для Windows
Webshots Desktop — позволяет периодически менять обои на рабочем столе, включает в себя огромное количество изображений различных категорий, таких как спорт, наука, природа, путешествия, 3D и множество других. Все эти картинки можно использовать в качестве обоев для рабочего стола или в качестве скринсейвера.
Автоматическое обновление картинок через Интернет, возможность добавления собственных картинок. Есть возможность добавлять на обои Рабочего стола календарь текущего месяца.
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Отзывы о программе Webshots
Александр про Webshots Desktop [05-08-2013]
Хорошая программа, пользовался ей лет 10. Но то была честная программа, а сейчас установил wbsamp5 и обалдел: она установила еще и Web Cake — рекламные баннеры на четверть экрана снизу! Снес.
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Piligrim про Webshots Desktop [30-03-2013]
Пользуюсь с 2001 года один недостаток смена фотки на рабочем столе минимальное через 15 минут и ничо не сделаешь в корень залазил результат ноль,
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Ольга про Webshots Desktop [28-01-2013]
Нравится эта программа.Пользуюсь ней давно,с русификатором. Но при переустановке компа как и многое другое исчезло. Русификатора и здесь нет. Где его можно найти?
5 | 5 | Ответить
asmodeika про Webshots Desktop [11-11-2012]
Прогой этой пользуюсь с 1998 года, уйма картинок, нынешняя версия мне нравиться из-за того, что любые скачанные обои можно внести в каталог из 128 шт сразу.а не по одной, при чем существует обрезчик обоев,так что в формат становятся почти все. Обращаейтесь asmodeika-daemon@mail.ru
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Valik про Webshots Desktop [14-09-2010]
у меня на ноуте 1366*768 все картинки раскрываются в центре, по бокам синие полоски,хотя разрешение картинок подходящее, ПОДСКАЖИТЕ что мне сделать ?
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Webshots Desktop — приложение для периодической смены обоев на рабочем столе. В программу включено множество изображений на всевозможные темы — путешествия, спорт, природа и т.д. Имеется возможность автоматического обновления картинок, добавления собственных изображений, использования программы в качестве скринсейвера. Можно даже вывести на рабочий стол календарь месяца.
- Easily upload and share your personal photos online;
- Automatic notification of photos uploaded by friends and family.
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Webshots Desktop is an amazingly simple program that will search for and find the perfect images for you to use as a desktop background or screensaver!
You can simply enter a search term that you’d like to search for and Webshots Desktop will find the perfect image relating to that theme in just a few brief seconds of searching. You will be able to go through all of the results that it finds and then save your favorite images. Webshots Desktop allows you to do some photo editing yourself directly in the program. This allows you to crop images and do other simple adjustments before setting it as a background or screensaver. Once you’re fully satisfied with your image it’s just a few clicks to make it your background! Every image it will display are full resolution and will look great on any size display.
If you’re interested in photography or image editing yourself you can upload your own photos to Webshots Desktop’s database and then other people will be able to view and use your images! This would allow you to feel pride in your images knowing that viewing them is making other people happy and excited.
Additionally Webshots Desktop has built-in themes. So if you’re feeling a bit less creative or aren’t sure exactly what you want you can look through the suggested themes and you’ll be sure to find something that you love! It includes thousands of themes so it’s easy to find something that will engage you!
Additionally, it comes with a daily story mode. So every day you can view a new amazing image and read the story behind it. That is sure to excite you and make you feel amazed at everything going on in the world!
Webshots Desktop finds the perfect image you’re looking for every time by searching multiple databases quickly and efficiently!
Internet connection required for software functionality.
At least 512MB of RAM for optimal performance.
Graphics card capable of supporting full resolution images.
Free hard disk space of at least 20MB.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner
farid khan
i like the software,because am a football fan so it will be very easy for me to just find my favorite club,add more images on my PC as possible also since i am artist ,it can provide an avenue for creativity ,i can make staff,draw all sort of images and also may be start a new project of designing best themes for my friends .However,just out of curiosity can webshots Desktop provide explicit images? ,in general i like the software.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner
sam dow
Webshots Desktop finds the perfect image you’re looking for every time by searching multiple databases quickly and efficiently!
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner
This is great software if you love photography and like to share photos, one thing I like is that I can change the theme of my photos to corrsespond with the seasons or other holidays. I can share these with my friends and family and I can see their photos as well. It also a great search engine. you can find just about any photograph you didnt know you were looking for. you can also use photos to chroncile events in your life or the life of a nation, such as the impeachment of a certiain baboon ass president with an oragne stank and a cheap comb over.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner
This software is an easy way to find the perfect image to save on your computer or laptop screen. It searches different images for you so you have the perfect visual . If you’re a person who likes snapping photos , you can upload your own pictures, edit them and use them as your screen saver . This software also has themes, so if you are confused as to what you want , you can scroll through the themes and select one of them .
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner
Webshots desktop allows you to manage photos and create wallpapers for your screen. Also, if you like to have a screensaver, Webshots Desktop can handle that too! Try dragging and dropping photos, sharing them, and curate your photos into albums all with this one useful tool.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner
The Webshots software for Windows is a beautiful recreation of the most majestic scenery seen throughout the world. It gives me a portal to panoramas I would never have been able to experience otherwise since the onset of the Corona virus hit America.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner
It is a software which can use to manage screen saver and wallpapers we can manage photos as well as download photos we can personalize our screen of our pc and it can help create the unique desktop background and, i highly recommend it
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner
Webshots Desktop for Windows is a great way to improve time spent on or away from your laptop or desktop. The app is simple and boosts my mood in an instant. I love those moments when I am working hard on my computer and I need to meditate and drift into paradise, I simply head over to Webshots and pick a beautiful photo from a tranquil flowing river to the Swiss Alps. On the other hand, if I am having my friends or family over and am playing music from my desktop, I love choosing a great screensaver to compliment the theme of my party when I’m entertaining and not focusing on being a DJ. It is an unexpected and exciting way to decorate my space that is low cost and highly enjoyable. It surprised me how much my day improved by having access to so many different photo options at my finger tips.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner
Webshots, the best in Wallpaper, Desktop Backgrounds, and Screen Savers starting around 1995. … or on the other hand update your Webshots Application. Webshots, the best in Wallpaper, Desktop Backgrounds, and Screen Savers starting around 1995. Webshots Desktop is a product that permits the client to alter and download various sorts of pictures from the Web. Webshots Desktop is a free program for Windows, that has a place with the class Utilities and Tools. Disclaimer. Webshots Desktop is an item evolved by WebShots.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner
If you’re looking for a way to download and modify pictures that you’ve found while browsing on the Internet, then you must check out Webshots Desktop for Windows. This program makes it a cinch to save the images that you want, and it’s perfect for creating your own backgrounds, wallpapers and screensavers. All you need to do is track down the image that you want to use and then edit it using the options that Webshots Desktop offers, by adjusting the colors and brightness and file formats.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner
This software allows you to edit and download different images from the internet. You can adjust the color, brightness, and size of the image among other things. The software supports many different formats such as jpg and gif. It even has a customizable calendar that you can set to display an image as your screensaver on a certain day of the week.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner
Webshots can help in downloading and edit Images from the web. It an change the sharpness, brightness and size of the image it supports popular image format like jpg, giff, tiff etc. It give latest images in the gallery and also have screensaver control to set time for each picture. It has a customized calendar which can bring up setting like font style and size and position of the image. It has many themes like beaches, landmark, Nature, waterfall etc.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner
Owen A******r
Webshots Desktop is a free software program that allows users to organize, edit, and share their digital photos. It has a simple, user-friendly interface that allows users to quickly and easily organize photos, edit them with advanced editing tools and share them via social media, email or the Webshots website. It also features a variety of creative tools and features, such as collages, slideshows, and wallpapers.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner
Robert Y.
Webshots Desktop software is a great way to easily organize, store and share your photos. It is easy to navigate, allowing you to quickly find the photos you need. The editing features are simple to use and allow you to get creative with your pics. I especially like the ability to create collages with various backgrounds, effects and layouts. The software integrates seamlessly with other programs like Facebook and Flickr. The sorting and tagging functions are also very helpful. The interface is intuitive and user friendly, making it a great choice for those who are new to photo editing software. The only downside is that some of the features require an additional purchase.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner
Finn B******k
Webshots Desktop is a helpful software that allows you to quickly and easily create and share photo albumns. However, I’ve found it can be a bit fustrating to navigate at times as the interface isn’t as user-friendy as I’d like.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner
Blair Waltermeyer
Webshots Desctop is a great software for keeping your photos organised and easily accessible, however it can be a bit tricky to navigate at times, and could use some improvement in the user interface departement.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner
James Cayou
I found Webshots Desktop to be a user-friendly software with a vast collection of high-quality wallpapers and screensavers.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner
Thomas T.
Webshots Desktop software allows users to customize their desktop backgrounds with beautiful images from around the world.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner
Webshots Desktop is a powerful software that allows users to manage extensive photo collections. Its primary feature is letting users easily organize, search, and share their photos. It also provides an array of stunning screensaver and wallpaper options, enhancing user experience. This software supports different image formats, ensuring versatility and convenience.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner
Easy to use with an extensive collection of wallpapers, yet the frequent pop-ups can be slightly intrusive.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner
Vibrant wallpapers, easy to use, customizable features, occasional glitches.
image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner
Intuitive, varied wallpapers, occasionally buggy.
Manage photos, display collections on desktop»
This is an application mainly for photo management that consolidates backdrop and screensaver usefulness with devices for overseeing and sharing your very own photographs. The most recent rendition makes dealing with all your photographs considerably less demanding appropriate from your work area programming. Presently you can move photographs to this program from Windows, look through your this application’s accumulation, and refresh your collections in a blaze.
This program’s users can peruse the world’s biggest photograph system and utilize the Web’s best photograph look. Webshots gives buyers an assortment of approaches to appreciate and share photographs on PC work areas, TVs, and cell phones.
This is a very useful tool in helping as you make the most out of the photographs you have to make them into beautiful wallpapers and screensavers. This tool combines options that would give you the liberty to transform your pictures to usable ones. More importantly, you also get to share your most interesting pictures just at the click of some buttons. It is indeed very useful when it comes to pictures.
Webshots Desktop is licensed as freeware for PC or laptop with Windows 32 bit and 64 bit operating system. It is in personalization category and is available to all software users as a free download.
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Author |
Last Updated On |
May 8, 2018 |
Runs on |
Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Windows Vista / XP |
Total downloads |
3,839 |
License |
Free |
File size |
248,42 KB |
Filename |
WebshotsDesktopSetup.exe |
Webshots is a Windows program that enables you to download different types of images from the web and set them as your desktop background or screensaver. All you have to do is to type in the idea into the integrated browser.
Desktop customization is a fun activity, particularly when it comes to wallpapers and screensavers. However, finding the content to fit your needs may be a bit difficult. For this purpose, you can check out one of the many dedicated apps such as Webshots. In order to begin using this service, you need to set up a free account.
Brief review
This software was specifically designed to provide you with a powerful picture manager, as well as add additional functionality for your personal computer. For example, you can browse online galleries, set new wallpapers, upload custom photos and so on. The graphical interface is quite simple and intuitive in use. It features a few buttons to push and menus to browse in order to discover all the features of this utility.
Besides the wallpaper management function, you have the option to display a calendar onto your screen. What is more, you are able to configure various settings such as the position of the image on the screen, the text font and the starting day of the week. If you want to switch desktop images in accordance with current weather, you may use a special tool called Chameleon.
- free to download and use;
- compatible with modern Windows versions;
- gives you the ability to manage desktop images;
- comes with an extensive online gallery of photos;
- requires registration of a free account.