Вопросы по windows server на собеседовании

  • 1) What is Windows Server?
  • 2) What’s new in Windows Server 2019 ?
  • 3) Describe an Active Directory in Server?
  • 4) What is the purpose of deploying local DNS servers?
  • 5) List the various Active Directory Database files
  • 6) List the locations where different active directory databases are held
  • 7) Differentiate between File Allocation Table (FAT) and New Technology File System (NFTS)
  • 8) What do you understand by the term trees, forests and domains?
  • 9) Describe the non-authoritative and authoritative restore of an Active Directory (AD).
  • 10) What do you understand by the term Group Policy Objects (GPO) and list the different types of GPO
  • 11) Is it possible to connect a third party Directory service to an Active Directory?
  • 12) In order to check TCP/IP configurations, list commands that have been frequently utilized
  • 13) Explain the different types of Directory Partitions in Window Server.
  • 14) What is the basic function of the domain controller?
  • 15) With respect to the Windows DNS server, explain Primary, Secondary and Stub Zones.
  • 16) What is the difference between Linux and Windows?
  • 17) List some of the roles of flexible single master operations (FSMO) by the Windows Server?
  • 18) What is difference between Windows and Windows Server?
  • 19) Differentiate between a thread and a computer process
  • 20) What are default user interface used in Windows Server ?
  • 21) What do you understand by the term “tattooing” in context of the Registry?
  • 22) What is a Visio diagram?
Last Updated: Mar 22, 2023,
Posted in Interview Questions,

Windows Server Interview Questions

Practice Best Windows Interview Questions

Windows Server is a series of different server operating systems that have been developed by the Microsoft Corporation. It has a set of a very powerful version of various desktop operating systems that help users to efficiently handle numerous functions, which include control and handling of networking, databases, etc. As Windows Server makes the functioning of companies and institutions easy, organizations are thus looking for individuals with thorough knowledge and hands-on experience in this field.

Read below some of the commonly asked Windows Server Interview Questions in order to make your entire process of the interview preparation easy. This set of Windows Server Interview Questions also contains various features, pros, and cons of using Windows Server that can give you an upper hand in comparison to other candidates running in the competition in between you and your dream job.

Quick Questions About Windows Server
Windows server is series of server os.
Windows server is used for Hosting websites, APIs and enterprise applications.
Windows Server is developed By Microsoft Corporation
Official website https://windowsserver.com
User Interface Command-Line and Graphical
Window Server Licence Trialware, SaaS or volume licensing
Windows server Current version Windows Server, version 1903

Download Windows Server Interview Questions PDF

Below are the list of Best Windows Server Interview Questions and Answers

Windows server is a series of enterprise-class server operating systems which is designed for end-users to share resources/ services with multiple users and provide extensive administrative control of data storage, applications, and corporate networks.

Windows Server 2019 is the latest release of window server that uses the long-term servicing channel or shortened LTSC.

Its comes with the following features:

  • Windows Subsystem for Linux
  • Support for Kubernetes
  • Other GUI new features from Win10 version 1809
  • Storage Space Direct
  • Storage Migration Service
  • Storage Replica
  • System Insights
  • Improved Windows Defender

Active Directory (AD) is an inventory organization that is used in a library to collect objects like customer profiles, computers, etc. It manages the framework effectively with the help of Domain Controllers that are accessible at different zones with the Active Directory database. A segment of the limits fuse essential association with various land zones, check of customers and computers in the space provided by windows, copying Active Directory from any Domain Controller. In addition to which these lines will be reverted to each and every other Domain Controllers.

A local DNS server provides the local mapping of fully qualified domain names to IP addresses. To resolve remote requests related to the domains names on your network, local DNS servers can provide record information to remote DNS servers.

The numerous Active Directory Database files comprise of the following:

  • DIT
  • Che
  • log and Res2.log
  • Log

Not all the Active Directory changes are created truly to the NTDS.DIT database archive. They are first formed to EDB.Log and hence form the log record to the database. EDB.Che is acclimated with the following changes to the database and it undergoes as an updated log record to keep a check on the tasks are performed to the database.

  • NTDS.DIT: This is referred to as an Active Directory database that contains all the AD dissents. The default zone is %system root%nrdsnrds.dit. This database relies upon the Jet database.
  • EDB.Log: This record is to pursue the trades on any particular database, at the time EDB.Log is full it is retitled to EDB Num.log, in which a “num” is a number beginning from 1 such as EDB1.log.
  • EDB.Che: This report is used to cross – verify the data that has not yet been kept in contact with the database. This record has the beginning stage to the data that can be recovered in the midst of disillusionment.
  • Res1.log; Res2.log: Res speaks to spared trade record, which gives the trade log archive sufficient time to shut down in case the circle misses the mark on space.

The locations where the different active directory databases are held include:

  • Res1.log
  • Res2.log
  • EDN.Chk
  • EDB.Log
Characteristic File Allocation Table New Technology File System
Security Only Network Local and network
Maximum file size 4GB 16TB
Maximum file name 8.3 Characters 255 characters
Conversion Possible Not allowed
Fault Tolerance No Auto Repair
Compression No Yes
File/Folder Encryption No Yes
Compatibility Win 95/98/2k/2k3/XP Win NT/2K/XP/Vista/7

The logical sections of any Active Directory organization are normally named as a tree, forest, and domain. Diverse articles inside the arrangement of a logical section incorporate the accompanying: computers, customers, devices, etc. that share a comparable dynamic registry database, which is commonly acknowledged as a “domain”.

The mix of somewhere around one domain is called a “tree”. This may likewise contain an abutting namespace associated in a transitive order. The gathering of domains is frequently called a “forest” that shares overall inventory, logical structure, registry setup and registry pattern. It also characterizes the security limits for clients, groups, and devices such as computers.

Through non-authoritative restore, there are many chances that the domain controller can be established back to its underlying state (the time when a backup was performed). When it is set, it permits overwriting its underlying condition with the progressions that were carried out preceding the underlying backup was achieved. Presently in order to upgrade the Active Directory database, it is necessary that the particular domain controller from duplication accomplices to guarantee that the AD is upgraded, precise and accurate to retrieve questions.

At whatever point there is any corruption or information loss in the AD, this technique is utilized. The succeeding step after any particular non-authoritative restore is a definitive authoritative process. The most important highlights of authoritative restore include that it can augment the form quantities of the traits or an article in a whole directory. This sort of restore is employed to reinstate a solitary erased client/object. In case of any disparity in the variant numbers, the subsequent precaution and carefulness must be adhered to while restoring and utilizing any authoritative restore procedures.

The setting that manages the workplace of client records, as well as computer records, are known as Group Policy Object (GPO). This assistance is characterizing the security alternatives, programming establishment, library-based arrangements and upkeep choices, content choices and folder redirection choices. There are generally two types of Group Policy Objects:

  • Nonlocal Group Policy objects: These are accessible just in an Active Directory condition and are put away on a domain controller.
  • Local Group Policy Objects: These are put away on nearby computes.

Yes, it is possible to connect Active Directory to other third-party directory services with the help of various Microsoft versions. LDAP or dirXML can be used to connect Active Directory to other vendors.

The two frequently used commands to check TCP/IP configurations include:

  • Ping: In order to check the connection between the computer in use as well as other computers, the Ping command is utilized.
  • Ipconfig: In order to check the computer’s IP setup, command Ipconfig can be utilized and furthermore it can also be very well utilized to restore the user’s IP address in the case it is given by a DHCP server.

The different types of Directory Partitions include the following:

  • Application Partition: Application partitions stores various data related to applications in the Active Directory. For instance – ForestDNSZones and DomainDNSZones
  • Configuration Partition: Configuration Partition stores all necessary data about the Active Directory. The data incorporates Site, site-interface, subnet and so forth. This parcel likewise replicates all domain controllers that are available in the Forest.
  • Domain Partitions: Domain Partitions stores the data of the domain that incorporates client, group, computer, printer and so forth. This partition also replicates all domain controllers that might be available in the domain just like Configuration Partition.
  • Schema Partition: Schema Partition stores every one of the details of the various items and their respective properties. It additionally replicates other domain controllers that are available in the Forest.

The function of the domain controller is to authenticate clients to various networks and deliver a set of objects that are included in the Active Directory.

The Windows DNS server represents an area name framework, which is utilized as a kind of perspective table to coordinate the space names to various IP addresses. Listed below are the three important categories of zones characteristically used in Windows DNS server:

  • Primary Zone: Within the primary zone, the record is spared as a text file with the typical extension being .DNS
  • Secondary Zone: This is a reinforcement for the essential server that goes about as load adjusting and furthermore gives adaptation to non-critical failure. This is generally perused just record which is set in another DNS server
  • Stub Zone: This comprises of the name server and SOA records that helps in lessening the DNS seek orders

The major difference between Windows and Linux:


  • Source code for windows is not available.
  • You can modify or redistribute the Window operating system.
  • In Windows, you are bounded to use one license in One PC only. If you have to install it on other PC you need another License.
  • Paid to help desk support.


  • Linux is open-source; the complete source code for Linux is available.
  • Linux is the GPL-licensed operating system, you are free to modify that software and use and even republish or sell it.

  • Download once and install it on as many PC you want.
  • Online peer support from the community via forums and online search.

Some of the roles of FSMO include the following:

  • PDC
  • Infrastructure Master
  • RID Master
  • Schema Master
  • Domain Naming Master

Difference between Windows and Windows Server

Windows Server OS

  • It is mainly released for servers grade systems like Workstation, Rack, Tower, etc
  • Multiple users can log in and work simultaneously.
  • Supports more CPU(64), cores(320) and RAM(24TB)

Windows OS

  • It’s mainly released for user grade systems like desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Mobile, X-box, Halo-lens, etc
  • You can create multiple user accounts, but, only one user can log in at a time.
  • Support limited CPU(2), core(256) and RAM(2TB)
Thread Computer Process
A thread includes the different executable program that cooperates as a solitary procedure. For example, one thread may send an error notification to the client; another might deal with the error signals while the third thread may execute the first activity. In computing, a procedure is a case of a computer program that is executed consecutively by a computer framework, which can run various computer programs simultaneously.

Powershell and Windows shell are default available in Windows Server.

«Tattooing» the registry implies that clients can adjust and see client preference that is not put away in the maintained portions of the prescribed Registry. Regardless of whether the assembly approach is changed or evacuated, the client’s preference will at present endure in the registry.

Visio is a diagramming software on Microsoft Windows that allows users to create floor plans, flowcharts, infographics, network diagrams, organizations charts, mind maps, and others. It is incorporated with Microsoft Office software, suite. Visio diagram is made available for sale as a program or software that stands alone. It was initially launched in 1992 by Shapewear Corp. but known as Visio Corporation as of present. In the year 2000, Microsoft acquired it. Visio diagram is sold primarily as a software one can easily download. In the year 2017, an online version of the software was made available.

  • Введение в Windows Server Интервью Вопросы и ответы

Введение в Windows Server Интервью Вопросы и ответы

Итак, вы, наконец, нашли работу своей мечты в Windows Server, но вам интересно, как взломать Windows Server Interview и какие могут быть возможные вопросы об интервью Windows Server. Каждое собеседование отличается и объем работы также отличается. Помня об этом, мы разработали наиболее распространенные вопросы и ответы на вопросы по Windows Server, чтобы помочь вам добиться успеха на собеседовании.

Ниже приведены основные вопросы интервью с Windows Server, которые часто задают в ходе интервью. Эти главные вопросы интервью делятся на две части:

  • Часть 1. Вопросы об интервью Windows Server (базовые)
  • Часть 2. Вопросы об интервью Windows Server (расширенный)

Часть 1. Вопросы об интервью Windows Server (базовые)

Эта первая часть охватывает основные вопросы и ответы по Windows Server Interview.

1. Что такое Active Directory?

Active Directory (AD) — это служба каталогов, которая используется в каталоге для хранения таких объектов, как профили пользователей, информация о сети, компьютеры. Это помогает эффективно управлять сетью с помощью контроллеров домена, которые присутствуют в разных местах в базе данных Active Directory. Некоторые функции включают в себя центральное администрирование с несколькими географическими местоположениями, аутентификацию пользователей и компьютеров в домене Windows, репликацию Active Directory с любого контроллера домена, который, в свою очередь, будет реплицирован на все другие контроллеры домена.

2. Каковы некоторые из функций FSMO (гибкие операции с одним мастером)?


  • Schema Master — это роль всего леса, доступная только для каждого леса.
  • Master Naming Master, как и Schema Mater, это тоже роль всего леса
  • Мастер инфраструктуры
  • RID Master
  • PDC

Давайте перейдем к следующим вопросам об интервью Windows Server

3. Расскажите мне о базе данных Active Directory и перечислите файлы базы данных Active Directory?

Файлы базы данных Active Directory выглядят следующим образом:

  • DIT
  • Журнал
  • Che
  • log и Res2.log

Все изменения Active Directory не записываются непосредственно в файл базы данных NTDS.DIT. Сначала они записываются в EDB.Log, а затем из файла журнала в базу данных.

EDB.Che используется для отслеживания обновлений базы данных, он действует как файл журнала обновлений, чтобы проверить, какие операции выполняются с базой данных.

NTDS.DIT: это база данных Active Directory и содержит все объекты AD. Расположение по умолчанию:% system root% nrdsnrds.dit, эта база данных основана на базе данных Jet.

EDB.Log: Этот файл предназначен для отслеживания транзакций в базе данных. Когда EDB.Log заполнен, он переименовывается в EDB Num.log, где num — это число, начинающееся с 1, как EDB1.log.

EDB.Che: Этот файл используется для проверки данных, которые еще не записаны в базу данных. Этот файл имеет отправную точку, чтобы данные можно было восстановить во время сбоев.

Res1.log и Res2.log: Res обозначает зарезервированный файл транзакции, который предоставляет файлу журнала транзакций достаточно времени для завершения работы, если на диске не хватает места.

4. Что такое использование разделов Active Directory? И как найти разделы Active Directory и их расположение?

Различные типы разделов активного каталога приведены ниже:

  • Раздел схемы — в этом разделе хранятся все сведения об объектах и ​​их атрибутах, а также реплицируется на другие контроллеры домена, которые присутствуют в лесу.
  • Раздел конфигурации — этот раздел хранит всю информацию об Active Directory. Информация включает сайт, ссылку на сайт, подсеть и т. Д. Этот раздел также реплицируется на все контроллеры домена, которые присутствуют в лесу.
  • Разделы домена — этот раздел хранит информацию о домене, которая включает пользователя, компьютер, группу, принтер и т. Д. Этот раздел также реплицируется на все контроллеры домена, присутствующие в домене.
  • Раздел приложения — этот раздел хранит информацию о приложениях в Active Directory. Примеры — ForestDNSZones и DomainDNSZones

5. Что такое объекты групповой политики (объекты групповой политики)?

Это часто задаваемые вопросы об интервью Windows Server. Параметры, управляющие рабочей средой учетных записей пользователей и компьютеров, называются объектом групповой политики (GPO). Эта справка определяет параметры безопасности, установку программного обеспечения, политики и параметры обслуживания на основе реестра, параметры сценариев и параметры перенаправления папок.

Существует два типа объектов групповой политики:

  • Нелокальные объекты групповой политики: они доступны только в среде Active Directory и хранятся на контроллере домена.
  • Объекты локальной групповой политики: они хранятся на локальных компьютерах (отдельных компьютерах)

Часть 2. Вопросы об интервью Windows Server (расширенный)

Давайте теперь посмотрим на расширенные вопросы интервью Windows Server.

6. Что означают Леса, Деревья и Домены?

Логические подразделения сети Active Directory известны как леса, деревья и домены.

Логическая группа сетевых объектов, например компьютеров, пользователей, устройств и т. Д., Которые совместно используют одну и ту же базу данных активного каталога, называется доменом.
Коллекция одного или нескольких доменов называется деревом. Это может также включать непрерывное пространство имен, связанное в транзитивной иерархии доверия.

Коллекция доменов называется лесом, который имеет общий глобальный каталог, логическую структуру, конфигурацию каталога и схему каталога. Он также определяет границы безопасности для пользователей, групп и компьютеров.

7. Не авторитетное восстановление Active Directory?

Во время неавторизованного восстановления контроллер домена возвращается в исходное состояние (состояние во время резервного копирования). Как только это сделано, это позволяет перезаписать его начальное состояние с изменениями, которые были сделаны после первоначального резервного копирования.
Теперь для обновления базы данных Active Directory контроллер домена получает запросы от партнеров по репликации, чтобы обеспечить актуальность и точность Active Directory. Каждый раз, когда в Active Directory происходит потеря или повреждение данных, используется этот метод (по умолчанию).

Давайте перейдем к следующим вопросам об интервью Windows Server

8.авторизованное восстановление Active Directory?

Второй шаг после неавторизованного восстановления — это процесс принудительного восстановления. Одной из ключевых функций принудительного восстановления является то, что оно может увеличивать номера версий атрибутов или объекта во всем каталоге. Этот тип восстановления используется для восстановления одного удаленного пользователя / объекта. Там будет несоответствие в номерах версий, и, следовательно, следует соблюдать осторожность при восстановлении с использованием процесса достоверного восстановления

9. Объясните в windows DNS сервере, что такое первичная, вторичная и заглушка зоны?

DNS означает систему доменных имен, которая используется в качестве справочной таблицы для сопоставления доменных имен с IP-адресами.

Ниже приведены три типа зон в DNS-сервере Windows:

  • Основная зона: в основной зоне файл сохраняется как текстовый файл с расширением (.dns)
  • Вторичная зона: это резервная копия для основного сервера, которая действует как балансировка нагрузки, а также обеспечивает отказоустойчивость. Обычно это файл только для чтения, который находится на другом DNS-сервере.
  • Зона-заглушка: состоит из сервера имен и записей SOA, которые помогают сократить порядок поиска в DNS.

10. Объясните, в чем основное различие между NTFS (файловая система новой технологии) или FAT (таблица размещения файлов) на локальном сервере?

Основные различия между FAT32 и NTFS заключаются в следующем:

Особенность FAT32 NTFS
Максимальное имя файла 8.3 Персонажи 255 символов
Максимальный размер файла 4ГБ 16TB
Шифрование файлов / папок нет да
Отказоустойчивость нет Авто Ремонт
Безопасность Только сеть Локальный и сетевой
компрессия нет да
преобразование Возможно Не допускается
Совместимость Win 95/98 / 2k / 2k3 / XP Win NT / 2K / XP / Vista / 7

Рекомендуемая статья

Это было руководство к списку вопросов и ответов по интервью с Windows Server, чтобы кандидат мог легко разобраться в этих вопросах по интервью с Windows Server. Эта статья включает в себя весь топ вопросов по интервью Windows Server Вы также можете посмотреть следующие статьи, чтобы узнать больше —

  1. Вопросы об интервью Windows, которые вы должны знать
  2. Вопросы интервью SSRS — Как взломать 10 лучших вопросов
  3. 5 самых полезных вопросов и ответов SSAS для интервью
  4. J2EE Интервью Вопросы и ответы, которые вы должны знать
  5. 15 самых успешных R Интервью Вопросы и ответы

Здравствуйте. На днях буду проходить собеседование на должность системного администратора в хорошую компанию. Помимо всего перечисленного, в обязанностях указано следующее:

— Администрирование Windows Server (2008-2012 R2). Службы AD, DNS, DFS, GP, WSUS, VPN.
— Работа с Microsoft Exchange 2010-13

А так как именно с Windows Server я работал достаточно мало, если не сказать, что не работал вообще, то хотелось бы у бывалых системных администраторов узнать, что именно могут спросить касательно вышеописанного? Уверен что спрашивать будут больше про практическую часть. Не могли бы вы мне тут назадавть вопросов, что бы я мог хотя бы сориентироваться и готовиться в нужном направлении. Спасибо.

  • Вопрос задан

  • 10231 просмотр

Пригласить эксперта

Я считаю, что на собеседовании, если не невозможно, то точно очень сложно понять компетентность системного администратора. Да, ты много не знаешь — всего знать не возможно, но принимающая сторона должна хотя бы понимать твою логику, направление мышления в решении каких-либо задач.
Тупо заучить ответы на вопросы может каждый, но это вовсе не показатель.
Так, что твоя задача убедить их в том, что даже ты если не знаешь AD, DNS, DFS, GP, WSUS, VPN то у тебя хватит мозгов понять в какую сторону и как глубоко можно копать. «Инструменты» тебе дадут, если своих нет.

Тесты на русском языке — ужас!

Очень любят почему-то спрашивать про роли FSMO :-) Их состав, назначение и что будет, если какая-то из них сломается.

Согласен с Athacker’ом, FSMO любимая заезженная тема, хотя на практике — один раз настроил и забыл.

Вопросы по Windows Server (самые популярные, которые спрашивали у меня):
— Что такое FSMO роли и зачем они?
— Чем отличается передача ролей FSMO от захвата
— Типы групп в AD
— Типы записей в DNS и для чего они
— Что такое DNSSEC
— Как вызвать форсированную репликацию между КД
— Для чего нужны сайты в AD
— Для чего нужен DHCP и как он работает
— Как применяются GP
Вопросы по Exchange 2013
— Сколько ролей у Exchange 2013
— Как настроить отправку почты наружу
— Что такое Edge
— Как бороться со спамом в Exchange
— Что такое DAG

А как так, вы идете админить то, что вы не знаете? Идите тогда помощником.
#upd Хотя что это я, всего не выучишь…

Как раз что за Службы AD, DNS, DFS, GP, WSUS, VPN
И с чем их едят. Как их настраивать.
Хотя кто его знает что спросят, может они спросят кто твой любимый герой в мстителях

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09 окт. 2023, в 12:49

2000 руб./за проект

09 окт. 2023, в 12:48

2000 руб./за проект

09 окт. 2023, в 12:47

2500 руб./за проект

Минуточку внимания

Вот уже много лет (почти 10) я занимаю всевозможные руководящие должности: начиная от тим лида технической поддержки и заканчивая руководителем ИТ отдела. За это время мне приходилось проводить огромное количество собеседований. Кого я только не нанимал: инженеры техподдержки, системные администраторы, разработчики, руководители групп (тим лиды), проектные менеджеры и всевозможные аналитики.

Больше всего я собеседовал системных администраторов (старший уровень) и специалистов для работы с пользователями (начальный и средний уровни). По моим подсчетам, количество интервью на подобные позиции я провел более 100. Команды, которые я собирал, отличались прекрасной продуктивностью, слаженностью и ответственностью за поддержку и развитие инфраструктуры компании.

Какие вопросы я задавал на собеседовании на позицию системного администратора (сети c MS Windows Server)

В этом опроснике я не стал указывать вопросы про телефонию (она сейчас во всех организациях разная и каких-то общих принципов, правил и тенденций к стандартизации я не вижу), кроме того исключил вопросы, связанные с администрированием 1С и софт для бухгалтерии и финансистов (интернет банки, системы для отчетности и т. д.).

Очень простые вопросы (определение уровня специалиста)

1. Зачем нужны такие службы, как DNS, DHCP?

2. Поставьте три точки, что бы получился верный IP адрес (в качестве примера 2492683220) Чтобы вопрос был с подковыркой нужно написать такую последовательность, чтобы только одно или два решение было верным: в противном случае один из октетов оказался бы более 255 и это было бы неверным.

3. Коммутатор и маршрутизатор – что это за устройства? В чем их разница? (Самое главное, чтобы соискатель сказал, что коммутатор – это устройство которое объединяет хосты в пределах одной сети, а маршрутизатор, объединяет сети).

4. Что такое маска подсети и что зачем нужны подсети? Что такое шлюз? Предположим, ваш интернет провайдер прислал вам вот такую настройку сети: – как это записать в настройки маршрутизатора?

5. Какие знаете программы для удаленного администрирования?

6. Что такое реестр Windows и чем он вызывается?

7. В чем принципиальная разница почтовых протоколов POP3 и IMAP? Зачем нужен протокол SMTP?

Вопросы чуть сложнее

1. Пользователь пожаловался, что у него в браузере поисковик Google открывается, а при открытии Яндекса выдает: «невозможно отобразить страницу». Назовите все причины, которые могут привести к такой проблеме? Надо обязательно сообщить соискателю, что мы не будем просить его о том, как он будет устранять все названные им проблемы (чтоб он не пугался выдавать идеи). Главное, понять насколько он широко мыслит: в идеале, если соискатель назовет более 5-7 возможных причин.

2. Групповые политики (GPO): что это такое и зачем они нужны? Какие групповые политики удавалось реализовать на прошлых местах работы? Назовите краткую последовательность действий для реализации групповой политики в сетях Windows?

3. Предположим ваша компания закупила 100 новых идентичных рабочих станций (компьютеров), все из одного магазина, с одной и той же конфигурацией «железа». Есть задача установить Windows на все эти компьютеры: как будете ее выполнять? Неправильный ответ: устанавливать на все компьютеры Windows один за другим (с установкой всех драйверов и т. д.). Правильный ответ: установить целиком и полностью Windows на одну рабочую станцию со всеми необходимыми драйверами и программным обеспечением и затем просто с помощью ПО для клонирования жестких дисков растиражировать образ созданный образ диска. Еще один правильный ответ: расставить все компьютеры, подключить их к сети и установить Windows удаленно по сети.

4. Пользователь получил адрес – назовите причины, которые привели к этой проблеме? Как будете устранять неполадку?

5. Что такое RAID массив? Какие RAID массивы бывают? Назовите самый надежный и быстрый, самый надежный и медленный RAID? Сколько HDD нужно для RAID 1, 2, 5, 10?

6. Виды резервного копирования? В чем разница? Наиболее известные утилиты для резервного копирования.

7. Как бы вы организовали надежный файловый сервер? (Допустим в компании работает 500 человек, 20 отделов, 5 офисов)

Совсем сложные вопросы

Большинство сложных вопросов не закончится теоретической частью: т. е. далее будут всевозможные уточнения про проектирование инфраструктуры, ее развертывание и т. д.

1. Что такое перемещаемый профиль в Windows? Преимущества и недостатки перемещаемых профилей? Как сделать так, чтобы рабочие станции с перемещаемыми профилями загружались и работали быстро?

2. Что такое виртуализация? Какие знаете решения для виртуализации? Какие преимущества виртуализации?

3. Что такое кластерная сеть? Зачем нужны кластеры? Преимущества кластерной сети?

4. Как организовать защищенный доступ к сети компании?

5. Что делать, если один контроллер домена перестал работать? (сервер умер) Действия для восстановления: резервный контроллер домена работает.

6. Как бы вы организовали мониторинг?

Как мне кажется, что подобные вопросы полностью раскрыли бы технический потенциал системного администратора. Настоятельно рекомендую переслать этот пост вашим друзьям, которые ищут работу в качестве сисадмина Windows Server для возможно подготовки к интервью.

Напишите в комментариях, что бы вы еще спросили у будущего сисадмина.

Windows Server is a widely used operating system that is designed for server-side applications and services. As a result, it is an important skill for any IT professional to have experience with Windows Server. If you’re preparing for a Windows Server interview, you might be wondering what kinds of questions you can expect.

In this blog post, we’ve compiled a list of 65 Windows Server interview questions that cover a wide range of topics, from installation and configuration to troubleshooting and performance tuning. By going through these questions, you can prepare yourself for your upcoming interview and increase your chances of landing your dream job. So whether you’re a seasoned Windows Server professional or just starting out, read on to learn more!

Question 1: You have been assigned to deploy a new Windows Server that will be used as a file server for a small organization. What steps would you take to ensure the server is secure and can handle the expected load of files and users?

Answer: First, I would ensure that the server has the latest Windows Server updates installed and that it meets the minimum hardware requirements for the expected workload. Next, I would configure the server with appropriate security settings, such as disabling unnecessary services, configuring firewall rules, and enabling antivirus software. Then, I would create shared folders for the different groups of users and set appropriate permissions to control access. Finally, I would configure backups and disaster recovery procedures to ensure that the organization’s data is protected in case of any unforeseen incidents.

Question 2: Your company is experiencing network connectivity issues. What steps would you take to diagnose and resolve the issue on a Windows Server environment?

Answer: First, I would check if the server’s network adapter is properly configured and connected to the network. I would then check the event logs for any errors related to network connectivity or services. If the issue is not resolved, I would perform a network trace to identify any network issues such as dropped packets, latency, or network congestion. I would also check the DNS configuration, DHCP settings, and routing tables to ensure that they are configured correctly. If the issue persists, I would escalate it to the network team for further troubleshooting.

Question 3: Your organization is planning to migrate to a new version of Windows Server. What steps would you take to ensure a smooth migration process?

Answer: First, I would create a detailed migration plan that includes a timeline, a list of servers and applications that need to be migrated, and a list of potential risks and issues. I would also create a backup plan to ensure that data can be restored in case of any unforeseen incidents. Next, I would test the migration process in a non-production environment to identify any potential issues or conflicts. Once the migration plan has been finalized and tested, I would perform the migration during a maintenance window to minimize any disruption to the organization’s operations. Finally, I would verify that all servers and applications are functioning correctly after the migration.

Question 4: Your organization is planning to implement a new Active Directory domain. What steps would you take to ensure a successful implementation?

Answer: First, I would plan the domain structure and create a detailed plan for the deployment, including domain controllers, replication, and group policies. I would then install and configure the domain controllers and ensure that they are properly synchronized with each other. Next, I would create the necessary user and computer accounts and groups and set appropriate permissions and access controls. I would also configure group policies to enforce security policies and settings. Finally, I would test the domain to ensure that it is functioning correctly and that all users and computers can authenticate and access resources.

Question 5: You have been tasked with setting up a virtualized environment on a Windows Server host. What steps would you take to ensure that the virtual machines are secure and efficient?

Answer: First, I would ensure that the host server has sufficient hardware resources to support the virtual machines. I would then create a virtual switch and configure it to isolate the virtual machines from the host network. Next, I would install the necessary virtualization software, such as Hyper-V, and configure the virtual machines with appropriate settings, such as processor and memory allocation, disk space, and virtual network adapters. I would also configure backups and disaster recovery procedures to ensure that the virtual machines’ data is protected. Finally, I would ensure that the virtual machines are patched and updated regularly to address any security vulnerabilities or performance issues.

Question 6: Your organization is experiencing slow performance on a Windows Server. What steps would you take to troubleshoot and resolve the issue?

Answer: First, I would check the system resources, such as CPU, memory, and disk usage, to identify any bottlenecks. I would also check the event logs for any errors related to system performance or services. If the issue is not resolved, I would perform a performance analysis using performance monitoring tools to identify any specific processes or services that are causing the issue. I would also check the network connectivity and bandwidth usage to ensure that there are no network issues causing the slow performance. Once the root cause of the issue has been identified, I would implement appropriate solutions, such as increasing system resources, optimizing services, or resolving network issues.

Question 7: Your organization is planning to implement a Remote Desktop Services (RDS) environment. What steps would you take to ensure a successful implementation?

Answer: First, I would plan the RDS environment, including the number of servers required, user groups, and the applications that will be published. Next, I would configure the RDS roles on the servers, including the Remote Desktop Gateway, Remote Desktop Session Host, and Remote Desktop Web Access. I would also configure security settings, such as SSL certificates, group policies, and firewall rules, to ensure that the RDS environment is secure. Finally, I would test the RDS environment to ensure that it is functioning correctly and that all users can access the published applications.

Question 8: Your organization is experiencing slow network performance. What steps would you take to diagnose and resolve the issue on a Windows Server environment?

Answer: First, I would check the server’s performance metrics, such as CPU, memory, and disk usage, to identify any bottlenecks. I would also check the event logs for any errors related to network connectivity or services. If the issue is not resolved, I would perform a network trace to identify any network issues such as dropped packets, latency, or network congestion. I would also check the DNS configuration, DHCP settings, and routing tables to ensure that they are configured correctly. If the issue persists, I would escalate it to the network team for further troubleshooting.

Question 9: Your organization is experiencing issues with domain controller replication. What steps would you take to diagnose and resolve the issue?

Answer: First, I would use the built-in tools such as Active Directory Replication Monitor and Repadmin to diagnose the replication issue. I would check the event logs for any errors related to replication, such as missing or duplicate entries. I would also check the DNS configuration and ensure that the domain controllers are properly configured to replicate with each other. If the issue is not resolved, I would use the DCDiag tool to perform a comprehensive diagnosis of the domain controllers’ health and integrity. Finally, I would escalate the issue to the domain administrators or Microsoft support if necessary.

Question 10: Your organization is planning to implement a new backup strategy for its Windows Servers. What steps would you take to ensure that the backup strategy is effective and efficient?

Answer: First, I would determine the organization’s data backup requirements, such as retention periods, backup frequency, and recovery time objectives. I would then select an appropriate backup solution, such as Windows Server Backup or a third-party backup tool, based on the organization’s needs and budget. Next, I would configure the backup jobs to ensure that they are scheduled and run regularly, and that they back up all critical data and system files. I would also test the backup and recovery process to ensure that it is reliable and efficient. Finally, I would ensure that the backups are securely stored and that there are procedures in place to handle any backup failures or data loss.

Basic Interview Questions

11. How do you configure and manage Remote Access in Windows Server?

To configure and manage remote access in Windows Server, you can follow these steps:

  • Install the Remote Access role: Open Server Manager and select Add Roles and Features. Follow the wizard to select the Remote Access role, and choose the appropriate sub-roles such as DirectAccess, VPN, or Web Application Proxy.
  • Configure Remote Access policies: After installing the Remote Access role, you can configure policies for remote access, such as authentication methods, network access rules, and connection protocols. To configure policies, open the Remote Access Management Console and select the appropriate policy type such as VPN or DirectAccess.
  • Configure Remote Access clients: Once policies are configured, you can configure clients to connect to the remote access server. Clients can be configured using standard Windows VPN clients, DirectAccess clients, or web-based clients using Web Application Proxy.
  • Monitor and troubleshoot Remote Access: To monitor and troubleshoot Remote Access, you can use built-in tools such as the Remote Access Management Console, the Routing and Remote Access console, or event logs. These tools can help you track connection attempts, diagnose connection issues, and view performance statistics.
  • Secure Remote Access: It’s important to secure remote access by using appropriate authentication methods, such as multi-factor authentication or certificate-based authentication, and by using encryption for data in transit. You can also use features such as Network Access Protection (NAP) to enforce security policies on remote access clients.
  • Manage Remote Access infrastructure: To manage Remote Access infrastructure, you can use tools such as PowerShell, System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), or third-party management tools. These tools can help you automate configuration, monitor performance, and ensure compliance with organizational policies.
12. What is a certificate authority (CA) and how do you set one up in Windows Server?

A Certificate Authority (CA) is a trusted entity that issues digital certificates used for secure communication over the Internet. Digital certificates are used to verify the identity of an individual, organization, or server and ensure secure communication between two parties. In Windows Server, you can set up a CA using the following steps:

  • Install the Certificate Services role: Open Server Manager and select Add Roles and Features. Follow the wizard to select the Certificate Services role.
  • Configure the CA: After installing the Certificate Services role, you can configure the CA by running the Certification Authority snap-in from the Start menu. Choose the type of CA you want to set up, such as an enterprise CA or standalone CA, and configure the CA settings, such as the certificate validity period, key length, and certificate revocation settings.
  • Configure certificate templates: Certificate templates are used to define the types of certificates that can be issued by the CA. You can create and configure certificate templates by running the Certificate Templates snap-in from the Start menu.
  • Issue certificates: Once the CA and certificate templates are configured, you can issue certificates by running the Certificate Authority snap-in and selecting the appropriate template. You can choose to issue certificates manually or automatically, depending on your needs.
  • Manage the CA: To manage the CA, you can use tools such as the Certification Authority snap-in, the Certificate Templates snap-in, or PowerShell cmdlets. These tools can help you monitor certificate issuance, revoke certificates, and manage certificate revocation lists (CRLs).
13. What is the role of LDAP?

LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol which is a directory service similar to the database that is used for storing computers, users, objects, etc. Moreover, it helps in adding, removing, and updating computer objects in the directory.

14. What is Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) and how does it work in Windows Server?

Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) is a Microsoft technology that enables secure single sign-on (SSO) between different organizations, allowing users to authenticate with their own organization’s identity provider (IDP) and access resources in another organization without having to provide separate login credentials. ADFS uses standards-based authentication protocols such as Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) and OAuth to establish trust relationships between identity providers and service providers.

In Windows Server, ADFS can be set up using the following steps:

  • Install ADFS: Open Server Manager and select Add Roles and Features. Follow the wizard to select the ADFS role.
  • Configure ADFS: After installing the ADFS role, you can configure ADFS by running the ADFS Management snap-in from the Start menu. Configure the ADFS settings, such as the federation service name, certificate settings, and trust relationships.
  • Add identity providers and service providers: ADFS relies on trust relationships between identity providers and service providers to enable SSO. You can add identity providers and service providers to ADFS by using the ADFS Management snap-in and specifying the appropriate SAML or OAuth endpoints.
  • Test SSO: Once the identity providers and service providers are configured, you can test SSO by logging in to a service provider application and being redirected to the identity provider for authentication. After successful authentication, you should be redirected back to the service provider application and granted access.
  • Monitor and troubleshoot ADFS: To monitor and troubleshoot ADFS, you can use tools such as the ADFS Management snap-in, the Event Viewer, or the ADFS diagnostics cmdlets. These tools can help you diagnose authentication issues, view log files, and monitor performance statistics.
15. What do you understand by WSUS and WDS?

WSUS stands for Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) which refers to a computer program and network service developed by Microsoft. This helios the managing and handling of the distribution of updates of products in the Windows environment.

WDS stands for Windows Deployment Services, and it’s used to remotely install Windows operating systems (OS) over the network. This is a Microsoft server technology that facilitates the installation of Windows operating systems via a network. Remote Installation Services has been superseded by this.

16. Explain the term PowerShell.

Windows PowerShell refers to Command-Line Shell developed by Microsoft. This is used for automating the administrative tasks that work both for local and remote Windows machines. However, on .NET Framework, PowerShell is built.

17. What is the difference between a stand-alone server and a member server in Windows Server?

In Windows Server, a stand-alone server is a server that operates independently and does not belong to any domain or Active Directory forest. It has its own set of local user accounts and security policies and does not share resources or authentication information with other servers.

On the other hand, a member server is a server that belongs to a domain or Active Directory forest and can share resources and authentication information with other servers in the same domain or forest. It relies on the domain or forest for user authentication and security policies, and can be managed centrally using tools such as Group Policy.

The main difference between a stand-alone server and a member server is their relationship with Active Directory. A stand-alone server does not participate in Active Directory, while a member server is a participant in Active Directory and can leverage its features and benefits, such as centralized management and authentication, resource sharing, and group policy control.

18. How do you configure and manage server roles and features in Windows Server?

In Windows Server, you can configure and manage server roles and features using Server Manager, a graphical tool that provides a central location for managing servers, roles, and features. Here are the steps to configure and manage server roles and features using Server Manager:

  • Open Server Manager: Click on the Server Manager icon in the taskbar or search for Server Manager in the Start menu.
  • Add a server: If the server you want to manage is not already listed in the Server Manager dashboard, you can add it by clicking on the Add servers button and specifying the server name or IP address.
  • Install a role or feature: To install a role or feature, click on the Add roles and features button in the Dashboard or select the Manage menu and choose Add Roles and Features. Follow the wizard to select the desired roles and features, customize the installation settings, and complete the installation.
  • Configure a role or feature: Once a role or feature is installed, you can configure its settings by selecting the appropriate role or feature from the Server Manager dashboard and choosing the appropriate options.
  • Manage a role or feature: To manage a role or feature, you can use the Server Manager tools and features, such as the Remote Desktop Services Manager or the DHCP Manager. These tools allow you to monitor and manage the settings and activity of the selected role or feature.
  • Remove a role or feature: If you no longer need a role or feature, you can remove it by selecting the appropriate role or feature from the Server Manager dashboard and choosing the Remove option.
19. What do you understand by the non-authoritative and authoritative restore of an Active Directory (AD)?
  • A non-authoritative restoration refers to a process in which the domain controller is restored. And after that, the Active Directory (AD) objects are brought up to date by replicating the latest version of those objects from other domain controllers in the domain.
  • On the other hand, an authoritative restore refers to an operation in which the data that has been restored supersedes the data existing on other domain controllers in the domain. However, while performing an authoritative restore, the current versions of objects in the Active Directory are overwritten by the versions of the objects which were restored.
20. What is the process of installing an application if MSI is not available?

For adding the application using the Software Installer, the dot ZAP text file can be used rather than the windows installer.

21. What is tattooing in terms of Registry?

Tattooing in the registry can be defined as suggesting to the users that they can change and view the preference of the customers that are not stored in the Registry portions. Moreover, even if the group policy is removed or changed, the user preference will still remain in the registry.

22. What is the difference between a file share and a file system in Windows Server?

In Windows Server, a file system is the underlying structure used to organize and store files and folders on a storage device, such as a hard drive, SSD, or network-attached storage (NAS) device. Common file systems used in Windows Server include NTFS (New Technology File System) and ReFS (Resilient File System).

A file share, on the other hand, is a resource that allows multiple users and computers to access the files and folders stored on a file system over a network. When you share a folder or drive on a server, you create a file share that can be accessed by other users and computers on the network.

The main difference between a file system and a file share is their level of accessibility. A file system is a low-level component that is managed by the operating system and is responsible for organizing and managing files and folders on a storage device. A file share, on the other hand, is a higher-level component that allows users and computers to access and interact with the files and folders stored on a file system over a network.

23. Explain the following:

1. Computer Process

Computer process refers to a computer program case that is executed repeatedly by a computer. This is capable of running numerous programs on a computer at the same time.

2. Thread

A thread consists of many executable programs that combine as a solitary process. For example, a thread can send a notification error to the customer. Therefore, an alternative can contract with the signals of error even though the third thread may execute the primary action.

24. What is Microsoft Azure and how does it integrate with Windows Server?

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform and infrastructure offered by Microsoft. It provides a wide range of cloud services, including virtual machines, storage, database services, networking, and more. Azure is designed to enable businesses to build, deploy, and manage applications and services in the cloud, using a flexible and scalable infrastructure.

Windows Server can integrate with Azure in several ways:

  • Azure Virtual Machines: Windows Server can be deployed as a virtual machine (VM) in Azure. This allows you to run Windows Server workloads in the cloud, without having to maintain the physical infrastructure. You can also use Azure Virtual Machines to extend your on-premises Windows Server environment into the cloud.
  • Azure Backup: Windows Server can be backed up to Azure using Azure Backup. This provides a reliable and secure way to protect your data, without having to maintain your own backup infrastructure. You can also use Azure Backup to restore your Windows Server environment in case of a disaster.
  • Azure Active Directory: Windows Server can be integrated with Azure Active Directory (AAD), which is Microsoft’s cloud-based identity and access management service. This allows you to manage user identities and access permissions across your Windows Server environment and Azure services from a single console.
  • Azure Site Recovery: Windows Server can be protected with Azure Site Recovery, which provides disaster recovery and business continuity services. This enables you to replicate your Windows Server environment to Azure, and failover to Azure in case of a disaster.
25. Name the types of FSMO roles?
  • Firstly, Primary Domain Controller (PDC)
  • Secondly, Infrastructure master
  • Thirdly, Relative ID (RID) master
  • Then, Schema master
  • Lastly, Domain naming master
windows server exam
26. What do you understand by Group Policy?

Group Policy refers to a feature of Microsoft Windows NT which also belongs to the family of OS. This helps in controlling the work setting of computer accounts and user accounts. Further, it also provides the central configuration management of the operating systems, user settings, and applications in an Active Directory setting.       

27. Explain Group Policy Objects (GPO) and name its types.

GPO refers to the setting that manages the client records at the workplace, and also at computer records. This helps in explaining the programming establishment, security alternatives, upkeep choices and library-dependent arrangements, folder redirection choices, and content choices. Further, there are two types of GPO:

  • Firstly, Local GPO. These are kept on close devices.
  • Secondly, Non-local GPO. These can be accessed from the Active Directory and are kept on a domain controller.
28. Is it possible to associate a third-party directory service to an Active Directory?

Yes, it is possible to associate a third-party directory service to an Active Directory (AD). This is commonly referred to as a directory integration or directory synchronization.

There are various third-party directory services available that can be integrated with AD, such as Okta, OneLogin, and JumpCloud. These directory services provide identity management and authentication services that can be used in conjunction with AD to manage user identities and access permissions across multiple systems and applications.

To integrate a third-party directory service with AD, you will typically need to use a synchronization tool that can connect to both AD and the third-party directory service. This tool will synchronize user identities and attributes between the two directories, ensuring that user information is consistent across both systems.

Once the integration is set up, users can authenticate using their credentials from either directory service, and access permissions can be managed across both environments. This allows for a more flexible and scalable identity management solution, which can be especially useful in complex and heterogeneous environments.

29. Name the commands for checking TCP/IP configurations.

There are two commands for checking the TCP/IP configurations:

1. Ipconfig

This is for checking the IP setup of the computer. Moreover, you can also use it for reestablishing the IP address of the users if it is defined by a DHCP server.

2. Ping

This is for checking the link between the computer in use and the other computers.

30. What is the role of Windows Server in a hybrid cloud environment?

In a hybrid cloud environment, Windows Server plays a crucial role in providing a bridge between on-premises infrastructure and cloud-based resources. Here are some of the key roles that Windows Server can play in a hybrid cloud environment:

  • Identity and Access Management: Windows Server can provide a central identity and access management solution for both on-premises and cloud-based resources. This allows users to use a single set of credentials to access resources across both environments.
  • Application Deployment: Windows Server can be used to deploy and manage applications across on-premises and cloud-based environments. This allows for a consistent and unified application deployment experience, regardless of where the applications are running.
  • Data Management: Windows Server can be used to manage data across on-premises and cloud-based environments. This includes storage, backup, and disaster recovery services, which can be used to ensure data availability and resilience.
  • Networking: Windows Server can provide networking services, such as DNS, DHCP, and VPN, to bridge on-premises and cloud-based environments. This allows for a consistent and unified network experience, regardless of where the resources are located.
  • Hybrid Cloud Management: Windows Server can provide management tools that allow you to manage both on-premises and cloud-based resources from a single console. This can simplify management and monitoring, and provide a unified view of your entire hybrid cloud environment.
31. Explain the basic functionality of the domain controller?

The domain controller is responsible for verifying the customer’s too many networks. Moreover, it also brings a set of objects that are involved in the Active Directory.

32. Explaining the role of local DNS servers.

A local DNS server provides the local mapping of complete skillful domains to IP addresses. They provide record data to remote DNS servers for resolving requests concerning the domains on the network.

33. Define the term INODE.

The inode refers to a data structure in a Unix-style file system that explains a file-system object like a file or a directory. Every inode can store the attributes and disk block locations of the object’s data. However, the file-system object attributes may include metadata including owner and permission data.

34. What do you understand by RAID in Windows Server?

RAID stands for Redundant Array of Independent Disks which is used for storing the same data at a different place. This method aids in fault tolerance and storage capacity expansion. On distinct drives, however, it allows you to aggregate one or more volumes for access via a single drive letter.

35. What is Windows Server Core and how is it different from the full GUI version of Windows Server?

Windows Server Core is a minimalistic installation option of Windows Server that includes only the essential components needed to run specific server roles. It does not include the full graphical user interface (GUI) that is included in the full version of Windows Server. Instead, it provides a command-line interface for managing the server, along with a limited set of graphical tools.

The main difference between Windows Server Core and the full GUI version of Windows Server is the amount of resources that each version requires to run. Since Windows Server Core has fewer components and services installed, it requires less disk space, memory, and CPU resources, making it a more lightweight and efficient option for running certain server roles. This can be especially useful in scenarios where resources are limited, such as in virtualized environments.

Another benefit of Windows Server Core is improved security. Since it includes fewer components and services, there are fewer attack surfaces that can be exploited by malicious actors. Additionally, the lack of a GUI reduces the need for additional software, reducing the overall attack surface of the server.

However, the lack of a GUI in Windows Server Core means that management tasks must be performed using command-line tools or remote management tools. This can be more difficult for administrators who are used to using the graphical tools in the full GUI version of Windows Server.

36. Explain the following:

1. Domain local groups 

These are used to assign access clearances to international domain groups for the domain’s local resources.

2. Global groups 

These provide access to other trusted domains’ resources. 

3. Universal groups 

This helps in providing access to all trusted domain resources.

37. Is it possible to restore Active Directory Partitions?

Yes, you can restore the objects from the domain and configuration partition. 

38. Name the types of partitions in the active directory.

There are four types of partitions:

  • Firstly, the Configuration partition
  • Secondly, the Application partition
  • Thirdly, Schema partition
  • Lastly, Domain partition
39. Define Configuration Partition.

This is for storing all the data of Active Directory. The data here consists of site-link, Site, subnet, etc. Further, the partition duplicates all domain controllers that are available in the Forest.

40. Explain the difference between application and scheme partition.
  • Application partition is for storing the information of applications in Active Directory. For example, ForestDNSZones and DomainDNSZones.
  • Schema Partition is for storing all the information of the objects and their qualities. Further, this duplicates to other domain controllers in the Forest.
41. What is PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) and how does it work in Windows Server?

PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) is a configuration management tool that allows administrators to define and manage the configuration of Windows servers using PowerShell scripts. DSC enables administrators to automate the configuration of servers, ensuring that they remain in a desired state and are always compliant with established policies.

DSC works by defining a desired state for a server or group of servers, which is defined in a PowerShell script. This script defines the configuration settings that need to be applied to the server, including settings related to the operating system, applications, and security. Once the desired state is defined, DSC continuously monitors the server to ensure that it remains in the desired state.

If the configuration of the server changes, DSC will automatically apply the necessary configuration changes to bring the server back into the desired state. This ensures that servers remain compliant with established policies and reduces the risk of configuration drift and other issues that can impact server performance and security.

DSC can be used to manage configuration across a wide range of Windows Server roles and features, including Active Directory, Internet Information Services (IIS), Hyper-V, and more. It can also be integrated with other Microsoft technologies, such as System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), to provide a comprehensive configuration management solution for Windows Server environments.

42. Explaining the DHCP server configuring process for assigning the same IP address to define devices whenever there is a change or removing of the address?

For configuring the DHCP server, you can build a reservation for the device. However, for creating a reservation, you must know the MAC hardware address of the device.  Further, for discovering the MAC address for a network device you can use the IP config command-line utilities.

43. What do you understand by the SYSVOL folder?

This refers to a set of files and folders placed on the local hard disk of each domain controller in a domain. They are replicated by the File Replication Service with having files containing group or user policy details.

44. What is Windows Server Manager and how is it used to manage multiple servers?

Windows Server Manager is a management tool included in Windows Server that provides a centralized interface for managing multiple servers in a Windows Server environment. With Server Manager, administrators can manage multiple servers from a single console, reducing the amount of time and effort required to manage server infrastructure.

Server Manager provides a dashboard-style interface that displays an overview of server status, including system health, updates, and alerts. Administrators can use this interface to view and manage server roles and features, monitor performance, configure security settings, and more.

Server Manager also supports remote management of servers, which allows administrators to manage servers from a central location without having to physically access each server. This can be especially useful in large, distributed environments where servers are located in different geographic locations.

In addition to managing individual servers, Server Manager also provides the ability to create server groups, which allows administrators to manage multiple servers as a single unit. This can be useful for managing servers that share common characteristics or roles, such as web servers, file servers, or database servers.

45. Explain the various zones in the Windows DNS server.
  • Firstly, Primary Zone. In this, the record is provided as a text file with the typical extension “.DNS”
  • Secondly, Secondary Zone. This is a support for the important server that goes about load adjusting and provides for non-critical failure. 
  • Lastly, Stub Zone. This consists of the name server and SOA records that help in reducing the DNS seek orders.
46. Differentiate Windows and Windows Server.
  • Windows Server OS was released for server systems like Workstation, Rack, Tower, etc. This is capable of multiple users who can log in and work continuously. Further, this has the support of CPU(64), cores(320), and RAM(24TB).
  • Windows OS was released for user systems like desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Mobile, X-box, etc. In this, multiple user accounts can be created, but, only one user can log in at a time. Further, this has the support of limited CPU(2), core(256), and RAM(2TB).
47. What is the Windows Server Storage Spaces feature and how does it work?

Windows Server Storage Spaces is a feature in Windows Server that allows administrators to create virtual storage pools by combining multiple physical storage devices into a single, logical storage unit. Storage Spaces provides a flexible and scalable storage solution for Windows Server environments, allowing administrators to easily manage and expand storage capacity as needed.

Storage Spaces works by abstracting physical storage devices, such as hard drives or solid-state drives (SSDs), into virtual storage pools. These pools can then be partitioned into virtual disks, which can be used to store data. Administrators can configure various features of the virtual disks, including their size, resiliency, and performance characteristics.

One of the key benefits of Storage Spaces is its ability to provide resiliency to storage. By combining multiple physical storage devices into a virtual storage pool, Storage Spaces can create redundant copies of data to protect against hardware failures. There are several resiliency options available, including simple, mirror, parity, and dual parity.

In addition to providing resiliency, Storage Spaces can also improve performance by using techniques such as striping and tiered storage. Striping involves dividing data across multiple physical storage devices, which can improve read and write performance. Tiered storage involves using multiple tiers of storage, such as SSDs and hard drives, to improve performance for frequently accessed data while reducing costs for less frequently accessed data.

48. What do you understand by a Proxy Server?

This refers to a computer that acts as a gateway between a local network and a larger-scale system such as the Internet. Further, this also provides increased security and performance as well as helps in monitoring the employees using outside resources.

49. Define WINS server?

The WINS servers, which map IP addresses to NetBIOS names, are known as Windows Internet Name Service servers. Employers can now access resources using the computer’s name rather than the IP address. This machine can also be set up as a WINS server to keep track of the IP addresses and names of other computers on the network.

50.  What is the difference between Windows Server Backup and third-party backup solutions?

Windows Server Backup is a backup and recovery solution included in Windows Server, while third-party backup solutions are backup and recovery solutions developed by third-party vendors. While both types of solutions are designed to provide data protection for Windows Server environments, there are several differences between them.

One key difference is the level of functionality and features provided. Windows Server Backup provides basic backup and recovery functionality, including support for system state backups, full server backups, and selective file backups. However, it does not provide advanced features such as backup scheduling, backup replication, or centralized management of backups across multiple servers. Third-party backup solutions, on the other hand, typically provide a broader range of features and functionality, including support for cloud backups, backup replication, advanced scheduling, and more.

Another difference between Windows Server Backup and third-party backup solutions is the level of support and customization available. While Windows Server Backup is a Microsoft product and is fully supported by Microsoft, third-party backup solutions may have different levels of support and may require additional configuration or customization to integrate with Windows Server environments.

Finally, there may be differences in cost between Windows Server Backup and third-party backup solutions. While Windows Server Backup is included with Windows Server at no additional cost, third-party backup solutions may require a separate license or subscription fee.

51. What is the major advantage of GPMC?

Group Policy Management Console (GPMC)  provides easy management of all GPOs diagonally the whole Active Directory Forest View of GPOs in one list. This allows to perform GPOs backup and restore, Immigration of GPOs over many forest and domains.

52.  Explaining the process to backup Group policy?
  • For backing up one single GPO, then click the GPO, and select Back Up.
  • Further, for backup of all GPOs in the domain, click Group Policy Objects and then, click Back Up All.
53. What are some best practices for monitoring and optimizing the performance of a Windows Server?

Here are some best practices for monitoring and optimizing the performance of a Windows Server:

  • Monitor key performance indicators: Use performance monitoring tools to track key metrics such as CPU usage, memory usage, disk usage, network traffic, and application performance. This can help you identify potential performance issues before they become critical.
  • Analyze performance data: Analyze the performance data you collect to identify trends and patterns that may indicate performance bottlenecks or other issues. Use this data to optimize your server configuration and make informed decisions about capacity planning.
  • Optimize hardware resources: Ensure that your hardware resources (CPU, memory, storage, and network) are properly configured and allocated to support the applications and services running on your server. Make sure to periodically review and adjust resource allocation as needed.
  • Use optimized software settings: Ensure that your server is configured with optimized software settings to improve performance. This includes settings for the operating system, applications, and services.
  • Use best practices for storage: Implement best practices for storage, including using RAID arrays, optimizing disk performance, and using storage tiering to balance performance and cost.
  • Use virtualization where appropriate: Consider using virtualization to optimize hardware resources and improve performance. Virtualization can also make it easier to manage and scale your server environment.
  • Implement caching: Implement caching solutions such as Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) or server-side caching to improve performance for web-based applications and services.
  • Regularly update and maintain the server: Regularly update and maintain the server with the latest patches, firmware, and drivers to ensure optimal performance and security.
  • Monitor system logs: Monitor system logs to detect and diagnose potential issues before they become critical. Use this information to improve performance and optimize server configurations.
  • Use automation: Use automation tools to help streamline routine tasks such as backups, updates, and maintenance. This can help reduce downtime and improve overall performance.
54.  Explain the types of Domain control?
  • Firstly, the primary domain controller. This emphasis on services of the domain for avoiding the system possibility of a crash or slowing down because of the overtasking from handling other security requests and functionality. 
  • Secondly, a backup domain controller is promoted and becomes the primary domain controller for preserving the server systems working appropriately.
55.  What is Hyper-V and how does it work in Windows Server?

Hyper-V is a virtualization technology developed by Microsoft that is included in Windows Server. It enables administrators to create and manage virtual machines (VMs) on a physical server.

Hyper-V works by creating a virtualized environment on a physical server that enables multiple VMs to run on the same hardware. Each VM operates as a separate computer with its own operating system, applications, and hardware resources, but all of the VMs share the same physical resources.

Hyper-V uses a hypervisor, a thin layer of software that sits between the hardware and the operating system, to manage the allocation of resources to each VM. The hypervisor creates and manages the virtualized environment, and provides a layer of isolation between the VMs and the host operating system.

Hyper-V supports a variety of virtual machine types, including Windows and Linux VMs, and provides a range of features such as live migration, high availability, and virtual networking. These features enable administrators to manage VMs efficiently, and provide high levels of availability and scalability for critical applications.

Hyper-V is a key component of Microsoft’s virtualization strategy, and is widely used in enterprise environments to reduce hardware costs, improve server utilization, and increase flexibility and agility.

56. Define Trust Relationship.

The trust relationship is used for providing access between various domains or forests.

57. Define NTDS.DIT.

This refers to the Active Directory database which contains all the AD objects. However, the default location is %system root%nrdsnrds.dit. Further, it depends on the Jet database.

58. What is EDB.Log?

This file is used for tracking the transactions on the database. However, when EDB.Log is full then, it gets renamed to EDB Num.log where num can be a number starting from 1 like EDB1.log

59. Define EDB.Che.

This file is for checking the data that is not yet written to a database. However, this file has the starting point to the data that can be retrieved during failures.

60. What is Res in Res1.log and Res2.log.

Res here stands for reserved transaction file which is used for providing the transaction log file enough time for shutting down if the disk runs out of space.

61. Explain the role of Flexible Single Master Operations?

The role of FSMOs is that it follows the Schema Master and Domain Naming Master. These both are available only on each forest and also in the Infrastructure Master, RID Master, and PDC.

62. What will you do if an HTTP monitor warns that a website is down, and you can telnet to the port?

Firstly, I will figure the problem with the monitor if the web page is up. The other issues can be flapping, or system overload.

63. Define Windows server backup.

The Windows Server Backup was released for Windows 2008 that works as a recycle bin tool in the Active Directory. This offers you a large variety of solutions for backing up data on your system. Moreover, it provides access to a large amount of data backup and in this, you can access the server backup using command lines and the management console. 

64. What is KCC?

KCC refers to a built-in process used for running on all domain controllers and creating replication topology for the Active Directory forest. This builds separate replication topologies based on whether replication is occurring within a site () or between sites. Further, it has the capability for dynamically adjusting the topology to:

  • Firstly, accommodating the addition of a new domain controller
  • Secondly, the removal of existing domain controllers
  • Thirdly, the movement of domain controllers to and from sites
  • Then, changing costs and schedules
  • Lastly, domain controllers, which are temporarily unavailable or in an error state.
65. Deine SID.

SID is a security identifier that refers to a unique value of variable length used for identifying a security principle in Windows operating systems. 

Final Words

Above, we have covered the top Windows Server interview questions best for both beginners and professionals. Windows Server Admin is best known for providing solutions using its various server skills. So, for getting into this area, it is necessary that you should put your knowledge and skills together for covering all the areas and crack the interview. Just start your Windows server journey using the questions above and enhance your level of knowledge. And, don’t forget to comment if there is any doubt.

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