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Результаты поиска:
Драйвер / Устройство | Операционная система |
Дата выхода Версия |
Ссылка на скачивание |
Android (Xiaomi) Composite MDB Interface | Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) |
2015-08-15 10.0.0000.00000 |
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© 2012-2023 DriversLab | Каталог драйверов, новые драйвера для ПК, скачать бесплатно для Windows
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Driver name
Actual version
USB\VID_2717&PID_FF80&MI_02 driver
Devices |
Systems |
ID |
Inf |
Link |
Windows 10 x64 Windows 10 x86 Windows 8.1 x64 Windows 8.1 x86 Windows 8 x64 Windows 8 x86 Windows 7 x64 Windows 7 x86 Windows Vista x64 Windows Vista x86 |
USB\VID_2717&PID_0512&MI_02 |
android_winusb.inf | Download |
Search by Device ID
Enter the name of the device, for example, GeForce GTX 1060 , usb 3.0
or Device ID, for example, PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_8168&SUBSYS_99EB1019
You were looking for: USB\VID_2717&PID_FF40
Select the driver for your operating system and its bit. It is recommended to install a later
version of the driver (see the release date).
To go to the download file, click on the link.
Searching results:
Driver | Operating system |
Driver Date Version |
Link | |
Android (Xiaomi) Composite MDB Interface | Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) |
2015-08-15 v.10.0.0000.00000 |
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Google, Inc. Xiaomi Composite MDB Interface — two ways of downloading and installing the driver
Xiaomi Composite MDB Interface is a Android Usb Device Class device.
This driver was developed by Google, Inc..
USB/VID_2717&PID_ff40&MI_01 is the matching hardware id of this device.
1. Google, Inc. Xiaomi Composite MDB Interface driver — how to install it manually
- Download the driver setup file for Google, Inc. Xiaomi Composite MDB Interface driver from the link below. This download link is for the driver version 7.1.0000.00000 dated 2013-08-22.
- Run the driver installation file from a Windows account with administrative rights. If your UAC (User Access Control) is running then you will have to confirm the installation of the driver and run the setup with administrative rights.
- Go through the driver installation wizard, which should be pretty straightforward. The driver installation wizard will scan your PC for compatible devices and will install the driver.
- Restart your PC and enjoy the fresh driver, as you can see it was quite smple.
This driver is digitally signed.
The file size of this driver is 2686902 bytes (2.56 MB)
Driver rating
4.5 stars out of 45877 votes.
This driver is fully compatible with the following versions of Windows:
- This driver works on Windows 2000 (5.0) 64 bits
- This driver works on Windows XP (5.1) 64 bits
- This driver works on Windows Server 2003 (5.2) 64 bits
- This driver works on Windows Vista (6.0) 64 bits
- This driver works on Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bits
- This driver works on Windows 8 (6.2) 64 bits
- This driver works on Windows 8.1 (6.3) 64 bits
- This driver works on Windows 10 (10.0) 64 bits
- This driver works on Windows 11 (10.0) 64 bits
2. Installing the Google, Inc. Xiaomi Composite MDB Interface driver using DriverMax: the easy way
The most important advantage of using DriverMax is that it will install the driver for you in just a few seconds and it will keep each driver up to date. How easy can you install a driver using DriverMax? Let’s take a look!
- Start DriverMax and push on the yellow button that says ~SCAN FOR DRIVER UPDATES NOW~. Wait for DriverMax to scan and analyze each driver on your computer.
- Take a look at the list of available driver updates. Scroll the list down until you locate the Google, Inc. Xiaomi Composite MDB Interface driver. Click the Update button.
- That’s all, the driver is now installed!
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⌚ 13.08.2023
Windows 10, Windows 7/Vista, Windows 8/XP (32/64-бита)
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Описание и инструкции
Драйвер USB\VID_2717&PID_FF48&MI_01 для Android (Xiaomi) Composite MDB Interface.
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