Toshiba dt01aca100 драйвер windows 10

Microsoft TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device Windows для устройств собирались с сайтов официальных производителей и доверенных источников. Это программное обеспечение позволит вам исправить ошибки Microsoft TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device или Microsoft TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device и заставить ваши устройства работать. Здесь вы можете скачать все последние версии Microsoft TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device драйверов для Windows-устройств с Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8 и 7 (32-бит/64-бит). Все драйверы можно скачать бесплатно. Мы проверяем все файлы и тестируем их с помощью антивирусного программного обеспечения, так что скачать их можно на 100% безопасно. Получите последние WHQL сертифицированные драйверы, которые хорошо работают.

Microsoft TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device Драйверы: Полное руководство

Microsoft TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device драйверы — это программные программы, которые обеспечивают коммуникацию между операционной системой на вашем компьютере и устройствами. Эти драйверы играют решающую роль в обеспечении оптимальной производительности и стабильности вашего ПК.

Установка драйверов Microsoft TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device

Для установки драйверов Microsoft TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device следуйте этим шагам:

  • Посетите официальный веб-сайт разработчика и перейдите в раздел Драйверы.
  • Используйте строку поиска или выберите модель вашего устройства из списка.
  • Выберите свою операционную систему и нажмите «Поиск.»
  • Нажмите кнопку «Скачать» рядом с последней версией драйверов, совместимых с вашей системой.
  • После загрузки дважды щелкните по файлу установщика и следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы завершить процесс установки.

Обновление драйверов Microsoft TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device

Чтобы обновить драйверы Microsoft TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device, вы можете выполнить следующие шаги:

  • Откройте Диспетчер устройств на вашем компьютере.
  • Разверните категорию и найдите ваш драйвер Microsoft TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device.
  • Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по драйверу и выберите «Обновить драйвер.»
  • Выберите опцию для автоматического поиска обновленного программного обеспечения драйвера.
  • Если обновление доступно, следуйте инструкциям для загрузки и установки.

Повторная установка драйверов Microsoft TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device

Если вам нужно повторно установить драйверы Microsoft TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device по какой-либо причине, вот что вы можете сделать:

  • Откройте Диспетчер устройств на вашем компьютере.
  • Разверните соответствующую категорию и найдите драйвер Microsoft TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device.
  • Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по драйверу и выберите «Удалить устройство.»
  • Следуйте инструкциям, чтобы завершить процесс удаления.
  • Посетите официальный веб-сайт разработчика и скачайте последнюю версию драйвера по вашим потребностям.
  • Запустите установщик и следуйте инструкциям, чтобы завершить процесс установки.

Возврат или понижение версии драйверов Microsoft TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device

Если у вас возникли проблемы с последней версией драйверов Microsoft TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device, вы можете вернуться или понизиться до предыдущей версии, выполнив следующие шаги:

  • Откройте Диспетчер устройств на вашем компьютере.
  • Разверните соответствующую категорию и найдите драйвер Microsoft TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device.
  • Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по драйверу и выберите «Свойства.»
  • Перейдите на вкладку «Драйвер» и нажмите «Откатить драйвер.»
  • Следуйте инструкциям для завершения процесса.

Возврат или понижение версии драйверов Microsoft TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device

Если у вас возникли проблемы с последней версией драйверов Microsoft TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device, вы можете вернуться или понизиться до предыдущей версии, выполнив следующие шаги:

  • Откройте Диспетчер устройств на вашем компьютере.
  • Разверните соответствующую категорию и найдите драйвер Microsoft TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device.
  • Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по драйверу и выберите «Свойства.»
  • Перейдите на вкладку «Драйвер» и нажмите «Откатить драйвер.»
  • Следуйте инструкциям для завершения процесса.

Удаление драйверов Microsoft TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device

Если вам нужно полностью удалить драйверы Microsoft TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device, вот что вы можете сделать:

  • Откройте Диспетчер устройств на вашем компьютере.
  • Разверните соответствующую категорию и найдите драйвер Microsoft TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device.
  • Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по драйверу и выберите «Удалить устройство.»
  • Следуйте инструкциям для завершения процесса удаления.
  • Перезагрузите ваш компьютер.

Всегда важно иметь установленную последнюю версию драйверов Microsoft TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device для оптимальной производительности и стабильности.


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Microsoft TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device

Windows XP, XP 64-bit, Vista, Vista 64-bit, 7, 7 64-bit, 11, 10, 8, 8.1

Microsoft TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device Windows для устройств собирались с сайтов официальных производителей и доверенных источников. Это программное обеспечение позволит вам исправить ошибки Microsoft TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device или Microsoft TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device и заставить ваши устройства работать. Здесь вы можете скачать все последние версии Microsoft TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device драйверов для Windows-устройств с Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8 и 7 (32-бит/64-бит). Все драйверы можно скачать бесплатно. Мы проверяем все файлы и тестируем их с помощью антивирусного программного обеспечения, так что скачать их можно на 100% безопасно. Получите последние WHQL сертифицированные драйверы, которые хорошо работают.

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Certifications for Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit

5 stars for Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit «WOW! Finally my PC got up to speed!» Melany Kim 7/18/2016

Our main support OS are: Windows 7, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 7 32 bit, Windows 10, Windows 10 64 bit, Windows 10 32 bit, and Windows 8.

Windows Compatibility for Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit driver

Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit Driver Details:

Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit File Name:

Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit Driver Version: 28751

Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit ZIP Size: 133.kb

Manufacturer: Toshiba

Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit was fully scanned at: 3/10/2023

Scan Status: driver download scanOK

This version of Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device is suitable for Windows 10 Home 64bit or earlier versions.
In case you are not sure which driver version would be best for you, we suggest using the Installation Manager to fit your OS with the best driver automatically.

Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit Download Stats:

Driver Uploaded: 3/7/2019

Direct Downloads: 2800
Most Recent Download: 11/23/2019

Managed Downloads: 100
Most Recent Download: 11/25/2019

Download Mirrors: 4
Current Delay: 6 Seconds
Driver License: Free to the general public

Direct Download Success Stats:

Reports Issued By 1484/2800 Users

Success Reported By 1245/1484 Users

Driver Download Score60/100

Driver Installation Score70/100

Overall preformance Score68/100

Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit 652 Thumbs Up652Thumbs

Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit 26 Thumbs Down26Thumbs

Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit driver direct download was reported as adequate by a large percentage of our reporters, so it should be good to download and install.

Installation Manager Success Stats:

Reports Issued By 46/100 Users

Success Reported By 17/46 Users

Driver Download Score97/100

Driver Installation Score76/100

Overall preformance Score91/100

Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit 7 Thumbs Up7Thumbs

Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit 0 Thumbs Down0Thumbs

Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit driver installation manager was reported as very satisfying by a large percentage of our reporters, so it is recommended to download and install.


1. Direct Download

Select your OS and press «Download».

This option requires basic OS understanding.
Select Your Operating System, download zipped files, and then proceed to
manually install them.
Recommended if Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit is the only driver on your PC you wish to update.

windows 10 home 64 bit

2. Driver Installation Manager

This option requires no OS understanding.
Automatically scans your PC for the specific required version of Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit + all other outdated drivers, and installs them all at once.

Please help us maintain a helpfull driver collection.
After downloading and installing Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit, or the driver installation manager, take a few minutes to send us a report:
* Only registered users can upload a report.

Don’t have a password?
Please register, and get one.

Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit may sometimes be at fault for other drivers ceasing to function

These are the driver scans of 2 of our recent wiki members*

*Scans were performed on computers suffering from Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit disfunctions.

Scan performed on 4/25/2019, Computer: Toshiba Dynabook CX/2213CMSW — Windows 7 64 bit

Outdated or Corrupted drivers:9/20

Device/Driver Status Status Description Updated By Scanner
Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processor E5 Product Family/Core i7 Integrated Memory Controller Channel 0-3 Thermal Control 0 — 3CB0 Outdated
Mice And Touchpads
Synaptics Synaptics PS/2 Port Pointing Device Up To Date and Functioning
Genius HID-compliant mouse Up To Date and Functioning
Logitech Logitech iFeel Mouse (USB) Corrupted By Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit
Usb Devices
Datacolor Datacolor Spyder3 Up To Date and Functioning
Microsoft Controller host USB OpenHCD Standard Up To Date and Functioning
Hewlett-Packard Officejet 6300 series (DOT4USB) Up To Date and Functioning
Sound Cards And Media Devices
VIA VIA High Definition Audio Up To Date and Functioning
Network Cards
Broadcom 2×2 11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN PCI Express Half Mini Card Adapter Corrupted By Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit
Microsoft Keyboard Device Filter Corrupted By Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit
Hard Disk Controller
VIA VIA ATA Channel Corrupted By Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit
Broadcom Broadcom Bluetooth 4.0 Corrupted By Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit
AuthenTec Biometric Coprocessor Up To Date and Functioning
Intel Intel(r) AIM External Flat Panel Driver 7 Up To Date and Functioning
Cameras, Webcams And Scanners
Philips Philips SPC1030NC Webcam Outdated
Video Cards
ATI ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9600/9700 Series Up To Date and Functioning
Input Devices
Lenovo ThinkPad USB Travel Mouse (HID) Corrupted By Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit
Port Devices
Prolific Prolific USB-to-Serial Bridge (COM6) Up To Date and Functioning
Sony Digital Flat Panel (1024×768) Corrupted By Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit
Mobile Phones And Portable Devices
Acer NOKIA Up To Date and Functioning

Scan performed on 4/26/2019, Computer: Toshiba Dynabook R731/W2MB — Windows 7 32 bit

Outdated or Corrupted drivers:11/22

Device/Driver Status Status Description Updated By Scanner
Matrox Graphics Matrox Extio USB Composite Device Corrupted By Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit
Mice And Touchpads
Logicool Logitech Cordless Mouse (USB) Up To Date and Functioning
Alps Souris compatible PS/2 Up To Date and Functioning
Genius HID mouse Corrupted By Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit
Usb Devices
Intel Periferica di archiviazione di massa USB Up To Date and Functioning
Canon USB Printing Support Outdated
Sound Cards And Media Devices
Intel(R) High Definition Audio Device Corrupted By Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit
Realtek Periferica audio su bus High Definition Audio Corrupted By Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit
Microsoft Microsoft LifeCam VX-1000 Corrupted By Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit
Network Cards
Ralink Dual Stream 802.11n Wireless LAN Card Up To Date and Functioning
Microsoft Keyboard Device Filter Up To Date and Functioning
Hard Disk Controller
Ricoh Ricoh SD Bus Host Adapter Outdated
Intel Intel(r) AIM External Flat Panel Driver 4 Up To Date and Functioning
ENE ENE CB1410 Cardbus Controller Corrupted By Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit
AuthenTec AuthenTec AES3500 TruePrint Sensor Corrupted By Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit
Texas Instruments Texas Instruments PCI7420 Integrated FlashMedia Controller Up To Date and Functioning
Cameras, Webcams And Scanners
SunplusIT HD Webcam Up To Date and Functioning
Video Cards
NVIDIA NVIDIA GeForce GT 630M Up To Date and Functioning
Input Devices
KME Periferica USB Human Interface Up To Date and Functioning
Port Devices
ONDA ONDA USB Enumerator For AT Device Corrupted By Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit
Sony Digital Flat Panel (1024×768) Up To Date and Functioning
Mobile Phones And Portable Devices
Acer NOKIA Outdated
Driver Model OS Original Upload Date Last Modification Driver File File Size Compatible Computer Models Availabilty To Instalation Manager
Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit J2.10224 For Windows 7 32 bit 12/6/2014 12/29/2016 all_drivers-j2.10224.exe 162kb Sony VGN-NS10L_S, HP NY584AA-AC4 600-1010b, Compaq BT466AA-ACJ CQ3211IX, HP DT301A-ABM T450M, Panasonic CF-30CCQCZBM, NEC PC-LS350LS1YG, Ipex I.T.G GOC Guardfish series, NOVATECH MBB-44308D, Sony VGN-FW170D, and more.
Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit 2242.11.1 For Windows 7 64 bit 2/6/2015 12/29/2016 raj-2242.11.1.exe 24kb Toshiba Dynabook CX/2213CMSW, Toshiba SATELLITE C870D-10D, IBM 817231G, Lenovo ThinkPad Edge 11, HP P6732de, Lenovo ThinkPad SL400, HP GP G62-A20SY NB, THEIS TH-P925/945G7MD-8KS2HV/1024/80/Profi-Towe, Toshiba PSK1SE-005002GR, Lenovo 9439Y5B, HP HP G60 Notebook PC, Sony VGN-SZ6RXN_C, Compaq EG215AA-ABG SR1660AN AN540, and more.
Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit 2.12297 For Windows 7 12/12/2014 12/28/2016 all_drivers-2.12297.exe 113kb HP KQ265AA-AB4 s3385d, Sony VGN-TT46LG_R, Hercules EC-900, SAMSUN 700Z, MouseComputer Z68A-SD60, Lenovo ThinkPad Edge 13, Acer Aspire 3810TZG, NEC VERSAL2200 RND61058988, HP HP Compaq 6510b, and more.
Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit 32.11.17 For Windows 10 1/19/2015 12/28/2016 all_drivers-32.11.17.exe 214kb Powerspec B647, Compaq Presario 7RPM11 195749-999, Lenovo ThinkCentre M55e, IBM 2668VMY, Fujitsu FMVNS8YE, HP FK913AA-ABG s3660a, LG LE50-23SK, Gigabyte M1022E, Sony VGN-CS2, AT OFFICEPRO SFF, Sony PCG-Z1XMP, HP Compaq nx7010, Packard Bell ISTART 2234, and more.
Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit E42933 For Windows 10 64 bit 1/21/2015 12/28/2016 all_drivers-e42933.exe 46kb Gateway NX200X, ASUS G750JW, Fujitsu FMVNFD70RC, Fujitsu LifeBook T5010, Toshiba Satellite P50-A X3110, and more.
Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit Y321.144 For Windows 7 32 bit 9/13/2014 12/27/2016 blooziwj-y321.144.exe 110kb Samsung N130, Intel D965GF, Lenovo SS09254503, NEC PC-GL22ES3GA, HP PX568AA-ABY, Lenovo 20B00006MZ, Sun Microsystems K85AE, Panasonic CF-W2FWPAXP, IBM 6221PGG, HP HP PAVILION DV9000, and more.
Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit J2.10930 For Windows 7 64 bit 10/24/2014 12/27/2016 all_drivers-j2.10930.exe 199kb HP S5-1435d, HP EY906AA-ABZ, Packard Bell IMEDIA MC 8830, IBM 2724JU1, Fujitsu FMVXDE6K2Z, and more.
Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit 2.11.1949 For Windows 7 1/31/2015 12/30/2016 all_drivers-2.11.1949.exe 76kb HP PX569AA-ABY, Sony VPCEC390X, MCJ MCJ, HP VD042AA-ABF p6105f, IBM 1831W1U, HP HP EliteBook 6930p, and more.
Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit M632.167 For Windows 10 10/5/2014 12/27/2016 rq-m632.167.exe 147kb Fujitsu FMVNFD75B, NEC VERSAE6300 RNF41103088, HP 3639, HP EJ237AA-ABF w5267.f, HP AU917AA-ABL e9270f, Panasonic CF-19KHRC62M, HP HPE-400es, HP Compaq 6200 Pro SFF PC, and more.
Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit 31.163 For Windows 10 64 bit 11/11/2014 12/28/2016 all_drivers-31.163.exe 137kb HP HP Compaq dc5100 MT, IBM 6221NPG, HP Presario V6000, Packard Bell EasyNote LX86, Viglen D915GUX, IBM 1872W5A, HP HP Compaq 6510b, Sony VGN-UX90PS, and more.
Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit 1.1704 For Windows 8 2/21/2015 12/29/2016 all_drivers-1.1704.exe 178kb Sony VGN-CS31Z_Q, HP HP Pavilion DV6, LG R580-U.ARD5WT, Gateway P-6317 HSN, NEC PC-GV267VZDL, Panasonic CF-H2ASAHEDE, LG T380-LARB1E, Packard Bell TK36, Panasonic CF-W7BWHNJR, NEC PC-VY20FAGEW, and more.
Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit 61.1404 For Windows 7 32 bit 1/2/2015 12/27/2016 all_drivers-61.1404.exe 192kb HP HP G60 Notebook PC, Sony VGN-SZ6RXN_C, Compaq EG215AA-ABG SR1660AN AN540, LG LW75-PMXH1, Fujitsu CELSIUS R920 POWER, MotherBoard By ZOTAC MotherBoard H61ITX-B-E, Fujitsu FMVLRB50P, Acer Veriton L670, Panasonic CF-S9KYFFDR, and more.
Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit 81.1370 For Windows 7 64 bit 2/2/2015 12/29/2016 all_drivers-81.1370.exe 60kb NEC PC-VJ22GXNEHTXA, Lenovo ThinkPad T60, IBM 187263U, Sweetwater Sound CS400, Lenovo ThinkPad X220, Sony VGN-FS92S, Sony VGN-TZ17TN_N, Lenovo 20AMS05C00, and more.

Please Note: There are particular operating systems known to have problems with Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit:

  • Windows 10 S
  • Windows 7 Home Premium
  • Windows 10
  • Windows XP Professional
  • Windows 7 Professional

If you encounter problems with the direct download for these operating systems, please consult the driver download manager for the specific Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit model.

Request a driver

Установщик драйверов:

В случае, когда вы не хотите тратить время на поиск нужного драйвера для вашего ПК,
к вашим услугам представлен автоматический установщик, который самостоятельно подберет
нужные и самые актуальные драйвера для всех устройств вашей системы.
Скачать Outbyte Drivers Installer вы можете перейдя по этой ссылке

Установить драйвера автоматически

Список драйверов:

Найдено драйверов для устройства «TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device»: 3. Для загрузки необходимого драйвера, выберите его из списка ниже и перейдите по ссылке «Скачать». Пожалуйста, убедитесь в соответствии выбранной версии драйвера вашей операционной системе для обеспечения корректности его работы.

curl PHP extension is required to use this library! See

Драйверы для TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 ATA Device


  1. Toshiba Drivers Download
  2. Recent Help Articles
  3. Popular Toshiba Device Categories
  4. Driver Updates for Popular Toshiba Device Models
  5. Featured Toshiba Downloads
  6. How to Update Toshiba Device Drivers Quickly & Easily
  7. Step 1 — Download Your Driver
  8. Step 2 — Install Your Driver
  9. How to Open Device Manager
  10. How to Install drivers using Device Manager
  11. Software Download for Toshiba External Hard Drive
  12. Storage Backup Software
  13. Applicable Models
  14. Storage Security Software
  15. Applicable Models
  16. Toshiba dt01aca100 драйвер windows 10
  17. Toshiba dt01aca100 драйвер windows 10

Toshiba Drivers Download

Toshiba is based in Tokyo, Japan and specializes in products in a variety of areas including information technology, electronics, home appliances and communications — just to name a few. Toshiba was originally formed as the result of two companies merging, and was officially renamed to Toshiba in 1978. Some of Toshiba’s most popular products include the Portege Z30 and Tecra Z50 laptops. They also make popular digital camera models like the Camileo line of camcorders.

  • Updates PC Drivers Automatically
  • Identifies & Fixes Unknown Devices
  • Supports Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP

Recent Help Articles

Popular Toshiba Device Categories

Driver Updates for Popular Toshiba Device Models

Featured Toshiba Downloads

How to Update Toshiba Device Drivers Quickly & Easily

Tech Tip: Updating drivers manually requires some computer skills and patience. A faster and easier option is to use the Driver Update Utility for Toshiba to scan your system for free. The utility tells you which specific drivers are out-of-date for all of your devices.

Step 1 — Download Your Driver

To get the latest driver, including Windows 10 drivers, you can choose from the above list of most popular Toshiba downloads. Click the download button next to the matching model name. After you complete your download, move on to Step 2.

If your driver is not listed and you know the model name or number of your Toshiba device, you can use it to search our driver archive for your Toshiba device model. Simply type the model name and/or number into the search box and click the Search button. You may see different versions in the results. Choose the best match for your PC and operating system.

If you don’t know the model name or number, you can start to narrow your search down by choosing which category of Toshiba device you have (such as Printer, Scanner, Video, Network, etc.). Start by selecting the correct category from our list of Toshiba Device Drivers by Category above.

We employ a team from around the world. They add hundreds of new drivers to our site every day.

Tech Tip: If you are having trouble deciding which is the right driver, try the Driver Update Utility for Toshiba. It is a software utility that will find the right driver for you — automatically.

Toshiba updates their drivers regularly. To get the latest Windows 10 driver, you may need to go to the Toshiba website to find the driver for to your specific Windows version and device model.

Step 2 — Install Your Driver

Once you download your new driver, then you need to install it. To install a driver in Windows, you will need to use a built-in utility called Device Manager. It allows you to see all of the devices recognized by your system, and the drivers associated with them.

How to Open Device Manager

In Windows 10 & Windows 8.1, right-click the Start menu and select Device Manager

In Windows 8, swipe up from the bottom, or right-click anywhere on the desktop and choose «All Apps» -> swipe or scroll right and choose «Control Panel» (under Windows System section) -> Hardware and Sound -> Device Manager

In Windows 7, click Start -> Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound -> Device Manager

In Windows Vista, click Start -> Control Panel -> System and Maintenance -> Device Manager

In Windows XP, click Start -> Control Panel -> Performance and Maintenance -> System -> Hardware tab -> Device Manager button

How to Install drivers using Device Manager

Locate the device and model that is having the issue and double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

Select the Driver tab.

Click the Update Driver button and follow the instructions.

In most cases, you will need to reboot your computer in order for the driver update to take effect.

Tech Tip: Driver downloads and updates come in a variety of file formats with different file extensions. For example, you may have downloaded an EXE, INF, ZIP, or SYS file. Each file type has a slighty different installation procedure to follow.

If you are having trouble installing your driver, you should use the Driver Update Utility for Toshiba. It is a software utility that automatically finds, downloads and installs the right driver for your system. You can even backup your drivers before making any changes, and revert back in case there were any problems. You can safely update all of your drivers in just a few clicks. Once you download and run the utility, it will scan for out-of-date or missing drivers:

When the scan is complete, the driver update utility will display a results page showing which drivers are missing or out-of-date. You can update individual drivers, or all of the necessary drivers with one click.

For more help, visit our Driver Support Page for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

Software Download for Toshiba External Hard Drive

Please be sure to download the user manual and read carefully the user manual before downloading each software.

Storage Backup Software

Applicable Models

  • Canvio Advance (HDTCA******A)
  • Canvio Advance (HDTC9******A)
  • Canvio Alu / Alumy (HDTH3******B)
  • Canvio Premium (HDTW2******A)
  • Canvio Slim (HDTD3******A)
    • Note: An asterisk markВ (*)В is an alphanumeric character.
Software Version Release Date OS Compatibility *1 Software *2 Manual *3 Release Notes
1.41.0508 September 11, 2020
  • Windows 8.1 *4

    (32bit & 64bit)

  • Windows 10 *5

    1903 /
    1909 /
    (32bit &

EXE : 9.5MB PDF : 14MB PDF : 11KB

Storage Security Software

Applicable Models

  • Canvio Advance (HDTCA******A)
  • Canvio Advance (HDTC9******A)
  • Canvio Alu / Alumy (HDTH3******B)
  • Canvio Premium (HDTW2******A)
  • Canvio Slim (HDTD3******A)
    • Note: An asterisk markВ (*)В is an alphanumeric character.
Software Version Release Date OS Compatibility *1 Software *2 Manual *3 Release Notes
1.40.0410 April 20, 2020
  • Windows 8.1 *4

    (32bit & 64bit)

  • Windows 10 *5

    1903 /
    1909 /
    (32bit &

EXE : 13.1MB PDF : 7.96MB PDF : 417KB
  • в—Џ Company names, product names, and service names may be trademarks of their respective companies.
  • *1 Toshiba has ended the support for Windows OS versions which Microsoft Corporation in the United States has ended the support.
  • *2 Software support language : English, Simplified Chinese, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese
  • *3 Manual support language : English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese.
  • *4 Exclude Windows RT 8.1 and Windows 8.1 Enterprise Edition.
  • *5 Excludes Education, Pro Education, Windows 10 S, Windows 10 Mobile, Enterprise and Enterprise LTSB Edition.

The link with this mark is an external website. A separate window will open.


Many hardware names are usually named after the chip model, and each chip model has its own dedicated driver, so as long as you know the chip model used by the hardware, you can find the right driver. For example, if your graphics card is named: «AMD Radeon RX 580», while actually the core chip model used is: «Radeon RX 580», then enter «Radeon RX 580» or «RX 580» to find the driver.

If you have a laptop or an all-in-one PC, you can also use the product name to search, and then go to the download page which has all the drivers for this machine (including: graphics card, network card, sound card, etc.). For example, if your laptop product name is: «Dell A6-9220e Inspiron Flagship», then type «Dell A6-9220e» to find all the drivers for this laptop.

1. Enter a keyword in the input box and click the «Search» button

2. In the query results, find the driver file you need, and click the download button

• Can’t find the required driver files?
• Don’t know how to find driver files?
• Unable to download driver files due to unstable network?
You can try using this driver file finder. The method of use is very simple. The program will automatically list all the driver files available for your current system. You can install drivers for devices that do not have drivers installed, and you can also upgrade drivers to the latest driver version for devices that have already installed drivers. Click here to download the driver finder.

If you have any questions, please leave a message. We will seriously reply to every question.

Toshiba dt01aca100 драйвер windows 10

Many hardware names are usually named after the chip model, and each chip model has its own dedicated driver, so as long as you know the chip model used by the hardware, you can find the right driver. For example, if your graphics card is named: «AMD Radeon RX 580», while actually the core chip model used is: «Radeon RX 580», then enter «Radeon RX 580» or «RX 580» to find the driver.

If you have a laptop or an all-in-one PC, you can also use the product name to search, and then go to the download page which has all the drivers for this machine (including: graphics card, network card, sound card, etc.). For example, if your laptop product name is: «Dell A6-9220e Inspiron Flagship», then type «Dell A6-9220e» to find all the drivers for this laptop.

1. Enter a keyword in the input box and click the «Search» button

2. In the query results, find the driver file you need, and click the download button

• Can’t find the required driver files?
• Don’t know how to find driver files?
• Unable to download driver files due to unstable network?
You can try using this driver file finder. The method of use is very simple. The program will automatically list all the driver files available for your current system. You can install drivers for devices that do not have drivers installed, and you can also upgrade drivers to the latest driver version for devices that have already installed drivers. Click here to download the driver finder.

If you have any questions, please leave a message. We will seriously reply to every question.

Certifications for Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit

5 stars for Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit «WOW! Finally my PC got up to speed!» Melany Kim 7/18/2016

Our main support OS are: Windows 7, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 7 32 bit, Windows 10, Windows 10 64 bit, Windows 10 32 bit, and Windows 8.

Windows Compatibility for Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit driver

Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit Driver Details:

Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit File Name:

Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit Driver Version: 28751

Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit ZIP Size: 133.kb

Manufacturer: Toshiba

Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit was fully scanned at: 10/6/2023

Scan Status: driver download scanOK

This version of Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device is suitable for Windows 10 Home 64bit or earlier versions.
In case you are not sure which driver version would be best for you, we suggest using the Installation Manager to fit your OS with the best driver automatically.

Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit Download Stats:

Driver Uploaded: 3/7/2019

Direct Downloads: 2800
Most Recent Download: 11/23/2019

Managed Downloads: 100
Most Recent Download: 11/25/2019

Download Mirrors: 4
Current Delay: 6 Seconds
Driver License: Free to the general public

Direct Download Success Stats:

Reports Issued By 1484/2800 Users

Success Reported By 1245/1484 Users

Driver Download Score60/100

Driver Installation Score70/100

Overall preformance Score68/100

Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit 652 Thumbs Up652Thumbs

Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit 26 Thumbs Down26Thumbs

Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit driver direct download was reported as adequate by a large percentage of our reporters, so it should be good to download and install.

Installation Manager Success Stats:

Reports Issued By 46/100 Users

Success Reported By 17/46 Users

Driver Download Score97/100

Driver Installation Score76/100

Overall preformance Score91/100

Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit 7 Thumbs Up7Thumbs

Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit 0 Thumbs Down0Thumbs

Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit driver installation manager was reported as very satisfying by a large percentage of our reporters, so it is recommended to download and install.


1. Direct Download

Select your OS and press «Download».

This option requires basic OS understanding.
Select Your Operating System, download zipped files, and then proceed to
manually install them.
Recommended if Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit is the only driver on your PC you wish to update.

windows 10 home 64 bit

2. Driver Installation Manager

This option requires no OS understanding.
Automatically scans your PC for the specific required version of Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit + all other outdated drivers, and installs them all at once.

Please help us maintain a helpfull driver collection.
After downloading and installing Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit, or the driver installation manager, take a few minutes to send us a report:
* Only registered users can upload a report.

Don’t have a password?
Please register, and get one.

Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit may sometimes be at fault for other drivers ceasing to function

These are the driver scans of 2 of our recent wiki members*

*Scans were performed on computers suffering from Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit disfunctions.

Scan performed on 4/25/2019, Computer: Toshiba Dynabook CX/2213CMSW — Windows 7 64 bit

Outdated or Corrupted drivers:9/20

Device/Driver Status Status Description Updated By Scanner
Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processor E5 Product Family/Core i7 Integrated Memory Controller Channel 0-3 Thermal Control 0 — 3CB0 Outdated
Mice And Touchpads
Synaptics Synaptics PS/2 Port Pointing Device Up To Date and Functioning
Genius HID-compliant mouse Up To Date and Functioning
Logitech Logitech iFeel Mouse (USB) Corrupted By Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit
Usb Devices
Datacolor Datacolor Spyder3 Up To Date and Functioning
Microsoft Controller host USB OpenHCD Standard Up To Date and Functioning
Hewlett-Packard Officejet 6300 series (DOT4USB) Up To Date and Functioning
Sound Cards And Media Devices
VIA VIA High Definition Audio Up To Date and Functioning
Network Cards
Broadcom 2×2 11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN PCI Express Half Mini Card Adapter Corrupted By Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit
Microsoft Keyboard Device Filter Corrupted By Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit
Hard Disk Controller
VIA VIA ATA Channel Corrupted By Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit
Broadcom Broadcom Bluetooth 4.0 Corrupted By Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit
AuthenTec Biometric Coprocessor Up To Date and Functioning
Intel Intel(r) AIM External Flat Panel Driver 7 Up To Date and Functioning
Cameras, Webcams And Scanners
Philips Philips SPC1030NC Webcam Outdated
Video Cards
ATI ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9600/9700 Series Up To Date and Functioning
Input Devices
Lenovo ThinkPad USB Travel Mouse (HID) Corrupted By Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit
Port Devices
Prolific Prolific USB-to-Serial Bridge (COM6) Up To Date and Functioning
Sony Digital Flat Panel (1024×768) Corrupted By Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit
Mobile Phones And Portable Devices
Acer NOKIA Up To Date and Functioning

Scan performed on 4/26/2019, Computer: Toshiba Dynabook R731/W2MB — Windows 7 32 bit

Outdated or Corrupted drivers:11/22

Device/Driver Status Status Description Updated By Scanner
Matrox Graphics Matrox Extio USB Composite Device Corrupted By Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit
Mice And Touchpads
Logicool Logitech Cordless Mouse (USB) Up To Date and Functioning
Alps Souris compatible PS/2 Up To Date and Functioning
Genius HID mouse Corrupted By Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit
Usb Devices
Intel Periferica di archiviazione di massa USB Up To Date and Functioning
Canon USB Printing Support Outdated
Sound Cards And Media Devices
Intel(R) High Definition Audio Device Corrupted By Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit
Realtek Periferica audio su bus High Definition Audio Corrupted By Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit
Microsoft Microsoft LifeCam VX-1000 Corrupted By Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit
Network Cards
Ralink Dual Stream 802.11n Wireless LAN Card Up To Date and Functioning
Microsoft Keyboard Device Filter Up To Date and Functioning
Hard Disk Controller
Ricoh Ricoh SD Bus Host Adapter Outdated
Intel Intel(r) AIM External Flat Panel Driver 4 Up To Date and Functioning
ENE ENE CB1410 Cardbus Controller Corrupted By Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit
AuthenTec AuthenTec AES3500 TruePrint Sensor Corrupted By Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit
Texas Instruments Texas Instruments PCI7420 Integrated FlashMedia Controller Up To Date and Functioning
Cameras, Webcams And Scanners
SunplusIT HD Webcam Up To Date and Functioning
Video Cards
NVIDIA NVIDIA GeForce GT 630M Up To Date and Functioning
Input Devices
KME Periferica USB Human Interface Up To Date and Functioning
Port Devices
ONDA ONDA USB Enumerator For AT Device Corrupted By Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit
Sony Digital Flat Panel (1024×768) Up To Date and Functioning
Mobile Phones And Portable Devices
Acer NOKIA Outdated
Driver Model OS Original Upload Date Last Modification Driver File File Size Compatible Computer Models Availabilty To Instalation Manager
Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit J2.10224 For Windows 7 32 bit 12/6/2014 12/29/2016 all_drivers-j2.10224.exe 162kb Sony VGN-NS10L_S, HP NY584AA-AC4 600-1010b, Compaq BT466AA-ACJ CQ3211IX, HP DT301A-ABM T450M, Panasonic CF-30CCQCZBM, NEC PC-LS350LS1YG, Ipex I.T.G GOC Guardfish series, NOVATECH MBB-44308D, Sony VGN-FW170D, and more.
Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit 2242.11.1 For Windows 7 64 bit 2/6/2015 12/29/2016 raj-2242.11.1.exe 24kb Toshiba Dynabook CX/2213CMSW, Toshiba SATELLITE C870D-10D, IBM 817231G, Lenovo ThinkPad Edge 11, HP P6732de, Lenovo ThinkPad SL400, HP GP G62-A20SY NB, THEIS TH-P925/945G7MD-8KS2HV/1024/80/Profi-Towe, Toshiba PSK1SE-005002GR, Lenovo 9439Y5B, HP HP G60 Notebook PC, Sony VGN-SZ6RXN_C, Compaq EG215AA-ABG SR1660AN AN540, and more.
Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit 2.12297 For Windows 7 12/12/2014 12/28/2016 all_drivers-2.12297.exe 113kb HP KQ265AA-AB4 s3385d, Sony VGN-TT46LG_R, Hercules EC-900, SAMSUN 700Z, MouseComputer Z68A-SD60, Lenovo ThinkPad Edge 13, Acer Aspire 3810TZG, NEC VERSAL2200 RND61058988, HP HP Compaq 6510b, and more.
Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit 32.11.17 For Windows 10 1/19/2015 12/28/2016 all_drivers-32.11.17.exe 214kb Powerspec B647, Compaq Presario 7RPM11 195749-999, Lenovo ThinkCentre M55e, IBM 2668VMY, Fujitsu FMVNS8YE, HP FK913AA-ABG s3660a, LG LE50-23SK, Gigabyte M1022E, Sony VGN-CS2, AT OFFICEPRO SFF, Sony PCG-Z1XMP, HP Compaq nx7010, Packard Bell ISTART 2234, and more.
Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit E42933 For Windows 10 64 bit 1/21/2015 12/28/2016 all_drivers-e42933.exe 46kb Gateway NX200X, ASUS G750JW, Fujitsu FMVNFD70RC, Fujitsu LifeBook T5010, Toshiba Satellite P50-A X3110, and more.
Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit Y321.144 For Windows 7 32 bit 9/13/2014 12/27/2016 blooziwj-y321.144.exe 110kb Samsung N130, Intel D965GF, Lenovo SS09254503, NEC PC-GL22ES3GA, HP PX568AA-ABY, Lenovo 20B00006MZ, Sun Microsystems K85AE, Panasonic CF-W2FWPAXP, IBM 6221PGG, HP HP PAVILION DV9000, and more.
Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit J2.10930 For Windows 7 64 bit 10/24/2014 12/27/2016 all_drivers-j2.10930.exe 199kb HP S5-1435d, HP EY906AA-ABZ, Packard Bell IMEDIA MC 8830, IBM 2724JU1, Fujitsu FMVXDE6K2Z, and more.
Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit 2.11.1949 For Windows 7 1/31/2015 12/30/2016 all_drivers-2.11.1949.exe 76kb HP PX569AA-ABY, Sony VPCEC390X, MCJ MCJ, HP VD042AA-ABF p6105f, IBM 1831W1U, HP HP EliteBook 6930p, and more.
Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit M632.167 For Windows 10 10/5/2014 12/27/2016 rq-m632.167.exe 147kb Fujitsu FMVNFD75B, NEC VERSAE6300 RNF41103088, HP 3639, HP EJ237AA-ABF w5267.f, HP AU917AA-ABL e9270f, Panasonic CF-19KHRC62M, HP HPE-400es, HP Compaq 6200 Pro SFF PC, and more.
Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit 31.163 For Windows 10 64 bit 11/11/2014 12/28/2016 all_drivers-31.163.exe 137kb HP HP Compaq dc5100 MT, IBM 6221NPG, HP Presario V6000, Packard Bell EasyNote LX86, Viglen D915GUX, IBM 1872W5A, HP HP Compaq 6510b, Sony VGN-UX90PS, and more.
Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit 1.1704 For Windows 8 2/21/2015 12/29/2016 all_drivers-1.1704.exe 178kb Sony VGN-CS31Z_Q, HP HP Pavilion DV6, LG R580-U.ARD5WT, Gateway P-6317 HSN, NEC PC-GV267VZDL, Panasonic CF-H2ASAHEDE, LG T380-LARB1E, Packard Bell TK36, Panasonic CF-W7BWHNJR, NEC PC-VY20FAGEW, and more.
Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit 61.1404 For Windows 7 32 bit 1/2/2015 12/27/2016 all_drivers-61.1404.exe 192kb HP HP G60 Notebook PC, Sony VGN-SZ6RXN_C, Compaq EG215AA-ABG SR1660AN AN540, LG LW75-PMXH1, Fujitsu CELSIUS R920 POWER, MotherBoard By ZOTAC MotherBoard H61ITX-B-E, Fujitsu FMVLRB50P, Acer Veriton L670, Panasonic CF-S9KYFFDR, and more.
Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit 81.1370 For Windows 7 64 bit 2/2/2015 12/29/2016 all_drivers-81.1370.exe 60kb NEC PC-VJ22GXNEHTXA, Lenovo ThinkPad T60, IBM 187263U, Sweetwater Sound CS400, Lenovo ThinkPad X220, Sony VGN-FS92S, Sony VGN-TZ17TN_N, Lenovo 20AMS05C00, and more.

Please Note: There are particular operating systems known to have problems with Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit:

  • Windows 10 S
  • Windows 7 Home Premium
  • Windows 10
  • Windows XP Professional
  • Windows 7 Professional

If you encounter problems with the direct download for these operating systems, please consult the driver download manager for the specific Toshiba Dt01aca100 Ata Device Windows 10 Home 64bit model.

Request a driver

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Product Support

P300 Packaging Mislabel Notice

The support for Pogoplug® product services with Toshiba hard drives will terminate as of September 30, 2017 and new user registrations were disabled as of June 1, 2017. For more information, please click here.

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For support on Canvio Wireless Adapter (HDWW100XKWF1), please click HERE
For support on Canvio Cast Wireless Adapter (HDWW100XKWU1), please click HERE
For support on Canvio Ready 2TB and microSD bundle (HDTP220XK3CAM), please click HERE




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