Video ui exe что это за процесс windows 10

Что за процесс Video.UI.exe в WindowsПри просмотре списка процессов в диспетчере задач Windows некоторые пользователи могут обратить внимание на процесс Video.UI.exe в списке, также при наличии сторонних антивирусов или файрволлов можно обнаружить, что этот процесс пытается установить подключения с серверами в Интернете, отчего может возникнуть вопрос о безопасности и назначении процесса.

В этом материале о том, что представляет собой процесс Video.UI.exe в Windows 11 или Windows 10, можно ли его удалить и дополнительная информация, которая может быть полезной.

Video.UI.exe — основной файл приложения «Кино и ТВ»

Процесс Video.UI.exe в диспетчере задач Windows

В большинстве случаев процесс Video.UI.exe является безопасным, и представляет собой основной исполняемый файл встроенного приложения «Кино и ТВ» (Microsoft Movies & TV) в Windows 11 и Windows 10.

Что следует знать про этот процесс:

Если у вас возникают сомнения о безопасности процесса, вы можете:

  1. Открыть его расположение: в диспетчере устройств на вкладке «Сведения» (в Windows 11) или «Подробности» (в Windows 10) нажмите по процессу правой кнопкой мыши и выберите пункт «Открыть расположение файла».
  2. Загрузить этот файл для проверки на наличие угроз на сайте (подробнее на тему: Как выполнить проверку на вирусы онлайн).

Как удалить Video.UI.exe

Если по какой-то причине вам требуется удалить файл Video.UI.exe, относящийся к Windows, не следует делать этого вручную из папки WindowsApps, достаточно удалить приложение «Кино и ТВ», что можно сделать встроенными средствами системы — в Параметры — Приложения, либо прямо в меню «Пуск», используя контекстное меню.

Удаление Video.UI.exe

Также вы можете использовать сторонние деинсталляторы для удаления встроенных приложений, подробнее об этом в статье Как удалять программы в Windows 11 (подойдет и для Windows 10).

VideoUI.exe is usually associated with the Xbox application. It facilitates users if they have an Xbox and is linked to entertainment as we will see later on down below. For some users, this process asks permission to run and for some, it is the cause of inconsistent network activity.

Video.UI.exe Suspended

Video.UI.exe Suspended

This is a very common behavior of Video.UI.exe and can be traced back to builds as old as Windows 8. As you can see below, the executable was released to Windows operating systems somewhere around 2014.

Video.UI.exe Trend

Video.UI.exe Trend

Video.UI.exe is an executable file that belongs to the ‘Entertainment Platform’ category. According to its category, this executable file can be a part of the following Windows applications depending on the Windows version you are using:

  • Films & TV
  • Movies & TV
  • Xbox Live

Video.UI.exe is an acronym for Xbox Live Video User Interface. This executable file is essential for playing the videos in the default video player of Windows systems (Films & TV or Movies & TV) and watching the Xbox videos on PC. It is one of the first Windows applications that access a system’s (connected) network.

You can download and install this application from the Microsoft Store in the 64-bit versions of Windows 8.1, 10, and 11. When a user installs it, this executable file is located inside a hidden folder of the ‘C:\Program Files’ directory, named ‘WindowsApps. But the complete location of this (Microsoft.Zunevideo Video.UI.exe) file is:

C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.ZuneVideo_ 10.22021.10291.0_x64_8wekyb3d8bbwe

Note: The version number ‘10.22021.10291.0’ of this executable file depends on the installed Windows version

Is ‘Video.UI.exe’ a Virus?

According to the definition of the Video.UI.exe file, it is entirely safe because Microsoft has developed this application. People think this executable file shares the watched videos’ data with Microsoft servers. But when we observed the internet consumption of this executable file, it wasn’t the case because it was using a minimum amount of internet resources.

Typically, when a virus infects a Windows system, the system becomes useless and misbehaves differently. The excessive resource consumption of known executable files is one of the most common effects of an infected system, which leads to the system freezing and restarting.

However,  as we’ve seen in the past as well, some Windows processes also cause the same symptoms when they are not being run correctly. Nonetheless, you should check whether the executable is a virus or not.

Different Ways of Checking the Authenticity of Video.UI.exe File

Now, there are two ways of validating whether an executable file is safe or not. For example,

  • You can check the digital signature of Microsoft on an executable file to determine its safety.
  • Sometimes, Microsoft doesn’t provide digital ownership of all the executable files. Hence, you can scan an executable file with Antivirus if this is your case.

We have already covered the complete process of checking the authenticity of an executable file. So, check the utility article to determine if Video.UI.exe is a trojan or malware.

How to Fix or Disable ‘Video.UI.exe’?

Here are a few methods that we tested in our labs and are verified by different users. Start with the first one and work your way down.

1. Uninstalling the Associated Application

As mentioned earlier, Video.UI.exe is associated with ‘Films & TV’ or ‘Movies & TV’ or ‘Xbox Live’ applications. The latest versions of Windows also allow users to uninstall the applications from the Start menu. Here, we will go ahead and uninstall the conflicting application and see if it does the trick. If it does, you can install a fresh copy afterward.

Note: Here, we will remove the ‘Films & TV’ application according to the version of installed Windows. The Video.UI.exe file is associated with the ‘Films & TV’ application

  1. Search for the ‘Films & TV’ application on your system.
  2. Once the system finds the required application, it will present you with further options. So, click on the ‘Uninstall’ option.
    Searching for the ‘Films & TV’ application and clicking on the ‘Uninstall’ button for it
  3. Then, click on the ‘Uninstall’ button in the confirmation dialog box to confirm the uninstallation of the ‘Films & TV’ application.
    Clicking on the ‘Uninstall’ button to confirm the uninstallation of the ‘Films & TV’ application
  4. The system will start the procedure for uninstalling the ‘Films & TV’ application.
    Windows-11 is uninstalling the ‘Films & TV’ application

Once the system has successfully uninstalled the (associated) application, it will automatically stop the high resource consumption of the Video.UI.exe file. However, if you use an older version of Windows 8.1 or Windows 10, this solution will not work. In such a case, you can try the next solution.

2. Renaming the Root Folder of the ‘Video.UI.exe’ File

Temporary Solution

In this solution, we will rename the root folder of the ‘VideoUI.exe’ file. Doing this will unlink this executable file from performing all of its functionalities. However, whenever Windows installs an update, everything will go back to normal. Hence, it is a temporary solution. If you want to keep using this, you have to perform these steps whenever you install a Windows update.

Note: Before attempting the following steps, kill the task of the associated application. For killing the task, you can take help from the steps of checking the authenticity of the Video.UI.exe file

  1. Navigate to the ‘Program Files’ folder inside the ‘C’ drive.
    Double-clicking on the ‘Program Files’ folder inside the ‘C’ drive of ‘This PC’
  2. Then, scroll down to find the ‘WindowsApps’ folder.
    Double-clicking on the ‘WindowsApps’ folder

Note: If you cannot locate the ‘WindowsApps’ folder, you will have to turn on the hidden files

  1. Now, locate the ‘Microsoft.ZuneVideo_10.22021.10291.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe’ folder inside the ‘WindowsApps’ folder.
  2. Then, right-click on it and choose the ‘Rename’ option.
    Choosing the ‘Rename’ option for the root folder of the ‘Video.UI.exe’ file
  3. Type any name for this folder and hit the ‘Enter’ key. This step will unlink the Video.UI.exe file from its root folder, eventually stopping its functionality.

You have to make sure you are logged in as an administrator for you to successfully update the file name.

3. Uninstalling via Windows PowerShell

If none of the above methods work, we can attempt at uninstalling the executable using PowerShell. This should be the last resort in your list of methods. This hasn’t reported the loss in any kind of functionality. In the worst case, you will not be able to use the TV & Movies application. In that case, you can run the SFC/DISM commands to replace the file with the latest version.

  1. Open ‘Windows PowerShell’ as ‘Administrator.
    Opening ‘Windows PowerShell’ as ‘Administrator’
    Clicking on ‘Yes’ to allow the ‘Windows PowerShell’ to make changes to this device
  2. Then, type the following command(s) and hit the ‘Enter’ key to execute it
Get-AppxPackage *zunevideo* | Remove-AppxPackage

Get-AppxPackage *xboxapp* | Remove-AppxPackage

Typing the command for removing the ‘Films & TV’ (or ‘Movies & TV’) application in ‘Windows PowerShell’
Windows PowerShell is uninstalling the ‘Films & TV’ (or ‘Movies & TV’) application
  1. Now, close the ‘Windows PowerShell.

This method is a universal technique for removing the associated application with the Video.UI.exe file. So, it will work on all Windows versions.

Takeaway – the Conclusion:

Video.UI.exe is an executable file from Microsoft. It is a part of Films & TV, Movies & TV, or Xbox Live application depending on the version of Windows you are using.

Mostly, this executable file is safe. But if this executable file is consuming high system resources, checking the credibility of this file should be your priority. And if the executable file turns out to be a virus, you can use the above solutions to remove Video.UI.exe windows 10.

Photo of Talha Saeed

I am a BSCS graduate and a technology nerd who now loves working and writing about computers and other tech-related stuff. In my free time, I like watching Netflix and playing Cricket 22 and The Witcher 3 (Wild Hunt).

Video.UI.exe — процесс от Кино и ТВ, Music.UI.exe — от Музыка Groove. Кино и ТВ — стандартное приложение для воспроизведения видео-файлов. Стоит открыть какой-то фильм на ПК, как у вас запустится окно с заголовком Кино и ТВ.

Кнопки управления удобно расположены — внизу идет панель с регулятором громкости, кнопка субтитров, перемотка назад, стоп/пауза, перемотка вперед, переключение на весь экран.

Музыка Groove — позволяет воспроизводить аудио-файлы, в том числе и те, которые загружены в OneDrive. В некотором смысле это аудио-плеер. В Windows 8/8.1 приложение называлось Xbox Music. Внешний вид программы:

Чтобы Музыка Groove не загружалось вместе с Windows, то можно попробовать его отключить из автозагрузки. Для этого можно использовать например CCleaner:

Есть еще один продвинутый анализатор автозагрузки — AnVir Task Manager. Тоже бесплатный. Возможно таким способом и Кино и ТВ получится отключить.

На этом все. Удачи.

На главную!

В этой публикации, друзья, рассмотрим такой вопрос — что за процесс Video.UI.exe. Этот процесс можем наблюдать в диспетчере задач Windows. Он может взаимодействовать с локальной сетью и устанавливать подключение к интернет-ресурсам. Коль этот процесс связан с сетевой активностью, что это за процесс, и безопасен ли он?

Что за процесс Video.UI.exe

Video.UI.exe — это основной исполняемый файл штатного приложения Windows 10 и 11 «Кино и ТВ» (Microsoft Movies & TV), которое позволяет смотреть фильмы, телешоу и другой видеоконтент в Интернете. Процесс Video.UI.exe отвечает за отображение пользовательского интерфейса приложения, воспроизведение видео, управление воспроизведением и другие функции.

Как он связан с сетевой активностью? При запуске приложения процесс Video.UI.exe ищет сетевые медиасервисы, а в регионах, где приложение «Кино и ТВ» предоставляет доступ к фильмам и телепередачам в Интернете, подключается к серверам интернет-контента.

Video.UI.exe — это безопасный процесс, если, конечно, он подлинный. Можем открыть расположение файла процесса в диспетчере задач.

Путь должен быть:

C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.ZuneVideo_идентификатор

Если в вашем случае путь отличается, либо процесс странно ведёт себя, нагружает системные ресурсы, необходимо выполнить антивирусную проверку компьютера.

Если этот процесс не вредоносный, но из-за его работы возникают сбои Windows, просто удалите приложение «Кино и ТВ».

И установите заново в Microsoft Store.

Также можно выполнить восстановление целостности системный файлов.

You should verify if it is the legitimate file before removing it

by Afam Onyimadu

Afam is a geek and the go-to among his peers for computer solutions. He has a wealth of experience with Windows operating systems, dating back to his introduction… read more

Updated on

  • Video.ui.exe is a genuine component of the Microsoft Xbox Live video application.
  • Before removing the file, you should perform some basic steps to verify the authenticity.

If you are a gamer and are familiar with Xbox Live, you may have encountered the video.ui.exe process or file. A few of our readers are confused about what this process is.

So in this article, we cover everything you may need to know about it and also explain some of the best ways to get rid of it if you want to.

What is video.ui.exe?

The Video.ui.exe is a component of Microsoft’s Xbox Live video app, which grants users access to live or recorded TV. This application was previously called Zune and can be downloaded onto a 64-bit Windows operating system from the Microsoft Store.

The program is configured to launch at startup and run continuously, but it can be terminated through the task list.

Is Video.ui.exe a virus, and should I remove it?

This file is legitimate, and you do not need to remove it. However, certain viruses may mimic genuine applications. So, you may consider doing the following to ascertain if it should be removed:

  • Scan video.ui.exe – A simple virus scan of video.ui.exe will show if it’s genuine. The built-in Windows Security or any robust antivirus will do.
  • Check for signature – It’s recommended to check the publisher of the video.ui.exe file and if it’s been signed or not. Interestingly, the authentic application should not be unsigned.
  • Monitor network activity – Based on our analysis, it appears that video.ui.exe utilizes a very small amount of data. So, if your file is consuming a large amount, it could be a virus.

How do I remove Video.ui.exe?

1. Uninstalling it from apps and features

  1. Press Windows + R, type appwiz.cpl, and hit Enter.
  2. Here, click on video.ui.exe from the installed apps and select the Uninstall button.
  3. Follow the wizard to complete the process.

2. Stoping video.ui.exe with the Task Manager

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open the Task Manager.
  2. To locate the running process of Video.ui.exe, navigate to the Processes tab in the Task Manager window and scroll down until you find it.
  3. Right-click the process and click Open file location to open the file in Windows Explorer.
  4. Go back to the Task Manager, select the process, and hit the End task option.
  5. Now return to the open Windows Explorer and delete the file.
Read more about this topic

  • How to Make a Program Available to All Users on Windows 11
  • How to Download & Install Microsoft LifeCam Drivers on Windows 11
  • How to Quickly Turn Off Accents on Keyboard in Windows 11
  • CredentialUIBroker.exe Error: How to Fix it on Windows 11
  • How to Find Restored Files From Recycle Bin on Windows 11

That is about as much as there is to know about the video.ui.exe file on Windows.

Remember we advise against removing it. You should get rid of it only if you are sure it is a virus program.

If you have any additional questions, please get in touch with us in the comments section below.

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