Windows 10 корпоративная на английском


Note: Carefully read the information below before you continue with the download.

  1. Review the Windows 10 system requirements. 
  2. Register, then download and install the full-featured software for a 90-day evaluation. 
  3. Review resources to guide you through your evaluation.

Installation Guidelines

  • Plan ahead. Back up your files and settings before installing this evaluation.
  • Upon installation, Windows will prompt you to activate. A product key is not required for this software.
  • To use Windows 10 Enterprise, you must sign into your PC with a Microsoft account. The option to create a local account will be made available at the time of the final release.
  • If you decide that you want to install Windows 10 Enterprise using one of the provided ISO files, you won’t be able to uninstall it. In addition, after you install Windows 10 Enterprise, you won’t be able to use the recovery partition on your PC to go back to your previous version of Windows. A clean installation of your former operating system will be required, and you will need to re-install all your programs and data.
  • If you fail to activate this evaluation after installation, or if your evaluation period expires, the desktop background will turn black, you will see a persistent desktop notification indicating that the system is not genuine, and the PC will shut down every hour.

Things to Know

  • Windows 10 Enterprise should work with the same devices and programs that work with Windows 8.1. In some cases, a device or program might not work or may require an update, or you might need to uninstall some programs and then reinstall them after installing the evaluation.
  • Downloading Windows 10 Enterprise could take a few hours. The exact time will depend on your provider, bandwidth, and traffic (ISP fees may apply).
  • For the latest information on deprecated features and additional requirements to use certain features, please see Windows 10 computer specifications. For technical questions, please visit the Windows 10 Tech Community.

Verify Download

If you would like to verify the data integrity and authenticity of your download, you can follow these steps: 

  1. Download the ISO file and follow the installation guidelines.
  2. Launch Windows PowerShell. If you need help finding the location of PowerShell for your operating system, you can get help here.
  3. In PowerShell, compute the hash value for the ISO file you downloaded by using Get-FileHash. For example: Get-FileHash C:\Users\user1\Downloads\Contoso8_1_ENT.iso
  4. If the SHA256 output matches the value for the product that you downloaded listed in the Windows10EnterpriseHashValues.pdf, this confirms that the file has not been corrupted, tampered, or altered from the original.

For more information on the Get-FileHash command, see Get-FileHash (Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility).

Windows 10 Enterprise is designed to address the needs of large and midsize organizations by providing IT professionals with:

  • Advanced protection against modern security threats 
  • Flexible deployment, update, and support options
  • Comprehensive device and app management and control

Windows 10, version 22H2 makes it easier to protect your endpoints, detect advanced attacks, automate response to emerging threats, and improve your security posture. It also helps you streamline deployment and updates—and deliver enterprise-ready devices to your users straight from the manufacturer.

Looking for information on specific features? See what’s new in Windows 10.


  • English (United States), English (Great Britain), Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil)


  • Windows 10 Enterprise, version 22H2 | 64-bit and 32-bit ISO
  • Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2021 | 64-bit and 32-bit ISO

The Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2021 edition provides customers with access to the Long-Term Servicing Channel as a deployment option for their special-purpose devices and environments. This edition does not get updated with any new features, and features from Windows 10 that could be updated with new functionality are not included (e.g., Cortana and all in-box Universal Windows apps).

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На чтение 3 мин Опубликовано Обновлено

Windows 10 является одной из самых популярных операционных систем, используемых абсолютным большинством устройств по всему миру. Корпоративная версия ОС имеет свои особенности и называется Windows 10 Enterprise.

Windows 10 Enterprise предлагает широкий спектр функций и возможностей, специально разработанных для корпоративных пользователей. Среди них находятся усиленная безопасность, управление устройствами и приложениями, виртуализация и многое другое.

Эта версия операционной системы предлагает более надежное и гибкое решение для предприятий, которые нуждаются в высоком уровне безопасности и управления своей IT-инфраструктурой. Windows 10 Enterprise предлагает эффективное исполнение подключение к корпоративным сетям и работе с чувствительной информацией.

Важно отметить, что Windows 10 Enterprise доступна только по контракту с корпоративными клиентами и не предназначена для индивидуальных пользователей.


  1. Windows 10
  2. Корпоративная версия
  3. Название на английском
  4. Официальное название

Windows 10

Одной из версий Windows 10 является Windows 10 корпоративная (англ. Windows 10 Enterprise). Эта версия операционной системы предназначена для использования в средах предприятий и организаций. Она предлагает ряд дополнительных функций и возможностей, таких как централизованное управление компьютерами в сети, расширенные возможности безопасности и гибкие варианты лицензирования.

Windows 10 Enterprise предоставляет пользователям большую гибкость в настройке операционной системы под конкретные потребности организации. Кроме того, она поддерживает различные функции и сервисы, такие как Active Directory, BitLocker, виртуализацию и другие, которые делают ее идеальным выбором для сред корпоративного масштаба.

Операционная система Windows 10 корпоративная обеспечивает стабильность и надежность для предприятий, позволяя им работать более эффективно и безопасно.

Корпоративная версия

Корпоративная версия операционной системы Windows 10 на английском языке называется «Windows 10 Enterprise». Это специальная версия операционной системы, предназначенная для использования в корпоративных средах. Windows 10 Enterprise предлагает более широкий набор функций и инструментов для управления и защиты корпоративных данных, а также предоставляет возможность развертывания и управления множеством компьютеров в рамках IT-структуры предприятия.

Windows 10 Enterprise обладает всеми особенностями Windows 10 Pro, но также включает в себя дополнительные возможности, такие как Windows To Go, DirectAccess и AppLocker. Кроме того, Windows 10 Enterprise предлагает расширенные функции безопасности, такие как возможность шифрования дисков BitLocker и режим виртуальных машин Hyper-V для запуска и управления виртуальными машинами.

Windows 10 Enterprise доступна только по подписке на программу Software Assurance или приобретению вместе с комплексным пакетом Microsoft 365. Это позволяет организациям получить доступ к дополнительным функциям и инструментам управления, а также регулярные обновления и поддержку со стороны Microsoft.

Особенности Windows 10 Enterprise
BitLocker Да
Windows To Go Да
DirectAccess Да
AppLocker Да
Hyper-V Да

Название на английском

Windows 10 Enterprise

Windows 10 Education

Windows 10 Pro

Windows 10 Pro for Workstations

Windows 10 IoT Core

Windows 10 S

Windows 10 Team

Официальное название

Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2022 & Windows 10 Enterprise 2022 Update (22H2 19045) 32-bit 64-bit ISO is out for Free Download and Installation.

Microsoft has finally released the official Free Windows 10 Enterprise, Version 22H2, Build 10.0.19045 (also known as Windows 10 Enterprise 2022 Update) to the general public as «Release to Manufacturing (RTM)». Windows users can experience the all new Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise features and functionalities for Free. The general availability (GA) of Official Direct Download Links of Windows 10 Enterprise Free DVD ISO Image (32-bit / 64-bit) File is available at no cost with Genuine Windows 10 Enterprise Activation Product Key.

Windows 10 Enterprise ISO Direct Download Links

Windows 10 Enterprise Features & Changes:

Windows 10 Enterprise edition includes all features of Windows 10 Professional with some additional IT-based functions to assist organizations and companies, whereas Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC (Long Term Servicing Channel) 2019 editions support all features of Windows 10 Enterprise, but with aimed to exclude any feature updates and with more control over the update process by large and midsize IT-based organizations. Some highlights of Windows 10 Enterprise Features, you can read below!

  • Comprehensive device with app control and management
  • Advanced protection against conventional security risks and threats
  • Flexible integration updates, and support choices

The full and final version of Windows 10 RTM Enterprise Free Edition is available in nine 9+ different multiple languages such as; English US (United States), English UK (Great Britain), Japanese, Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), Portuguese (Brazil), French, Italian, German, Korean, Spanish. Windows 10 Enterprise Edition is available as 90-days trial period for evaluation, and after the expiration of operating system, users can reactivate their running Windows again using the same Windows 10 Enterprise Free Product Key for additional 90-days after fresh clean installation.

Windows 10 Enterprise Hardware Prerequisites:

The PCs or Laptops minimum hardware requirement for Windows 10 Enterprise is same as for Windows 8.1 and Windows, but slightly higher than Windows 7 as mentioned below.

  • Processor: 1 GHz or more or SoC
  • Hard Disk Space: 16GB Free for 32-bit (x86) or 20GB Free for 64-bit (x64)
  • Memory: 1GB RAM requires for 32-bit and 2GB RAM requires for 64-bit
  • Graphics Card: WDDM 1.0 driver and DirectX 09 or newer
  • Display Screen: 800×600 resolution

Free Windows 10 Enterprise Activation Product Key:

According to Microsoft, A genuine product key for Windows 10 Enterprise is not mandatory upon installation, but for recovery purpose, following activation key of Windows 10 Enterprise may be used.


Download Windows 10 Enterprise ISO

Microsoft Windows users can Manually Install Windows 10 Enterprise Using Bootable USB or Bootable DVD, and can also Dual Boot Windows 10 Enterprise with Windows 8.1, Windows 8 or Windows 7 Operating Systems respectively. The official Direct Download Links of Final Windows 10 Free Enterprise Edition is available below.

Download Windows 10 Enterprise 22H2 19045 ISO Files(Latest 22H2 2022 Update)

  • Download Windows 10 Enterprise 19045 ISO for 32-bit (x86) — Direct Link
  • Download Windows 10 Enterprise 19045 ISO for 64-bit (x64) — Direct Link
    • Download Windows 10 Enterprise Bootable ISO for x64 and x86 (Multi-Languages)

    Download Windows 10 Enterprise 21H2 19044 ISO Files: (21H2 — November 2021 Update)

    • Download Windows 10 Enterprise 19044 ISO for 32-bit (x86) — Direct Link
    • Download Windows 10 Enterprise 19044 ISO for 64-bit (x64) — Direct Link
    • Download Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 19044 ISO for 32-bit (x86) — Direct Link
    • Download Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 19044 ISO for 64-bit (x64) — Direct Link

    Download Windows 10 Enterprise 21H1 19043 ISO Files: (21H1 — May 2021 Update)

    • Download Windows 10 Enterprise 19043 ISO for 32-bit (x86) — Direct Link
    • Download Windows 10 Enterprise 19043 ISO for 64-bit (x64) — Direct Link

    Download Windows 10 Enterprise 20H2 19042 ISO Files: (20H2 — October 2020 Update)

    • Download Windows 10 Enterprise 19042 ISO for 32-bit (x86) — Direct Link
    • Download Windows 10 Enterprise 19042 ISO for 64-bit (x64) — Direct Link

    Download Windows 10 Enterprise 2004 19041 ISO Files(20H1 — May 2020 Update)

    • Download Windows 10 Enterprise 19041 ISO for 32-bit (x86) — Direct Link
    • Download Windows 10 Enterprise 19041 ISO for 64-bit (x64) — Direct Link

    Download Windows 10 Enterprise 1909 18363 ISO Files(19H2 — November 2019 Update)

    • Download Windows 10 Enterprise 18363 ISO for 32-bit (x86) — Direct Link
    • Download Windows 10 Enterprise 18363 ISO for 64-bit (x64) — Direct Link

    Download Windows 10 Enterprise 1903 18362 ISO Files(19H1 — May 2019 Update)

    • Download Windows 10 Enterprise 18362 ISO for 32-bit (x86) — Direct Link
    • Download Windows 10 Enterprise 18362 ISO for 64-bit (x64) — Direct Link

    Download Windows 10 Enterprise 1809 17763 ISO Files: (RedStone 5 (RS5) — October 2018 Update)

    • Download Windows 10 Enterprise 17763 ISO for 32-bit (x86) — Direct Link
    • Download Windows 10 Enterprise 17763 ISO for 64-bit (x64) — Direct Link
    • Download Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 17763 ISO for 32-bit (x86) — Direct Link
    • Download Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 17763 ISO for 64-bit (x64) — Direct Link

    Download Windows 10 Enterprise 1803 17134 ISO Files(RedStone 4 (RS4) — April 2018 Update)

    • Download Windows 10 Enterprise 17134 ISO for 32-bit (x86) — Direct Link
    • Download Windows 10 Enterprise 17134 ISO for 64-bit (x64) — Direct Link

    Download Windows 10 Enterprise 1709 16299 ISO Files: (RedStone 3 (RS3) — Fall Creators Update)

    • Download Windows 10 Enterprise 16299 ISO for 32-bit (x86) — Direct Link
    • Download Windows 10 Enterprise 16299 ISO for 64-bit (x64) — Direct Link

      Download Windows 10 Enterprise 1703 15063 ISO Files: (RedStone 2 (RS2) — Creators Update)

      • Download Windows 10 Enterprise 15063 ISO for 32-bit (x86) — Direct Link
      • Download Windows 10 Enterprise 15063 ISO for 64-bit (x64) — Direct Link

        Download Windows 10 Enterprise 1607 14393 ISO Files: (RedStone 1 (RS1) — Anniversary Update)

        • Download Windows 10 Enterprise 14393 ISO for 32-bit (x86) — Direct Link
        • Download Windows 10 Enterprise 14393 ISO for 64-bit (x64) — Direct Link
        • Download Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB 14393 ISO for 32-bit (x86) — Direct Link
        • Download Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB 14393 ISO for 64-bit (x64) — Direct Link

          Download Windows 10 Enterprise 1511 10586 ISO Files: (ThresHold 2 (TH2) — November Update)

          • Download Windows 10 Enterprise 10586 ISO for 32-bit (x86) — Direct Link
          • Download Windows 10 Enterprise 10586 ISO for 64-bit (x64) — Direct Link

              Download Windows 10 Enterprise 1507 10240 ISO Files: (ThresHold 1 — TH1)

              • Download Windows 10 Enterprise 10240 ISO for 32-bit (x86) — Direct Link
              • Download Windows 10 Enterprise 10240 ISO for 64-bit (x64) — Direct Link
              • Download Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB 10240 ISO for 32-bit (x86) — Direct Link
              • Download Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB 10240 ISO for 64-bit (x64) — Direct Link

              Also Read:

              • Download Windows 10 ISO 64-bit 32-bit Final Image Files
              • Download Windows 10 Insider Preview ISO 32-bit 64-bit Image Files
              • Download Windows Server 2019 ISO Final Image Files
              • Download Windows Server 2022 ISO Final Image Files
              • Download Windows 11 Insider Preview ISO 64-bit Image Files

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