Whatsapp xtract скачать для windows


I’m not the author of this work!

All credits go to the authors below

I downloaded this work from: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/tool-whatsapp-xtract-backup-messages-extractor-database-analyzer-chat-backup.1583021/ and, as suggested in the forum, made this repo for my use.

I renamed !README.txt to README.md to be used with Github

From the original version 2.3 of Apr 25, 2018 …


  • (iPhone) removed BPlistReader (it was crashing with my ChatStorage.sqlite)
  • (iPhone) added plistlib in substitution of BPlistReader
  • (iPhone) added code for missing ZTHUMBNAILDATA column in my ChatStorage.sqlite that was crashing the script

(below this line you can find the original README content)

WhatsApp Xtract v2.3

  • WhatsApp Backup Messages Extractor for Android and iPhone

Released on April 25th, 2018

(C)opyright 2012 Fabio Sangiacomo fabio.sangiacomo@digital-forensics.it
(C)opyright 2018 Martina Weidner martina.weidner@freenet.ch
Released under MIT licence

Tested with Whatsapp (Android) 2.18.46
Tested with Whatsapp (iPhone) 2.5.1

(see also the thread at xda-dev: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=24603294 )

  1. You need a copy of the whatsapp database and (if no root) get your key.

a) if your Android phone is rooted:

get these files:
/data/data/com.whatsapp/databases/msgstore.db and wa.db
(for this you need root access. detailed instructions in the bottom of this file.
The advantage of having wa.db is that the corresponding contact names of phone numbers will be displayed.)

b) if you have a normal Android (not rooted):
you need this to get the key:
[Tool] WhatsApp Key/DB Extractor | CRYPT6-12 | NON-ROOT

then you need the .crypt12 database from /sdcard/WhatsApp/Databases/

then you need a tool like Whatsapp Viewer to decrypt the database file:
Whatsapp Viewer

The decrypted database can already be viewed in Whatsapp Viewer. If you want the output style from Whatsapp xtract then you can continue with the decrypted file.

c) On IPhone, get this file (don’t know if it still works in 2018):

(You can use an Iphone Backup Tool to get the file, e.g. I-Twin or Iphone Backup Extractor. Make sure to create an unencrypted backup with Itunes, as these tools can’t handle encrypted backups. Another possibility are forensic tools like UFED Physical Analyzer.)

  1. Extract this archive (Whatsapp_Xtract….zip) to a certain folder on your computer, e.g. C:\WhatsApp.

  2. Copy the database(s) to e.g. C:\WhatsApp (on Android, you simply copy the whole folder WhatsApp on SD card to your computer e.g. to C:\WhatsApp and then copy the database file from C:\WhatsApp\Databases to C:\WhatsApp)

  3. You need Python


  1. Now run whatsapp_xtract_android.bat or whatsapp_xtract_iphone.bat

OR simply drag and drop the database file(s) to whatsapp_xtract_drag’n’drop_database(s)_here.bat

OR run whatsapp_xtract_console.bat and then manually specify the input file with one of these commands:


For Android DB:
python whatsapp_xtract.py msgstore.db -w wa.db
OR (if wa.db is unavailable)
python whatsapp_xtract.py msgstore.db

For iPhone DB: (-w option is ignored)
python whatsapp_xtract.py ChatStorage.sqlite

Once finished, your browser will open and show the chats.

The resulting file size of the .html file will be slightly bigger than the size of the .db.crypt12 database.


  • some


v2.3 (updated by ztedd — Apr 25, 2018)

  • fixed image preview to work with new Whatsapp database format
  • some minor fixes

v2.2 (updated by Martina Weidner — Nov 17, 2012)

  • now supports new emoji smileys
  • (Android Version) hotfix for TypeError in b64encode
  • (Android Version) decoded file won’t be deleted even if it can’t be opened

v2.1 (updated by Fabio Sangiacomo and Martina Weidner — May 7th, 2012)

  • improved install pyCrypto.bat
  • added easy drag and drop possibility with whatsapp_xtract_drag’n’drop_database(s)_here.bat
  • (Android Version) added support to fix corrupted android whatsapp database (needs sqlite3, for windows sqlite3.exe is contained in the archive)
  • (Android Version) removed wrong extraction of owner in android version
  • (Iphone Version) information from Z_METADATA table will be printed to shell
  • (Iphone Version) fixed bug in support of older Iphone whatsapp databases
  • fixed .bat files again to support script execution from each external directory
  • fixed .bat files if error «python» not found occurs (if you get that error, run install pyCrypto.bat first; rightclick on it and choose «run as administrator»)
  • updated compatibility for newer android whatsapp versions to show media files with thumbnails correctly

V2.0 (updated by Fabio Sangiacomo and Martina Weidner — Apr 28, 2012)

  • supports WhatsApp DBs coming from both Android and iPhone platforms
  • (Android Version) wa.db is optional
  • (Android Version) now also crypted msgstore.db.crypt from the SD card can be imported
  • chat list is sorted by the last sent message
  • fixed some bugs (e.g. that the script didn’t work with python 3)

V1.3 (updated by Martina Weidner — Apr 17, 2012)

  • corrected linking of offline files (now linking according to media file size)

V1.2 (updated by Martina Weidner — Apr 5, 2012)

  • media files also linked to offline files
  • corrected hyperlinks

V1.1 (updated by Martina Weidner — Apr 5, 2012)

  • changed database structure, Android only
  • show contact names
  • show smileys
  • show images
  • link / popup for images, video, audio, gps
  • clickable links

V1.0 (created by Fabio Sangiacomo — Dec 10, 2011)

  • first release, iPhone only:
    it takes in input the file «ChatStorage.sqlite»,
    extracts chat sessions and the bare text
  • sortable js allows table sorting to make chat sessions easily readable

Wish list:
Feel free to take the code and improve it. So maybe we could include some code from this different version which is able to export separate htmls for each chat:

Some Additional Information


You also can open the «msgstore.db» and «wa.db» using SQLite Database Browser ( http://sqlitebrowser.sourceforge.net/ ).
However it is much more confusing and the messages are ordered by date, not by conversations. Also you won’t see the smileys and media files…



If you want to watch the videos, audios and images, you can click on the thumbnails and media links. Popups should open displaying the media.
However, online media files are available only for the last ~ 3 weeks.
But you still can open the offline media files, they are linked as well.
For this it is necessary to copy the folder «Media» from /sdcard/Whatsapp (Android) or net.whatsapp.WhatsApp (Iphone) to the certain folder of your computer where this tool is installed.



If you want to have the contact names displayed and not only phone numbers, then (Android version only) you need the file wa.db from the internal storage.

For that you need to get access to the folder
For that you need root access.
For rooting, the tool Superoneclick Root might be useful:

Then you can copy the files «msgstore.db» and «wa.db» to your computer by

  • using the App RootExplorer (first copy to SD, then mount phone to computer)
  • or using adb: open cmd and type «adb pull /data/data/com.whatsapp/databases/msgstore.db C:\Whatsapp» (replace C:\Whatsapp by the location of the certain folder of your computer)
  • or using the app Titanium Backup. Use Titanium Backup to backup the full whatsapp application together with its data, copy the backup from the folder «TitaniumBackup» on the SD card to your PC, then extract the files «wa.db» and «msgstore.db» that you will find inside the Titanium Backup archive «com.whatsapp-[Date]-[some digits].tar.gz» to the certain folder.
  • or using some app like AirDroid or Webkey to access files over wifi using the PC webbrowser

A copy of the script available at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1583021
I am not the author of this script. All credit goes to the authors below.


WhatsApp Xtract v2.3

  • WhatsApp Backup Messages Extractor for Android and iPhone

Released on April 25th, 2018

(C)opyright 2012 Fabio Sangiacomo [email protected]
(C)opyright 2018 Martina Weidner [email protected]
Released under MIT licence

Tested with Whatsapp (Android) 2.18.46
Tested with Whatsapp (iPhone) 2.5.1


(see also the thread at xda-dev: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=24603294 )

  1. You need a copy of the whatsapp database and (if no root) get your key.

a) if your Android phone is rooted:

get these files:
/data/data/com.whatsapp/databases/msgstore.db and wa.db
(for this you need root access. detailed instructions in the bottom of this file.
The advantage of having wa.db is that the corresponding contact names of phone numbers will be displayed.)

b) if you have a normal Android (not rooted):
you need this to get the key:
[Tool] WhatsApp Key/DB Extractor | CRYPT6-12 | NON-ROOT

then you need the .crypt12 database from /sdcard/WhatsApp/Databases/

then you need a tool like Whatsapp Viewer to decrypt the database file:
Whatsapp Viewer

The decrypted database can already be viewed in Whatsapp Viewer. If you want the output style from Whatsapp xtract then you can continue with the decrypted file.

c) On IPhone, get this file (don’t know if it still works in 2018):

(You can use an Iphone Backup Tool to get the file, e.g. I-Twin or Iphone Backup Extractor. Make sure to create an unencrypted backup with Itunes, as these tools can’t handle encrypted backups. Another possibility are forensic tools like UFED Physical Analyzer.)

  1. Extract this archive (Whatsapp_Xtract….zip) to a certain folder on your computer, e.g. C:\WhatsApp.

  2. Copy the database(s) to e.g. C:\WhatsApp (on Android, you simply copy the whole folder WhatsApp on SD card to your computer e.g. to C:\WhatsApp and then copy the database file from C:\WhatsApp\Databases to C:\WhatsApp)

  3. You need Python


  1. Now run whatsapp_xtract_android.bat or whatsapp_xtract_iphone.bat

OR simply drag and drop the database file(s) to whatsapp_xtract_drag’n’drop_database(s)_here.bat

OR run whatsapp_xtract_console.bat and then manually specify the input file with one of these commands:


For Android DB:
python whatsapp_xtract.py msgstore.db -w wa.db
OR (if wa.db is unavailable)
python whatsapp_xtract.py msgstore.db

For iPhone DB: (-w option is ignored)
python whatsapp_xtract.py ChatStorage.sqlite

Once finished, your browser will open and show the chats.

The resulting file size of the .html file will be slightly bigger than the size of the .db.crypt12 database.


  • some


v2.3 (updated by ztedd — Apr 25, 2018)

  • fixed image preview to work with new Whatsapp database format
  • some minor fixes

v2.2 (updated by Martina Weidner — Nov 17, 2012)

  • now supports new emoji smileys
  • (Android Version) hotfix for TypeError in b64encode
  • (Android Version) decoded file won’t be deleted even if it can’t be opened

v2.1 (updated by Fabio Sangiacomo and Martina Weidner — May 7th, 2012)

  • improved install pyCrypto.bat
  • added easy drag and drop possibility with whatsapp_xtract_drag’n’drop_database(s)_here.bat
  • (Android Version) added support to fix corrupted android whatsapp database (needs sqlite3, for windows sqlite3.exe is contained in the archive)
  • (Android Version) removed wrong extraction of owner in android version
  • (Iphone Version) information from Z_METADATA table will be printed to shell
  • (Iphone Version) fixed bug in support of older Iphone whatsapp databases


  • fixed .bat files again to support script execution from each external directory
  • fixed .bat files if error «python» not found occurs (if you get that error, run install pyCrypto.bat first; rightclick on it and choose «run as administrator»)
  • updated compatibility for newer android whatsapp versions to show media files with thumbnails correctly

V2.0 (updated by Fabio Sangiacomo and Martina Weidner — Apr 28, 2012)

  • supports WhatsApp DBs coming from both Android and iPhone platforms
  • (Android Version) wa.db is optional
  • (Android Version) now also crypted msgstore.db.crypt from the SD card can be imported
  • chat list is sorted by the last sent message
  • fixed some bugs (e.g. that the script didn’t work with python 3)

V1.3 (updated by Martina Weidner — Apr 17, 2012)

  • corrected linking of offline files (now linking according to media file size)

V1.2 (updated by Martina Weidner — Apr 5, 2012)

  • media files also linked to offline files
  • corrected hyperlinks

V1.1 (updated by Martina Weidner — Apr 5, 2012)

  • changed database structure, Android only
  • show contact names
  • show smileys
  • show images
  • link / popup for images, video, audio, gps
  • clickable links

V1.0 (created by Fabio Sangiacomo — Dec 10, 2011)

  • first release, iPhone only:
    it takes in input the file «ChatStorage.sqlite»,
    extracts chat sessions and the bare text
  • sortable js allows table sorting to make chat sessions easily readable


Feel free to take the code and improve it. So maybe we could include some code from this different version which is able to export separate htmls for each chat:

Some Additional Information


You also can open the «msgstore.db» and «wa.db» using SQLite Database Browser ( http://sqlitebrowser.sourceforge.net/ ).
However it is much more confusing and the messages are ordered by date, not by conversations. Also you won’t see the smileys and media files…


If you want to watch the videos, audios and images, you can click on the thumbnails and media links. Popups should open displaying the media.
However, online media files are available only for the last ~ 3 weeks.
But you still can open the offline media files, they are linked as well.
For this it is necessary to copy the folder «Media» from /sdcard/Whatsapp (Android) or net.whatsapp.WhatsApp (Iphone) to the certain folder of your computer where this tool is installed.


If you want to have the contact names displayed and not only phone numbers, then (Android version only) you need the file wa.db from the internal storage.

For that you need to get access to the folder
For that you need root access.
For rooting, the tool Superoneclick Root might be useful:

Then you can copy the files «msgstore.db» and «wa.db» to your computer by

  • using the App RootExplorer (first copy to SD, then mount phone to computer)
  • or using adb: open cmd and type «adb pull /data/data/com.whatsapp/databases/msgstore.db C:\Whatsapp» (replace C:\Whatsapp by the location of the certain folder of your computer)
  • or using the app Titanium Backup. Use Titanium Backup to backup the full whatsapp application together with its data, copy the backup from the folder «TitaniumBackup» on the SD card to your PC, then extract the files «wa.db» and «msgstore.db» that you will find inside the Titanium Backup archive «com.whatsapp-[Date]-[some digits].tar.gz» to the certain folder.
  • or using some app like AirDroid or Webkey to access files over wifi using the PC webbrowser

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with «Whatsapp Xtract» Project. README Source: kbaseio/Whatsapp-Xtract

Whatsapp Xtract информация

Каждое программное обеспечение использует файлы в разных форматах. Некоторые из этих файлов используются в качестве исходных файлов или файлов конфигурации, необходимых для правильного запуска программы Whatsapp Xtract. Вторая категория — это форматы файлов, в которых программа может сохранять результат своей работы.

Ниже вы найдете список расширений файлов, поддерживаемых и используемых программой Whatsapp Xtract. Файлы с расширениями, перечисленными ниже, могут содержать настройки, конфигурации или другие входные данные программы Whatsapp Xtract, а также проекты или данные, которые программа Whatsapp Xtract может отображать или редактировать.

Расширения файлов, относящиеся к Whatsapp Xtract

Whatsapp Xtract скачать

Если вам нужна дополнительная информация о Whatsapp Xtract или вы ищете безопасный источник для загрузки программы, посетите веб-сайт производителя.

кликните сюда

Скачать WhatsApp Extractor,

WhatsApp Extractor — это программа для восстановления файлов, которую вы можете использовать для восстановления сообщений WhatsApp, хранящихся в файлах резервных копий iPhone.

Данные WhatsApp, хранящиеся на нашем iPhone, включают индивидуальные и групповые чаты, обмен фотографиями и видео. Эти данные копируются и хранятся в iTunes. Если наш iPhone выходит из строя или у нас возникают проблемы с хранилищем, мы можем использовать эти файлы резервных копий для восстановления удаленных файлов. 

WhatsApp Extractor — это программа, которая предлагает нам очень простой способ восстановить эти удаленные данные WhatsApp. Чтобы вернуть свои данные WhatsApp с помощью WhatsApp Extractor, все, что вам нужно сделать, это найти файлы резервных копий, хранящиеся в iTunes. После обнаружения этих файлов WhatsApp Extractor автоматически обнаруживает резервные копии данных WhatsApp и предоставляет вам подробную информацию об этих файлах. 

Если существует более одного файла резервной копии, WhatsApp Extractor анализирует эти файлы и предоставляет подробную информацию о файлах резервных копий. Таким образом, вы можете получить доступ к такой информации, как дата резервного копирования, имя устройства, прошивка. Еще одним полезным аспектом программы является то, что она может предоставить вам количество сохраненных сообщений, групповых чатов, ссылок WhatsApp и элементов мультимедиа.

Переписка, восстановленная с помощью WhatsApp Extractor, сохраняется в формате HTML и классифицируется в соответствии с вашими контактами и чат-группами в WhatsApp. Таким образом, вы можете читать эту корреспонденцию на любой платформе и гораздо легче находить нужную корреспонденцию.

Если вы потеряли переписку и общие файлы WhatsApp, вы можете попробовать WhatsApp Extractor.

WhatsApp Extractor Технические характеристики

  • Платформа: Windows
  • Категория: App
  • Язык: Английский
  • Размер файла: 4.72 MB
  • Лицензия: Бесплатно
  • Разработчик: MyPhoneData
  • Последнее обновление: 02-10-2021
  • Скачать: 2,096


База расширений файлов и типов файлов

  • У Вас проблемы с неизвестными типами файлов?

    Вы попали по адресу, Мы поможем Вам их решить!

Информация о Whatsapp Xtract

Whatsapp Xtract это программа, которая позволяет обслуживать некоторые типы файлов из нашей базы. Вы найдете здесь информацию, какие конкретно расширения файлов поддерживает Whatsapp Xtract, — с помощью этой программы Вы сможете просматривать, редактировать или записать файлы в указанном формате.

Программа Whatsapp Xtract как конвертор

Программу Microsoft Office Вы можешь также использовать в качестве конвертора. Это значит что с помощью Whatsapp Xtract Вы сможете открыть файл в одном формате и записать его в другом. Ниже список доступных конверсий с использованием Whatsapp Xtract.

Типы файлов, поддерживаемые Whatsapp Xtract


Скачать Whatsapp Xtract

Если Вам необходимо скачать программу Whatsapp Xtract, помните, чтобы найти надежный источник. В сегодняшнее время при каждой возможности сайты предлагающие скачивание программного обеспечения Whatsapp Xtract и других добавляют к файлам для установки нежелательные приложения. Самое безопасное решение — воспользоваться официальной страницей производителя Whatsapp Xtract — ниже ссылка на нее.

Страница производителя Whatsapp Xtract

Найдите файл

Достаточно что Вы впишете расширение файла, напр. «pdf» либо «mkv» — после нажатия кнопки Вы сразу же попадете на соответствующую подстраницу — если у нас только есть этот тип файла в нашей базе.

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