Visual studio поддержка windows 7

I would like to use Visual Studio 2019 to enjoy the latest C++ additions, but targeting Windows 7.

I created a Windows C++ application using the VS 2019 wizard (running on Windows 10).

A targetver.h file is created by the wizard, with the following content:

#pragma once

// // Including SDKDDKVer.h defines the highest available Windows platform.
// If you wish to build your application for a previous Windows platform, include WinSDKVer.h and
// set the _WIN32_WINNT macro to the platform you wish to support before including SDKDDKVer.h.
#include <SDKDDKVer.h>

I followed the instructions in the comment lines, and added the following lines intargetver.h (before the #include <SDKDDKVer.h> line):

// Target Windows 7 SP1
#include <WinSDKVer.h>
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0601

To test that, in the program’s main function I invoked an API (PathCchAppend) that is not supported in Windows 7.

The program builds fine (I statically link the CRT), and runs fine in Windows 10.

The same program fails when executed in Windows 7, showing the following error message:

Error message when trying to run the VS 2019 C++ application on Windows 7

Now, the program should have not compiled at all, because I specified the Windows 7 target, and the aforementioned API is not available on Windows 7.

Is this a bug in the Windows SDK?

Is it possible to target Windows 7 using VS 2019 and the Windows 10 SDK, getting errors during the build process when an API or structure that is not supported in Windows 7 is used in the code, and how?

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  • Question

  • How I can find the reference for this support?
    I treid to find from web but it still not answer my question.

    Below is an information that I can find

    This web shows the OS that support with Visual Studio 2008. I don’t found it support windows 7.

    Result: The above reasons are hard to believe that Windows 7 will only support VS 2010 as the OS will be available this Oct but VS 2010 will be next year. (Thus it maybe support VS 2005 ….)


  • I’ve been using VS2008 and VS2010 beta — one on each of my two Windows 7 systems.  Both have worked without any issues.


    • Proposed as answer by

      Tuesday, September 15, 2009 1:21 PM

    • Marked as answer by
      mattburrMicrosoft employee
      Thursday, September 17, 2009 2:05 PM

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level 1

Try out VSCodium, it is literally Visual Studio but open-source and with telemetry disabled. It also states on GitHub it works on Windows 7 :D

level 2

You misinform people. VSCode has nothing common with VS, they are absolutely different products. And VSCode/Codium doesn’t work w Win7 anymore.

level 1

You can download and run it anyways.

level 1

Use Notepad++, it is way better.

level 1

bruh they removed support from windows 7?

level 2

I don’t know that is why i am asking

level 1

Well, still can download visual studio 2010, or 2005 version…however theyy have les features but stil supports win7…later version like visual studio 2022 cant work, its require upper frameworks which are not meant to be for win 7.

level 2

I am talking about Visual studio Code not the Visual Studio

level 1

The current version still supports Windows 7, but it (official support) is being dropped in the next version. Presumably there’ll still be a way to use it though, I can’t imagine anything changing beyond just a version check.

level 2

If so I can use other text editors

level 1

Well as of today, I can’t run it on a Windows 7 fresh install. The installer does fine, no errors… But then, I cannot open it. Again, no error, no window, no nothing.

level 1

They dropped support for Windows 7 recently

level 1

I’m also still using Windows 7 Pro 64-bit. The installed version of VS Code is refusing to upgrade past version 1.70.3: «Visual Studio Code on Windows 7 will no longer receive any further updates.» I tried downloading the ZIP version from Microsoft — and it works! Every time I start it, it pops up the same no-updates message So, I’ll need to download the ZIP file each time I want to update to a newer version. But that’s a restriction I can accept, since I don’t want to upgrade this system to Windows 10.

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