Windows 11 22483 обновление скачать

Microsoft выпускает новую сборку для инсайдеров Windows в канале Dev под номером 22483, которая включает в себя множество исправлений ошибок и одну небольшую новую функцию. Однако тем, кто ожидает поддержки приложений Android, возможно, придется подождать немного дольше, поскольку поддержка запуска приложений Android сначала будет направлена только пользователям канала Beta.

Хотя странно, что новая функция сначала тестируется в бета-канале, а не в канале Dev, это, вероятно, связано с тем, что поддержка запуска приложений Android может быть подготовлена ​​для версии Windows 11, которая в настоящее время общедоступна. Неудивительно, что эта функция в конечном итоге не тестируется на канале разработчиков. Кроме того, некоторые исправления, внесенные в рамках сегодняшней сборки, также попадут в каналы Beta и Release Preview, прежде чем в конечном итоге станут общедоступной версией.

Что касается новой функций, есть только одно небольшое дополнение, а именно возможность кликнуть правой кнопкой мыши кнопку по «Рекомендуем» или «Дополнительно» в меню «Пуск», чтобы обновить элементы в списке.

Полный кодовый номер сборки: 10.0.22483.1000.rs_prerelease.211015-1431.

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  • Windows 11 Build 22483 ISOs Download & Install | Get It Now!

By Ariel | Follow |
Last Updated

Windows 11 Insider Preview 22483 rolls out to the Dev Channel. Do you know where and how to download the Windows 11 build 22483 ISO file? MiniTool writes this post to introduce detailed information on the new build and the ways to install it on your PC.

Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 22483 Rolls Out to the Dev Channel

On October 21, 2021, Microsoft released the ISOs of Windows Insider Preview build 22483 to the Dev Channel. This build brings many new changes and improvements and fixes for the known issues based on the feedback from the Windows 11 build 22478.

Changes and Improvements:

  • Microsoft has optimized the ability to Right-click when you use the either Recommended or the More button in Start to refresh the items that are shown in the context menu.
  • Windows Sandbox can work on ARM64 PCs.
  • Some small improvements to the keyboard navigation and screen reader usage of the performance monitor.


  • The bug that causes the Search to go black and not show any content in the box has been fixed.
  • The searching for “display” returns in the Display Settings.
  • The cellular data not working issue on certain devices is fixed.
  • The issue with NTFS when the USN journal is enabled is resolved.
  • The “Publisher column in Task Manager not retrieving publisher names” problem gets fixed.

Of course, the Windows 11 build 22483 also has some known issues like system service exception BSOD when updating, Xbox Game Pass games failed to install, etc. To know more details, you can visit here.

Where and How to Download Windows Build 22483 ISO

Before you download the latest Windows 11 updates, we highly recommend you check the Windows 11 system requirements that you can install the Windows 11 build 22483 ISO successfully.

  • Processor: 64-bit at 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster with 2 or more cores
  • RAM: 4GB or more
  • Storage: 64GB or larger
  • Graphics card: DirectX 12 compatible or later with a WDDM 2. X driver
  • Display: 9″ with HD Resolution (720p) or grater monitor
  • TPM: Trusted Platform Module (TPM) version 2.0

Where to Download Windows 11 Insider Preview 22483 ISO

Since the Windows 11 Insider preview build ISO files are not available for all users, you need to join the Windows Insider Program. After that, you can click here to access the Windows Insider Preview Downloads page and sign in to your account.

If you don’t have an official account, you may consider getting the Windows 11 Insider Preview build 22483 ISO file from a third-party reliable site like UUP Dump.

sign into Windows Insider Preview Downloads page

How to Download the Windows 11 build 22483 Version

Step 1. Once signed in, scroll down to the Select edition section and select a proper Windows 11 Insider Preview (Dev Channel) – Build 22483 ISO edition based on your situation. Then click on Confirm to continue.

select Windows 11 Insider Preview build 22483

Step 2. Select the product language and click on Confirm.

select Language for Windows build 22483

Step 3. Click on 64-bit Download to start downloading the Windows 11 Insider Preview build 22483 ISO file.

click 64 bit download

After the ISO file is downloaded, you can use Rufus to create a Windows 11 installation bootable USB and install Windows 11 from the drive.

Other Ways to Get Windows 11 on Your PC

In addition, there are some other ways to get the Windows 11 updates on your PC. The direct way is to upgrade to Windows 11 from 10 after you join the Windows Insider Program. To do so, right-click the Start menu and select Settings, and then go to Update & Security > Windows Update to check for updates. If there are available updates, you can download and install them.

Another way is to use Windows 11 Media Creation tool that provides you with 2 options to install Windows 11: Upgrade this PC now and Create installation media (USB flash drive, DVD or ISO file) for another PC. You can also use the tool to create a Windows 11 ISO image for future use.

About The Author


Position: Columnist

Ariel has been working as a highly professional computer-relevant technology editor at MiniTool for many years. She has a strong passion for researching all knowledge related to the computer’s disk, partition, and Windows OS. Up till now, she has finished thousands of articles covering a broad range of topics and helped lots of users fix various problems. She focuses on the fields of disk management, OS backup, and PDF editing and provides her readers with insightful and informative content.

Written By


October 20, 2021

UPDATE 10/22: We are starting to roll out Cumulative Update Build 22483.1011 (KB5007484). This update does not include anything new and is designed to test our servicing pipeline for builds in the Dev Channel.


UPDATE 10/21: We have released the ISOs for Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 22483 – download them here.


Hello Windows Insiders, today we are releasing Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 22483 to the Dev Channel.


  • The build includes general improvements and bug fixes. We have also added a few new known issues based off Insider feedback from the previous flight.
  • 7th anniversary badges begin rolling out to Windows Insiders in Feedback Hub!
  • Build Expiration Reminder: We have updated the build expiration for Dev Channel builds to be 9/15/2022. Previous Dev Channel builds from the RS_PRERELEASE branch will expire on 10/31/2021. To avoid hitting this expiration, please be sure to update to the latest Dev Channel build today.

7th anniversary badge exclusively for Windows Insiders

To continue celebrating our anniversary this week, we will begin rolling out 7th anniversary badge. Windows Insiders will soon see it in the Feedback Hub achievements section in the coming weeks.  Thank you all for participating and supporting Windows Insider Program!

7th anniversary badge for Windows Insiders.

7th anniversary badge for Windows Insiders.

Changes and Improvements

  • We’ve added the ability to right-click on either “Recommended” or the “More” button in Start to refresh the items show there.
  • [ADDED 10/21] Windows Sandbox now works on ARM64 PCs. Shout out to Jeremy for catching this!



  • Fixed an issue that was causing Search to appear black and not display any content below the search box.


  • Searching for “display” will now return Display Settings.


  • Trying to access the Linux entry for WSL in File Explorer’s navigation pane should no longer pop up an error saying “wsl.localhost is unavailable, insufficient resources exist” on ARM64 PCs.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing cellular data to not work on certain devices in recent Dev Channel builds.
  • Addressed an issue with NTFS when the USN journal was enabled, where it was doing extra unnecessary action with each write, impacting I/O performance.
  • Made some small improvements to keyboard navigation and screen reader usage of Performance Monitor.
  • Webview2 processes should now be properly grouped with the application using it in Task Manager’s Processes tab.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the Publisher column in Task Manager to not retrieve publisher names.

NOTE: Some fixes noted here in Insider Preview builds from the active development branch may make their way into the servicing updates for the released version of Windows 11 that became generally available on October 5th.

Known issues


  • Users updating from Builds, or earlier, to newer Dev Channel builds using the latest Dev Channel ISO, may receive the following warning message: The build you are trying to install is Flight Signed. To continue installing, enable flight signing. If you receive this message, press the Enable button, reboot the PC, and retry the update.
  • Some users may experience their screen and sleep timeouts being reduced. We’re investigating the potential impact that shorter screen and sleep timeouts could have on energy consumption.
  • We’re investigating reports from Insiders that the Processes tab in Task Manager is blank sometimes.
  • We’re working on a fix for an issue causing some devices to bugcheck with SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCPTION when updating, starting with the previous build. If hit this issue previously, try rebooting and re-trying the update.
  • We’re investigating reports from Insiders that Xbox Game Pass games are failing to install with error 0x00000001.


  • In some cases, you might be unable to enter text when using Search from Start or the Taskbar. If you experience the issue, press WIN + R on the keyboard to launch the Run dialog box, then close it.


  • The Taskbar will sometimes flicker when switching input methods.
  • We’re working on the fix for an issue causing tooltips to appear in an unexpected location after hovering over the Taskbar corner.


  • After clicking the Search icon on the Taskbar, the Search panel may not open. If this occurs, restart the “Windows Explorer” process, and open the search panel again.

[Quick Settings]

  • We’re investigating reports from Insiders that the volume and brightness sliders aren’t displaying properly in Quick Settings.

About the Dev Channel

We have moved the Dev Channel back to receiving builds from our active development branch (RS_PRERELEASE). These builds are from the earliest stage in a new development cycle with the latest work-in-progress code from our engineers. These aren’t always stable builds, and sometimes you will see issues that block key activities or require workarounds while flighting in the Dev Channel. It is important to make sure you read the known issues listed in our blog posts as we document many of these issues with each flight.

These builds are also not matched to a specific release. New features and OS improvements from these builds could show up in future Windows releases when they’re ready, and we may deliver them as full OS updates or servicing releases.

Build numbers are higher in the Dev Channel than the Windows 11 preview builds in the Beta and Release Preview Channels. You will not be able to switch from the Dev Channel to the Beta or Release Preview Channels without doing a clean install back to the released version of Windows 11 currently.

Are you not seeing any of the features listed for this build? Check your Windows Insider Settings to make sure you’re in the Dev Channel. Submit feedback here to let us know if things weren’t working the way you expected.

The desktop watermark you see at the lower right corner of your desktop is normal for these pre-release builds.

Important Insider Links

  • Want to learn how we made Windows 11? Check out our Inside Windows 11 website to hear and meet our makers from Engineering, Design and Research to share their insights and unique perspectives throughout this journey.
  • You can check out our Windows Insider Program documentation here, including a list of all the new features and updates released in builds so far.
  • Check out Flight Hub for a complete look at what build is in which Insider channel.

Amanda & Brandon

Hello Windows Server Insiders!

Today we are pleased to release a new build of the next Windows Server Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) Preview that contains both the Desktop Experience and Server Core installation options for Datacenter and Standard editions. Branding has not yet been updated and remains as Windows Server 2022 in this preview — when reporting issues please refer to «VNext» rather than Windows Server 2022 which is currently in market.

Available Content

  • Windows Server Long-Term Servicing Channel Preview is available in ISO format in 18 languages, and in VHDX format in English only. 
  • Microsoft Server Languages and Optional Features Preview

Keys: Keys are valid for preview builds only. After activation for the preview keys is disabled, you may still install and use preview builds for development and testing purposes without activating.

  • Server Standard: MFY9F-XBN2F-TYFMP-CCV49-RMYVH
  • Datacenter: 2KNJJ-33Y9H-2GXGX-KMQWH-G6H67

Symbols:  available on the public symbol server – see Update on Microsoft’s Symbol Server blog post and Using the Microsoft Symbol Server. 

Azure: When available, Insiders may also test previews of server products in the Microsoft Server Operating Systems Preview in the Azure Marketplace. An Azure subscription is required.

Expiration: This Windows Server Preview will expire September 15, 2022.

Resolved Issues

Build-to-build upgrade is working from 22463 to 22483.

The installation issue of the Languages and Optional Features Media has been resolved.

Known Issues

Microsoft Edge fails to launch after installing the IE package from the Optional Features media

How to Download 

Registered Insiders may navigate directly to the Windows Server Insider Preview download page.   If you have not yet registered as an Insider, see GETTING STARTED WITH SERVER on the Windows Insiders for Business portal.

We value your feedback! 

The most important part of the release cycle is to hear what’s working and what needs to be improved, so your feedback is extremely valued. For Windows Server, use your registered Windows 10 or Windows 11 Insider device and use the Feedback Hub application.  In the app, choose the Windows Server category and then the appropriate subcategory for your feedback. In the title of the Feedback, please indicate the build number you are providing feedback on as shown below to ensure that your issue is attributed to the right version:

     [Server #####] Title of my feedback

See Share Feedback on Windows Server via Feedback Hub for specifics. We also encourage you to visit the Windows Server Insiders space on the Microsoft Tech Communities forum to collaborate, share and learn from experts.

Diagnostic and Usage Information

Microsoft collects this information over the internet to help keep Windows secure and up to date, troubleshoot problems, and make product improvements. Microsoft server operating systems can be configured to turn diagnostic data off, send Required diagnostic data, or send Optional diagnostic data.   During previews, Microsoft asks that you change the default setting to Optional to provide the best automatic feedback and help us improve the final product.

Administrators can change the level of information collection through Settings. For details, see Also see the Microsoft Privacy Statement.

Terms of Use

This is pre-release software — it is provided for use «as-is» and is not supported in production environments. Users are responsible for installing any updates made available from Windows Update.   All pre-release software made available to you via the Windows Server Insider program is governed by the Insider Terms of Use.

Версия программы: Dev (build 22483.1000)
Официальный сайт:

Язык интерфейса: Русский.
Лечение: требуется, но отсутствует

Системные требования:
Процессор: Не менее двух ядер с тактовой частотой не менее 1 гигагерца (ГГц) на совместимом 64-битном процессоре или Системе на кристалле (SoC).
ОЗУ: 4 ГБ и больше
Хранилище: Устройство хранения на 64 ГБ или больше
Системная прошивка: UEFI, с поддержкой безопасной загрузки
TPM: Доверенный платформенный модуль (TPM) версия 2.0
Графический адаптер: Графический адаптер, совместимый с DirectX 12 / WDDM 2.x.
Дисплей: > 9 дюймов с разрешением HD (720p)
Интернет-соединение: Для установки Windows 11 домашняя требуется учетная запись Майкрософт и подключение к Интернету.

Оригинальные образы — Windows 11 Build 22483.1000.
Оригинальные образы EnterpriseVL и Client.

Скачать Windows 11 Insider Preview [10.0.22483.1000], Version Dev (x64) (2021) {Rus} через торрент

[43,2 Kb] (cкачиваний: 192)

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