Unable to get version on target file c windows system32 directx websetup dsetup dll

[02/10/14 18:48:33] module: DXWSetup(Mar 30 2011), file: dxwsetup.cpp, line: 352, function: CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine

Failed API: SetAction()
Error: (0x80070057) — Параметр задан неверно.

[02/10/14 18:48:33] module: DXWSetup(Mar 30 2011), file: psheets.cpp, line: 705, function: PreinstDlgProc

CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine() failed.


02/10/14 18:52:47: DXWSetup: ***** DXWSETUP *****
02/10/14 18:52:47: DXWSetup: WinMain()
02/10/14 18:52:47: DXWSetup: Bing Bar is already installed, skipping offer
02/10/14 18:52:47: DXWSetup: IsIA64(): not IA64.
02/10/14 18:52:47: DXWSetup: Unable to get Version on target file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup.dll
02/10/14 18:52:47: DXWSetup: Installed file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup.dll
02/10/14 18:52:47: DXWSetup: Unable to get Version on target file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup32.dll
02/10/14 18:52:47: DXWSetup: Installed file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup32.dll
02/10/14 18:52:47: DXWSetup: GetDXVersion(): This may be a older DirectX which does not have the version value in the registry.
02/10/14 18:52:47: DXWSetup: DirectX Version:
02/10/14 18:52:47: DXWSetup: Setup Version:
02/10/14 18:52:48: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::CDXWSetup()
02/10/14 18:52:48: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::DownloadDXUpdate()
02/10/14 18:52:48: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x1, SubStatus = 0x0
02/10/14 18:52:49: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x3, SubStatus = 0x0
02/10/14 18:52:49: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x2, SubStatus = 0x0
02/10/14 18:52:49: DXWSetup: OnStartInstall(): DLSize = 81, InstallSize = 0
02/10/14 18:52:49: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate, DLSize = 81, InstallSize = 0, str = %DirectX_Setup%
02/10/14 18:52:49: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
02/10/14 18:52:49: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = %DirectX_Setup%, status = 0x0
02/10/14 18:52:49: DXWSetup: OnStopInstall(): hr = 0x0, str = (null), status = 0x0
02/10/14 18:52:49: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x3, SubStatus = 0x0
02/10/14 18:52:49: DXWSetup: WM_APP_DOWNLOADDXUPDATE
02/10/14 18:52:49: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine()
02/10/14 18:52:49: DXWSetup: Use string section : [Strings.RUS]
02/10/14 18:52:50: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x1, SubStatus = 0x0
02/10/14 18:52:50: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x3, SubStatus = 0x0
02/10/14 18:52:50: DXWSetup: GetDXVersion(): This may be a older DirectX which does not have the version value in the registry.
02/10/14 18:52:50: DXWSetup: DXVersion:
02/10/14 18:52:50: DXWSetup: Install Section: [\iCLS Client\;C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management E]
02/10/14 18:52:50: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine(): SetAction() failed, error = 0x80070057.
02/10/14 18:52:50: DXWSetup: PreinstDlgProc(): CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine() failed.
02/10/14 18:52:50: DXWSetup: WM_APP_ENDDOWNLOAD
02/10/14 18:52:52: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::~CDXWSetup()
02/10/14 18:52:53: DXWSetup: CreatePropertySheet() returns -9.
02/10/14 18:52:53: DXWSetup: Deleted file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup.dll.
02/10/14 18:52:53: DXWSetup: Deleted file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup32.dll.

  1. При запуске некоторых приложений выдает ошибку,в которой говорит о том,что нужно обновить директ. Dxdiag проблем не выявляет. Скачал офф обнову,при попытке установить пишет:Произошла внутренняя системная ошибка.Чтобы определить причину ошибки присмотрите файлы DXError.log и DirectX.log в папке Windows. Другие версии directx тоже не устанавливаются. При этом некоторые приложения в которых обязан быть direct работают нормально.


    02/18/15 20:12:29: DXWSetup: ***** DXWSETUP *****
    02/18/15 20:12:29: DXWSetup: WinMain()
    02/18/15 20:12:29: DXWSetup: IsIA64(): not IA64.
    02/18/15 20:12:29: DXWSetup: Unable to get Version on target file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup.dll
    02/18/15 20:12:29: DXWSetup: Installed file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup.dll
    02/18/15 20:12:29: DXWSetup: Unable to get Version on target file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup32.dll
    02/18/15 20:12:29: DXWSetup: Installed file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup32.dll
    02/18/15 20:12:29: DXWSetup: GetDXVersion(): This may be a older DirectX which does not have the version value in the registry.
    02/18/15 20:12:29: DXWSetup: DirectX Version:
    02/18/15 20:12:29: DXWSetup: Setup Version:
    02/18/15 20:12:29: dsetup32: IsWow64(): running on Wow64.
    02/18/15 20:12:31: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::CDXWSetup()
    02/18/15 20:12:31: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup:DownloadDXUpdate()
    02/18/15 20:12:31: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x1, SubStatus = 0x0
    02/18/15 20:12:31: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x3, SubStatus = 0x0
    02/18/15 20:12:31: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x2, SubStatus = 0x0
    02/18/15 20:12:31: DXWSetup: OnStartInstall(): DLSize = 81, InstallSize = 0
    02/18/15 20:12:31: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate, DLSize = 81, InstallSize = 0, str = %DirectX_Setup%
    02/18/15 20:12:31: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0
    02/18/15 20:12:31: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = %DirectX_Setup%, status = 0x0
    02/18/15 20:12:31: DXWSetup: OnStopInstall(): hr = 0x0, str = (null), status = 0x0
    02/18/15 20:12:31: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x3, SubStatus = 0x0
    02/18/15 20:12:31: DXWSetup: WM_APP_DOWNLOADDXUPDATE
    02/18/15 20:12:31: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine()
    02/18/15 20:12:31: DXWSetup: Use string section : [Strings.ENG]
    02/18/15 20:12:32: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x1, SubStatus = 0x0
    02/18/15 20:12:32: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x3, SubStatus = 0x0
    02/18/15 20:12:32: DXWSetup: GetDXVersion(): This may be a older DirectX which does not have the version value in the registry.
    02/18/15 20:12:32: DXWSetup: DXVersion:
    02/18/15 20:12:32: DXWSetup: Install Section: [ой программного обеспечения, включая носители, на которых вы ее получили (если они есть). Эти условия распространяются также на любые

    * обновления,

    * дополнения,

    * службы Интернета и

    * услуги по технической поддержке

    Microsoft для данного программного о]
    02/18/15 20:12:32: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine(): SetAction() failed, error = 0x80070057.
    02/18/15 20:12:32: DXWSetup: PreinstDlgProc(): CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine() failed.
    02/18/15 20:12:32: DXWSetup: WM_APP_ENDDOWNLOAD
    02/18/15 20:14:08: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::~CDXWSetup()
    02/18/15 20:14:09: DXWSetup: CreatePropertySheet() returns -9.
    02/18/15 20:14:09: DXWSetup: Deleted file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup.dll.
    02/18/15 20:14:09: DXWSetup: Deleted file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup32.dll.


    [02/18/15 20:12:32] module: DXWSetup(Sep 4 2009), file: dxwsetup.cpp, line: 351, function: CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine

    Failed API: SetAction()
    Error: (0x80070057) — Параметр задан неверно.

    [02/18/15 20:12:32] module: DXWSetup(Sep 4 2009), file: psheets.cpp, line: 472, function: PreinstDlgProc

    CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine() failed.

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Компьютерный форум

[08/09/17 12:13:35] module: DXWSetup(Feb 4 2010), file: utils.cpp, line: 1116, function: CabCallback

Error: (5) — Отказано в доступе.

SPFILENOTIFY_COPYERROR: Unable to copy C:\Users\73B5~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\dsetup.dll.

[08/09/17 12:13:35] module: DXWSetup(Feb 4 2010), file: utils.cpp, line: 1204, function: ExecuteInf

Failed API: SetupInstallFromInfSection()
Error: (183) — Невозможно создать файл, так как он уже существует.

Unable to proceed C:\Users\73B5~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\dxwsetup.inf:[DirectX_WinNT]. The file may be damaged.

[08/10/17 13:11:49] module: DXWSetup(Feb 4 2010), file: utils.cpp, line: 1116, function: CabCallback

Error: (5) — Отказано в доступе.

SPFILENOTIFY_COPYERROR: Unable to copy C:\Users\73B5~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\dsetup.dll.

[08/10/17 13:11:49] module: DXWSetup(Feb 4 2010), file: utils.cpp, line: 1204, function: ExecuteInf

Failed API: SetupInstallFromInfSection()
Error: (183) — Невозможно создать файл, так как он уже существует.

Unable to proceed C:\Users\73B5~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\dxwsetup.inf:[DirectX_WinNT]. The file may be damaged.

[08/10/17 18:40:25] module: DXWSetup(Mar 30 2011), file: utils.cpp, line: 1129, function: CabCallback

Error: (5) — Отказано в доступе.

SPFILENOTIFY_COPYERROR: Unable to copy C:\Users\73B5~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\dsetup.dll.

[08/10/17 18:40:25] module: DXWSetup(Mar 30 2011), file: utils.cpp, line: 1217, function: ExecuteInf

Failed API: SetupInstallFromInfSection()
Error: (183) — Невозможно создать файл, так как он уже существует.

Unable to proceed C:\Users\73B5~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\dxwsetup.inf:[DirectX_WinNT]. The file may be damaged.

[08/10/17 18:59:00] module: DXWSetup(Mar 30 2011), file: utils.cpp, line: 1129, function: CabCallback

Error: (5) — Отказано в доступе.

SPFILENOTIFY_COPYERROR: Unable to copy C:\Users\73B5~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\dsetup.dll.

[08/10/17 18:59:00] module: DXWSetup(Mar 30 2011), file: utils.cpp, line: 1217, function: ExecuteInf

Failed API: SetupInstallFromInfSection()
Error: (183) — Невозможно создать файл, так как он уже существует.

Unable to proceed C:\Users\73B5~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\dxwsetup.inf:[DirectX_WinNT]. The file may be damaged.

[08/10/17 19:07:17] module: DXWSetup(Mar 30 2011), file: utils.cpp, line: 1129, function: CabCallback

Error: (5) — Отказано в доступе.

SPFILENOTIFY_COPYERROR: Unable to copy C:\Users\73B5~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\dsetup.dll.

[08/10/17 19:07:17] module: DXWSetup(Mar 30 2011), file: utils.cpp, line: 1217, function: ExecuteInf

Failed API: SetupInstallFromInfSection()
Error: (183) — Невозможно создать файл, так как он уже существует.

Unable to proceed C:\Users\73B5~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\dxwsetup.inf:[DirectX_WinNT]. The file may be damaged.

[08/10/17 19:46:08] module: DXWSetup(Mar 30 2011), file: utils.cpp, line: 1129, function: CabCallback

Error: (5) — Отказано в доступе.

SPFILENOTIFY_COPYERROR: Unable to copy C:\Users\73B5~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\dsetup.dll.

[08/10/17 19:46:08] module: DXWSetup(Mar 30 2011), file: utils.cpp, line: 1217, function: ExecuteInf

Failed API: SetupInstallFromInfSection()
Error: (183) — Невозможно создать файл, так как он уже существует.

Unable to proceed C:\Users\73B5~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\dxwsetup.inf:[DirectX_WinNT]. The file may be damaged.

Re: DirectX installation fails on ReactOS 0.4.7


by dizt3mp3r »

If I were you I would type «reactOS directx» into Google or similar and see what crops up in this forum, read a few of the results and see what has been experienced by others. What you will see is likely to be a lot of fails and one or two installation successes but a failure to operate. In general expect nothing to work but be pleasantly surprised when it does. ReactOS is in Alpha.

Skillset: VMS,DOS,Windows Sysadmin from 1985, fault-tolerance, VaxCluster, Alpha,Sparc. DCL,QB,VBDOS- VB6,.NET, PHP,NODE.JS, Graphic Design, Project Manager, CMS, Quad Electronics. classic cars & m’bikes. Artist in water & oils. Historian.

Not exactly sure where to to post this.

I was having some sound issue with Real Air Duke V2 and tried to reinstall Direct X (The latest). But I am unable to install it.  Any ideas? It fails with a pop up error:

An internal system error occurred. Please refer to DXError.log and DirectX.log in your Windows Folder to determine problem.

DXError.log contents from that install:


[10/11/13 12:07:59] module: DXWSetup(Mar 30 2011), file: dxwsetup.cpp, line: 229, function: CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine

    Sections are not initialized.


[10/11/13 12:07:59] module: DXWSetup(Mar 30 2011), file: psheets.cpp, line: 705, function: PreinstDlgProc

    CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine() failed.


[10/11/13 12:54:13] module: DXWSetup(Mar 30 2011), file: dxwsetup.cpp, line: 229, function: CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine

    Sections are not initialized.


[10/11/13 12:54:13] module: DXWSetup(Mar 30 2011), file: psheets.cpp, line: 705, function: PreinstDlgProc

    CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine() failed.


[10/11/13 13:07:31] module: DXWSetup(Mar 30 2011), file: dxwsetup.cpp, line: 229, function: CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine

    Sections are not initialized.


[10/11/13 13:07:31] module: DXWSetup(Mar 30 2011), file: psheets.cpp, line: 705, function: PreinstDlgProc

    CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine() failed.

and DirectX.log


10/11/13 13:10:01: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::~CDXWSetup()

10/11/13 13:10:05: DXWSetup: CreatePropertySheet() returns -9.

10/11/13 13:10:05: DXWSetup: Deleted file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup.dll.

10/11/13 13:10:05: DXWSetup: Deleted file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup32.dll.

10/11/13 13:10:21: DXWSetup: ***** DXWSETUP *****

10/11/13 13:10:21: DXWSetup: WinMain()

10/11/13 13:10:21: DXWSetup: Bing Bar is already installed, skipping offer

10/11/13 13:10:21: DXWSetup: IsIA64(): not IA64.

10/11/13 13:10:21: DXWSetup: Unable to get Version on target file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup.dll

10/11/13 13:10:21: DXWSetup: Installed file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup.dll

10/11/13 13:10:21: DXWSetup: Unable to get Version on target file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup32.dll

10/11/13 13:10:21: DXWSetup: Installed file C:\Windows\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup32.dll

10/11/13 13:10:21: DXWSetup: GetDXVersion(): Unable to get RC string from registry.

10/11/13 13:10:21: DXWSetup: DirectX Version:

10/11/13 13:10:21: DXWSetup: Setup Version:

10/11/13 13:10:21: DXWSetup: A newer version of DirectX have been installed already.

10/11/13 13:10:25: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::CDXWSetup()

10/11/13 13:10:25: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::DownloadDXUpdate()

10/11/13 13:10:25: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x1, SubStatus = 0x0

10/11/13 13:10:25: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x3, SubStatus = 0x0

10/11/13 13:10:25: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x2, SubStatus = 0x0

10/11/13 13:10:25: DXWSetup: OnStartInstall(): DLSize = 81, InstallSize = 0

10/11/13 13:10:25: DXWSetup: OnStartComponent(): ID = DXUpdate, DLSize = 81, InstallSize = 0, str = %DirectX_Setup%

10/11/13 13:10:25: DXWSetup: OnComponentProgress(): Phase = 0, Progress = 0

10/11/13 13:10:25: DXWSetup: OnStopComponent(): ID = DXUpdate, hr = 0x0, Phase = 9, str = %DirectX_Setup%, status = 0x0

10/11/13 13:10:25: DXWSetup: OnStopInstall(): hr = 0x0, str = (null), status = 0x0

10/11/13 13:10:25: DXWSetup: OnEngineStatusChange(): EngineStatus = 0x3, SubStatus = 0x0

10/11/13 13:10:25: DXWSetup: WM_APP_DOWNLOADDXUPDATE

10/11/13 13:10:25: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine()

10/11/13 13:10:25: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine(): Sections are not initialized.

10/11/13 13:10:25: DXWSetup: PreinstDlgProc(): CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine() failed.

10/11/13 13:10:25: DXWSetup: WM_APP_ENDDOWNLOAD


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