Volmgrx internal error windows server

Была на днях очень интересная задачка на несколько часов. А именно обратился клиент с проблемой – не загружается Windows 10 после обновления и уходит в синий экран (BSOD).

Ну, думаю, делов-то минут на 15-20 – загружусь через доп. параметры, удалю сбойные обновления, запущу зловещий Windows 10 и поеду спокойно домой. Но не тут-то было. По приезду узнаю, что это сервер на котором хранятся все базы данных, а удаление сбойных обновлений и установленных компонентов никак проблему запуска не решают.

Загрузившись с LiveCD понимаю, что у меня данные на месте и будто просто не работает загрузчик Windows 10, в то же время зайдя в список устройств понимаю, что у меня Windows на RAID 1 массиве лежит. Бегу в BIOS, чтобы убедиться, что у меня действительно из 2-х хардов собран RAID 1 и вижу включенный режим для HDD – ACHI. Ну, думаю Волки – программный RAID 1 что-ли на недосервере собрали… И тут меня осенило – программный RAID массив каким-то образом после обновления Windows 10 просто на просто рассыпался…

Долгие попытки разных вариантов запуска наконец-то натолкнули меня на поиск в google именно ошибки BSOD “OLMGRX INTERNAL ERROR”. Кто что только на эту тему не пишет, но ни одного поста по делу я так и не нашел, ну думаю, Яша, настало твое время, и тут он меня кидает на англоязычный пост по данной проблеме, где как раз парень описывает такую же проблему с синим экраном как у меня и ошибкой “OLMGRX INTERNAL ERROR”.

Итак, теперь о решении этой проблемы:

  1. Нам необходимо загрузиться в режиме восстановления Windows 10 – это после старта BIOS обычно кнопки F8 или F10.
  2. Попав в режим восстановления Windows 10 топаем по следующему пути: Устранение неполадок> Дополнительные параметры> Командная строка.
  3. Запустив CMD вбиваем команду diskpart (таким образом запуская дисковую утилиту) и следом пишем list volume (для просмотра всех томов, присутствующих в нашей системе).
  4. Если мы видим что-то похожее на запись ниже – то это и есть наша проблема:
Volume ###	Ltr	Label	Fs	Type	Size		Status		Info
----------	---	------  ----	-----	----------	---------
Volume 0	C		NTFS	Mirror	465 GB		Failed Rd	
Volume 1	E		NTFS	Mirror	350 MB		Failed Rd	
Volume 2	D			DVD-ROM	   0 B		No Media

Нас интересует здесь именно “Статус“, если в списке есть “Failed Rd” вместо “Healthy“, либо виднеется на русском только кусок строки “Ошибка” вместо “Исправен” – то у нас однозначно проблема именно с программным RAID массивом.

Дальше все шаги вы делаете на свой страх и риск, ибо рейд мог рассыпаться не только из-за глюка Windows 10, но и просто, если один из хардов приказал “долго жить”. Поэтому правило № 1 – сделать резервные копии всех важных данных на сторонний носитель и правильно № 2 – если совсем не уверены в своих навыках, то сделать еще резервную копию своих резервных копий еще на один сторонний носитель :-)

  1. Итак, допустим мы уверены, что Windows 10 у нас стоит именно на диске C:\ и его Volume Info = Volume 0, тогда дальше в CMD пишем select volume 0 и следом вводим recover.

Теперь утилита DiskPart попытается восстановить все зеркальные разделы нашего RAID массива, расположенного на этом динамическом диске. 

ВНИМАНИЕ! Первое сообщение которое я увидел – было о том, что все отлично и RAID массив восстановлен. Но это на самом деле не так, если повторно выполнить в CMD команду list volume – мы увидим, что поле Status (Статус) перешло в состояние Repair (Восстановление). Поэтому CMD мы ни в коем случае не закрываем ровно до того момента, пока запустив команду list volume еще не одну сотню раз (у меня RAID восстанавливался около 2-х часов) , мы не увидим на всех томах состояние Healthy или Исправен. Только после этого можно пробовать перезагружать ПК и радоваться, что все заработало.

Если случилось так, что после долгих мучений утилиты diskpart ваши тома так и не перешли в статус Healthy или Исправен – значит вам повезло меньше, чем мне, и проблема именно аппаратная у одного из дисков. После замены неисправного харда и повторения мучений выше, ваша проблема должна решится.

Если данная статья вам облегчила жизнь и помогла решить проблему, в качестве благодарности сойдет спасибо в комментариях, либо же можете поддержать проект небольшой копеечкой.


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If your Windows 10 system suddenly stopped booting and show the following error message :


It most likely mean that your software RAID volume has failed. It may indicate a hardware underlying issue, such as a failed drive or the mirror just broke and is no longer in sync.

To find out, either use the Troubleshoot option from the startup menu or boot with the installation media in recovery mode to access the same menu and chose the following options :

Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Command Prompt

Enter into the disk utility using the following command :


Then have a look at the volumes present on your system :

list volume

If your situation match the one we are covering into this article, you should see something similar to this output :

Volume ###	Ltr	Label	Fs	Type	Size		Status		Info
----------	---	------  ----	-----	----------	-------		---------
Volume 0	C		NTFS	Mirror	465 GB		Failed Rd	
Volume 1	E		NTFS	Mirror	350 MB		Failed Rd	
Volume 2	D			DVD-ROM	   0 B		No Media

Pay special attention to the “Status” column, look for “Failed Rd” (Failed Raid).

If you see the following on your system, attempt to initiate a rebuild as followed :

select volume 0

DiskPart will now attempt to rebuild all mirrored partition located on that dynamic disk. Running the “list volume” command again, you should see the state (you yon’t see the rebuild percentage though).

Leave it synchronize until full completion, you may run the command “list volume” periodically for update. Once you’ll see all volumes as “Healthy” (see example below), reboot your computer.

Volume ###	Ltr	Label	Fs	Type	Size		Status		Info
----------	---	------  ----	-----	----------	-------		---------
Volume 0	C		NTFS	Mirror	465 GB		Healthy		
Volume 1	E		NTFS	Mirror	350 MB		Healthy		
Volume 2	D			DVD-ROM	   0 B		No Media

NOTE : Il the software RAID volume(s) fail to rebuild, have a look at your hardware. Most likely a failing drive could be the root cause.

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  • Hi,

    We have a Windows Server 2012 which is stuck in a boot loop.  After rebooting and selecting Disable automatic restart on system failure, the message that appears is something like Your PC ran into a problem and is collecting some error info — volmgrx
    internal_error.  I have tried safe more, last known good configuration but to no avail.

    After a failed boot, we can select Windows Server — secondary plex in the option list and the server will boot fine — I’m guessing this is the second mirrored disk.  This issue seemed to start after Windows Updates were done (but not too sure).

    Can anyone point me in the right direction of fixing this.  Can’t see anything obvious in Event Viewer.

    Many thanks.


  • It could be a broken mirror.

    Try this:

    1. Startup with recovery and select advanced options 
    2. open cmd prompt 
    3. diskpart 
    4. list volume (C volume shows status as «failed rd») 
    5. select volume XX 
    6. recover 

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    • Marked as answer by

      Friday, May 8, 2015 7:06 AM

Posted by legzyl 2015-12-14T05:51:50Z

Can’t boot up  Server 2012 again all i see error «VOLMGRX internal_error all effort seems not working at the moment. Booting up the plex wont work 


  • Server 2012 R2
  • Mirrored Hard Drive
  • All back-ups are in the  Server

20 Replies

  • All backups are in the server?

    This isn’t the first time it has happened?

    Why did you not start backing up externally after the first time?

    How did you fix it last time?

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  • Author Ogunbola Olalekan

    First Time it is

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  • I moved this from Spiceworks Support to Windows Server.

    Also, check this and see if it helps with that error:

    • https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/684c0faa-6b16-4da4-acca-2699dd552918… Opens a new window

    Be sure to keep backups and images of important systems.

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  • Author Rod McGarrigle

    pure capsaicin

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    Why would backup to the server, this creates an issue when you need to restore like now.

    I dont understand your comment about plex

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  • You backed up the server to itself?

    Why would you do that?

    Rod-IT wrote:

    I dont understand your comment about plex

    I think he means the two disks in RAID 1, calling each disk in a RAID set a plex is an older storage term I’ve not heard in years. what is a plex — NetApp Community Opens a new window

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  • Author Rod McGarrigle

    pure capsaicin

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  • Author Ogunbola Olalekan

    The backups are not image backup but backup of files which are mirrored into other drives.

    The term plex comes from a Raid configuration, 

    My Server has four Hard drives, the primary drive c: is mirrored to another disk so that when the O.S in C: failed it can use another drive to boot

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  • legzyl wrote:

    My Server has four Hard drives, the primary drive c: is mirrored to another disk so that when the O.S in C: failed it can use another drive to boot

    That’s not how RAID works.

    If the OS becomes corrupt, the damage is mirrored to the other drive. RAID will only protect you against disk failures not against OS corruption, bad patches or anything of that nature.

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  • Author Ogunbola Olalekan

    Rod-IT wrote:

    It must be an ancient term, I’ve never heard of it.

    Try this

    https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/684c0faa-6b16-4da4-acca-2699dd552918… Opens a new window

    Tried it before coming here i was stuck at the administrative password because it wouldn’t accept the password am using, tried both the local and domain administrative password but no avail

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  • Is the server a domain controller?

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  • Author Rod McGarrigle

    pure capsaicin

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    Is this the same server you have another post on, the one running Hyper-V with the DC being the hyper-v host?


    What changed or did you do prior to this crash?

    legzyl wrote:

    The backups are not image backup but backup of files which are mirrored into other drives.

    They are either backups or mirrors based on the RAID array, if they are mirrors due to the RAID array, calling them backups is wrong.

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  • legzyl wrote:

    Rod-IT wrote:

    It must be an ancient term, I’ve never heard of it.

    Try this

    https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/684c0faa-6b16-4da4-acca-2699dd552918… Opens a new window

    Tried it before coming here i was stuck at the administrative password because it wouldn’t accept the password am using, tried both the local and domain administrative password but no avail

    Reset the local admin password then.

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  • Author Ogunbola Olalekan

    Rod-IT wrote:

    Is this the same server you have another post on, the one running Hyper-V with the DC being the hyper-v host?


    What changed or did you do prior to this crash?

    Yes the very Same Server,  but no modification was made before the crash

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  • Author Ogunbola Olalekan

    JoeWilliams wrote:

    Reset the local admin password then.

    Please how do i do that cos i can’t log into the server

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  • Author Rod McGarrigle

    pure capsaicin

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    JoeWilliams wrote:

    legzyl wrote:

    Rod-IT wrote:

    It must be an ancient term, I’ve never heard of it.

    Try this

    https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/684c0faa-6b16-4da4-acca-2699dd552918… Opens a new window

    Tried it before coming here i was stuck at the administrative password because it wouldn’t accept the password am using, tried both the local and domain administrative password but no avail

    Reset the local admin password then.

    This is not going to be possible since the machine in question is a DC as well as the Hyper-V host.

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  • Author Rod McGarrigle

    pure capsaicin

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    Is your RAID array showing any errors?

    Where are your physical backups?

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  • Rod-IT wrote:

    JoeWilliams wrote:

    legzyl wrote:

    Rod-IT wrote:

    It must be an ancient term, I’ve never heard of it.

    Try this

    https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/684c0faa-6b16-4da4-acca-2699dd552918… Opens a new window

    Tried it before coming here i was stuck at the administrative password because it wouldn’t accept the password am using, tried both the local and domain administrative password but no avail

    Reset the local admin password then.

    This is not going to be possible since the machine in question is a DC as well as the Hyper-V host.

    Oh, heck. I’m assuming the OP has also lost the DSRM password then.

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  • Author Rod McGarrigle

    pure capsaicin

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    JoeWilliams wrote:

    Rod-IT wrote:

    JoeWilliams wrote:

    legzyl wrote:

    Rod-IT wrote:

    It must be an ancient term, I’ve never heard of it.

    Try this

    https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/684c0faa-6b16-4da4-acca-2699dd552918… Opens a new window

    Tried it before coming here i was stuck at the administrative password because it wouldn’t accept the password am using, tried both the local and domain administrative password but no avail

    Reset the local admin password then.

    This is not going to be possible since the machine in question is a DC as well as the Hyper-V host.

    Oh, heck. I’m assuming the OP has also lost the DSRM password then.

    I am going to guess this too, or they don’t know how to recover using this.

    Given the OPs other post looks like they are using their DC as a Hyper-V host as well, it only adds to the issue.

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  • Author Robert Hummel

    This is how our plan for a recovery scenario in cases like this.

    1. First, get access to the server. Do this by installing hyper-v core onto a USB stick and boot to it. (We have a USB prepared for this and inserted into the internal USB slot on every server.)

    2. After you boot to the hyper-v core, attempt to access the drives. If the array isn’t destroyed, you should see the drives and their contents.

    3. Transfer the disk contents you need to another device via network or to another direct-connected device.

    4. Restore or recover as needed.

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  • Author Ogunbola Olalekan

    Sorry for replying to this post late, it was due to some issue i have at work which prompt me to  long break.

    And Thank you all for your contribution

    Below is What was done on the Server

    We had to get an empty hard drive install Server 2012 on it like @Robert5205 as said

    On completing the installation we where able have access to the Virtualized hyper-V drive on the previous damaged OS

    Then had to reconfigure a New Hyper-V Server and use the virtualized drive as the storage location.

    Still lost some files though.

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Внутреннее имя: volmgrx.sys
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