This is not genuine version of windows if you paid for dvd перевод

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  • 16.07.2009 я купил ноутбук Asus F50Q C ОЕМ vista home basic 32.Недавно купил у серт. партнёра коробку windows 7.Диск 32 установился и работает отлично.А 64 не устанавливается.Причём,проводник открывает,что вся информация на диске есть,а при попытке установить
    появляется сообщение «Неопознанная программа пыт. получить доступ»,я жму на «да»,выводится окно с сообщением:»This installation disk isn’t compatible with your version of windows.To upgrade,you need the correct installation disk.For more information,check
    your computer’s sistem information.To install a new copy of Windows,restart (boot)your computer using the installation disk,and then select Custom(Advanced)»Конец сообщения.Я позвонил в Асус,мне сказали по телефону,что ноутбук мой не поддерживает WIN 7.Потом
    я нашёл на сайте Асус ,что как раз F50Q поддерживает Windows7.Я написалписьмо в центр тех.поддерки Асус,мне ответили,что в ноутбуке ничего менять не надо( т.к. я спросил:может аппаратуру какую-то заменить надо)…что проблема бывает обычно в самой системе,или
    можно сбросить настройки биос на дефолт.Больше ничего конкретного написано не было.Я сбросил в БИОСе,проблема осталась:диск не устанавливается.Я подумал следующее:у меня на ноутбуке,в частности,две кнопки:одна-для входа в систему ВИНДОВС,А другая-EXPRESS GATE.Причём,ОДНОВРЕМЕННО
    обеими пользоваться невозможно:или там,или там.Так на EXPRESS GATE установлен Splashtop Browser.Я о нём прочитал в Википедии:Это,как там написано,дистрибутив от Linux.Он предустанавливается в БИОС (ТО ЛИ НА МАТЕРИНСКОЙ ПЛАТЕ,ТО ЛИ ЕЩЁ ГДЕ)я в теории и терминологии(да
    и в практике тоже) слаб-мои компьютерные знания начались летом 2009,с покупки этого ноутбука.И может,этот splashtop,тормозит установку windows 7(64)?Если это так,то можно ли его удалить?к тому же цель его нахождения там непонятна:в интернет он не выводит,поиск
    выдаёт информацию лишь для чтения.В общем,можно ли установить Windows 7(64)?Если да,то как это можно сделать?32-разр. версия прошла проверку на подлинность.


  • Судя по описанию установка делается неверно. Надо делать так:

    1. Сохранить все нужные данные на любом внешнем носителе (DVD, внешний диск, флэш и т.п).

    2. Загрузить компьютер с установочного DVD диска Семерки (см. инструкцию к лаптопу как задать поряднок загрузки если по умолчанию она не с DVD).

    3. Установить ОС следуя предложеным шагам. Рекомендуется удалить раздел с существующей ОС и создать новый, в него и устанавливать.

    4. Установить апдейты и свежие драйверы.

    5. Восстановить данные сохраненные  в п.1.

    This posting is provided «AS IS» with no warranties, and confers no rights.

    • Помечено в качестве ответа

      17 января 2011 г. 8:47

  • Я сейчас сделал так:вставил диск,выключил компьютер,включил,в БИОСе в boot-Boot Device Priority,выбрал первый пункт и поставил CD-DVD,save and exit

    забудьте, что у Вас есть жесткий диск.

    В БИОСе поставьте DVD-привод первым в загрузке.

    Дистрибутив должен быть уже в приводе.

    При включении компьютера, после начальных сообщений (НИКАКИХ МЕНЮ ЗАГРУЗКИ! нужен момент раньше), должно появиться — на секунд 5 — сообщение типа Press any key to boot from CD-DVD disc (Нажмите любую клавишу для загрузки с диска) — успейте нажать!
    тогда загрузка начнется не с винчестера, а с дистрибутива (это
    условие для установки 64-битной системы в Вашем случае!)

    Появится окно программы установки Windows — дальше уже всё известно.


    • Помечено в качестве ответа
      Yuriy Lenchenkov
      17 января 2011 г. 8:47

Windows is the most user-friendly platform in terms of features as well as experience. However, sometimes Windows users have to face some annoying issues. These issues and errors can appear any time and can be due to various causes. Some errors are harmful, while others are not very harmful but simply frustrating. In this post, we will discuss one nagging error that most of the Windows users face. You must have seen this error with the message saying that This copy of Windows is not genuine.

Well, this article is all about that. I will demonstrate the Top 3 Methods to remove and fix “This Copy of Windows is not Genuine” Error message. 

“This Copy of Windows is not genuine” is a common Windows error, especially when you are using Windows 7. However, it may appear on any version of Windows. You may see the following message after your Windows starts:

Windows is not genuine
Your computer might not be running a counterfeit copy of Windows.

This error usually appears when your windows are either outdated, or you are using an unlicensed or patched version of Windows. If you have installed a pirated version of Windows OS, it will run only for some months. After that, you will get the This copy of Windows is not genuine error, and eventually, your background will change to black screen.

When users encounter this error, they try to fix it by entering CD Key again and again or use any software/Patch to crack windows activation. However, none of these work to fix the problem.

Only the solutions I have provided in the later sections will fix this error.

What causes this error?

The major cause behind this problem is that you are not using the standard version of Windows OS which is supplied by Microsoft. Another cause is that you are using an outdated version of Windows. If you keep your Windows regularly updated, with all the available changes, then the chances of facing this problem will decrease much.

What happens when one faces this error?

When a computer suffers from this error message, the following things happen:

  • The error will change the desktop wallpaper converted it into the blank screen
  • This copy of Windows is not genuine keeps popping at the bottom right corner of screen.
  • This error will have a drastic effect on the performance
  • This error will decrease the battery life of laptops.
  • The error message interrupts while taking screen captures.

How to fix This copy of Windows is not genuine Error

It is very important that you fix this error manually, as simple restarting or re-entering CD key won’t fix it. There are 3 Methods available that will surely fix This copy of Windows is Not Genuine error in a very easy way. All the methods are coupled with their step-wise tutorials. Just follow the steps properly and you’ll be able to fix the error.

Note: Keep in mind that by these methods, you can just fix the error display message, and not convert pirated version of Windows into a genuine one. To get complete features and updates, I recommend you purchase a genuine copy of Windows from the Official Microsoft Store and its trusted partners. Don’t purchase Windows from any e-Commerce website.

1. Uninstall Update KB971033

Deleting the Update KB971033 is a proven method to fix Windows is not genuine error. Follow these steps in order to resolve the issue:

Step-1: Press the Windows + R key simultaneously to access the Run dialog box. Type control panel in it and hit Enter to open Control Panel.

Step-2: In the Control Panel, Programs-> Programs and features. Next, click on View installed updates.

Step-3: In the list of installed updates, find update “KB971033” and uninstall it.

Step-4: Restart your computer.

You are now free from the error. If the problem still persists, try the next method.

2. Reset license using Command Prompt

You can reset license of your computer using the Command Prompt as an administrator to fix the This copy of Windows is not genuine error. Follow these steps in order to resolve the issue:

Step-1: Press the Windows + X key to access Power user menu. Select Command prompt (Admin) from there.

Step-2: In the Command prompt window, type SLMGR -REARM and hit Enter.

Step-3: Wait till the Command runs. After it is completed, restart your computer.

You have now fixed the error. There’s one more method, check it by scrolling below.

3. Use gpupdate /force command

There is an alternative method available which also uses a command to fix This copy of Windows is not genuine 7601 error. Follow these steps in order to resolve the issue:

Step-1: Press the Windows + R key to trigger the Run dialog box. Type rsop.msc and hit Enter.

Step-2: Now navigate to the following path here: Windows settings > Security settings > System services.

Step-3: In System services, locate Plug and Play and right-click on it.

Step-4: Next, find Startup and click on Automatic.

Step-5: Again open the Run dialog box by pressing Windows + R key. Type gpupdate /force and hit Enter.

Step-6: Once the process is completed, restart your computer.

You have now successfully solved the problem.


This copy of Windows is not genuine is a very common error that Windows users struggle with. These were the Top 3 tested methods to fix the issue. Some other fixes include Turning off Windows updates (Not recommended), performing System Restore or Clean installation of a genuine copy of Windows. You can also visit the official Microsoft thread related to this error.

For any queries, doubts or suggestions, feel free to visit the Comments sections below. Hope I helped you to get rid of the trouble that you were facing earlier. Have a nice day, Folks!

What if you receive an error saying “this copy of Windows is not genuine”, you can’t change the wallpaper, or your computer performance has gotten worse? How to stop this copy of Windows is not genuine? Take it easy! This post will walk you through five solutions to fix the issue where 7601/7600 build not being genuine.

This Copy of Windows Is Not Genuine Build 7600/7601

The Windows not being genuine issue is one of the popular Windows errors that you may experience as you utilize the Windows operating system. According to users’ feedback, this issue often occurs after installing some updates with the message on the bottom right of the desktop that says:

“Windows 7

Build 7601

This copy of Windows is not genuine”

 this copy of Windows is not genuine build 7601

What does this copy of Windows is not genuine mean? You typically get this message in Windows 7 build 7600/7601. In addition, your desktop background will be fixed to black. Nothing could be more annoying than having this message interrupt your process of work or entertainment on the computer. This message could stay even after a long period of time.

How to remove Windows 7 genuine notification build 7601/7600? Follow the following steps to solve this issue.

Tip: “This copy of Windows is not genuine” can also happen on WIndows 10. If you are running this operating system, some ways below are available and just try them to get rid of the error.

This Copy of Windows Is Not Genuine Build 7601 Fix

①Uninstall KB971033 Update

Perhaps your Windows was running without any trouble until Windows 7 KB971033 update was installed. This update includes Windows Activation Technologies that help detect your Windows operating system.

Once it finds out the copy of Windows is not genuine, you may receive a message on the lower right part of the desktop stating “Windows 7 build 7601 this copy of Windows is not genuine”.

Hence, you can choose to uninstall this update to remove Windows 7 genuine notification build 7601/7600.

Warning: Uninstalling Windows update tends to be a little risky since it may result in malfunction of some program files and unexpected data loss on your computer. To keep data safe, it is recommended to back up your computer before uninstalling the update.

Back up Your Computer with MiniTool ShadowMaker

Windows has a built-­in backup tool that can help you create a system image and back up files. However, using this tool sometimes causes issues like Windows backup stuck at creating system image.

Additionally, this tool is not flexible enough to back up the entire disk; it doesn’t even support differential backups. Hence, we recommend using third­-party software for computer backup.

MiniTool ShadowMaker, safe and reliable Windows backup software, is gaining popularity because of its powerful features.

File backup, system backup, disk backup, and partition backup can be realized with this professional backup tool. The corresponding restoration is also included. 

Multiple backup modes – automatic, incremental and differential backup – can be created. Meanwhile, disk space management (delete old backups) is enabled if you choose a backup scheme. Importantly, MiniTool ShadowMaker enables you to clone a hard drive with ease.

Now, get MiniTool ShadowMaker Trial Edition to free try for 30 days or directly get its Professional Edition to safeguard your computer.

MiniTool ShadowMaker TrialClick to Download100%Clean & Safe

Let’s see how to use the best backup software to back up your computer before uninstalling Windows 7 KB971033 update to fix “this copy of Windows is not genuine”.

Step 1: Launch MiniTool ShadowMaker

Tip: If you want to create a remote backup, input an IP in the text box to go on. Note that MiniTool ShadowMaker only supports the remote backup on the same LAN.

Step 2: In the following Backup page, select the backup source and storage path. By default, all system partitions are selected. If you need to back up files, partition or the entire system disk, enter the Source section to choose a type. Then, Choose a location to store the backup image file.

select backup source disk or file

Step 3: Go back to the Backup page and click Back Up Now to start the backup.

start a backup with MiniTool ShadowMaker

Uninstall Windows 7 KB971033 update

Since the computer has now been backed up, you can uninstall the Windows update to fix “this copy of Windows is not genuine build 7600/7601”.

  1. Click the Start button, and open Control Panel window.
  2. Choose the System and Security section.
  3. Go to Windows Update part, and click View installed updates option. Or click on View update history and hit the Installed Updates link at the top.
  4. Find the update of KB971033 and right-click on it to choose Uninstall button.

After completing the update, Windows 7 not genuine issue should be solved. If the message still exists, try the following method.

②Using SLMGR -REARM Command

In Windows, there is a built-in Windows 7 not genuine removal tool you can use to make Windows 7 genuine. 

SLMGR, short for Windows Server License Manager Script, is the command prompt version of Microsoft licensing tool. And REARM command will help reset the licensing status of your machine.

Now, you can use SLMGR -REARM command to remove “this copy of Windows is not genuine 7601/7600 issue”.

  1. Go to Start menu and search for Command Prompt. Right-click on cmd.exe in the search result and choose Run as Administrator.
  2. Type SLMGR -REARM command in the pop-up window, and press Enter.
  3. A pop-out window shows that your command has completed successfully and requires you to restart the system. Click OK to let all changes take effect. 

use SLMGR -REARM command

After finishing the activation, you can use the version of Windows for 30 more days.

You can choose to reactivate it every 30 days for 3 times. That is, you essentially get 120 days for this version of Windows.

To break the limit, here is what you can do:

  1. Open the Run window by hitting Win + R keys, input regedit.exe in the text box and press Enter to launch Registry Editor.
  2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > Microsoft > WindowsNT > Current version > SoftwareProtectionPlatform.
  3. Find SkipRearm and right-click it to choose Modify.
  4. Change the value from 0 to 1.
  5. Restart your computer.

You can now use the slmgr -rearm command for another 8 times, which is another 240 days. In total, you will get free Windows 7 for 120 + 240 = 360 days.

change SkipRearm from 0 to 1

③Turn off the Windows Automatic Update

In addition to the above three methods, you can try to disable Windows updates. When Windows Update is turned on, it will try to keep itself up to date by telling you “this copy of Windows is not genuine”.

Steps to turn off the updates:

1. From the Start menu, choose Control Panel to open it.

2. Go to System and Security > Windows Update > Turn automatic updating on or off.

3. Select Never Check for Updates (not recommended) option from Important updates section. 

never check for update

4. Click on OK to change the setting.

④Register Windows Genuine When This Copy of Windows Is Now Genuine 7601 Crack

If you are using a pirated version of Windows, Windows 7 not genuine message might occur every time you turn on your computer one month after installation. There might also be some bugs on the pirated version, causing many problems. Under these circumstances, we suggest purchasing a license key of the genuine Windows.

How to make Windows 7 genuine permanently? Follow these instructions to activate your copy of Windows.

Tip: It is not recommended to buy Windows OS from the third-party e-commerce stores. Always buy it from the Microsoft official website.

  • In Windows 7, click Start to search for Activate Windows.
  • Click Retype your product key if you have a key.
  • Input the license into the text box. After a while, the Windows is registered and Windows 7 build 7601 not genuine message will no longer display on the desktop. 

use product key to activate Windows

Sometimes you may suddenly receive “this copy of Windows is not genuine” message although you are using a genuine Windows. This is because the license is shared with other persons and Microsoft can stop your certificate due to it being used on multiple computers. In this case, you can ask Microsoft for help.

“I installed Windows 7 build 7601 update, suddenly the screen turned black. Meanwhile, this copy of Windows is not genuine message appeared. I tried the above ways and finally fixed it.”Click to Tweet

After learning Windows 7 not genuine fix, some of you may be wondering about the reasons for “this copy of Windows is not genuine” issue and the problems that you may face in case of this issue.

Tip: Nowadays, the support for Windows 7 is ended and you had better upgrade to Windows 10 as soon as possible. Perhaps this post is helpful to you – Windows 7 vs. Windows 10: It’s Time to Upgrade to Windows 10.

Further Reading: Windows 7 Build 7601 Not Genuine

Why Windows 7 Build 7601/7600 Not Genuine

The major reason causing Windows 7 not genuine is that you are not using the genuine Windows version that Microsoft provides.

You could be using a cracked version of Windows; the chances of its product key being corrupted or removed and virus being injected are high.

Another reason is that you may be using an outdated version of Windows that needs to be upgraded. If you have enabled the setting of automatic update, the system will come in contact with internet access and realizes that it is outdated. Then, the error message “This Copy of Windows Is Not Genuine” appears.

Effects of Windows Not Being Genuine

If you receive “Windows 7 build 7600/7601 this copy of Windows is not genuine” message, there are some irritating and annoying problems you may face:

  • Your desktop wallpaper will be changed and converted into the black screen. You can reset it, but it might turn black again after 60 minutes until the problem is redressed.
  • This issue may have a drastic effect on the performance of the computer, as well as the speed.
  • Windows will deny access to some attributes automatically, for instance, personalization of the desktop screen.
  • The battery can be drained quickly if this error message displays on your laptop.
  • This message won’t go away while you are working with the important stuff, which could be irritating.

Final Words

It is really annoying to see the error “this copy of Windows is not genuine build 7601/7600” every time you log into Windows. We hope the above methods solved your issue.

On the other hand, remember to tell us if you have any suggestions of making Windows 7 genuine or questions during using MiniTool ShadowMaker to back up the computer. Just leave a comment in the following zone or send an email to [email protected]

This Copy of Windows Is Not Genuine FAQ

 What happens if Windows 7 is not genuine?

If you are using a non-genuine copy of Windows 7, you can see a notification saying “this copy of Windows is not genuine”. If you change the desktop background, it will change back to black. The computer performance will be influenced.

 Why does my computer say this copy of Windows is not genuine?

Windows has an updated file to detect your Windows operating system. If your Windows is a pirated version, you will get the message “this copy of Windows is not genuine”.

 How do I make my Windows 7 genuine?

  1. Uninstall KB971033 Update
  2. Use SLMGR -REARM Command
  3. Turn off the Windows Automatic Update
  4. Register Windows Genuine

How do I activate a non-genuine copy of Windows 10?

In Windows 10, you should purchase a license key for this operating system. And then, go to Settings >Update & Security > Activation to activate it.

If you are a Windows PC user, sometimes you get an error that says “this copy of Windows is not genuine”. It is basically referring to the operating system to your computer as an invalid version of Windows. If you are having trouble removing this message and it constantly appears on your screen, this guide has some methods to fix that issue.

Windows actually itself has several methods to fix the Windows 7 build 7601 this copy of Windows is not genuine error. You can use the built-in tools on your computer to get around the issue. If that does not work for some reason, you can use some of the third-party tools to try and resolve the problem. The following guide covers all of that for you.

  • Solution 1. Use RSOP command
  • Solution 2. Reset Licensing Status with SLMGR-REARM Command
  • Solution 3. Uninstall update KB971033 if you are using Windows 7
  • Solution 4. Turn the service «Software Protection» on
  • Solution 5. Turn off the Windows Automatic Update
  • This Copy of Windows Is Not Genuine FAQ

Solution 1. Use RSOP command

Windows includes a command called RSOP which stands for Resultant Set of Policy. It allows you to view the policies that are set for various users on your machine. You can actually use it to fix the this copy of Windows is not genuine build 7601 issue on your computer.

  • Press the Windows + R keys to open Run, type the following into it, and hit Enter.


    access rsop to sort out the windows copy is not genuine issue

  • When it opens, head to the following path.

    Windows Settings > Security Settings > System Services.

  • Double-click on the entry that says Plug and Play on the right-hand side pane.

    plug and play

  • Select the Automatic option on the following screen.

    select automatic

  • Open the Run box, type the following command into it, and hit Enter.

    gpupdate /force

    gpupdate force

That answers your how do I get rid of this copy of Windows is not genuine question.

Solution 2. Reset Licensing Status with SLMGR-REARM Command

Windows comes with a command that lets you reset your operating system license. If you have finished the 30 days trial of Windows, you can get few more days with this command.

  • Search for Command Prompt on your PC and click on Run as administrator.

    use cmd to fix this copy of windows is not genuine

  • Type the following command into the Command Prompt and hit Enter.


    reset license and fix the not genuine message in windows

  • Click on OK when a message box appears on your screen.

That should fix the Windows 7 this copy of Windows is not genuine issue on your PC.

Solution 3. Uninstall update KB971033 if you are using Windows 7

A Windows update named KB971033 can cause the aforementioned issue but there is a this copy of Windows is not genuine 7601 permanent fix to resolve that.

  • Open Control Panel, click on Uninstall a program, and choose View installed updates.

    view windows updates

  • Select the KB971033 update in the list and click on Uninstall at the top.

    delete an update to remove this copy of windows is not genuine

The update will be rolled back and your this copy of Windows is not genuine Windows 7 issue should be resolved.

Solution 4. Turn the service «Software Protection» on

One of the confirmed ways to remove this copy of Windows is not genuine is to enable the software protection option in your Windows services. The following shows how to do that.

  • Press the Windows + R keys at the same time, type the following into the Run box, and hit Enter.


    run software protection and fix this windows copy is not genuine

  • Find the service named Software Protection and double-click on it.
  • Click on Start on the following screen.

    run software protection and fix this windows copy is not genuine

That is how to get rid of this copy of Windows is not genuine on your computer.

Solution 5. Turn off the Windows Automatic Update

Windows updates can sometimes cause your computer to show the aforementioned message. You can disable these updates to fix the issue.

  • Open the Run dialog box by pressing Windows + R keys, enter the following into it, and press Enter.


    access windows services

  • Find the entry named Windows Update and double-click on it.
  • Select Stop and then choose Disabled from the Startup type menu.

    turn off updates to resolve this copy of windows is not genuine

That should tell you how to fix this copy of Windows is not genuine on your Windows PC.

This Copy of Windows Is Not Genuine FAQ

If you have any questions regarding this issue or its fixes, the following should answer them for you.

1. Why does my computer say this copy of Windows is not genuine?

Your computer says this copy of Windows is not genuine because you are either using a pirated version of Windows or you have not activated your copy yet.

2. What happens if Windows 7 is not genuine?

You will constantly get the messages that say your copy is not genuine if your Windows 7 is not genuine.

3. How can I check if my Windows 7 is genuine?

You can search for Activate Windows in the Start Menu search and it should tell you if your Windows 7 is genuine.

4. What is a genuine copy of Windows?

A genuine copy of Windows is a copy that has been legally purchased either from Microsoft or from authorized resellers.


If your computer ever says that your copy of Windows is not genuine, there are several ways to fix this issue and get rid of the message for good. Our guide above should teach you to use these methods. But in any case, if you had to reinstall the Windows OS as the solutions didn’t work, you can to recover data from the computer using Tenorshare Windows Boot Genius. It is extremely easy to use software and you will get used to it in no time.

windows download btn

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Windows will show “not genuine” messages if your copy of Windows isn’t properly activated. Product activation is necessary so that Microsoft knows that you obtained Windows legally and to limit the number of computers the same product key is used on.

Many other things beyond error messages might happen if you don’t fix the «Windows is not genuine» problem. If your copy of Windows isn’t activated, your computer might log you out every hour, reboot occasionally, give you a permanent black desktop, or even prevent you from installing some Windows updates.

What the Error Looks Like

The error is different depending on the Windows version. For example, when Windows 7 Build 7601 isn’t genuine, you’ll see this error:

Windows 7
Build 7601
This copy of Windows is not genuine

You’ll probably also get occasional pop-ups or see messages in other parts of Windows. Here are some examples:

  • «Windows is not genuine.» «Click this message to learn how to get genuine.»
  • «Activate Windows» «Go to Settings to activate Windows.»
  • «The copy of Windows you are using does not pass genuine validation.»
  • «Activate Windows now» «The activation period has expired. Click this message to start activation.»
  • «This copy of Windows is not genuine.» «You may be a victim of software counterfeiting.»
  • «This copy of Microsoft Windows is not genuine.» «Your copy of Microsoft Windows must be validated as genuine.»
  • «This computer is not running genuine Windows» «To use Windows without interruption, this computer needs to be running genuine Windows.»
  • «You must activate today.» «Activate Windows now.»

Why You’re Seeing This Error

The most likely reason for an error like “This copy of Windows is not genuine” is because it’s legitimately not genuine! This will happen if you’ve installed Windows without a valid product key, and now the operating system, probably after a Windows Update, is letting you know.

A less common reason for these activation errors is if malware has attacked your computer so that the valid activation files you had before the infection are now corrupted or missing. Windows can’t verify the authenticity of your copy of Windows.

How to Fix ‘Windows Is Not Genuine’

You can try several things to fix the “Windows is not genuine” message, but which one is best to try depends on your situation and what you see, so read through the various tactics below before getting started.

Enter a Valid Product Key

If this is your first time using your computer since you installed Windows, but you haven’t yet entered the product key, the best way to stop this error is to enter your product key to activate Windows.

You can change your Windows product key through Settings in Windows 11, or Control Panel in Windows 10, 8, 7, and Vista. Changing the Windows XP product key is done through the registry.

Another way to enter a different product key in Windows is through the Run dialog box. Open it with WIN+R and then enter the following:

slui.exe 3

You’ll get a prompt where you can type the product key.

Reset the License Information

This fix for “Windows is not genuine” errors resets the information used to activate Windows. If the information is valid but somehow corrupted, this should remove the error.

  1. Open an elevated Command Prompt.

  2. Type the following, followed by Enter:


    If you see an error message, try this instead:

  3. Wait for the command to finish running.

  4. Select OK on the “Command completed successfully.” pop-up message.

  5. Restart your computer.

  6. Follow any activation instructions if you see them after Windows starts back up.

Disable the Plug and Play Policy

This method only applies to some versions of Windows.

You might be able to fix the “not genuine” error by disabling the Plug and Play Group Policy object. This might be the case if the Network Service account doesn’t have the proper permissions to access the HKU\S-1-5-20 registry key.

  1. Open the Run dialog box with the WIN+R keyboard shortcut.

  2. Type the following, followed by Enter:

  3. Go to Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > System Services.

  4. Locate Plug and Play from the list.

    If Plug and Play is set to anything other than Not Defined (look in the “Startup” column), then continue with the next step.

    If you see Not Defined in that column (like the image below), then these steps will not work to fix the “Windows is not genuine” error.

  5. Locate the Group Policy listed next to Plug and Play.

  6. Change the Group Policy setting to Not Defined.

  7. Open the Run dialog box again via the WIN+R keyboard shortcut and then enter the following, followed by Enter:

    gpupdate /force
  8. Restart your computer.

  9. You might need to complete some activation instructions after Windows loads.

Apply the Proper Registry Permissions

If the above steps didn’t work to fix the error about Windows not being genuine, or you couldn’t complete them because of what you found during Step 4, you can try adjusting the permissions Network Service has to access a specific registry key.

  1. Open Registry Editor.

  2. Locate HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20.

  3. Right-click S-1-5-20 and select Permissions.

  4. Choose Add under “Group or user names” if NETWORK SERVICE isn’t already listed.

    If you do see it, skip down to Step 7.

  5. Type network service in the text box and select Check Names.

  6. Select OK.


  8. Put a check in the box next to both Full Control and Read, under the “Allow” column.

  9. Select OK.

  10. Restart your computer.

  11. Complete any activation prompts that pop up after Windows loads.

Delete the KB971033 Update

This method applies to Windows 7 only.

If Windows 7 won’t activate properly, there might be an issue with an update installed via Windows Update, specifically, one for Windows Activation Technologies (KB971033).

If you know that your product key is genuine, removing and reinstalling this update could solve this problem.

  1. Go to Start > Control Panel.

  2. Open Programs and Features.

    If you don’t see that option, go to Programs first and then Programs and Features.

  3. Select View installed updates on the left.

  4. Search for KB971033 from the list of installed updates.

  5. Right-click the update and select Uninstall.

  6. Select Yes on the confirmation prompt, and then wait for Windows to uninstall the update.

  7. Restart your computer.

It’d be a good idea to now check for updates again with Windows Update and then install any available ones, like a fresh version of this KB971033 update. It might not make sense to reinstall the same update that caused the error in the first place, but the update could have been installed incorrectly; trying again will allow the update another chance at installing properly.

Check Your Computer for Malware

A virus is an unlikely reason for a “Windows is not genuine” message, but you can’t rule it out without checking.

You can use plenty of programs to check for various types of malware, including on-demand scanners, spyware cleaners, and full antivirus software programs.

Another option is a bootable antivirus tool. These are useful if you can’t even boot into Windows to run a scan because they work before Windows starts. You’ll need a flash drive or disc to use a bootable malware cleaner.

Reinstall Windows

Of course, deleting Windows from your computer and reinstalling it is the most drastic solution to a «Windows is not genuine» error. However, if you’ve tried all of the above and Windows still won’t properly activate, you’re left with starting from scratch.

Before installing Windows over your current version, make sure to have a copy of your Windows product key to avoid having to buy a brand new copy.

See How to Properly Delete and Reinstall Windows for help.

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