Windows 7 for windows vista download


7zip (needed to extract the file):


Quick Launch path: %Appdata%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch

.NET Framework 4.5.2 Download:…

Windows Vista HD Logon Screen Wallpaper (for manual system file modification purposes):…

Ryan’s YouTube channel:

Songs (in order of appearance):
Windows XP Tour Music (Beta) — Introduction
Music using ONLY sounds from Windows XP and Vista
LongHorn Day (Windows Longhorn Remix)
Loell Bergen — Windows Vista Sounds — Dreamcycle
SpongeBob Atlantis SquarePantis (DS) OST: Atlantis Level 1
SpongeBob Atlantis SquarePantis (DS) OST: Atlantis Level 2
Windows — Vista & 7 Remix Song
SpongeBob Atlantis SquarePantis (DS) OST: Bikini Bottom Level 2
Zibn (Windows 7 Remix) by BluJayMix (
DJ Error — Windows 2000 Random Remix 7
DJ Error — Metropolis Zone (Windows XP Remix)
Spongebob’s Atlantis Squarepantis (Nintendo DS) — Cutscenes 7
DJ Error — Windows 95 Random Remix 8
Spongebob’s Atlantis Squarepantis (Nintendo DS) Caves
Spongebob’s Atlantis Squarepantis (Nintendo DS) — Bikini Bottom Level 1
Spoiler — Windows XP remix
Windows Rhapsody
Spongebob’s Atlantis Squarepantis (Nintendo DS) — Coral Cave 1
Spongebob’s Atlantis Squarepantis (Nintendo DS) — Giant Jellyfish Boss_Atlantis Escape 2
SpongeBob Music Spongey Bubbles
vistasky — Windows Vista Beta (Fake) & XP remix
Hello Windows Vista (Vista Sounds Remix) [High Quality]
Windows XP Tour Music — Beta/Whistler Tracks

Giannigsgx89 designed Windows 7 Theme for Vista so that Vista users can benefit from the theme of Windows 7. Check it out if you want to customize your OS environment.

Note: It seems that there hasn’t been any updates for several years — the version linked to this page is the latest to exist, so do not bother searching any further.

What are the key features of the Windows 7 Theme for Vista?

  • Theme: generally, Windows 7 Theme for Vista changes the theme of Windows Vista to be like Windows 7. The desktop computer is more ergonomic. As for the computer in general, it becomes even faster.
  • New Design: with Windows 7 Theme for Vista, the user will have both Windows Vista and Windows 7 as operating system. Therefore, a change will be notified in the texts and windows. The toolbars will also be remodeled. A new Start menu will be added.
  • Easy to use: what is interesting is that there is nothing difficult for installing this software. All that the you need is to launch the application and select themes following the described procedure that accompanies the program. For more information about this program, a help tab has been integrated.

Is it free?

You can download and use this app for free.

Windows 7 ISO File Free Download All Versions
Windows 7 ISO File Free Download All Versions

If you are looking to download any version of Windows 7 ISO files we have provided the direct download links. In this article, Softgets will help you download Windows 7 very easily and completely free. we have also compiled a detailed article about Windows 7 where we talk about every feature that is new with the release of Windows 7.

Introduction to Windows 7

Windows 7 is one of the most popular operating systems globally. After Windows XP, Windows 7 was the most installed operating system that took over the world. Windows 7 was available to buy in October 2009 3 years after Windows Vista was first released. Windows 7 is pretty much similar to Windows Vista with an almost Identical interface. But if they are to be compared to each other, Windows 7 is a huge improvement over Vista.

Unfortunately, Windows 7’s era is coming to an end their mainstream support was cut off years back in 2015 but extended support remained until now. Microsoft is now ending Windows 7’s extended support by mid-January in 2020 meaning you won’t be able to receive any more updates for Windows 7 later on.

Download Windows 7 ISO files All Editions

You can download Windows 7 All versions inside one ISO file below. The Windows 7 All-in-One version includes Windows 7 Starter Edition, Windows 7 Home Basic and Premium ISO files, Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows 7 Professional and Windows 7 Ultimate official ISO image in both (32-bit and 64-bit).

Windows 7 All in One ISO file
Windows 7 All-in-One

Microsoft Windows 7-All In One ISO file

Developer: Microsoft

License: Free Trial

Language: English

File Size: 4 GB

Release Date: October 2009

Version: Windows 7 AIO

Windows 7 Starter ISO

Windows 7 Starter Edition is the most basic form in windows 7 Series. This version of Windows 7 is limited to 32-Bit only and doesn’t have a 64-Bit version. Because of its limited features, Microsoft has considered a very low price of around $30.

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Windows 7 Home Basic ISO

Windows 7 Home Basic is made to be sold in emerging markets or in developing countries. Windows 7 Home basic has activation restrictions. Activation restriction means that users can activate windows within a certain region only. Windows 7 Home Basic has a 64-Bit version also and can support up to 8-GB of RAM.

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Windows 7 Home Premium ISO

Basically, Windows 7 Home Premium is the upgraded version of Windows 7 Home Basic. The Windows 7 Home Premium is packed with more features that are not included inside the Home Basic Edition. A few basic features to be included inside Windows 7 Home Premium are The Homegroup, Windows Media Center and Windows Aero is also fully supported.

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Windows 7 Professional ISO

Windows 7 Professional Edition is a more advanced version of Windows 7 similar to the Home Premium edition. The Professional edition is designed to be the perfect match for small businesses. Not only it includes all the features which are packed with Windows 7 Home Premium, but it also has some added features too.

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Windows 7 Enterprise ISO

Microsoft has made a Windows 7 operating system which is exclusive for business users or businesses. Windows 7 Enterprise is only available for Volume licensing to be used for businesses.

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Windows 7 Ultimate ISO

Windows 7 ultimate, as the name suggests, it is the ultimate version of Windows 7 manufactured by Microsoft. The Ultimate edition includes all the features that are equipped with other Windows 7 editions. Windows 7 Ultimate is the most expensive OS in the Windows 7 Series as it is packed with all the premium features.

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Windows 7 improvements over Windows Vista

Windows Vista was released in November of 2006 and 3 years later Microsoft introduces Windows 7 the successor to Windows Vista. Windows 7 is the perfect balance between performance and system specifications. Windows 7 comes with Windows Aero that was first introduced with Windows Vista. Although it has been given significant improvements in certain areas. Some people think that Windows 7 is just an improved version of Windows Vista.

Microsoft Windows 7 Features

Talking about improvements of Windows 7 over Windows Vista, this time Microsoft has made something that people would love to use. You don’t even need to upgrade your computer’s hardware to run this windows. By not upgrading your system I mean that with the same hardware specifications you can have a much faster OS.

1: Improved Performance Speed

Windows 7: Task Manager
Windows 7: Task Manager

This is the first thing you will notice when upgrading from Windows Vista to Windows 7. You will instantly witness a performance change with Windows 7. Your computer’s boot time, opening and closing of an application, and even the installation of Windows 7 is promisingly faster than Windows Vista.

2: Windows 7 Libraries

Windows 7 Libraries
Windows 7 Libraries

Microsoft has changed the way Windows Vista libraries used to look like. And in Windows 7 they have given it a new look. Everything inside libraries has been categorized into 2 different parts Personal (Private) libraries and Public libraries. Another thing that has been added to Windows libraries is that now you can add your own specified library as well. Simply open up libraries and right-click and hover to new and click on New library.

3: Windows 7 Taskbar and Start Menu

Windows 7 Taskbar and Start Menu
Windows 7 Taskbar and Start Menu

Windows 7’s taskbar has also been changed in a few different ways. The first we will notice about the new taskbar is that the black obscure taskbar from Windows Vista is gone. You now get a clear, good looking transparent taskbar with bigger icons and the large texts on open programs from the taskbar are also gone. If you have multiple tabs of the same programs open, they are now stacked up onto each other and when you hover your mouse over the specified program you will have a preview of the actual open programs.

Windows 7 preview panel
Windows 7 preview panel feature

The new Windows 7’s start menu has also seen a few changes. With the new start menu, The jump list feature has been added. You can now see a preview of most recently used files or documents and even other files. If you have a notepad or paint that has been recently used you can see the most recent document or the picture that you have painted by hovering your mouse over to the program that is on your start menu.

4: Windows 7 HomeGroup

Windows 7 Homegroup
Windows 7 Homegroup

With Windows 7, you can now create a Home network connection between your computers at home and easily share files within the computer connected to the same Homegroup or even share the same printer between all connected devices.

5:Windows Media Player 12

Windows 7: Windows Media Player
Windows 7: Windows Media Player

The new Windows Media player 12 is an upgrade over version 11. The new media player now supports most Audio and Video formats such as DivX, 3GP, MOV, and Xvi, AAC, AVCHD.

6: Bitlocker for Windows 7

Windows 7 Bit-Locker
Windows 7 Bit-Locker

Microsoft has added a BitLocker feature in Windows 7 which is a great feature for the people that security is a concern around their files. You can now set a password for every drive on your computer to make them secure. This option is also available if you want to set it on a USB flash drive. You can find Bitlocker settings by opening Control Panel, System and Security and Bitlocker Drive Encryption.

7: Windows Touch for Windows 7

Windows 7 now supports touch screen computers if you have one.

How to install Windows 7 on your computer?

The installation of Windows 7 is similar to Windows Vista. it is really simple and easy when installing this operating system.

Windows 7 Installation Process
Windows 7 Installation Process
  1. Copy the Windows 7 ISO files we have provided into a bootable USB flash drive.
  2. restart your computer and go to BIOS settings.
  3. Check for Boot settings and change the boot sequence option and instead of your CD/DVD drive select the USB that you have copied the Windows 7 installation files.
  4. Now simply save the settings and restart your computer.
  5. In this step, click on install Windows.
  6. Agree to the terms and conditions.
  7. Choose Custom installation from the next menu.
  8. Select the drive where you want Windows 7 to be installed and click install.
  9. Windows will automatically install Windows 7 on your computer and the only thing remaining is the Windows 7 setup procedure such as choosing a name for your PC, Creating user accounts, setting your date and time and a few other things.

Windows 7’s minimum systems requirements:

The followings are Windows 7’s minimum system requirements:

  • A minimum of 1GHz processor or faster is required.
  • 1GB of RAM for 32-Bit (x86) and 2GB of RAM for 64-Bit (x64).
  • DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher.
  • 16GB of Disk space for 32-Bit (x86) and 20GB of disk space for 64-Bit (x64).
  • Sound Card.

How to Download Windows 7 ISO

You can easily download Windows 7 All in one edition in this article by clicking on one of the Download buttons above. Although if you want to download each edition of Windows 7 separately, consider checking Softget’s other articles which are mentioned above as well. After you download the Windows 7 All in one edition just burn them to a DVD and boot into it and if you are using a flash drive simply enable the Flash drive to be bootable. Copy the Windows 7 ISO files into it and you’re done. The last thing is to boot into the flash drive and install Windows 7. Click here if you don’t know how to make a USB flash drive bootable.

Windows 7: Download Windows 7 ISO Files All Editions

  • Developer: Microsoft
  • License: Free Trial
  • Language: English
  • File Size: 4 GB
  • Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows 7
  • Program Class: Operating System (OS)
  • Release Date: 22 October 2009
  • Initial Release to manufacturing: 22 July 2009
  • Final Release: 22 February 2011 (SP1)
  • Predecessor: Windows Vista
  • Successor: Windows 8
Windows 7 All in One ISO file
Windows 7 All in One ISO File

Windows 7 пришла на смену Vista в конце 2009 года. Пользователям была нужна усовершенствованная система, в прошлой версии нашлись серьёзные недочёты, поэтому руководство Microsoft выпустила на рынок знаменитую «семёрку». Эта версия ОС смогла обойти Windows XP по количеству установок.

Windows 7 with SP1 U x86 x64 Russian English

Состав редакций в образах:
Начальная (Только x86)
Домашняя Базовая
Домашняя Расширенная
Профессиональная VL

Системные требования:
Процессор: 32-разрядный (x86) или 64-разрядный (x64) процессор с тактовой частотой 1 ГГц или выше.
ОЗУ: 1 ГБ (для 32-разрядного процессора) или 2 ГБ (для 64-разрядного процессора) ОЗУ.
Место на жестком диске: 16 ГБ (для 32-разрядной системы) или 20 ГБ (для 64-разрядной системы) свободного места на жестком диске.
Видеоадаптер: Графическое устройство DirectX 9 с драйвером WDDM 1.0 или более поздней версии.

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Контрольные суммы

Windows 7 Starter with Service Pack 1 (x86) — DVD (Russian)
File Name: ru_windows_7_starter_with_sp1_x86_dvd_u_678466.iso
SIZE: 2 471 983 104 byte

SHA1: 2905EDB076DEC9ECE03568BE264AAFB0F955FE08
MD5: 2611F98AA8DB48D8CC80DF33E137632F

Windows 7 Home Basic with Service Pack 1 (x86) — DVD (Russian)
File Name: ru_windows_7_home_basic_with_sp1_x86_dvd_u_676482.iso
SIZE: 2 471 983 104 byte

SHA1: 7C7446200C478814CC983A04FA8431BFDBA95F19
MD5: 6E5DF8B47B35DDC6A42917BE3E0FA410

Windows 7 Home Premium with Service Pack 1 (x86) — DVD (Russian)
File Name: ru_windows_7_home_premium_with_sp1_x86_dvd_u_676719.iso
SIZE: 2 471 983 104 byte

SHA1: 4187E9BD9D591215AC27898C0A070AD31F94A7E1
MD5: 154F53CC7425F8D7D87CF229AC93ED53

Windows 7 Home Premium with Service Pack 1 (x64) — DVD (Russian)
File Name: ru_windows_7_home_premium_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_676728.iso
SIZE: 3 229 378 560 byte

SHA1: 3F467E896FEB5EA817B14B5F9483800B36B989B8
MD5: BC6E3C7449F29A4DACFD4E0336FEE796

Windows 7 Professional with Service Pack 1 (x86) — DVD (Russian)
File Name: ru_windows_7_professional_with_sp1_x86_dvd_u_677084.iso
SIZE: 2 471 983 104 byte

SHA1: E1C39CCC6C83985C2208FC19CA7058044B682F08
MD5: 599FE111363C7FABB09BE4E26BE5FCBC

Windows 7 Professional with Service Pack 1 (x64) — DVD (Russian)
File Name: ru_windows_7_professional_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_677024.iso
SIZE: 3 229 378 560 byte

SHA1: 6AAFBBFFC12BB63894932210D5BCB69773B46C98
MD5: A230FE73E2383FDA4CF61BD7010229EB

Windows 7 Ultimate with Service Pack 1 (x86) — DVD (Russian)
File Name: ru_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x86_dvd_u_677463.iso
SIZE: 2 471 983 104 byte

SHA1: D224888CFA62847FAA3505630A206BDCD10A9930
MD5: 21A69779195F3E651A186DA1A27CFE7D

Windows 7 Ultimate with Service Pack 1 (x64) — DVD (Russian)
File Name: ru_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_677391.iso
SIZE: 3 229 378 560 byte

SHA1: 106CAF0695318AD0D82E441A54BE8460BF099B09
MD5: 10963967C12E6B58D346054F51AFF5C1

Windows 7 Professional with Service Pack 1, VL Build (x86) — DVD (Russian)
File Name: ru_windows_7_professional_with_sp1_vl_build_x86_dvd_u_677853.iso
SIZE: 2 321 018 880 byte

SHA1: 7C5A3DF6D0BC3E7B0FB7F97F9F7F389627B332B7
MD5: 5B8CF3CD5B04770CE527754348554FFB

Windows 7 Professional with Service Pack 1, VL Build (x64) — DVD (Russian)
File Name: ru_windows_7_professional_with_sp1_vl_build_x64_dvd_u_677774.iso
SIZE: 3 074 519 040 byte

SHA1: 2AEE64045D2E21439F845CC2D341A3466754DD32

Windows 7 Enterprise with Service Pack 1 (x86) — DVD (Russian)
File Name: ru_windows_7_enterprise_with_sp1_x86_dvd_u_677692.iso
SIZE: 2 320 982 016 byte

SHA1: 0FFCD21535224490583507867573B4C7CABA4B7D
MD5: 67C42A99B7F9EC502C14942B4F26306E

Windows 7 Enterprise with Service Pack 1 (x64) — DVD (Russian)
File Name: ru_windows_7_enterprise_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_677671.iso
SIZE: 3 074 111 488 byte

SHA1: 5D73A18D79AA78F85F68E98CC4ABDEBA801F9B7F

Windows Automated Installation Kit for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (x86, x64, ia64) — DVD (Russian)
SIZE: 932,476,928 byte

SHA-1: 5FDEB15191077A25A2DF87AB3852CF8A6DBF2109

Windows 7 Starter with Service Pack 1 (x86) — DVD (English)
File Name: en_windows_7_starter_with_sp1_x86_dvd_u_678562.iso
SIZE: 2 564 476 928 byte

SHA-1: e1653b111c4c6fd75b1be8f9b4c9bcbb0b39b209
MD5: c23c9cecee7e3093acfe00faab7091b5

Windows 7 Home Basic with Service Pack 1 (x86) — DVD (English)
File Name: en_windows_7_home_basic_with_sp1_x86_dvd_u_676470.iso
SIZE: 2 564 476 928 byte

SHA-1: 080ec1de94b88b0f7e8d000690a4aaaa031e2719
MD5: 706c0eb93af2fb3df98e22422c72182c

Windows 7 Home Premium with Service Pack 1 (x86) — DVD (English)
File Name: en_windows_7_home_premium_with_sp1_x86_dvd_u_676701.iso
SIZE: 2 564 476 928 byte

SHA1: 6071B4553FCF0EA53D589A846B5AE76743DD68FC
MD5: 0AFA9359C62DC7B320205D3863C60385

Windows 7 Home Premium with Service Pack 1 (x64) — DVD (English)
File Name: en_windows_7_home_premium_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_676549.iso
SIZE: 3 320 903 680 byte

SHA1: 6C9058389C1E2E5122B7C933275F963EDF1C07B9
MD5: DA319B5826162829C436306BEBEA7F0F

Windows 7 Professional with Service Pack 1 (x86) — DVD (English)
File Name: en_windows_7_professional_with_sp1_x86_dvd_u_677056.iso
SIZE: 2 564 476 928 byte

SHA-1: d89937df3a9bc2ec1a1486195fd308cd3dade928
MD5: 0bff99c8310ba12a9136e3d23606f3d4

Windows 7 Professional with Service Pack 1 (x64) — DVD (English)
File Name: en_windows_7_professional_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_676939.iso
SIZE: 3 320 903 680 byte

SHA-1: 0bcfc54019ea175b1ee51f6d2b207a3d14dd2b58
MD5: ed15956fe33c13642a6d2cb2c7aa9749

Windows 7 Ultimate with Service Pack 1 (x86) — DVD (English)
File Name: en_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x86_dvd_u_677460.iso
SIZE: 2 564 476 928 byte

SHA1: 65FCE0F445D9BF7E78E43F17E441E08C63722657
MD5: 2572274e6b0acf4ed1b502b175f2c2db

Windows 7 Ultimate with Service Pack 1 (x64) — DVD (English)
File Name: en_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_677332.iso
SIZE: 3 320 903 680 byte

SHA1: 36AE90DEFBAD9D9539E649B193AE573B77A71C83
MD5: c9f7ecb768acb82daacf5030e14b271e

Windows 7 Professional with Service Pack 1, VL Build (x86) — DVD (English)
File Name: en_windows_7_professional_with_sp1_vl_build_x86_dvd_u_677896.iso
SIZE: 2 434 566 144 byte

SHA-1: d5bd65e1b326d728f4fd146878ee0d9a3da85075
MD5: f55d3916622dd4125be6336876559690

Windows 7 Professional with Service Pack 1, VL Build (x64) — DVD (English)
File Name: en_windows_7_professional_with_sp1_vl_build_x64_dvd_u_677791.iso
SIZE: 3 183 042 560 byte

SHA-1: 708e0338d4e2f094dfeb860347c84a6ed9e91d0c
MD5: 3c394e66c208cfd641b976de10fe90b5

Windows 7 Enterprise with Service Pack 1 (x86) — DVD (English)
File Name: en_windows_7_enterprise_with_sp1_x86_dvd_u_677710.iso
SIZE: 2 434 502 656 byte

SHA1: 4E0450AC73AB6F9F755EB422990CD9C7A1F3509C
MD5: d6044be7093fb2737db63d340a1b2a03

Windows 7 Enterprise with Service Pack 1 (x64) — DVD (English)
File Name: en_windows_7_enterprise_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_677651.iso
SIZE: 3 182 604 288 byte

MD5: 6467C3875955DF4514395F0AFCAAA62A

Windows Automated Installation Kit for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (x86, x64, ia64) — DVD (English)
File Name: en_windows_automated_installation_kit_for_windows_7_and_windows_server_2008_r2_sp1_x86_x64_ia64_dvd_ 619625.iso
SIZE: 1 353 234 432 byte

SHA-1: 3b0627003ac43b93199f521a1472c8747cdafe41
MD5: 7337304bfbb025fd298f3e48821e99ce


Купить Лицензионный ключ активации в России

Windows 7 with SP1 U x86 x64 Multi/Ru На всех языках

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Если Вам нужны остальные редакции, кроме Максимальной. Откройте образ при помощи программы UltraISO, зайдите в папку sources и удалите файл ei.cfg, после этого сохраните образ. Теперь при установке Вы сможете выбрать нужную Вам редакцию Windows 7.

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Windows 7 Thin PC x86 English

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Контрольные суммы

Файл: en_windows_thin_pc_x86_697681.iso
Размер: 1.469 GB (1576980480 байт)
MD5: 434dc27b6ecd4932d300a5e756397ff5
SHA-1: cc181653c1baaf85337cda069e35d0d94f99cca9


Windows Embedded Standard 7 SP1 Evaluation x86 x64 English

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Контрольные суммы

File: en_windows_embedded_standard_7_sp1_toolkit_x86_dvd_651894.iso
MD5: C2BB68F56C35C6C5AFD94F456D985A7B
SHA-1: 06341B6BF61318E34757812DC7E5A30D3A7F46AD

File: en_windows_embedded_standard_7_sp1_runtime_x86_dvd_651894.iso
MD5: 8928DC77319CDE42985EABD9B431DE97
SHA-1: 828311930602A92278E6857AE5CF1338C021AD09

File: en_windows_embedded_standard_7_sp1_runtime_x64_dvd_651894.iso
MD5: E65A9F5B582ACC9FE504621CBA691682
SHA-1: 6F84F7A0E2315730A8F86750FC5959AEFF2AA8A8


Windows Embedded POSReady 7 SP1 Evaluation x86 x64 English

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Контрольные суммы

Windows Embedded POSReady 7 Evaluation SP1 English

File: en_windows_embedded_posready_7_eval_x64_dvd_698169.iso
MD5: 184ed32a09480e55d2fdde4ec2ad3663
SHA-1: 5376e9b8a4aeadf121f349c2134e852d0d97ce47

File: en_windows_embedded_posready_7_eval_x86_dvd_698168.iso
MD5: 4af5dda41d06ab3b6c7f331798273322
SHA-1: b3e5c4a81d989a84ddd0143b791f57cd6887bdf7

Windows Embedded POSReady 7 Language Pack SP1 English

File: en_windows_embedded_posready_7_lang_pack_x64_dvd_698178.iso
MD5: f17d77a480955253d5bffa310f4b87db
SHA-1: 0b5321e00be3a8c784fc26e0c5376276eb3f86be

File: en_windows_embedded_posready_7_lang_pack_x86_dvd_698172.iso
MD5: 353d69b3bb6fd6640bd864d431b4eaa0
SHA-1: 08f32dfc4268cf370db8d583fd65de554af39324


Windows 7 без SP1 x86 x64 Russian English

Состав редакций в образах:

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Контрольные суммы

Файл: ru_windows_7_ultimate_x64_dvd_x15-65952.iso
Размер: 2.937 GB (3153283072 байт)
MD5: 938e507de4efe2a477cc1f825d4fd222
SHA-1: 81a09a02f0084bd0f5813f494f82a8b6426aa34a
SHA-256: fd93c0fc6dab9e3b889ee6453887355ce7aa67a8ac72bb732b750166c447e982

Файл: ru_windows_7_ultimate_x86_dvd_x15-65951.iso
Размер: 2.26 GB (2426210304 байт)
MD5: 58bca52bb98fbf17295e571df2ccabbc
SHA-1: 65f13d79c4c6260b83f74c764dfdce14c2ac2634
SHA-256: 66c70eee16bff0998340e7529ad7c4af3bec7383d7a2f72b3ca19a4cb419c21a

Файл: en_windows_7_ultimate_x64_dvd_x15-65922.iso
Размер: 3.003 GB (3224686592 байт)
MD5: f43d22e4fb07bf617d573acd8785c028
SHA-1: 326327cc2ff9f05379f5058c41be6bc5e004baa7
SHA-256: 63c02e9f0b91061203ca67d71456ea0f8a8c5c90134439c707de32090251391e

Файл: en_windows_7_ultimate_x86_dvd_x15-65921.iso
Размер: 2.33 GB (2501894144 байт)
MD5: d0b8b407e8a3d4b75ee9c10147266b89
SHA-1: 5395dc4b38f7bdb1e005ff414deedfdb16dbf610
SHA-256: 2c81df16928f1e2c5be63d68f31d62dce8e5bb4dce191cfecaca05a6df2ffca9


Today we are going to share an excellent theme for Windows 7 users which will transform Windows 7 into Windows Vista.

The theme has been created for people who don’t like the new Aero theme in Windows 7. Windows 7 uses a similar Aero theme as Windows Vista but Windows 7 theme is very minimal and light in colors and there are people who want the old Vista look back in Windows 7.

So this theme will bring back Windows Vista look to Windows 7 and will make your Windows 7 look-like Windows Vista as shown in following screenshot:


Our friend “fediaFedia” @DA has created this awesome theme for Windows 7. This theme provides Windows Vista look-like UI in Windows 7.

Windows 7 looks very similar to Vista with the help of this theme. You can download this theme using following link:

Download Vista Theme for Windows 7

For more information on how to use this theme, please visit following link:

How to Use 3rd Party Themes in Windows 7?

Also check:

[Fun Tip] Enable Windows Vista Boot Screen in Windows 7

You are here: Home » Themes and Wallpapers » Transform Windows 7 into Windows Vista, Download Vista Theme for Windows 7

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