Виртуальный миди кабель для windows 7

download loopMIDI

Virtual loopback MIDI cable for Windows 7 up to Windows 10, 32 and 64 bit.

This software can be used to create virtual loopback MIDI-ports to interconnect applications on Windows that want to open hardware-MIDI-ports for communication.

The ports created are unique for each user and only exist while the loopMIDI-application is running.  So if you log-off, the created ports cease to exist.

When you close the configuration, the application will not terminate, but rather be minimized to the traybar.  When you right-click on the traybar-icon of loopMIDI, you get an options-menu to either deactivate the application, configure the ports or to activate autostart each time you log on to the computer.

This software uses the virtualMIDI driver to actually create the ports.

Connect your MIDI applications with
Springbeats Virtual MIDI Cable driver

Download the Windows® driver for FREE!

Windows® 7 up to Windows® 11
32 bit and 64 bit

It creates 8 MIDI devices on your system that you can use to convey MIDI data from one application to the other. It is the same as plugging a physical cable between two external devices.

It has been used by thousands of customers of AutoTheory (now ChordPrism) since 2014. In fact, if you already have AutoTheory (up to version 3.5) for Windows®, you don’t need to install this driver since you already have it on your system. Although it is recommended to upgrade to the latest version of AutoTheory to get the latest improvements in the driver as well.

How to use it?

Double-click the installer and follow the instructions.

If you have an application that generates MIDI notes, simply select one of the virtual MIDI devices that have been created by the installer as an output.

Select the same device as input of your second application. For example, a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) that could record the incoming notes.

Personal Use

This program is FREE for all personal uses.
It is also Open-Source, meaning that you can even improve it if you have the knowledge.

Commercial Use

If you are a developer, you CANNOT bundle it for free with your app.
You need to purchase a license first.
Please contact us at sales@springbeats.com

Windows® 7 up to Windows® 11
32 bit and 64 bit

Скачать виртуальный миди кабель для windows 7 32 бит MapleVMCv356

Скачать программу fjoymidi

Если у вас 64 битная система то миди драйвер качать по ссылке ниже…

Виртуальный MIDI кабель необходим Вам,в тех случаях, если Вы хотите управлять каким то приложением, поддерживающим MIDI-триггеры для выполнения внутренних команд. Программа которую я привожу здесь бесплатна и единственое ее отличие от платной, это то, что она создаст миди выход с одним каналом, но этого нам с вами хватит для того, что бы в полной мере применить его, если у вас именно виндовс семь, Windows 7СКАЧАТЬ ВИРТУАЛЬНЫЙ МИДИ КАБЕЛЬ ДЛЯ 64 БИТНОЙ WINDOWS 7

LoopBe1 is an internal MIDI device for transferring MIDI data between computer programs. Basically LoopBe1 is an ‘invisible cable’ connecting a MIDI out port of an application to any other application’s MIDI in port. All MIDI data sent to the program’s output is channelled to the receiving applications in realtime. You may connect up to eight applications to LoopBe’s in port and up to eight applications to the out port, all sending and receiving at the same time.

LoopBe1 is a native Windows™ WDM kernel mode driver, so expect the lowest possible latency. Programs do not need to link with special libraries, so LoopBe1 works with every MIDI or DirectMusic™ capable application.


Виртуальный миди кабель для windows 7

I’m trying to get the Vienna Symphonic Library Performance Tool wired to work in Windows 7. The Performance Tool and VSL MIDI Router both work fine, but some of the virtual MIDI cables I have used on Windows XP don’t work on Windows 7 (MIDI Yoke & Marble MIDI Tools).

I need two set of virtual MIDI cables installed so I can route as follows:

Hardware MIDI Input > Sequencer MIDI Track Input > Perf Tool-In > Perf Tool-Out > Sequencer VSTi (Giga Virtual Instrument) Input

I’m running Reaper as my sequencer/VST host. The only MIDI input showing up is my soundcard’s hardware input. The VSL MIDI outputs show up in Reaper’s MIDI output list.

In the Performance Tool, both the VSL MIDI Inputs and Outputs show up correctly, but I need another virtual MIDI cable to route everything. Is there a Windows 7-friendly virtual MIDI cable?

Hi — is Loopbe30 better than MidiYoke (latency wise)?

Will it solve my 16channel rewire problems?

Sorry ignore — just found they have free evaluation version!

Was that using compatibility mode?

Bummer if it is, I’m gonna loose my «audio-to-tempo» feature come upgrade time in October.

Was that using compatibility mode?

Bummer if it is, I’m gonna loose my «audio-to-tempo» feature come upgrade time in October.

that was while trying to install it.

ill try to install it in compatibility mode

— same error. will not install on 64 bit systems.

Oops. Sorry about that.

MidiYoke does work on 64 bit right? (I.e. for 32 bit applications)

On the internet, I consider LoopBe30 1.5 to be quite the steal.

Thanks for the thread revival and feedback, everyone. Virtual MIDI ports are essential to my workflow (for that damned VSL Performance Tool. )

VERY good to hear LoopBe30 runs on Win7 64-bit without any reported problems! And THIRTY ports. That’s awesome! lol

I just bought LoopBe30. Works as advertised! I’m running a Win XP SP3 x86 system and all is well. Thanks!!

Too late (why haven’t I seen this earlier) – but for future searches:

rtpMidi (tobiaserichsen.de) is the one I can recommend without any hesitation. It’s faster than the «dinosaurs» MidiYoke or LoopBe, it’s Mac compatible and free.

Another candidate (not working in my setup, but a friend («benebomber» here on the forum) told me, it works amazingly well, and even faster than rtpMidi) would be CopperLan. Free as well! Don’t use the version on the homepage but register on the Wiki page, you’ll find regularly updated versions there!

Both are network Midi drivers, but can also be used for any virtual port stuff (while rtpMidi uses Apple’s Bonjour for the networking tasks, CopperLan seems to be even more «native», and thus faster).

Too late (why haven’t I seen this earlier) – but for future searches:

rtpMidi (tobiaserichsen.de) is the one I can recommend without any hesitation. It’s faster than the «dinosaurs» MidiYoke or LoopBe, it’s Mac compatible and free.

Another candidate (not working in my setup, but a friend («benebomber» here on the forum) told me, it works amazingly well, and even faster than rtpMidi) would be CopperLan. Free as well! Don’t use the version on the homepage but register on the Wiki page, you’ll find regularly updated versions there!

Both are network Midi drivers, but can also be used for any virtual port stuff (while rtpMidi uses Apple’s Bonjour for the networking tasks, CopperLan seems to be even more «native», and thus faster).

Hi i tried both of them but failed to sending midi from Harmony Navigator to Reaper .
They seems like works only for network connection. :/
i would be grateful if you show some tip-trick how to do that.
i prefer to use rtpMIDI if its do the job as i needed.

after 5 min i decide to install ( again) CooperLan . it was very easy to route !! Thank you very much for sharing this!!

after 5 min i decide to install ( again) CooperLan . it was very easy to route !! Thank you very much for sharing this!!

hmmm no. wasn’t Bonjour for mac?
im on w7 64 bit.

but thank you so much .
seems like CopperLan more than enough for my needs .

It’s by Apple, but there’s a windows version, too. I think it’s meant for sharing printers on mixed mac/pc networks?

but thank you so much .
seems like CopperLan more than enough for my needs .

It’s by Apple, but there’s a windows version, too. I think it’s meant for sharing printers on mixed mac/pc networks?

Perfect! You found CopperLan, and I found rtpMidi to be the «best» solution. Don’t start flame wars now, please (((:

Hi guys,
since I’m the author of one of the mentioned drivers, I thought I chime in.

Although rtpMIDI can be used to create loopback ports, it’s intended use
is for network MIDI connections (either between two PCs, or a PC and
a Mac or a PC and iPhone/iPad apps)

For creating simple loopback ports, I have released another software
for just this purpose: loopMIDI (www.tobias-erichsen.de/loopMIDI.html)

It is much simpler to use for this purpose.

Best regards,

I had been using loopBe1 and loopBe30 on win 7 64 bit OK. Then suddenly it doesn’t work. I uninstalled and installed again and now I get ‘The device is not properly installed. Error Message: The data area passed to a system is too small’. Thanks to this thread I found ‘loopMIDI’ which installed fine, but Reaper v3.74 says it can’t open any of the midi ports I created. So, no midi on my win 7. Any ideas?

The problem with MIDI Yoke is, that it doesn’t work with 64bit apps.
Not on my system anyway!

I’ve tried LoopBe which works with both 32 and 64bit apps simultaneously,
but the problem is that it gives me «TBIA» errors from my soundcards

So now I’ve tried loopMIDI, and it just works like a charm. (Thanks Tobias)

It’s just install, choose number of MIDI ports — and you’re good to go.

No hassle, and no reboot necessary. Epic. 😉

I’ll recommend trying it out.

I’ve been routing MIDI data from Cubase4 to ChucK (a music-specific programming language) and then back to Cubase4 for years with Windows XP 32bit and Maple (a Virtual MIDI Port creation program), but I can’t get this to work with Windows 7 64bit. My soundcard is Echo’s Gina3G.

Maple won’t install for Windows 7 64bit, so I tried several alternative Virtual MIDI Port creation programs and they all failed in similar ways.

Using the following MIDI routing: Gina3GIn->Cubase4->VirtualPort0->ChucK->VirtualPort1->Cubase4

. if I open Cubase4 and then ChucK, Cubase4 fails to send any midi information to ChucK.

However, using the same mapping with MidiOx successfully sends midi information to ChucK.

The only way I’ve found to get Cubase4 to send midi information to ChucK also involves causing Cubase4 to fail to emit any sound — not just no MIDI sound, but no sound at all.

The process to get MIDI data successfully makes it to ChucK while entirely silencing Cubase4 is to:
* open MidiOx with the above mapping
* open ChucK (MidiOx successfully sends MIDI data to ChucK)
* close MidiOx
* open Cubase4

What appears to happen is that the piano patch MIdiOx uses is still loaded and plays in response to the MIDI information Cubase4 sends it, but this denies Cubase4’s ability to output any sound to Gina3G.

The above behavior occurs with:
* MidiYoke //a 32bit Windows XP app
* ipMIDI //claims to work with all Windows OSs from 2000 and above
* loopMIDI //claims to work with all Windows OSs from XP and above
* loopBe1 //claims to work with all Windows OSs from 2000 and above; haven’t yet tried loopBe30 but I’d expect the same results

I couldn’t get the following programs to create a Virtual Port that could send informaton to ChucK under any circumstances, though I didn’t experiment with these programs for very long:
* CopperLan //Windows 7 64bit
* CopperLan //Windows 7 32bit —> this causes MidiOx to fail-on-launch to open Gina3G input port
* CopperLan //Windows XP 32bit
* rtpMIDI //claims to work with all Windows OSs from XP and above

Should I go back to Maple and Windows 7 32bit (or Windows XP 32bit)? Are there other options I’m not aware of?

Hi guys,
since I’m the author of one of the mentioned drivers, I thought I chime in.

Although rtpMIDI can be used to create loopback ports, it’s intended use
is for network MIDI connections (either between two PCs, or a PC and
a Mac or a PC and iPhone/iPad apps)

For creating simple loopback ports, I have released another software
for just this purpose: loopMIDI (www.tobias-erichsen.de/loopMIDI.html)

It is much simpler to use for this purpose.

Best regards,

Hi, I checked into the forum just to thank you, greetings from Argentina!

ps: Windows 7 x64 — Cubase 5 32 bits.

Beingmf, can you give a quick tutorial on how to set up CopperLan with REAPER?

I set up CopperLan’s Manager so it created 12 MIDI ports.
I left «automanage MIDI ports» off.
Didn’t try doing anything else within it.

I set up REAPER’s MIDI Input/Output ports for CopperLan. It shows up in the below routing sections but does not pass a signal through from the external MIDI filter (VSL Performance Tool.exe)
I’m also using LoopBe30 & LoopMIDI successfully, but not CopperLan.

I’m just trying to do the following:

Creating 12 MIDI ports w/CopperLan:
1.) REAPER TCP-1 MIDI Hardware OUT: CopperLan Port 1 OUT
2.) VSL PERF TOOL: INPUT: CopperLan Port 1 IN
3.) VSL PERF TOOL: OUTPUT: CopperLan Port 7 OUT
4.) REAPER TCP-2 REC-INPUT: CopperLan Port 7 IN

Hey mikeroephonics,
I won’t have time right now – and since I use rtpMidi only (dead easy), I’d have to dive into CopperLan again. It’s a looong time ago that I tried it – and while I remember it working, I don’t remember the pitfalls in the setup. The developer is very nice and helpful as well, so maybe write him an email?
Did you try Tobias’ rtpMidi btw.?

Beingmf, can you give a quick tutorial on how to set up CopperLan with REAPER?

I set up CopperLan’s Manager so it created 12 MIDI ports.
I left «automanage MIDI ports» off.
Didn’t try doing anything else within it.

I set up REAPER’s MIDI Input/Output ports for CopperLan. It shows up in the below routing sections but does not pass a signal through from the external MIDI filter (VSL Performance Tool.exe)
I’m also using LoopBe30 & LoopMIDI successfully, but not CopperLan.

I’m just trying to do the following:

Creating 12 MIDI ports w/CopperLan:
1.) REAPER TCP-1 MIDI Hardware OUT: CopperLan Port 1 OUT
2.) VSL PERF TOOL: INPUT: CopperLan Port 1 IN
3.) VSL PERF TOOL: OUTPUT: CopperLan Port 7 OUT
4.) REAPER TCP-2 REC-INPUT: CopperLan Port 7 IN

Thanks for getting back, Beingmf. I actually just got CopperLan to work a few hours ago. You just need to connect one port-out into it’s corresponding port-in connector (for consistency. You can do it any way you wish.)

I have the rtpMidi installer but have not tried it yet. Can I use it to route MIDI internally like a virtual MIDI cable?

Also, Justin let me know there is a 62 MIDI port limitation in REAPER. I am using as many as REAPER will allow. 58 virtual and 4 hardware. It would be nice if this limit was lifted some day.

What’s working on my system:
LoopBe30 (Max 30 Using 30)
LoopMIDI (Max 16 Using 16)
CopperLan (Max 32 Using 12)
Total of ——————> 58!

This i7 2600K can take it! haha

Good to hear! Yeah, I remember the graphically represented ports floating around Is it still like that? As for rtpMidi, read post #27: when you don’t send Midi data over a network, then «loopMidi» is appropriate. (When I read «VSL», I think of «network», sorry. )

But let me ask: What TF do you need 62 midi ports for.

Yeah, it shows a wiring diagram. I figured out how to use. Someone linked me the user manual:
http://www.copperlan.org/phocadownlo. r%20Manual.pdf

LoopMidi is fine except that the ports stop working after a while. The only (temporary) fix I found is to is to:
1.) Close/reset MIDI ports all applications using LoopMidi
2.) Close LoopMidi.
3.) Reopen LoopMidi
4.) Rebuild LoopMidi ports (using same port names to ensure all apps see the ports)
5.) Reset/Reopen all apps using LoopMidi ports
6.) Test.
7.) Wait unitl it craps out and again and repeat step 1.).

Sorry, by VSL I mean Vienna Symphonic Library, the orchestral sampling company in Vienna, Austria.

«Need» is such a strong word. haha
I build a new DAW 2 weeks ago. It’s an i7 2600K with 32GB DDR3 RAM.
This thing is a BEAST. I can load many many tracks in REAPER, allowing my orchestral template to go beyond 400 TCPs.

I use the virtual MIDI ports to communicate with the VSL Performance Tool.exe. This is a stand-alone application designed by VSL to maximize the functionality of their Giga/Kontakt sample libraries. It interprets incoming MIDI data in real-time and allows the user to:
1.) Play fluid, lifelike legato passages, connecting notes together.
2.) Alternate between up & down bowing.
3.) Cycle through special «repetition note» patches to avoid the dreaded «machine gun» effect (like «2.)», but for fast passages.

I own almost all of VSL’s «Horizon Series» products. There is a HUGE wealth of content in each product. Basically every musical tone one would want or need from each product’s instruments is included within.

These are legacy products and require 1 MIDI Channel per-patch. This comes to about 600 (six hundred) TCPs of unique content!

That may sound like a total mess to anyone reading this, but I have absolutely everything organized by instrument category, patch name, & TCP color. Having every available option at my fingertips means I don’t have to decide which sounds I can use due to RAM/TCP count limitations.

My name’s Mike and I’m a REAPER Power User.

You’re indeed a power user Thanks for the enlightening!

And about LoopMidi «crapping out» – I think if you set the LoopMidi service to «manual» and create 2 simple bat files* in order to start and stop it accordingly, there’s no need for resetting the ports in Reaper hopefully.

1) net start LoopMidiService
2) net stop LoopMidiService

Sounds to me like there’s *a little* too much going on midiwise

Yeah, it shows a wiring diagram. I figured out how to use. Someone linked me the user manual:
http://www.copperlan.org/phocadownlo. r%20Manual.pdf

LoopMidi is fine except that the ports stop working after a while. The only (temporary) fix I found is to is to:
1.) Close/reset MIDI ports all applications using LoopMidi
2.) Close LoopMidi.
3.) Reopen LoopMidi
4.) Rebuild LoopMidi ports (using same port names to ensure all apps see the ports)
5.) Reset/Reopen all apps using LoopMidi ports
6.) Test.
7.) Wait unitl it craps out and again and repeat step 1.).

Sorry, by VSL I mean Vienna Symphonic Library, the orchestral sampling company in Vienna, Austria.

«Need» is such a strong word. haha
I build a new DAW 2 weeks ago. It’s an i7 2600K with 32GB DDR3 RAM.
This thing is a BEAST. I can load many many tracks in REAPER, allowing my orchestral template to go beyond 400 TCPs.

I use the virtual MIDI ports to communicate with the VSL Performance Tool.exe. This is a stand-alone application designed by VSL to maximize the functionality of their Giga/Kontakt sample libraries. It interprets incoming MIDI data in real-time and allows the user to:
1.) Play fluid, lifelike legato passages, connecting notes together.
2.) Alternate between up & down bowing.
3.) Cycle through special «repetition note» patches to avoid the dreaded «machine gun» effect (like «2.)», but for fast passages.

I own almost all of VSL’s «Horizon Series» products. There is a HUGE wealth of content in each product. Basically every musical tone one would want or need from each product’s instruments is included within.

These are legacy products and require 1 MIDI Channel per-patch. This comes to about 600 (six hundred) TCPs of unique content!

That may sound like a total mess to anyone reading this, but I have absolutely everything organized by instrument category, patch name, & TCP color. Having every available option at my fingertips means I don’t have to decide which sounds I can use due to RAM/TCP count limitations.

My name’s Mike and I’m a REAPER Power User.

Mike, wow! That’s the most impressive setup I’ve ever heard. 32GB RAM?!

Do you have anything especially interesting and weird that you can share (composition or even better a video of setup?! for inspiration purposes )

I’ve just been reading about that copperlan manager thing. screenshots are impressive.

Doesn’t VSL’s MIDI Router manage all of that? (are you supplementing or circumventing?)

Still trying to get my head round all this MIDI performance data (correct chain for reaper w. VAC / loop30)

cool thread


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