В Windows Server 2016 и 2019 по умолчанию установлен и включен “родной” бесплатный антивирус Microsoft — Windows Defender (начиная с Windows 10 2004 используется название Microsoft Defender). В этой статье мы рассмотрим особенности настройки и управления антивирусом Windows Defender в Windows Server 2019/2016.
- Графический интерфейс Windows Defender
- Удаление антивируса Microsoft Defender в Windows Server 2019 и 2016
- Управление Windows Defender с помощью PowerShell
- Добавить исключения в антивирусе Windows Defender
- Получаем статус Windows Defender с удаленных компьютеров через PowerShell
- Обновление антивируса Windows Defender
- Управление настройками Microsoft Defender Antivirus с помощью GPO
Графический интерфейс Windows Defender
В версиях Windows Server 2016 и 2019 (в том числе в Core редакции) уже встроен движок антивируса Windows Defender (Защитник Windows). Вы можете проверить наличие установленного компонента Windows Defender Antivirus с помощью PowerShell:
Get-WindowsFeature | Where-Object {$_. name -like "*defender*"} | ft Name,DisplayName,Installstate
Однако в Windows Server 2016 у Windows Defender по-умолчанию нет графического интерфейса управления. Вы можете установить графическую оболочку Windows Defender в Windows Server 2016 через консоль Server Manager (Add Roles and Features -> Features -> Windows Defender Features -> компонент GUI for Windows Defender).
Установить графический компонент антивируса Windows Defender можно с помощью PowerShell командлета Install-WindowsFeature:
Install-WindowsFeature -Name Windows-Defender-GUI
Для удаления графического консоли Defender используется командлет:
Uninstall-WindowsFeature -Name Windows-Defender-GUI
В Windows Server 2019 графический интерфейс Defender основан на APPX приложении и доступен через меню Windows Security (панель Settings -> Update and Security).
Настройка Windows Defender производится через меню “Virus and threat protection”.
Если вы не можете открыть меню настроек Defender, а при запуске апплета Windows Security у вас появляется ошибка “You’ll need a new app to open this windowsdefender”, нужно перерегистрировать APPX приложение с помощью файла манифеста такой командой PowerShell:
Add-AppxPackage -Register -DisableDevelopmentMode "C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.SecHealthUI_cw5n1h2txyewy\AppXManifest.xml"
Если APPX приложение полностью удалено, можно его восстановить вручную по аналогии с восстановлением приложения Micorosft Store.
Удаление антивируса Microsoft Defender в Windows Server 2019 и 2016
В Windows 10 при установке любого стороннего антивируса (Kaspersky, McAfee, Symantec, и т.д.) встроенный антивирус Windows Defender автоматически отключается, однако в Windows Server этого не происходит. Отключать компонент встроенного антивируса нужно вручную (в большинстве случаев не рекомендуется использовать одновременно несколько разных антивирусов на одном компьютере/сервере).
Удалить компонент Windows Defender в Windows Server 2019/2016 можно из графической консоли Server Manager или такой PowerShell командой:
Uninstall-WindowsFeature -Name Windows-Defender
Не удаляйте Windows Defender, если на сервере отсутствует другой антивирус.
Установить службы Windows Defender можно командой:
Add-WindowsFeature Windows-Defender-Features,Windows-Defender-GUI
Управление Windows Defender с помощью PowerShell
Рассмотрим типовые команды PowerShell, которые можно использовать для управления антивирусом Windows Defender.
Проверить, запущена ли служба Windows Defender Antivirus Service можно с помощью команды PowerShell Get-Service:
Get-Service WinDefend
Как вы видите, служба запушена (статус –
Текущие настройки и статус Defender можно вывести с помощью командлета:
Вывод комадлета содержит версию и дату обновления антивирусных баз (AntivirusSignatureLastUpdated, AntispywareSignatureLastUpdated), включенные компоненты антвируса, время последнего сканирования (QuickScanStartTime) и т.д.
Отключить защиту в реальном времени Windows Defender (RealTimeProtectionEnabled) можно с помощью команды:
Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $true
После выполнения данной команды, антивирус не будет сканировать на лету все обрабатываемые системой файлы.
Включить защиту в реальном времени:
Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $false
Более полный список командлетов PowerShell, которые можно использовать для управления антивирусом есть в статье Управление Windows Defender с помощью PowerShell.
Добавить исключения в антивирусе Windows Defender
В антивирусе Microsoft можно задать список исключений – это имена, расширения файлов, каталоги, которые нужно исключить из автоматической проверки антивирусом Windows Defender.
Особенность Защитника в Windows Server – он автоматически генерируемый список исключений антивируса, который применяется в зависимости от установленных ролей сервера. Например, при установке роли Hyper-V в исключения антивируса добавляются файлы виртуальных и дифференциальных дисков, vhds дисков (*.vhd, *.vhdx, *.avhd), снапшоты и другие файлы виртуальных машин, каталоги и процессы Hyper-V (Vmms.exe, Vmwp.exe)
Если нужно отключить автоматические исключения Microsoft Defender, выполните команду:
Set-MpPreference -DisableAutoExclusions $true
Чтобы вручную добавить определенные каталоги в список исключения антивируса, выполните команду:
Set-MpPreference -ExclusionPath "C:\Test", "C:\VM", "C:\Nano"
Чтобы исключить антивирусную проверку определенных процессов, выполните команду:
Set-MpPreference -ExclusionProcess "vmms.exe", "Vmwp.exe"
Получаем статус Windows Defender с удаленных компьютеров через PowerShell
Вы можете удаленно опросить состояние Microsoft Defender на удаленных компьютерах с помощью PowerShell. Следующий простой скрипт при помощи командлета Get-ADComputer выберет все Windows Server хосты в домене и через WinRM (командлетом Invoke-Command) получит состояние антивируса, время последнего обновления баз и т.д.
$Report = @()
$servers= Get-ADComputer -Filter 'operatingsystem -like "*server*" -and enabled -eq "true"'| Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
foreach ($server in $servers) {
$defenderinfo= Invoke-Command $server -ScriptBlock {Get-MpComputerStatus | Select-Object -Property Antivirusenabled,RealTimeProtectionEnabled,AntivirusSignatureLastUpdated,QuickScanAge,FullScanAge}
If ($defenderinfo) {
$objReport = [PSCustomObject]@{
User = $defenderinfo.PSComputername
Antivirusenabled = $defenderinfo.Antivirusenabled
RealTimeProtectionEnabled = $defenderinfo.RealTimeProtectionEnabled
AntivirusSignatureLastUpdated = $defenderinfo.AntivirusSignatureLastUpdated
QuickScanAge = $defenderinfo.QuickScanAge
FullScanAge = $defenderinfo.FullScanAge
$Report += $objReport
Для получения информации о срабатываниях антивируса с удаленных компьютеров можно использовать такой PowerShell скрипт:
$Report = @()
$servers= Get-ADComputer -Filter 'operatingsystem -like "*server*" -and enabled -eq "true"'| Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
foreach ($server in $servers) {
$defenderalerts= Invoke-Command $server -ScriptBlock {Get-MpThreatDetection | Select-Object -Property DomainUser,ProcessName,InitialDetectionTime ,CleaningActionID,Resources }
If ($defenderalerts) {
foreach ($defenderalert in $defenderalerts) {
$objReport = [PSCustomObject]@{
Computer = $defenderalert.PSComputername
DomainUser = $defenderalert.DomainUser
ProcessName = $defenderalert.ProcessName
InitialDetectionTime = $defenderalert.InitialDetectionTime
CleaningActionID = $defenderalert.CleaningActionID
Resources = $defenderalert.Resources
$Report += $objReport
В отчете видно имя зараженного файла, выполненное действие, пользователь и процесс-владелец.
Обновление антивируса Windows Defender
Антивирус Windows Defender может автоматически обновляться из Интернета с серверов Windows Update. Если в вашей внутренней сети установлен сервер WSUS, антивирус может получать обновления с него. Убедитесь, что установка обновлений одобрена на стороне WSUS сервера (в консоли WSUS обновления антивирусных баз Windows Defender, называются Definition Updates), а клиенты нацелены на нужный сервер WSUS с помощью GPO.
В некоторых случаях, после получения кривого обновления, Защитник Windows может работать некорректно. В этом случае рекомендуется сбросить текущие базы и перекачать их заново:
"%PROGRAMFILES%\Windows Defender\MPCMDRUN.exe" -RemoveDefinitions -All
"%PROGRAMFILES%\Windows Defender\MPCMDRUN.exe" –SignatureUpdate
Если на сервере нет прямого доступа в Интернет, вы можете настроить обновление Microsoft Defender из сетевой папки.
Скачайте обновления Windows Defender вручную (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/wdsi/defenderupdates) и помесите в сетевую папку.
Укажите путь к сетевому каталогу с обновлениями в настройках Defender:
Set-MpPreference -SignatureDefinitionUpdateFileSharesSources \\fs01\Updates\Defender
Запустите обновление базы сигнатур:
Update-MpSignature -UpdateSource FileShares
Управление настройками Microsoft Defender Antivirus с помощью GPO
Вы можете управлять основными параметрами Microsoft Defender на компьютерах и серверах домена централизованно с помощью GPO. Для этого используется отдельный раздел групповых политик Computer Configurations -> Administrative Template -> Windows Component -> Windows Defender Antivirus.
В этом разделе доступно более 100 различных параметров для управления настройками Microsoft Defender.
Например, для отключения антивируса Microsoft Defender нужно включить параметр GPO Turn off Windows Defender Antivirus.
Более подробно о доступных параметрах групповых политик Defender можно посмотреть здесь https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/use-group-policy-microsoft-defender-antivirus
Централизованное управление Windows Defender доступно через Advanced Threat Protection доступно через портал “Azure Security Center” (ASC) при наличии подписки (около 15$ за сервер в месяц).
In this post, you’ll learn how to uninstall Windows Defender on Windows Server. You can uninstall Windows Defender feature on all versions of Windows Server with a simple PowerShell command.
The question is: Why uninstall Windows Defender from Windows Server? If you have a third party antivirus solution on Windows Server, you may not require Windows Defender.
Installing two antivirus softwares on a Windows Server may cause conflicts and most of all, it will slow down the performance of your Windows Server. As a best practice ensure you don’t have multiple security products running on a system.
When you install an additional security software, Microsoft Defender Antivirus does not automatically disable itself. Hence, you have to manually uninstall Windows Defender on your Windows Server.
When you install Windows Server operating system, the Windows Defender is preinstalled. The Windows Defender is also referred as Endpoint protection or Microsoft Defender Antivirus Service.
Ways to Uninstall Windows Defender Antivirus on Windows Server
There are two ways to uninstall Windows Defender from your Windows Server:
- You can remove Windows Defender AV completely via Remove Roles and Features Wizard.
- Windows Defender can be easily installed/uninstalled using a PowerShell command.
You can also create a batch file to disable windows defender permanently. However, that is more preferred method for IT professionals. The best way to remove the Windows Defender AV on Server would be using the Remove Roles and Features wizard. In the wizard you can deselect the Windows Defender Features option at the Features step.
On your Windows Server, the option to deselect Windows Defender feature could be greyed out. This could be due to Microsoft doesn’t want you to remove Windows Defender so easily. In this situation, you can easily uninstall the Microsoft Defender Antivirus Service using PowerShell command.
Microsoft Defender Antivirus is available in the following editions of Windows Server:
- Windows Server 2022
- Windows Server 2019
- Windows Server, version 1803 or later
- Windows Server 2016
Check if Windows Defender Service is running on Windows Server
On your Windows Server, you can check whether the Windows Defender Service is running or not with following steps. Click Start > Run and type Services.msc. In the Services console, look for Microsoft Defender Antivirus Service and check the Status of this service. If it shows as Running, it means the Windows Defender Service is running on Windows Server.
The second method to check the defender AV services status is using command prompt. When you run the command “sc query Windefend“, it displays the status of Microsoft Defender Antivirus Service. If the status is RUNNING, that means Windows Defender is present and service is active on the machine.
You can also determine the Windows Defender antivirus status using PowerShell. Launch the PowerShell as administrator and run the command Get-Service -Name WinDefend to know the status of Windows Defender AV. Learn more about the Get-Service command along with its parameters.
Uninstall Windows Defender on Windows Server
Here are the steps to uninstall Windows Defender on Windows Server:
- Login to the Windows Server.
- Ensure Windows Defender Antivirus service is running. You can run sc query Windefend in command prompt.
- Run the PowerShell command to uninstall Windows Defender on Windows Server.
To uninstall Windows Defender antivirus, launch PowerShell and run the below command. Note that a server reboot is required once you uninstall the Windows Defender.
Uninstall-WindowsFeature -Name Windows-Defender
Re-install Windows Defender on Windows Server
If you have uninstalled Windows Defender, later you changed your mind and decide to install it back, you can re-install it. Using the below PowerShell command, you can install Windows Defender feature on Windows Server. This command should work on all the latest Windows Server operating systems. Run the PowerShell as administrator and run the below command.
Install-WindowsFeature -Name Windows-Defender
After you install Windows Defender on Server, you must reboot the server.
On the latest Windows Server operating systems, Microsoft Defender antivirus works really well. However, most organizations prefer to use a third-party solutions that offer more features than Microsoft Defender. In such cases, running two security softwares on a server isn’t the best practice. You can remove Windows Defender software and replace it with a different AV software.
Prajwal Desai is a Microsoft MVP in Intune and SCCM. He writes articles on SCCM, Intune, Windows 365, Azure, Windows Server, Windows 11, WordPress and other topics, with the goal of providing people with useful information.
Windows Defender is the security-level solution that has been integrated into Windows systems to protect from all types of threats , whether local or external, especially from threats on the network which can have a critical impact on services and general processes of the organization since the presence of a virus can cause general effects. For this reason Windows Defender is the appropriate solution to maintain the integrity of the information, in some special cases it is possible to require that Windows Defender be deactivated or uninstalled (although it is not ideal and this occurs for reasons such as:
Reasons to uninstall Windows Defender
- Purchase of a special firewall for the company
- Support or control tasks
- Configuration errors
If for any reason you need to disable or uninstall Windows Defender in Windows Server 2019, TechnoWikis will give you the different options for it..
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1. Disable Windows Defender Windows Server from Security
Step 1
Windows Defender is integrated in the system security section, to deactivate Windows Defender we must go to the search engine and there we enter «security», in the displayed list we select Windows Security:
Step 2
In the open window, go to the «Virus and threat protection» section and click on «Manage settings»:
Step 3
Then we must click on the «Real-time protection» switch to disable Windows Defender security:
2. Disable Windows Defender Windows Server from PowerShell
The PowerShell console is another of the options available for this purpose, in this case we must access the PowerShell console as administrators and there execute the following:
Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $ true
In case we want to activate Windows Defender again from PowerShell we must execute:
"Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $ false"
Now we are going to see how to uninstall Windows Defender in Windows Server 2019.
3. Uninstall Windows Defender Windows Server from PowerShell
Step 1
Again the PowerShell console is the ally for this task, we access as administrators and we will execute the following:
Uninstall-WindowsFeature -Name Windows-Defender
Step 2
After all the information is collected we will see the following:
Step 3
There we check that Windows Defender has been uninstalled and the process will be completed when the server is restarted.
to install Windows Defender again with this method we must execute:
Install-WindowsFeature -Name Windows-Defender
4. Uninstall Windows Defender Windows Server from CMD
The command prompt console is another of the mechanisms available to uninstall Windows Defender and this is achieved thanks to the DISM command (Deployment Image Servicing and Management) with which we can manage the system image, it should be noted that this command is much more delicate since if we run it, we not only uninstall Windows Defender but also the Windows Defender installation package is eliminated, so we cannot install it again.
As a reference, the order to execute with DISM is as follows: Press Enter and Windows Defender will be completely uninstalled from the server..
Dism / online / Disable-Feature / FeatureName: Windows-Defender / Remove / NoRestart / quiet
4. Uninstall Windows Defender Windows Server from Server Manager
Step 1
The Server Administrator is a central point in Windows Server from where we manage the team roles, to use this method we open the Server Administrator and we will go to «Manage -Remove roles and functions»:
Step 2
The uninstall wizard will be displayed:
Step 3
We click Next and select the current server:
Step 4
In the next window we do not edit anything and we will go to the «Features» section where we locate the Windows Defender Antivirus line:
Step 5
We deactivate the Windows Defender Antivirus box:
Step 6
We click Next and we will see the summary of the action to execute:
Step 7
We click on «Remove» to complete the process:
Step 8
When this comes to an end we will see the following:
Step 9
We click Close and in all cases we must restart the system to complete the uninstallation process. Once you log in, we will be without Windows Defender.
Step 10
If we want to activate it with this method, we must go to the Server Manager and select «Add roles and functions»:
Step 11
In the wizard we select the server and we will go to the «Features» section where we will locate «Windows Defender Antivirus»:
Step 12
We activate the box to enable it:
Step 13
We click Next and after confirming we are ready to install it again in Windows Server 2016 or 2019. We click Install and when the process finishes we will see the following:
Step 14
It only remains to restart the computer so that everything is active at the level of Windows Defender in the system.
We have seen different ways either to deactivate or to uninstall Windows Defender in Windows Server 2016 or 2019 but always remembering that this is one of the system’s built-in default security measures.
Вместе с Windows Server 2016/2019 по умолчанию устанавливается встроенный антивирус Windows Defender. Иногда он очень к месту, например, когда согласно правилам информационной безопасности на сервере должна быть установлена антивирусная защита. А иногда он совсем не нужен, поскольку снижает производительность высоконагруженных сервисов.
Удалим Windows Defender с сервера Windows Server 2016/2019.
Проверим, что Defender установлен и работает:
sc query windefend
Служба антивируса в состоянии RUNNING.
Запускаем графическую консоль Server Manager.
Manage → Remove Roles and Featires.
В разделе Features находим компонент Windows Defender Features, снимаем с него галку, нажимаем Next и следуем дальнейшим инструкциям по удалению компонениа.
Сервер потребует перезагрузки.
Проверим, что Defender удалён:
sc query windefend
Служба антивируса не найдена.
Удалить компонент Windows Defender в Windows Server 2016/2019 можно PowerShell командой:
Uninstall-WindowsFeature -Name Windows-Defender
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Hi! Windows Defender is the integrated security solution for Windows systems. In effect, it is the shield that protects the server from local or external threats. Specifically from network threats since they can harm the organization’s services. For that reason, Windows Defender is the ideal solution to safeguard the system. However, there are special circumstances where it is necessary to disable or even uninstall it. For example, in support tasks, configuration errors, or even the purchase of a firewall or external security system. Inattention to those cases, today we will see how to uninstall and disable Windows Defender in Windows Server 2016/2019.
How to disable Windows Defender from the Security settings
Windows Defender is integrated into the security section of the system. Therefore, you only have to access this section. With this intention, press the Win+Q combination and type Security in the search bar.
The security section will be deployed immediately. Please click on Virus & Thread protection settings. Specifically, in Manage settings.
Finally, you only have to deactivate the pin to remove the protection in real-time. This way, Windows Defender will be temporarily suspended.
Disable Windows Defender from PowerShell
Next, we’ll use the PowerShell console to temporarily disable Windows Defender. With this in mind, launch the console and run the following command:
Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $true
Once the work is done, you can reactivate Windows Defender using this command:
Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $false
How to uninstall Windows Defender from PowerShell
Next we will see how to uninstall Windows Defender. For this we will use again the PowerShell console. Once there, please execute the following command:
Uninstall-WindowsFeature -Name Windows-Defender
After a few seconds, the uninstallation will be complete. Please reboot the server to complete the changes.
A positive aspect of this method is that it is possible to reinstall the service. With this in mind, please execute the following command:
Install-WindowsFeature -Name Windows-Defender
How to uninstall Windows Defender from CMD
Next, we will use the Command Prompt to uninstall Windows Defender. Specifically, we will use the DISM command. In addition, this command allows you to manage the system image. Please proceed with caution, as you will be uninstalling the app and installation package. Consequently, it will not be possible to reinstall Windows Defender. Finally, If you are sure to proceed, run this command from CMD:
Dism /online /Disable-Feature /FeatureName:Windows-Defender /Remove /NoRestart /quiet
How to Uninstall Windows Defender from Server Manager
It is well known that the server administrator is a central console that allows managing multiple aspects. This time we will use it to uninstall Windows Defender. With this in mind, click on Manage. Then, select Remove Roles and Features
In the next window, please click next.
Now select the server.
A list of installed features will follow. Please check the box corresponding to Windows Defender. Once you have made your selection, you are ready to begin. Finally, confirm the selection and press Remove to start the process.
After a few moments, Windows Defender will be uninstalled from the system. Please note that to reinstall it, just repeat the process. However, in the wizard please select the Add Roles and Features option.
In the final discussion, we’ve seen numerous ways to disable and uninstall Windows Defender in Windows Server 2016/2019. As you could see, there are graphic and command-line options. The intention is that as an administrator, you have control over the system. Consequently, you will be able to better manage the interests of the company. Before I go, I invite you to see our post about disable automatic updates in Windows Server 2016/2019. Bye!