Tortoise git for windows что это

TortoiseGit — The coolest Interface to Git Version Control

TortoiseGit is a Windows Shell Interface to Git based on TortoiseSVN. It’s open source and can be built entirely with freely available software.

TortoiseGit supports you with regular tasks, such as committing, showing logs, diffing two versions, creating branches and tags, creating patches and so on (see our Screenshots or documentation).

  • Website:
  • Download:
  • Documentation:
  • Support:
  • Issue tracker:
  • Contribute:
  • Mailing lists: tortoisegit-announce,
    tortoisegit-users and
  • StackOverflow tag: tortoisegit


The latest release and language packs are available on the download page. There you can also find the system requirements and latest release notes.

The TortoiseGit team also provides preview releases on an irregular basis. These versions are used by the TortoiseGit developers and are built from the latest code that represents the cutting edge of the TortoiseGit development.

What to do if things go wrong or a crash happened

Before reporting an issue, please search whether a similar issue already exists and check that your problem isn’t fixed in our latest preview release.

An important aspect of reporting issues is to have a reproducible example of the issue; it’s also important to mention the exact version of your operating system, the version of Git and the version of TortoiseGit (this information can be found on the TortoiseGit about dialog).

TortoiseGit includes a crash reporter (if not disabled on installation), which automatically uploads crash dumps to, where the TortoiseGit team can review them. If you have a reproducible example, please also file an issue and link the crash report.

We have a special page describing steps for debugging, where the majority of these steps do not require you to build TortoiseGit on your own.

How Can I Contribute?

You’re welcome to contribute to this project! There are several aspects you can help on:

  • improving our documentation (see doc/readme.txt file and doc folder),
  • translations,
  • testing preview releases,
  • helping other users on the mailing lists,
  • improving our UIs, or also
  • coding (e.g., fix open issues or implement new features; see below for more information).

Any help is appreciated!

Feel free to report issues and open merge requests.

Please also check the contribution guidelines to understand our

How to build

Building TortoiseGit is usually not necessary; however, it is easy. All necessary requirements and steps are described in the build.txt file. Our short description in the architecture.txt file might also be helpful.


TortoiseGit is licensed under the GPLv2.

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Project ID: 384627







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  • GNU General Public License v2.0 or later

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Developer(s) TortoiseGit team
Initial release December 12, 2008; 14 years ago[1]
Stable release

2.15.0[2] Edit this on Wikidata
/ 3 October 2023; 0 days ago

Written in C++, C
Operating system Microsoft Windows
Available in 34 languages, 7 full translations[3]
Type Git client
License GNU General Public License[4]

TortoiseGit is a Git revision control client, implemented as a Windows shell extension and based on TortoiseSVN. It is free software released under the GNU General Public License.

In Windows Explorer, besides showing context menu items for Git commands, TortoiseGit provides icon overlays that indicate the status of Git working trees and files.

It also comes with the TortoiseGitMerge utility to visually compare two files and resolve conflicts.

See also[edit]

  • TortoiseCVS, a Concurrent Versions System client for the Microsoft Windows platform
  • TortoiseSVN, a Subversion client for the Microsoft Windows platform
  • TortoiseHg, a Mercurial client that can also be used as a client to a Git server
  • TortoiseBzr, a similar tool for use with Bazaar


  1. ^ TortoiseGit
  2. ^ Error: Unable to display the reference properly. See the documentation for details.
  3. ^ «TortoiseGit Download». TortoiseGit team. 2018. Retrieved 17 February 2018.
  4. ^ TortoiseGit license

External links[edit]

  • Official website

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Why did the developer prefer using TortoiseGit?
Because it helped them commit to a slow and steady version control workflow, just like a tortoise!

Embark on an exciting journey into the world of version control with the theme «Mastering Git with TortoiseGit: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginner Developers.» This captivating theme combines the power of Git, the popular distributed version control system, with the user-friendly Windows-based GUI client, TortoiseGit.

Imagine diving into a realm where you will unravel the mysteries of Git, gaining proficiency in managing your codebase, collaborating seamlessly with others, and navigating the intricate pathways of version control. With TortoiseGit as your trusty companion, you’ll be equipped with a visual and intuitive interface that simplifies the complexities of Git, making your learning experience smooth and enjoyable.

As you embark on this comprehensive guide, you’ll unlock the secrets of initializing Git repositories, cloning existing projects, and configuring essential settings. The guide will delve into the fundamental concepts of branching, merging, and resolving conflicts, empowering you to create isolated features, seamlessly integrate changes, and elegantly overcome obstacles that arise during collaborative development.

But the adventure doesn’t stop there! Prepare to explore advanced Git features that will take your skills to new heights. Discover the art of rebasing, where you can reshape your commit history and craft a pristine code narrative. Harness the power of stashing, a technique that allows you to temporarily set aside changes without losing them. And uncover the magic of cherry-picking, the ability to pluck specific commits from the branches of your repository.

As you progress through this guide, you’ll also unravel the mysteries of Git hooks, customizing Git configurations, and best practices for efficient and effective Git usage. Learn how to troubleshoot common issues, gain valuable insights from frequently asked questions, and navigate the Git landscape with confidence.

Join us on this thrilling expedition, where you’ll master Git with the user-friendly embrace of TortoiseGit. Unlock the potential to streamline your development workflow, foster collaboration, and embark on a path towards becoming a Git maestro. With each page turned, you’ll unlock a new level of understanding, empowering you to conquer complex version control challenges with ease.

Prepare to embark on your journey of mastering Git with TortoiseGit—a comprehensive guide tailor-made for beginner developers seeking to unravel the secrets of version control and unleash their full potential in the realm of collaborative coding.

  • Getting Started With TortoiseGit
  • Navigating The TortoiseGit Interface
  • Working With Git Repositories
  • Performing Git Operations With TortoiseGit
  • Advanced Git Features And Tips
  • Troubleshooting
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Important disclosure: we’re proud affiliates of some tools mentioned in this guide. If you click an affiliate link and subsequently make a purchase, we will earn a small commission at no additional cost to you (you pay nothing extra). For more information, read our affiliate disclosure.

    Getting Started With TortoiseGit

    TortoiseGit is a powerful graphical user interface (GUI) client for Git, designed specifically for Windows users. With its intuitive interface and seamless integration with Windows Explorer, TortoiseGit makes version control using Git more accessible and efficient. This guide will walk you through the process of installing TortoiseGit, configuring user settings, and setting up repositories, enabling you to get started with Git effortlessly.

    Installing TortoiseGit

    To begin using TortoiseGit, follow these steps to install it on your Windows machine:

    • Visit the official TortoiseGit website and download the latest stable release suitable for your operating system.
    • Run the downloaded installer and follow the on-screen instructions.
    • During the installation, you may be prompted to install additional software components required for TortoiseGit to function properly. Proceed with the recommended options.
    • Once the installation is complete, TortoiseGit will be integrated into the Windows Explorer context menu, allowing you to access Git functionalities conveniently.

    Configuring User Settings

    Before using TortoiseGit, it’s important to configure your user settings to associate your commits with the correct information. Follow these steps to configure your user settings:

    • Right-click on any folder on your computer, and in the context menu, select «TortoiseGit» and then click on «Settings
    • In the TortoiseGit settings window, navigate to the «General» tab.
    • Enter your name and email address in the corresponding fields under the «User Information» section.
    • Click «OK» to save the changes.

    Setting Up A Repository

    To start working with Git using TortoiseGit, you’ll need to set up a repository. Follow these steps to create a new repository:

    • Navigate to the directory where you want to create your repository.
    • Right-click on the folder, and in the context menu, select «Git Create repository here.»
    • TortoiseGit will initialize a new Git repository in the selected directory.

    Cloning An Existing Repository

    If you want to work with an existing Git repository, you can clone it using TortoiseGit. Here’s how:

    • Choose a destination directory where you want to clone the repository.
    • Right-click on the directory, select «Git Clone» from the context menu.
    • Enter the URL of the remote repository you want to clone.
    • Click «OK» to start the cloning process.
    • TortoiseGit will create a local copy of the remote repository in the specified directory.

    Repository Settings

    TortoiseGit provides various settings options to customize your repository’s behavior. To access the repository settings, follow these steps:

    • Right-click on the repository folder, and in the context menu, select «TortoiseGit» and then click on «Settings
    • In the TortoiseGit settings window, you can configure various aspects such as the global ignore patterns, proxy settings, external diff and merge tools, and more.
    • Make the desired changes and click «OK» to save the settings.

    TortoiseGit is a valuable tool for Windows users seeking an intuitive GUI client for Git. By following this guide, you have learned how to install TortoiseGit, configure user settings, and set up new repositories or clone existing ones. With TortoiseGit’s seamless integration into Windows Explorer, managing version control with Git becomes more accessible and efficient. Embrace the power of TortoiseGit and enhance your development workflow.

    Navigating The TortoiseGit Interface

    TortoiseGit offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies Git operations. Let’s explore the main components and features of the TortoiseGit interface:

    Windows Explorer Integration

    TortoiseGit seamlessly integrates with Windows Explorer, providing Git functionality directly within the file system. The following elements are available:

    • Overlay Icons: TortoiseGit displays icons on file and folder icons to indicate their status, such as modified, added, or deleted.
    • Context Menu: Right-clicking on files or folders displays the TortoiseGit context menu, offering various Git operations and options.
    • Icon Overlays Configuration: You can customize the display of overlay icons through the TortoiseGit settings.

    Commit Dialog

    The commit dialog allows you to review and commit changes to your repository. It includes the following components:

    • File List: Shows the modified files in your working directory.
    • Commit Message: Enter a descriptive message summarizing your changes.
    • Commit Options: Additional options such as amending the previous commit or signing the commit.
    • Diff Viewer: Shows a side-by-side comparison of changes made to files.

    Push, Pull And Sync

    TortoiseGit provides straightforward options for pushing, pulling, and syncing changes with a remote repository:

    • Push: Right-click on a repository or branch and choose «Git Sync -> Push» to send your local commits to the remote repository.
    • Pull: Right-click on a repository or branch and select «Git Sync -> Pull» to retrieve and merge the latest changes from the remote repository.
    • Sync: Use the Sync option to perform both a pull and a push operation in a single step, ensuring your local and remote repositories are up to date.

    Log Dialog

    The log dialog allows you to view the commit history and navigate through different branches and commits. Key features include:

    • Revision Graph: Visual representation of the commit history, illustrating branches and merges.
    • Commit List: Shows the list of commits with details such as author, date, and commit message.
    • Diff Viewer: You can view the changes made in a specific commit by selecting it from the log.

    Context Menu Options And Shortcuts

    TortoiseGit offers a range of context menu options and keyboard shortcuts to perform Git operations quickly. Some essential options include:

    • TortoiseGit -> Show Log: Opens the log dialog to view the commit history.
    • TortoiseGit -> Commit: Initiates the commit dialog to save changes.
    • TortoiseGit -> Add: Adds selected files to the staging area for the next commit.
    • TortoiseGit -> Revert: Reverts changes made to selected files.
    • Keyboard Shortcuts: TortoiseGit provides various keyboard shortcuts for frequently used operations, such as commit (Ctrl+T), pull (Ctrl+Shift+P), and push (Ctrl+Shift+U)

    By leveraging the TortoiseGit interface, including the context menu options and keyboard shortcuts, you can navigate through your repositories, review changes, and perform essential Git operations efficiently. Enjoy the user-friendly experience that TortoiseGit provides for your Git workflow.


    Git is like a wild hare, quick and agile. But when it comes to taming the Git workflow, TortoiseGit brings the calmness and precision of a tortoise. It’s the perfect tool for developers seeking a harmonious balance between speed and control.

    Working With Git Repositories

    To initialize a new Git repository using TortoiseGit, follow these steps:

    1. Right-click on the directory where you want to create the repository.
    2. From the context menu, select «Git Create repository here
    3. TortoiseGit will create the necessary Git metadata, initializing a new repository in the selected directory.

    To clone an existing Git repository from a remote source using TortoiseGit, follow these steps:

    1. Right-click on an empty directory where you want to clone the repository.
    2. From the context menu, select «Git Clone
    3. Enter the URL of the remote repository in the «URL» field.
    4. Choose the destination directory where the clone will be saved.
    5. Click «OK» to initiate the cloning process.
    6. TortoiseGit will clone the remote repository to the specified directory, including all branches and commit history.

    Managing Branches With TortoiseGit

    TortoiseGit provides a user-friendly interface for managing branches. Here’s how you can perform various branch operations:

    Creating a Branch: To create a new branch using TortoiseGit, follow these steps:

    1. Right-click on the commit or branch where you want to create the new branch.
    2. From the context menu, select «Switch/Checkout
    3. Enter a name for the new branch in the «Branch name» field.
    4. Click «OK» to create the branch.

    Switching Between Branches: To switch between branches using TortoiseGit, follow these steps:

    1. Right-click on the desired branch.
    2. From the context menu, select «Switch/Checkout
    3. TortoiseGit will switch your working directory to the selected branch.

    Merging Branches: To merge changes from one branch into another using TortoiseGit, follow these steps:

    1. Right-click on the branch where you want to merge changes.
    2. From the context menu, select «Merge
    3. Choose the source branch that contains the changes you want to merge.
    4. Click «OK» to initiate the merge process.
    5. TortoiseGit will merge the changes from the source branch into the target branch.

    Deleting a Branch: To delete a branch using TortoiseGit, follow these steps:

    1. Right-click on the branch you want to delete.
    2. From the context menu, select «Delete Branch
    3. Confirm the deletion by clicking «OK
    4. TortoiseGit will remove the selected branch from your repository.

    Working with Git repositories involves initializing new repositories, cloning existing repositories, and managing branches. TortoiseGit simplifies these operations with its intuitive interface. Embrace the power of TortoiseGit to streamline your version control workflow and effectively manage your repositories.


    By using TortoiseGit, you can easily initialize new repositories, clone remote repositories, and perform branch-related tasks such as creating, switching, merging, and deleting branches.

    Performing Git Operations With TortoiseGit

    TortoiseGit provides a user-friendly graphical interface for performing various Git operations. Let’s explore some common Git operations and how to perform them using TortoiseGit:

    Committing Changes and Writing Meaningful Commit Messages: To commit changes to a repository using TortoiseGit and write meaningful commit messages, follow these steps:

    1. Right-click on the file(s) or folder(s) you want to commit.
    2. Select «Git Commit -> Master» from the context menu.
    3. In the commit dialog, review the list of changes and make sure the desired files are selected.
    4. Enter a descriptive commit message in the «Log Message» field, summarizing the changes made in this commit.
    5. Consider providing detailed information about the purpose of the commit and any relevant context.
    6. Click «Commit» to save your changes to the repository.

    Inspecting and Comparing Different Versions of Files: TortoiseGit provides a built-in diff tool that allows you to inspect and compare different versions of files. Here’s how to use it:

    1. Right-click on a file and select «TortoiseGit -> Diff» from the context menu.
    2. The diff tool will open, displaying the differences between the current version of the file and the previous version.
    3. Use the color highlighting and markers to identify added, modified, or removed lines.
    4. Navigate through the changes and review the differences.

    Resolving Conflicts During Merges: When conflicts occur during a merge operation, TortoiseGit provides tools to help you resolve them. Here’s how to handle conflicts:

    1. TortoiseGit will display a conflict dialog indicating the conflicting lines or files.
    2. Right-click on the conflicted file and select «Edit conflicts» from the context menu.
    3. The TortoiseMerge tool will open, showing the conflicting sections marked with «>>>>>>» and «<<<<<<» markers.
    4. Manually edit the file to resolve the conflicts, keeping the desired changes and removing the conflict markers.
    5. Save the resolved file.
    6. Right-click on the file and select «Resolved» from the context menu to mark it as resolved.
    7. Repeat the process for other conflicted files if necessary.
    8. After resolving all conflicts, commit the changes to complete the merge.

    Understanding Merge Strategies: When performing a merge, TortoiseGit offers different merge strategies to handle conflicting changes. The available strategies include:

    • «Merge«: Performs a standard three-way merge, combining changes from different branches.
    • «Merge, then commit«: Automatically creates a commit after the merge is complete.
    • «Rebase«: Moves your changes to the tip of the target branch, replaying commits on top of it.
    • «Interactive rebase«: Allows you to modify, reorder, or squash commits during the rebase process.

    To select a merge strategy, choose the desired option from the merge dialog when performing a merge operation.

    TortoiseGit simplifies these Git operations, making it easier to commit changes with meaningful messages, inspect file differences using the built-in diff tool, resolve conflicts during merges, and select appropriate merge strategies. Utilize the power of TortoiseGit to enhance your Git workflow and streamline your version control processes.

    Advanced Git Features And Tips

    Exploring advanced features of Git:

    1. Rebasing allows you to move, modify, or combine commits to create a cleaner and more logical commit history. It is useful for integrating changes from one branch to another.
    2. Stashing allows you to temporarily save your changes without committing them. It’s helpful when you need to switch branches or apply changes to a different context.
    3. Cherry-picking allows you to select and apply specific commits from one branch to another. It’s useful when you want to incorporate specific changes without merging the entire branch.

    Utilizing Git hooks and customizing Git configurations:

    1. Git hooks are scripts that execute at specific points in the Git workflow, allowing you to automate tasks or enforce custom workflows. Git provides both client-side and server-side hooks.
    2. Customizing Git Configurations: Git allows you to customize various configurations to enhance your workflow. You can set configurations at different levels, including system-wide, user-specific, or repository-specific.

    Tips and best practices for efficient Git usage with TortoiseGit:

    1. Committing frequently helps keep your commits focused and easier to understand. It allows for more granular tracking of changes and facilitates easier collaboration.
    2. Write Clear Commit Messages: Provide descriptive and concise commit messages that explain the purpose of the changes. A well-written commit message improves code comprehension and helps future developers understand the context of the changes.
    3. Use Branches for Feature Development: Utilize branches to isolate different features, bug fixes, or experiments. This approach keeps the main branch clean and enables parallel development.
    4. Regularly Pull and Push Changes: To stay up to date with the latest changes from the remote repository and collaborate effectively, regularly pull changes before making your modifications and push your commits to share your work with others.
    5. Review Changes Before Committing: Before committing changes, review the modified files and use the diff tool provided by TortoiseGit to inspect the differences. This ensures that you only include the intended changes in your commits.
    6. Resolve Conflicts Carefully: When encountering conflicts, take the time to understand and resolve them thoughtfully. Review the conflicting sections, communicate with other developers if necessary, and aim for a clean and consistent resolution.
    7. Back up Important Repositories: Consider regularly backing up important repositories to prevent data loss. You can create backups using various methods, such as copying the repository to another location or utilizing remote backup services.


    By exploring advanced Git features, utilizing Git hooks, customizing Git configurations, and following best practices, you can enhance your Git workflow with TortoiseGit. These tips will help you work efficiently, collaborate effectively, and maintain a clean and well-managed repository.


    Common issues and errors encountered while using TortoiseGit and Git:

    Authentication Errors: Issues related to authentication, such as incorrect credentials, SSH key configuration, or HTTPS connection problems, can prevent proper communication with remote repositories.

    Merge Conflicts: During merge operations, conflicts may arise when Git cannot automatically merge changes. Conflicts require manual resolution.

    Incorrect Branch Switching: Switching branches without committing or stashing changes can result in conflicts or unintended modifications.

    Incomplete or Untracked Files: Files that are not added or committed may not be included in your repository or ignored due to gitignore rules.

    Slow Performance: Large repositories or slow network connections can lead to slower operations, such as cloning, pushing, or pulling.

    Troubleshooting techniques and solutions for resolving common problems:

    Double-check Credentials: Ensure that your authentication credentials (username, password, or SSH key) are correctly configured and have the necessary permissions.

    Resolve Merge Conflicts: Use a merge tool, such as the built-in TortoiseMerge, to manually resolve conflicts by editing conflicting sections and choosing the desired changes.

    Commit or Stash Changes: Before switching branches, commit your changes or stash them using TortoiseGit to avoid conflicts or unintended modifications.

    Add and Commit Files: Use TortoiseGit or command-line Git to add and commit files to include them in your repository.

    Optimize Repository Size: If a repository becomes too large or performs slowly, consider using Git’s gc (garbage collection) command to optimize the repository’s size and improve performance.

    Happy coding!🙌

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is TortoiseGit?

    TortoiseGit is a Windows-based graphical user interface (GUI) client for Git. It integrates seamlessly with Windows Explorer, providing an intuitive interface for performing Git operations.

    How do I install TortoiseGit?

    To install TortoiseGit, visit the official TortoiseGit website and download the installer. Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.

    How do I configure my Git username and email in TortoiseGit?

    Open the TortoiseGit settings by right-clicking on any folder, selecting «TortoiseGit -> Settings.» In the settings dialog, navigate to the «General» section and enter your username and email in the «User Information» area.

    How do I initialize a new Git repository using TortoiseGit?

    Right-click on the desired directory, select «Git Create repository here,» and TortoiseGit will initialize a new Git repository in that location.

    How do I commit changes using TortoiseGit?

    Right-click on the file(s) you want to commit, select «Git Commit -> Master,» enter a descriptive commit message, and click «Commit» to save the changes to the repository.

    How do I merge branches using TortoiseGit?

    Right-click on the branch you want to merge into another, select «Merge,» choose the source branch, and click «OK» to initiate the merge process.

    How do I resolve merge conflicts using TortoiseGit?

    TortoiseGit will display a conflict dialog indicating the conflicting sections. Right-click on the conflicted file, select «Edit conflicts,» manually resolve the conflicts using the built-in TortoiseMerge tool, and mark the file as resolved.

    Let’s test your knowledge!

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    How do you switch between branches using TortoiseGit?

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