Windows 7 drivers windows 7 x86

Table of Contents

Windows 7 Drivers Pack x32 x64:

This software is a comprehensive package of drivers for all devices on your PC. It will detect your hardware and recommend compatible drivers. It includes all of the following devices: motherboard, sound card, video card, network card, controller, web camera, input device, printer, scanner, and more. This package is free to download and install on your computer. It will also detect and install all of the latest updates for the hardware in your computer. Download now the latest Windows 7 Drivers Pack x32 x64 for free.

Install the Wide range of Drivers using Windows 7 Drivers Pack x32 x64:

The DriverPack solution contains a wide range of drivers for all PC and laptop manufacturers. The search engine does not require a global connection and will look for free drivers for any component of your computer. Unlike other programs, this utility also offers custom diagnostics and backup functions. It is a must-have application for Windows users who have multiple computers and need to upgrade the hardware on every PC in their home.

Offline Software Windows 7 Drivers Pack x32 x64:

The Windows 7 Drivers Pack x32 x64 offline software is a free download for all Windows PC systems. This updated driver package is designed to resolve any hardware issues you may have and make your computer run faster. It can also repair a broken video card and replace outdated graphics drivers on your system. It is available in 45 languages, and it has a restore point feature. The program is compatible with both Windows 7 and 64-bit versions of Windows.

Comprehensive Package of drivers for PC:

The Windows 7 Drivers Pack is a comprehensive package of drivers for your PC. It is a free download that allows you to easily find and install any hardware driver. This software is easy to use and can perform disk defragmentation, complete system cleanup, and more. You can find it on the website of the manufacturer of your video card. All in all, this program is worth the time and effort.

Select and install the drivers using DriverPack Solution 2022:

The Windows 7 Drivers Pack enables you to select and install drivers for your PC. The free version is an essential addition to your PC. It is a great choice for those who use more than one computer. However, it is not recommended for users with multiple computers. Although it’s free, it may still be worth considering. There are many advantages to this software. It’s safe, effective, and updated.

The latest version is compatible with Windows 10:

Its latest version is compatible with Windows 10. It supports both 32- and 64-bit PCs and is free for personal and commercial use. You can use the Windows 7 Drivers Pack x32 & x64 Free Download today to install the latest drivers on your PC. You can also find the latest driver updates for your computer on the website of the manufacturer. It is recommended for those who own multiple computers.

Driverpack Offline for Windows 7 x32 x64:

If you have an older version of Windows 7, it may be a good idea to update the drivers with the latest versions. The drivers are critical for your PC to function properly. Moreover, if you want to download Windows 7 drivers for free, you must first install the service pack x32 x64. Once you have installed the software, you can install it. It is very easy to install. Its installer is compatible with the most popular hardware.

Keep up to date your PC Windows:

It is essential to have an updated version of your drivers if you’re running a PC with an older version of Windows. Besides, this software can help you detect outdated drivers on your computer. In addition, it is compatible with all kinds of PCs, so you won’t have to worry about compatibility issues. If your computer is not compatible with the latest drivers, you can download the newest drivers with this software.

Regular Driver updates for Windows:

The latest version of this software is free and provides comprehensive information about the drivers available on your PC. The program comes with a freeware version of certified Windows drivers. The paid version offers more features. It is important to note that this is a trial version. It is a freeware product. While the free version is a good option, it requires a license. So, you might want to purchase a full version of the software if you really want to get the most out of it.

Драйвера для Windows 7-10 драйвер пак для ноутбука и пк

Скачать драйвера для Windows бесплатно через торрент проще простого. Не надо для этого искать официальный сайт драйверов для windows того производителя на устройство которого вы установили Windows. И не важно какая версия у вас стоит винды. Snappy Driver Installer (SDI) — это лидер среди установщиков драйверов для операционных систем типа Windows 64 или 32 bit. Этот драйвер пак установит вам драйвера для Windows 7, драйвера для windows 10, в общем от древних 2000 и XP до самой последней десятки. Сам определит производителя, модель и версию вашего устройства, найдёт лучшее решение и установит всё сам. Интерфейс интуитивно понятен и по сути нужно только нажать на кнопку УСТАНОВИТЬ, чтобы получить желаемый результат.
Скачать windows 64 драйверы бесплатно можно как по нашим ссылкам ниже так и с официального сайта без разницы. Не заменимый диск или флешка с драйверами для тех кто занимается ремонтом ноутбуков, компьютеров, пк или просто для тех кто не хочет нуждаться в помощи специалистов.

Системные требования: Windows 2000 | XP | Vista | 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10
Язык интерфейса: Multilanguage / Русский
Лекарство: не требуется

Это полный набор официальные драйвера для Windows любой версии. Скачав этот драйвер пак торрент вы имеете при себе весь комплект драйверов не зависимо от интернета. Весит он 11,3 Гб.

Cкачать полный комплект драйверов 2017 торрент (11,3 Гб)

Это Lite вариант набора драйверов для Windows. Весит этот архив с программой всего 4 Мб, но работает при подключенном интернете.

Cкачать онлайн установщик драйверов (4,0 Мб)

Скриншоты установщика драйверов для windows

Чаще всего люди ищут в интернете именно драйвера для windows 7, связано это прежде всего с тем, что семёрка имеет по прежнему самую высокую популярность среди операционных систем и с тем что у win 7 нет функции подхвата драйверов с общей базы. Например у Windows 10 драйвера по большей части сами докачиваются и обновляются даже не спросив у пользователя. Как по мне это перегибы в две стороны. Идеальный вариант это сделать по типу данного драйвер пака. Чтоб после установки виндовс, выводился список с теми устройствами которые нуждаются в установке и обновлении драйверов или если железо очень особое то предлагалась альтернатива. И можно было ставить и убирать галочки напротив предложенных вариантов. Это было бы идеальное решение. А пока компании microsoft виднее, делаем так как удобней и понятней нам, простым пользователям.
Так как Snappy Driver Installer является лидером среди подобного рода программ. Часто можно видеть флешку или диск с этим драйвер паком у Наладчиков аппаратного и программного обеспечения или тех кто приходит к вам по вызову «мастер по ремонту и настройке ноутбука или ПК». Если вы хотите сами быстро и без помощи специалистов установить себе Windows и правильно туда внедрить драйвера, то вам обязательно нужна флешка с полным набором драйверов для виндовс. И себе поможете и своим друзьям покажете какой вы смекалистый.
Драйвера для Windows 7, 8, 10 драйвер пак для ноутбука и пк скачать бесплатно можно в любой момент с нашего сайта По этому не забываем добавлять сайт в закладки и делится с друзьями.

В ISO образах допускается установщик браузера и некоторые пользовательские изменения по умолчнию для браузера Chrome, каждый может без проблем изменить настройки браузера на свои предпочтительные. Все авторские сборки перед публикацией на сайте, проходят проверку на вирусы. ISO образ открывается через dism, и всё содержимое сканируется антивирусом на вредоносные файлы.

Новость отредактировал: mustang — 10-03-2017, 11:04

Driver name


Actual version



INTEL(R) HD GRAPHICS drivers for Windows x64

INTEL(R) HD GRAPHICS drivers for Windows x86

INTEL(R) HD GRAPHICS drivers list for Windows 7 x86








Intel Corporation

Windows 7 x86

Windows Vista x86


kit51427.inf Download



Intel Corporation

Windows 7 x86

Windows Vista x86


igdlh.inf Download



Intel Corporation

Windows 7 x86


igdlh.inf Download



Intel Corporation

Windows 7 x86


igdlh.inf Download



Intel Corporation

Windows 10 x86

Windows 8.1 x86

Windows 8 x86

Windows 7 x86


igdlh.inf Download



Intel Corporation

Windows 10 x86

Windows 8.1 x86

Windows 8 x86

Windows 7 x86


igdlh.inf Download



Intel Corporation

Windows 10 x86

Windows 8.1 x86

Windows 8 x86

Windows 7 x86


igdlh.inf Download



Intel Corporation

Windows 10 x86

Windows 8.1 x86

Windows 8 x86

Windows 7 x86


igdlh.inf Download



Intel Corporation

Windows 10 x86

Windows 8.1 x86

Windows 8 x86

Windows 7 x86


igdlh.inf Download



Intel Corporation

Windows 8.1 x86

Windows 8 x86

Windows 7 x86


igdlh.inf Download



Intel Corporation

Windows 10 x86

Windows 8.1 x86

Windows 8 x86

Windows 7 x86


igdlh.inf Download



Intel Corporation

Windows 10 x86

Windows 8.1 x86

Windows 8 x86

Windows 7 x86


igdlh.inf Download



Intel Corporation

Windows 8 x86

Windows 7 x86


igdlh.inf Download



Intel Corporation

Windows 8.1 x86

Windows 8 x86

Windows 7 x86


igdlh.inf Download



Intel Corporation

Windows 10 x86

Windows 8.1 x86

Windows 8 x86

Windows 7 x86


igdlh.inf Download



Intel Corporation

Windows 10 x86

Windows 8.1 x86

Windows 8 x86

Windows 7 x86


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Intel Corporation

Windows 8 x86

Windows 7 x86


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Intel Corporation

Windows 8.1 x86

Windows 8 x86

Windows 7 x86


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Intel Corporation

Windows 10 x64

Windows 10 x86

Windows 8.1 x64

Windows 8.1 x86

Windows 8 x64

Windows 7 x64

Windows 7 x86


igdlh64.inf Download



Intel Corporation

Windows 10 x86

Windows 8.1 x86

Windows 8 x86

Windows 7 x86


igdlh.inf Download


Certifications for Win7x86 Zip

5 stars for Win7x86 Zip «WOW! Finally my PC got up to speed!» Melany Kim 7/18/2016

Our main support OS are: Windows 7, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 7 32 bit, Windows 10, Windows 10 64 bit, Windows 10 32 bit, and Windows 8.

Windows Compatibility for Win7x86 Zip driver

Win7x86 Zip Driver Details:

Win7x86 Zip File Name:

Win7x86 Zip Driver Version: 254Q56R60

Win7x86 Zip ZIP Size: 131.kb

Manufacturer: Win7x86

Win7x86 Zip was fully scanned at: 10/6/2023

Scan Status: driver download scanOK

Win7x86 Zip now has a special edition for these Windows versions: Windows 7, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 7 32 bit, Windows 10, Windows 10 64 bit,, Windows 10 32 bit, Windows 8,
Windows RT 32bit, Windows Vista Ultimate 64bit, Windows 10 S 64bit, Windows Vista Enterprise (Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6000.0) 32bit, Windows Vista Starter 32bit, Windows 10 Pro Education 32bit, Windows 7 Enterprise (Microsoft Windows NT) 32bit, Windows 8 Enterprise 32bit, Windows 10 Pro 32bit, Windows Vista Home Basic 32bit, Windows 8 Pro 64bit, Windows 8 64bit,

Win7x86 Zip Download Stats:

Driver Uploaded: 2/25/2019

Direct Downloads: 49
Most Recent Download: 11/25/2019

Managed Downloads: 1242
Most Recent Download: 11/23/2019

Download Mirrors: 5
Current Delay: 21 Seconds
Driver License: GPL

Direct Download Success Stats:

Reports Issued By 39/49 Users

Success Reported By 9/39 Users

Driver Download Score71/100

Driver Installation Score60/100

Overall preformance Score67/100

Win7x86 Zip 3 Thumbs Up3Thumbs

Win7x86 Zip 0 Thumbs Down0Thumbs

Win7x86 Zip driver direct download was reported as adequate by a large percentage of our reporters, so it should be good to download and install.

Installation Manager Success Stats:

Reports Issued By 1198/1242 Users

Success Reported By 1170/1198 Users

Driver Download Score83/100

Driver Installation Score81/100

Overall preformance Score95/100

Win7x86 Zip 1074 Thumbs Up1074Thumbs

Win7x86 Zip 79 Thumbs Down79Thumbs

Win7x86 Zip driver installation manager was reported as very satisfying by a large percentage of our reporters, so it is recommended to download and install.


1. Direct Download

Select your OS and press «Download».

This option requires basic OS understanding.
Select Your Operating System, download zipped files, and then proceed to
manually install them.
Recommended if Win7x86 Zip is the only driver on your PC you wish to update.

2. Driver Installation Manager

This option requires no OS understanding.
Automatically scans your PC for the specific required version of Win7x86 Zip + all other outdated drivers, and installs them all at once.

Please help us maintain a helpfull driver collection.
After downloading and installing Win7x86 Zip, or the driver installation manager, take a few minutes to send us a report:
* Only registered users can upload a report.

Don’t have a password?
Please register, and get one.

Win7x86 Zip may sometimes be at fault for other drivers ceasing to function

These are the driver scans of 2 of our recent wiki members*

*Scans were performed on computers suffering from Win7x86 Zip disfunctions.

Scan performed on 4/26/2019, Computer: Dell Precision T7610 — Windows 7 64 bit

Outdated or Corrupted drivers:8/18

Device/Driver Status Status Description Updated By Scanner
Microsoft SiS966 PCI to LPC Bridge Up To Date and Functioning
Mice And Touchpads
VMware VMware USB Pointing Device Corrupted By Win7x86 Zip
Usb Devices
AMD Standard erweiterter PCI-zu-USB universeller Hostcontroller Up To Date and Functioning
Hewlett-Packard HP Photosmart C4400 series (DOT4USB) Up To Date and Functioning
Intel(R) USB 3.0 Hub Up To Date and Functioning
Sound Cards And Media Devices
YUAN STK7700D Up To Date and Functioning
Dolby Laboratories Audio Device on High Definition Audio Bus Corrupted By Win7x86 Zip
Network Cards
Qualcomm Atheros Qualcomm Atheros AR5BWB222 Wireless Network Adapter Up To Date and Functioning
Microsoft HID Keyboard Corrupted By Win7x86 Zip
Hard Disk Controller
Intel(R) ICH8/ICH8R Family LPC Interface Controller — 2810 Up To Date and Functioning
Texas Instruments Texas Instruments PCI7420 Integrated FlashMedia Controller Up To Date and Functioning
Intel Intel(r) AIM External TV Encoder Driver 5 Up To Date and Functioning
Cameras, Webcams And Scanners
Microsoft USB Video Device Outdated
Video Cards
Intel Video Controller Corrupted By Win7x86 Zip
Input Devices
Logitech Logitech Optical Tilt Wheel Mouse Corrupted By Win7x86 Zip
Port Devices
PROLiNK PROLiNK Voice Device (COM9) Corrupted By Win7x86 Zip
Sony Digital Flat Panel (1024×768) Up To Date and Functioning
Mobile Phones And Portable Devices
Acer NOKIA Corrupted By Win7x86 Zip

Scan performed on 4/25/2019, Computer: Dell Precision T5610 — Windows 7 32 bit

Outdated or Corrupted drivers:6/20

Device/Driver Status Status Description Updated By Scanner
Intel(R) 8 Series USB Enhanced Host Controller #1 — 9C26 Up To Date and Functioning
Mice And Touchpads
Synaptics HID-compliant mouse Up To Date and Functioning
Logicool Logitech HID-compliant Unifying Mouse Up To Date and Functioning
Usb Devices
Kyocera SANYO USB Modem Up To Date and Functioning
Apple Apple iPod Up To Date and Functioning
Hewlett-Packard DOT4 USB Printing Support Up To Date and Functioning
Sound Cards And Media Devices
Realtek Periferica audio su bus High Definition Audio Corrupted By Win7x86 Zip
Microsoft HD-3000 — Microsoft LifeCam. Up To Date and Functioning
Network Cards
Atheros Atheros AR8121/AR8113/AR8114 PCI-E Ethernet Controller Up To Date and Functioning
Microsoft HID Keyboard Up To Date and Functioning
Hard Disk Controller
Microsoft Intel(R) 82801DBM Ultra ATA Storage Controller — 24CA Up To Date and Functioning
Microsoft HID-compliant apparaat Corrupted By Win7x86 Zip
Intel Intel(r) AIM External Flat Panel Driver 1 Corrupted By Win7x86 Zip
Nokia Nokia C6-00 USB LCIF Corrupted By Win7x86 Zip
Cameras, Webcams And Scanners
Canon Canon MP600R Up To Date and Functioning
Video Cards
ATI RADEON X600 Series (Microsoft Corporation — WDDM) Corrupted By Win7x86 Zip
Input Devices
Hewlett-Packard HP Link-5 micro dongle Up To Date and Functioning
Port Devices
Huawei HUAWEI Mobile Connect — USB Device (COM8) Corrupted By Win7x86 Zip
Sony Digital Flat Panel (1024×768) Up To Date and Functioning
Mobile Phones And Portable Devices
Acer NOKIA Up To Date and Functioning
Driver Model OS Original Upload Date Last Modification Driver File File Size Compatible Computer Models Availabilty To Instalation Manager
Win7x86 Zip 82027 For Windows 7 32 bit 3/1/2015 12/30/2016 all_drivers-82027.exe 134kb Sony VGN-FJ77SP_W, LG LM70-PKJE, Toshiba SATELLITE L870-16L, NEC PC-MY30XEZE3, NEC VERSAE6300 RNF41103088, IBM IBM System x3500 M2 Server -[783932M, and more.
Win7x86 Zip U402.180 For Windows 7 64 bit 11/3/2014 12/27/2016 all_drivers-u402.180.exe 128kb Sony VGNFW490Y, HP PX568AA-ABY, Sony VGN-NW265F, IBM System x3650 M3 -[7945K4G, NEC PC-VG32SZZEJ, HP FQ641AA-AC4 s3715b, Pegatron H24L, Fujitsu FMVLX55M, Panasonic CF-29LWQCZBM, IBM 8307L9U, Intel SJR2A092, and more.
Win7x86 Zip 20743 For Windows 7 11/30/2014 12/29/2016 all_drivers-20743.exe 81kb Compaq RF785AA-ABU SR2029 NA100, Dell Vostro 1450, HP AZ205AAR-ABA p6300z, Compaq VT606AA-AKL CQ3275L, LG S525-GF4WKN, NEC PC-LL550KG1J, VIA VT8653-8233, and more.
Win7x86 Zip 73734 For Windows 10 1/17/2015 12/28/2016 all_drivers-73734.exe 156kb SAMSUN SX60P, Packard Bell Ipower G3720, Sony VGN-SZ55B_B, Toshiba Dynabook REGZA PC D731/T7DRS, IBM 814338G, HP PS318AA-ABY, Lenovo ThinkPad Edge E431, AnabelleB Argyle M300, Panasonic CF-53AAC01FG, Notebook MIM 2270, and more.
Win7x86 Zip 3382.12.1 For Windows 10 64 bit 10/26/2014 12/27/2016 all_drivers-3382.12.1.exe 135kb HP FR471AA-UUW a6655sc, MSI CX61 0NC/CX61 0ND/CX61 0NF/CX61 0NE, HP Compaq nx5000, HP FK484AAR-ABA m9400t, WIPRO WSG37455V-0008, NEC PC-LS150HS1KSG, Acer Extensa 7230, ASUS K52JT, and more.
Win7x86 Zip 32479 For Windows 7 32 bit 12/14/2014 12/30/2016 all_drivers-32479.exe 179kb IBM System x3200 M3 -[732754M, HP Presario V5000, HP HP Compaq 6730b, Acer Veriton M688G, HP PW689AA-ABS D4085.SE, Intel WIV68105-0268, EMachines L4030, Lenovo ThinkPad Z61t, IBM 8309K1G, Gigabyte G1.Snipe, Gigabyte EG45M-UD2H, Sony VGN-TT46LG_R, Sony VGN-FW550F, and more.
Win7x86 Zip G3427 For Windows 7 64 bit 10/12/2014 12/30/2016 hjfaqzpyx-g3427.exe 125kb Compaq RK531AA-ABG SR1985AN AP680, Sony PCG-GR5F_BP, Seneca Pro354493, Packard Bell IMEDIA B2501 BE, Sony VPCCB2M0E, ASUS Rampage II Quad Core, Toshiba SATELLITE C875-15F, Sony VGN-FW250J, HP HP EliteBook 6930p Notebook PC, Gigabyte EP45T-DS3, Toshiba Dynabook TX/77MWHYD, and more.
Win7x86 Zip 306 For Windows 7 2/6/2015 12/30/2016 po-306.exe 188kb HP HPE-400es, Packard Bell IXTREME 6238, Fujitsu D2812-A1, Panasonic CF-T8EWETZAM, MSI MS-A95311, IBM 2888W5S, LG R380-AP6BK, Lenovo SS09221149, Gateway J6452, MouseComputer Z68A-SD60, Gateway MX6627, Intel GrossePoint, Fujitsu FMVLX70SDG, and more.
Win7x86 Zip K81.1891.1 For Windows 10 8/30/2014 12/30/2016 all_drivers-k81.1891.1.exe 142kb LG B55MS.ARB4B1K, Sony VGN-SZ55_B, IBM 4838137, ASUS G70AB, Foxconn Inferno Katana GTI, Packard Bell IMEDIA 2450, HP P8601A-ABU 722, SYX SYX-DP67BG-Extreme, HP ED716AA-ABF w5149, and more.

Windows 7 Drivers x32/x64 ( 25.12.2011) (2011) Русский

Год выпуска: 2011
Версия: (25.12.2011)
Разработчик: Intel, AMD, Nvidia
Язык интерфейса: Русский, Английский
ОС: Windows 7 x32 x64
Платформа: PC
Лекарство: Не требуется

Системные требования:
OS: Windows 7
CPU: Pentium 2.0 Ghz
VIDEO: Video card capable of 32bit at 640×480
RAM: 1 Gb

Коллекция свежих драйверов для устройств под управлением операционной системы Windows 7 x32/x64, представляет из себя наиболее полный и свежий набор на 25.12.2011 в данном релизе содержатся драйвера как для Стационарных (Desktop) так и для Ноутбуков (Notebook) все драйвера рассортированы по устройствам и запакованы в само распаковывающиеся архивы 7 zip, все драйвера были скачаны с официальных сайтов производителей и являются эталонными (без сторонних изменений).

Сборка была обновлена почти по всем разделам

Список драйверов:
* Analog Devices SoundMAX HD Audio Windows 7 Driver analog-device hd v. — x32/x64
* Realtek HD Audio Driver R2.66 — x32/x64
* Realtek AC97 Audio Driver PG537 — x32/x64
* Realtek HDMI Audio Driver R2.64 — x32/x64
* C-Media CM-102 Driver v. — x32/x64
* C-Media CM106 v.2131-2111 — x32/x64
* C-Media CM6501 v. — x32/x64
* C-Media CM8738 v. — x32/x64
* C-Media CM8768 v.8.17.37 — x32/x64
* C-Media CM8770 v.8.17.37 — x32/x64
* C-Media CM8787 v.8.17.72 — x32/x64
* C-Media CM8788 v. — x32/x64
* Conexant Hermosa HD Audio Windows 7 Driver v. — x32/x64
* Conexant Cocoa II HD Audio Vista7 Driver v. — x32/x64
* Conexant Pebble HD Audio Vista7 Driver v. — x32/x64
* VIA HD Audio Driver v. — x32/x64
* SigmaTel HD Audio v.6.10.6207.2 — x32/x64

* AMD/ATI Catalyst 11.12 Desktop WHQL x32
* AMD/ATI Catalyst 11.12 Desktop WHQL x64
* AMD/ATI Catalyst 11.12 Mobility WHQL x32/x64
* Intel Graphics Media Accelerator v.15.​22.​52 — x32
* Intel Graphics Media Accelerator v.15.​22.​52 — x64
* Nvidia 285.62 Notebook WHQL — x32
* Nvidia 285.62 Notebook WHQL — x64
* Nvidia 285.62 Desktop WHQL — x32
* Nvidia 285.62 Desktop WHQL — x64
* VIA CN896 VIA Chrome9™, P4M900 VIA Chrome9™, VN896 VIA Chrome9™ HC v.24.10.04i — x32/x64
* VIA VX800 VIA Chrome9™ HC, VX820/UT VIA Chrome9™ HC v.24.10.04k — x32/x64
* VIA VX855 VIA Chrome9™ HCM, VX875 VIA Chrome9™ HCM v.24.10.04j — x32/x64
* SiS Video Driver UniVGA v.5.29 — x32/x64

* Intel Chipset Driver v. — x32/x64
* Intel AMT/MEI/HECI Driver v. — x32/x64
* Intel Management Engine Interface Driver v. — x32/x64
* NVIDIA nForce Windows 7 Driver v.15.58 x32
* NVIDIA nForce Windows 7 Driver v.15.58 x64
* VIA Hyperion Chipset Driver 5.24a — x32/x64

[LAN (Сеть)]
* Atheros (AR8121/AR8113/AR8114/AR8131/AR8132) v. — x32/x64
* Atheros (AR813x/AR815x) v. — x32/x64
* Atheros (L1 Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000 Base-T Controller) v. — x32/x64
* Broadcom BCM57xx Ethernet Driver v. — x32/x64
* Intel PRO/10/1000 (PRO/10GbE) Ethernet Driver v.16.7 — x32/x64
* JMicron 2xx Ethernet Driver v. — x32/x64
* Marvell Yukon Gigabit Ethernet Driver v. — x32/x64
* Realtek Ethernet Windows 7 Driver v.7.048.0916 — x32/x64
* VIA Rhine Ethernet Driver/win7 v1.15a — x32/x64
* VIA Velocity Ethernet Driver v.1.39a — x32/x64

[Card Reader]
* Alcor Micro Card Reader Driver v. — x32/x64
* JMicron JMB38x Driver v.1.00.63 — x32/x64
* O2Micro Memory Stick Reader Driver (OZ6933,OZ711E0,OZ711EC1,OZ711E1,OZ711E2,OZ711M1,OZ711M2,OZ711M3) — v.3.19.1 — x32/x64
* Realtek ( RTS 5121, 5101, 5111, 5116 Card Reader) v.6.1.7600.30127 — x32/x64
* Realtek ( RTS 5158 Card Reader) v.6.0.6000.20136 — x32/x64
* Realtek ( RTS 5208 Card Reader) v.6.1.7601.85 — x32/x64
* Realtek ( RTS 5139 Card Reader) v.6.1.7600.10001 — x32/x64
* Ricoh R5C83x/84x Driver v. — x32/x64
* Ricoh R5U23x/24x Driver v. — x32/x64

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* Intel Wi-Fi Windows 7 Driver v. — x32/x64
* Realtek RTL8187S, RTL8191SE Wireless LAN v.6.9110 — x32/x64
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* Realtek RTL8187L Wireless LAN v.6.1316 — x32/x64
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* Realtek RTL8192U Windows 7 Driver v.6.1372 — x32/x64
* Realtek RTL8192CE, RTL8191CE, RTL8188CE Driver v.1005.28.1006 — x32/x64
* Realtek RTL8188CURTL8192CU Driver v.1012.1.0131 — x32/x64

Каждый драйвер можно скачать отдельно.

В раздаче могут присутствовать ВЕТА — ДРАЙВЕРА AMD/ATI Catalyst — этот драйвер является унифицированным, то есть подходит и для видеокарт и для чипсетов.

Драйвер Active Management Technology и Management Engine Interface для чипсетов Intel P965, Intel G965, Intel G33 и Intel P35, P45, P55.

Драйвер * Intel Graphics Media Accelerator — Драйвер для встроенного графического ядра в процессоры Intel.
Поддерживаются все чипсеты включая следующие:
Pentium G6950 Processor;
Core i3 Processor;
Core i5 Processor;
Core i3 Mobile Processor;
Core i5 Mobile Processor;
Core i7 Mobile Processor.

Windows 7 Drivers x32/x64 ( 25.12.2011) (2011) Русский

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