Vpn server бесплатно для windows

We have 2000 L2TP/IPSec Best really free vpn server.

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Как создать VPN сервер в WindowsВ Windows 8.1, 8 и 7 имеется возможность создания VPN сервера, хотя она и неочевидна. Для чего это может понадобиться? Например, для игр по «локальной сети», RDP подключения к удаленным компьютерам, домашнему хранилищу данных, медиа серверу или же для безопасного использования Интернета с общедоступных точек доступа.

Подключение к VPN серверу Windows осуществляется по протоколу PPTP. Стоит отметить, что сделать то же самое с помощью Hamachi или TeamViewer проще, удобнее и безопаснее.

Создание VPN сервера

Откройте список подключений Windows. Самый быстрый способ сделать это — нажать клавиши Win + R в любой версии Windows и ввести ncpa.cpl, затем нажать Enter.

Создание нового входящего подключения

В списке подключений нажмите клавишу Alt и в появившемся меню выберите пункт «Новое входящее подключение».

Создание аккаунта пользователя VPN

На следующем этапе нужно выбрать пользователя, которому будет разрешено удаленное подключение. Для большей безопасности лучше создать нового пользователя с ограниченными правами и предоставить доступ к VPN только ему. Кроме этого, не забудьте установить хороший, годный пароль для этого пользователя.

Разрешить VPN подключения по Интернету

Нажмите «Далее» и отметьте пункт «Через Интернет».

Используемые подключением протоколы

В следующем диалоговом окне нужно отметить, по каким протоколам будет возможно подключение: если вам не требуется доступ к общим файлам и папкам, а также принтерам при VPN подключении, можно снять отметку с этих пунктов. Нажмите кнопку «Разрешить доступ» и дождитесь завершения создания VPN сервера Windows.

Если потребуется отключить возможность VPN подключения к компьютеру, кликните правой кнопкой мыши по «Входящие подключения» в списке подключений и выберите пункт «Удалить».

Как подключиться к VPN серверу на компьютере

Для подключения вам потребуется знать IP адрес компьютера в Интернете и создать VPN подключение, в котором VPN сервер — этот адрес, имя пользователя и пароль — соответствуют пользователю, которому разрешено подключение. Если вы взялись за эту инструкцию, то с данным пунктом, скорее всего, проблем у вас не возникнет, и вы умеете создавать такие подключения. Однако ниже — кое-какая информация, которая может оказаться полезной:

  • Если компьютер, на котором был создан VPN-сервер, подключен к Интернету через роутер, то в роутере необходимо создать перенаправление подключений порта 1723 на IP адрес компьютера в локальной сети (а этот адрес сделать статическим).
  • С учетом того, что большинство Интернет-провайдеров предоставляют динамический IP на стандартных тарифах, каждый раз узнавать IP своего компьютера может быть затруднительным, особенно удаленно. Решить это можно с помощью таких сервисов как DynDNS, No-IP Free и Free DNS. Как-нибудь напишу о них подробно, но пока не успел. Уверен, в сети хватает материала, который позволит разобраться, что к чему. Общий смысл: подключение к вашему компьютеру всегда можно будет осуществлять по уникальному домену третьего уровня, несмотря на динамический IP. Это бесплатно.

Более подробно не расписываю, потому как статья все-таки не для самых начинающих пользователей. А тем, кому это действительно нужно, вполне будет достаточно вышеизложенной информации.

Что такое VPN сервер?

Что же такое VPN сервер и для чего он нужен? Давайте вместе разберемся в этом вопросе.

VPN (англ. Virtual Private Network — виртуальная частная сеть) — технология позволяющая обеспечить одно или несколько сетевых соединений поверх другой сети.

Технология VPN и прокси очень похожи, но работают по-разному и имеют свои нюансы. Подробно о прокси можно почитать в разделе список прокси серверов.

Отличие VPN и прокси

В отличие от прокси серверов, VPN создают зашифрованные туннели между сервером и вашим компьютером. Ваш IP адрес и действия остаются скрытыми 128-битным шифрованием и уровень анонимности значительно повышается по сравнению с прокси сервером

Классификация VPN

VPN сервера бывают: защищенные и доверительные. Список мы формируем из VPN серверов работающих с протоколом L2TP/IPsec. На компьютере и мобильном девайсе можно настроить VPN без установки дополнительного программного обеспечения. Также на нашем сайте вы можете найти полную пошаговую инструкцию по настройки VPN.

Список VPN серверов

Список VPN мы формируем из серверов поддерживающих L2TP/IPsec протоколы, поэтому вы можете быть уверены что ваш IP адрес будет скрыт. Список обновляется каждые 5 минут. Список так же доступен в виде json файла.


Country IP-Address Throughput Ping Cumulative transfers Login/Password
Korea Republic of 18.93 Mbps 33 ms 0.00 GB vpn/vpn
United States 21.35 Mbps 48 ms 4,220.05 GB vpn/vpn
Hong Kong 98.15 Mbps 13 ms 186.11 GB vpn/vpn
United Kingdom 454.50 Mbps 1 ms 12,427.06 GB vpn/vpn
Malaysia 42.17 Mbps 23 ms 6,376.28 GB vpn/vpn
United States 178.68 Mbps 1 ms 4,993.05 GB vpn/vpn
Poland 9.44 Mbps 1 ms 10,234.68 GB vpn/vpn
Germany 4.80 Mbps 13 ms 68,075.39 GB vpn/vpn
United States 28.16 Mbps 13 ms 10,120.18 GB vpn/vpn
Switzerland 11.94 Mbps 45 ms 1,645.11 GB vpn/vpn
Suriname 15.33 Mbps 72 ms 18,284.24 GB vpn/vpn
Peru 7.78 Mbps 31 ms 1,331.96 GB vpn/vpn
France 8.93 Mbps 4 ms 17,874.40 GB vpn/vpn
United Kingdom 360.75 Mbps 1 ms 13,288.78 GB vpn/vpn
Hong Kong 0.90 Mbps 78 ms 1,248.78 GB vpn/vpn
Hong Kong 0.51 Mbps 235 ms 6,997.86 GB vpn/vpn
Peru 4.56 Mbps 31 ms 3,402.24 GB vpn/vpn
United States 197.41 Mbps 1 ms 2,579.18 GB vpn/vpn
United States 362.10 Mbps 1 ms 5,262.18 GB vpn/vpn
United States 379.90 Mbps 1 ms 3,222.27 GB vpn/vpn
United States 504.86 Mbps 1 ms 3,819.01 GB vpn/vpn
Brazil 1.85 Mbps 72 ms 3,058.09 GB vpn/vpn
China 4.09 Mbps 137 ms 47.37 GB vpn/vpn
Taiwan 9.67 Mbps 10 ms 5,590.35 GB vpn/vpn

Загрузить список VPN серверов в JSON формате

Мы берем список прокси и VPN-серверов из открытых источников в Интернете. Вы можете использовать эти данные на свой страх и риск. Администрация сайта не берёт никакой ответственности за возможные негативные последствия использования прокси и VPN серверов.

The open-source VPN server software is a part of the network to provide a virtual private network that uses tunneling protocol over the internet from a secure communication channel between clients and servers.  The VPN servers provide the capability to a company or a person to use public infrastructure at a lower cost than private ones but with security.

For example, if you are using some public internet with low security but you want to perform some business work through a secure channel you can use the VPN servers for that. There are a lot of paid VPN solutions that provide enterprise virtual network solutions using their infrastructure. But if you want to set up your own self-hosted virtual private network (VPN) server on your hardware then here are the best available free open-source self-hosted VPN server solutions available on the internet software market.

During VPN usage, the person is virtually using their own secure office or enterprise network. It becomes difficult for hackers to trap the data packets using snooping if you are using VPN connections.

Why it is important to use VPN Server?

There are several reasons or scenarios where the usage of VPN solutions for personal or business becomes important, here are a few:

Privacy and security:  With the high proliferation of the Internet, the chances of getting hacked are also more common, especially if a person is dealing with some sensitive data. To deal with this VPN server secures your Internet connection by encrypting it. Hence, it becomes difficult not only for hackers but even for government institutes and other entities to decrypt and monitor your online activities. VPN becomes important if a person has to use some unknown or public Wi-Fi or LAN networks to access some information.

Geographical restrictions: The most popular usage of VPNs is to access websites or services that are restricted in some particular region or country. To do this a VPN server masks the IP address of a user to show it he or she is available in some area where the restriction is not applicable.

Anonymity:  It also protects the user’s identity and maintains anonymity online by masking IP addresses and making it difficult for websites and advertisers to track your online activities.

Remote access: For businesses, the best use of a VPN server, is to let their employees remotely access the internal network of the company for accessing files, software, and other resources securely from anywhere.

Protection from ISP throttling: In some cases, to prevent a user from accessing certain websites or services, some Internet Service Providers (ISPs) may slow down the internet connection. To prevent that an ISP-tracking VPN server will encrypt the connection.

Advantages of open-source VPN server software

Compared to proprietary software, open source ones have its advantages, here are some of them:

Flexibility and control: The source code self-hosted Open-source VPN server software is accessible by anyone. Therefore it will give business owners the ability to modify the code and adapt the software to suit their specific needs. They can remove or integrate some additional features if they need.

Security: Again as compared to the proprietary software the code is open to review by the community. Therefore, bugs and vulnerabilities are addressed quickly, giving hackers less time to exploit them.

Cost-effectiveness: The best thing about Open-source VPN server software is that individual users or business owners don’t need to pay for it because they are typically free to use and distribute. That plays a vital role in cost-saving for businesses and organizations planning to deploy a VPN solution on a large scale.

Community support: As open-source applications are free and maintained by a large community therefore users of the software will have a wealth of resources, documentation, and support. This helps users to troubleshoot issues and find solutions to problems.

Customization: Open-source VPN server software offers the possibility of getting highly customized because of open-source code. This allows users to modify and adapt the software, especially useful for businesses and organizations that require a tailored VPN solution.

Best Self-Hosted VPN server software for SMBs

1. OpenVPN Server

OpenVPN server

OpenVPN is one of the most popular open-source VPN software that has both open-source and premium enterprise VPN solutions. This virtual network software is available for Windows, Linux,  Solaris, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and Mac. OpenVPN offers a central management interface that can use to control the OpenVPN daemon remotely. The management interface can also be used to develop a GUI or web-based front-end application for OpenVPN. This open-source VPN server provides easy-to-use OpenVPN connect UI, server, and enterprise capabilities.

Some OpenVPN server’s key features

  • Access Server is based on open-source software.
  • Site-to-site VPNs,
  • remote access
  • Wi-Fi Security
  • OpenSSL and mbedTLS (formerly known as PolarSSL).
  • SSL/TLS for session authentication
  • MacOS X Keychain and Windows Crypto API integration
  • IPsec ESP for tunnel transport over User Datagram Protocol (UDP).
  • Web-free VPN
  • Load balancing/failover capabilities
  • CRL support
  • SSL/TLS, RSA certificates
  • X.509 PKI
  • Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
  • Network Address Translation (NAT)
  • TUN/TAP virtual devices.

2. PriTunl -Enterprise Distributed OpenVPN and IPsec Server

PriTunel Enterprise Distributed OpenVPN and IPsec Server

Pritunl is a good alternative to the OpenVPN server. It is also a free open-source enterprise-distributed VPN server. Pritunl can virtualize your private networks across data centers and provide simple remote access. If you are looking for an alternative to some pain commercial VPN products such as Aviatrix, Pulse Secure, and Pertino VPNs then PriTunl can be one of them. It has both free and premium versions. In its paid version you don’t need to pay-per-user pricing and can create cloud VPN networks that support thousands of simultaneous users with better control over your VPN server.

It also has a Python base plugin system that allows expansion and modifies the capabilities of Pritunl. You can also create plugins to support custom authentication systems and control. Pritunl supports all OpenVPN clients available on Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, Apple iOS, and Chromebook. With help of the Pritunel plugin for Ubiquiti EdgeMax, you can integrate it with Edge routers for easy management. For other services, it also allows RESTful API integration.

3. WireGuard VPN Server

WireGuard VPN open source

WireGuard is another one of the best free and open-source software to set up your VPN server to create secure point-to-point connections in routed or bridged configurations. This tool is designed to provide a simple, secure but fast VPN protocol. It uses the latest cryptography standards, such as the Noise protocol framework, and the Poly1305-AES message authentication code.  Noise protocol framework, Curve25519 ( Diffie-Hellman function), ChaCha20 (stream ciphers), Poly1305 (message authentication code.), and BLAKE2 (secure hashing).

With a small and simple codebase, the WireGuard is easy to audit and review. Earlier this free server VPN was only available to Linux kernel but later also available for various platforms such as Windows, macOS, and Android.

Further, WireGuard uses Cryptokey Routing. In which a list of IP addresses is identified by public keys that are allowed in a tunnel.

Hence, each device on the network has a private key and a list of other available peers (network devices) that it wants to connect. And to authenticate and connect each peer has a public key as well.

Key WireGuard Features:

  • Uses Cryptography standards like the Noise protocol framework, Curve25519, ChaCha20, Poly1305, BLAKE2, SipHash24, and HDF.
  • Lightweight and Fast
  • Easy to deploy
  • Low codebase, therefore easy to auditable for security vulnerabilities.
  • Cryptokey Routing
  • Ready to use in Container services like Docker
  • WireGuard has built-in support for roaming, which allows mobile devices to seamlessly switch between different network connections without interrupting the VPN connection.
  • Allows to create virtual network interface.
  • use minimal resources
  • WireGuard can be used in both routed and bridged configurations,

4. StrongSwan


StrongSwan is also an open-source IPsec-based VPN solution for Linux and other UNIX-based OS. Other similar project forks are FreeS/WAN, OpenSwan, and LibreSwan It supports both Internet Key Exchange version 1 (IKEv1) and version 2 (IKEv2) protocols. However, IKEv2 is considered to be more secure and efficient than IKEv1, and recommended use with StrongSwan. Therefore provides a flexible and secure way to connect networks and devices, and data transfer over the Internet.

Apart from this StrongSwan also supports a wide range of encryption algorithms such as AES, Blowfish, and Camellia. Along with various authentication methods, including X.509 certificates, EAP, and PSK.

It also supports a wide range of operating systems, including Linux, Android, and iOS. We can use StrongSwan as a VPN gateway or VPN client as well.

Overall, StrongSwan is a powerful and flexible VPN solution that offers a high degree of security and flexibility.

Key Features:

  • Uses the IKEv2 key exchange protocol (IKEv1 is also supported)
  • Secure IKEv2 EAP user authentication
  • Dynamic IP address and interface update
  • Automatic insertion and deletion of IPsec-policy-based firewall rules
  • A modular plugin system
  • Crypto algorithms can be added using Plugins
  • Support for CRLs and OCS
  • Runs on Linux 2.6, 3.x, 4.x, 5.x and 6.x kernels
  • An Android app is available

5. SoftEther VPN

SoftEther VPN server

SoftEther VPN  means Software Ethernet and another easy-to-use multi-protocol open-source VPN server software that can run on Windows, Linux, Mac, FreeBSD, and Solaris.  You can use this VPN software for personal and commercial free of cost. SoftEther VPN also supports Microsoft SSTP VPN for Windows Vista / 7 / 8.

Some SoftEther VPN Key Features

  • Remote access and site-to-site VPN.
  • SSL-VPN Tunneling on HTTPS to pass through NATs and firewalls.
  • Revolutionary VPN over ICMP and VPN over DNS features.
  • Resistance to the highly-restricted firewall.
  • Embedded dynamic-DNS and NAT traversal.
  • AES 256-bit and RSA 4096-bit encryptions.
  • SSL-VPN (HTTPS) and 6 major VPN protocols (OpenVPN, IPsec, L2TP, MS-SSTP, L2TPv3, and EtherIP) are all supported as VPN tunneling underlay protocols.
  • The OpenVPN clone function supports legacy OpenVPN clients.
  • IPv4 / IPv6 dual-stack.
  • The VPN server runs on Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, and Mac OS X.
  • Configure All settings on GUI.
  • RSA certificate authentication function.
  • Deep-inspect packet logging function.
  • Source IP address control list function.

6. OpenConnect VPN Server

OpenConnect VPN Server for security

OpenConnect server (ocserv) is an open source SSL VPN server. This Open source VPN Server is a small, fast secure, and easily configurable VP server. This server uses the OpenConnect SSL VPN protocol to provide VPN service and also provides compatibility with clients using Cisco’s AnyConnect SSL VPN protocol.  This VPN server implementation right now supports GNU/Linux platform and other UNIX variants. A dual TCP/UDP VPN channel and standard IETF security protocols are used by the OpenConnect protocol to provide security.

OpenConnect VPN Server Features

  • Authentication methods supported: PAM, Radius, Password file, HOTP/TOTP, Public key (certificate) authentication., GSSAPI/SPNEGO
  • Support for the server key, a hardware security module (HSM), or a smart card.
  •  Supports two concurrent VPN channels, IPv6 and IPv4.
  • Can Manage resource limits
  • Support for collocation (port sharing) with an HTTPS server.
  • Supports Proxy Protocol.
  • Support for route pushing
  • Support for restricting (firewalling) clients to the allowed routes
  • Processing ability scales with the number of CPUs and more.

7. VyOS-  A Network operating system

VyOS open source network operating system

VyOS is not a dedicated VPN solution instead of that, it is completely an open-source network operating system. VyOS is Linux based and can be installed on physical hardware or a virtual machine on your server, or a cloud platform. It comprises multiple network applications such as Quagga, ISC DHCPD, OpenVPN, StrongS/WAN, and others under a single management interface.

VyOS Features:

  • VLANs: 802.1q and QinQStatic and dynamic routing: BGP for IPv4 and IPv6, OSPFv2, RIP, RIPng, policy-based routing, equal cost multi-path.
  • Firewall rulesets for IPv4 and IPv6 traffic you can assign to interfaces, zone-based firewalls, and address/network/port groups for IPv4 firewalls.
  • Tunnel interfaces: PPPoE, GRE, IPIP, SIT, static L2TPv3, VXLAN
  • Site-to-site IPsec for IPv4 and IPv6, L2TP/IPsec server, PPTP server
  • OpenVPN for site-to-site and remote access
  • Source NAT, port forwards, one-to-one, one-to-many, and many to many translations
  • DHCP and DHCPv6 server and relay

  • VRRP, connection table synchronization

Hypersocket VPN Server (not Active Anymore)

Hypersocket is a VPN solution meant to access all types of remote scenarios. Hypersocket uses a single installed client to provide access to any number of network resources.  Accessed through a secure HTTPS port, the Hypersocket client provides access to any number of host/port combinations all effortlessly assigned server-side by the Administrator through roles. The Administrator can configure the server through a web portal on the same HTTPS port.

  • Directly access TCP resources within the corporate network
  • Split tunneling connecting multiple different locations at the same time
  • Browser-based access to Local, FTP, and Windows file systems
  • Setup websites and applications for automatic launching from the system tray
  • Role-based access control
  • Multi-tenancy supporting multiple user databases
  • Monitor connectivity to hosts within your network
  • Perform custom tasks through event triggers or automation
  • Extension store allowing custom selection of features.
  • Automatic updates.

These are some free Open source VPN Server projects available online. If you know any other Free or Open source server that should be on this list please tell us using the comment section. 

Some Common Questions Before using VPN services

What is Consumer VPN?

Consumer VPNs work over existing Internet services and are encrypted tunnels between your computer/device and a VPN server.

What are the different types of VPNs?

PPTP: It works on all computers and operating systems, and mobile devices. For example iPhones, Android, and other devices. This is the most commonly used VPN connection.

L2TP: Popular since it offers stronger encryption than PPTP, and can work when PPTP won’t, as it uses a different port number.

SSTP: Works in a situation where most VPN connections would be blocked. This includes countries like Belize, which forbids the use of VPN technology. It uses SSL and 256-bit encryption. This VPN technology only supported Ubuntu, Windows Vista, 7 & 8.

OpenVPN SSL: This VPN technology works on Android, and iOS with special apps. It works with computers and operating systems. OpenVPN SSL utilizes user side certificate to make a secure connection to the VPN server. Only advanced VPN service providers can allow users to modify ports and encryption levels it can also allow bypassing of proxies.

What are some of the popular uses of a consumer VPN service?

128-256 bit secure encrypted channel: Your VPN account is giving you a layer of security you did not have before on your normal internet connection.

Surf and be Anonymous: USe VPN accounts to protect your identity

American or Euro IP anywhere: Most providers will have the ability for you to switch IP addresses from one location to another.

Play restricted games or watch videos anywhere: It allows you to watch country-based restricted games, movies, or other restricted content on your laptop, tablet, iPhone, and on your Android wireless phones.

Security for hotspot surfers: VPN connections also protect your identity, passwords, and confidential business work while using public wifi internet connections.

Unblock websites overseas: Companies and individuals sometimes prefer having the same IP address each time they connect to the internet. This can also be helpful with online banking systems.

Unblock websites overseas: Many international users are blocked by the government to control different websites or platforms such as Torrent, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and more. Using VPN services you can use them all.

Unblock VOIP application: Unblock VOIP applications in countries that block VOIP like Belize and Dubai.

Who can benefit from VPN services?

International travelers: Users who travel and use hotspots are highly advised to use VPN services for privacy reasons. Many programs can allow for the theft of personal information, one example would be the Firesheep plugin.

Expats Living Abroad: This is by far the most popular use of VPN Today, Expats overseas use VPNs to view their favorite content provider websites, for example, HULU, NETFLIX, WATTV, BBC, and more.

Anyone with high-speed internet:

VPNs are incredibly useful, some uses for a VPN would be if you have a problem with your ISP, if the speed of certain websites is not desirable or if you just want added security. However, the VPN will not work properly on poor speed or dial-up connections.

What to see before going for any premium or commercial VPN providers?

Consumer VPN providers are becoming an essential tool for everyday computer use. A good provider will offer these features.

Trustworthy company:

Remember your traffic is going over the VPN provider network, choose a well-known company, and don’t give your personal information and traffic to some unknown VPN provider.

Fast and professional support:
A great consumer VPN provider will offer 24×7 hour live help. You may need advice on ideal settings for your location in regards to speed and stability or any other info while traveling any time while traveling.

VPN providers that offer multiple networks in the same cities have a distinct advantage. All providers will experience problems going to one location or another. Having alternate networks to try is a distinct advantage.

Please note: Networks are not the same as servers, some providers have several servers on the same network which would offer no advantage if there were network issues.

the Strength of encryption is important, a good provider should offer at least PPTP/L2TP/SSTP and OpenVPN.

Unlimited Bandwidth and data transfer amount:
Some VPN service providers will throttle your speed to control your bandwidth usage. Most customers need VPN accounts for streaming video and other high-speed usage, provider throttles should be avoided.

Speed: A VPN provider with many servers/ networks in the location you want, will be able to offer you the best possible speeds.

Also, See:

  • 11 Best Open source Backup Software For Server: Linux, Unix, Mac, and Windows
  • 9 Best Free and Opensource Video Editing Software for Windows
  • 5 Free and Paid VPNs for Chrome browser to go anonymous
  • How to access & open blocked websites on Android phones

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