Удалить visual studio windows 10

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Not all of us find much use in Microsoft’s Visual Studio. If you aren’t someone developing applications, you must be confused as to why Visual Studio is even installed on your device.

You can remove Visual Studio from your computer in many ways depending on the kind of removal you desire. Sometimes it’s beneficial to delete all leftover files of software, but you might be satisfied with a standard uninstallation as well.

Visual studio

Visual Studio is available on both Windows and Mac operating systems, meaning that the uninstallation process is different. Follow our guides below to learn how to uninstall Microsoft Visual Studio on Windows 10 and Mac.

What is Visual Studio?

Microsoft’s Visual Studio is a tool allowing programmers and developers to create applications for different platforms. By using Visual Studio, you can develop anything from desktop and mobile apps to games, web pages or services. Of course, this is only useful for people interested in developing such things.

How to uninstall visual studio

For a regular home user, Visual Studio isn’t something you’re required to keep on your computer. However, if you have a shared PC, make sure to ask everyone whether or not they use Visual Studio before you remove it.

How to uninstall Visual Studio on Windows 10

There are different methods you can use to uninstall visual studio, however, the most common ones are;

How to Uninstall Visual Studio using Control Panel

The most standard way of removing Visual Studio from your Windows 10 PC is by using the installer itself.

This process is automated and allows anyone to quickly uninstall the software. However, it’s possible that it’ll leave some junk behind from Visual Studio’s files.

  1. Use the Search bar in your taskbar and look up then launch Control Panel. This will open up the classic Control Panel instead of going to the Settings app.
    classic Control Panel
  2. Change the View mode to Large icons.
    large icons
  3. Click on Programs and Features.
  4. Find Visual Studio from the list. You can click on Name to have the list organized into alphabetical order.
  5. Right-click on Visual Studio and choose the Uninstall option.
    How to uninstall visual studio on windows

Uninstall using Visual Studio Installer

Installing Visual Studio isn’t the only thing you can do with the included Visual Studio Installer. This application can be used to remove the software quickly without having to know anything about computers. 

As an added bonus, even if you need to reinstall Visual Studio in the future, you can always use the Visual Studio Installer to do that.

  1. Locate the Visual Studio Installer:
    1. On Windows 10, you can open up the Windows menu by clicking on the Windows icon on your taskbar.
    2. Your apps are grouped by alphabetical order. Scroll down until you see the letter V and find the Visual Studio Installer.
      How to Locate the Visual Studio Installer on windows
    3.  Alternatively, you can use your File Explorer to navigate to the following location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vs_installer.exe.
  2. Open the installer. In some cases, you might be prompted to update before you can proceed.
  3. In the installer, find the version of Visual Studio that you want to uninstall.
  4. Click on More, then choose Uninstall.
    Visual studio installer
  5. Click the OK button to start the uninstall process.
    Uninstall visual studio
  6. Wait for the uninstaller tool to remove Visual Studio from your computer.

How to Delete Visual Studio Files Manually

If you want to make sure you get every last bit of Visual Studio uninstalled from your PC, you can always try to delete its files manually.

Follow the steps below to learn which files should be removed in order to get rid of Visual Studio from your computer:

  1. Open the File Explorer from your taskbar.
    File explorer
  2. Click on This PC, then open Harddrive (C:).
  3. Check if you have Hidden items showing by clicking on the View tab. If the box next to Hidden items is empty, click on it to place a checkmark.
    How to delete the Visual Studio files manually
  4. Open the ProgramData folder.
    program data
  5. Find and open the Microsoft folder.
  6. Delete the VisualStudio folder.
  7. Go back to the open Hard Drive (C:) folder and open Program Files (x86).
    How to locate visual studio program files
  8. Locate the Microsoft Visual Studio folder and delete it as well.

You can also delete folders generated by Visual Studio such as:

  • Microsoft ASP.NET Core
  • Microsoft OneDrive
  • Microsoft SDKs
  • Microsoft Web Tools
  • Microsoft.NET
  • The Visual Studio folder inside MSBuild

How to Uninstall Visual Studio and all Other Related Files

Uninstalling Visual Studio the standard way will most likely leave some files behind because some applications might depend on them to run properly.

Namely, the uninstaller might leave items such as the Microsoft .NET Framework, Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables, and Microsoft SQL Server on your computer.

To remove any and all Visual Studio files, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Visual Studio Uninstaller tool from GitHub.
    How to Uninstall Visual Studio and all other related files
  2. Extract the files of TotalUninsaller.zip somewhere on your computer. We recommend using either WinRAR or 7zip to get the job done.
  3. Right-click on Setup.ForcedUninstall.exe and choose Run as administrator.
    run setup with administrative priviledges
  4. If prompted, click Yes to allow the uninstaller to modify files on your PC.
  5. A Command Prompt will open up. You can read more about the tool and also change your mind if you’d rather try a different method. 
  6. To proceed with the uninstallation, type in Y and press enter.
    How to remove program files through command prompt
  7. Wait for the uninstallation to finish. Once the Command Prompt closes, you’re done removing Visual Studio and its components from your computer.

How to Uninstall Visual Studio On Mac

There are two options for those who want to uninstall Visual Studio from a Mac operating system. This is significantly less than what the Windows equivalent offers, but you still get to choose between manually deleting files or automating the process.

How to Uninstall Visual Studio for Mac Manually.

When manually uninstalling Visual Studio, it’s important that you remove additional files and services installed by it as well. Without doing so, other programs on your Mac might experience issues that require troubleshooting. 

Follow these steps to manually remove Visual Studio from your Mac:

  1. If open, quit the Visual Studio application.
  2. Open your Finder and click on Applications.
    Application icon on Mac
  3. Find the Visual Studio.app file then right-click on it and choose Move to Trash.
    How to uninstall Visual Studio on Mac

Next, we will be removing Visual Studio’s services:

  1. In the Finder’s menu bar, click Go, then Go to Folder.
  2. Type in ~/Library and hit Go.
  3. Remove all of the following folders:
    1. ~/Library/Caches/VisualStudio
    2. ~/Library/Caches/com.microsoft.visual-studio
    3. ~/Library/Preferences/VisualStudio
    4. ~/Library/Logs/VisualStudio
    5. ~/Library/Logs/VisualStudioInstaller
  4. Empty your Trashcan.

You can repeat this process for any Visual Studio related software such as ASP.NET Core or Xamarin.

Use App Cleaner & Uninstaller


  1. Download Nektony’s App Cleaner & Uninstaller. You can use the free version, or purchase full access.
    How to Use App Cleaner & Uninstaller
  2. Install the application then launch it.
  3. Go to the Applications tab and select Visual Studio.
    how to uninstall visual studio
  4. From the right-side panel, choose every component you want to delete and click on the Remove button. You can also use the Uninstall button under Visual Studio’s file size to delete everything without exceptions.
    How to delete visual associated files on Mac
  5. Repeat the process for any additional apps such as Xamarin. 

Hopefully one of our methods worked for you in removing Visual Studio from your Windows or Mac operating system.

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Seriously, it’s hyper frustrating that after 35 years making software, Microsoft doesn’t knows yet how to uninstall a program

I’m trying to uninstall Visual Studio Code, yes, this question is similar to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47689536/uninstall-visual-studio-code-in-windows but answers are partial and incorrect.

I have done, uninstall using the control panel. Then uninstall everything in %appdata%\code, then deleting %USERPROFILE%.vs… (it’s different path if you use visual studio code or visual studio code insiders)

No matter what, after I install the program again, it will show my environment just as it was before doing all this.

So, how do you uninstall completely, to do a fresh VS Code installation without installing Windows 10 from scratch?

LWC's user avatar


8845 gold badges15 silver badges38 bronze badges

asked Dec 2, 2018 at 16:21

luisfer's user avatar


After uninstalling vscode, remove:

  • %UserProfile%\.vscode
  • %AppData%\Code
  • %LocalAppData%\Programs\Microsoft VS Code

Suresh Karia's user avatar

answered Sep 16, 2020 at 22:03

diogo's user avatar


4314 silver badges4 bronze badges


I was having the exact issues…

My reason for trying to do a full uninstall of Visual Studio Code was because I was having issues writing code, especially HTML codes. When I type at least 2 letters, the cursor automatically skips to the end of the page and all subsequent letters that I type is written after the HTML close tag.

    <p> this i </p>
</html>s only to show the problem I was having with Visual Studio Code

I also tried uninstalling VS Code but everything remains the same and I kept having the same issues. Unlike other softwares, the uninstall application for VS Code doesn’t uninstall also the components (extensions and settings). It only removes the VS Code software.

What I did was to permanently delete any and all folder that has «VS» or «Visual Studio». You also need to check «Microsoft» folders because «VS Code» folders can be found there. After doing all that you definitely want to delete a folder with the name «.vscode» and you can find in your «home» folder. The reason why your workspace remains the same is because all your previous extensions and settings are stored in that folder.

.vscode Extension

I sincerely hope I’ve been helpful to someone.

answered Aug 21, 2019 at 13:28

Miracle's user avatar

As an addition to the approved message, you also might want to get rid of a registry key left by the installer if you can’t access the uninstaller program:


Once it’s removed, installer will ask you about specifying an installation folder again – usually this does not happen when removing everything but abovementioned registry key.

This might be helpful if you are forced to perform a full wipe of your current VSCode installation. («forced to» – for example, when previous installation was on a faulty HDD, or it got intentionally plugged out for a reason)

answered Feb 9, 2022 at 15:07

internetvagabond's user avatar


It also happened with me, Seriously it is frustrating. So to uninstall it completely you have to follow these steps(any Windows OS):

  1. Press Windows+r
  2. Type %appdata%\local\Programs
  3. Go to Microsoft VS Code and permanently delete this file
  4. ———-Done————
  5. Now install again.

I think it should work for you also. If not then again follow these above steps and do and at the time of installing click the checkbox to Don’t create a Start Menu Folder. And then install it.

——Try these above steps, it will help you.

answered Jan 7, 2019 at 8:59

debasish sahoo's user avatar


so i think this work but you can go to the file where your vscode is installed or just right click the app and open file location and then you will see an application called unins000 just click that and uninstall it :).

answered Jul 18, 2020 at 10:44

J 4 S 0 N's user avatar


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Как быстро убить Visual Studio со всеми дополнительными компонентами :)

Последние версии среды-монстра практически не оставляют альтернатив для разработчика под Windows, Studio пользуют почти все.

Увы, поставив на чистенький дружелюбный компьютер какой-нибудь Visual Studio Community 2017 или, упаси Боже,
Visual Studio Express For Desktop Full, Вы увидите в списке «Программы и компоненты» примерно следующее:

да-да, это всё она

да-да, это всё она

(компоненты упорядочены по убыванию даты установки).

Поигравшись денёк в разработчика, Вы непременно захотите удалить Studio со ставшего вдруг капризным и тормозным компьютера.

Если честно, поставив Studio, Вы уже попали, и проще переустановить Windows. Но всегда есть пара полезных программ, из-за которых делать это неуместно :)

При стандартном удалении Studio из «Панели управления» ничего, кроме самой Studio не удалится, а в системе останутся абсолютно ненужные вам SQL Server и куча других сервисов. Можно трудолюбиво деинсталлировать каждую установленную компоненту штатными средствами, а можно заметно ускорить процесс.

В нормальном файл-менеджере, показывающем классические панели и скрытые папки, лучше всего в Far, переходим в папку C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\,
там дежит куча вложенных папок с «понятными» именами вроде {69BCE4AC-9572-3271-A2FB-9423BDA36A43}v14.0.24215,
сортируем их по убыванию времени создания (Ctrl+F5) и идём до первой из папок, созданных в тот чёрный день, когда Вы начали установку Studio (дата установки есть в списке программ), у меня, например, для Studio Express 2015 это оказалась папка {ad32eacb-d66f-472d-9af5-11278d461b28}, ясно,
что там AD должен быть detected в имени :)

Внутри папки должна быть exe’шка с именем, соответствующим вашей сборке Studio, например,
wdexpress_full.exe. Из командной строки файл-менеджера запускаем эту exe’шку с параметрами
/uninstall и /force, как на рисунке:

быстрое удаление Visual Studio со всеми причиндалами

быстрое удаление Visual Studio со всеми причиндалами

После этого Вы спокойно работаете, а Студия потихоньку истребляется без лишних вопросов.

Конечно, удаление всех ключей реестра и папок способ не гарантирует. Например, останется папка с Вашими проектами, по умолчанию в расположении c:\Users\ИМЯ_ЮЗЕРА\Documents.

Кроме того, компоненты SQL или C++ Redistributal всё равно придётся удалять вручную, имея в виду, что их может использовать какой-то другой софт.

P.S. В Visual Studio 2019 под Windows 10, наконец, стало всё нормально — только сам пакет и Visual Studio Installer.

17.05.2017, 14:20 [9864 просмотра]

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What is the way to totally uninstall Visual Studio Code and its extensions, including all configurations, etc.) on Windows 10?

I tried uninstalling and installing but it remembered its previous settings.

Gino Mempin's user avatar

Gino Mempin

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asked Dec 7, 2017 at 7:13

user3315504's user avatar

Since, you might already know the drill to uninstall and you are emphasizing on remembered its previous settings, please do the following:

  1. Open Run (Win + R)
  2. Type %appdata%
  3. Press Enter
  4. Delete the folder Code

Voila! Restart Visual Studio Code and it is reset!

Here is a bat script which does the same thing:

explorer.exe %appdata%
del Code

P.S: Since, you want to uninstall go to Add or Remove Programs and click on bottom right of the Visual Studio Code tile, where it says Uninstall.

answered Dec 7, 2017 at 7:33

Trishant Pahwa's user avatar

Trishant PahwaTrishant Pahwa

2,5893 gold badges14 silver badges31 bronze badges


Here is the complete solution you can apply:

  1. Go to where Visual Studio Code is installed and invoke ‘uninst000.exe’.
    In my case it is installed in C:\Users\Shafi\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code

  2. Delete directory C:\Users\Shafi\AppData\Roaming\Code

  3. Delete directory C:\Users\Shafi\.vscode

answered Dec 18, 2019 at 23:57

alshafi's user avatar


9797 silver badges8 bronze badges


Turns out the extensions are stored under %USER%.vscode\extensions. Deleting that gets rid of them.
%USER%\\.vscode\extensions (or) %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions

answered Dec 7, 2017 at 7:29

Joseph Charles's user avatar

Go to Path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code

Double Click

This will uninstall VS Code from Your Windows OS

After uninstallation delete code folder also.

Open Run (Win + R) and Enter %appdata% Press Enter

Delete the folder code.

Ramesh R's user avatar

Ramesh R

7,0094 gold badges25 silver badges38 bronze badges

answered Feb 15, 2019 at 16:15

Tushar Budhe's user avatar


Easy way to remove it

Step1: to find VSCode path
Example: C:\Users\Willie\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code

enter image description here

Step2: to run unins000.exe

enter image description here

answered May 6, 2019 at 7:59

Willie Cheng's user avatar

Willie ChengWillie Cheng

7,77913 gold badges57 silver badges68 bronze badges

Find the location C:\Users\ (your username) Shah907\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code Insiders.

Click on «unins000.exe» and open it to uninstall.

Now find C:\Users\Shah907 and delete » .vscode-insiders « folder.

Now delete » Code — Insiders » in location » C:\Users\Shah907\AppData\Roaming «.

Now Reinstall the Visual Studio Code again.



answered Oct 30, 2020 at 16:26

Shah907's user avatar

Since you use the word Completely, I would say

  1. Do the regular Uninstall in «Apps & features.»
  2. In strat, search «environment variable» and remove all the references for `Visual Studio Code or any installation path.
  3. In file Explore, type %APPDATA% and remove the folder called Code.
  4. And got to %LOCALAPPDATA% and deleted the folder code if it exists.
  5. Got to %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming and remove the folder code

This will remove all your configurations and the extensions

FYI: Uninstall Visual Studio Code by code.visualstudio.com

answered Dec 24, 2022 at 8:25

Abdulla Nilam's user avatar

Abdulla NilamAbdulla Nilam

36.6k17 gold badges64 silver badges85 bronze badges

The only thing that can asure any trace if a file is removed, go ahead to your sudo user

In ubuntu:
sudo -i, others might use sudo - su

then you want to proceed with the global search, then you must run:

find / -name «vscode«

You will probably end up having a lot of permission denied, but that’s ok. we don’t want to access them anyways.

Now you’ll end up with a big list of files to remove, so you can go one by one and ensure you’re in fact removing them OR…

you can just run find / -name "*vscode*" | grep vscode | xargs rm -rf

answered Apr 9 at 15:21

dandush03's user avatar


2294 silver badges6 bronze badges

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