Windows 7 extended security updates windows 7 esu

Ограничения платного сервиса Windows 7 ESU легко обходятся

Компания Microsoft не планирует больше обновлять операционную систему Windows 7 для обычных пользователей, однако энтузиасты обнаружили способ продолжать получать апдейты бесплатно. 

Умельцы придумали, как продолжать получать обновления Windows 7 бесплатно

14 января компания прекратила официальную поддержку Windows 7 и настойчиво предупреждает пользователей о недостатках и опасностях такого статуса. 

Тем не менее, корпоративные пользователи могут продлить поддержку Windows 7 до января 2023 года за дополнительную плату и продолжать получать обновления безопасности в рамках программы Windows 7 ESU (Extended Security Updates, расширенные обновления безопасности). Стоит это удовольствие немало — 25 долларов за каждый компьютер в первый год, с последующим повышением цены до 50 и даже 100 долларов. 

Как оказалось, ограничения Windows 7 ESU  можно легко обойти. Решение, опубликованное в сети, позволяет любому пользователю Windows 7 продолжать получать обновления безопасности, выпускаемые Microsoft в рамках Windows 7 ESU.

Для этого предлагается вручную установить специальный патч BypassESU и тестовое ESU обновление KB4528069, которое и отвечает за проверку того, имеет ли пользователь право получать апдейты. Затем потребуется выполнить ещё несколько шагов. 

На данный момент лазейка работает, но Microsoft может закрыть её в любой момент. Конечно, пользоваться таким не одобренным Microsoft решением можно только на свой страх и риск. 

В принципе, лазейка была найдена уже в конце прошлого года, но тогда было не понятно, продолжит ли она работать с выпуском февральского обновления Windows 7 ESU. Февральское обновление вышло и решение осталось работоспособно. 

14 февраля 2020 в 07:27

| Теги: Windows, Microsoft

| Источник: Softpedia, Deskmodder

Менее чем через месяц, 14 января 2020 года, заканчивается расширенная поддержка Windows 7 SP1 (и Windows Server 2008 R2), соответственно, после этой даты Microsoft не будет выпускать обновления безопасности и исправления для этих ОС. В связи с этим Microsoft выпустила отдельные обновления, которые уведомляют пользователей Windows 7 о необходимости обновиться до более новых ОС (читай Windows 10).

Если вы используете на своем Windows 7 бесплатный антивирус Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE), он также не будет обновляться с начала 2020 года.


  • Уведомление об окончании поддержки в Windows 7 Home
  • Сообщение об снятии с поддержки Windows 7 Pro
  • Полноэкранные уведомления об окончании срока службы Windows 7
  • FAQ по программе расширенной поддержки Extended Security Updates для Windows 7
  • Обход подписки Extended Security Updates и полуение обновлений в Windows 7

Microsoft предлагает корпоративным заказчикам, которые не успели мигрировать с Windows 7 на новую ОС, приобрести платную подписку для Win 7 по программе Extended Security Update (ESU). В рамках этой программы будут выпускаться и распространятся критические обновления безопасности для снятых с поддержки продуктов. В рамках этой программы за получение обновлений для 1 устройства с Windows 7 Pro в 2020 году нужно будет заплатить 50$, 100$ в 2021 и 200$ в 2022 году.

Уведомление об окончании поддержки в Windows 7 Home

Начиная с апреля 2019 года пользователи домашних редакций Windows 7 (Home Premium) стали регулярно получать уведомление о приближающемся окончании поддержки Windows. Уведомление об окончании поддержки Windows 7 выглядело так:

After 10 years, support for Windows 7 is nearing the end.

January 14, 2020 is the last day Microsoft will offer security updates and technical support for computers running Windows 7. We know change can be difficult, that’s why we’re reaching out earlier to help you back up your file and prepare for what’s next.

обновление KB4493132 - срок действия поддержки Windows 7 SP1 заканчивается 14 января 2020 года

Можно скрыть это уведомление поставив чекбокс “Do not remind me again”. Если нажать на кнопку “Learn more”, вы перейдете на страницу с описанием процесса обновления до Windows 10 (до сих пор есть варианты бесплатного обновления до Windows 10).

Это уведомление стало появляться после установки обновления KB4493132 (это небольшое обновление, размером около 250 кб, распространялось через Windows Update и относилось к категории “Необязательное/Optional”):

2019-03 Update for Windows 7 for x64-based systems (KB4493132)

установка и скрытие необязательного обновления KB4493132

Обновление помещает файл sipnotify.exe в каталог C:\Windows\System32\ и ежедневно запускает его через Task Sheduller (taskschd.msc). Для этого в планировщике созданы два задания Notify1 и Notify2 в разделе Microsoft\Windows\End of Support.

Сообщение об снятии с поддержки Windows 7 Pro

С 15 октября аналогичное уведомление об окончании поддержи стало появляться и у владельцев Windows 7 с редакцией Professional. Уведомление начинает появляться после установки обновления KB4524752. Текст сообщения:

Поддержка Windows 7 подходит к завершению.
Примите во внимание, что после 14 января 2020 года Microsoft перестанет выпускать обновления системы безопасности и прекратит техническую поддержку Windows 7. Чтобы облегчить задачу перехода, мы рекомендуем вам создать резервные копии ваших файлов.

Поддержка windows 7 подходит к завершению


Support for Windows 7 is coming to an end.

Please note that after January 14. 2020, Microsoft will no longer provide security updates or technical support for Windows 7. We recommend backing up your files to ease the transition.

KB4524752 - окончание поддержки - уведомление в Windows 7 Pro

Обновление KB4524752 не показывает уведомление End of Support( EoF) на компьютерах с Professional и Enterprise версиями Windows 7, которые включены в домен Active Directory, в Windows Server, на устройствах, работающих в режиме киоска, на компьютерах, на которых ранее отключено уведомление о бесплатном обновлении до Windows 10 через реестр (параметр DisableOSUpgrade=1).

Вы можете скрыть уведомление об окончании поддержки Windows 7, поставив соответствующий чекбокс (при этом изменяется значение параметра DontRemindMe на 0 в ветке реестра HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SipNotify или скрыть обновление в Windows Update (в Панели Управления или через модуль PSWindowsUpdate).

  1. Бесполезно удалять обновление KB4524752, т.к. при следующем цикле поиска обновлений, оно установится с Windows Update автоматически.
  2. Администратор сервера WSUS может одобрить или отклонить обновление KB4524752 для установки на обслуживаемых компьютерах.

Если обновление KB4524752 уже установлено, вы можете запретить появление уведомления у пользователей через реестр командами:

reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\GWX" /v "DisableGWX" /t reg_dword /d 1 /f
– скрыть уведомление об окончании поддержки Windows 7 SP1

reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate" /v "DisableOSUpgrade" /t reg_dword /d 1 /f
– скрыть уведомление об обновлении до Windows 10

Полноэкранные уведомления об окончании срока службы Windows 7

В декабре 2019 Microsoft выпустило еще одно обновление для уведомления пользователей о предстоящем окончании поддержки — Windows 7 — December 10, 2019—KB4530734 (Monthly Rollup). Обновление заменяет файл %windir%\system32\EOSNotify.exe. Уведомление сделано более заметным – теперь это полноэкранное всплывающее окно. Данное уведомление будет показываться, начиная с момента окончания поддержки ОС (с 15 января 2020 года).

windows7 уведомление об окончании поддержки на весь экран

В окне уведомления указываются риски при продолжении использования Windows 7 после 14 января 2020 года.

Your Windows 7 PC is out of support
As of January 14, 2020, support for Window 7 has come to an end. Your PC is more vulnerable to viruses and malware due to:

  • No security updates
  • No software updates
  • No tech support

Microsoft strongly recommends using Windows 10 on a new PC for the latest security features and protection against malicious software.

Это окно предупреждение появляется при входе, а затем через день в 12 часов дня. Уведомление показывается заданиями с помощью задач планировщика EOSNotify и EOSNotify2 из раздела диспетчера заданий Microsoft\Windows\Setup\.

Вы можете отключить эти задания с помощью команд:

schtasks.exe /change /TN “Microsoft\Windows\Setup\EOSNotify” /Disable
schtasks.exe /change /TN “Microsoft\Windows\Setup\EOSNotify2” /Disable

Или изменив значение параметра DiscontinueEOS (тип DWORD) в ветке реестра HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\EOSNotify на 1. Это значение параметра реестра также выставляется, если вы нажали на кнопку “Don’t remind me again” в окне уведомления. Можно создать и применить такой disableEOS.reg файл:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

При нажатии на кнопку «Remind me later» уведомление появится опять через 3 дня.

FAQ по программе расширенной поддержки Extended Security Updates для Windows 7

Обновления для Windows 7 и Windows Server 2008 R2 в рамках Extended Security Updates (ESU) доступны для компаний, участвующих в программе корпоративного лицензирования (Volume Licensing), а также через программу Cloud Solution Partner (CSP). Стоимость годовой подписки на обновления безопасности в рамках программка ESU:

  • Первый год (январь 2020 – январь 2021) – 25$ за одно устройство Windows 7 Pro и 50$ за Enterprise
  • Второй год (2021-2022) — 50$ за Windows 7 Pro, 100$ за Windows 7 Enterprise
  • Третий год (2022-2023) — 100$ за Windows 7 Pro, 200$ за Windows 7 Enterprise

После приобретения подписки на программу Extended Security Updates для Windows 7, вы должны в личном кабинете на сайте лицензирования (VLSC) получить MAK ключ для Windows 7 (Licenses -> Relationship Summary -> Licensing ID -> Product Keys).

Количество активаций MAK ключа ESU зависит от количества устройств, подержки которых вы оплатили.

mak ключ для активации esu подписки для windows 7 в личном кабинете Microsoft

Полученный ESU ключ для Windows 7 нужно установить на клиенте:

slmgr /ipk <MAK ключ ESU >

Проверим статус активации:

slmgr /dlv

slmgr установка MAK ключа расширенной поддержки windows7

Обратите внимание, что тип лицензии изменился на Windows (R) 7, Client-ESU-Year1 add-on for Enterprise, Professional.

Активируйте вашу подписку ESU по значению Activation ID:

slmgr /ato <ESU Activation Id>

slmgr проверка активации ESU подписки

Используются следующие ID активации:

Windows 7 SP1:

  • 1 год — 77db037b-95c3-48d7-a3ab-a9c6d41093e0
  • 2 год — 0e00c25d-8795-4fb7-9572-3803d91b6880
  • 3 год — 4220f546-f522-46df-8202-4d07afd26454

Windows Server 2008 R2

  • 1 год — 553673ed-6ddf-419c-a153-b760283472fd
  • 2 год — 04fa0286-fa74-401e-bbe9-fbfbb158010d
  • 3 год — 16c08c85-0c8b-4009-9b2b-f1f7319e45f9

Для управления ключами ESU на клиентах удобно использовать Volume Activation Management Tool (VAMT).

Чтобы убедится, что ваши компьютеры с Windows 7 могут получать обновления в рамках программы Extended Security Updates, нужно скачать и установить обновление KB4528069 из Microsoft Update Catalog ( Это тестовое обновление можно попробовать установить в вашей среде для проверки готовности получать обновления Windows 7 по программе ESU после даты окончания расширенной поддержи.

KB4528069 тестое обнвления для проверки участия в программе ESU для Windows 7

После активации подписки ESU на клиенте вы можете использовать ранее используемую стратегию установки обновлений – Windows Update, WSUS, SCCM или любое другое средство распространения обновления.

Обход подписки Extended Security Updates и полуение обновлений в Windows 7

В Интернете уже появились инструкции, описывающие способ обойти защиту ESU и бесплатно получать обновления безопасности для Windows 7 после января 2020 (

По заявлениям автора данный bat файл позволил автоматически получить и установить тестовое обновление ESU (будет ли работать этот способ после января 2020 годе — не понятно).

Можно протестировать получение этого обновления так:

  1. Проверить или установить обновления для поддержки SHA2:KB4490628 и KB4474419;
  2. Установить последнее обновление стека: KB4531786;
  3. Установить BypassESU;
  4. Установить тестовое обновление ESU — KB

Для информации: по статистике сайта WinITPro около 22% чиателей все еще используют Windows 7 (Windows 10 – 52%). Так что в ближайшее время рекомендую задуматься о переходе с Windows 7 на Windows 10, тем более уже сейчас нельзя установить Windows 7 на компьютерах с новыми моделями процессоров.

Around this same time last year, we started receiving the ESU phone call. IT Professionals from SMBs to Enterprise levels were asking «Where can I get Windows 7 Extended Security Updates (ESU)? I need it now!» This year, the ESU phone calls have been flooding in as well with customers wondering how to continue support for Windows 7 in year two of three of ESU. While many of those customers are settled in already with ESU for 2021 safely secured, you might still be wondering if the Windows 7 ESUs are right for you and if so, what to do. So, here is everything you need to know about Windows 7 ESU: What it is, why you need it, how to get it and how to install it (plus, a few ways to jump to Windows 10).

Table of Contents

ESU for Microsoft Windows 7
Why Do I Need Windows 7 ESU in 2021?
How Long Does Windows 7 ESU Last?
Windows 7 ESU Year 2: What You Need to Know
Windows 7 ESU: Year 2 Options
How to Install and Activate Windows 7  Extended Security Updates
FAQ about Extended Security Updates for Windows 7

ESU for Microsoft Windows 7 

If you’re reading this, you probably know that Microsoft ended mainstream support for Windows 7 in January of this year. Thus, Extended Security Updates (ESU) was the answer to the question of «What do we do when mainstream support runs out?». ESU began January 14th, 2020 and will continue with an annual update for three years (until 2022). OK, so ESU is the follow-up to mainstream support and it’s continuing into 2021 but…why purchase these updates in the first place? 

Why Do I Need Windows 7 ESU in 2021?

Here’s a few reasons why you’ll want to consider ESU if you’re remaining on Windows 7:

Without the updates your business no longer receives security vulnerability updates, making you instantly at higher risk of being hacked.

Without updates, your business becomes instantly non-compliant, which, if compliance is part of your job or you are working in a regulated industry sector where you are expected to prevent avoidable cyber security incidents, you could be in a less than enviable situation.

Overall, without updates, your Windows 7 security and quality will suffer. 

But…is security that big of a deal? YES. Register below for our upcoming webinar to learn how to secure your company 👇

Christophe Koehl

How Long Does Windows 7 ESU Last?

The short answer? 3 years. How does it work? Microsoft, take it away! «Organizations can purchase ESU at any time during the three years that the offer is available (2020, 2021, and 2022). If an organization waits and purchases ESU for the first time in year two or year three, they’ll also have to pay for the preceding years.» This is because the security updates are cumulative. If you don’t have Year 1 before you tack on Year 2 in 2021, your Year 2 simply won’t work (see the next section for more details).

«Although organizations can purchase ESU at any time, they should be aware that without ESU, they won’t have received bug fixes or security updates since January 14, 2020. Additionally, Microsoft Support no longer provides any form of support for these customers,» says Microsoft. Basically, if you didn’t get ESU in January, it’s time to start 2021 off right with the updates.

New call-to-actionIf you already bought ESU in January, you might be wondering if it automatically renews? The short answer? No. Microsoft explains that «Windows 7 ESU will be made available as a separate SKU for each of the years in which it’s offered (2020, 2021, and 2022). To continue ESU coverage, customers will have to separately purchase the SKU and activate a new key for each year.» The table below highlights coverage dates for ESU SKUs:

Coverage Dates for ESU SKUs Start Date End Date
Windows 7 ESU Year 1 January 14, 2020  January 12, 2021
Windows 7 ESU Year 2 January 13, 2021 January 11, 2022
Windows 7 ESU Year 3 January 12, 2022   January 10, 2023

Windows 7 ESU Year 2: What You Need to Know

Going into Year 2 of the Windows 7 ESU program there are a few things everyone should know. As a prerequisite, you must first have the Year 1 ESU updates installed on devices you are looking to install the Year 2 updates to. Like I mentioned earlier, Windows update packages are installed on devices in a particular order. So if the Year 1 update packages are not installed on the device prior to the install attempt of Year 2, the installation will likely fail, or worse lead to the good old BSOD (or commonly known in the IT world as the Blue Screen Of Death). 😱

Microsoft has not included the Year 1 update packages in Year 2. Many assumed that the increased pricing for each year meant the prior was included, but that isn’t the case. Pricing is likely increased to offset the engineering work required to continue to support and secure an operating system that is more than 10 years old in order to meet the technical security demands of today.

It could also be said with the pricing model that Microsoft is likely incentivizing customers to make the move to upgrade to Windows 10 sooner rather than later. Microsoft has made huge commitments to making Windows 10 the most secure version of Windows ever in existence while also being easy to use and interact across Microsoft’s entire ecosystem and they want to move customers in that direction.

NOTE: Windows 7 ESU are only for devices running Windows 7 Pro NOT Windows 7 Home. If you are on Windows 7 Home, your only option is to purchase Windows 10 Pro or purchase a new device. 👉 If you already have Windows 10 Home, you can upgrade to Windows 10 Pro here.

Windows 7 ESU: Year 2 Options

Thankfully, after our Windows 7 End of Life blog post back in July 2019, Microsoft began offering options for what to do to either move from Windows 7 or maintain a secure Windows 7 until a move can be made to Windows 10. Here are all of the options you can explore if you’re running Windows 7, plus a couple of options specifically for those who did not purchase during Year 1. 

  1. Buy a new device with Windows 10 Pro
  2. Upgrade to Windows 10 Pro by purchasing Windows 10 Pro
  3. Upgrade to Windows 10 Pro by purchasing Microsoft 365 Business Premium  (formerly known as Microsoft 365 Business) 
  4. Subscribe to Windows Virtual Desktop offering 
  5. Purchase Windows 7 ESU Year 2 through Volume Licensing (Microsoft Enterprise Agreement required)
  6. Purchase Windows 7 ESU Year 2 through BEMO via the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) Program

    NOTE: If you still need to purchase Year 1 for any devices you can go to this link to get Windows 7 ESU Year 1 from BEMO 

New call-to-action

Option 1 — Buy a new device with Windows 10 Pro

This is likely the most straightforward option, especially if you have aging hardware and you’re aren’t running legacy line-of-business apps that still require Windows 7.

If you go this path, you won’t have to spend time upgrading your machine and will have a brand new PC or laptop. Make sure you are buying a computer with Windows 10 Pro, not Home or Student. Bottom line, this will cost you the price of a new PC.

Option 2 -Upgrade to Windows 10 Pro by purchasing Windows 10 Pro

This is a viable option if you expect you can get a few more years out of your hardware running Windows 7 Pro and assumes that you are not running legacy line-of-business apps that still require Windows 7. Be ready to fork over about $200 per device 💵

Option 3 — Upgrade to Windows 10 Pro by purchasing Microsoft 365 Business Premium 

If you are on Office 365 or are thinking about moving from an Office 365 plan to a Microsoft 365 plan, then subscribing to Microsoft 365 Business Premium (formerly known as Microsoft 365 Business) might be the answer. Microsoft 365 Business Premium offers great value and includes upgrade rights to Windows 10 Pro from Windows 7/8.1 Pro licenses. Two birds, one stone.

For more information on which plan is right for you, read our other blog posts: What is Microsoft 365? and Microsoft 365 vs Office 365.

Option 4 — Subscribe to Windows Virtual Desktop offering

Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) was officially launched in the fall of 2019. In a nutshell, it is something you can call «Remote Desktop as-a-Service» or Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)-as-a-Service. WVD is a great option if you are running your business on an aging RDH or VDI farm and are thinking about transforming your business with a modern approach to thin-client enabling more security and simplified device management.

When you sign up for WVD, Windows 7 ESU is included at no extra cost. How much will WVD will cost you will all depends on your situation. If you build it on your own, you will have to factor in the cost of your Azure resources and Microsoft 365 licenses along with the time and effort you put to set it up and to maintain it.

With that in mind and based on our experience with WVD, BEMO has pre-packaged 3 WVD multi-session offers. Here is a sneak preview of what it looks like:

pricing per seat/month $89 $125 $159
for… first-line & field workers
w/ web apps only
Business < 300 employees
w/ web and desktop apps
Enterprise grade with the full Microsoft security stack
with Microsoft 365 F3 Microsoft 365 Business Premium Microsoft 365 E5

Visit our site for more information or start a chat with our BEMO team in the lower right-hand corner of your screen. 

Option 5 — Purchase Windows 7 ESU through Volume Licensing

Windows 7 ESU is available via a few specific Volume Licensing programs. That is an option that is catered to businesses with a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement and is not available to most SMBs.

Option 6 — Purchase Windows 7 ESU through BEMO via the Cloud Solution Provider Program (CSP)

This is the newest way to get Windows 7 ESU and addresses the needs of customers who do not qualify for the Volume Licensing deal or are not considering any of the aforementioned options.

The process is quite straightforward. All you need to do is purchase Windows 7 ESU directly from BEMO Online Store. It costs $140 for Year 2 and is licensed per device.

If you have not purchased Windows 7 ESU Year 1 yet or if you find you’re in need of updates for an additional device, you will need to purchase Year 1 prior to purchasing Year 2. This can also be done at the BEMO Online Store. Just like Year 2, Year 1 is licensed per device at a cost of $70.

        New call-to-action          New call-to-action

Once your order has been received, we will deliver your product key and all you have left to do will be to install and activate the ESU on each of your devices as per these instructions summarized below. 

Questions? Reach out to us using the chat in the lower right-hand corner of your screen.

Mocha Chat

How to Install and Activate Windows 7  Extended Security Updates

Here are the step-by-step instruction recently updated and based on an excerpt from a great blog published originally by Poornima Priyadarshini at Microsoft (steps to install, activate, and deploy ESUs are the same for first and second-year coverage)  on how to install and activate Windows 7 ESU purchased via the CSP Program.

Installation prerequisites

As per this Microsoft publication, the following steps must be completed before installing and activating ESU keys for Windows 7.

Important note: You must restart your device after installing all the required updates and before installing any monthly roll-up, Security-only update, or Preview of Monthly Rollup

  1. You must have the SHA-2 update (KB4474419) that is dated September 23, 2019 or a later SHA-2 update installed and then restart your device before you apply this update. If you use Windows Update, the latest SHA-2 update will be offered to you automatically. For more information about SHA-2 updates, see 2019 SHA-2 Code Signing Support requirement for Windows and WSUS.
  2. For Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, you must have the servicing stack update (SSU) (KB4490628) that is dated March 12, 2019. After installing KB4490628, you must install the January 14, 2020 SSU (KB4536952) or later. For more information about the latest SSU updates, see ADV990001 | Latest Servicing Stack Updates.

Important You must restart your device after you install these required updates.

  1. Download and install the Extended Security Updates (ESU) Licensing Preparation Package. For more information, see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    • 4538483 Extended Security Updates (ESU) Licensing Preparation Package for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1

  2. Download the ESU MAK add-on key from the VLSC portal and deploy and activate the ESU MAK add-on key. If you use the Volume Activation Management Tool (VAMT) to deploy and activate keys, follow the instructions here.

Note After you successfully complete this procedure, you can continue to download the monthly updates via the usual channels of Windows Update, WSUS and Microsoft Update Catalog. You can continue to deploy the updates using your preferred update management solution.

Installation and activation

Once you have addressed the prerequisites, you’re ready to install and activate Extended Security Updates for machines connected to the internet. 

The steps to install, activate and deploy the ESUs are essentially the same for the first and second year besides that you will use the year 2 Activation key along with year 2 product key (MAK)

First, install the ESU product key using the Windows Software Licensing Management Tool.

Note: Installing the ESU product key will not replace the current OS activation method being used on the device. This is achieved by using the Activation ID to differentiate between the operating system’s activation and the ESU activation.

  1. Open an elevated Command Prompt. ‘Elevated’ means running as an administrator, for that: press the Windows key, type in «command», right-click and select «Run as administrator».
  2. Type slmgr /ipk <ESU key> and select Enter.
    (Replace «<ESU key>» with the product key that was provided to you. Do not put any bracket, or <>)
  3. If the product key installed successfully, you will see a message like the following:

    windows 7 esu price

Next, find the ESU Activation ID:

  1. In the elevated Command Prompt, type slmgr /dlv and select Enter.
  2. Note the Activation ID as you will need it in the next step.

    windows 7 esu pricing

Now, you’ll activate the ESU product key:

  1. Open an elevated Command Prompt.
  2. Type slmgr /ato <ESU Activation Id> and press Enter.
    (Replace «<ESU Activation ID>» with the ID shown in your PC. Do not put any bracket, or <>)

windows 7 esu cost

The following table outlines possible values for the <ESU Activation Id>:

ESU Program 

ESU SKU (or Activation) ID 

Windows 7 SP1 (Client)

Year 1 


Year 2


Year 3;


Once you have activated the ESU product key, you can verify the status at any time by following these steps:

  1. Open an elevated Command Prompt.
  2. Type slmgr /dlv and select Enter.
  3. Verify Licensed Status shows as Licensed for the corresponding ESU program, as shown below:

    windows 7 extended support 2021

Note: We recommend using a management tool, such as System Center Configuration Manager, to send the slmgr scripts to your enterprise devices.

Verifying your deployment on eligible Windows 7 SP1 

Windows 7 SP1: Install the optional, non-security update outlined in KB4528069. Please note that the KB4528069 update has no actual security content. This update is a test package and we subsequently recommend that you deploy it in your test environment. Install this update on your on-premises devices that are eligible for ESU.

If you are interested in learning more about Extended Security Updates, please see the following resources:

  • Announcement: Availability of ESU for purchase
  • Prepare for Windows Server 2008 end of support
  • Extended Security Updates FAQ
  • Windows 7 end of support information for enterprises
  • Windows 7 end of support FAQ

Advanced troubleshooting

1. Please run the verification instructions first and if it does not look right, please run the entire instruction set again.

2. When you run the elevated command prompt, make sure you right-clicked on the Command app and selected «run as administrator»

3. Also, it is not good enough to just run the automated windows update. Look for the install history and make sure all the needed patches were first installed successfully. Install them one at a time as needed.

4. If you are using a proxy firewall, you may need to whitelist the activation endpoints for ESU key activation to succeed. Read this

5. if you have Windows 7 Pro OEM, note that there are two separate Activation IDs, one for the OEM_SLP channel and one for the VOLUME_MAK channel, and they both have to be activated.

6. OEM licensed users: If you keep getting a product key invalid error using slmgr, try the following.

  • Change the original activated product key in the control panel under computer system information at windows activation which will help Windows to access the licensing servers.
  • Install the key and activate both OEM_SLP and VOLUME-MAK without any further steps using slmgr.

7. More troubleshooting here with cross-reference to error codes and for VAMT

Activating ESU keys via phone

To activate ESU keys via phone, use the slmgr command options — /dti and /atp. To activate ESU keys via phone, follow these steps:

  1. Open an elevated Command Prompt.
  2. Type slmgr.vbs /ipk <ESU MAK Key> and select Enter. to install the product key.
  3. Get the Installation ID for the ESU Key using the corresponding ESU Activation ID (see the table of ESU Activation IDs for each program listed earlier in the blog post). For example: 

    thumbnail image 7 of blog post titled 
							Obtaining Extended Security Updates for eligible Windows devices

  4. Once you have the Installation ID, call the Microsoft Licensing Activation Center for your region; they will walk you through the steps to get the Confirmation ID. Make a note of your Confirmation ID.
  5. Type slmgr /atp <Confirmation ID> <ESU Activation ID> to activate the ESU SKU using the Confirmation Id obtained in the above step. 

    thumbnail image 8 of blog post titled 
							Obtaining Extended Security Updates for eligible Windows devices

  6. Type slmgr /dlv <Activation ID> or slmgr /dlv all and select Enter to verify that the License Status shows as Licensed.

FAQ about Extended Security Updates for Windows 7

Read the FAQ


Well, there you have it! Everything you need to know about Windows 7 ESU from how to buy it to how to install it! I hope this has been helpful. Please let us know in the comments below. 


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Last updated on: September 19th, 2023

With the May 2020 Windows 7 updates, I went on a mission to determine the minimum set of updates needed to enable all features within Windows 7, including optional hotfixes, and to have the most up-to-date installation possible. After extensive testing, I concluded that 42 updates not offered through Windows Update would need to be installed to reach this objective. The following sections describe the updates required and provide links to each.

The base test image used for this research was 64-Bit Windows 7 Ultimate SP1. Microsoft Update was enabled, and all updates offered through Windows Update were installed prior to starting this investigation.

I highly recommend both the KUC Update Checker and WSUS Offline Update utilities. I used both during this investigation in order to get to this minimum required set.

Enabling ESU Updates

This first section holds a single update required for ESU updates further down the list. A detailed analysis on this update can be found on my Windows 7 ESU Analysis post.

KB Number Name Description Download
KB4528069 Windows 7 SP1 ESU Verification This optional update will help verify that eligible Windows 7 SP1 devices can continue to get Extended Security Updates (ESUs) after the end of support date of January 14, 2020. Windows6.1-KB4528069-x64.msu


Installing Optional Features

The next section of updates enables all optional features not available through Windows Update. The notable exception from this list is the AD LDS feature, which is discussed in more detail in the next section.

After installing the Work Folders for Windows feature (KB2891638), an update may appear as available in Windows Update (KB3081954). However, this update is not required and is replaced with Service Pack 2 (KB3125574). Once KB3125574 is installed, KB3081954 will no longer appear in Windows Update.

KB Number Name Description Download
KB917607 Windows Help 32-bit Compatibility Update WinHlp32.exe is required to display 32-bit Help files that have the “.hlp” file name extension. To view .hlp files on Windows 7, you need to install this application. Windows6.1-KB917607-x64.msu


KB943790 File Management API Extensions For BitLocker Install this update to extend the File Management APIs to not only enable the discovery and restoration of deleted files from volumes that are not encrypted but also enable the recovery of files from BitLocker encrypted volumes. Windows6.1-KB943790-x64.msu


KB958559 Windows Virtual PC Windows Virtual PC can be used to run more than one operating system at the same time on one computer, and to run many productivity applications on a virtual Windows environment, with a single click, directly from a computer running Windows 7. Windows6.1-KB958559-x64.msu


1.3.7600.16423 Windows XP Mode Windows XP Mode provides a 32-bit virtual Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (SP3) environment, which makes it easy to run many of your productivity programs that run on Windows XP on Windows 7. Windows-XP-Mode-en-us.exe
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KB958830 Remote Server Administration Tools Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 7 SP1 enables IT administrators to manage roles and features that are installed on computers that are running Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2003, from a remote computer that is running Windows 7 SP1. Windows6.1-KB958830-x64.msu
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KB969168 Microsoft Agent Microsoft Agent is a set of software services that supports interactive characters within the Microsoft Windows display. Examples of the Microsoft Agent characters are the Office Assistants. Windows6.1-KB969168-x64.msu


KB970985 Remote Administration Tools For Windows Media Services The Remote Administration Tools for Windows Media Services update for Windows 7 SP1 enables the Windows Media Services snap-in for the Microsoft Management Console. Windows6.1-KB970985-x64.msu


KB974150 Windows NTBackup Utility NTBackup is the legacy Windows backup application included in previous versions of Windows. Files can be backed up to tape, ZIP drives, floppy disks, and hard drives using a proprietary backup format (BKF). It also features integration with Task Scheduler and has several command line switches for scheduled automated backups. Windows6.1-KB974150-x64.msu


KB974405 Windows Identity Foundation The Windows Identity Foundation helps simplify user access for developers by externalizing user access from applications via claims and reducing development effort with pre-built security logic and integrated .NET tools. Windows6.1-KB974405-x64.msu


KB974674 Windows NTBackup Restore Utility The Windows NTBackup Restore Utility for Windows 7 SP1 restores backups that are made on Windows XP and on Windows Server 2003 to computers that are running Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. Windows6.1-KB974674-x64.msu


KB981390 Windows Server Update Services Best Practices Analyzer You can use the Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) update for Best Practices Analyzer to scan a server that is running WSUS. A BPA scan of WSUS can help you determine whether WSUS was properly installed and configured on your server. Scan results are displayed as a list of issues that you can sort by severity, and results include recommendations for fixing issues and links to instructions. No configuration changes are made by running the scan. Windows6.1-KB981390-x64.msu
KB981392 Application Server Best Practices Analyzer You can use the Application Server update for Best Practices Analyzer to scan a server that is running the Application Server role. BPA can help you determine whether Application Server was installed correctly on a server. Scan results are displayed as a list of issues that you can sort by severity, and results include recommendations for fixing issues and links to instructions. No configuration changes are made by running the scan. Windows6.1-KB981392-x64.msu
KB2386667 Application Server Best Practices Analyzer Rules Revision Install this update to revise the rules of the Best Practice Analyzer (BPA) for the Application Server role. Windows6.1-KB2386667-x64.msu
KB2666914 DirectAccess Connectivity Assistant 2.0 The Microsoft DirectAccess Connectivity Assistant (DCA) version 2.0 is used by DirectAccess client computers running Windows 7, to connect to Windows Server 2012 servers running DirectAccess. Windows6.1-KB2666914-x64.msu


KB2790621 Windows Server Essentials Connector Windows Server Essentials Connector is software that helps you connect your PC or Mac client to Windows Server 2012 R2 with the Windows Server Essentials Experience server role enabled. It also enables and manages key client-side functionality of Windows Server Essentials Experience. Windows6.1-KB2790621-x64.msu


KB2891638 Work Folders For Windows Work Folders is a place to store your work files so that you can open them from all computers and devices, even when you are offline. Windows6.1-KB2891638-x64.msu


KB2959936 Embedded Lockdown Manager Feature Set Update Embedded Lockdown Manager uses Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) providers to detect and change configuration settings and can export the settings to PowerShell scripts. Windows6.1-KB2959936-x64.msu


KB2990999 Internet Explorer 11 Web Driver Tool The IE WebDriver Tool enables developers to create automated tests that simulate users interacting with webpages and report back results in Internet Explorer 11. It can also manage testing across multiple windows, tabs, and webpages in a single session. Windows6.1-KB2990999-x64.msu


KB3191566 Windows Management Framework 5.1 Windows Management Framework 5.1 includes updates to Windows PowerShell, Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC), Windows Remote Management (WinRM), and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). Windows6.1-KB3191566-x64.msu


The next table describes the updates required to enable and patch AD LDS.

There is an issue if the AD LDS feature is installed after Windows 7 SP1. If this situation occurs, updates included within the Convenience Rollup (SP2) do not apply correctly. Therefore, these updates need to be installed manually to fully update the feature. More details can be found here.

There are a dozen different updates related to AD LDS on Windows 7 SP1. However, after careful analysis, only half of them have components not replaced by other updates. These unnecessary updates related to AD LDS are: KB2898997, KB2922852, KB3042816, KB3160352 , KB3184471, and KB3198591. The required updates are listed in the table below.

After installing the first AD LDS Update (KB975541), an update may appear as available in Windows Update (KB2853587). However, this update is not required and is replaced with KB3012660. Once KB3012660 is installed, KB2853587 will no longer appear in Windows Update.

After installing the first AD LDS Update (KB975541), another update may appear as available in Windows Update (KB3184471). However, this update is not required and is replaced with the latest ESU Windows 7 Cumulative Update. Once that is installed, KB3184471 will no longer appear in Windows Update.

KB Number Name Description Download
KB975541 AD LDS Feature Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS) provides directory services for directory-enabled applications. Windows6.1-KB975541-x64.msu


KB2462137 AD MMC & ADAC Country Update The Active Directory Users and Computers MMC snap-in and Active Directory Administrative Center display Serbia and Montenegro as one country instead of as two countries in Windows 7 SP1. Windows6.1-KB2462137-v2-x64.msu


KB2539513 Repadmin Indefinate Query The repadmin command keeps running when you try to look up the users who have their passwords stored on the RODC. Windows6.1-KB2539513-x64.msu


KB2589154 AD MMC RODC Update Active Directory Users and Computers MMC snap-in crashes when you try to remove an RODC in Windows 7 SP1. Windows6.1-KB2589154-x64.msu


KB2647644 AD Certificate Use Issuer Update You cannot clear the “Use Issuer for alternate security identity” check box in Windows 7 SP1. Windows6.1-KB2647644-v2-x64.msu


KB2790338 AD FS Update Rollup 3 Update Rollup 3 for Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) 2.0. Windows6.1-KB2790338-v2-x64.msu
KB3012660 Unable to install Security Update KB2853587 “The update is not applicable to your computer” error when you install update 2853587 in Windows 7 SP1 with AD LDS. Windows6.1-KB3012660-x64.msu


Installing the Convenience Rollup (SP2) and running the System Update Readiness Tool

There are two large updates that can be applied next. The first is the Windows 7 Convenience Rollup, which is also considered SP2 for Windows 7 and includes a collection of hotfixes and updates. The second update is the System Update Readiness Tool. This update will not show as installed, so this is included to be executed once (verifying SP2 installation integrity).

After installing Service Pack 2 (KB3125574), an update may appear as available in Windows Update (KB4539601). However, this update is not required and is replaced with the latest ESU Windows 7 Cumulative Update. Once that is installed, KB4539601 will no longer appear in Windows Update.

KB Number Name Description Download
KB3125574 Service Pack 2 This rollup package includes most updates that were released after the release of SP1 for Windows 7, through April 2016, intended to make it easy to integrate these fixes. Windows6.1-KB3125574-v4-x64.msu
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KB947821 System Update Readiness Tool This tool fixes inconsistencies found in the Windows servicing store which may prevent the successful installation of future updates, service packs, and software. Windows6.1-KB947821-v34-x64.msu
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Optional Software Updates

There are seven Windows 7 optional software updates that do not require an ESU license to install.

Version Name Description Download Attack Surface Analyzer Attack Surface Analyzer takes a snapshot of your system state before and after the installation of product(s) and displays the changes to a number of key elements of the Windows attack surface. Attack-Surface-Analyzer-x64.msi


5.52 Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit The Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) helps raise the bar against attackers gaining access to computer systems. EMET anticipates the most common actions and techniques adversaries might use in compromising a computer, and helps protect by diverting, terminating, blocking, and invalidating those actions and techniques. EMET helps protect your computer systems even before new and undiscovered threats are formally addressed by security updates and antimalware software. EMET benefits enterprises and all computer users by helping to protect against security threats and breaches that can disrupt businesses and daily lives. EMET-Setup.msi Enterprise Mode Internet Explorer Site List Manager This tool lets IT Professionals create and update the Enterprise Mode Site List in the version 2.0 (v.2) XML schema. The Enterprise Mode schema has been updated to v.2 to be easier to read and to provide a better foundation for future capabilities. EM-IE-Site-List-Manager.msi Windows Journal Windows Journal has been removed from certain versions of the Windows Operating System. This update allows users to install Windows Journal on versions of Windows where it has been removed. Journal-en-us-x64.msi


2.3.2208 Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer The Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer provides a streamlined method to identify missing security updates and common security misconfigurations. MBSA-Setup-x64-EN.msi


6.3.9723.0 Microsoft Camera Codec Pack The Microsoft Camera Codec Pack enables the viewing of a variety of device-specific file formats in Windows Live Photo Gallery as well as other software that is based in Windows Imaging Codecs (WIC). Installing this package will allow supported RAW camera files to be viewable in Windows Explorer. Microsoft-Camera-Codec-Pack-x64.msi


10.0.7063.0 Utilities and SDK for Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications Utilities and SDK for Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications (SUA) includes the following base utilities, software development kits (SDKs), and shells for use with Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications: Base subsystem commands and utilities, SVR-5 commands and utilities, Base subsystem SDK, GNU SDK, GNU commands and utilities, SCO commands and utilities, UNIX-based Perl, Microsoft Visual Studio® Debugger Extension for debugging POSIX applications, Korn and C shells, and Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications HTML Help files (*.chm). This release allows you to develop x64-based applications by using SUA, and develop and port custom UNIX-based applications to Windows by using the Windows OCI (Oracle Call Interface) and Windows ODBC libraries. Utilities-and-SDK-for-Subsystem-for-UNIX-based-Applications-AMD64.exe
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Non-ESU SP2 Hotfixes

There are six hotfixes available to update components after Service Pack 2 has been installed. These do not require an ESU license to install.

KB Number Name Description Download
KB2818604 AMD Microcode Update A microcode update is available for Windows 7-based computers that use AMD processors. Windows6.1-KB2818604-x64.msu


KB3046480 .NET Framework 1.1 Migration Check This update enables the system to determine whether to migrate the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 to a later version of Windows when you upgrade from Windows 7 to a later version of Windows. This determination is based on the usage of the .NET Framework 1.1. Windows6.1-KB3046480-x64.msu


KB3064209 Intel Microcode Update June 2015 Intel CPU microcode update for Windows. Windows6.1-KB3064209-x64.msu


KB4072650 Hyper-V Integration Components Update This update installs the latest integrated components for Windows 7 Guest Virtual Machines (VMs) that are running on a Windows 10-based or Windows Server 2016-based host, or a Windows Server 2012 R2-based host.

KB4524752 Windows 7 SP1 Support Notification After 10 years of servicing, January 14, 2020 is the last day Microsoft will offer security updates for computers that run Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1). This update enables reminders about Windows 7 end of support. Windows6.1-KB4524752-x64.msu


KB4578847 Update for Application and Device Compatibility Adds functionality for evaluating the compatibility status of the Windows ecosystem to help ensure application and device compatibility for all updates to Windows. Windows6.1-KB4578847-x64.msu


ESU Updates

This section describes the latest ESU updates available for Windows 7. All of these updates are cumulative containing fixes from all previous versions of the updates. An ESU license is required to install these updates, and only the latest one needs to be installed.

KB Number Name Description Download
KB5028264 July 2023 Servicing Stack Update This update makes quality improvements to the servicing stack, which is the component that installs Windows updates. Servicing stack updates (SSU) makes sure that you have a robust and reliable servicing stack so that your devices can receive and install Microsoft updates. Windows6.1-KB5028264-x64.msu


KB5030265* September 2023 Windows 7 Cumulative Update Security and Quality Rollup for Windows 7 SP1. Windows6.1-KB5030265-x64.msu
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KB5029938 September 2023 .NET Framework 3.5.1 Update Security and Quality Rollup for .NET Framework 3.5.1 for Windows 7 SP1. Windows6.1-KB5029938-x64.msu


KB5029929 September 2023 .NET Framework 4.8 Update Security and Quality Rollup for .NET Framework 4.8 for Windows 7 SP1. ndp48-KB5029929-x64.exe


* Note: a new ESU package has been integrated into this update. For details please see this post: Windows 7 ESU Analysis Updates.

Root Certificate Updates

Finally, the latest Microsoft Root Certificates need to be installed into the Local Computer Trusted Root Authority Certificate Store. A batch file to automatically install all certificates and revocation lists can be found here: Import.cmd

Date Type Download
2018-08-02 Certificate MicRooCerAut2011_2011_03_22.crt
2018-08-02 Certificate Microsoft ECC Product Root Certificate Authority 2018.crt
2018-08-02 Certificate Microsoft ECC TS Root Certificate Authority 2018.crt
2018-08-02 Certificate Microsoft Time Stamp Root Certificate Authority 2014.crt
2020-01-22 Certificate Microsoft ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crt
2020-01-22 Certificate Microsoft EV ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crt
2020-01-22 Certificate Microsoft RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crt
2020-01-22 Certificate Microsoft EV RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crt
2023-07-20 Revocation List MicRooCerAut_2010-06-23.crl
2023-07-28 Revocation List Microsoft ECC Product Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl
2023-07-28 Revocation List Microsoft ECC TS Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl
2023-07-31 Revocation List Microsoft RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl
2023-08-07 Revocation List Microsoft EV ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl
2023-08-07 Revocation List Microsoft EV RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl
2023-08-21 Revocation List Microsoft Time Stamp Root Certificate Authority 2014.crl
2023-09-12 Revocation List Microsoft ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl


Once these updates are installed on top of an up-to-date Windows 7 SP1 installation, the OS has been completely updated with hotfixes and optional features. All of these updates can be found on this GitHub repository: Windows 7 Patching.

The goal is to keep this list updated as changes are introduced. Please reach out to me via Twitter or GitHub if there is an update that is missing, if there is an update in this list that you feel may not be needed, or if there are any other questions or feedback.

Update 2020-05-25

  • Internet Explorer 11 Cumulative Update (KB4556798) is included with the generic Windows 7 Monthly Update. Therefore, this update is no longer required.

Update 2020-05-26

  • Added information about unnecessary updates showing up in Windows Update (KB2853587, KB3081954, KB3184471, KB4539601) and which updates replace them.
  • Removed link to IE 11 Cumulative Update.

Update 2020-06-10

  • Replaced May 2020 Servicing Stack Update (KB4555449) with June 2020 Servicing Stack Update (KB4562030).
  • Replaced May 2020 Monthly Update (KB4556836) with June 2020 Monthly Update (KB4561643).
  • Updated MicRooCerAut_2010-06-23.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft Time Stamp Root Certificate Authority 2014.crl.
  • Sorted Certificates By Date

Update 2020-07-15

  • Replaced June 2020 Servicing Stack Update (KB4562030) with July 2020 Servicing Stack Update (KB4565354).
  • Replaced May 2020 .NET Framework 3.5.1 Update (KB4552940) with July 2020 .NET Framework 3.5.1 Update (KB4565612).
  • Replaced June 2020 Monthly Update (KB4561643) with July 2020 Monthly Update (KB4565524).
  • Replaced May 2020 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB4552921) with July 2020 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB4565636).
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Product Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft ECC TS Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.

Update 2020-08-11

  • Replaced July 2020 Servicing Stack Update (KB4565354) with August 2020 Servicing Stack Update (KB4570673).
  • Replaced July 2020 .NET Framework 3.5.1 Update (KB4565612 v1 & v2) with August 2020 .NET Framework 3.5.1 Update (KB4569767).
  • Replaced July 2020 Monthly Update (KB4565524) with August 2020 Monthly Update (KB4571729).
  • Replaced July 2020 .NET Framework 4.8 Updates (KB4565636 v1 & v2) with August 2020 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB4569754).
  • Removed May 2020 ESU Preparation Package (KB4538483) and July 2020 ESU Preparation Package (KB4575903). This has been replaced with the August 2020 Monthly Update (KB4571729).

Update 2020-09-14

  • Replaced August 2020 Monthly Update (KB4571729) with September 2020 Monthly Update (KB4577051).
  • Replaced August 2020 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB4569754) with September 2020 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB4576487).
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Product Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft ECC TS Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft Time Stamp Root Certificate Authority 2014.crl.
  • Updated MicRooCerAut_2010-06-23.crl.

Update 2020-10-17

  • Replaced August 2020 Servicing Stack Update (KB4570673) with October 2020 Servicing Stack Update (KB4580970).
  • Replaced September 2020 Monthly Update (KB4577051) with October 2020 Monthly Update (KB4580345).
  • Replaced August 2020 .NET Framework 3.5.1 Update (KB4569767) with October 2020 .NET Framework 3.5.1 Update (KB4578952).
  • Replaced September 2020 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB4576487) with October 2020 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB4578977).
  • Changed the order of ESU updates (Monthly Update needs to be installed prior to installing .NET Framework 3.5.1 Update).

Update 2020-10-22

  • Updated the description for KB970985 — Thanks FrankLesniak!

Update 2020-11-22

  • Replaced October 2020 Monthly Update (KB4580345) with November 2020 Monthly Update (KB4586827).
  • Replaced October 2020 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB4578977) with November 2020 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB4585205).
  • Updated MicRooCerAut_2010-06-23.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Product Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft ECC TS Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft Time Stamp Root Certificate Authority 2014.crl

Update 2020-12-15

  • Replaced October 2020 Servicing Stack Update (KB4580970) with December 2020 Servicing Stack Update (KB4592510).
  • Replaced November 2020 Monthly Update (KB4586827) with December 2020 Monthly Update (KB4592471).
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.

Update 2021-01-17

  • Replaced December 2020 Monthly Update (KB4592471) with January 2021 Monthly Update (KB4598279).
  • Replaced December 2020 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB4585205) with January 2021 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB4597254).

Update 2021-02-17

  • Replaced January 2021 Monthly Update (KB4598279) with February 2021 Monthly Update (KB4601347).
  • Replaced January 2021 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB4597254) with February 2021 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB4600944).
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Product Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft ECC TS Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft Time Stamp Root Certificate Authority 2014.crl.
  • Updated MicRooCerAut_2010-06-23.crl.

Update 2021-04-04

  • Replaced February 2021 Monthly Update (KB4601347) with March 2021 Monthly Update (KB5000841).
  • Replaced February 2021 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB4600944) with March 2021 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB4600944-v2).

Update 2021-04-15

  • Replaced March 2021 Monthly Update (KB5000841) with April 2021 Monthly Update (KB5001335).
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Product Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft ECC TS Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft Time Stamp Root Certificate Authority 2014.crl.
  • Updated MicRooCerAut_2010-06-23.crl.
  • Excluded Graphical Update (KB4601275) — included in April 2021 Monthly Update (KB5001335).
  • Excluded DST Update (KB5001639) — included in April 2021 Monthly Update (KB5001335).

Update 2021-05-13

  • Replaced April 2021 Monthly Update (KB5001335) with May 2021 Monthly Update (KB5003233).
  • Replaced March 2021 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB4600944-v2) with May 2021 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5001843).
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.

Update 2021-06-13

  • Replaced May 2021 Monthly Update (KB5003233) with June 2021 Monthly Update (KB5003667).
  • Replaced May 2021 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5001843) with June 2021 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5003543).

Update 2021-07-14

  • Replaced December 2020 Servicing Stack Update (KB4592510) with July 2021 Servicing Stack Update (KB5004378).
  • Replaced June 2021 Monthly Update (KB5003667) with July 2021 Monthly Update (KB5004289).
  • Replaced June 2021 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5003543) with July 2021 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5004116).
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Product Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft ECC TS Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft Time Stamp Root Certificate Authority 2014.crl.
  • Updated MicRooCerAut_2010-06-23.crl.

Update 2021-08-11

  • Added 32-bit Updates
  • Replaced July 2021 Monthly Update (KB5004289) with August 2021 Monthly Update (KB5005088).
  • Replaced July 2021 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5004116) with August 2021 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5004755).
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.

Update 2021-09-25

  • Updated GitHub links.
  • Added Windows XP Mode — (32-bit / 64-bit).
  • Added KB981390 — (64-bit).
  • Added KB981392 — (64-bit).
  • Added KB2386667 — (64-bit).
  • Added KB2790338 — (64-bit).
  • Added Optional Software Updates Section.
  • Added Attack Surface Analyzer (32-bit / 64-bit).
  • Added Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (32-bit / 64-bit).
  • Added Enterprise Mode Internet Explorer Site List Manager (32-bit / 64-bit).
  • Added Windows Journal (32-bit / 64-bit).
  • Added Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (32-bit / 64-bit).
  • Added Microsoft Camera Codec Pack (32-bit / 64-bit).
  • Added Utilities and SDK for Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications (32-bit / 64-bit).
  • Removed KB3161102 (Windows Journal Removal).
  • Removed KB4016754 (Media Transfer Protocol Driver Update).
  • Added KB4524752 — (32-bit / 64-bit).
  • Added KB4578847 — (32-bit / 64-bit).
  • Replaced August 2021 Monthly Update (KB5005088) with September 2021 Monthly Update (KB5005633).
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Product Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft ECC TS Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft Time Stamp Root Certificate Authority 2014.crl.
  • Updated MicRooCerAut_2010-06-23.crl.

Update 2021-10-22

  • Replaced July 2021 Servicing Stack Update (KB5004378) with October 2021 Servicing Stack Update (KB5006749).
  • Replaced September 2021 Monthly Update (KB5005633) with October 2021 Monthly Update (KB5006743).
  • Replaced August 2021 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5004755) with October 2021 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5006060).
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.

Update 2021-11-18

  • Replaced October 2021 Monthly Update (KB5006743) with November 2021 Monthly Update (KB5007236).
  • Replaced October 2021 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5006060) with November 2021 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5007149).
  • Updated Microsoft RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.

Update 2021-12-24

  • Replaced November 2021 Monthly Update (KB5007236) with December 2021 Monthly Update (KB5008244).
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Product Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft ECC TS Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft Time Stamp Root Certificate Authority 2014.crl.
  • Updated MicRooCerAut_2010-06-23.crl.

Update 2022-01-16

  • Replaced December 2021 Monthly Update (KB5008244) with January 2022 Monthly Update (KB5009610).
  • Replaced October 2020 .NET Framework 3.5.1 Update (KB4578952) with January 2022 .NET Framework 3.5.1 Update (KB5008867).
  • Replaced November 2021 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5007149) with January 2022 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5008858).
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.

Update 2022-02-20

  • Replaced October 2021 Servicing Stack Update (KB5006749) with February 2022 Servicing Stack Update (KB5010451).
  • Replaced January 2022 Monthly Update (KB5009610) with February 2022 Monthly Update (KB5010404).
  • Replaced January 2022 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5008858) with February 2022 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5010457).
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Product Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft ECC TS Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated MicRooCerAut_2010-06-23.crl.

Update 2022-03-23

  • Replaced February 2022 Servicing Stack Update (KB5010451) with March 2022 Servicing Stack Update (KB5011649).
  • Replaced February 2022 Monthly Update (KB5010404) with March 2022 Monthly Update (KB5011552).
  • Updated Microsoft EV ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft Time Stamp Root Certificate Authority 2014.crl.

Update 2022-04-20

  • Replaced March 2022 Monthly Update (KB5011552) with April 2022 Monthly Update (KB5012626).
  • Replaced February 2022 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5010457) with April 2022 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5012125).
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated MicRooCerAut_2010-06-23.crl.

Update 2022-05-23

  • Replaced April 2022 Monthly Update (KB5012626) with May 2022 Monthly Update (KB5014012).
  • Replaced January 2022 .NET Framework 3.5.1 Update (KB5008867) with May 2022 .NET Framework 3.5.1 Update (KB5013637).
  • Replaced April 2022 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5012125) with May 2022 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5013632).
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Product Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft ECC TS Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft Time Stamp Root Certificate Authority 2014.crl.

Update 2022-06-19

  • Replaced May 2022 Monthly Update (KB5014012) with June 2022 Monthly Update (KB5014748).
  • Replaced May 2022 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5013632) with June 2022 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5014631).
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.

Update 2022-07-18

  • Replaced March 2022 Servicing Stack Update (KB5011649) with July 2022 Servicing Stack Update (KB5016057).
  • Replaced June 2022 Monthly Update (KB5014748) with July 2022 Monthly Update (KB5015861).
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Product Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft ECC TS Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated MicRooCerAut_2010-06-23.crl.

Update 2022-08-22

  • Replaced July 2022 Monthly Update (KB5015861) with August 2022 Monthly Update (KB5016676).
  • Replaced June 2022 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5014631) with August 2022 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5016367).
  • Updated Microsoft EV ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft Time Stamp Root Certificate Authority 2014.crl.

Update 2022-09-26

  • Replaced July 2022 Servicing Stack Update (KB5016057) with September 2022 Servicing Stack Update (KB5017397).
  • Replaced August 2022 Monthly Update (KB5016676) with September 2022 Monthly Update (KB5017361).
  • Replaced August 2022 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5016367) with September 2022 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5017036).
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.

Update 2022-10-26

  • Replaced September 2022 Monthly Update (KB5017361) with October 2022 Monthly Update (KB5018454).
  • Replaced September 2022 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5017036) with October 2022 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5018516).
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Product Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft ECC TS Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated MicRooCerAut_2010-06-23.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft Time Stamp Root Certificate Authority 2014.crl.

Update 2022-11-27

  • Replaced October 2022 Monthly Update (KB5018454) with November 2022 Monthly Update (KB5020000).
  • Replaced October 2022 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5018516) with November 2022 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5020621).
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.

Update 2023-01-02

  • Replaced November 2022 Monthly Update (KB5020000) with December 2022 Monthly Update (KB5021291).
  • Replaced May 2022 .NET Framework 3.5.1 Update (KB5013637) with December 2022 .NET Framework 3.5.1 Update (KB5020861).
  • Replaced November 2022 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5020621) with December 2022 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5020879).
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Product Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft ECC TS Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated MicRooCerAut_2010-06-23.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft Time Stamp Root Certificate Authority 2014.crl.

Update 2023-01-12

  • Replaced December 2022 Monthly Update (KB5021291) with January 2023 Monthly Update (KB5022338).

Update 2023-02-25

  • Replaced January 2023 Monthly Update (KB5022338) with February 2023 Monthly Update (KB5022872).
  • Replaced December 2022 .NET Framework 3.5.1 Update (KB5020861) with February 2023 .NET Framework 3.5.1 Update (KB5022523).
  • Replaced December 2022 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5020879) with February 2023 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5022509).
  • Added Supplemental February 2022 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5023823).
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated MicRooCerAut_2010-06-23.crl.

Update 2023-03-21

  • Replaced February 2023 Monthly Update (KB5022872) with March 2023 Monthly Update (KB5023769).
  • Updated Microsoft RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Product Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft ECC TS Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft Time Stamp Root Certificate Authority 2014.crl.

Update 2023-04-12

  • Replaced March 2023 Monthly Update (KB5023769) with April 2023 Monthly Update (KB5025279).
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.

Update 2023-05-12

  • Replaced April 2023 Monthly Update (KB5025279) with May 2023 Monthly Update (KB5026413).
  • Updated MicRooCerAut_2010-06-23.crl.

Update 2023-06-25

  • Replaced May 2023 Monthly Update (KB5026413) with June 2023 Monthly Update (KB5027275).
  • Replaced February 2023 .NET Framework 3.5.1 Update (KB5022523) with June 2023 .NET Framework 3.5.1 Update (KB5027140).
  • Replaced February 2023 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5022509) with June 2023 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5027129).
  • Updated Microsoft RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Product Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft ECC TS Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft Time Stamp Root Certificate Authority 2014.crl.

Update 2023-07-22

  • Replaced September 2022 Servicing Stack Update (KB5017397) with July 2023 Servicing Stack Update (KB5028264).
  • Replaced June 2023 Monthly Update (KB5027275) with July 2023 Monthly Update (KB5028240).
  • Replaced June 2023 .NET Framework 3.5.1 Update (KB5027140) with July 2023 .NET Framework 3.5.1 Update (KB5028871).
  • Replaced June 2023 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5027129) with July 2023 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5028860).
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.

Update 2023-08-21

  • Replaced July 2023 Monthly Update (KB5028240) with August 2023 Monthly Update (KB5029296).
  • Replaced July 2023 .NET Framework 3.5.1 Update (KB5028871) with August 2023 .NET Framework 3.5.1 Update (KB5028969).
  • Replaced July 2023 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5028860) with August 2023 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5028958).
  • Updated MicRooCerAut_2010-06-23.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Product Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft ECC TS Root Certificate Authority 2018.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft EV RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.
  • Updated Microsoft Time Stamp Root Certificate Authority 2014.crl.

Update 2023-09-19

  • Replaced August 2023 Monthly Update (KB5029296) with September 2023 Monthly Update (KB5030265).
  • Replaced August 2023 .NET Framework 3.5.1 Update (KB5028969) with September 2023 .NET Framework 3.5.1 Update (KB5029938).
  • Replaced August 2023 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5028958) with September 2023 .NET Framework 4.8 Update (KB5029929).
  • Updated Microsoft ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017.crl.

As of 14th January 2020, Microsoft no longer supports Windows 7 with routine security updates and will not patch or resolve breaches as part of their service. This means that if you continue using Windows 7, your data and your business are now at risk!

We understand that that there’ll be many of you who either don’t have the option to upgrade to Windows 10 or, quite simple, just don’t want to. This could be for a variety of reasons including…

  • You may be concerned about compatibility issues with a piece of legacy equipment or software you use within your business. If you find yourself in this position, we are here to help.
  • You may be particularly comfortable with Windows 7 and don’t want to learn how to use a new system.

Either way, if you or your business own legitimate Windows 7 Enterprise and Windows 7 Professional Licenses, all is not lost! Thankfully, Microsoft have released something called Windows 7 ESU Licenses, or ‘Extended Security Updates’ that will help keep your Windows 7 systems secure and up to date for the next three years.

As a certified Microsoft Partner, we can help you purchase ESU if you want to remain on Windows 7. But if you’re still a bit confused, we’ve put together a handy FAQ to answer any questions you may have…

What are Microsoft Windows 7 Extended Security Updates?

Windows 7 ESU are security updates for ‘critical and important’ security issues that have been highlighted by the Microsoft Security Response Centre (MSRC). When you purchase Windows Extended Security Update Licenses, you are given a “multiple activation key” (MAK) that will work with a Key Management Service (KMS). This key is used to update the Windows 7 Licence and continue security patches. A Windows 7 ESU Licence does not include bug fixes, system updates or assistance from Microsoft Support.

These updates are available for a maximum of three years after 14th January 2020. If you have not purchased ESU after the deadline and continue using Windows 7, your computer will be at risk of security breaches.

Am I eligible for a Windows 7 Extended Security Update Licence?

ESU are available for users who have a legitimate Windows 7 Professional or Windows 7 Enterprise. Additionally, users who have Windows 7 for Education (EDU) can also purchase Windows 7 ESU.

Are Windows 7 ESU available now?

Yes, ESU has been available to purchase since 1stApril 2019 in the Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC) and since 2nd December 2019 from Cloud Solution Providers (CSPs).

Is there a deadline to purchase ESU for Windows 7?

You will be able to purchase ESU at any time within three years beyond the 14th January 2020 deadline. It is advised to purchase these as soon as possible as these updates are considered cumulative, meaning that if you purchase ESU in the second or third year, you will be paying for preceding years as well.

How do I buy Windows 7 ESU Licenses?

That’s easy. Just get in touch and a member of our team will be happy to help. As a certified Microsoft Partner, ESU are available through E2E. No matter what size your organisation is, we are here to help keep your business safe from risk.

How often will I have to renew my Windows 7 ESU?

Once you’ve purchased a Windows 7 ESU Licence, you will have to renew it annually. At E2E, we can help you plan for these renewals and keep you updated with any changes you should be aware of.

Get Windows 7 ESU today

It’s important to remember that a Windows 7 Extended Security Update License provides important patches and fixes but is not an alternative to the Windows 10 OS.

At E2E we’re here to help. If you have any further questions or would like to purchase Windows 7 ESU today, give us a call or get in touch via our contact page and a member of our team will be happy to help.

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