There is no light in this corridor as there are no windows in it

Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимания на оборот there + be 1)there is no light in this corridor as there are no windows in it 2) How many seconds are here in a minute?

3) There are two widely used systems of measuring : the Metric System.

4) There was an old building at the back of the school 5) There were three main points in his spench.

Вы находитесь на странице вопроса Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимания на оборот there + be 1)there is no light in this corridor as there are no windows in it 2) How many seconds are here in a minute? из категории Английский язык.
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Тема в разделе «Английский язык», создана пользователем Tigr, 15 фев 2010.

  1. Tigr

    New Member

    Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимания на оборот there+be 1)there is no light in this corridor as there are no windows in it 2) How manyseconds are here in a minute? 3) There are two widely used systems of measuring: the Metric System. 4) There was an old building at the back of the school 5) There were three main points in his spench

    15 фев 2010


  2. lllpack

    New Member

    1. В коридоре нет света, т.к. нет окон.
    2.Сколько секунд в одной минуте?
    3. Есть две широко используемые системы измерения: метрическая система
    4. В задней части школы было старое здание. 
    Было три основных момента в его речи(наверно вы зделали оппечатку. наверно место spench нужно speach) 

    15 фев 2010


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1.В этом коридоре нету света,так-же,как и окон 
2.Сколько секунд в минуте?
3.Есть две широко использующиеся системы измерения:метрическая система и английская система.
4.За школой было старое здание.
5.Были три основные момента в его речи



1.В этом коридоре нет никакого света так как в нём нет окон.
2.Сколько секунд в минуте?
3.Есть два широко используемых систем измерения: Метрическая и Английская Система.
4.В задней части школы было старое здание.
5.Были три основных момента в его речи.

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Annually to provinces Lampang (Thailand) the Festival of pineapples is held on June 2. Thailand very much respects and appreciate this fruit. His fruits are rich with the vital vitamin A, vitamins of group B and C, contain cellulose, magnesium, chlorine, iodine. The enzyme which is contained in pulp of pineapple bromeline splits fats that promotes the best digestion. Ananas normalizes intestinal microflora. He is accepted in food for improvement of work of a thyroid gland, a liver, kidneys. The pineapple festival — a holiday during which songs and dancings don’t abate lasts three days. The main entertainment on a celebration, of course, is sweet and juicy pineapple. Surely there takes place the agricultural trade fair, seminars of producers and processors of pineapples. In the last day there takes place the competition «Ms. Ananas» and other competitions.



1. Where would you like to live in a big city or in the country?

I would like to live in the country because I don’t like big cities.

2. What are the advantages of living in the country?

The advantages of living in the country are the following: there is less traffic, fewer people around, and less pollution. In the country, you have more space and less crime. Moreover, life in the country is cheaper than living in the city.

3. What is the main ecological problem in the place where you live?

The main ecological problem in the place where I live is the air pollution. There are a few plants and too many cars in our city.

4. Do you and your friends care about ecological problems? Why?

My friends and I care about ecological problems, because we want to live in the cleaner world and breathe fresh clean air. We don’t want our future children to suffer from the pollution problems.

5. Have you ever taken part in ecological projects in school?

I’ve taken part in a few ecological projects at school. The recent one was cleaning the bank of our river.

6. What would you recommend to a person who wants to improve ecological situations in his or her hometown?

I would recommend to start doing simple things, such as waste sorting, having reusable linen shopping bags instead of plastic ones, cycling instead of using buses or cars, saving water.

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