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UTF8 - CP1251 скачать

Кратко: Универсальный набор функций для конвертирования из одной кодировки в другую.
Поддерживает конвертирование UTF8 (три вида) и CP1251 (Win…


UTF8 — CP1251 — Универсальный набор функций для конвертирования из одной кодировки в другую.
Поддерживает конвертирование UTF8 (три вида) и CP1251 (Win 1251).
Также есть возможность определить закодированна ли строка в UTF8.
В «довесок» одна функция для конвертирования в транслит…
Данный набор функций в первую очередь пригодится всем тем, кто планирует или
делает WAP-сайты.
Если ваш сервер поддерживает ICONV() то данная библиотека вам не нужна…

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UTF8 - CP1251 - Соглашение об использовании материалов сайта Соглашение об использовании материалов сайта

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Подробнее о LanAgent Standard 7.7 LanAgent Standard 7.7

Программа для наблюдения за компьютерами в локальной сети: скриншоты, работа в программах, сайты, кейлоггер, почта. Выявит «крыс», повысит дисциплину.

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Полезные программы

LanAgent Standard 7.7

Программа для наблюдения за компьютерами в локальной сети: скриншоты, работа в программах, сайты, кейлоггер, почта. Выявит «крыс», повысит дисциплину.

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Win32 UTF-8 wrapper

Why a wrapper?

This library evolved from the need of the Touhou Community Reliant Automatic Patcher to hack Unicode functionality for the Win32 API into games using the ANSI functions.

By simply including win32_utf8.h and linking to this library, you automatically have Unicode compatibility in applications using the native Win32 APIs, usually without requiring changes to existing code using char strings.

Extended functionality

In addition, this library also adds new useful functionality to some original Windows functions.

  • CreateDirectoryU() works recursively — the function creates all necessary directories to form the given path.
  • LoadLibraryExU() can be safely and unconditionally used with the search path flags introduced in KB2533623. If this update is not installed on a user’s system, these flags are cleared out automatically.
  • GetModuleFileNameU() returns the necessary length of a buffer to hold the module file name if NULL is passed for nSize or lpFilename, similar to what GetCurrentDirectory() can do by default.
  • ReadFileU()/WriteFileU() does not crash when lpNumberOfBytesRead/Written and lpOverlapped are both NULL. Windows 8+ already has this fix. This can be used to add Windows 7 compatibility to applications which rely on this fix.
  • SHBrowseForFolderU() always displays an edit box and shows a resizable window if the active thread’s COM settings allow it.
  • PathRemoveFileSpecU() correctly works as intended for paths containing forward slashes

UTF-8 versions of functions that originally only have UTF-16 versions

  • LPSTR* WINAPI CommandLineToArgvU(LPCWSTR lpCmdLine, int* pNumArgs)

    Splits a UTF-16 command-line string (returned by e.g.GetCommandLineW()) into an UTF-8 argv array, and returns the number of arguments (argc) in pNumArgs. The caller has to free the returned array using LocalFree().

  • HRESULT WINAPI SHParseDisplayNameU(LPCSTR pszName, IBindCtx *pbc, LPITEMIDLIST *ppidl, SFGAOF sfgaoIn, SFGAOF *psfgaoOut)

    Converts a path (pszName) to a ITEMLIST pointer (ppidl), required for a number of shell functions. Unlike the original function, this wrapper also works as expected for paths containing forward slashes.

OS compatibility

win32_utf8 it meant to require at least Windows XP — that is, it statically references only Windows functions that were available on XP. Wrappers for functions that were introduced in later Windows versions load their original functions dynamically using GetProcAddress().

As a result, these wrappers themselves are not tied to the minimum required OS of the function they wrap. This means that applications which call these wrappers will actually start on Windows XP and not abort with the classic «The procedure entry point X could not be located in the dynamic link library Y.DLL.» error on startup. (Unless, of course, if your compiler would target a newer Windows version anyway.) However, the wrappers will show this message box on every call:

OS compatibility message box

This is arguably preferable over the three other options for dealing with this issue (just crashing by calling a NULL pointer, silently doing nothing, or aborting on startup with the aforementioned error). It should still run the majority of the program, and it provides a helpful message during testing — which can even be left in shipping builds as a sort of nag screen for end users that still use old Windows versions.

The following functions are wrapped in this way:

  • version.dll
    • GetFileVersionInfoSizeEx()
    • GetFileVersionInfoEx()


  • Replace all inclusions of windows.h or stdio.h with win32_utf8.h in your existing native Win32 code.
  • If your program is a standalone executable and not a (static or dynamic) library, see the Custom main() function section for details on how to get UTF-8 command-line parameters in argv.

The rest differs between static and dynamic linking:

Static linking

Make sure that win32_utf8_build_static.c is compiled as part of your sources.

If your codebase doesn’t necessarily need to use all of the wrapped functions (which is probably the case for most programs), you may additionally #define WIN32_UTF8_NO_API. This macro removes the w32u8_get_wrapped_functions() function, which references all wrapped functions that are part of win32_utf8, from your build. This aids the elimination of unused wrapper functions (and their DLL references) with some compilers, particularly Visual C++.

Dynamic linking

For dynamic linking or other more special use cases, a project file for Visual C++ is provided. The default configuration requires the Visual Studio 2013 platform toolset with Windows XP targeting support, but the project should generally build under every version since Visual C++ 2010 Express after changing the platform toolset (Project → Properties → General → Platform Toolset) to a supported option.

To generate a DLL in a different compiler, simply compile win32_utf8_build_dynamic.c.

Custom main() function

Together with win32_utf8’s entry point wrappers, changing the name and parameter list of your main() or WinMain() function to

int __cdecl win32_utf8_main(int argc, const char *argv[])

guarantees that all strings in argv will be in UTF-8. src/entry.h, which is included as part of win32_utf8.h, redefines main as win32_utf8_main and thereby eliminates the need for another preprocessor conditional block around main() in cross-platform console applications.

You then need to provide the actual entry point by compiling the correct entry_*.c file from this repository as part of your sources:

  • entry_main.c if your program runs in the console subsystem.
  • entry_winmain.c if your program runs in the graphical Windows subsystem and should not open a console window. Requires -mwindows on GCC.

It can either be a separate translation unit, or #included into an existing one. Also, make sure that your compiler’s subsystem settings match the entry point file.

Compiler support

Visual C++ and MinGW compile the code just fine. Cygwin is not supported, as it lacks Unicode versions of certain C runtime functions because they’re not part of the POSIX standard. (Of course, using MinGW’s gcc through Cygwin works just fine.)

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Контактная информация:

Как поставить кодировку UTF-8 в Windows-8

Есть скрипт для R, где комментарии написаны на русском языке в кодировке UTF-8. При открытии скрипта у меня крякозябы, несмотря на то, что в систем на компе язык «для приложений не использующих Unicode» стоит русский. То есть — надо поставить еще кодировку UTF-8. Как это сделать для всей ОС (Windows-8)? Нигде не могу найти таких настроек. В самом R тоже.

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Игорь Белов


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Re: Как поставить кодировку UTF-8 в Windows-8


Игорь Белов » 27 окт 2018, 21:24

Проще всего перекодировать файл в CP1251. Это можно сделать в большинстве текстовых редакторов. Или погуглите онлайн-конвертеры.

The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers

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Откуда: Архангельск

Re: Как поставить кодировку UTF-8 в Windows-8


rhot » 27 окт 2018, 21:26

В RStudio кодировка выбирается через File —> Reopen with encoding

___________(¯`·.¸(¯`·.¸ Scientia potentia est _/ {SILVA}:::{FOSS}:::{GIS} \_ Знание сила ¸.·´¯)¸.·´¯)___________

Аватара пользователя

Natalia Novoselova


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Контактная информация:

Re: Как поставить кодировку UTF-8 в Windows-8


Natalia Novoselova » 30 окт 2018, 22:09

Игорь Белов писал(а): ↑

27 окт 2018, 21:24

Проще всего перекодировать файл в CP1251. Это можно сделать в большинстве текстовых редакторов. Или погуглите онлайн-конвертеры.

Почему-то на моем компе такая перезапись скрипта тоже дала крякозябы.

В RStudio кодировка выбирается через File —> Reopen with encoding

Я пользуюсь обычной R консолью, там такого нет. Попробую перейти в RStudio.

Аватара пользователя



Сообщения: 1727
Зарегистрирован: 25 янв 2011, 17:50
Статьи: 1

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Ваше звание: доктор
Откуда: Архангельск

Re: Как поставить кодировку UTF-8 в Windows-8


rhot » 31 окт 2018, 10:25

Natalia Novoselova писал(а): ↑

30 окт 2018, 22:09

Я пользуюсь обычной R консолью, там такого нет. Попробую перейти в RStudio.

Тогда не знаю как. Могу предложить последовать примеру редактирования реестра. Правда это для семёрки…

___________(¯`·.¸(¯`·.¸ Scientia potentia est _/ {SILVA}:::{FOSS}:::{GIS} \_ Знание сила ¸.·´¯)¸.·´¯)___________



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Откуда: Казань

Re: Как поставить кодировку UTF-8 в Windows-8


gamm » 31 окт 2018, 14:05

Поставьте FAR (он бесплатный), откройте файл во встроенном редакторе, выберите исходную кодировку (если не распознает), выделите все (Ctrl/a), уберите в буфер (ctrl/x), выберите новую кодировку, и вставьте (ctrl/v).

Выбор кодировки типа ctrl/F8 или alt/F8 или около. Если нужной кодировки нет, установите, в папке, где far стоит, есть скрипты.



Сообщения: 25
Зарегистрирован: 07 фев 2012, 12:00

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Re: Как поставить кодировку UTF-8 в Windows-8


nplatonov » 04 ноя 2018, 20:42

Можно попробовать задавать кодировку следующим образом:
path_to_R_bin\Rterm —encoding UTF-8 —file=test.R —args pi 3.1415



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Зарегистрирован: 13 мар 2021, 05:44

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Контактная информация:

Re: Как поставить кодировку UTF-8 в Windows-8


nkljdubin » 13 мар 2021, 05:49

Тоже интересовался данным вопросом, спасибо за советы.



Сообщения: 35
Зарегистрирован: 25 ноя 2021, 14:11

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Откуда: Оренбург

Re: Как поставить кодировку UTF-8 в Windows-8


AlexTim » 22 дек 2021, 13:36

«Панель управления» —> «Региональные стандарты» —> «Дополнительно» —> [«Изменить язык системы»] —>
(v) «Использовать Юникод (UTF-8) для поддержки языка во всем Мире».

Unicode Review

The Unicode Standard is an international standard that defines how characters should be encoded, which means how they are represented as numbers or binary code. The Unicode Consortium, an industry non-profit organization that develops, maintains, and promotes the Unicode Standard, works closely with major companies to ensure that text can be exchanged across platforms without any loss of data or information.

Why was Unicode developed?

Unicode was developed to address the need for a single standard that could be used across all computers and operating systems.

It assigns a unique number to every character in every language, allowing different applications to exchange data without knowing what language is being used. Unicode also provides a set of rules for combining multiple characters into a single code point (also called «combining characters»), which can be used to create complex characters from simpler ones.

Unicode principles

The Unicode Consortium maintains that there are three main principles guiding their work:

  • Unicode should be a universal character set that encompasses all of the scripts used worldwide. It should also include symbols and characters that represent languages not written with a Roman-based alphabet.

  • Unicode should be backward compatible with ASCII, an encoding scheme so that existing text can be converted into Unicode without losing any information.

  • Unicode should be a fixed-width format so that characters do not take up varying amounts of space on the screen or when printed.

Unicode character sets

Unicode includes all of the characters of previous standards, such as ASCII and ISO-8859-1, and adds many more characters from other languages, including less common ones like Georgian. An encoding standard defines the properties of Unicode characters. The Unicode Standard defines two encoding schemes: UTF-8 and UTF-16.

  • UTF-8 can represent any Unicode character in a single-byte stream. A significant advantage of UTF-8 is its backward compatibility with ASCII. If you use only ASCII characters (consisting solely of letters and numbers), you’ll never need to know about any other character encodings. Another advantage of UTF-8 is that it allows a single-byte stream to represent any Unicode character. You can use UTF-8 to describe English and Hindi text in the same file — Japanese, Hebrew, etc. The only downside of UTF-8 is that it takes up more space than ASCII files.

  • The other Unicode encoding scheme is UTF-16. It supports the same repertoire of characters as UTF-8 but has different properties. UTF-16 is a 16-bit encoding scheme representing each Unicode character using 2 bytes or 16 bits. Each byte contains the numeric value of one of the possible values. UTF-16 was introduced because it allows developers to work with Unicode text without worrying about issues such as endianness (the order in which bytes are arranged).


Unicode is a universal character encoding standard that encompasses all modern writing systems and most ancient ones. It allows you to represent any written language using the same characters, which can be displayed in any system or application that supports Unicode.


Unicode is a product developed by Canadian Mind Products. This site is not directly affiliated with Canadian Mind Products. All trademarks, registered trademarks, product names and company names or logos mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.

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