They wash their windows last spring

1. Преобразуйте следующие утвердительные предложения в отрицательные.

  1. By 6 o’clock the rain had stopped.
  2. We were having tea at 5 o’clock.
  3. They had been staying at the hotel since May.
  4. I was flying to London that morning.
  5. I had known Mark all my life.
  6. The waiter entered the dark kitchen.
  7. We arrived yesterday evening.
  8. He was constantly missing the first class.
  9. I lived in the country last summer.
  10. Lara had been writing with my pen for a week.

2. Выберите верный вариант глагола и переведите предложения.

  1. She looked tired. She … (planted/was planting/had been planting) flowers all morning.
  2. I … (was playing/played/had played) volleyball when the ball hit my head.
  3. His clothes were smudgy because he … (finished/had finished/was finished) painting the walls.
  4. When I was five my parents … (were buying/bought/had been buying) a piano for me.
  5. Kim … (was dancing/danced/had danced) when her husband opened the door.
  6. He … (cut/was cutting/had been cutting) the grass for an hour when suddenly the lawn-mower broke down.
  7. First I … (had taken off/took off/was taking off) my coat, then I went to the bathroom.
  8. She forgot everything she … (had studied/was studying/studied) at a driving school.

3. Поставьте глагол в форму Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous.

to take

  1. Greg didn’t answer the phone because he … a shower.
  2. I couldn’t find my umbrella, but then I remembered that my sister … it to school.
  3. Frank … the candle and walked downstairs.
  4. We … the exam for 2 hours when a policeman entered the room.

to wash

  1. I saw Sam in the kitchen. He … his hands.
  2. They … their windows last spring.
  3. By the time I came home Jane … already the dishes.
  4. His wife … the mushrooms since the early morning, so he decided to help her.

to do

  1. By midnight he … all the work.
  2. I … my homework when you phoned.
  3. Dad … that crossword since morning.
  4. She … her hair and left for work.

 4. Видоизмените глагол в предложении, заменив выделенное выражение предложенными обстоятельствами времени. Напишите новые предложения в прошедшем времени и переведите их на русский язык.

  1. I painted his portrait on Monday. (by 9 o’clock, for 2 years, last year, at 6 o’clock yesterday)
  2. We were watering the plants when the teacher came in. (last Friday, by the time the teacher came in, at that time, for a long time)

Разобрать данное упражнение можно с репетитором по английскому языку по скайпу.



  1. By 6 o’clock the rain hadn’t stopped. (К 6 часам дождь не перестал идти.)
  2. We were not having tea at 5 o’clock. (Мы не пили чай в 5 часов.)
  3. They hadn’t been staying at the hotel since May. (Они не жили в отеле с мая.)
  4. I wasn’t flying to London that morning. (Я не летел в Лондон в то утро.)
  5. I hadn’t known Mark all my life. (Я не знал Марка всю свою жизнь.)
  6. The waiter didn’t enter the dark kitchen. (Официант не вошел в темную кухню.)
  7. We didn’t arrive yesterday evening. (Мы не приехали вчера утром.)
  8. He wasn’t constantly missing the first class. (Он не пропускал постоянно первый урок.)
  9. I didn’t live in the country last summer. (Я не жил за городом прошлым летом.)
  10. Lara hadn’t been writing with my pen for a week. (Лара не писала моей ручкой в течение недели.)


  1. had been planting (Она выглядела уставшей. Она сажала цветы все утро.)
  2. was playing (Я играл в волейбол, когда мяч попал мне в голову.)
  3. had finished (Его одежда была запачкана, потому что он закончил красить стены.)
  4. bought (Когда мне было 5 лет, родители купили для меня фортепиано.)
  5. was dancing (Ким танцевала, когда ее муж открыл дверь.)
  6. had been cutting (Он занимался стрижкой травы целый час, когда неожиданно сломалась газонокосилка.)
  7. took off (Сначала я снял пальто, затем отправился в ванную.)
  8. had studied (Она забыла все, что учила в школе вождения.)


  1. was taking (Грег не ответил на звонок, потому что принимал душ.)
  2. had taken (Я не мог найти зонт, но потом вспомнил, что сестра забрала его с собой в школу.)
  3. took (Фрэнк взял свечу и спустился вниз.)
  4. had been taking (Мы сдавали экзамен два часа, когда в помещение вошел полицейский.)
  5. was washing (Я увидела Сэма на кухне. Он мыл руки.)
  6. washed (Они мыли окна прошлой весной.)
  7. had already washed (К тому времени, когда я пришел домой, Джейн уже помыла посуду.)
  8. had been washing (Его жена чистила грибы с раннего утра, поэтому он решил ей помочь.)
  9. had done (К полуночи он выполнил всю работу.)
  10. was doing (Я делал уроки, когда ты позвонил.)
  11. had been doing (Папа решал тот кроссворд с утра.)
  12. did (Она сделала прическу и ушла на работу.)


  1. I had painted his portrait by 9 o’clock. (Я написал его портрет к 9 часам.)

         I had been painting his portrait for 2 years. (Я писал его портрет в течение двух лет.)

          I painted his portrait last year. (Я написал его портрет в прошлом году.)

        I was painting his portrait  at 6 o’clock yesterday. (Я писал его портрет вчера в 6 часов.)

  1. We watered the plants last Friday. (Мы полили цветы в прошлую пятницу.)

        We had watered the plants by the time the teacher came in. (Мы полили цветы к тому времени, когда пришел учитель.)

         We were watering the plants at that time. (Мы поливали цветы в то время.)

         We had been watering the plants for a long time. (Мы долго поливали цветы.)

Упражнения «Времена группы Past» (с ответами)4.6 out of
based on
126 votes

67 месяцев назад

answer the phone because he … a shower. I couldn’t find my umbrella, but then I remembered that my sister … it to school. Frank … the candle and walked downstairs. We … the exam for 2 hours when a policeman entered the room. to wash I saw Sam in the kitchen. He … his hands. They … their windows last spring. By the time I came home Jane … already the dishes. His wife … the mushrooms since the early morning, so he decided to help her. to do By midnight he … all the work. I … my homework when you phoned. Dad … that crossword since morning. She … her hair and left for work.


Greg didn’t answer the phone because he was taking a shower.
I couldn’t find my umbrella, but then I remembered that my sister had taken it to school.
Frank took the candle and walked downstairs.
We had been taking the exam for 2 hours when a policeman entered the room.
I saw Sam in the kitchen. He was washing his hands.
They washed their windows last spring.
By the time I came home Jane had already washed the dishes.
His wife had been washing the mushrooms since the early morning, so he decided to help her.
By midnight he had done all the work. 
I was doing my homework when you phoned.
Dad has been doing that crossword since morning.
She did her hair and left for work. 

book. * 3.Paul (BUY) a new car after his previous one broke down. * 4.Alice (COOK) for two hours before the guests came. * 5.He (PLAY) the guitar outside her house when someone opened the window. * 6.She (LEAVE) college last year. * 7.She (not CAN) take photos because she (FORGET) to take her camera. * 8.My brother (BE)______never _____ to Europe until he went there last year. * 9.Helen (FEEL) very tired, she (FINISH) her work, she (GO) to bed. *10.I couldn’t find my umbrella, but then I remembered that my sister (TAKE) it to school. * 11.Really? Mexico? How long (LIVE)_____you______ there * 12.They (WASH) their windows last spring. *​



Проверочная работа на времена группы прошедшего времени

Past Simple или Past Perfect.

1. By two o’clock the teacher (to examine) all the students.
2. On my way to school I (to remember) that I (to leave) my report at home.
3. All my friends (to be) glad to hear that I (to pass) all the exams successfully.
4. The poor boy (to open) his eyes, (to look) around and (to try) to remember what (to happen) to him.
5. All the passengers (to see) at once that the old man (to travel) a lot in his life.
6. By the time we (to come) to see him, he (to leave) home.
7. During the holidays my friend (to visit) the village where he (to live) in his childhood.
8. When they (to enter) the hall, the performance already (to begin).
9. When I (to come) home, my mother (to go) shopping.
10. He (to study) French before he (to enter) the university.

Past Tenses

  1. By 6 o’clock the rain ( stop)

  2. We (have) tea at 5 o’clock.

  3. They (stay) at the hotel since May.

  4. I (fly) to London that morning.

  5. I (know) Mark for a long time.

  6. The waiter (enter) the dark kitchen.

  7. We (arrive) yesterday evening.

  8. When I came into the class, my classmates (write)

  9. I (live) in the country last summer.

  10. Lara (write) with my pen for a week.

  1. She looked tired. She … (planted/was planting/had been planting) flowers all morning.

  2. I … (was playing/played/had played) volleyball when the ball hit my head.

  3. His clothes were smudgy because he … (finished/had finished/was finished) painting the walls.

  4. When I was five my parents … (were buying/bought/had been buying) a piano for me.

  5. Kim … (was dancing/danced/had danced) when her husband opened the door.

  6. He … (cut/was cutting/had been cutting) the grass for an hour when suddenly the lawn-mower broke down.

  7. First I … (had taken off/took off/was taking off) my coat, then I went to the bathroom.

  8. She forgot everything she … (had studied/was studying/studied) at a driving school.

Поставьте глагол в форму Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous.

to take

  1. Greg didn’t answer the phone because he … a shower.

  2. I couldn’t find my umbrella, but then I remembered that my sister … it to school.

  3. Frank … the candle and walked downstairs.

  4. We … the exam for 2 hours when a policeman entered the room.

to wash

  1. I saw Sam in the kitchen. He … his hands.

  2. They … their windows last spring.

  3. By the time I came home Jane … already the dishes.

  4. His wife … the mushrooms since the early morning, so he decided to help her.

to do

  1. By midnight he … all the work.

  2. I … my homework when you phoned.

  3. Dad … that crossword since morning.

  4. She … her hair and left for work.


  1. By 6 o’clock the rain hadn’t stopped. (К 6 часам дождь не перестал идти.)

  2. We were not having tea at 5 o’clock. (Мы не пили чай в 5 часов.)

  3. They hadn’t been staying at the hotel since May. (Они не жили в отеле с мая.)

  4. I wasn’t flying to London that morning. (Я не летел в Лондон в то утро.)

  5. I hadn’t known Mark all my life. (Я не знал Марка всю свою жизнь.)

  6. The waiter didn’t enter the dark kitchen. (Официант не вошел в темную кухню.)

  7. We didn’t arrive yesterday evening. (Мы не приехали вчера утром.)

  8. He wasn’t constantly missing the first class. (Он не пропускал постоянно первый урок.)

  9. I didn’t live in the country last summer. (Я не жил за городом прошлым летом.)

  10. Lara hadn’t been writing with my pen for a week. (Лара не писала моей ручкой в течение недели.)


  1. had been planting (Она выглядела уставшей. Она сажала цветы все утро.)

  2. was playing (Я играл в волейбол, когда мяч попал мне в голову.)

  3. had finished (Его одежда была запачкана, потому что он закончил красить стены.)

  4. bought (Когда мне было 5 лет, родители купили для меня фортепиано.)

  5. was dancing (Ким танцевала, когда ее муж открыл дверь.)

  6. had been cutting (Он занимался стрижкой травы целый час, когда неожиданно сломалась газонокосилка.)

  7. took off (Сначала я снял пальто, затем отправился в ванную.)

  8. had studied (Она забыла все, что учила в школе вождения.)


  1. was taking (Грег не ответил на звонок, потому что принимал душ.)

  2. had taken (Я не мог найти зонт, но потом вспомнил, что сестра забрала его с собой в школу.)

  3. took (Фрэнк взял свечу и спустился вниз.)

  4. had been taking (Мы сдавали экзамен два часа, когда в помещение вошел полицейский.)

  5. was washing (Я увидела Сэма на кухне. Он мыл руки.)

  6. washed (Они мыли окна прошлой весной.)

  7. had already washed (К тому времени, когда я пришел домой, Джейн уже помыла посуду.)

  8. had been washing (Его жена чистила грибы с раннего утра, поэтому он решил ей помочь.)

  9. had done (К полуночи он выполнил всю работу.)

  10. was doing (Я делал уроки, когда ты позвонил.)

  11. had been doing (Папа решал тот кроссворд с утра.)

  12. did (Она сделала прическу и ушла на работу.

Упражнения «Времена группы

1. Преобразуйте следующие
утвердительные предложения в отрицательные.

  1. By 6 o’clock the rain had stopped.
  2. We were having tea at 5 o’clock.
  3. They had been staying at the hotel since May.
  4. I was flying to London that morning.
  5. I had known Mark all my life.
  6. The waiter entered the dark kitchen.
  7. We arrived yesterday evening.
  8. He was constantly missing the first class.
  9. I lived in the country last summer.
  10. Lara had been writing with my pen for a week.

2. Выберите верный вариант глагола
и переведите предложения.

  1. She looked tired. She … (planted/was planting/had
    been planting) flowers all morning.
  2. I … (was playing/played/had played) volleyball
    when the ball hit my head.
  3. His clothes were smudgy because he …
    (finished/had finished/was finished) painting the walls.
  4. When I was five my parents … (were
    buying/bought/had been buying) a piano for me.
  5. Kim … (was dancing/danced/had danced) when her
    husband opened the door.
  6. He … (cut/was cutting/had been cutting) the grass
    for an hour when suddenly the lawn-mower broke down.
  7. First I … (had taken off/took off/was taking off)
    my coat, then I went to the bathroom.
  8. She forgot everything she … (had studied/was
    studying/studied) at a driving school.

3. Поставьте глагол в форму Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous.

to take

  1. Greg didn’t answer the phone because he … a
  2. I couldn’t find my umbrella, but then I
    remembered that my sister … it to school.
  3. Frank … the candle and walked downstairs.
  4. We … the exam for 2 hours when a policeman
    entered the room.

to wash

  1. I saw Sam in the kitchen. He … his
  2. They … their windows last spring.
  3. By the time I came home Jane … already the
  4. His wife … the mushrooms since the early morning,
    so he decided to help her.

to do

  1. By midnight he … all the work.
  2. I … my homework when you phoned.
  3. Dad … that crossword since morning.
  4. She … her hair and left for work.

 4. Видоизмените глагол в предложении,
заменив выделенное выражение предложенными обстоятельствами времени. Напишите
новые предложения в прошедшем времени и переведите их на русский язык.

painted his
portrait on
Monday. (by 9 o’clock, for 2 years, last year, at 6 o’clock yesterday)

were watering the plants when the teacher came in. (last
Friday, by the
time the teacher came in, at that time, for a long time)



1.      By 6 o’clock the
rain hadn’t stopped.
(К 6 часам дождь не перестал идти.)

2.      We were not having
tea at 5 o’clock.
(Мы не пили чай в 5 часов.)

3.      They hadn’t been
staying at the hotel since May.
(Они не жили в отеле с мая.)

4.      I wasn’t flying to
London that morning.
(Я не летел в Лондон в то утро.)

5.      I hadn’t known
Mark all my life.
(Я не знал Марка всю свою жизнь.)

6.      The waiter didn’t
enter the dark kitchen.
(Официант не вошел в темную кухню.)

7.      We didn’t arrive
yesterday evening.
(Мы не приехали вчера утром.)

8.      He wasn’t
constantly missing the first class.
(Он не пропускал постоянно первый урок.)

9.      I didn’t live in
the country last summer.
(Я не жил за городом прошлым летом.)

10.  Lara hadn’t been
writing with my pen for a week.
(Лара не писала моей ручкой в течение


1.      had been
planting (Она выглядела уставшей. Она сажала цветы все утро.)

2.      was playing
(Я играл в волейбол, когда мяч попал мне в голову.)

3.      had
finished (Его одежда была запачкана, потому что он закончил красить стены.)

4.      bought
(Когда мне было 5 лет, родители купили для меня фортепиано.)

5.      was
dancing (Ким танцевала, когда ее муж открыл дверь.)

6.      had been
cutting (Он занимался стрижкой травы целый час, когда неожиданно сломалась

7.      took off
(Сначала я снял пальто, затем отправился в ванную.)

8.      had
studied (Она забыла все, что учила в школе вождения.)


1.      was taking
(Грег не ответил на звонок, потому что принимал душ.)

2.      had taken
(Я не мог найти зонт, но потом вспомнил, что сестра забрала его с собой в

3.      took
(Фрэнк взял свечу и спустился вниз.)

4.      had been
taking (Мы сдавали экзамен два часа, когда в помещение вошел полицейский.)

5.      was
washing (Я увидела Сэма на кухне. Он мыл руки.)

6.      washed
(Они мыли окна прошлой весной.)

7.      had
already washed (К тому времени, когда я пришел домой, Джейн уже помыла посуду.)

8.      had been
washing (Его жена чистила грибы с раннего утра, поэтому он решил ей помочь.)

9.      had done
(К полуночи он выполнил всю работу.)

10.  was doing (Я делал
уроки, когда ты позвонил.)

11.  had been doing
(Папа решал тот кроссворд с утра.)

12.  did (Она сделала
прическу и ушла на работу.)


1.      I had painted his
portrait by 9 o’clock.
(Я написал его портрет к 9 часам.)

2.      I had been
painting his portrait for 2 years.
(Я писал его портрет в течение двух лет.)

3.      I painted his
portrait last year.
(Я написал его портрет в прошлом году.)

4.      I was painting his
portrait  at 6 o’clock yesterday.
(Я писал его портрет вчера в 6

5.      We watered the
plants last Friday.
(Мы полили цветы в прошлую пятницу.)

6.      We had watered the
plants by the time the teacher came in.
(Мы полили цветы к тому времени,
когда пришел учитель.)

7.      We were watering
the plants at that time.
(Мы поливали цветы в то время.)

8.      We had been
watering the plants for a long time. (
Мы долго поливали цветы.)

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