The windows was broken a hammer

Fill in «by» or «with».

The window was broken with , a hammer.

He was knocked down a car.

The lion was shot a rifle.

That novel was written D.

H. Lawrence.

5. The garden was dug a spade.

The city was attacked the enemy The pudding was made fruit and chocolate He was hit a handbag The picture was painted Jackson Pollack 10.

The house was built … wood and bricks.

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The window was broken with a hammer.
He was knocked down BY a car.
The lion was shot WITH a rifle.
That novel was written BY D. H. Lawrence.
The garden was dug WITH a spade.
The city was attacked BY the enemy
The pudding was made WITH fruit and chocolate
He was hit WITH a handbag
The picture was painted BY Jackson Pollack
The house was built WITH wood and bricks



1. with a car
2. with a rifle
3. by D. H. Lawrence
4. with a spade
5. by the enemy
6.with fruit and chocolate
7. with a handbag Jackson Pollack
9. with wood and bricks

Показать все ответы



1) so, where did you buy the paper for the muffin? in the mcdonalds

2) why did he showed me round the town? because he’s very kind.

3) did your sister have any kind of distinctive facial scarring or dental work? yes, she did.

4) did your friend check to see, if the laptop was the only computer accessing the web portal? no, he didn’t, my apologies.

5) did you go around before the christmas party pulling down the mistletoe? no, i didn’t, it was someone else.

6) what did you expect, men in hoods and high heads? no, i didn’t expect.

7) why did i spend my life fighting against people like him? —

8) anyway, why didn’t you say anything after this happend? because i was so afraid

9) did you have a good expiriense with that product? yes, i did.

10) mr.cannabis where did you meet the defendant? i just met him near the store.



i would like to spend the first summer month in the country, at my grandparents’. my friends and cousins will be waiting for me there. i miss them so much. we shall go fishing, sunbathing, swimming, horse-riding and playing football. and i’m going to help my grandparents about the garden. so i will be outdoors all the time.

i can’t wait for july because our family will travel to the seaside. we shall stay in a rented house for 2 weeks. i really enjoy the clean air and the beautiful scenery with beaches and mountains near the warm sea. i am going to swim and dive a lot. and i want to try the national cuisine, rich in fruit, vegetables and fish.

as for august, i would like to stay in the city and spend the time with my friends walking around, going to the cinema and cafes, playing computer games. my dream is to sleep as much as i like and to do what i like. i will ride my bike, go skateboarding or roller-skating in the park.


я бы хотел провести свой первый летний месяц в деревне, у бабушки с дедушкой. мои друзья и двоюродные братья будут меня там ждать. я скучаю по ним. мы будем ходить на , загорать, купаться, кататься на лошадях и играть в футбол. и я собираюсь бабушке и дедушке работать в огороде. поэтому все время я буду находиться на открытом воздухе.

не могу дождаться и июля, потому что моя семья отправляется на отдых к морю. мы будем жить в арендованном домике в течение двух недель. мне нравится чистый воздух и красивые пейзажи с пляжами и горами возле теплого моря. я буду много плавать и нырять. и еще я хочу попробовать национальную кухню, богатую фруктами, овощами и рыбой.

что касается августа, я бы хотел остаться в городе и провести время со своими друзьями, прогуливаясь по улицам, посещая кинотеатры и кафе, играя в компьютерные игры. я мечтаю спать, сколько захочется и заниматься тем, чем захочется. я буду кататься на велосипеде, скейтборде или роликах в парке.

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  1. The window was broken ______ a hammer.

  2. He was knocked down _______ a car.

  3. The lion was shot ______ a rifle.

  4. That novel was written _______ D. Lawrence.

  5. The garden was dug ______ a spade.

  6. The city was attacked _______ the enemy.

  7. The pudding was made ______ fruit and

  8. He was hit ______ a handbag.

  9. The picture was painted ______ Pollack.

  10. The house was built ______ wood and bricks.

VI. Rewrite the newspaper headlines as complete sentences.

  1. Rare bird found in remote countryside

  2. Queen welcomed to Australia yesterday

  3. New Jersey to be hit by bad weather

  4. Five people injured in car accident

  5. Experiments being carried out on Moon rocks

  6. Pop concert called off yesterday because of

VII. Use the verbs in the correct form.

  1. I`ve collected all the documents that
    (need) for the house sale. Can you take them to the lawyer`s office
    to (sign)?

  2. Look, this is a secret. Come into the
    garden where we (not/overhear).

  3. If you hadn`t been so late for work, you

  4. This office is very inefficient. The
    telephone (never/answer) promptly, no proper records (keep), and,
    worst of all, no reports (written) for weeks.

  5. I was so worried about my garden while I
    was in hospital, but I have very good neighbours. When I got home I
    could see that the vegetables (water) every day and the grass (cut)

  6. Can you come to the police station? The man
    who (suspect) of stealing your wallet (arrest), and (question) at
    the moment. The police hope he (identify), either by you or another

  7. We had hoped to see several famous
    paintings, but the gallery (reorganise) at the time of our visit and
    most of the really valuable works (move) for safe keeping.

VIII. Correct the mistake, if any.

  1. My neighbour is very proud of her new
    grandson who born last week.

  2. I`m very fond of this old brooch because it
    was belonged to my grandmother.

  3. My family live in Scotland but I was
    educated in France.

  4. I`m afraid I can`t lend you my camera. It`s
    repairing this week.

  5. The bridge was collapsed during the floods
    but fortunately no one was using it at the time.

  6. If you aren`t careful what you`re doing
    with that hammer someone will hurt in a minute!

  7. The word `stupid` was in my report but it
    wasn`t referred to you.

  8. I`m sorry I`m late. I got held up in the

  9. When did you discover that the money had
    been disappeared?

  10. Children under the age of seven do not
    allow in this pool.

IX. Complete the sentences using the right tense of get or be.

  1. I never found that book we were looking
    for. It ________ lost when we moved house.

  2. After the way he behaved last time he went
    to their house it`s unlikely he _______ asked there again.

  3. Naturally this vase is expensive. After
    all, it ______ believed to be over three hundred years old.

  4. I phoned to explain what had happened but I
    ________ cut off before I could finish.

  5. There isn`t any cheese left; I`m afraid, it
    _______ eaten by the children.

  6. He was a well-known expert on animal
    diseases and his opinions ________ greatly respected.

  7. The competition is stiff and she`ll be
    thrilled if her design ______ chosen.

  8. The book _______ torn when the children
    started fighting over who should read it first.

  9. Please don`t touch anything on my desk. You
    _______ employed to answer the telephone, not to tidy the office.

  10. She was quite friendly at first, then she
    _______ promoted and now she doesn`t care about us any more.

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Английский язык

Fill in «by» or «with». the window was broken with , a hammer. he was knocked down a car. the lion was shot a rifle. that novel was written d. h. lawrence. 5. the garden was dug a spade. the city was attacked the enemy the pudding was made fruit and chocolate he was hit a handbag the picture was painted jackson pollack 10. the house was built … wood and bricks

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Английский язык, 07.04.2019 17:23

Перевод своими ! october brings a haze of daisies to the garden but is no longer the month in which most of us begin to pull the plantings apart. as our gardens’ show went on last year until mid november i have been banking on it doing so again. in spring i doubled up on hardy chrysanthemums as part of my prolonged game plan and now have so many flowers that i can hardly house them all. blue-flowered aster amellus king george is about to hit its peak. it remains one of the best of the late varieties of michaelmas daisy and has no serious trouble from mildew. i am reckoning on another month of homegrown cut flowers. in mid september, i studied the gardens at coton manor, northamptonshire, about which i wrote last week. their mastermind, susie pasley tyler, explained to me that she regarded october as her main month for moving, replanting and changing her borders’ design. her words struck a chord. in the past two years the english weather has remained so mild into november that plants continue to grow on and develop more roots for another six weeks. we should take advantage of this extra season. without it, i used to wait until november and promise myself that my misplaced offenders would be divided and moved after i had cut off their dead top growth. this promise was not always kept and the move often waited until february. so did new planting, a traditional part of the early spring rush.

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