Reviews can no longer be added to this item.
July 30, 2023
as far as i can tell its a legit copy
theres a bot posting fake dl links so im posting this to move it down and away since you cant report comments
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
January 20, 2023
The best version of Windows
This version is so useful and it is better than Windows 10.
It’s a legitimate ISO for both Windows 7 versions. If you delete ei.cfg, you will gain access to other editions as Ultimate, Professional (it is mentioned), Starter (x86 only), Home Premium and Home Basic. I used this in my 41-in-1 project, so 5 stars. And especially x64 is which I can get all the job done with Windows 7. And unfortunately, no more ESU updates for Windows 7, which is saddening, especially Chromium browsers, also you’re forced to use Windows 10 which is terrible for old computers. Anyways, you can try in a real hardware, but if you have some of it, follow as Shadow Gaming does, as Windows 7 doesn’t ship with USB 3.0 as Windows 8 did.
To Friendly Texan Gamer:
You can edit the Windows 7 ISO with any ISO editing software and save it. If you burned it before in DVD, it’s impossible to do this. If you copied into USB, you can delete it.
I will debunk people who did wrong in reviewing.
To Japeaas:
You’re completely wrong, you think you got scammed because of this? Try this in a VM and see. This isn’t a scam, those are legitmate Windows 7 Professional ISOs.
To geoffff:
It’s actually Windows 7 SP1 (build 7601), not RTM. You must install 7-Zip, go to install.wim and take a look to any number, and go to Windows\system32, extract ntoskrnl.exe and check Properties and details. If it’s RTM, it’s 6.1.7600.16385, if it’s SP1, it’s 6.1.7601.17514. So this is 6.1.7601.17514.
To all people who asked for product key, AGAIN:
You can skip it to continue into Windows, but you have 30 days trial.
Friendly Texan Gamer
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
January 19, 2023
How do you remove the ei.cfg file?
I see it but I just can’t remove it and it will not let me any help?
Opdwtt3 _officall
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
December 21, 2022
Product Key
Well I found the product key sadly they don’t provide a product key but I found it. It works the best on a VM.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
November 21, 2022
windows 7 ultimate product keys
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
November 2, 2022
Product Key
Everything works fine, but you it you did not provide the product key and its not Windows 7 Professional, its Windows 7 Ultimate
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
July 15, 2022
thanks! i really needed this.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
July 8, 2022
Please seed! Don’t hit and run!!
Windows 7 is in my opinion the best overall windows edition, thanks for providing the iso. Reminder to all to please seed this torrent as much as you can!!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
July 6, 2022
Works well.
I have been using 7 since around 2012 to now, but i decided to dual boot with the 32 bit version so i could get some programs to work, and it works great. And for all the people asking for a key to activate, just use this:
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
June 23, 2022
Works great!!!
I downloaded the 32-bit one, and everything looks fine! I already had a 64-bit ISO, but it looks good. Don’t know why everyone else complained. (I used the torrent, BTW.)
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
June 21, 2022
Still active
Thanks for sharing, there are still people seeding this so no need to wait hours with KB speeds.
I’ll seed for some time too.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
May 27, 2022
thanks, see you in 5 hours when it finishes downloading
edit: it took approx. 25 minutes lol
Oliver Jones600
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
May 16, 2022
i have not tryed this but is i bootable
i bet its good
Super Timcup The Cup
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
March 26, 2022
I do use this for virtual computer and use it to repair my windows 7 laptop
I do an experiment on virtual computers but I used this to repair my windows 7 laptop
Cool 10
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
March 24, 2022
Best, OS, EVER! I recommend putting install.wim on windows 10 iso so all drivers work on modern hardware. I used windows loader to activate. best os unlike ram feeding windows 11
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
March 11, 2022
Best Windows version ever
Billy-boy really outdid himself with this one. I recommend running Linux as your main OS and Win7 on a virtual machine in case you need it.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
February 14, 2022
product key
Kindly provide the product key
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
January 16, 2022
Very good copy
Can you please share the product key?
Grayson Burgenheim
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
December 22, 2021
product key
i need the product key
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
November 10, 2021
I loved it!
I used it in vbox and in a vm
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
October 22, 2021
Very good for games
Low RAM usage so good for games really is this version of Windows, OS is made by Bill Gates great really performance perfect only thing you need to know is never made upgrade turn off all updates called feature upgrades don’t allow to do it upgrade Windows 10 if you get upgraded it won’t use 0.9GB RAM like my Windows 10 by default uses only 0.9GB upgraded at least 2.7GB or most latest patch 5GB RAM to run Windows core you won’t be able to play games like GTAV like I can very good because I never upgrade it so that mean turn off services can reduce core usage to 0.5GB RAM and any game will work perfect like GTA if you won’t do upgrading to latest feature upgrades like deleting .EFI extensions which is Windows 10 upgrades.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
October 20, 2021
I Downloaded This To Install On My dell Latitude D610, Because I Didn’t Like Using Windows XP. I Love This Download And Thank You Creator OF This For Making This!
Ruben the animator
favoritefavorite —
October 19, 2021
What is the product key?
I am trying to install windows 7 Professional on my older Pavilion g7 laptop. It asks for a product key in the setup.exe file. What is the product key?
October 15, 2021
Ignore Easiphbraclu‘s link previous
Ignore the spam link below from Easiphbraclu.
Shadow Gaming
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
October 10, 2021
IS bootable, but you will need to modify ISO for drivers
Hello everyone,
So I only tried the 64-bit version, as that’s what I’m in need of, and I can say it appears to be legitimate. If you make sure to create a BOOTABLE flash-drive, following either of these instructions:
Power ISO:
Then you should see it load-up on your system as a Windows 7 installer.
However, if you are installing this in a brand-new hard drive, you might run into trouble. Windows 7 service pack 1 did NOT ship with USB 3.0 support… so like me, you’re (probably) going to find yourself sitting at the Install Screen that says «Choose your preferred Language,» and neither your keyboard or usb mouse will work — even if they’re wired.
I have looked into a variety of workarounds, some people suggest to «disable USB 3.0 mode in BIOS by switching to USB 2.0 compatibility mode [or legacy USB 2.0]), and others say you have to modify the ISO file. I’m going to be attempting the latter since by the end of this, I will be having a tri-boot system, and don’t want to mess anything up for the other OS’.
Here are two sources for, and two ways of, modifying the drivers on the ISO — one is through command-line, another is through faking a C:\ directory WIM mount.
Command line:
I’ll try to report back if this thing lets me edit my posts. Good Luck! (If I manage to get a working ISO out of this which is inclusive of USB 3.0 support, I may re-upload this somewhere else and link to it in a separate comment.
Nobody ever said Windows 7 die-hards were gonna go-down easy!!!)
September 28, 2021
@Kobimani, Had u tried enabling legacy support ?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
September 23, 2021
After some fiddling around, driver installing, etc.. I’ve got this installed perfectly on my computer! Thanks for providing the files!
favorite —
August 17, 2021
Fuck that bitch
This is Windows Vista 64bit!
July 31, 2021
Does not work with my PC.
I have windows 10 which comes with my pc. But i can not boot from this iso file. I used rufus to create bootable uefi image and also tried disabling secure boot but it did not install. It gives following error while booting directly through it with the help of bios options: \efi\microsoft\boot\bcd misconfiguration or corruption. Please insert the windows installation disk.
Also tried to boot in while inside windows 10(using setup.exe) but then it restarts and then stucks at the loading screen(Starting Windows) of windows 7.
Sarmad Qureshi
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
June 14, 2021
Worked perfect
I upgraded my vista machine in vmware and created a vm in virtualbox.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
June 4, 2021
Nice for a VM!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
May 3, 2021
MEME (awesome iso)
ME: ima download window-
MY BRAIN: oh f i think i have windows 10 lets tell myself to try it on a old pc
ME: lets use windows 10 on 512 mb ram with 1 core procesor
PC: ahhahshhahaha
Google User392
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
March 27, 2021
You want 32-bit or SP1, you can’t have both.
You should know that if you want a 32-bit version of Windows 7, you’ll have to use Windows Update to upgrade to SP1, unless you install the 64-bit version, I tried it. I am sorry it doesn’t go both ways, I’m only installing Windows 7 32-bit because my computer only supports it and drivers won’t install on 64-bit.
Danny's Tech Forums
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite —
March 8, 2021
Ive tried it on virtualbox it works great thank you
Windows прямой ссылкой скачать бесплатно с msdn microsoft — все оригинальные ISO образы для установки операционной системы на ноутбук или персональный компьютер. Все версии windows оригинальные и чистые, без каких либо авторских вмешательств. Те кто сомневаются, могут сверить контрольные суммы скаченных файлов с теми что указанны на официальном сайте microsoft, или вбить например MD5 файла в поиск того же google и понять что это за образ.
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Чтобы скачать windows 7 максимальная прямой ссылкой, русскую версию, определитесь с разрядностью и выберите нужный вариант по ссылке ниже.
Если вам нужна профессиональная десятая русская windows iso прямая ссылка, то также выбираем нужную нам разрядность из соображения оптимальной работы конкретно на вашем ноутбуке или компьютере.
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Бывают и те кому нужны прямые ссылки windows 8.1 русская версия бесплатно. Те могут скачать свою восьмёрку по ссылкам ниже.
В целом если вы сами разберётесь с тем что вам подойдёт больше и сможете выбрать нужную вам версию операционной системы или пакета office без описания к файлу и характеристик конкретной версии windows, то заходим по этой ссылке и скачиваем любую продукцию от microsoft бесплатно по прямой ссылке. В ISO образах допускается установщик браузера и некоторые пользовательские изменения по умолчнию для браузера Chrome, каждый может без проблем изменить настройки браузера на свои предпочтительные. Все авторские сборки перед публикацией на сайте, проходят проверку на вирусы. ISO образ открывается через dism, и всё содержимое сканируется антивирусом на вредоносные файлы.
Windows 7 (Professional / Ultimate) ISO для ПК — это серия универсальных и лучших операционных систем как для развлечений, так и для бизнеса. В отличие от своих преемников, Windows 7 считается лучшей для отрасли. Бесплатная версия Windows 7 Ultimate позволяет работать в режиме Windows XP. Таким образом, шифрование данных в BitLocker обеспечивает безопасность ваших данных. Он поддерживает 35 языков. Так вы почувствуете приятную разницу с добавлением новых функций. Как системный экран, привлекательные гаджеты, эффективность ОС и режим презентации. Специализируется на медиаплеерах, функциях безопасности ОС с брандмауэром, поддержке старых программ ОС. Совместимость драйверов и многое другое для Windows 7 Ultimate.
Одним щелчком мыши делитесь своими файлами и принтерами в сети.
Легкий доступ
Быстрый доступ к любой из ваших любимых программ, например, к аудиотеке, веб-сайтам и документам.
Мгновенное изменение
Очень легкий и простой процесс изменения размера и сравнения окон в вашей системе.
Snipping Tool делает простые снимки экрана из любой части экрана.
Искать все
Очень легко и быстро обнаружить любую из ваших программ или инструментов в вашей Системе.
Панель задач Windows
Простой способ настроить и найти лучшие превью эскизов, а также значки. Обновите рабочий стол красивыми темами и множеством удобных гаджетов, которые тоже доставят массу удовольствия.
Служба поддержки 64-bit
Предоставляет полную и мощную версию 64-битных систем с классным сочетанием графики в более привлекательном виде.
Windows XP Mode
Windows7 Ultimate позволяет запускать режим Windows XP.
Функции безопасности
Вы можете защитить свои данные, зашифровав их с помощью BitLocker Drive. Представляет Первую линию защиты от товаров и любого ненужного программного обеспечения. Кроме того, добавление брандмауэров защищает вас от хакеров и вредоносных программ.
Поддерживает несколько языков
Вы можете переключиться на Windows 7 почти с 35 языками отображения.
Элементы интерфейса
С разными цветами по умолчанию, элементы интерфейса и апплеты разбиты на 7 категорий и довольно узнаваемы для пользователей. При положительных и грамотных изменениях Windows 7 работает плавно по сравнению с Windows XP или Vista.
Автоматическое резервное копирование
Не беспокойтесь о непреднамеренно удаленных данных, поскольку Windows 7 обеспечивает автоматическое резервное копирование и восстановление данных.
Различные версии Windows 7
Установленная, безопасная и улучшенная Windows представляет собой 6 различных редакций ————- Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise и Ultimate. Все они, кроме Starter, доступны как для 32-битных, так и для 64-битных ПК. Microsoft выпустила пакет обновления и обновление платформы для улучшения аппаратного и программного обеспечения.
Home Basic & Premium ISO
Windows 7 Home Basic с некоторыми исключенными опциями и различными новыми функциями была доступна в 141 стране. Это было продано на развивающихся рынках с географическими ограничениями. Эти ограничения ограничивали пользователей для определенного региона или страны. Так что наоборот. Home Premium была запущена с набором функций. Как Media Center, Windows Aero, а также поддержка мультитач.
Professional ISO
Выпуск был лучшим выбором для малых предприятий с доменом Windows Server. Со всеми функциями Home Premium. У профессионала есть несколько дополнительных функций. Например, 192 ГБ ОЗУ, сервер удаленного рабочего стола, печать с учетом местоположения. Резервное копирование в сетевое расположение, шифрованная файловая система, режим презентации, а также политики ограниченного использования программ.
Ultimate ISO
Windows 7 Ultimate имеет те же функции, что и Windows Enterprise. Но разница в том, что домашние пользователи также могут установить его на основании индивидуальных лицензий. Таким образом, пользователи Home Premium и Professional также обновляются до Ultimate.
Windows Starter
Самая первая версия Windows 7 с несколькими функциями, доступная в 32-битной версии. Пользователи не могут изменять обои рабочего стола, а также стили оформления. Потому что эта версия предустановлена на ПК.
Как установить Windows 7 (via USB)
- Перейдите в раздел загрузки и загрузите файл ISO-образа Windows 7.
- Установите программное обеспечение для создания загрузочного USB-устройства.
- Плагин на USB-накопитель (минимум 8-16 ГБ)
- Откройте программу, выберите файл образа ISO.
- Запустите процесс.
- Подключите USB-накопитель к нужной системе.
- Перезагрузите систему
- Нажмите кнопку Меню, чтобы сначала загрузить USB.
- Выберите USB-устройство и запустите установщик Windows 7.
- Выберите язык, время, настройку и нажмите «Установить сейчас».
- В случае уже установленного окна просто выберите Windows Drive и отформатируйте раздел. Или нажмите ссылку «Параметры диска», чтобы создать новый раздел.
- Щелкните «Основной раздел» и затем начните установку.
- Полная установка без нажатия каких-либо клавиш в случае перезапуска системы.
- Создайте учетную запись пользователя и следуйте инструкциям.
- Извлеките USB-накопитель и активируйте Windows 7.
Основные особенности
- Windows 7 — это серия универсальных и лучших операционных систем.
- Бесплатная версия позволяет вам работать в режиме Windows XP.
- HomeGroup
- Быстрый доступ к любой из ваших любимых программ
- Snipping Tool делает простые скриншоты
- Искать все
- Обновите рабочий стол с помощью красивых тем
- Поддержка 64-бит
- Защитите свои данные с помощью BitLocker
- Поддерживает несколько языков
- Автоматическое резервное копирование и восстановление
Windows 7 was first released on 22nd October 2009. It has since been superseded by Windows 8, 8.1, 10, and Windows 11, and the support for Windows 7 ended in 2020. However, even in this day and age, some people still prefer using Windows 7 for their daily tasks. It can be because they are now used to it, or for any other testing purposes.
Windows 7 ISO images are available for everyone to download. Microsoft makes the ISO files available so that users can download and clean install/update Windows without any problems.
An ISO is a single file containing all Windows installation media. The ISO file can be burned on a USB drive or a DVD drive to make it bootable. You can also extract the contents of the ISO file and install Windows from extracted files. But this limits your ability to clean install the operating system. You will only be able to install the OS without formatting the primary C drive.
Continue below to download the different editions in different bit architectures of Windows 7.
You can also download and install Windows 11 and Windows 10 ISO files for all versions.
Table of contents
- Microsoft Windows 7 Download
- Windows 7 Direct Download Links
- Windows 7 Home Premium
- Windows 7 Professional
- Windows 7 Ultimate
- Windows 7 Direct Download Links
- Create Bootable Windows 7 USB Drive
- Install Windows 7 using ISO Image file
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Does Microsoft still provide Windows 7 ISOs?
- When did Windows 7 support end?
Microsoft Windows 7 Download
Windows 7 can now be downloaded using only one method, which is the direct download links. Previously, it could also be downloaded from Microsoft’s download page and some third-party software, but that has been removed since the operating system is no longer supported.
Windows 7 can be downloaded in different editions and is available in both 32-bit and 64-bit architecture:
- Enterprise
- Home Basic
- Home Premium
- Professional
- Professional for Embedded Systems
- Starter
- Ultimate
- Ultimate for Embedded Systems
You can download these editions using the given methods below.
Windows 7 Direct Download Links
Windows 7 Home Premium
Download Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit ISO [English] (3.0 GiB, 992 hits)
Download Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit ISO [English] (2.3 GiB, 821 hits)
Windows 7 Professional
Download Windows 7 Pro with SP1 64-bit ISO [English] (3.0 GiB, 944 hits)
Download Windows 7 Pro With SP1 32-bit ISO [English] (2.3 GiB, 786 hits)
Windows 7 Ultimate
Download Windows 7 Ultimate With SP1 64-bit ISO [English] (3.0 GiB, 1,003 hits)
Download Windows 7 Ultimate With SP1 32-bit ISO [English] (2.3 GiB, 832 hits)
Once downloaded, you can then use these images to perform a clean Windows 7 installation.
Create Bootable Windows 7 USB Drive
Creating a bootable device out of an ISO image is relatively easy. You can create a bootable USB drive as well as a DVD. However, we suggest that you create a USB drive as it is more convenient.
You can use Rufus or Ventoy to create a bootable USB flash drive using the ISO image that you have downloaded for Windows 7 in the section above. Note that unlike Windows 10 and 11, one ISO image for Windows 7 only contains one edition, therefore select your Windows 7 edition before downloading the ISO.
Learn how to create a multi-boot USB flash drive with multiple ISO files using Ventoy.
Let us show you how to create a bootable USB flash drive for Windows 7:
To begin, plug in your USB flash drive (at least 8GB) to your computer and make sure that all your data on the USB is backed up since it requires formatting where all previous data is lost.
Now, download Rufus from their website and install it on your computer. Alternatively, you can also download the portable version which does not need any installation.
Download Rufus -
Once downloaded, run Rufus. Select the USB flash drive from the drop-down menu under Device. Then, click Select under Boot selection and navigate to the downloaded Windows 7 ISO file. Leave the rest of the settings to their default values and click Start.
Configure Rufus to create bootable USB drive -
Your Windows 7 bootable USB drive will now be in the making. This step may take a few minutes. Once it is finished, Ready will be displayed with a green bar. You may then close the app.
Your bootable drive is now ready and you may proceed to the installation phase using the guide given below.
Install Windows 7 using ISO Image file
Now that you have created a bootable drive using the ISO file, you can now begin installing Windows 7. Here is how:
Connect the Windows 7 bootable USB drive to the computer you want to install it on. Then turn on/reboot the computer and open its One Time Boot Menu (Usually through the F12, F10, or Esc button).
From there, select “External USB drive” to boot from the bootable USB.
You will now see a menu such as the one below. Click Next.
Proceed with Windows 7 installation -
Now click Install Now.
Begin installation process -
In the next window, check the box to accept the license agreement and click Next.
Accept licensing terms -
You will now be asked if you want to upgrade your existing operating system or perform a custom installation. Since this is a clean and fresh Windows 7 installation, we will select Custom.
Perform a custom installation -
Next, you need to create the partitions on your hard drive. Once done, select the volume you wish to install the operating system on and click Next.
Create partition(s) -
Windows 7 will now begin installing on your device. This step may take a few minutes and your device may reboot a few times.
Further ahead in the process, you will be asked to configure your PC through several Out Of Box Experience (OOBE) screens. Proceed with the on-screen instructions, configure your PC, and you will have successfully installed Windows 7.
Once it finishes, you will be logged into your user account. You can now begin installing the relevant software and customizing it according to your liking.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Does Microsoft still provide Windows 7 ISOs?
Since Windows 7 has been decommissioned, Microsoft no longer provides ISO images for it. However, you can download them from archives and the download links given in this post.
When did Windows 7 support end?
The mainstream support for Windows 7 ended on 13th January 2015. However, the extended support was carried out till 14th January 2020.