Recently, due to salt demand, the fortran program needs to be debugged.
However, the original host’s program is still a bit complicated, it is a mixture of Fortran and C… So simply Fortran can not meet the demand, IVF will also involve version compatibility and transplantation issues, not to use it. so…
So I searched the Internet for information about installing CVF. The host was surprised to find that it seems that the installation of CVF is not easy, and some even say that it cannot be installed. The sensitive nerves of the original poster feel a strong sense of mission. Yes, wu will write this win10 CVF installation tutorial to help those in need.
It’s okay if the boss doesn’t have points, chat lz privately, if there are points, come to harass Ben z.
First install VC6, the next step *n, after installation, replace MSDEV.EXE in the installation package with the file with the same name under ..\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin.
Then load the iso file of CVF, open X86, select SETUPX86.EXE inside, and select the first item to install CVF.
The CRACK file contains the registration machine. Here is a chestnut: 33206-067-6495834-00007
Set the path, and then I didn’t choose Typical if I didn’t use so many functions. emmm is actually nothing to go…if it is troublesome, just install it—next
Set the environment variable to choose Yes, otherwise it will be more troublesome to add it later. Then it’s over.
The whole process went smoothly, the only thing was that the shortcut opened without response, so I went into the bin directory and found the exe file to open it (maybe I deleted some registry value).
After half an hour, it was changed-to solve the shortcut and even the main program double-click did not respond: right-click the main program DFDEV.EXE to set compatibility-to run in win7 environment.
(ง •̀_•́)ง
Yesterday I wanted to install Compaq Fortran 6.1 in a 64 bit professional
Windows 10 environment. As regards my office computer I ran the file from the
installation CD: D:\x86\setupx86.exe. (D is the DVD Drive). I had no problem,
the installation was successful on drive C which was a hard disk. I could also
compile and build one of my Fortran 95 programs. A short test run was also
As regards my home computer, however, I failed: when I started setupx86.exe
the first icon with the tree menu items
Install Visual Fortan
View Release Notes
appeared on the screen. When, however, I clicked on
Install Visual Fortran the program disappeared from the Task Manager
list and nothing happened.
Both computers run Windows 10 professional, but the C drive is an SSD ram
in my home computer. The operating system is also Windows 10 professional 64
My I ask what I have done wrong?
Or the problem is something else?
Thank you for any idea or advice in advance.
- Intel® Fortran Compiler
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10 Replies
try reading
Dear Andrew,
I did not know the post by samy.m:
(1)Open the CD with explorer
(2) Go to folder x86
(3) execute the setup.exe located inside folder :: x86/setup.exe
(4) You can apply all updates as usual.
It works very well for me. Email me if you have any concerns.
In fact I did the same and the result was OK for my office computer
and I failed when I repeated the above procedure in my home computer.
My Comnpaq Fortran 6.1 is a Professional version which includes
IMSL library. I use fortran for more than forty years. I write
codes both
(a) for my research papers
(b) for showing my post graduate
students that fortran (especially Fortran 95) is the best
language as regards the applications in mechanical
Needles to say that I use IMSL library frequently.
Originally I used Compaq Fortran in my home computer in
a virtual XP environment which is a part of (which can be installed under)
Windows 7. After upgrading to Windows 10 the virtual XP disappeared. Then
it occurred to me that CVF is in fact a 32 bit program system, and these
programs can be used, in general, in a 64 Windows environment. It (CVF) has
some advantages when compared to the later versions of the program:
simplicity as regards the installation and and it provides a more user
friendly environment.
In my office computer I first installed the program in HYPER-V environment,
which is not as friendly as the virtual XP environment under Windows 7. Then,
I do not know how and why. I made an attempt at running steupx86.exe and I succeeded.
Hence I have to installations of CVF in my office computer.
Let me say finally that I am not an expert, I am only a Fortran 95 user.
Dear Gyorgy S
I’m wondering if you can help me to learn programming with Fortran.
You are ostensibly replying to a seven-year-old post and asking for general help rather than writing about anything pertaining to the topic of this thread (a non-Intel compiler that is two decades old and obsolete).
There are a large number of resources (Web pages, videos, tutorials) for learning Fortran, and the choice of which of those to consult should be guided by your background, etc. You should search on the Web and choose what suits you best.
Dear Gyorgy S,
You students would be even more amazed by Fortran if you showed them the modern features in the latest Intel Fortran. However keep up the good work.
Thank you for the replies. However, my
original question is still unresolved.
Preliminaries: I bought Compaq Visual
Fortran 6.1 with the IMSL library
in 2002 as an upgrade form Fortran 5.0.
I used it in my office computer originally
under Windows XP 32 bit. I have got a new
office computer recently and I managed to
install it in the way I wrote about, i.e.,
by running X86\SetupX86.exe in a WIndows 10 64
bit OS.
I also used it in my home computer in the
Virtual XP environment of the operating
system Windows 7 64 bit.
After upgrading to Windows 10 I lost the
virtual XP environment and I tried install
Compaq Visual Fortran 6.1 in the same way as
I did that for my office computer. I failed,
see my previous messages.
This week I have checked three times using my
colleagues office computers at the Department if
SetupX86.exe would start under Windows 10 64 bit
(two computers) or under Windows 7 64 bit (1 computer).
I had no problem, the program began to run in XP
Compatibility Mode (Service Pack 3). I made no
installation, of course, however these attempts show
that there is a software incompatibility as regards
my home computer.
I have read somewhere that Microsoft Office 2010 64 bit
might prevent some 32 bit application from running.
(MS Office 2010 64 bit is installed in my home computer,
but I do not have it in my office computer).
I am not an expert in this field. I am, perhaps, an average
user, and am a bit disappointed that the exports at Intel
have not been able to provide an explanation that could
solve this problem.
Please keep in mind that Compaq Visual Fortran isn’t an Intel product and it was superseded by Intel Visual Fortran in 2004, well before even Windows 7 much less Windows 10 was around. We don’t have the ability to debug CVF installation (and don’t even have the sources to CVF and its installer.) CVF was never supported on Windows 10 — obviously! Your version of CVF is even older than what most people are using — from 1999. It is now 17 years old and your expectations should be adjusted accordingly.
I have heard many reports of problems installing CVF on newer versions of Windows. It’s interesting that these aren’t consistent — some people succeed, some don’t, and there is no pattern to it.
If you wish to use a current Fortran compiler that is supported on Windows 10, Intel Parallel Studio XE Composer Edition for Fortran Windows is available for purchase. It is available as a bundle with IMSL 7 as well.
You can always just buy the XP disks and load them onto a computer — if you do not connect it to the internet and are vey careful you can avoid viruses. XP disks can be had at any computer flea market.
Of course you could also buy a modern compiler — I assure you the latest IVF is significantly better than CVF.
I live on a very tight budget for research — IVF is the only software I buy apart from VEDIT that costs more than a few dollars.
Solution of the original problem:
1. I reinstalled the Windows 7 64 bit OS (including Service Pack 1)
2. Then I installed Compaq Fortran 6.1 from folder x86 of the CD.
(I had no problem with the installation. What is more the compiler worked perfectly.)
3. I updated to Windows 10 64 bit on July 28. (The compiler worked perfectly in Windws 10 as well.)
4. To avoide having problems with MS Office (possible confiltcts with the driveres) I
installed Open Office and some other applictaions. Since then I have had no problems
with Compaq Fortran 6.1 in Windows 10.
This is, however, quiter a long procedure.
With kind regards
G. Szeidl
A. For Visual Studio C++6.0 do the following :
(1) Run the setup.exe ( first set the file setup.exe to run in Compatibility Mode with XP )
(2) Execute setup.exe
(3) Select Custom
(4) Locate Data Access , click it and unselect ADO,RDS and OLE DB
(5) continue and your program will install smoothly
B. For Compaq Fortran do the following :
(1)Open the CD with explorer (2) Go to folder x86
(3) Set file mode of (x86/setup.exe) to run in Compatibility Mode with XP
(4) execute the setup.exe; located inside folder :: x86/setup.exe
(5) Located the file MSDev98\Bin\DFDEV.EXE Set the File Mode to run in Compatibility Mode with XP
(6) You can apply all updates as usual.
(7) If it fails to run , make sure that the compatibility mode DFDEV.EXE is set to Compatibility Mode with XP
It works very well for me. Email me if you have any concerns
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Большинство программ, используемых в научных вычислениях, написаны Fortran Language, а компилятор Fortran90, который все еще выжил на рынке, может поддерживать установку только в 32 -битных системах. С разработкой компьютерных технологий, обновлением процессора, применение систем Windows64 становится все более и более широко используемым, поэтому установите среду компиляции Fortran, которую можно применить к необходимой системе Windows64. Ниже я буду использовать себя для установки Microsoft Visual Studio2017 и Intel Fortran (формальное имя Intel Parallel Studio XE 2019) на операционной системе Win10 64 -BT в качестве примера. Fortran.
Сначала скачать и установить Microsoft Visual Studio:
По состоянию на 2019 год. 2.
————————————————— ———————- Разделитель —————————— ————————————————
обновлять:Согласно отчету Intel Parallel Update, полученным в 2019 году, Intel Parallel Studio XE 2019 может быть интегрирована с Microsoft Visual Studio 2019, поэтому студенты, которые хотят попробовать Microsoft Visual Studio 2019, также могут загрузить и установить Microsoft Visual Studio 2019.
————————————————— ———————- Разделитель —————————— ————————————————
Возьмите меня в качестве примера. Я загрузил и установил бесплатную версию сообщества Visual Studio 2017 (официальная ссылка на веб -сайт:。
После загрузки:
Введите интерфейс установщика Visual Studio. Из -за прямой установки по умолчанию многие компоненты Visual Studio не установлены и приведут к следующей установке Intel Fortran для отчетности в Visual Studio. Поэтому часть соответствующей части (для студентов, которые хотят установить Fortran для составления компиляций на рисунке).
Поскольку я установил его, повторно включите интерфейс установщика Visual Studio, вы можете увидеть, что данные установки на on -right содержали соответствующие компоненты Intel Fortran.
После установки Visual Studio вы можете обнаружить, что некоторые компоненты не установлены или позже хотят установить Python и другие среды компиляции. Вам не нужно удалять Visual Studio, чтобы переустановить его. Вы можете напрямую нажать, чтобы ввести Visual Studio Интерфейс установщика, чтобы изменить его.
Visual Studio2017 установлен, а затем установите Intel Parallel Studio XE 2019:
Студенты со студенческим почтовым ящиком могут перейти на официальный веб -сайт Intel, чтобы зарегистрироваться в бесплатном загрузке Intel Parallel Studio XE 2019 для Windows. (Официальная ссылка на веб -сайт:
После загрузки:
С тех пор, как я установил его, двойной щелчок для ввода следующего интерфейса, включая модификацию, ремонт и варианты удаления. Студенты, которые установлены в первый раз, могут быть установлены напрямую. Essence
Точно так же, если вы не установите его в первый раз, вы можете удвоить -щелкнуть вышеуказанные файлы для изменения, ремонта или удаления операций.
После всей установки, двойной щелчок, чтобы открыть Visual Studio 2017:
Выберите File-> new-> Project:
После того, как проект будет установлен, щелкните правой кнопкой мыши исходный файл-> add-> Новый элемент
Если все пойдет хорошо, Fortran будет успешно работать.
(ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Microsoft Visual Studio должна запустить Fortran в новом проекте, поэтому вы должны следить за заказом. Не открывайте файл скрипта и нажимайте, чтобы запустить его. Обычно это сообщает об ошибке.)
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Intel Visual Fortran Composer XE
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Code::Blocks for Windows
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PGI Visual Fortran 13.9 Free Download Latest Version for Windows. It is full offline installer standalone setup of PGI Visual Fortran 13.9 for 32/64.
PGI Visual Fortran 13.9 Overview
PGI Visual Fortran 13.9 is a handy, environment friendly and acquainted Visible Studio surroundings for Fortran. The programmers can make Fortran codes within the very effective Visible Studio surroundings and can write by this is your required output product for optimum manufacturing. You can also download AIDA64 Engineer / Extreme 5.
PGI Fortran compilers will offer you some world class performance and features which include automatic and OpenMP 3.1 parallelization support for optimizing performance on multicore processors. PGI Visual Fortran 13.9 has got advanced compiler technologies which include parallelization, interprocedural analysis, memory hierarchy optimization, CPU-specific optimization and many more. PGI Visual Fortran 13.9 includes PGI’s two models for programming HPC accelerators. The OpenCC programming model is high level implicit model which is similar to OpenMP for multicore x64 systems. The PGI Unified Binary technology provides the ability to generate a single executable file with the code sequences optimized for multiple AMD, NVIDIA and Intel processors. All in all PGI Visual Fortran 13.9 is a handy, environment friendly and acquainted Visible Studio surroundings for Fortran. You can also download LINQPad Premium 5.31.00 (Any CPU).
Features of PGI Visual Fortran 13.9
Below are some noticeable features which you’ll experience after PGI Visual Fortran 13.9 free download.
- A handy, environment friendly and acquainted Visible Studio surroundings for Fortran.
- Can make Fortran codes within the very effective Visible Studio syrroundings.
- Offers you some world class performance.
- Got advanced compiler technologies which include parallelization, interprocedural analysis, memory hierarchy optimization, CPU-specific optimization and many more.
- Includes PGI’s two models for programming HPC accelerators.
- The PGI Unified Binary technology provides the ability to generate a single execeutable file with the code sequences optimized for ultiple AMD, NVIDIA and Intel processors.
PGI Visual Fortran 13.9 Technical Setup Details
- Software Full Name: PGI Visual Fortran 13.9
- Setup File Name:
- _igetintopc.com_PGI_Visual_Fortran_13_x86.rar
- _igetintopc.com_PGI_Visual_Fortran_13_x64.rar
- Full Setup Size: 545 MB, 813 MB
- Setup Type: Offline Installer / Full Standalone Setup
- Compatibility Architecture: 32 Bit (x86) / 64 Bit (x64)
- Developers: PGI Visual Fortran
System Requirements For PGI Visual Fortran 13.9
Before you start PGI Visual Fortran 13.9 free download, make sure your PC meets minimum system requirements.
- Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10
- Memory (RAM): 1 GB of RAM required.
- Hard Disk Space: 1 GB of free space required.
- Processor: Intel Pentium 4 or later.
PGI Visual Fortran 13.9 Free Download
Click on below button to start PGI Visual Fortran 13.9 Free Download. This is complete offline installer and standalone setup for PGI Visual Fortran 13.9. This would be compatible with both 32 bit and 64 bit windows.