This copy of windows must be activated with microsoft before you can log on

If your computer is showing the error “This Copy Of Windows Must Be Activated with Microsoft Before You Can Log On” as shown in the image below

this error occurs when you windows is not activated , but the main problem is, you are not able to login to activate the windows.

Here is the solution

boot into safe mode, by hitting F8 at startup
1. click start then click run

2. then type the command ” rundll32.exe syssetup,SetupOobeBnk ” and hit enter, see image below

this solution will reset the windows activation for 30 days, & then you can easily activate your windows later,

  • Tuesday, September 29, 2009

  • windows xp

In my previous post Fix STOP: 0x0000007B (OxF8968640, 0xC0000034, 0X00000000, 0x00000000),
I described come remedies to that problem. The thing that started the whole thing was the following message.

This copy of Windows must be activated with Microsoft before you can log on. Do you want to activate Windows now?

I had Windows XP Home installed on my Dell Latitude E6500 laptop. I decided to upgrade it to Windows XP Professional. The upgrade completed without any problems. After laptop was rebooted, I had my nice login screen come up with all the user accounts listed. I clicked on my account and I got the above message. Since I have valid user license for Windows XP Professional, I clicked on «Yes» on the dialog box. Nothing happened. Usually a wizard starts that walks you through activation steps. I tried rebooting few times, booted in safe mode, repaired my installation. Nothing worked at all. I thought I could log into safe mode to do activation. Well, it told me that I can not activate copy of windows in safe mode. I tried to reboot with «Safe mode with Networking Support». That did not go very well because operating system refused to do so telling me that I have to activate copy of the windows before I could do so. After digging around and calling my preferential technical support at microsoft, I came to know the following things and fix for the problem.

  • Windows Activation Wizard Depends on Installation of Internet Explorer. So much for not forcing users to have to install IE.
  • Upgrade from Windows XP Home Basic to Windows XP Professional wiped my previous installation of IE8

So from above two issues you can see that I am in catch 22 situation and there was no way that activation wizard was going to come up. So here is the solution to the problem.

  • Goto another machine that has CD/DVD burner
  • Download full installer of Internet Explorer 8 (IE8)
  • Burn IE8 on CD/DVD
  • Now log in into «Safe Mode» on machine with activation problem
  • Insert CD with IE8 installer
  • Install IE8 on the machine
  • Reboot the machine
  • Now when This copy of Windows must be activated with Microsoft before you can log on. Do you want to activate Windows now? message dialog box pops up, click «Yes»
  • This should bring up activation wizard and you should be able to complete your activation of copy of windows and use your machine normally.



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Topic: Locked Out of Windows XP (activation problems)  (Read 42089 times)

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Last night I shut down my PC computer. In the morning I turned on the system and Windows XP began to boot. It stopped on the log in screen. A Windows Product Activation window appeared: «This copy of windows must be activated with microsoft before you can log on. Do you want to activate windows now?» Yes or No.

My brother build this computer and activated windows a several weeks ago. I have been using the computer without this screen or any problems for awhile.

If you hit «No» — Nothing happens and the same login screen refreshes with the same question.

If you hit «Yes» — A screen with a lock and a key appears, saying, » Windows is alreadyactivated. Click okay to exit.» Whether you click okay or click the x in the top right corner of the screen the same thing happens. You get kicked out to the same login screen.

Now I can’t access anything. Not even safe mode.  Maybe I am doing something wrong.  Does anybody know how I can get into Windows so I can run some virus software? I haven’t had the computer that long so it seems unlikely a virus has affected the system, but I’m can’t be completely sure. I can not check anything because I can get into Windows. Is there another way to access the system? I can’t even seem to be able to reinstall Windows.  I changed the bios setting to boot the cd rom first but it doesn’t seem to recognize the reinstallation cd. 

Any suggestions for a next step. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Contact Microsoft.
They’re not the ogres they are made out to be…


» Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined. «


I will…but I rather try to fix it for free first.  They want to charge me $60 bucks.  I don’t mind the money…I’ll pay more.  But if they charge me and can’t fix it either, I’ll be pissed. 



If you suspect a software problem, you could pull the drive out and slave it on another computer.  That should allow you to scan, check for corrupt files, etc.


An undefined problem has an infinite number of solutions.
�Robert A. Humphrey


If it’s an activation issue there should be no charge involved….what # did you call ? ?


» Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined. «


Ooh! This one is gonna be a fun one.
What ever you do, don’t reinstall Windows
if you have important files on your computer!

Somewhere in the dialog where it says Windows
must be activated before login, check to see if there
is a link to the Microsoft Website for support/help.

You could either do the following:
*Click the link to the Microsoft Website, and type ‘C:\’ in the
address bar. It doesn’t really matter if you can connect to the
internet or not.. Locate the Windows Explorer.. it should be in
‘C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.exe’. From there, it gives you access to
your desktop and taskbar.. BUT only for a little while.. so find
out a way to register or fix it.. (Open windows will not be closed
out, only Explorer.exe) Run what ever connects you to the inter-
net and find out more! Sorry about that.. Cannot post this
kind of information.

*Do everything above until where you get your taskbar showing.
Plug in a USB flash drive.. (or other removable media)  and take all
of your precious files that you need.. Exit windows and reinstall at

Hope that really helps!

« Last Edit: July 24, 2008, 11:03:20 AM by caHarkness »


Dias de verano

I think what you suggested might be illegal.



I am not responsible for any damages/
legal action in result of using the previous

Maybe I should remove the link?
Hehe.. well the file name.. XD


Dias de verano

The moderators will be along in a minute. On Computerhope we don’t give any help with pirate software or cracking. there is a line, and that file whose name you posted is on the wrong side of it. There are some forum rules, which you were supposed to read when you joined.




If you don’t have time to do it right
                …when will you have time to do it over?


I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM> WHAT DID U DO TO FIX IT> MINES DRIVING ME NUTS. i put in a different hardrive and nothing happened becasue i thought it washardrive. PLEASE HELP


i called microsfot some dickhead was all smart aobut it coz im 14 and he didnt let me do *censored*.

he said $80 to speak to a person ON A PHONE. great $80 and i dont even know if it would help. ON THE PHONE ISNT THE OPETION IN MY VIEW> PLEASE HELP its a sick computer and now its all locked. there is no support. if anyone wants a short video of what happends just ask and ill make 1.

HELP               HELP            HELP               HELP              HELP                HELP                HELP                 HELP



Rob Pomeroy

If it’s an activation issue there should be no charge involved….what # did you call ? ?






I had a similar problem and read in this link what helped me:,84451.msg562005.html#msg562005


Hey thanks fro reply. how do u reformat the pc? i think its the cmos i can get into when the comp boots up?

Thats were i changed the hard drives to and from, like for it to read. i hope u get what im saying. but the thing is. i can turn it on. then ive got 2 seconds to enter the cmos by pressing f8 or cntrl+shift+del. but the thing is. its a full loop. i called Microsoft and as i said the guy was a d-head and he wouldn’t help me and he asked for my adress emal phone numbers. everything. so i didnt say anything back to him. ummmmm. when i called i stupidly said i installed trend micro ( anti virus protection ) ive installed it on 2 vista comps and now i used it on windows Xp the cd has used all of its 3 comps now so the installation isnt the problem. another thing was when i installed trend micro the computer asked me to reboot. i rebooted it and it was fine. then it updated the trend micro automatically. when it finished it said please restart your comp for update to work. when i restarted it brought me to the windows log in ppage. i dont have a pass and only 1 account is used. so then i clicked on my account and it brought me to that new window. windows needs to be activated……………

Ive tried everything i know. i logged onto the administrators account. and it had the same thing. cant go into safe mode cant do anything. is there anything i can do that might help me do it by myself or do i have to get a computer dude or call Microsoft with a different story and dont mention trend micro?

I forgot to say but the Microsoft guy said to me because trend micro isnt a Microsoft product i cannot help you. sorry about that

COULD THIS BE A VIRUS AND BECAUSE I INSTALLED THE NEW ANTI Virus could that have corrupted the virus and made it work. coz i thought virus’ go into anti virus software and try to UN-BLOCK programs?

THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR REPLY i hope you can understand what im saying. Microsoft $80 and then a computer man could be just as bad. Thanks Heaps



MS charges 80 dollars for their support.

NOT for the activation process.

Just proceed through the activation process, as it requests you.

If the on-line activation doesn’t work, then you’ll need use the phone activation method- a toll free call.

However all of this requires a windows CD to perform the reformat…. or, a factory reset disk.


I was trying to dereference Null Pointers before it was cool.


How to Tell if WinXP Is Activated
The WPA.DBL Activation Method
The Registry Edit Method
The OEM Key Method
The xp_activate32.exe Method
When You Can’t Get into Windows XP
Other Methods



I had just installed Windows XP x32 SP3 in a VirtualBox virtual machine (VM), so as to run WinXP on Linux. Now I had to activate it. This turned out to be more complicated than I had expected.

It took me a couple of tries to develop a WinXP VM that worked the way I wanted. The first time, WinXP became activated by magic. Not really, but I was not quite sure what I had done to activate it. It could have been just the official method; it may have been something else. I was not entirely sure. But after that first time, no magic came to my assistance. At some point, the activation window informed me that I had used this key too many times. It seemed that was incorrect, but I didn’t want to argue; I just wanted a solution.

I intended to choose the phone activation alternative. In fact, I used Skype to dial that number. But this was my first time using Skype on Linux, so this was the time to discover that the headset I used for Skype was not being recognized by Linux. That was going to be a whole separate issue to troubleshoot. I could have used another phone to activate, of course, but then I realized that I might find myself having to activate again, one or more times, until I got this WinXP VM configured the way I liked. In addition, I wanted to avoid going online if possible. I was using this WinXP VM to virtualize Windows applications; that called for a system with a bare minimum of processes running; therefore I didn’t have antivirus software installed.

So: was there another way of activating, other than the usual approach of letting the activator go online, or calling a number for Microsoft’s permission to install? A search led, in fact, to several alternate methods. I decided to explore those, and this post was born.

How to Tell if WinXP Is Activated

The first question was whether I even needed to activate. I had noticed that WinXP would put a keyring icon in the system tray (at the lower right corner of the screen) and also at various places in the Start Menu, such as at the top of the Start > All Programs list. But it seemed that that icon would disappear, sometimes, after even an unsuccessful activation effort.

Another approach was to go into Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Information > System Summary > look for Activation Status. This would supposedly notify the user to activate the system if needed; but someone said this indication might not always be there, even if the system was not yet activated. One time, I noticed that Start > Control Panel > System > General tab said that Windows was registered to me, and yet Start > All Programs still included an Activate Windows icon — but when I clicked on it, it said Windows was already activated. (Confusing!) Another possibility was to notice whether the system tray (at the lower right corner of the screen) still dispayed the activation keys icon.

[Note: WordPress keeps deleting backslashes in my posts. This problem has been going on for years. It is baffling. I keep adding them back. If, as in the following paragraph, you encounter a long string of characters that seems like it should be split up with backslashes, you’re right: it should. You and I know that. WordPress is still trying to understand.]

A different approach called for Start > Run > %systemroot%\system32\oobe/msoobe.exe /a. If you were already in %systemroot%\system32 (which would usually be the same as C:\Windows\system32), that command could be simply oobe/msoobe /a). That command would usually trigger the activation window. WikiHow said that, if I had followed the foregoing steps correctly, I would now see this message:

Activate Windows

Windows Product Activation

Windows is already activated. Click OK to exit.

I saw that sometimes; I didn’t see it at other times. It that didn’t appear, hopefully one of the other methods just described would verify activation.

The WPA.DBL Activation Method

The alternate activation method I tried first was mentioned by Lifehacker and detailed by Online Tech Tips. The latter explained that I could activate WinXP simply by copying C:\Windows\System32\wpa.dbl from the previous installation of Windows XP on this same computer. They warned that it would not work on a different machine. I had already activated WinXP on a previous VirtualBox VM, identical in all regards except that, this time, I set the virtual hard disk drive (HDD) to be 20GB rather than 10GB. I was not sure whether that difference would make this appear to be a different machine.

In this method, I needed to boot into Safe Mode. Normally, I would do that by hitting F8 as the computer started to boot. But in the case of this VM, the advice was rather to boot into Normal Mode and then go into Start > Run > msconfig > BOOT.INI tab > check /SAFEBOOT > OK > Restart. Once I was in Safe Mode, Online Tech Tips said, I needed to use Windows Explorer to go into C:\Windows\System32 > rename wpa.dbl to be wpa.old > copy in the wpa.dbl from my previous installation. Then I had to go back to the BOOT.INI tab and uncheck /SAFEBOOT > OK > Restart. That put me back in Normal Mode. That method did not work. Upon reboot, I got a message:

Windows Product Activation

This copy of Windows must be activated with Microsoft before you can log on. Do you want to activate Windows now?

Normally, I would have 30 days after installing WinXP before activation would be compelled. In this case, it seemed that I had triggered this message by trying to activate in the normal way and getting that message (above) that I had used this product key too many times. When I clicked No at this point, I expected to be locked out of the system. But instead, I was allowed to proceed into WinXP as usual.

I guessed that this method had not worked, for me, because of that change from a 10GB to 20GB system drive in the VM. It was also possible that my previous activation efforts had somehow muddied the waters.

Incidentally, use of msconfig had now resulted in a System Configuration Utility message, each time I rebooted, informing me that I had to go back into msconfig > General tab > select Normal Startup > OK > Restart.

The Registry Edit Method

Next on the list, we had a method explained by WikiHow, which offered these remarks:

You can bypass the activation process by editing the Windows registry and using an OEM key, though this technically violates your license agreement with Microsoft. Only use the following if you are unable to activate and you have a legally-purchased copy of Windows XP.

Although WikiHow described the process differently, I interpreted their advice as encouraging me to begin with this registry edit file:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WPAEvents]
; Original setting:
; "OOBETimer"=hex:eb,54,8c,c6,0e,45,17,59,55,5b,f4,30

I pasted those lines into Notepad, named the file WinXPActivation.reg, and ran it in WinXP. It indicated that the registry had been modified successfully, and when I ran Start > Run > regedit, I could see those new values at the registry location stated in that file. Now, WikiHow said, at that same registry address, I had to right-click on the WPAEvents folder > Permissions > select SYSTEM > check the Deny Full Control box > OK > Yes > exit regedit. Next, I had to enter the oobe command and then verify, as indicated above.

The OEM Key Method

That same WikiHow article said that, if the Registry Key Method did not work for me, I could proceed with another approach that might. This method started where the previous one left off. If the oobe\msoobe /a command didn’t give me “Windows is already activated,” then it would presumably give me the usual activation options: activate over the Internet now, activate by telephone now, or remind me to activate every few days.

The advice here was to choose “Yes, I want to telephone a customer service representative to activate Windows.” Next, apparently there would be an option to Change Product Key. At that point, the user would enter this product key: THMPV 77D6F 94376 8HGKG VRDRQ. A search indicated that a lot of people were familiar with that key as an alternative for activating Windows XP. After entering that key, WikiHow said the user should click the Update button and then select Remind Me Later. Then restart the computer and go to Start > Run > %system. I had no idea how that sequence worked, and I did not test it, but that was the end of the WikiHow advice. (Note: this advice does not appear in the updated version of the WikiHow page, but it does appear in an archived version.)

The xp_activate32.exe Method

This section is a 2023 update to this 2016 post. In April 2023, multiple sites (e.g., Ars Technica, The Verge) reported on a post at TinyApps (2023) that, in turn, reported on a post (June 2, 2023 archive) in the Windows XP subreddit.

The gist of the story was that, according to Tom’s Hardware (Tyson, 2023), someone developed an offline (i.e., relatively safe) activation tool that did not require any contact with Microsoft (which turned off its WinXP activation servers years ago). Apparently the source code for the tool was originally posted at MyDigitalLife, but had reportedly since been deleted. The Internet Archive seemed to offer downloadable source code for this xp_activate32.exe tool, but the sources just cited did not seem to provide a direct link to a user-friendly download. A Github thread discussed security and other issues. 

The Tom’s Hardware article noted, incidentally, that users could now ask ChatGPT for activation keys for older versions (e.g., Win98). For WinXP, it presently appeared that the registry method of activation (above) might still be the most reliable solution.

When You Can’t Get into Windows XP

The other methods discussed in this post required the user to use tools available inside a working WinXP installation. Later, however, I encountered a situation where I was not able to get past the login screen. This happened with Windows XP installed in a VirtualBox virtual machine (VM). The first thing I got, after booting the VM, was this:

Windows Product Activation

This copy of Windows must be activated with Microsoft before you can log on. Do you want to activate Windows now?

I clicked Yes. I got a window titled “Windows Product Activation” and a statement, “Windows is already activated. Click OK to exit.” But when I clicked OK, it logged me off and put me back at the login screen; and if I tried to log in, it presented me with the same question again: “Do you want to activate Windows now?”

A search for solutions to this infinite product activation loop led to recommendations that started with going into Safe Mode. To get into Safe Mode, the advice was familiar: hit F8 as soon as Windows starts to boot. For a VirtualBox VM, that was trickier than on a native Windows installation. First, I had to click on the correct icon — there were two, and at first I chose the wrong one — to tell VirtualBox to stop showing messages about the mouse and keyboard when the VM started. Also, I had to make sure the VM was capturing my keystrokes (i.e., that I was not sending keystrokes into the host machine when I hit the keyboard). It seemed, in addition, that I had to start hitting F8 before the VM booted, and keep hitting it, not holding it down.

It took multiple tries, but eventually I got past those hindrances. At that point, I was looking at the Windows Advanced Options Menu — the one in black and white, offering a dozen options, starting with Safe Mode. I selected Safe Mode and hit Enter. It showed me only one installation: Microsoft Windows XP Professional. I hit Enter. After a few moments of loading files, I was now looking at the Safe Mode screen.

From that point, the advice offered by WikiHow was, in effect, to go to Start > Run or WinKey-R. Either way, that gave me a Run box. There, I typed rundll32.exe syssetup,SetupOobeBnk and clicked OK. Nothing seemed to happen. I hoped it had done something. I went to Start > Turn Off Computer > Restart. This time, Windows XP started up normally, without an activation barrier. The methods described above confirmed that Windows was now activated, and I had no further problems after rebooting.

Other Methods

I did not explore further, except that I did develop a search to help me find methods other than those described above. It tentatively appeared that there might be a number of alternate activation methods. There may also be something useful for this purpose in my separate post on Windows 7 activation in a virtual machine.

When you visualize your Microsoft Windows 2003 or you get this error, you will often have problems with Windows Activation. If you can’t log on due to the following error, do the steps below:

This copy of Windows must be activated before you can log on.

You can actually get in by doing the steps below. NOTE: You are not in any way violating any Microsoft policy’s by doing this.
1. Boot into “Safe Mode“. To do this, press F8 as it is booting up. Go into “Safe Mode” by choosing the “Safe Mode” option.
2. Once you are at the desktop in “Safe Mode”, Click “Start” then click “Run“.
3. At the run command prompt type the following EXACTLY:
rundll32.exe syssetup,SetupOobeBnk
(NOTE: The “Oo”‘s in Oobe are “o’s” – not “zero’s” There is one space after rundll32.exe. It is case sensitive.)
4. Click OK – wait a few seconds – This just reset Windows Activation for 30 days.
5. Reboot the PC into normal mode – log in – re-activate Windows.

  • This copy of windows is not genuine
  • This build of windows will expire soon
  • This application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way windows 10
  • This application failed to start because no qt platform plugin could be initialized windows
  • This app has been blocked for your protection windows 10 исправить