:05 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,320 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:03 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,356 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:05 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,360 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:04 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,344 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:04 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,308 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:05 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,344 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:05 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,344 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:03 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,344 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:03 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,400 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:05 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,332 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:05 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,368 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:03 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,384 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:05 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,344 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:03 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,364 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:04 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,292 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:04 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,292 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:04 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,332 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:12 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,368 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:10 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,420 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:10 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,388 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:10 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,344 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:37 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,396 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:12 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,320 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:10 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,356 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:11 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,360 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:10 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,344 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:12 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,308 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:12 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,344 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:11 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,344 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:11 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,344 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:13 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,400 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:12 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,332 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:12 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,368 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:13 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,384 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:12 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,344 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:10 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,364 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:12 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,292 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:11 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,292 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:12 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.sys |
6.1.7601.18615 |
41,408 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:44 |
x86 |
Stornvme.sys |
6.1.7601.22823 |
41,408 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:47 |
x86 |
For all supported x64-based versions of Windows 7 and of Windows Server 2008 R2
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
Classpnp.sys |
6.1.7601.18615 |
185,784 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:08 |
x64 |
Stortrace.mof |
Not applicable |
17,937 |
10-Jun-09 |
20:44 |
Not applicable |
Classpnp.sys |
6.1.7601.22823 |
186,808 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:15 |
x64 |
Stortrace.mof |
Not applicable |
17,937 |
10-Jun-09 |
20:44 |
Not applicable |
Alert.gif |
Not applicable |
1,046 |
12-Nov-10 |
23:34 |
Not applicable |
Appcompat.xsl |
Not applicable |
11,673 |
12-Nov-10 |
23:34 |
Not applicable |
Appcompat_bidi.xsl |
Not applicable |
12,498 |
12-Nov-10 |
23:34 |
Not applicable |
Appcompat_detailed_bidi_txt.xsl |
Not applicable |
13,371 |
12-Nov-10 |
23:34 |
Not applicable |
Appcompat_detailed_txt.xsl |
Not applicable |
13,326 |
12-Nov-10 |
23:34 |
Not applicable |
Arunres.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
4,096 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Autorun.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
156,160 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Cmisetup.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
334,336 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Compatprovider.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
183,296 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Compliance.ini |
Not applicable |
476 |
12-Nov-10 |
23:07 |
Not applicable |
Cryptosetup.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
19,456 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Diager.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
38,912 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Diagnostic.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
158,208 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Dism.exe |
6.1.7601.18015 |
274,944 |
30-Nov-12 |
3:13 |
x64 |
Dismcore.dll |
6.1.7601.18615 |
289,792 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:05 |
x64 |
Dismcoreps.dll |
6.1.7601.18615 |
112,128 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:05 |
x64 |
Dismhost.exe |
6.1.7601.18015 |
96,768 |
30-Nov-12 |
3:13 |
x64 |
Dismprov.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
186,368 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Drvmgrtn.dll | |
145,920 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:05 |
x64 |
Du.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
91,136 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Folderprovider.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
53,760 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Hwcompat.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
197,632 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Input.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
246,272 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Locale.nls |
Not applicable |
419,992 |
28-Sep-14 |
22:39 |
Not applicable |
Logprovider.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
107,008 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Msxml6.dll |
6.30.7601.18615 |
1,795,584 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:05 |
x64 |
Msxml6r.dll |
6.30.7601.18015 |
2,048 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Ndiscompl.dll |
6.1.7601.18615 |
105,472 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:05 |
x64 |
Nlsbres.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
69,120 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Ntdsupg.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
24,064 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Offline.xml |
Not applicable |
36,786 |
29-Nov-12 |
23:15 |
Not applicable |
Pidgenx.dll |
6.1.7601.18615 |
1,438,720 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:05 |
x64 |
Pkeyconfig.xrm-ms |
Not applicable |
1,290,880 |
29-Sep-14 |
0:44 |
Not applicable |
Pnpibs.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
81,920 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Rollback.exe |
6.1.7601.18015 |
113,152 |
30-Nov-12 |
3:11 |
x64 |
Schema.dat |
Not applicable |
90,112 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:52 |
Not applicable |
Sdbapiu.dll | |
118,272 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Segoeui.ttf |
Not applicable |
412,572 |
12-Nov-10 |
23:31 |
Not applicable |
Setup.exe |
6.1.7601.18015 |
266,240 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:08 |
x64 |
Smiengine.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
933,376 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Spflvrnt.dll |
Not applicable |
25,088 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Spprgrss.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
57,856 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Spwizeng.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
446,464 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Spwizres.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
7,680 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.18615 |
244,736 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:05 |
x64 |
Ssshim.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
121,856 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Unattend.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
248,832 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Unbcl.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
1,002,496 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Upgloader.dll |
6.1.7601.18615 |
263,680 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:05 |
x64 |
Upgreport.dll |
6.1.7601.18615 |
565,248 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:05 |
x64 |
Uxlib.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
154,624 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Uxlibres.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
2,560 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
W32uiimg.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
3,051,008 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
W32uires.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
260,608 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Warning.gif |
Not applicable |
597 |
12-Nov-10 |
23:34 |
Not applicable |
Wdsclient.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
624,128 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Wdsclientapi.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
146,944 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Wdscore.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
271,360 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Wdscsl.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
69,120 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Wdsimage.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
705,536 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Wdstptc.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
148,480 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Wdsutil.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
58,368 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Win32ui.dll |
6.1.7601.18015 |
577,024 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Winsetup.dll |
6.1.7601.18615 |
2,203,136 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:05 |
x64 |
Xmllite.dll |
1.3.1001.0 |
199,680 |
30-Nov-12 |
5:44 |
x64 |
Alert.gif |
Not applicable |
1,046 |
10-Jun-09 |
21:06 |
Not applicable |
Appcompat.xsl |
Not applicable |
11,673 |
10-Jun-09 |
21:06 |
Not applicable |
Appcompat_bidi.xsl |
Not applicable |
12,498 |
10-Jun-09 |
21:06 |
Not applicable |
Appcompat_detailed_bidi_txt.xsl |
Not applicable |
13,371 |
10-Jun-09 |
21:06 |
Not applicable |
Appcompat_detailed_txt.xsl |
Not applicable |
13,326 |
10-Jun-09 |
21:06 |
Not applicable |
Arunres.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
4,096 |
14-Jul-09 |
1:32 |
x64 |
Autorun.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
156,160 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:30 |
x64 |
Cmisetup.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
334,336 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:30 |
x64 |
Compatprovider.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
183,296 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:30 |
x64 |
Compliance.ini |
Not applicable |
476 |
10-Jun-09 |
20:32 |
Not applicable |
Cryptosetup.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
19,456 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:30 |
x64 |
Diager.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
38,912 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:30 |
x64 |
Diagnostic.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
158,208 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:30 |
x64 |
Dism.exe |
6.1.7600.16385 |
274,944 |
14-Jul-09 |
1:39 |
x64 |
Dismcore.dll |
6.1.7601.22823 |
289,792 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:11 |
x64 |
Dismcoreps.dll |
6.1.7601.22823 |
112,128 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:11 |
x64 |
Dismhost.exe |
6.1.7601.22555 |
96,768 |
1-Jan-14 |
1:16 |
x64 |
Dismprov.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
186,368 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:30 |
x64 |
Drvmgrtn.dll | |
145,920 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:11 |
x64 |
Du.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
91,136 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:30 |
x64 |
Folderprovider.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
53,760 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:30 |
x64 |
Hwcompat.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
197,632 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:30 |
x64 |
Input.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
246,272 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:30 |
x64 |
Locale.nls |
Not applicable |
419,704 |
28-Sep-14 |
22:38 |
Not applicable |
Logprovider.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
107,008 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:30 |
x64 |
Msxml6.dll |
6.30.7601.22823 |
1,794,560 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:11 |
x64 |
Msxml6r.dll |
6.30.7600.16385 |
2,048 |
14-Jul-09 |
1:32 |
x64 |
Ndiscompl.dll |
6.1.7601.22823 |
105,472 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:11 |
x64 |
Nlsbres.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
69,120 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:30 |
x64 |
Ntdsupg.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
24,064 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:30 |
x64 |
Offline.xml |
Not applicable |
36,786 |
13-Jul-09 |
20:21 |
Not applicable |
Pidgenx.dll |
6.1.7601.22823 |
1,438,720 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:11 |
x64 |
Pkeyconfig.xrm-ms |
Not applicable |
1,290,880 |
29-Sep-14 |
0:40 |
Not applicable |
Pnpibs.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
81,920 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:30 |
x64 |
Rollback.exe |
6.1.7601.22555 |
113,152 |
1-Jan-14 |
1:15 |
x64 |
Schema.dat |
Not applicable |
90,112 |
29-Sep-14 |
1:57 |
Not applicable |
Sdbapiu.dll | |
118,272 |
20-Nov-10 |
13:27 |
x64 |
Segoeui.ttf |
Not applicable |
412,572 |
10-Jun-09 |
21:05 |
Not applicable |
Setup.exe |
6.1.7601.22555 |
266,240 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:18 |
x64 |
Smiengine.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
933,376 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:30 |
x64 |
Spflvrnt.dll |
Not applicable |
25,088 |
14-Jul-09 |
1:41 |
x64 |
Spprgrss.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
57,856 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:30 |
x64 |
Spwizeng.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
446,464 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:30 |
x64 |
Spwizres.dll |
6.1.7601.17514 |
7,680 |
20-Nov-10 |
13:14 |
x64 |
Sqmapi.dll |
6.1.7601.22823 |
244,736 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:11 |
x64 |
Ssshim.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
121,856 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:30 |
x64 |
Unattend.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
248,832 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:30 |
x64 |
Unbcl.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
1,002,496 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:30 |
x64 |
Upgloader.dll |
6.1.7601.22823 |
263,680 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:11 |
x64 |
Upgreport.dll |
6.1.7601.22823 |
565,248 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:11 |
x64 |
Uxlib.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
154,624 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:30 |
x64 |
Uxlibres.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
2,560 |
14-Jul-09 |
1:33 |
x64 |
W32uiimg.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
3,051,008 |
14-Jul-09 |
1:33 |
x64 |
W32uires.dll |
6.1.7600.16385 |
260,608 |
14-Jul-09 |
1:33 |
x64 |
Warning.gif |
Not applicable |
597 |
10-Jun-09 |
21:06 |
Not applicable |
Wdsclient.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
624,128 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:30 |
x64 |
Wdsclientapi.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
146,944 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:30 |
x64 |
Wdscore.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
271,360 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:30 |
x64 |
Wdscsl.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
69,632 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:30 |
x64 |
Wdsimage.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
705,536 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:30 |
x64 |
Wdstptc.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
149,504 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:30 |
x64 |
Wdsutil.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
58,368 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:30 |
x64 |
Win32ui.dll |
6.1.7601.22555 |
577,024 |
1-Jan-14 |
2:30 |
x64 |
Winsetup.dll |
6.1.7601.22823 |
2,203,136 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:11 |
x64 |
Xmllite.dll |
1.3.1001.0 |
198,656 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:11 |
x64 |
Iologmsg.dll |
6.1.7601.18386 |
2,048 |
4-Feb-14 |
2:28 |
x64 |
Iologmsg.dll |
6.1.7601.22589 |
2,048 |
4-Feb-14 |
2:28 |
x64 |
Storport.sys |
6.1.7601.18615 |
191,416 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:09 |
x64 |
Storport.sys |
6.1.7601.22823 |
192,448 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:15 |
x64 |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,332 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:07 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,368 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:04 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,420 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:07 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,388 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:04 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,344 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:01 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,396 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:07 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,320 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:04 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,356 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:07 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,360 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:06 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,344 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:07 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,308 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:07 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,344 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:06 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,344 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:05 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,344 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:07 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,400 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:06 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,332 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:08 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,368 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:06 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,384 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:07 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,344 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:07 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,364 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:07 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,292 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:07 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,292 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:06 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,332 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:14 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,368 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:13 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,420 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:15 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,388 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:13 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,344 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:06 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,396 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:14 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,320 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:13 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,356 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:15 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,360 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:14 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,344 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:15 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,308 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:15 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,344 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:15 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,344 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:13 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,344 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:13 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,400 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:14 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,332 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:16 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,368 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:15 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,384 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:16 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,344 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:15 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,364 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:15 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,292 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:14 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.inf_loc |
Not applicable |
1,292 |
29-Sep-14 |
3:14 |
Not applicable |
Stornvme.sys |
6.1.7601.18615 |
50,616 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:09 |
x64 |
Stornvme.sys |
6.1.7601.22823 |
50,616 |
29-Sep-14 |
2:15 |
x64 |
Iologmsg.dll |
6.1.7601.18386 |
2,048 |
4-Feb-14 |
2:00 |
x86 |
Iologmsg.dll |
6.1.7601.22589 |
2,048 |
4-Feb-14 |
2:00 |
x86 |
Additional file information
Additional file information for Windows 7 and for Windows Server 2008 R2
Additional files for all supported x86-based versions of Windows 7
File property |
Value |
File name |
X86_004d81c922c9fa666d066f886d457d8f_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.22823_none_c95e580e13c8f87d.manifest |
File version |
Not applicable |
File size |
696 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
Time (UTC) |
01:42 |
Platform |
Not applicable |
File name |
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File version |
Not applicable |
File size |
709 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
Time (UTC) |
01:42 |
Platform |
Not applicable |
File name |
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File version |
Not applicable |
File size |
708 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
Time (UTC) |
01:42 |
Platform |
Not applicable |
File name |
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File version |
Not applicable |
File size |
700 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
Time (UTC) |
01:42 |
Platform |
Not applicable |
File name |
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File version |
Not applicable |
File size |
708 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
Time (UTC) |
01:42 |
Platform |
Not applicable |
File name |
X86_15eecebd7f408fd6f4f1f578c63b74e2_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.18386_none_3be6b15df4cc837a.manifest |
File version |
Not applicable |
File size |
708 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
Time (UTC) |
01:42 |
Platform |
Not applicable |
File name |
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File version |
Not applicable |
File size |
708 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
Time (UTC) |
01:42 |
Platform |
Not applicable |
File name |
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File version |
Not applicable |
File size |
708 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
Time (UTC) |
01:42 |
Platform |
Not applicable |
File name |
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File version |
Not applicable |
File size |
708 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
Time (UTC) |
01:42 |
Platform |
Not applicable |
File name |
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File version |
Not applicable |
File size |
708 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
Time (UTC) |
01:42 |
Platform |
Not applicable |
File name |
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File version |
Not applicable |
File size |
708 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
Time (UTC) |
01:42 |
Platform |
Not applicable |
File name |
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File version |
Not applicable |
File size |
7,244 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
Time (UTC) |
01:42 |
Platform |
Not applicable |
File name |
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File version |
Not applicable |
File size |
708 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
Time (UTC) |
01:42 |
Platform |
Not applicable |
File name |
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File version |
Not applicable |
File size |
708 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
Time (UTC) |
01:42 |
Platform |
Not applicable |
File name |
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File version |
Not applicable |
File size |
708 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
Time (UTC) |
01:42 |
Platform |
Not applicable |
File name |
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File version |
Not applicable |
File size |
696 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
Time (UTC) |
01:42 |
Platform |
Not applicable |
File name |
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File version |
Not applicable |
File size |
708 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
Time (UTC) |
01:42 |
Platform |
Not applicable |
File name |
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File version |
Not applicable |
File size |
708 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
Time (UTC) |
01:42 |
Platform |
Not applicable |
File name |
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File version |
Not applicable |
File size |
708 |
Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
Time (UTC) |
01:42 |
Platform |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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29-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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04-Feb-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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29-Sep-2014 |
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29-Sep-2014 |
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29-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
29-Sep-2014 |
Time (UTC) |
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Additional files for all supported x64-based versions of Windows 7 and of Windows Server 2008 R2
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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01:42 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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01:42 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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01:42 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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01:42 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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01:42 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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01:42 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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01:42 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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01:42 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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01:42 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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01:42 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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01:42 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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01:42 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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01:42 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
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30-Sep-2014 |
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Date (UTC) |
30-Sep-2014 |
Time (UTC) |
01:43 |
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Not applicable |
The third-party products that this article discusses are manufactured by companies that are independent of Microsoft. Microsoft makes no warranty, implied or otherwise, about the performance or reliability of these products.
Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the «Applies to» section.
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Пару лет назад обзавёлся я SSD диском и вещь оказалась такая шустрая и удобная, только маленькая. Очень быстро забил я всякими IDEшками игрушками и прочими андроид-эмуляторами. А на обычный диск записывать и ждать каждый раз когда загрузится — уже не то.
Поэтому решил обзавестись ещё одним SSD, только на это раз взял планку повыше — решил поставить тот, который втыкается в PCIx (т.н. NVMe), чтобы не полгига в секунду, а все три.
Прикупил соответствующий адаптер, воткнул всё, а Windows 7 PCI устройство видит, но, говорит, драйверов нету.
Оказалось нужно специальный патч ставить для винды чтобы она его видела. Вот только микрософтовцы оказались нехорошими людьми, и с сайта этот патчик убрали. При загрузке там написано мол «выкусите и идите покупать виндовс 10».
Так дела не делаются. Я немного погуглил и нашёл вот тут решение:
Нужно скачать архивчик с драйверами от гигабайтовского устройства, вот этот: www.gigabyte.com/us/Mothe…rev-10#support-dl-utility
Сам он не нужен, но внутри в нём в WindowsImageTool/HOTFIX прячутся как раз тот самый патчик и ещё один патч с исправлениями.
(UPD: архивчик удалили вот копия патча)
После их установки и перезагрузки устройство определилось как диск, осталось отформатировать и можно записывать.
The Windows 7 RTM distribution doesn’t support USB 3.0 and NVME controllers out-of-the-box, and you can encounter some problems when installing Windows 7 on a computer/laptop having USB 3.0/3.1 ports only or with an SSD drive connected via a PCI Express bus (NVMe). For example, a USB keyboard and mouse may not work in Windows 7 Setup, or the installer may require you to load drivers for USB/NVMe ports or devices:
A required CD/DVD drive device driver is missing. If you have a driver’s floppy disk, CD, DVD, or USB flash drive, please insert it now. Note: If the Windows installation media is in the CD/DVD drive, you can safely remove it for this step.
Accordingly, you cannot install Windows 7 (or Windows Server 2008 R2) on a computer on which all peripheral devices are connected via USB 3.0 ports. Or the Windows Installer will not see the PCI Express (NVMe) SSD.
All of the Windows 7 installation image modification operations described below are performed on a computer running Windows 10.
- How to Inject USB 3.0 Driver into Windows 7 Install Media?
- How to Install Windows 7 to NVMe SSD?
The Enhanced Host Controller Interface is not supported in the Intel chipsets starting from the 100 and 200 series (B150, H110, H170, Q150, Q170, Z170, Intel Apollo Lake), similar AMD chipsets and chipsets from other vendors. Therefore USB 3.0 ports are simply not recognized by the Windows 7 installer.
How to Inject USB 3.0 Driver into Windows 7 Install Media?
To install Windows 7 on some computer models, you can disable USB 3.0 mode in BIOS settings by switching to USB 2.0 compatibility mode (Legacy USB 2.0). In all other cases, you will have to modify Windows 7 install distro and integrate USB 3.0 drivers for your motherboard chipset to the boot and install WIM images.
Some motherboard vendors released special tools to integrate their USB drivers into your Windows 7 install image. Examples: ASRock (Win 7 USB Patcher), MSI (MSI Smart Tool), Intel (Windows USB Installation Tool for Windows 7), Gigabyte (Windows USB Installation Tool), etc. In this article, we will show you how to manually integrate USB drivers into the Windows 7 installation image without using third-party utilities.
First of all, find and download USB 3.0 drivers for your chipset from the vendor’s website (in our example, it is Intel® USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller Driver for Intel® 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family). Create a new directory c:\tmp, and create two subfolders inside it: mount and USB3. Extract the driver archives to the USB3 folder. You can create several subfolders with different USB 3.0 drivers for popular chipset models inside the USB3 catalog.
Next, you need to integrate your drivers into the Windows 7 installation image (it may be an ISO file or a ready image copied to the installation USB stick). You need to copy two WIM files from the ISO image or Windows 7 installation media to the local c:\tmp directory on your drive.
- \sources\boot.wim – WinPE boot image used to boot the computer and run Windows Setup;
- \sources\install.wim – Windows 7 image that will be installed on your computer.
If you have several *.swm (split wim) files instead of an install.wim file, you can convert them into one file. Check the number of indexes in the file:
DISM /get-wiminfo /wimfile:install.swm
Now export each install.swm index into a single WIM file:
DISM /export-image /sourceimagefile:install.swm /swmfile:install*.swm /sourceindex:1 /destinationimagefile:install.wim /compress:max
DISM /export-image /sourceimagefile:install.swm /swmfile:install*.swm /sourceindex:2 /destinationimagefile:install.wim /compress:max
Open an elevated command prompt Now mount the WinPE boot image (boot.wim) to the c:\tmp\mount directory and integrate the USB 3.0 drivers into it using DISM commands (according to the guide How to add drivers to a Windows image):
dism /mount-wim /wimfile:c:\tmp\boot.wim /index:2 /mountdir:c:\tmp\mount
dism /image:c:\tmp\mount /add-driver:"c:\tmp\usb3" /recurse
The /recurse option will force DISM to scan all subdirectories in the specified folder and add all drivers from found inf files.
The following message indicates that the specified USB3 driver was successfully added to the boot.wim image of the Windows 7 Setup environment:
Installing 1 of 6 — c:\tmp\usb3\Drivers\HCSwitch\x64\iusb3hcs.inf: The driver package was successfully installed.
Save the changes in the image and unmount the boot.wim file (to avoid DISM errors, make sure that you closed all File Explorer windows and the file managers, which has the c:\tmp\mount directory open):
dism /unmount-wim /mountdir:c:\tmp\mount /commit
dism /cleanup-wim
Similarly, you need to update the operating system installation image in the install.wim file. The main difference here is the install.wim image can contain several editions of Windows 7 with different indexes. So, you will have to add drivers to that Windows edition you are going to deploy on your desktop computers (or inject drivers to all available Windows 7 editions in turn).
You can list the available Windows 7 editions in the install.wim image as follows:
dism /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:c:\tmp\install.wim
In our example, there are 4 different Windows editions in the install.wim image. We’ll add the USB 3.0 driver to Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL with the index 3 (this number will be used to address the edition in the DISM commands).
Then add the USB 3.0 drivers to the Windows install image as we did it above:
dism /mount-wim /wimfile:c:\tmp\install.wim /index:3 /mountdir:c:\tmp\mount
dism /image:c:\tmp\mount /add-driver:"c:\tmp\usb3" /recurse
dism /unmount-wim /mountdir:c:\tmp\mount /commit
dism /cleanup-wim
If you are using a USB flash drive as the installation source, be sure to copy the boot.wim and install.wim files back after injecting the drivers.
How to Install Windows 7 to NVMe SSD?
In this part, we’ll show you how to create an NVM Express (NVMe)-enabled Windows 7 boot image for hard drives (typically SSDs) connected via a PCI Express (PCIe) bus.
When you try to install Windows 7 on a computer with an NVMe disk, the Windows installer will simply not see the SSD drive connected through this bus.
No drives were found. Click Load Driver to provide a mass storage driver for installation.
Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 distros don’t contain PCIe (and NVMe) drivers, you can only install the OS on a SATA SSD drive. Built-in support for NVMe appeared only in Windows 8.1. Microsoft has released special updates that enable support for NVM Express in Windows 7. Next, we will show you how to enable PCIe support in the Windows 7 installer and inject NVMe drivers into it.
- Download the following updates from the Microsoft Update Catalog: KB2990941-v3, KB3087873-v2. Save *.MSU files to the directory
; - Download the NVMe driver for your controller and extract it to
; - Slipstream the updates and the drivers to the boot WinPE image (boot.wim):
DISM /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:c:\tmp\boot.wim
DISM /Mount-Wim /WimFile:"C:\tmp\boot.wim" /Index:1 /MountDir:c:\tmp\mount
DISM /Image:c:\tmp\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:\tmp\updates
DISM.exe /image:c:\tmp\mount /Add-Driver /driver:c:\tmp\nvme /recurse /ForceUnsigned
DISM /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:c:\tmp\mount /Commit - Run the same commands for the image with index 2 (on the second line, replace
). - Now you need to integrate the update and the driver into the Windows installation image (install.wim). The image file can contain several versions of Windows 7 with different indexes. You can get a list of Windows versions with the command:
dism /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:c:\tmp\install.wim
Specify the index of the image to be updated (in our example it isIndex:2
DISM /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:c:\tmp\install.wim
DISM /Mount-Wim /WimFile:"C:\tmp\install.wim" /Index:2 /MountDir:c:\tmp\mount
DISM /Image:c:\tmp\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:\tmp\updates
DISM.exe /image:c:\tmp\mount /Add-Driver /driver:c:\tmp\nvme /recurse /ForceUnsigned
DISM /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:c:\tmp\mount /Commit
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Отправлено: 06-Фев-2017 13:36
(спустя 12 дней)
Отправлено: 06-Фев-2017 13:36
(спустя 12 дней)
darkalexx4 |
dism /Mount-Image /ImageFile:c:\temp\src\sources\boot.wim /Index:1 /MountDir:c:\temp\mount и dism /Mount-Image /ImageFile:c:\temp\src\sources\install.wim /Index:1 /MountDir:c:\temp\mount И любой ssd m2 nvme будет работать. |
Отправлено: 03-Сен-2017 18:32
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Отправлено: 03-Сен-2017 18:32
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Отправлено: 03-Сен-2017 20:50
(спустя 2 часа 17 минут)
Отправлено: 03-Сен-2017 20:50
(спустя 2 часа 17 минут)
SunOK |
Отправлено: 03-Сен-2017 21:45
(спустя 55 минут)
Отправлено: 03-Сен-2017 21:45
(спустя 55 минут)
Adler |
Отправлено: 03-Сен-2017 22:02
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Отправлено: 03-Сен-2017 22:02
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Отправлено: 04-Сен-2017 00:11
(спустя 2 часа 9 минут)
Отправлено: 04-Сен-2017 00:11
(спустя 2 часа 9 минут)
SunOK |
Отправлено: 09-Мар-2018 08:51
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Отправлено: 09-Мар-2018 08:51
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Policai |
Отправлено: 09-Мар-2018 09:37
(спустя 46 минут)
Отправлено: 09-Мар-2018 09:37
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Adler |
Отправлено: 09-Мар-2018 12:06
(спустя 2 часа 29 минут)
Отправлено: 09-Мар-2018 12:06
(спустя 2 часа 29 минут)
naifle |
Отправлено: 09-Мар-2018 16:06
(спустя 3 часа)
Отправлено: 09-Мар-2018 16:06
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Policai |
Отправлено: 09-Мар-2018 16:22
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Отправлено: 09-Мар-2018 16:22
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Adler |
Отправлено: 09-Мар-2018 16:31
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Отправлено: 09-Мар-2018 16:31
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Policai |
Отправлено: 09-Мар-2018 16:48
(спустя 17 минут)
Отправлено: 09-Мар-2018 16:48
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sergeysvirid |
ЧТО НОВОГО:Драйверы NVMe в boot.wim и install.esd |
Отправлено: 09-Мар-2018 18:48
(спустя 2 часа)
Отправлено: 09-Мар-2018 18:48
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naifle |
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