Vscode windows 7 32 bit


Building on the other responses to this question above, to be able to use some of the latest features VSCodium might be your best option, unless you need Microsoft Account-enabled features. As of April 19, 2023 I was able to run the latest release of VSCodium 32-bit build from the ZIP archive on 64-bit Windows 7 SP1. Note, I did not test on 32-bit Windows 7 but I imagine the 32-bit builds should run as well. Note there are messages indicating that VSCodium will soon stop receiving updates for Windows 7 / Windows Server 2008 R2. The funny thing is that upon clicking on the Learn More hyperlink or button you are directed to a URL from the VS Code documentation indicating versions greater than 1.70 will not run on Windows 7.

Visual Studio Code

If you are looking specifically for VS Code, I was able to find the other 32-bit (and 64-bit) build links from the VS Code Documentation FAQ page under heading «Previous Release Versions» which I found from a StackOverflow question (# 49346733) titled «How to downgrade vscode»: (Not linking to these relatively easy to find FAQ and SO question pages as I don’t have enough reputation to post more than 8 links at this time and would prefer to provide direct links to the builds for download)

32-bit builds:

ZIP: https://update.code.visualstudio.com/1.70.2/win32-archive/stable

System Installer: https://update.code.visualstudio.com/1.70.2/win32/stable

User Installer: https://update.code.visualstudio.com/1.70.2/win32-user/stable

64-bit builds:

ZIP: https://update.code.visualstudio.com/1.70.2/win32-x64-archive/stable

System Installer: https://update.code.visualstudio.com/1.70.2/win32-x64/stable

User Installer: https://update.code.visualstudio.com/1.70.2/win32-x64-user/stable

With regard to the final VS Code update for Windows 7, version 1.70.3 for the ZIP archive builds, I was able to find direct links to the latest version 1.70.3 by clicking on the Gear icon in the lower left and using the built-in Download Updates option which directed me to the following URLs for the 32-bit and 64-bit editions:

32-bit VS Code 1.70.3 ZIP archive:


64-bit VS Code 1.70.3 ZIP archive:


Unfortunately, I could not find a direct URL to download the system or user installers for version 1.70.3, although the built-in updater (accessed from the Gear icon menu in the lower left) seemed to download an updater package, creating a new directory vscode-update-[system/user]-[ia32/x64] underneath C:\Users<UserName>\AppData\Local\Temp\ under which an .EXE file and sometimes a .flag file were written. For the system installer versions I received a UAC prompt and was able to track down the directory and file locations from there. (Though there was no UAC prompt for the user installer versions, I did find similar directories adjacent to the system directories under AppData\Local\Temp which I am assuming are the updaters for those versions). Here are the SHA-256 hashes of those files, their file sizes and locations:

32-bit system installer updater to 1.70.3:

Sub-directory of AppData\Local\Temp: vscode-update-system-ia32\

File name: CodeSetup-stable-a21a160d630530476218b85db95b0fd2a8cd1230.exe

SHA-256 Hash:

Size: 79,271,448 bytes

64-bit system installer updater to 1.70.3:

Sub-directory of AppData\Local\Temp: vscode-update-system-x64\

File 1 name: CodeSetup-stable-a21a160d630530476218b85db95b0fd2a8cd1230.exe

SHA-256 Hash of file 1: 63a0e5beb949cbf70a8e8e78a8f2d0d8be48e6f59966769789f236fb7643711c

Size of file 1: 82,838,336 bytes

File 2 name: CodeSetup-stable-a21a160d630530476218b85db95b0fd2a8cd1230.flag

SHA-256 Hash of file 2: 807d0fbcae7c4b20518d4d85664f6820aafdf936104122c5073e7744c46c4b87

Size of file 2: 4 bytes

32-bit user installer updater to 1.70.3:

Sub-directory of AppData\Local\Temp: vscode-update-user-ia32\

File name: CodeSetup-stable-a21a160d630530476218b85db95b0fd2a8cd1230.exe

SHA-256 Hash: 1d136adc8d36a7785bd2379b643c003caeace78a3c122910ec83ec76c76cfce5

Size: 79,271,592 bytes

64-bit user installer updater to 1.70.3:

Sub-directory of AppData\Local\Temp: vscode-update-user-x64\

File name: CodeSetup-stable-a21a160d630530476218b85db95b0fd2a8cd1230.exe

SHA-256 Hash: b1332b48970ade9aaf4f0948fee417cabd0207aca44985798f4f941afefa32f3

Size: 82,838,544 bytes


  1. Download the Visual Studio Code installer for Windows.
  2. Once it is downloaded, run the installer (VSCodeUserSetup-{version}.exe). This will only take a minute.
  3. By default, VS Code is installed under C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code.

Alternatively, you can also download a Zip archive, extract it and run Code from there.

Tip: Setup will add Visual Studio Code to your %PATH%, so from the console you can type ‘code .’ to open VS Code on that folder. You will need to restart your console after the installation for the change to the %PATH% environmental variable to take effect.

User setup versus system setup

VS Code provides both Windows user and system level setups.

The user setup does not require Administrator privileges to run as the location will be under your user Local AppData (LOCALAPPDATA) folder. Since it requires no elevation, the user setup is able to provide a smoother background update experience. This is the preferred way to install VS Code on Windows.

Note: When running VS Code as Administrator in a user setup installation, updates will be disabled.

The system setup requires elevation to Administrator privileges to run and will place the installation under the system’s Program Files. The in-product update flow will also require elevation, making it less streamlined than the user setup. On the other hand, installing VS Code using the system setup means that it will be available to all users in the system.

See the Download Visual Studio Code page for a complete list of available installation options.

32-bit versions

If you need to run a 32-bit version of VS Code, both a 32-bit Installer and Zip archive are available.


VS Code ships monthly releases and supports auto-update when a new release is available. If you’re prompted by VS Code, accept the newest update and it will be installed (you won’t need to do anything else to get the latest bits).

Note: You can disable auto-update if you prefer to update VS Code on your own schedule.

Windows Subsystem for Linux

Windows is a popular operating system and it can be a great cross-platform development environment. This section describes cross-platform features such as the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and the new Windows Terminal.

Recent Windows build

Make sure you are on a recent Windows 10 build. Check Settings > Windows Update to see if you are up-to-date.

Windows as a developer machine

With WSL, you can install and run Linux distributions on Windows. This enables you to develop and test your source code on Linux while still working locally on your Windows machine.

When coupled with the WSL extension, you get full VS Code editing and debugging support while running in the context of WSL.

See the Developing in WSL documentation to learn more or try the Working in WSL introductory tutorial.

New Windows Terminal

Available from the Microsoft Store, the Windows Terminal (Preview) lets you easily open PowerShell, Command Prompt, and WSL terminals in a multiple tab shell.

Next steps

Once you have installed VS Code, these topics will help you learn more about VS Code:

  • Additional Components — Learn how to install Git, Node.js, TypeScript, and tools like Yeoman.
  • User Interface — A quick orientation to VS Code.
  • User/Workspace Settings — Learn how to configure VS Code to your preferences through settings.
  • Tips and Tricks — Lets you jump right in and learn how to be productive with VS Code.

Common questions

What command-line arguments are supported by the Windows Setup?

VS Code uses Inno Setup to create its setup package
for Windows. Thus, all the Inno Setup command-line switches are available for use.

Additionally, you can prevent the Setup from launching VS Code after completion with /mergetasks=!runcode.

Scrolling is laggy and not smooth

On certain devices, editor scrolling is not smooth but laggy for an unpleasant experience. If you notice this issue, make sure you install the Windows 10 October 2018 update where this issue is fixed.

I’m having trouble with the installer

Try using the zip file instead of the installer. To use this, unzip VS Code in your AppData\Local\Programs folder.

Note: When VS Code is installed via a Zip file, you will need to manually update it for each release.

Icons are missing

I installed Visual Studio Code on my Windows 8 machine. Why are some icons not appearing in the workbench and editor?

VS Code uses SVG icons and we have found instances where the .SVG file extension is associated with something other than image/svg+xml. We’re considering options to fix it, but for now here’s a workaround:

Using the Command Prompt:

  1. Open an Administrator Command Prompt.
  2. Type REG ADD HKCR\.svg /f /v "Content Type" /t REG_SZ /d image/svg+xml.

Using the Registry Editor (regedit):

  1. Start regedit.
  2. Open the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT key.
  3. Find the .svg key.
  4. Set its Content Type Data value to image/svg+xml.
  5. Exit regedit.

Unable to run as admin when AppLocker is enabled

With the introduction of process sandboxing (discussed in this blog post) running as administrator is currently unsupported when AppLocker is configured due to a limitation of the runtime sandbox. If your work requires that you run VS Code from an elevated terminal, you can launch code with --no-sandbox --disable-gpu-sandbox as a workaround.

Subscribe to issue #122951 to receive updates.

Working with UNC paths

Beginning with version 1.78.1, VS Code on Windows will only allow to access UNC paths (these begin with a leading \\) that were either approved by the user on startup or where the host name is configured to be allowed via the new security.allowedUNCHosts setting.

If you rely on using UNC paths in VS Code, you can either

  • configure the host to be allowed via the security.allowedUNCHosts setting (for example add server-a when you open a path such as \\server-a\path)
  • map the UNC path as network drive and use the drive letter instead of the UNC path (documentation)
  • define a global environment variable NODE_UNC_HOST_ALLOWLIST with the backslash-separated list of hostnames to allow, for example: server-a\server-b to allow the hosts server-a and server-b.

Note: if you are using any of the remote extensions to connect to a workspace remotely (such as SSH), the security.allowedUNCHosts has to be configured on the remote machine and not the local machine.

This change was done to improve the security when using VS Code with UNC paths. Please refer to the associated security advisory for more information.



Building on the other responses to this question above, to be able to use some of the latest features VSCodium might be your best option, unless you need Microsoft Account-enabled features. As of April 19, 2023 I was able to run the latest release of VSCodium 32-bit build from the ZIP archive on 64-bit Windows 7 SP1. Note, I did not test on 32-bit Windows 7 but I imagine the 32-bit builds should run as well. Note there are messages indicating that VSCodium will soon stop receiving updates for Windows 7 / Windows Server 2008 R2. The funny thing is that upon clicking on the Learn More hyperlink or button you are directed to a URL from the VS Code documentation indicating versions greater than 1.70 will not run on Windows 7.

Visual Studio Code

If you are looking specifically for VS Code, I was able to find the other 32-bit (and 64-bit) build links from the VS Code Documentation FAQ page under heading «Previous Release Versions» which I found from a StackOverflow question (# 49346733) titled «How to downgrade vscode»: (Not linking to these relatively easy to find FAQ and SO question pages as I don’t have enough reputation to post more than 8 links at this time and would prefer to provide direct links to the builds for download)

32-bit builds:

ZIP: https://update.code.visualstudio.com/1.70.2/win32-archive/stable

System Installer: https://update.code.visualstudio.com/1.70.2/win32/stable

User Installer: https://update.code.visualstudio.com/1.70.2/win32-user/stable

64-bit builds:

ZIP: https://update.code.visualstudio.com/1.70.2/win32-x64-archive/stable

System Installer: https://update.code.visualstudio.com/1.70.2/win32-x64/stable

User Installer: https://update.code.visualstudio.com/1.70.2/win32-x64-user/stable

With regard to the final VS Code update for Windows 7, version 1.70.3 for the ZIP archive builds, I was able to find direct links to the latest version 1.70.3 by clicking on the Gear icon in the lower left and using the built-in Download Updates option which directed me to the following URLs for the 32-bit and 64-bit editions:

32-bit VS Code 1.70.3 ZIP archive:


64-bit VS Code 1.70.3 ZIP archive:


Unfortunately, I could not find a direct URL to download the system or user installers for version 1.70.3, although the built-in updater (accessed from the Gear icon menu in the lower left) seemed to download an updater package, creating a new directory vscode-update-[system/user]-[ia32/x64] underneath C:\Users<UserName>\AppData\Local\Temp\ under which an .EXE file and sometimes a .flag file were written. For the system installer versions I received a UAC prompt and was able to track down the directory and file locations from there. (Though there was no UAC prompt for the user installer versions, I did find similar directories adjacent to the system directories under AppData\Local\Temp which I am assuming are the updaters for those versions). Here are the SHA-256 hashes of those files, their file sizes and locations:

32-bit system installer updater to 1.70.3:

Sub-directory of AppData\Local\Temp: vscode-update-system-ia32\

File name: CodeSetup-stable-a21a160d630530476218b85db95b0fd2a8cd1230.exe

SHA-256 Hash:

Size: 79,271,448 bytes

64-bit system installer updater to 1.70.3:

Sub-directory of AppData\Local\Temp: vscode-update-system-x64\

File 1 name: CodeSetup-stable-a21a160d630530476218b85db95b0fd2a8cd1230.exe

SHA-256 Hash of file 1: 63a0e5beb949cbf70a8e8e78a8f2d0d8be48e6f59966769789f236fb7643711c

Size of file 1: 82,838,336 bytes

File 2 name: CodeSetup-stable-a21a160d630530476218b85db95b0fd2a8cd1230.flag

SHA-256 Hash of file 2: 807d0fbcae7c4b20518d4d85664f6820aafdf936104122c5073e7744c46c4b87

Size of file 2: 4 bytes

32-bit user installer updater to 1.70.3:

Sub-directory of AppData\Local\Temp: vscode-update-user-ia32\

File name: CodeSetup-stable-a21a160d630530476218b85db95b0fd2a8cd1230.exe

SHA-256 Hash: 1d136adc8d36a7785bd2379b643c003caeace78a3c122910ec83ec76c76cfce5

Size: 79,271,592 bytes

64-bit user installer updater to 1.70.3:

Sub-directory of AppData\Local\Temp: vscode-update-user-x64\

File name: CodeSetup-stable-a21a160d630530476218b85db95b0fd2a8cd1230.exe

SHA-256 Hash: b1332b48970ade9aaf4f0948fee417cabd0207aca44985798f4f941afefa32f3

Size: 82,838,544 bytes

Version: 1.43.2

Size: 54.44 MB

Date Added: Mar 25, 2020

License: Freeware

Languages: Multi-languages

Publisher: Microsoft Corporation

Website: https://code.visualstudio.com/

OS: Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10

Visual Studio Code is a popular source code editor developed by Microsoft. It is a lightweight and powerful tool that is widely used by programmers and developers for writing, editing, and debugging code across various programming languages.

One of the key features of Visual Studio Code is its extensibility. It comes with a rich ecosystem of extensions that can be easily installed to enhance its functionality for different programming languages, frameworks, and development workflows. This allows developers to customize their coding environment to suit their specific needs, making it a highly versatile tool for different types of projects.

Visual Studio Code also offers a highly intuitive user interface, with a minimalist design that provides a clutter-free workspace for coding. It has a wide range of productivity features such as built-in Git integration, intelligent code completion, and powerful debugging capabilities, making it a valuable tool for developers to streamline their workflow and increase productivity.

Another notable feature of Visual Studio Code is its cross-platform compatibility. It is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems, allowing developers to use it on their preferred platform without any restrictions.

In summary, Visual Studio Code is a popular and powerful source code editor that offers a rich set of features, extensibility, cross-platform compatibility, and a user-friendly interface. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, Visual Studio Code is a versatile tool that can greatly enhance your coding experience and productivity.

Key Features:

  • Cross-platform lightweight editor with intelligent code editing and integrated terminal.
  • Extensible with a large number of extensions for language support and other functionalities.
  • Built-in Git integration for source code management.
  • Powerful debugging capabilities with breakpoints and variable inspection.
  • Customizable user interface with themes and color schemes.
  • Real-time collaboration with Live Share feature.
  • Task automation for efficient development workflows.
  • IDE-like features such as code refactoring and integrated documentation.


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Visual Studio Code 1.32.3



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