Windows 2000 theme for windows 7

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Change the Look of Windows 7 to Windows 2000
1. Apply the Windows 2000 Theme on your computer.
2. Then right-click the task bar.

3. Press properties (at the bottom).

4. Tick use small icons and never combine as showed.

5. Then un pin all your items from the taskbar.

6. Then right-click the desktop and press screen resolution.

7. Press advanced settings, to get to the circled window.

8. Then click the circled button.

9. And choose the setting at the top.

10. Click apply and then yes. Then click ok to close the window.

Mission Accomplished!

If you need more help, download my video here!

(Watch in full screen!)

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Windows Classic Themes for Windows 7

I have ported over the preset Windows Classic themes from Windows 2000/XP over to Windows7. Everything is there from Brick to Wheat, and even the slightly altered Windows Classic theme (here, it is known as Windows Standard. In 2k and XP, it was known as Windows Classic, and was select-able alongside Windows Standard, which got renamed to Windows Classic in Vista and 7). There are also a few new themes that I created specially for this release that are not found in 2000/XP. They are; Nightlight, a theme that gives your computer a Windows 10 nightlight feel, Nighttime, a theme inspired by the night sky, the moon, and the stars, Sunny day, a theme inspired by a sunny day, sunset, a theme inspired by a sunset, and John Deere, a theme inspired by tractors.

Consider this an early Thanksgiving/Christmas present. To use these, just extract them using your favorite archiver such as Winrar or 7-Zip to the «C:\Windows\Resources\Ease of Access Themes» folder without quotes. Once done, just right click the desktop, click personalization, and scroll down to Basic and High Contrast Themes and they should all be there alongside the existing ones. Here’s some photos showing off the new themes I made along with the link to download the themes.

Windows Classic … r.1117.png
John Deere … .10166.png
Nightlight … .17121.png
Nighttime … .91007.png
Sunny Day … .91007.png


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Re: Windows Classic Themes for Windows 7


by Zv45Beta »

Just a tip: brighter shades of «strong» colors (the greens in John Deere, for example) would make these themes a whole lot better. These dark ones remind me of the horror that was the Hotdog Stand theme from Win3.x. :mrgreen:

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Re: Windows Classic Themes for Windows 7


by Neptruo314 »

Here’s some feedback:
Nightlight and John Deere don’t have gradient titlebars, which looks a bit odd compared to the others.
For John Deere, you could use #009900, and for Nightlight, you could use #CC9900. (as the second colours)
But overall, great job!

Offtopic Comment

You could try doing 1.0, 2.0, and the 3.x colour schemes, including the 3.0-exclusive themes along with the default themes.3.0 uses a slightly different colour scheme from 3.1

Zv45Beta wrote:These dark ones remind me of the horror that was the Hotdog Stand theme from Win3.x. :mrgreen:

On my 3.1 install, I normally use Emerald City. :P
And, if a person who wore monochrome glasses (if those exist) saw Hotdog stand, it would result it looking quite normal:

Image Media Center for Windows XP requires you to purchase MCE edition. Or alternatively just get an unofficial hybrid of Pro and MCE.

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Re: Windows Classic Themes for Windows 7


by JonathonWyble »

MCpillager12 wrote:Just an appearence tip, if you want the taskbar looking normal, use small icons.

I don’t think one would need to do that to make the user interface look more nice, IMO. Some people might want the icons to be the perfect size for better viewing. But that’s just my perspective…

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Re: Windows Classic Themes for Windows 7


by Moline »

Thank you all for your constructive criticism! If you want me to edit the completely new themes that I made up (John Deere, Night Light, Night Time, sunset, sunrise, etc), then please let me know. For the others, I copied color for color the color codes from a Windows XP Pro install that I had, so those should appear as they did in Windows XP. I currently do not have any plans to port these to Windows Vista, seeing as that is not something I use day to day, as is the case with probably several other people. If you want to do that, then go ahead, but I’m out. Also, I’ve no idea if we could make bare bones versions of these in Windows 8 with High Contrast. I know people have done that with Windows Classic through the High Contrast, but am not sure on the others. I could try it out since I have a Windows 8.1 install, both on an actual computer as part of a «penta»-boot (It covers Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, and 8.1, and is spread out between 2 hard drives), and on a virtual machine for my school class. The penta-boot may be expanded to a hexa-boot if I can have a 4th partition on the 500 GB Hard Drive, and have enough space to allocate for Windows 10 once I hopefully get my free Windows 10 copy from the school (they did this with Windows 7 and 8.1 as well). Who knows if they will since 10 is what everyone should be running now (though I am typing this from Windows 7).

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Re: Windows Classic Themes for Windows 7


by win32 »

The themes in fact do work in Windows 2000, as they are applied nicely via the semi-hidden themes.exe.

That themes.exe is in fact the same one from Plus! 98.

So these are not just for Windows 7; Vista/XP/2000/Me/98 should work as well! Maybe even on Windows 95 with Plus! applied, as the theme «engine» is identical to the one from Plus! 98, except for the lack of a monthly theme rotation option.

What is the name of the application software guaranteed to make your computer faster?



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Re: Windows Classic Themes for Windows 7


by Splitwirez »

Moline wrote:Ignore the section of the readme saying these do not work on Vista. I just tested and they do in fact work. Still don’t work on 8/10 however.

Tested on Windows 8/10 with or without the Classic Theme already applied?

tgs: (Debian 12 w/ KDE Plasma 5.27.5) on my laptop (ThinkPad T480 & ThinkPad X1E2), but I just always have the urge to wipe my Windows 10 installation on my PC and install Windows 7 again and use the classic theme lol, it’s just perfection. [Win9x]

Sept 26, 2023 12:23:00 GMT -8

tgs: or should I just customise the shit out of Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 21H2? I just feel that it isn’t great, I also hate DWM.exe…

Sept 26, 2023 12:23:37 GMT -8

R.O.B.: tgs Please post your question in General Q&A instead of the shoutbox

Sept 27, 2023 10:55:33 GMT -8

dellm79: Happy very early birthday, Windows 7!!

Sept 28, 2023 18:34:15 GMT -8

dellm79: [Win7]

Sept 28, 2023 18:34:25 GMT -8

dellm79: Oh, and happy very early birthday, Windows XP!! [WinXP]

Sept 28, 2023 18:35:39 GMT -8

uneuclid: happy early birtday to both :) [WinXP] [Win7]

Sept 29, 2023 7:25:26 GMT -8

kamuisuki: That was not early october for XP and 7?

Sept 29, 2023 10:35:29 GMT -8

zuri: Happy Early 2nd Bday Windows 11

Oct 1, 2023 20:47:29 GMT -8

modyclassic: this or you’re birthday

Oct 2, 2023 7:12:13 GMT -8

anixx: Would installing tasks by copying them into the Tasks folder work?

Oct 3, 2023 18:00:54 GMT -8

tunatails: Idk, and just post it, don’t ask on the shoutout box.

Oct 4, 2023 11:36:22 GMT -8

tunatails: Happy (Late?) Windows 11 Birthday!

Oct 4, 2023 12:39:02 GMT -8

leet: anixx probably not, i think they need to be registered as well

Oct 4, 2023 13:22:20 GMT -8

leet: Can’t you use schtasks.exe?

Oct 4, 2023 13:22:52 GMT -8

OrthodoxWin32: Happy Birthday Windows 11 ! [Win11]

Oct 4, 2023 14:39:29 GMT -8

alexey: happy birthday, windows 11! [Win11]

Oct 5, 2023 3:33:35 GMT -8

tunatails: IDK

Oct 5, 2023 13:56:16 GMT -8

Username22h2: [Win11] Happy 2-Day Late Birthday Windows 11!

Oct 6, 2023 9:05:14 GMT -8

Download Windows Speedup Tool to fix errors and make PC run faster

So you’ve been a long time user and you’d like to go back in memory lane; then here’s a theme pack for Windows 7 which will take you back.

windows nostalgia

Windows Nostalgia Theme

Windows Nostalgia Theme for Windows 7 displays Windows logo backgrounds of all Windows versions right from v 1.0,  3.11, 95, 98, 2000, ME, XP, Vista & Windows 7.

Check it out. You can always customize the walls, windows colors, sounds to your taste.

None of the wallpapers are my creations. In fact, came across most of them here.

Download Windows Nostalgia Theme for Windows 7.

You can also always extract the wallpapers and use them individually of you wish on your computer.

Anand Khanse is the Admin of, a 10-year Microsoft MVP (2006-16) & a Windows Insider MVP (2016-2022). Please read the entire post & the comments first, create a System Restore Point before making any changes to your system & be careful about any 3rd-party offers while installing freeware.

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Как сделать интерфейс Windows-7 как у Windows-98, или как у Windows-2000? Без библиотек и прочих непотребностей.

Прошаренный Прошаренный

Любитель некрофилии? Скачай тему нужной винды, или упрости оформление установленной ОС.

Аджай Аджай

Заходишь в темы, крутишь в самый низ и там есть тема вин 98

Добрый Админ Добрый Админ

Отключить темы в службах

Прокурор Чайка Прокурор Чайка

Чтобы настроить все визуальные эффекты для максимальной производительности:

Откройте раздел «Счетчики и средства производительности». Для этого нажмите кнопку Пуск Изображение кнопки и выберите Панель управления. В поле поиска введите Счетчики и средства производительности, а затем в списке результатов выберите пункт Счетчики и средства производительности.
Выберите Настройка визуальных эффектов Требуются права администратора. Если отобразится соответствующий запрос, введите пароль администратора или подтвердите действие.
Перейдите на вкладку Визуальные эффекты, выберите вариант Обеспечить наилучшее быстродействие и нажмите кнопку OK. (Чтобы не отключать сразу все эффекты, выберите вариант Восстановить значения по умолчанию.)

Aden 21 Aden 21

Как удалить-отключить папки из «Этот компьютер»

Гость Гость

Никак. Ищи в сети такие темы, скачивай и устанавливай.

Андрей Смирнов Андрей Смирнов

1.1 Установить классическую тему средствами 7-ки.
1.2 Настроить панель задач на «Маленькие значки», отключить группирование и в настройках трея включить отображение ВСЕХ значков.
2. Установить Classic Shell, добавив классическое меню Пуск и заменив кнопку на кнопку с правильным флажком винды.
3. Установить 7+ Taskbar Tweaker, в нем отключить группирование, убрать кнопку «показать рабочий стол», в продвинутых настройках выставит расстояние между значками трея в 2 пикселя.
4. Установить Network Activity Animate и настроить мигающий значек сети, заодно отключив полностью стандартный.
5. Заменить значек трея «Громкость» на тот, что был в 95-2000.
Будет как на скрине:
Единственное, что пока не получилось сделать — это вернуть цветное выделение названий значков на рабочем столе.
Как сделать интерфейс Windows-7 как у Windows-98, или как у Windows-2000 Без библиотек и прочих непотребностей

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